Freezing baked vegetables for the winter. Frozen Vegetable Dressing Recipe. Fruits that are suitable for freezing


In winter, the need for vitamins is especially felt. Crispy vegetable pieces and smell fragrant greens lift your spirits and give you vigor. But the more time has passed since the harvest, the more lethargic and boring the fruits of the garden and vegetable garden become.

To make the product appetizing and meet expectations, you need to follow certain freezing rules.

Only high-quality vegetables are used for freezing. It is in them that the taste and aroma of summer is preserved to the maximum. Ripe and intact specimens contain more vitamins, minerals and other substances we need. If possible, you should freeze fresh, recently picked fruits.

Vegetables with little water content are best stored in the freezer. They have a fairly dense structure and do not lose most of their properties after defrosting.

It can be:

  • cauliflower;
  • pumpkin;
  • eggplants, etc.

Watery vegetables, such as radishes or zucchini, can be pureed immediately and then placed in the freezer.

Preparing vegetables

Frozen vegetables go straight from the refrigerator into soup or into a frying pan. Therefore, first of all, they need to be washed from soil and other garden debris. Mushrooms and root vegetables undergo especially thorough cleaning.

The washed pieces are laid out to dry directly on the table or on a paper towel. Excess moisture impairs the quality of freezing.


Vegetables are cut into pieces or slices, based on what dishes are going to be prepared from them. Carrots or pumpkin are cut into cubes, eggplants into circles, onions into half rings. Some products, such as greens, are more convenient to store pureed, divided into small portions. Mushrooms or large berries can be frozen individually.


Some vegetables are shortened before being packed into containers. heat treatment. This procedure neutralizes the action of enzymes that are responsible for decay processes.

Leafy greens are steamed, and firm vegetables are cut into pieces and immersed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. The product is then cooled in cold water to stop the cooking process. Vegetables turn out brighter and crispier.

Which packaging is best for storage in the freezer?

In the store you can buy special containers and bags for storing frozen foods. They are environmentally friendly and have convenient closing mechanisms. And also made of frost-resistant material.


Durable plastic containers particularly suitable for packaging soft foods. You can also freeze liquids in them, such as soup or sauce. Such a container can be immediately placed in the microwave for heating - and lunch is ready. To save space, you need to choose rectangular containers. They are more convenient to fill the freezer.

You can write on the lid of the container with a felt-tip pen or stick a label on it. For example, indicate the name of the product and the year of procurement.


Bags are convenient for storing mixed vegetables, legumes and simply chopped vegetables. Packages can be of almost any size and take any shape. This means that this is an ideal option for a small freezer.

After filling the bag, you need to squeeze out excess air from it and close it with a special clamp. When placing it in the freezer, it must be immediately given the required form while the product is not yet frozen.

Special bags with a zipper are very functional. They allow you to pour out part of the product and store the rest by closing the bag again.

Plastic bottles

Large liquid meals can be conveniently stored in plastic bottles. Soup or puree is simply poured inside and the lid is screwed on. It should be taken into account that it will not be possible to cast part of the mass through the neck. You need to either defrost everything completely, or cut the bottle, freeing the contents.

Ice molds

Small disposable portions are conveniently placed in ice containers. For example, in this way you can freeze pureed greens or a mixture herbs. In winter all you have to do is take ice cube and put it in borscht or other dish. The aroma will develop during cooking.

General rules for freezing vegetables

Frozen vegetables tolerate storage differently, depending on their variety and the properties of a particular crop. In a regular modern freezer, vegetables can be stored for at least 8 months. Even after a year, they will not cease to be edible, although they will partially lose their aroma and subtleties of taste. Optimal temperature storage from −18 ° C to −23 ° C.

Do not load large amounts of food into the freezer at one time. fresh product. The speed of cooling significantly affects the quality of the final result.

It’s good if for every 8 liters of refrigeration space there will be no more than 1 kg of new products. Moreover, each vegetable has its own specific rules.

Bell pepper

Sweet peppers keep well all winter. It is washed, the green tail is cut off and the core with seeds is cleaned out. Now you can cut the pepper into cubes or strips and blanch. After drying, put it in a convenient container and send it out into the cold.

If you need whole specimens for stuffing, they are stacked, but in this form they take up more space.

