Minced meat with onions and tomato paste. Simple second: cook pasta with minced meat and tomato paste

Text: Vera Mikhailova

After a long day of work, the last thing you want is to stand at the stove for hours, but this does not mean that you need to deny yourself delicious and gourmet dishes. If you need to feed your loved ones as soon as possible, stop at pasta with minced meat - tasty, satisfying and easy.

Cooking pasta with minced meat

For cooking pasta with minced meat You can use ground beef, pork or even chicken. The latter cooks especially quickly. A mixture of two types of minced meat - beef and pork - goes well with pasta.

Minced meat is fried separately, best on olive oil, with the addition of vegetables and other ingredients, the sauce is prepared along with the minced meat. The pasta is cooked until al dente, remaining slightly elastic on the outside.

Pasta with minced meat - recipes

Pasta with minced meat and tomatoes.

Ingredients: 400g spaghetti, 500g meat ground beef, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 4 tomatoes, 4 tbsp. tomato paste, half a glass of dry red or white wine, olive oil, basil, oregano, salt, black ground pepper.

Preparation: heat the oil, add finely chopped garlic, wait for the aroma to bloom, remove the garlic, add chopped onion, fry until soft. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut into cubes, add to the onion, after a few minutes add tomato paste, pour in the wine, stir. Add basil, oregano, salt and pepper, reduce heat and simmer until the sauce has reduced in volume by a third, about an hour. Fry the minced meat, add to the tomato sauce, keep covered for half an hour. When serving, pour sauce over boiled spaghetti and sprinkle with grated Parmesan.

Pasta with minced meat and beans.

Ingredients: 400g minced pork and beef, 1 onion, 100g green beans, 100g frozen peas, 400g canned own juice tomatoes, 1 clove of garlic, olive oil, green onions, greens, black pepper, red pepper, paprika, sugar, hard cheese parmesan, 1 pack of spaghetti.

Preparation: fry the chopped garlic in olive oil, remove it from the pan, add the chopped onion, after 3 minutes - minced meat, after 2 minutes - beans and peas. Fry a little and add chopped tomatoes with juice, salt, pepper, add a little sugar and simmer for 7 minutes. At the end, add the greens and onions. Place some boiled spaghetti on plates, a little sauce on top, more spaghetti and sauce, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and finely chopped onion on top.

Pasta with minced meat is a filling and high-calorie dish. Skip the first one and serve the pasta with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.

This savory dish, like tomatoes, refers to recipes Italian cuisine. Therefore, sometimes this dish and the recipe for its preparation can be found in various sources, including on the Internet, under the name Italian pasta with minced meat and tomatoes, which, in general, means the same dish. It is considered quite popular, so photos of pasta with minced meat can be easily found on the World Wide Web.

Ingredients for pasta with minced meat and tomatoes:

  • Italian pasta - 0.4 kg
  • minced meat - 0.4 kg
  • tomatoes - 0.25 kg
  • carrots - 0.2 kg
  • onions - 0.15 kg
  • cook or sea ​​salt- taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • Sunflower or olive oil - for frying vegetables

How to cook:

There are several options for preparing this dish, which different areas Italy is prepared taking into account local flavor.

Cooking option No. 1

This stuffed pasta is prepared in the following way:

  1. We choose whole-fruit tomatoes without signs of spoilage or rotting. Wash in a colander, wipe or dry, then cut into squares.
  2. We select carrot roots according to the same parameters as tomatoes; after washing and drying, we grate them using a medium-sized socket.
  3. We also peel the onions and cut them into small pieces.
  4. Cook Italian pasta according to the instructions on the box.
  5. Heat the oil on a baking sheet, then place it in onion and carrots. After lightly roasting vegetable mixture add the tomatoes and continue to fry for about 5 minutes.
  6. Add to stewed vegetables minced meat, salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Boiled until full readiness Italian pasta remove from the heat and place in a colander, allowing the aqueous solution to drain.
  8. Mix the finished product with fried minced meat and stewed vegetable stew to a uniform mass.
  9. Decorate ready dish greens, then serve.

