What are energy drinks and their harm. The negative impact of energy drinks on the body. Description and composition of energy drinks

Energy drinks have been controversial since their inception.: some consider them incredibly useful, empowering, energizing and supporting the body in an extreme situation; others, on the contrary, grumble at them, citing many arguments about their uselessness and even about their insecurity.

What are energy drinks

Energy drinks (or as they are also called energy tonics) are low-alcohol or non-alcoholic formulations, where the emphasis is mainly on the antisedative effect and the possibility of temporary, but very active stimulation of the nervous system.

The main contingent of their consumers are students (especially at the time of the session), office workers seeking to complete urgent work in a short period of time, trainers in fitness clubs, frequenters of nightclubs, tired drivers and all those who want to get a surge of energy and vigor.

Energy drinks are usually included in the category of highly carbonated drinks., since this property has an impact on the speedy absorption of the substances contained in it and the immediate onset of the effect.

Composition of energy drinks

Part energy drinks includes a range of tonic components. Their assortment largely depends on the manufacturer and type of drink (low alcohol / non-alcoholic), but more often than others, energy drinks are saturated with caffeine and other stimulants - usually cocoa alkaloids (theophylline) and theobromine, which are caffeine homologues.

In some cases, instead of caffeine itself, the components of energy drinks are extracts of mate, tea or guarana, which also contain it. The use of other names for caffeine is also noted - for example, theine or mateine, which are actually the same invigorating substance. In general, the concentration of caffeine in energy drinks reaches 240-360 mg per liter, with a permissible maximum per day of 150 mg.

In addition, manufacturers often saturate tonics with vitamins: they are “stuffed” so much that one jar is enough to replenish daily requirement. However, do not think that all types of energy drinks contain the same amount of vitamins - some have a whole norm added, others - only half of it. Therefore, doctors advise limiting the use of energy drinks to 1 can per day.

Also, they often contain easily digestible energy sources - that is, carbohydrates (sucrose and glucose), adaptogens, and so on. AT recent times energy drinks began to saturate with taurine.

The figures indicated on the packaging are usually given for 100 grams of the product. For best ratio it is worth paying attention to the volume of one can, which, as a rule, ranges from 0.2 to 0.33 liters, often 0.5 liters, and already quite like an exception - 1 liter.

The benefits of energy drinks

Energy drinks are great for boosting your mood and stimulating your brain. At the same time, there are so many energy drinks today that everyone will find exactly what they need, based on their personal needs. The fact is that all energy drinks are conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • in some, the emphasis is on carbohydrates and vitamins (these are suitable for those in need of urgent stimulation of mental abilities and the inclusion of the hidden reserves of the body),
  • in others - for caffeine (they are chosen by those who need to maintain vigor after hours to delay sleep, and those who experience increased physical exertion).

In addition, the glucose contained in energy drinks quickly enters the bloodstream, taking part in oxidative processes, providing muscles, the brain and other organs with energy.

Another one of positive aspects of energy drinks is that they keep the body invigorated much longer than coffee: this ratio is in favor of energy drinks - 1-2 hours versus 3-4 hours. Among other things, they are also saturated with gases, which several times accelerates the onset of their effects .

An important difference between energy drinks and the same coffee is that the latter cannot be carried everywhere with you, consumed at the right time, while energy tonics, thanks to a sealed and convenient container, can.

The dangers of energy drinks

The most dangerous is the addiction that the systematic use of energy drinks causes. Without them, the body after a certain period begins to feel an energy decline, exhaustion, lethargy, which makes a person again and again remove the unfavorable state that has fallen on him with some kind of energy tonic.

Energy drinks also provoke problems in the work of blood vessels and the heart., reduce potency, cause insomnia, rapid depletion of the body's natural resources, fatigue. Due to the increased doses of all kinds of substances and their concentration in incredibly large quantities, energy drinks cause:

  • anxiety,
  • excessive arousal,
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat),
  • surge blood pressure,
  • vomiting and nausea,
  • tremor of the limbs (involuntary trembling),
  • arrhythmia
  • increased release of sugar into the blood,
  • long term depression
  • depletion of the NA,
  • unmotivated anxiety.

This is especially true for energy drinks with bioactive additives.