Cauliflower and broccoli

Both of these types of cabbage are not cut, but disassembled into inflorescences. Thorough rinsing is a must—garden insects love to live in cauliflower.

Blanching cabbage will make it less tough. Prepared cauliflower Place in boiling water for two minutes. More tender broccoli will need half the time. Then we cool the inflorescences, dry them and pack them into bags.

How to freeze zucchini

After washing and drying, the zucchini is cut into cubes for soup or stew, or into circles for frying or baking in the oven. Finely chopped vegetables are placed in a bag. It is better to freeze the circles individually, or cover them with plastic wrap. Then they can be taken from the package individually.

Zucchini contains a lot of water, so it is convenient to freeze it in the form of puree and use it, for example, on pancakes.

3 ways to freeze zucchini for the winter: cubes, slices and puree.


Eggplants are frozen like zucchini. The only thing to note is that they will taste better after blanching for 5-10 minutes. It happens that autumn ground eggplants taste a little bitter. In order for the bitterness to come out, they need to be salted after cutting, and after half an hour the resulting juice should be drained.


Tomatoes retain their bright color and color well when frozen. special taste, but lose elasticity. Therefore, they are placed mainly in boiled and stewed dishes, but not in salads.

The easiest way to process small cherry tomatoes is to wash them and scatter them whole into bags. From large specimens you can prepare tomato paste or cut them into pieces. The circles (freeze, covered with film) are suitable for decorating pizza.

Beans and corn

It is convenient and easy to store fresh beans and corn in the freezer. They are husked from the pods or separated from the cobs, and then packaged in bags for storage. You can use this preparation without defrosting it - pour it directly into soup or stew.


Everyone's favorite dill and parsley can be frozen separately, or you can immediately make a mixture by simply washing, drying and finely chopping.

It is convenient to store greens in small portions.

Sorrel and spinach leaves are first blanched and then placed in packaging. They are a winter delight in fresh green soup or gravy.

Ready-made vegetable mixtures

It is convenient to prepare vegetables for the winter by combining them in advance ready-made mixtures. If you write a list of such semi-finished products and hang it on the refrigerator door, you can create a lunch menu in a matter of minutes.

Place in one bag or container a quantity of food sufficient for cooking required quantity soup or stew. You can add rice or beans, boiled until half cooked, to the vegetables.

Here are examples successful combinations, which allow you to quickly prepare the first and second:

  • Soup mixture: carrots, green pea, broccoli.
  • Vegetable stew: zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, carrots.
  • Ratatouille: eggplant, zucchini, pepper.
  • Paella: onions, eggplant, rice, peas, zucchini.
  • Hawaiian Blend: Rice, corn, peppers, peas.

The main advantage is that you can create an assortment entirely to your liking.

Preparations for feeding a baby

If the time of the first feeding falls on late autumn or winter, young mothers often do not know where to find quality vegetables. Freezing is perfect for this situation.

Vegetables intended for the baby should be the most best quality, fresh and fully ripe. It's good if they are grown organically.

Typically complementary foods include such types of vegetables as:

  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower.

You can freeze them into cubes or pre-chop them in a blender, since it is in the form of purees that a small child is given food.

Correct defrosting

If freezing must occur instantly, then the slower the reverse thawing process, the better it is. It is advisable to avoid sudden temperature changes.

The frozen product should not be immediately transferred to a warm place; it is better to leave it to thaw in the refrigerator. If the process occurs at room temperature, at least do not remove the products from the packaging.

For speed, many people use the microwave. It should be taken into account that it is easy to overcook vegetables in it, and they will begin to cook prematurely.

The advantage of frozen vegetables is that in most cases they can not be thawed, but can be thrown directly from the freezer into boiling soup or stewed in a saucepan.

Ease of preparation, summer taste and aroma make frozen vegetables one of the most popular types blanks They contain vitamins that everyone needs in winter. Dishes made from frozen vegetables are tasty and healthy for absolutely everyone, from adults to small children.

The availability of vegetables in season and a variety of preparation options are simply a salvation for housewives. At any time of the year, they will be able to prepare a dinner that will appeal to all family members.

In this article we will talk about how to prepare vegetables and fruits for the winter by freezing, how to rationally allocate storage space and other secrets of freezing.

