Not fake, but pure gold. How to test olive oil at home

Olive oil is not called “liquid gold” for nothing. And the point is not only its high price, but also unique properties, which are also worth their weight in gold. Do you want to avoid getting sick, live long and look young? Drink a spoonful of olive oil every day in the morning. In any case, this is what the Egyptian queen Cleopatra believed, and today her precepts are followed by the peoples of the Mediterranean states. And indeed, diseases of cardio-vascular system they suffer less often than residents of other countries.

Why is it like this?

What is the secret of olive oil? It's all about the monounsaturated fatty acids that it is rich in. The main one is oleic. Thanks to this composition olive oil reduces the level of bad cholesterol, but maintains the necessary level of “good” cholesterol. In addition, it is indispensable in the prevention of diseases gastrointestinal tract: prevents the formation of stones in gallbladder and improves intestinal function. It is also important that olive oil is absorbed by the body 100%, while sunflower oil, for example, is 80%.

What are we paying for?

We can talk for a long time about the benefits of olive oil. The question is: what kind of oil is sold in our stores? After all, its cost is quite high - on average from 200 rubles per 250 ml. Where is the guarantee that it’s the same thing in the bottle? liquid gold"and not a fake? This question is asked by many consumers. Therefore, it was decided to conduct a test of Extra Virgin olive oil - it is considered the most valuable and useful.
For research, we purchased eight items of these popular products in stores. brands: "Carbonell", "Altero", "Maestro de Oliva", "Borges", "ITLV", "Colavita", "Monini", "Mylosplus".
The first five samples were produced in Spain and in Italy, "Mylosplus"– in Greece, on the island of Crete.
The cheapest in this selection turned out to be olive oil (100 rubles per 0.5 l), the most expensive were i (450 rubles per 0.5 l), and also (480 rubles per 0.5 l).*
*Note: Monini and Colavita oils were sold in 0.25 liter bottles and cost 225 and 240 rubles. respectively. But for clarity, the price was recalculated for 0.5 liters.

Types of Olive Oil

Extra Virgin or Extra Vergine(translated as “virgin pure”) is an unrefined extra virgin olive oil that is obtained by pressing olives (the first cold pressed) without the use of chemical and biochemical additives. This way the maximum is maintained useful substances and vitamins. This oil is greenish in color, tart, with a bitterness characteristic of fresh olives. It is best used for dressing salads or making sauces.
Pure olive oil– high quality oil. It is a mixture of refined olive oil (85%) and Extra Virgin (15%). Ideal for frying, as it does not release carcinogens when heated.
Pomace olive oil (pomas)– refined olive oil, which is made from the pomace remaining after the first pressing of olives, and then enriched with Extra Virgin oil. The product does not have such nutritional value, like the first two, however it contains all the vitamins and minerals present in olive oil.
In addition, so-called mixes are available for sale; in addition to olive oil, they also contain other oils (sunflower, corn, etc.). Such products are marked "Mixed oil" or simply "Mix". Usually, manufacturers honestly write about this on the packaging, but not in large print, but small and inconspicuously.

Real or not?

To answer the most important question - about the authenticity of olive oil, you need to study it fatty acid composition. That is, find out what acids and in what quantities it contains, in particular, oleic acid (according to standards it should be from 55 to 83%).
All samples successfully passed this test: their acid levels are normal, which means they are all real extra virgin olive oil!

What did the numbers tell us?

Having sorted out the authenticity, experts continued to examine the quality of the products. To do this, it was necessary to determine the acid and peroxide numbers.
Acid number indicates the content of free fatty acids in the oil. The more there are, the worse quality product. Extra virgin olive oil must have an acid value of no more than 1.6 mg NaOH/g. Another important indicator is peroxide value(for Extra Virgin it should not exceed 20 mmol/kg). It indicates the oxidation of fats under the influence of air. The substances that are formed can cause the breakdown of vitamins and even lead to poisoning. The lower both of these indicators are, the better oil.
The leader in both cases was olive oil - one of the most expensive in our test (see diagrams 1 and 2). But the sample that took second place surprised the experts. It turned out to be oil - the cheapest (100 rubles per 0.5 l), and besides, it was also sold in plastic bottle, which is usually a sign of not very quality product. So go ahead and guess.