Pasta with tomatoes and minced meat - option No. 2

We offer more spicy variety pasta with minced meat and tomatoes, the recipe of which is used by the inhabitants of southern Italy - Neapolitans and Genoese. To the above ingredients add 2 cloves of garlic and basil to taste. Such options for preparing the product according to this recipe are shown in the photo on the Internet and are quite popular among lovers of Italian cuisine.

There are some changes in the cooking method for this recipe. In this case, you need to add the following steps:

  1. Peel the garlic cloves and squeeze through the garlic press.
  2. Rinse the greens with water, dry and cut into small pieces.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and make cuts on the vegetables. Blanch them in boiling water for 1 minute. After this, slowly remove the outer skin and grate the vegetable pulp on a medium grater or pass through a blender.

The remaining steps are similar to those above, as in option No. 1. This stuffed pasta turns out to be more spicy and piquant, it is perfect for lovers of spicy seasonings.

Option #3

Our visitors are offered a third cooking option stuffed pasta, the recipe of which is popular in the northern regions of Italy - in Milan and Turin. Main feature is to use exclusively minced beef, adding Parmesan cheese, cherry tomatoes and herbs - thyme.

Required components:

  • 0.3 kg minced beef
  • 150 g onions
  • 5 g ground black pepper
  • 0.2 kg rigatoni pasta
  • 30 g sunflower or olive oil
  • 0.3 kg cherry tomatoes
  • 5 g salt
  • 5 g thyme
  • 200 g finely grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 cloves garlic

Cooking instructions:

  1. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
  2. Heat sunflower or olive oil in a baking tray, add chopped vegetables there and simmer until completely transparent.
  3. Add minced meat to the onion and garlic and cook until browned.
  4. Cut the cherry into 4 parts and place in a baking tray.
  5. Add thyme and salt to taste. Simmer until the tomatoes begin to juice.
  6. Cook the pasta in salted water until tender.
  7. Sprinkle the rigatoni with Parmesan and serve with minced meat and tomatoes.

Bon appetit!

Bolognese pasta recipe with minced meat

Bolognese pasta with minced meat - very popular Italian dish, the recipe of which is on the menu of most restaurants in the world. And housewives in different parts of the world prepare it for their families. Bolognese pasta has a distinct taste and many fans of this dish in different parts of the world.

To prepare bolognese pasta with minced meat we will need:

  • paste - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • stem celery - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • minced meat (meyan beef) - 200 g;
  • tomato puree not tomato paste!) - 150 g;
  • cream 35% - 1/4 cup;
  • mozzarella or other cheese to taste) - 50 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oregano, dried basil) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste .


  1. Cut carrots, onions and celery into small cubes.
  2. Pour olive oil into a pan and fry chopped onions, carrots, celery, peeled and finely chopped garlic.
  3. Fry until soft.
  4. Prepare minced beef.
  5. Add minced meat to vegetables fried until soft.
  6. Add salt and pepper. Stir all the time. Fry until done, but never overcook.
  7. Add tomato puree, oregano, basil. Simmer for 5 minutes, don’t forget to stir!
  8. Add hot water and leave to simmer for 30 minutes on low heat.
  9. Boil pasta according to package instructions. Place the finished pasta in a sieve to drain excess water.
  10. IN ready sauce add cream, preferably there is cream room temperature, as a last resort - they must be warmed up.
  11. Place the pasta into the sauce and mix thoroughly.
  12. Now transfer the pasta and sauce to the dish in which it will be served. You can do it in portions, or you can use a large dish.
  13. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  14. Sprinkle pasta with sauce generously with grated cheese. Don't skimp on the cheese. Place on a tray and send the Bolognese pasta to hot oven. Oven temperature is about 200 degrees. Check the time for yourself - until completely browned, the cheese should be baked until beautifully browned.
  15. Remove the bolognese pasta with minced meat from the oven. The cheese should be browned as in the photo.
  16. Let's take the first sample.
  17. The dish should be eaten hot as soon as it is taken out of the oven, but be careful not to burn yourself. Bolognese pasta with minced meat turns out amazingly tasty.