What vegetables can be frozen for the winter: list

I want to enjoy the generous gifts of nature in the form of vegetables, fruits and berries not only in summer, but also in winter. In supermarkets in winter, of course, you can buy, if not all, then almost all types fresh vegetables, berries or fruits, but their quality will not be the best.

You can also prepare pickles, compotes, jam and other types of preparations in jars for the winter. However, this option is not suitable for everyone. Some housewives do not like to tinker in the kitchen for a long time, others do not have time. Also, pickles may not work out; many people know that cans of preserves sometimes explode. In addition, many simply do not have space to store cans of preserves. And the very last argument is that it will not be possible to preserve all the vitamins in their original form.

Homemade vegetables

Many housewives prefer freezing vegetables. Having a large freezer, you can prepare a lot of useful and delicious vegetables. However, it would be a good idea to learn about the tricks of freezing, so as not to accidentally end up with an unappetizing mush instead of healthy vegetables.

So, list of vegetables that can be frozen:

  • Black Eyed Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Pumpkin
  • Cauliflower
  • Zucchini or zucchini
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Sweet and/or bell pepper
  • cucumbers
  • Tomatoes
  • Corn
  • Green pea
  • Eggplant
  • Mushrooms

Turnips, radishes, and lettuce cannot be frozen.

Most vegetables must be blanched before freezing, that is, lowered to a short time into boiling water and then cool quickly. For example, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, eggplants, green beans, green peas, corn needs to be blanched.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, mushrooms no need to put it in boiling water. Little ones Cherry tomatoes You can store them whole, just make a few punctures so that the fruit does not burst from frost. Big tomatoes You can cut them into slices or make a puree out of them. Cucumbers should also not be stored whole; cut them into small cubes or strips.

How to properly freeze vegetables?

You can also freeze potatoes, onions, carrots, and beets. But it’s worth thinking about, will this be rational? The freezer is usually small in size, and seasonal vegetables They cost mere pennies and are stored for a long time without refrigeration. It's better to freeze what you can't buy in winter.

Vegetable mixtures for the winter in bags: recipes

Vegetables must be washed and dried before freezing. Sealed containers or bags are suitable as containers. The seal will prevent the absorption of foreign odors from nearby products. For example, dill gives off a strong odor that can be absorbed into other vegetables or berries.

Convenient to freeze vegetable mixtures for later cooking different dishes. It is better to freeze mixtures in small portions, so as not to break off a piece from the frozen mass later, but to take the finished portion at a time.

Options vegetable mixtures:

  1. Corn, peas, bell pepper.
  2. Carrots, peas, green beans, red beans, corn, celery, peppers, corn.
  3. Onions, mushrooms, carrots, potatoes.
  4. Tomatoes, onions, peppers.

Important: Frozen vegetables and fruits can be stored in the freezer for no longer than a year.

Delicious mixture from vegetables

Vegetable seasonings for soups, salad, pasta, main courses: recipes for the winter

You can also freeze greens, which you can then add little by little to soups, salads or main courses.

  • Wash and dry the greens thoroughly beforehand.
  • Then finely chop it.
  • First, freeze the greens in bulk, that is, spread them in a thin layer on the surface and freeze.
  • Once the greens are frozen, place them in a tightly sealed bag.

Greens can be frozen in a combination of several types. For example:

  1. Dill+parsley for soups
  2. Dill+sorrel+onion feathers for green borscht
  3. Cilantro+parsley+basil for salads

Important: Greens should be stored separately. Do not mix greens with other vegetables, otherwise the flavors will mix.

Sorrel for the winter: how to freeze

For soups The following vegetable mixture will work:

  • Green peas, carrots, onions, potatoes
  • Carrots, onions, potatoes, cauliflower
  • Cauliflower, corn, potatoes, carrots, onions
  • Sweet peppers, carrots, potatoes, onions

The same mixtures can be added to other dishes, such as risotto, stew, vegetable casseroles.

Video: How to freeze greens for the winter?

Freezing Vegetable Mix for Stew: Recipe

Enjoy healthy stew you can if you freeze it:

  • Zucchini, zucchini
  • Bell pepper
  • Green pea
  • Cauliflower
  • Tomatoes
  • Greenery

Potatoes, onions, carrots, and white cabbage must also be added to the stew.