Who Shouldn't Drink Energy Drinks

It should be noted that there are a number of strict restrictions and contraindications in the use of energy drinks due to the increased saturation with a variety of drugs and substances. Energy drinks should not be drunk:

  • people with an excitable nervous system,
  • sensitive to caffeine
  • suffering from extreme restlessness,
  • prone to sleep disorders
  • glaucoma patients,
  • rapidly losing control
  • having abnormalities in the work of the heart and blood vessels,
  • patients with hypertension
  • old people
  • teenagers
  • children
  • pregnant women
  • nursing mothers.

They should also be used with caution by those who are actively involved in fitness: the caffeine contained in them has a strong diuretic effect, and multiplied several times it can negatively affect the health of the trainees, because during the session they already have a strong sweating (loss liquids). Therefore, everything can end with dehydration of the body.

However, this is not the only danger for athletes: they are forbidden to drink energy drinks after exercise also because they increase blood pressure, which already becomes high during exercise. Hence the risk of a hypertensive crisis, at best.

Energy drinks are also contraindicated for those who abuse alcohol or mix them.. In this situation, a sharp jump in pressure is also provided and can play a cruel joke with a person, provoking anything - even cardiac arrest. The fact is that on the one hand, caffeine increases pressure, and on the other hand, alcohol greatly enhances its effect.

I can not anymore.....

Almost three years ago I met a man, he is married. Initially, this relationship did not portend anything serious or tragic, but everything unfolded in a completely different direction. Gradually I realized...

Energy drinks are very popular among different segments of the population. Gamers, students, athletes, drivers who are driving all night. This is a profitable business for manufacturers, the turnover of which is estimated at tens of billions of dollars. The popularity of these drinks is growing every year. A large number of people consume energy drinks constantly, can they be harmful? In short - Yes.

They destroy health, cause heart problems, high pressure, obesity, diabetes and anxiety, insomnia and a whole bunch of dangerous disorders. In rare cases there were even deaths.

We have tried our best to deal with this issue on the pages of our website.

A Growing Public Health Problem

In 2011, a 16-year-old girl named Sarah went to a party where she consumed several alcoholic energy drinks. Strong vomiting began. The comrades thought that she drank too much alcohol and therefore she became ill. At 11 pm the next day, her parents came into the room to wake her up. The girl was dead. An autopsy showed that there was only 0.4 ppm of alcohol in the blood. Not enough to die from alcohol poisoning. The girl's father, a chemist by training, believes energy drinks are the culprit.

In 2011, a few days before Christmas, a 14-year-old boy died of a heart attack. 48 hours before his death, the guy drank 4 cans of energy drinks. In total, he consumed about 500 milligrams of caffeine, one-tenth the lethal but nearly five times the recommended dose. Doctors suggested that energy drinks had an effect on a latent congenital heart defect.

They are not the only victims. In 2015, a 28-year-old young man almost died of a heart attack after drinking 8 cans of the drink. They managed to save him. He loved them very much and constantly used them in large quantities.

Even popular athletes suffer from the harm caused by energy drinks.

In 2003, the popular US wrestler Steve Austin, nicknamed "Stone Cold" was hospitalized with a severe heartbeat. He suggests that this is all due to the fact that he used, according to him, 2-5 cans of energy drinks a day, which harmed his health.
“I felt like I was dying,” Austin recalls the events of that evening. My heart was beating so hard, I thought it would jump out of my chest. It beat at a speed of 180 beats per minute. My legs were shaking and I couldn't help it.

From 2004 to 2014, energy drinks were a confirmed cause of at least 34 deaths in the US alone. Unfortunately, the real picture shows that there can be many more of them. Deaths from caffeine can be confused with other causes, so the statistics are most likely very underestimated. Many physicians around the world believe that the situation much more critical. Thousands of people have been hospitalized with symptoms that energy drinks cause, including insomnia, anxiety, seizures, high blood pressure, heart attacks and other cardiovascular complications.

How does your body react to energy drinks?

When we need a recharge, there are many options. Energy drinks are a chemical cocktail of caffeine, sugar, and a host of other ingredients, some of which, like vitamins and herbs, may look good for your health.

What makes them so dangerous?