No need for moisture!

But the surprises didn't end there. By mass fraction moisture oil turned out to be even better than .
Moisture content measured as a percentage. This is the most important quality indicator by which to judge energy value products, and the smaller it is, the more healthy solids in food (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.). But excess moisture activates the activity of bacteria and leads to unwanted chemical reactions. All this can cause product spoilage.
There are no standards for the mass fraction of moisture, so the quality of the samples is in this case was assessed by comparing the results. As already mentioned, the sample (mass fraction of moisture 0.06%) became the best in this category. This is followed by three samples with an indicator of 0.1% ( "Maestro de Oliva", "Borges", "Monini"), then (0.11%) and the trinity closes the list "ITLV", "Mylos"plus", "Colavita"(0.12%). The results of this test are shown in Diagram 3.

Tips for choosing

    Try to buy olive oil in dark glass bottles(green or brown), since when stored in light the product oxidizes faster.

  • Be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date of the oil. Over time it loses its valuable properties, so it is better to use it within one and a half to two years from the date of production.
  • Look on the label for information about the category of olive oil - Extra Virgin, Pure olive oil, Pomace olive oil or Mixed oil (Mix). The first is ideal for dressing salads, the second and third are ideal for frying. Well, Mix category oil can only be called olive oil with a big stretch.

On a note

The authenticity of olive oil can be checked at home. Place the bottle in the refrigerator. If after cooling you see that a precipitate has formed in the form of white flakes, then the oil is real olive oil. The fact is that the fatty acids it contains thicken when cooled. This is a natural process that occurs due to the fact that the virgin oil is unfiltered and contains a maximum of useful substances. After raising the temperature to room temperature, olive oil takes on its normal appearance and retains all its properties. healing properties, taste and aroma.
We conducted such a test on the samples under study and found that the effect of “precipitation” is most noticeable in olive oil, which became the best in the test. The table shows the results of this experiment.

Name Research result
The oil didn't change much after cooling
The oil didn't change much after cooling
The oil turned slightly cloudy after cooling
The oil has become cloudy, thickened, and a slight sediment has formed in it
The dark glass from which the bottle is made does not allow changes to be seen

Catch up

We purchased samples for this test at the beginning of July, that is, even before the introduction of sanctions on the supply of products from European countries(including those where olive oil is produced). The prices we provide in this publication are those indicated at the time of purchase.
Unfortunately, due to the embargo, the choice of olive oil has noticeably decreased, and its cost in chain stores has risen sharply. This is especially true for large cities, where people pay attention to healthy eating, and therefore they are actively buying olive oil. So the situation with its assortment and prices is now completely different than at the beginning of July. However, let's hope that these are temporary difficulties, and our test will serve as a guide for you in the future when choosing this wonderful product.


  • All samples of unrefined extra virgin olive oil were successfully identified by fatty acid composition and in fact turned out to be genuine olive oil.
  • Olive oil has become the leader in terms of quality - it has the best acid and peroxide values.
  • The cheapest test sample took second place. It also received first place in terms of mass fraction of moisture, which indicates good quality product.
  • All samples meet the standard according to organoleptic characteristics (color, smell, transparency).

Extra virgin olive oil test results

About 400 companies supply olive oil to Russia. Most of the approximately 80 thousand tons of its exports come to us from Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia and Portugal. How to choose a truly high-quality product from this variety?

The most juice

The best and most expensive olive oil is the one with the inscription extra virgin (vergine, vierge) on the label. This term means that before us is completely natural product, produced exclusively mechanically, without the use of chemicals, and there are no flaws or shortcomings in the taste of the oil. It differs more from just virgin, ordinary virgin and lampante virgin high content oleic acid.