Stew is a mixture different vegetables, so you don't have to stick to a strict recipe. If you don't have one ingredient, you can easily replace it with another. The main thing is that the dish contains several types of vegetables.

Important: Many people are interested in the question: Do you need to defrost vegetables before cooking? No, you can't do this.

If you defrost vegetables, they will lose their shape when cooked and turn into mush. Therefore, place vegetables from the freezer into the pan immediately. This way they will remain fragrant, beautiful and healthy.

Freezing vegetable mixtures

Recipes for borscht dressings for freezing for the winter

Borscht in winter will be much tastier and healthier if you take care of the dressing in advance.

Recipe for borscht dressing:

  • Sweet pepper in thin strips
  • Onion diced
  • Carrots, julienned or grated
  • Beets in strips
  • Tomato puree

It would be useful parsley And dill as spices, you just need to store the greens separately.

Wash all ingredients, dry, cut, grate and mix. Pack the dressing into separate bags for one use.

This method will not only help you cook aromatic borscht in winter, but also save the family budget.

Dressing for borscht for the winter

How to freeze stuffed peppers with vegetables?

Stuffed pepper- tasty and healthy dish, but you can fully enjoy it only during the season, that is, in the fall. But if you freeze peppers, then cook favorite dish possible at any time of the year.

Some housewives stuff the peppers and then put them in the freezer. This method is good, but there are places in freezer takes a lot.

There is another way:

  1. Wash the peppers and dry with a paper towel
  2. Remove the stem and seeds from the fruit
  3. Insert the fruits one into the other
  4. Place the peppers in columns, carefully wrapping them in bags.

Pepper slices are suitable for salads, stews, soups and other dishes. It is much more convenient to store it in this form than whole.

Pepper for the winter

What vegetable mixtures can be frozen in the freezer to feed a baby for the winter?

If the family has infant, or a replenishment is expected, a young mother should think about preparing homemade vegetables for complementary feeding.

Complementary feeding should be introduced at 5-6 months of the baby’s life, if the child is breastfeeding. If the child eats an adapted formula, then complementary foods should be introduced earlier - at the 4th month of life.

If this period falls in winter or spring, then frozen vegetables will become a lifesaver during the introduction of complementary foods.

To feed your baby you can freeze the following vegetables:

  1. Cauliflower
  2. Zucchini
  3. Broccoli
  4. Pumpkin

After the baby begins to eat pureed vegetables, you can introduce small quantity lungs vegetable soups. To do this, freeze in advance:

  • Potato
  • Carrot

Vitamins and naturalness - this is the most important advantage of freezing vegetables for complementary feeding. Provided that you are sure that the vegetables have not been treated with chemicals, or that you grew them in your own garden.

Vegetable puree for complementary feeding

What fruits and berries can be frozen in the refrigerator freezer and freezer: list

You can freeze any fruits and berries:

  • Strawberry
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberry
  • Blackberry
  • Cowberry
  • Plums
  • Apricots
  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Currant
  • Gooseberry

Frozen berries

Do I need to wash fruit before freezing?

In addition to vegetables, you can freeze fruits and berries. Before putting them in the freezer, thoroughly wash and dry the fruits and berries.

Fruits and berries cannot be re-frozen. Firstly, they will turn into mush, and secondly, they will lose everything beneficial features.

How to freeze fresh fruits and berries for the winter?

You can puree the berries and freeze them as is, with or without sugar - your choice.

Another way to freeze is dry. Place the prepared berries or fruits in a thin layer on a surface, for example, on a board. Freeze this way, then place the berries in a bag, releasing the air from it.

It is advisable to store delicate berries such as strawberries and raspberries in a container so that the berries are not damaged.

Apples can be cut into slices. Store small and fleshy fruits (plums, apricots, cherries) whole and with the pit.

Recipes for mixtures of fruits and berries for the winter

You can prepare frozen fruits and berries in winter aromatic compotes, fruit drinks, add fruit to yogurt or porridge.

Remember that ripe and undamaged fruits should be frozen. Make small portions of berries and use one bag per preparation.

Mixtures of fruits and berries:

  • Strawberry, blackberry, raspberry
  • Plums, apricots, apples
  • Apples, apricots, raspberries
  • Cherry, apple, strawberry
  • Cherries, currants, raspberries
  • Strawberries, currants, cranberries

Important: Most modern refrigerators do not require defrosting, but if you need to do this, wrap the container with frozen vegetables and fruits in a thick blanket so that the products do not have time to defrost. In winter, the freezer can be taken outside or onto the balcony.