Bon appetit!

Pasta with minced meat and tomatoes

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • Spaghetti - 400 Grams
  • Minced meat - 500 grams
  • Onions - 2 pieces
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Bell pepper - 2 pieces
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Tomato paste - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Spices - To taste

Step by step:

  1. Prepare your ingredients.
  2. First place the minced meat in a heated frying pan and fry until golden brown.
  3. Be sure to stir so that there are no lumps.
  4. In the meantime, we are cutting vegetables. Finely dice the onion, grate three carrots, cut the pepper into strips, and the tomatoes need to be scalded, peeled and also cut into cubes.
  5. Add onions and carrots to the minced meat.
  6. Fry over high heat for 10 minutes.
  7. Then reduce the heat and add the remaining vegetables. And also chopped or squeezed garlic.
  8. Add tomato paste and spices, simmer for 15 minutes with the lid closed.
  9. In the meantime, I think you guessed to set the pasta to cook. Drain the water from the cooked spaghetti.
  10. You can simply serve the prepared pasta with minced meat and tomatoes, placing the minced meat on top of the pasta, but I like to mix everything. That's all. Bon appetit!

How to cook pasta with minced meat

Required Products:

  • bulb;
  • 1 – 2 cloves of garlic;
  • olive/vegetable oil;
  • 500 – 600 g lean minced meat;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • salt, pepper, dried oregano and basil;
  • 250 g spaghetti.

Cooking spaghetti with minced meat:

  1. Fry finely chopped onion and garlic in oil.
  2. Add minced meat, preferably a mixture of beef and lean pork, and fry for 7 - 10 minutes.
  3. Cut the pepper into cubes and mix with the minced meat. One pepper can be replaced with eggplant or zucchini.
  4. Season spicy herbs, salt and pepper.
  5. Tomatoes without skin, fresh or in their own juice, chop with a mixer, pour into minced meat, mix and simmer for 20 minutes.
  6. 10 - 15 minutes before the sauce is ready, cook the spaghetti. Important secret, how to cook pasta, for spaghetti, reduce the cooking time so that the long and thin pasta retains some rigidity and turns out “to the tooth.” In addition, they must be lowered into boiling water at the same time, placing them in a pan as they soften. After the water boils again, cook without a lid.
  7. Transfer the pasta to a plate and pour the prepared sauce on top.

To process how to cook delicious pasta, was completely completed and ordinary pasta turned into cooking masterpiece with the aroma of Italy, it is worth sprinkling the finished dish with Parmesan and fresh parsley.

Pasta recipe with minced meat


  • Spaghetti 250 gr.
  • Ground beef 250 gr.
  • Tomato 2 pcs.
  • Tomato paste 1.5 tbsp.
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Flour 1 tbsp.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Dry basil, parsley 1 tsp.
  • Garlic 1 tooth.
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Cheese (optional) to taste


  1. Delicious pasta with minced meat, the recipe for which is presented here, is prepared with thick sauce, reminiscent of the popular Italian “Bolognese”. This is exactly what you need for hearty lunch! Prepare this dish for your loved ones!
  2. Boil the pasta in salted water. When it's ready, drain it in a colander and then put it back into the pan. Add a small piece butter, and then mix everything thoroughly so that the paste does not stick together.
  3. While the pasta is being cooked, prepare the sauce by sautéing a finely chopped onion in a frying pan in olive oil.
  4. Add the minced meat, add salt and simmer everything over moderate heat until the mixture is ready. Pasta recipes like this one are cooked with the lid open.
  5. Grate the tomatoes on a coarse grater and simply discard the skin.
  6. Combine tomato pulp with tomato paste, add basil and parsley, add pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly.
  7. We dilute the flour in? glasses of cold water.
  8. Add the diluted flour to the sauce in a stream and mix everything well again.
  9. Pour the resulting sauce into the minced meat, mix and salt to taste. Simmer the mixture, covered with a lid, for 2-3 minutes. Read more:
  10. Add a finely chopped clove of garlic and simmer for another couple of minutes. Remove from heat.
  11. We serve the dish, beautifully decorated: put the pasta on a plate, forming a “nest”, and meat sauce Place on top of the pasta in the center. If desired, the dish can be sprinkled with grated cheese. Ready! We wish you bon appetit!