Extra virgin oil is made according to ancient technologies, just modernizing them a little. For example, even today in many farms olives are harvested by hand. Maximum mechanization - use special device, similar to a rake, with which olives are shaken from the branches. The fact is that due to mechanical damage, raw materials quickly deteriorate, which worsens the taste of the product. The olives are washed, crushed together with the pits, placed under a press and the oil is squeezed out of them.

Taste and color

The color of olive oil depends on the region of growth, variety and degree of ripeness of the olives and ranges from greenish to golden. There is no single standard for its taste. Thus, Italian tasters count about 400 “versions” of extra vergine - according to the number of olive varieties. The most refined oil is the one with a slight artichoke flavor. The uninformed consumer should know: the best varieties oils are slightly bitter! But oil can be really bitter if it is made from unripe olives. Disadvantages also include taste canned vegetables, fermentation, the smell of earth (if the raw materials are poorly washed), as well as the absence of a specific taste and smell inherent only to olives. The most common defect is a rancid smell, which appears if the oil was stored incorrectly.

The main criterion for the quality of olive oil is its acidity. The lower this figure, the better. Manufacturers, as a rule, do not display this parameter on the label. And if they do this, it is solely for advertising purposes.

You can test olive oil for naturalness at home. Place the product in the refrigerator for two to three days. If it appears white precipitate- stearin, - you did right choice. When stored at room temperature The olive oil will regain its original clarity and you will be able to enjoy natural taste"liquid gold"

To the last drop

To literally squeeze every last drop out of the olives, the pomace is re-pressed under the influence of high temperatures and chemical agents. The resulting oil is suitable for cooking, but beneficial properties it is inferior to extra virgin. On labels such oil may be designated as “pure”, “for frying”, Pure, Pomace. Often this oil is a blend of olive oil with cheaper varieties vegetable oils, in particular with sunflower, which should be indicated on the label.

Useful facts

✓ Frying on the stove causes a lot of controversy unrefined oil. The flash point of extra virgin, at which the oil begins to decompose, forming harmful substances, - 160ºС. However, all of Europe fries with extra virgin! The fact is that housewives mainly use sauteing, in which the oil is heated to a completely harmless 120ºC. The transition through the “critical line” occurs only when deep-frying, and this method is used infrequently.

✓ Researchers from the University of Philadelphia believe that olives have the ability... to reduce pain. Scientists made a similar conclusion after they discovered that fresh olive oil irritates the walls of the throat in the same way as the painkiller ibuprofen does.

✓ In 100 g butter 32 g of unsaturated (“good”) fats, and in 100 g of olive oil there are 84 g of them!

Expert opinion

Tatyana ANOKHINA, head of the testing center GEAC "SOEX" of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation:

The quality of any vegetable oil is determined by its fatty acid composition. According to this indicator, all today's competitors meet the requirements for olive oil. Another important indicator of quality and safety is the peroxide value (active oxygen content). It is not just normal for our oils, but significantly lower than the maximum permissible level. Toxic elements, pesticides, benzopyrene, radionuclides and GMOs plant origin was not found in the samples. A organoleptic indicators subjects ( appearance, taste, color and smell) were beyond praise. Let's admit, choosing the winners was very difficult! But a competition is a competition. And the first place in it was taken by MONINI olive oil. Silver went to BORGES oil, and bronze to ITLV oil.

According to unofficial data, about half of the olive oil on the CIS market is fake! Don't get hooked!

Olive oil has been used in cooking for several thousand years. Even Hippocrates, the father of medicine, considered it very beneficial for health. Monosaturated fatty acids, which are the main component of olive oil, are incredibly healthy.

Research shows that olive oil reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus Type 2 helps strengthen bones, promote weight loss, and improve brain health. It also helps relieve constipation and reduces oxidative stress.