How to freeze fruit

Freezing fruits, berries and vegetables - profitable and quick way get everything in winter healthy vitamins and enjoy the taste of summer. But do not forget to follow the rules of freezing in order to preserve vitamins and taste. You can watch a video on this topic and learn a lot of useful information about freezing vegetables and fruits.

Video: How to properly freeze greens, vegetables and fruits?

Freezing for the winter, how to properly freeze vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, herbs

Summer is a generous time for fruits, vegetables, herbs, and berries. Exactly at seasonal products contained greatest number vitamins and microelements. But no one has canceled winter, winter is coming... Of course, today and in winter you can find vegetables, fruits, and berries on supermarket shelves. But who will undertake to claim that they contain both vitamins and beneficial properties?! After all, they were grown in greenhouses, because it was not the season. And the prices are steep.

Freezing vegetables, berries, fruits and other gifts from your garden or the nearest market for the winter is an excellent solution. . Moreover, you can freeze almost everything that grows in the garden. All you need is a freezer, food-grade plastic containers, bags, ice cube trays and a little time.

But Are the beneficial properties preserved when frozen?? Yes, they are stored up to 90%, provided that freezing rules are followed.

Here they are, the rules:

  1. You can only freeze fresh berries, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms. It is better to freeze the berries immediately after picking them from a bush or branch. Freezing mushrooms as soon as they were brought from the forest. Overripe fruits or berries cannot be frozen - when defrosted they will turn into porridge.
  2. Frozen food lasts from 8 months to 1 year, then it is better to use them before next season.
  3. Before freezingBe sure to wash the products and dry them on a towel. Once defrosted, they cannot be washed.
  4. Small products(berries, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes), as well as slicing, shredding,Distribute small slices on a board and place in the freezer.And only after they are frozen, put them in bags or containers. Large slices of dense foods can be initially frozen in bags and containers.
  5. Place the frozen food tightly in a container/bag and release excess air.. The less air remains, the less evaporation and the better “presentation” when defrosting. And also pack it tightly so that the smell does not spread and is not absorbed from other products.
  6. It is best to pack in small portions - 1-2 servings. For example, freeze currants not in a kilogram bag, but in small bags of 200 grams. The same applies to greens and vegetable mixtures. Notice the small square containers. They fit very well into the shape of the freezer drawers.
  7. The correct temperature is from 18 C to 22 C, otherwise the frozen food is stored for no more than 3 months.
  8. Thaw food at room temperature.Microwave or pressure hot water will lead to loss of presentation. If you want to remove a frozen product from the container, simply hold it in cold water for 1-3 minutes.
  9. Food cannot be re-frozen.Once thawed, the product is either used or thrown away.
  10. Well, the last rule is thatcannot be frozen:

And now the details:

Freezing berries for the winter

What berries can be frozen? Everything. Any berry is first frozen on a sheet or board, and only then you put it in bags or containers. Frozen soft berries (irga, and others) are best stored in containers to preserve their shape. And hard berries (for example, currants or gooseberries) can be stored in bags.

Freezing mushrooms for the winter

There is a belief that mushrooms must be fried or cooked before freezing. This is not at all necessary, because you can freeze and fresh mushrooms. It is better to freeze honey mushrooms whole, first on a board, and then pour them into a bag or container. It is better to chop large mushrooms.

Freezing fruit for the winter

Before freezing, the pit is removed from the fruit. Next, we freeze them in slices in containers to avoid crushing. Fruit can be frozen as a puree. If you want to add sugar, let it be brown sugar.

Spray peaches and pears with lemon before freezing, but they may still darken slightly. It’s better to freeze them in the form of puree.

Freezing vegetables for the winter

Blanch first or freeze in fresh– here opinions are divided. During heat treatment, some vitamins are lost, but some vegetables need to be blanched, otherwise they will become very bitter after defrosting.

Eggplant– this vegetable must be processed, otherwise strong bitterness is guaranteed after defrosting. There are 3 options here. First, cut the eggplant into slices, and then: 1. Sprinkle with salt, let stand for 30 minutes 2. Place in boiling water for 2 minutes, then dry well 3. Bake lightly in the oven, let cool. And then freeze it.