Pasta with minced meat and vegetables

What do we need:

  • spaghetti – 250 g
  • minced meat (chicken/beef) – 200 g
  • young zucchini – 2 pcs.
  • paprika – 2 pcs.
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.
  • Parmesan cheese – 200 g
  • egg – 4 pcs.
  • oil, salt, spices - to taste

How to cook pasta for spaghetti with minced meat:

  1. Heat a deep, thick frying pan. Mash the garlic cloves and throw them into the roasting pan. Add the minced meat and stir.
  2. Finely chop the zucchini and paprika and fry in a separate roasting pan.
  3. Beat the eggs very well thick foam, mix with hard cheese flakes.

4. Boil pasta al dente. Add them to the minced meat, stewed vegetables, pour the sauce over everything and place in a preheated oven until cheese sauce won't melt.

Pasta with minced meat and zucchini has already managed to please your loved ones with its piquant taste.

Discover the beautiful original dish Italian cuisine - Bolognese pasta. Juicy notes of tomatoes will make the pasta tender and very fresh, and the meat will play in a completely new way under the unusual mix of flavors.

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes


  • minced meat, 400g
  • pasta, 400g
  • tomato, 250g
  • carrots, 200g
  • onion, 150g
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper

Interesting fact: the word "pasta" has Greek origin and is translated as “a mixture of water and flour.”

Friends, what kind of pasta do you cook most often? With what products and sauces? Share your recipes in the comments.


Italian pasta recipe with minced meat

Pasta with minced meat

Let's cook some amazingly delicious pasta with minced meat. First, let's figure out what ingredients should be used during cooking.

– 300 grams of Italian spaghetti;

300 grams of meat or minced chicken (better minced meat from beef);

– 1.5 tbsp. tomato paste;

– 1 tsp. basil and parsley (spices should be dry);

– grated cheese (sprinkled onto the finished dish)

Calorie content will be 230 kcal.

Preparation will take 30 minutes.

1. First, boil the pasta in slightly salted water. Then we drain them in a colander and put them back into the pan.

Add a piece of butter for flavor and mix well.

3. Meanwhile, grate the tomatoes, after removing the skin.

4. Combine the resulting tomato pulp with tomato paste, adding parsley, basil and pepper. Mix all these ingredients thoroughly.

5. Dilute flour with 50 gr. water and add it there tomato sauce. Mix everything well again.

6. Pour the resulting sauce into the minced meat, mix and add salt to taste. Simmer for 2-3 minutes with the lid closed.

7. At the end of cooking, add crushed garlic and remove from heat.

8. The dish needs to be decorated beautifully. Place the spaghetti on a large plate in the form of a “nest” and put the meat sauce on top. Sprinkle our delicious dish grated cheese and give it a little time to melt!

OK it's all over Now! Our pasta is ready! Bon appetit!


Italian style minced pasta

Main ingredients: Beef, Pork, Pasta

Great idea for something tasty and hearty dinnerpasta with minced meat Italian style. All you need is minced meat, pasta from durum varieties wheat, cheese and your favorite sauce. From these ingredients you can prepare an excellent and even somewhat original dish with a minimum of effort.

Ingredients for preparing Pasta with minced meat in Italian style:

  1. Penne pasta 4 handfuls
  2. Spaghetti sauce 250 milliliters
  3. Cheese 100 grams
  4. Minced meat 200 grams
  5. Onion 1 piece
  6. Ground black pepper to taste
  7. Seasoning for minced meat to taste
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Vegetable oil for frying

Products not suitable? Choose similar recipe from others!