One study looked at the effect one can had on your health. Conclusions?
Blood pressure jumped almost 10 points within 30 minutes of taking it. The content of the stress hormone, norepinephrine, increased by 75 percent. This hormone increases the production of cortisone, causing the risk of increased excess weight.

Energy drink manufacturers claim that their products are safe when consumed in the recommended amounts. Do you know what the maximum recommended dose is? For most brands, that's two or three cans a day. For some, only one.

These warnings are easy to miss. Manufacturers usually hide them in small print on the back so that few people bother to read. These companies benefit from you consuming as many of their products as possible.

There are two main dangers - neurological and cardiological. In other words, your nervous system and heart. These problems are caused by the same ingredients that make you awake - mind-boggling. high levels caffeine and sugar.

Energy drinks high in sugar

Energy drinks can contain up to 78 grams of sugar per small can. That's 20 teaspoons of sugar each time. Is not healthy food. Every time you drink one can, you get about 300 junk calories. That's 35 minutes of non-stop push-ups.

Even if you exercise enough to burn those extra calories and you were not threatened by diabetes, and weight gain, sugar can still damage your health. Excess sugar is one of the leading causes in heart disease. One study found that people who consumed 25% or more of their daily calories in the form of sugar - doubled their chance of dying from heart problems.

Many companies have sugar-free products, but what do they use to replace it? such as aspartame may even be more harmful to your health than regular sugar. They can disrupt your metabolism, promote obesity, and promote diabetes and cancer.

Energy drinks as a source of caffeine

Exact amounts vary, but on average, energy drinks contain about 70-100 mg of caffeine—about the same amount as a cup of coffee. This is not very dangerous for a healthy adult. Caffeine is toxic but generally safe in small amounts. The problem lies in the mixing of caffeine and other energy stimulants such as taurine. This chemical cocktail can cause health problems, including genetic disorders which you may not even be aware of.

This is probably what happened with that 16 year old girl at the party. She was diagnosed with a heart condition called mitral valve prolapse, a common condition that affects 1 in 20 people on average. She only drank two energy drinks in 24 hours. It doesn't seem like a lot, but combined with her illness, it was enough to lead to tragic consequences.

Energy drinks and kids

This accident is unlikely to be the last. The use of energy drinks by young people is on the rise around the world. Culture and the media influence our diet in many ways, both directly and indirectly. Because of this, young people are more likely to see energy drinks as a regular soda. During a 2014 study, it was estimated that 68% of teenagers and 18% of children under the age of 10 drink energy drinks.

While caffeine is safe in small amounts for healthy people, it is a proven health risk for children. Nearly 50% of people who died from the effects of caffeine were under 19 years of age. Teenagers should be limited to no more than 100mg of caffeine per day. Children aged 4-6 years should consume no more than 45 mg per day. For younger children, this number should be zero.

Unlike cigarettes and alcohol, throughout the time there were no restrictions when buying energy drinks in Russia. It was only very recently that a bill was passed regulating the sale to minors. The essence of the law is simple - a complete ban on sales to minors.

Energy drinks and alcohol

Some studies have found a slight, short-lived rise, while others have found no significant difference. The truth is that there is no magic potion that will lead you to victory.

Our bodies quickly develop immunity to stimulants like caffeine and sugar, and long-term abuse leads to unwanted side effects. Often the reaction to caffeine is unstable bowel movements, shortness of breath and restlessness. Together with sugar, the risk of excess weight increases and diabetes. They can cause insomnia and other sleep disorders. Studies have shown that energy drinks significantly increased anxiety levels in athletes.

Aluminum: Hidden harm to the body

There is another potential source of intoxication in energy drinks that you probably didn't think of. Aluminum cans have been the standard beverage container for decades, but aluminum is toxic to human body metal. Fortunately, no one eats the can after drinking the drink, but the acidic environment caused by the energy drink causes the material to break down and contaminate the drink.

The average Russian consumes about 7-9 mg of aluminum per day from food and drink. If it enters the body not a large number of aluminum through food and water, your body's natural detoxification processes filter out these toxins without issue. Consuming excessive amounts of canned drinks over a long period is a different story.