Peas and cornOnly the grains themselves are frozen. Can be frozen raw. Or you can put it in boiling water for 3 minutes, then dry it on a towel and only then freeze it.

Broccoli and cauliflowerneed to be kept in salt water for 30 minutes (to remove insects). Next, separate into inflorescences and freeze. Some cauliflower is first blanched with citric acid. If at your home Small child, then you can immediately make puree.

Pepper.Freezing peppers can be different options. First, remove the stem and seeds. Wash thoroughly, dry and place the pepper in the pepper (like a nesting doll) to maintain its shape. You can also cut the pepper into slices or cubes. Or make a blank right away stuffed peppers— freeze the peppers with the filling: mixed minced meat with rice, onions and carrots.

Tomatoescan be cut into slices (convenient for pizza) or cubes before freezing. Place them on a sheet and put them in the freezer, and after freezing, pour them into a bag. You can immediately make puree in a meat grinder or blender and pour into ice cube trays. Next, place the frozen cubes in a bag or container. This cube can be added to soup or stew- the taste will be amazing. Make punctures in the cherry tomatoes so that they do not crack when frozen.

If cucumberssmall ones, they are frozen on a board and poured into a bag. Average and large cucumbers It's better to cut it the way you like.

Freezing for the winterzucchini and pumpkin similar . Before freezing, remove the seeds and boil lightly. Many people freeze zucchini and pumpkin in their raw form, but when defrosting they may develop slight bitterness. FreezingzucchiniIt is done on the principle of freezing zucchini.

CarrotBefore freezing, grate on a coarse grater or chop into cubes.

Freezing greens for the winter

Dill, cilantro, tarragon, basilIt is necessary to rinse and dry very well from moisture on a towel. Then finely chop and distribute into bags of 50 grams or a pinch - it all depends on the size of your family and how much you spend in one sitting. Remember to tie the bags tightly and let the air out of them.

You can also freeze greens in ice cube trays. 1 cube = 1 soup.

Mint, lemon balm, arugulafreeze separate leaves. If you want to freeze sorrel, first plunge it into boiling water for 60 seconds and then dry it on a towel.

Frozen greens can be used for cooking or tea without defrosting.

Let your tables be full of healthy and nutritious food!

With love and care for your mood, the Food and Figure blog team

What vegetables can be frozen for the winter is a question that worries everyone who wants to receive sufficient quantity vitamins regardless of the time of year. If properly frozen and stored, all the beneficial properties of vegetables can be preserved. And now we will tell you how to do this.

What vegetables can be frozen and how?

Freezing food is one of the most popular ways of preparing for the winter, because it allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of plants and does not require additional financial investments or time.

All you need is a freezer and a storage container, which is most often food containers or thick plastic bags.

The process of freezing a product begins long before you put it in the refrigerator. First, you should carefully understand which vegetables can be frozen and which, on the contrary, should not be frozen.

Preparing other vegetables will not be difficult at all. The main thing is to remember that the fruits must be fresh and ripe. Otherwise, when defrosting, you will get puree instead of a whole fruit.

Freezing vegetables for the winter


  1. Cauliflower and broccoli are ideal options for freezing vegetables in the freezer. To begin with, both one and the other should be divided into inflorescences, washed and blanched in boiling water. Then pour over the inflorescences cold water, dry and place in a bag. Blanch cauliflower for 2-3 minutes, and broccoli for 1 minute.

Tip: remember that packages of food placed close to each other will take longer to freeze, and defrosting them will be less convenient.

Bell pepper

  1. This vegetable can be frozen for the winter, either whole or sliced. In any case, it should be washed, cleared of seeds and placed in a bag.
  2. IN whole peppers take up quite a lot of space, so the top along with the seeds should be cut out and the peppers stacked one on top of the other, in small piles, in portions.

Corn cobs and beans

  1. They are the easiest to prepare. Separate them from the pod or cob and place them loosely on a plate or board to prevent sticking.
  2. After a day in the cold, they can be poured into a bag for further storage.

Zucchini and eggplant

  1. These vegetables can be frozen, but do not forget about preliminary preparation. Under no circumstances should they be placed entirely in the freezer.
  2. First you need to wash and cut, then blanch for a minute.