Beneficial components of olive oil

As we have already said, olive oil is rich in monosaturated fatty acids, which give necessary for the body fats. It is also rich in phenols, the acidic component of which gives the oil the taste that we know - bitter and sour. Olive oil does not contain carbohydrates or proteins - only saturated fats. It also contains a large number of vitamins E and K, which are beneficial for the skin. Phenolic acids are very beneficial for the heart.

What is “extra virgin olive oil”?

The term “extra virgin olive oil” does not describe its quality, nor does it mean that it must be pure. The difference lies in the production process. There are 4 types of olive oil. The variety itself Low quality used in soap making and not suitable for human consumption. Olive oil premium, which is produced by cold pressing, has the most pleasant taste and aroma, and is most revered by chefs of Mediterranean cuisine. It is not recommended to heat it above 30 degrees Celsius.

Researchers from the University of California, USA conducted tests among many brands that call their products olive oil. The result was disappointing: about 30% of all olive oil sold in US stores is fake! We have even more.

To distinguish olive oil from a fake, it is not enough to know the taste and aroma of a natural product.

What types of fake olive oil are there?

Fake olive oil may simply be a mixture of two oils—the lion's share of sunflower oil and a smaller portion of pure olive oil—to add flavor. Additionally, it may be a low quality blend of oils from different countries. It may not be Italian olive oil, but only a mixture of sunflower and soybean oils with the addition of beta-carotene and chlorophyll, although the packaging says that this is olive oil.

How do you know if you are looking at fake or real olive oil?

So, we come to the main question: how to find out whether the oil in front of you is fake or real?

A simple test you can do at home is to put olive oil in the refrigerator. If it's solid, that means it's high in monosaturated fat, but that still doesn't rule out other oils like sunflower or rapeseed oil or any other additives. However, if it has not hardened at all, then we can say with 100% certainty that this is not olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is supposed to keep the oil lamp burning for a long time. Again, this is not a very accurate test because... if the oil does not burn, this only means that this is definitely not extra virgin olive oil.

Look for Certifications

The best guarantee that you are actually buying high quality olive oil is third party certification. The California Olive Oil Council and the Australian Olive Association have very strict certification programs, so their recommendations can be trusted with greater confidence.

When purchasing olive oil produced or packaged in Italy, look for designations such as PDO (“Protected Designation of Origin” - meaning that similar product(the olive oil you hold in your hands) cannot be produced elsewhere or PGI (“Protected Geographical Indication”). If they are, you most likely have a high-quality product.

We will not be mistaken if we say that The best way check the quality of olive oil - try it. At the same time, there are four main methods of tasting, during which you can feel the taste and understand the quality of the product.

Heat the oil in a glass

Rotate the glass using the same principle as when tasting wine. The warmth of the palm will be quite enough, since the ideal temperature is 28 degrees - then the whole range of aromas opens.

Oil aroma

Inhale and try to identify the shades of the aroma - they should be natural. There should be no chemical or mechanical odors - if they are present, do not use such oil.

Taste it

Take a small sip, distributing the oil evenly on your tongue so that all receptors are activated, and then swallow it. Thanks to the taste, you will be able to determine the intensity of the oil - light, medium, high degree. It depends on the period and method of harvesting the olives, the type of fruit and the composition of the soil. Intensity does not in any way determine the quality of the oil, but a more saturated product contains more useful substances. You can also determine the approximate age of the oil by taste - the piquant bitterness characteristic of fresh oil, becomes less noticeable over time. A high-quality oil should contain fruity notes, moderate bitterness and pungency. At the same time, there should be no sensation of fat in the mouth.

The color does not affect the quality of the oil; it can range from light green to rich gold.

Before the purchase

In a store, before purchasing, you can determine the quality of the oil if you carefully study the label. Responsible producers must indicate the time during which the olives were processed - it should be no more than a day, the variety of olives, the harvest period, the region of growth, as well as acidity - a very important indicator.