When you consume toxic substances faster than your body can eliminate them, they accumulate in your body. Those who already have kidney and liver problems are at particular risk due to their reduced ability to filter out toxins.

Elevated aluminum levels can cause brain, bone, and nervous system disorders, including confusion, muscle weakness, bone fragility, and seizures. In children, aluminum poisoning can affect mental and physical development. mix your own fresh drinks home is the best thing you can do to quench your thirst and rebalance, but I understand that this is not always practical. If you need to buy store-bought water, then buy what is packaged in glass containers.

Hello my dear! I went to the store today and stumbled upon a shelf with energy drinks. Beautiful jars with alluring names that promise you just a stream of endless energy.

To be honest, I almost never buy these drinks for myself, because I don’t like their taste.

However, recently the rhythm of my life has become such that it did not hurt to get some kind of doping that would allow me to fit 48 hours into a day.

But remembering that energy drinks are something very harmful, at first I decided to find out everything on the topic: “The benefits and harms of energy drinks.”

What are the benefits and harms of energy drinks?

Dive into history

Since ancient times, people have been looking for a magical elixir that would help them sleep less and get more done. The ancient Greeks, for example, believed that the gods from Olympus drink nectar and ambrosia, and in the Caucasus, tan and ayran became drinks of longevity.

Mankind has been experimenting with products for centuries to find out what will give him, if not immortality, then at least many hours of energy. We will also talk a little about natural energy, but now we will remain within the framework of the topic.

The first power engineers appeared before our era. Then a breakthrough was made by a German abbess who bore the beautiful name of Hildegard von Bingen. She came up with the idea of ​​mixing different herbs that had an invigorating effect.

In 1927, a British man named Thomas Beecham decided to make glucose syrup for recovery after illness. He called it Glukozad (then the first letter was removed).

Lukozad lived until the end of the last century. It is Lukozad that can be considered an energy drink, because it included components that can be found in modern drinks of a similar nature: water, glucose, citric and lactic acid, caffeine, ascorbic acid and some others. This mixture was carbonated and bottled.

In 1962, the Japanese launched their analogue on the market, which was called Lipovitan. It was sold in special bottles, similar to glass medicine bottles with a small dosage of 100 ml, and they are produced by pharmaceutical companies.

In Asian countries such as Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia, you can still find these in a wide range. In Europe, to this day, by the way, they can only be sold in pharmacies.

The popularity of such "energizers" is very high here, for example, only in Japan they buy about 2 million bottles per day. However, Europe and America consume enough energy drinks to give the producers of this product a chance to flourish: their profits are now measured in billions of dollars.

heyday modern power engineers fell at the end of the 80s - the beginning of the 90s, thanks to the Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz, who actually decided to open this business after visiting a Hong Kong bar. It was he who founded the company that began to produce the well-known Red Bull.

Moreover, the main difference of this product is that it gives energy, but is not alcoholic.

What are energy sources made of?

The standard composition of the energy drink is caffeine and water. Sometimes tea extract, mate or guarana, which also contain caffeine, is added instead.

True, it has a slightly different name such as matein or tein. Other stimulants may also be included, such as cocoa alkaloids such as theophylline and theobromine.

A good source of energy is carbohydrates (sucrose and glucose) and manufacturers of such products did not fail to take advantage of their invigorating properties. As part of modern drinks you can almost always find taurine.

By the way, do you know why all energy drinks are carbonated? Carbonic acid or those same bubbles help to absorb all the components of the liquid much faster. In addition, it allows the product to last longer.

What other components can contain energy drinks? If you analyze the labels, you can find ethanol(very rarely), ascorbic, nicotinic, pantothenic, folic acid, maltodextrin, pyrodoxine, glucuronolactone, theobromine, inositol, L-carnitine, D-ribose, and ginseng extract.

How do energetics work on us?

A small jar of the drink often contains a daily dose of vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, you should not abuse it and drink several cups of tea a day. But caffeine is usually not so much: about the same as in a glass of coffee.

So if you choose this product based on this criterion, then it is better to cheer up with these hot or cold drinks. That is, in fact, it's just coffee with vitamins.

All this provides a longer invigorating effect: if the coffee will work for one or two hours, then the energy drink will work for about three to four hours.