Tip: if you purchased eggplants in the fall, pre-salt them using a large number of salt and leave for half an hour, then rinse with water. This will help remove the bitterness.


  1. Carrots are the vegetable that is frozen the least often, so few people know how to do it correctly.
  2. To begin with, it is grated, the size of the cells should be chosen at personal discretion and purpose, and placed in bags.
  3. You can also cut the carrots into cubes and blanch them, but then there is a risk that when defrosted they will be too soft.


  1. The freezing method depends on the type of plant. Small ones can be frozen whole, large ones can be cut and placed in food containers for storage.
  2. You can also freeze tomatoes in the form of puree, for which you need to remove the peel and grind the fruit by hand or using a blender.

Tip: If you are freezing whole tomatoes, be sure to pierce them or they will burst.

Frozen tomatoes


  1. Surprisingly, this vegetable can also be frozen in the freezer. To do this, they are washed, cut and placed in bags or containers.


  1. The only one Preliminary processing What they require is cleaning. Clean fruits can be immediately placed in bags and in the freezer. But it should be noted that only champignons can be added to the dish immediately. Forest mushrooms must be pre-cooked.

Green beans

  1. Fresh beans must be thoroughly washed and dried, and then cut as desired. After complete drying, it is packaged in bags and frozen.

Tip: to prevent the beans from becoming fibrous and to retain their taste qualities, experts recommend blanching it in boiling water for 2–3 minutes.

Green beans


  1. It is believed that pumpkin is not suitable for freezing. In fact, the process of preparing the product is the same as for zucchini.
  2. It is also acceptable to grate the pumpkin or cut it into cubes.


  1. You can freeze absolutely any greens in different types And different ways. It can be combined for certain dishes or divided into packages.
  2. Wash the greens, dry and chop. Then put it in a package that must be labeled, since when frozen it is very easy to confuse parsley with cilantro, for example.
  3. One of the most popular freezing methods is to use an ice cube tray. Chopped greens are placed in it and filled with boiled water. It should cover the greens a little, but not reach the edges of the pan. After complete hardening, the cubes are removed from the mold and placed in bags. This method is perfect for using frozen greens when preparing first courses.

Frozen greens

What vegetable mixtures can be frozen and how to do it

Methods for freezing food depend on your preferences and, of course, goals. Vegetables can be either whole or chopped, blanched or raw. In addition, you can create complete mixtures at home.

To do this, you just need to choose the products that suit your taste best, cut them and freeze them.

Tip: mixtures can be frozen even in combined form - one part of the products can be raw, the other blanched.

The convenience of using the mixture lies not only in the fact that all the fruits will be defrosted at the same time, but also in the fact that they will be cut to the required size and shape.

The most popular are mixtures prepared for specific dishes:

  1. Soup: carrots, broccoli (asparagus, cauliflower), peas, peppers
  2. Stew: zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, peppers
  3. Moussaka: eggplants, tomatoes
  4. Ratatouille: zucchini, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes
  5. Saute: eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, carrots

There are thousands of mixture options, it all depends on your favorite dishes and imagination.

Vegetable mix

Conditions for successful freezing and defrosting

Once a product has been selected, care must be taken to ensure that the conditions under which you will cold process it are correct.

Any shortcomings can not only significantly reduce the permissible shelf life, but also impair the taste and also negatively affect the properties of vegetables.

How to properly freeze vegetables:

  1. Do not cover the bottom of the freezer, because paper or polyethylene will interfere with the circulation of cold air inside the compartment.
  2. First, you should make sure that the vegetables that you decide to freeze for the winter are clean and completely dry.
  3. Next, check the temperature in the freezer; it should not be higher than -20 °C.
  4. One of the most important rules Proper freezing is packaging, it should be dense and solid. Ziploc bags are often used for these purposes, as they are considered the tightest. But still, you should be careful with such bags, because not all of them can provide tightness, which is one of the most important factors proper storage products.
  5. Products should not be stored longer than 8–12 months. Don't forget about proper defrosting of food.
  6. Should take required amount vegetables and move them from the freezer to the refrigerator until the ice has completely melted. This is the only option that will preserve the maximum amount of juice and nutrients.

Follow all rules

Some experts argue that vegetables can be immediately subjected to heat treatment, without prior defrosting.