For Extra oils Virgin it should be in the range from 0.2 to 0.8%. If the acidity is not indicated, it is most likely a blend of oils - a mixture small quantity expensive oil with a cheaper one, which has an acidity of more than 2%. And although this oil is still suitable for dressing salads, it is not advisable to fry with it.

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How can you tell if olive oil is real? Are there any fakes?

  1. I bought olive oil "Maestro le Olivif" extra virgin, cold pressed, imported by Interfood LLC, Moscow from OK. I did not unseal the oil, put it in the refrigerator, the flakes did not appear. The acidity is not indicated on the label. Only the energy value. and fats Can I consume it like olive oil or should I take it back? Please advise.
  2. Some tips on how to choose real olive oil and what to look for on the label:

    1. Acidity index - the lower the acid number, the better the oil. The maximum allowable is 3.3%.
    2. Oil category - Extra virgin olive oil, Virgin olive oil, Pure blended olive oil.
    3. Purpose of the oil and for what purpose do you buy it: extra-class is best for salads, and for frying - with a touch of refined oil.
    4. Color, taste and smell. The manufacturer may indicate a description of these parameters on the label (this is one of the signs of quality oil). The oil can be of different shades: from bright yellow to dark gold and green. The color depends on the variety of olives (and accordingly, in which region of the country they grow), as well as on the stage of maturity at which they were collected. Green olives give the oil a more greenish tint, while black olives give a yellowish tint. There are no clear taste criteria for oil, since much depends on the variety. But what you definitely shouldn’t feel is rancidity or complete tastelessness (this kind of oil is called tired). But in good oil you can feel a slight hint of spice. The smell is pleasant, with herbaceous and tart notes.
    5. Storage period and conditions. In addition to these data, which are mandatory, it may also be indicated that at temperatures below +7C (for example, in a refrigerator), the oil will crystallize.
    6. Manufacturer information. The address of the manufacturer is always indicated, as well as the coordinates of the importer (if there is one). There must be a barcode corresponding to the country of origin.
    7. 1.Special notes on the geography of the goods - IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) or DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta). For example, olive oil from Spain, olive oil from Italy or Greek olive oil.

  3. How to choose quality olive oil?

    Real olive oil is expensive, so we often come across counterfeits. How to determine whether you are buying quality oil?

    Good oil distinguished by a delicate yellow-green color and pleasant smell with fruity and herbaceous notes, the taste of fresh olives is clearly felt in it. The most high quality first cold pressed oil (extra vergine is written on the bottles).

    Be sure to read the label carefully. Often a mixture of different vegetable oils is passed off as olive oil. But if you carefully examine the label, the true composition of the product will be indicated in small print in the corner.

    How to check the quality of already purchased oil?

    If the oil appears clear, you can check it by placing the bottle with it for 10 minutes. into the freezer. Good oil will harden and become cloudy, and after defrosting it will return to its original form.

    Given this reaction of the oil to cold, it should be stored in a dark place at room temperature and preferably no more than one year.
    Real olive oil is actually quite easy to distinguish from fakes and surrogates. To do this, just put it in the refrigerator for several hours. IN natural oil(it doesn’t matter whether it’s refined or not) in the cold, white flakes form, which disappear again at room temperature. This occurs due to the content of a certain percentage of solid fats in olive oil, which, when cooled, solidify and give these solid flaky inclusions.
    Extra-virgin olive oil can be considered the best. This olive oil usually has less than 1% acidity, and it is believed that the lower the acidity of the oil, the higher its quality. Cold-pressed olive oil is considered even more valuable, although this concept is quite arbitrary; the oil is heated to one degree or another and during cold pressing, it is advisable to use it for preparing dishes without heat treatment, for example salads. Less quality oil- Pomas is made from a mixture of olive seed oil and extra virgin oil. Greek, especially Cretan olive oil is considered to be of the highest quality.
    All the best!