Of course, to drink a cup of fragrant freshly ground coffee, you need suitable conditions: at least the presence of a stove nearby. To use the energy drink, just open the jar.

  • Just 100 milligrams of caffeine activates the brain, and a double dose stimulates the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  • The taurine mentioned above is an amino acid that accumulates in our muscles. There is an opinion that it helps the work of the heart muscle, but some doctors believe that this substance has no effect on our body.
  • Carnitine is found in the cells of the body. It normalizes metabolism and prevents us from getting tired quickly.
  • Ginseng and guarana are well-known tonic plants since ancient times. They help to remove lactic acid from muscle fibers (this acid is the main indicator of our fatigue). So, even after a serious physical activity the muscles will not hurt, and there will be no feeling of “cloggedness” in them. In addition, guarana is a good liver cleanser. excellent remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • B vitamins ensure the functioning of the nervous system and the brain in particular. Contrary to the promises of manufacturers, increasing the dose will not affect your well-being or brain activity in any way.
  • Melatonin will be responsible for your daily rhythms and their correct display.
  • A substance such as matein is extracted from green herbal tea mate. It neutralizes the feeling of hunger and helps us lose weight.

In general, doctors say that if you just want to cheer up and feel better, then an energy jar will be the most suitable tool for this.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the composition. After all, from here you can get just additional energy, or you can get a charge of vitamins.

What should be feared?

  • As I said above, one jar can contain almost daily dose vitamins and trace elements, as well as a large amount of caffeine. Therefore, if you drink more than two of them, you can seriously overload your body. And in the presence of chronic diseases and provoke an exacerbation. It is also fraught with a rise in blood sugar levels and high blood pressure.
  • In some countries, energy drinks can only be bought at a pharmacy. In addition, in the press there were facts of death after drinking such drinks. However, in fairness it should be said that they are almost always combined with the immoderate intake of alcohol or other narcotic stimulants.
  • By the way, vitamins here will not replace you with a full-fledged vitamin complex.
  • If you have problems with cardiovascular system then you'd better never consume such products.
  • Doctors say: even if you are dealing with energy drinks, this does not mean that they contain concentrated energy. You just hold in your hands the "key" that will help open the door to the body's internal reserves. Your body and its systems are mobilizing, but you will have to pay for this breakthrough later. After all, a jar will not replace your good rest. As a retribution, you can get an attack of depression, loss of energy, insomnia or drowsiness, as well as irritability.
    You can thank for this just caffeine, which depletes our nervous system. Another unpleasant side effect from the use of caffeine is the fact that a fairly persistent addiction is developed to it.
  • High doses of vitamin B can cause palpitations and mild seizures.
  • The negative features of the action of caffeine can be attributed to its diuretic effect. That is, if you like to drink a jar of a cocktail during or after a workout, then get ready to lose an additional amount of water, which must be restored.
  • The taurine and glucuronolactone in the drink can be quite tricky. For example, glucuronolactone, unknown to us, is necessary for the body, but often in a jar it is 500 times more than what an ordinary person needs per day. Moreover, not a single scientist has conducted an experiment on how caffeine interacts with these substances and what causes side effects. So what about safety in this case do not have to.
  • Remember that there are risk groups, such as pregnant women, children, the elderly. The resources of their body are less capacious, so they are forbidden to use energy drinks. In this case, you can use the natural energy drinks mentioned above: dried fruits, nuts, fermented milk products, honey, etc.
  • Among the contraindications can be mentioned hypertension, pathologies associated with the work of the heart and blood vessels, glaucoma, irritability.
  • Consider also the fact that the period complete elimination caffeine from the body is quite long: from 5 hours and above. Therefore, at this time, you should not drink other drinks that contain caffeine.

How to switch to a healthy diet and learn ways to get energy without doping?

I don’t know about you, but I decided that the use of such drinks should not only be rare, but episodic. The risks of harming health are quite high, and you will have to pay for the effect for a long time. Moreover, I have long known safer ways to get additional energy. For example, by adjusting the power supply.

Many of us have heard the expression "healthy eating". And this concept does not mean that you have to diet all your life. Any scheme healthy eating associated with two principles: you need to eat in moderation and varied.