But still, this method does not guarantee the safety of all useful substances.

Are you still thinking about which vegetables can be frozen? Absolutely any! The main thing is to use our advice, and then everything will work out for you.

You can freeze the most popular vegetables: tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, herbs (cilantro is especially relevant in winter, which does not lose its properties when frozen bright aroma). There are exceptions. During the freezing process, onions and garlic lose all their beneficial properties, phytoncides disappear from them, and they change their taste. Watermelon and salads should not be frozen, they are too watery and will turn out to be porridge. Not suitable for cold working radish and radish We talk about the methods and rules for freezing individual vegetables.

Freezing methods

So-called blast freezing is the quick freezing of prepared vegetables in containers or bags. With this method, the water does not have time to form large ice crystals, and after defrosting, the vegetables retain their original appearance and taste. Most modern freezers have a " quick freezing", which is most suitable for the shock method.

For dry freezing, the prepared fruits are placed on a cutting board, not covered with anything, and placed in the freezer. After completely frozen everything is transferred into a container or portioned bags.

General rules

For freezing, take young vegetables with unripe seeds.

Frozen vegetables do not need to be thawed before preparing any food. Remove from the freezer and place in boiling water if this is a soup, or on a baking sheet if the dish is being cooked in the oven.

Frozen greens are also not defrosted in advance. You need to add the greens when the dish is completely ready, cover with a lid and turn off the stove.

If you need to remove frozen contents from a container or bag, you should hold the package under running water. cold water A couple of minutes. The briquette will come away from the walls of the package and can be transferred to a plate.

Freezing vegetables

Bell pepper It is most convenient to freeze it in its entirety, without the core and stalk. So that it does not take up much space, the prepared peppers are nested inside each other and placed in a bag. It is wise to put in each bag as many peppers as you need for one preparation. You can store peppers in pieces or strips and use them in salads and stews.

Tomatoes For freezing, it is better to use plum, finger or cherry ones. Not very large, dense, not wrinkled. The fruits are washed, allowed to dry, and cut into circles. It's best to freeze first in a single layer on a plate or sheet and then place in a bag or container. Large, sugary tomatoes can be pureed and frozen; it will be very convenient to use for soups and pasta.

cucumbers Only small, strong ones are suitable for freezing. They can be frozen whole, or cut into medium-thick circles. To prepare okroshka and cold tarator soup, cucumbers can be grated and frozen first in small molds, and then the frozen briquettes can be placed in a bag.

Broccoli and cauliflower separated into inflorescences and soaked in salt water for about half an hour, this will remove insects from the cabbage. Before freezing, it is recommended to immerse these two types of cabbage in boiling water for a few minutes, cool, dry and quickly freeze.

At the eggplants Be sure to cut off the stem, cut into circles and sprinkle with salt. In half an hour, unnecessary bitterness disappears. They can also be kept in boiling water for a few minutes before freezing. You can also freeze baked eggplants without skin and stem. In winter, caviar is prepared from them or added to salads.

Zucchini, Even small ones, it is better not to freeze them entirely. The easiest way is to grate them on a coarse grater and squeeze out the juice, which they will release after a while, and only then into the cold. Zucchini and eggplant can be frozen cut into cubes.

Green pea It is advisable to freeze one day after collection, then all the vitamins will be preserved. It should be placed in boiling water, then dried and frozen in one layer to prevent it from sticking together.

In green beans Only those pods in which coarse fibers have not yet formed are suitable for freezing. Before freezing, the pods are washed, cut crosswise into pieces 2-3 cm long and blanched in boiling water, like green peas. After the beans have cooled, they are frozen in containers or bags. You can first freeze the pods in bulk on a plate or sheet, and then pour them into a bag.

Frozen Vegetable Dressing Recipe

You can make and freeze seasoning from vegetables. Chop peppers, tomatoes, garlic, onions, dill, parsley and basil and freeze in small glasses. Proportions - to taste. The mixture completely retains its taste, and in winter it is suitable for preparing meat dishes, vegetable stews, borscht, soup, and sauces.

We store frozen

For proper storage vegetable preparations The temperature in the freezer should be at least minus 18 degrees. In this case, the products can be stored for up to 12 months.

An important storage condition is a separate box in the freezer. Freezing quickly absorbs other odors; it should always be placed separately from other foods.