If you want to learn how to be cheerful always and everywhere, never complain about digestion and exacerbations of chronic diseases, then you urgently need to look here:

Moreover, this system will allow you to become not only healthy, but also to live for many years, feeling great. I advise not just like that, I went through this path myself.

Will see you tomorrow and talk again about what is important to us.

Energy drink ads are colorful and original. Manufacturers promise that their compositions will inspire the consumer, fill them with strength, turn either into Carlson or Superman. Power engineers are really able to help a student learn the material of the whole semester a few nights before the exam, a minibus driver or a truck driver - almost around the clock to drive a car in difficult conditions, a frequenter of discos - to dance all night long, and in the morning go to work or study.

However, doctors are less optimistic: as the popularity of energy drinks grows, serious diseases of the vessels, liver, pancreas, and nervous system become much younger. To understand the benefits and harms of energy drinks, let's look at their composition.

Types of power engineers

There are two main types of energy drinks (stimulants):

  • non-alcoholic;
  • low alcohol.

Non-alcoholic and low-alcohol energy drinks may contain:

  • caffeine, theine, mateine ​​are alkaloids. Substances tone up, stimulate the brain, increase blood pressure, muffle the feeling of hunger;
  • theobromine is an extract from cocoa beans. It is an alkaloid similar in action to caffeine;
  • taurine - participates in metabolic processes, affects the lowering of blood glucose and blood pressure;
  • extracts of ginseng, guarana, lemongrass, echinacea - plants that are traditionally used in folk medicine to strengthen the body and quickly restore strength;
  • carnitine - accelerates fat metabolism and increases appetite;
  • melatonin - a hormone that regulates the frequency of sleep and affects the endocrine system;
  • vitamins of group B - substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and are necessary for the correct transmission of signals between neurons;
  • sweeteners and other flavorings, flavorings, food colorings, preservatives.

In addition to stimulants, isotonics (sports catalysts) are available for sale, designed for athletes who need to replenish their strength after training. Isotonics are a powder or diluted in water mixture of salts, vitamins and flavor additives.

Features of non-alcoholic energy drinks

By carefully studying the composition of non-alcoholic energy drinks, we can conclude that they consist of only useful products. The problem is that there are too many of these substances in drinks (often several daily doses) and they combine in a very bizarre way. It is impossible to predict in advance how the body will react to a shock dose of compounds, some of which increase pressure, others lower it, and others stimulate work. endocrine system. Carbonic acid, which is a mandatory part of drinks, accelerates their absorption into the bloodstream and enhances the effect. Due to the high content of sweeteners, blood sugar immediately rises.

All ingredients of energy drinks increase efficiency by releasing hidden reserves of the body. The benefits of energy drinks to the body are about the same as from an artificial increase in the frequency of the processor - to the computer. The processor is easy to overclock, but it will burn out much faster after that.

Alkaloids (caffeine, mateine, theobromine) are gradually addictive. A lover of energy drinks has a decrease in the natural production of adrenaline, as a result, a person, without drinking a tonic drink, feels lethargic, overwhelmed. Too much large quantities B vitamins contribute to irritability, in severe cases, hands begin to tremble, mental activity worsens. There is an addiction similar to a drug addiction.

Alcohol energy drinks cause addiction

Features of low-alcohol energy drinks

Low-alcohol energy drinks can contain up to 9% alcohol. This means that in a 250 ml aluminum can there is up to 22.5 ml of pure ethanol, in terms of vodka almost 56 ml. The same energy bank with a strength of 5% is equivalent to 31 ml of vodka.

Alcohol only at the very beginning invigorates, after 45 - 60 minutes it has a sedative effect. The tonic substances of the energy drink work for 2-3 hours. There is a neutralization of two effects: excitatory and inhibitory. Even healthy body barely copes with such a load, but the person who begins to fall asleep drinks a new portion of the energy drink.

Excessive addiction to low-alcohol energy drinks is a direct path to alcoholism. A person who deliberately uses strong alcohol, usually observes the culture of drinking: he drinks a little, savoring, snacks, tries not to exceed his own norm. But alcohol is almost not felt in energy drinks, their lover drinks can after can.

It must be remembered that low-alcohol energy drinks are not a means to stimulate working capacity, but alcoholic cocktails. In moderation, they are acceptable during parties and feasts. Better to avoid low-alcohol energy drinks with caffeine, mateine ​​and theobromine, these drinks are the most harmful.

How to choose the right energy

The benefits of energy drinks are very doubtful, but if you need to urgently restore strength, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • to choose non-alcoholic energy drinks containing any one tonic: either caffeine (mateine, theobromine), or plant extracts. Energy drinks with natural herbal extracts are preferred;
  • you can not use more than 250-300 ml of energy per day;
  • maximum allowable monthly dose - 6 aluminum cans;
  • coffee, carbon dioxide and alcohol dehydrate the body. After drinking the energy drink, you need to drink at least 0.5 liters of water in several doses;
  • the daily norm of caffeine is no more than 300 ml (no more than 100-120 ml at a time). You need to carefully read how much caffeine is contained in the drink. Energy drinks should not be taken with coffee or chocolate;
  • choose energy drinks with a minimum content of dyes and flavors (these substances are carcinogenic).

Contraindications to the use of energy drinks

It is forbidden to drink any energy drinks in case of diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • endocrine system (especially in diabetes);
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver and kidneys;
  • nervous system.

Power engineers are an invention of the second half of the 20th century, and if desired, they can be easily replaced. For centuries, people have increased their efficiency by eating foods containing vitamin C: apples, citrus fruits. A mixture of apple, pumpkin and carrot juices gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. To overcome drowsiness, you can eat a chocolate bar, drink coffee or cocoa. If you want unusual taste, then at a party it is better to order a cocktail with quality alcohol. Frequent artificial stimulation of the body with energy drinks is a threat to health.

Man has always wanted to invent a perpetual motion machine, and now, it seems, the solution has already been found, if there is fatigue, no strength or no desire to do anything - you need to drink an energy drink, it will invigorate, give strength, increase working potential.

Manufacturers of "energy drinks" claim that their products bring only benefits - just one jar of a miracle drink, and a person is again fresh, cheerful and efficient. However, many doctors and scientists oppose such drinks, arguing that they are harmful to the body. Let's see how energy works on the body. What is more in them, good or bad?

Ingredients of energy drinks:

Currently, dozens of different names are being produced, but their principle of operation and composition are approximately the same.

First of all, energy drinks contain caffeine, which stimulates brain activity.

  • Another indispensable component - oxidizes fatty acids.
  • Matein - This substance is obtained from the South American "mate", it dulls the feeling of hunger and promotes weight loss.
  • Natural ginseng and guarana tonics tone up, activate the body's defenses, remove lactic acid from cells and help cleanse the liver.
  • Glucose and a complex of essential vitamins, including those that normalize the functioning of the nervous system and brain.
  • Energy drinks also contain melatonin, which is responsible for the human circadian rhythm, and taurine, a powerful antioxidant.

In addition, the composition of energy drinks includes carbohydrates: glucose, sucrose, fructose, as well as flavorings, dyes, flavoring and nutritional supplements. These additional inclusions are often harmful in themselves, and being in the composition of the drink, they can naturally harm the body.

When do they drink energy drinks and how do energy drinks affect the body:

Energy drinks are used when necessary to cheer up, focus, stimulate the brain.

  • The invigorating effect after taking the traditional lasts a couple of hours, and after the energy drink 4-5, but then comes sharp deterioration well-being (insomnia, headache, depression).
  • All energy drinks are carbonated, which allows them to act almost instantly, but on the other hand, soda causes tooth decay, increases sugar levels and reduces the body's defenses.

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  • Energy drinks increase blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
  • The drink itself does not saturate the body with energy, but acts at the expense of the internal reserves of the body, that is, after drinking an energy drink, you seem to have taken strength “on credit” from yourself.
  • After the effect of the energy drink is over, insomnia, irritability, fatigue and depression will set in.
  • A large amount of caffeine depletes the nervous system and is addictive.
  • Excessive intake of vitamin B from an energy drink increases the heart rate and causes tremors in the limbs.
  • Almost every energy drink is high in calories.
  • An overdose of energy drinks can cause side effects: psychomotor agitation, nervousness, depression, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Mixing energy drinks with caffeinated drinks.