A saucepan, a frying pan, a colander, a spatula, a tablespoon, a grater.

Preparation of pasta with minced meat in Italian:

Step 1: fry the minced meat.

Mix the minced meat with salt, pepper and minced meat spices. Leave the meat to sit in the seasonings 20 minutes, approximately. And then place it in a frying pan with hot oil and simmer until all the juice has evaporated.

At the same time, peel the onions, cut them into cubes and add them to the minced meat when they start to fry. And cook everything together, stirring often, until perfect. That is, until the meat changes color and becomes softer.

Step 2: prepare the pasta.

At the same time, cook the penne separately in salted water. Cook the pasta until al dente, that is, remove it from the pan until 30 seconds earlier than indicated in the instructions.

Step 3: add sauce to the minced meat.

Add to ready minced meat pasta sauce, stir and simmer all together for 2 minutes. It is necessary that the meat is slightly saturated, and the sauce thickens, losing liquid.

Step 4: mix all ingredients.

Add penne pasta to the minced meat and sauce, stir everything together, remove from heat and serve. Just check first if you have enough salt and pepper.

Step 5: serve pasta with minced meat in Italian style.

Place the pasta with minced meat on a plate, sprinkle it with grated cheese on top and start lunch. You can top off the dish with fresh herbs. Delicious, can't stop eating!

It is better to use mixed minced meat so that it is juicy enough, but not greasy.


Appetizing pasta with minced meat and tomatoes

Such a savory dish as pasta with minced meat and tomatoes belongs to the recipes of Italian cuisine. Therefore, sometimes this dish and the recipe for its preparation can be found in various sources, including on the Internet, under the name Italian pasta with minced meat and tomatoes, which, in general, means the same dish. It is considered quite popular, so photos of pasta with minced meat can be easily found on the World Wide Web.

Ingredients for pasta with minced meat and tomatoes

  • Italian pasta - 0.4 kg
  • minced meat - 0.4 kg
  • tomatoes - 0.25 kg
  • carrots - 0.2 kg
  • onions - 0.15 kg
  • table or sea salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • sunflower or olive oil - for frying vegetables

How to cook

The main component of this Italian product Pasta is served, that is, pasta prepared using special technologies from Italy. It is one of the favorite dishes of Italians. In the cuisine of this southern and temperamental people there is great amount recipes for its preparation with various meat and vegetable additives, so pasta with minced meat is one of the dishes where this original Italian ingredient. ABOUT taste qualities It is better to judge this dish by preparing it yourself according to the original Italian recipe, although in the photo the appearance of this dish is quite appetizing.

There are several options for preparing this dish, which in different regions of Italy is prepared taking into account local flavor.

Cooking option No. 1

This stuffed pasta is prepared in the following way:

  1. We choose whole-fruit tomatoes without signs of spoilage or rotting. Wash in a colander, wipe or dry, then cut into squares.
  2. We select carrot roots according to the same parameters as tomatoes; after washing and drying, we grate them using a medium-sized socket.
  3. We also peel the onions and cut them into small pieces.
  4. Cook Italian pasta according to the instructions on the box.
  • Heat the oil on a baking sheet, then place the onions and carrots in it. After lightly frying, add tomatoes to the vegetable mixture and continue frying for about 5 minutes.
  • Add minced meat, salt and pepper to taste to the stewed vegetables.
  • Remove the Italian pasta, boiled until fully cooked, from the heat and place in a colander, allowing the aqueous solution to drain.
  • Mix the finished product with fried minced meat and stewed vegetable stew until a uniform mass is obtained.
  • Decorate the finished dish with herbs, and then serve.

  • Pasta with tomatoes and minced meat - option No. 2

    We offer a spicier variety of pasta with minced meat and tomatoes, the recipe of which is used by residents of southern Italy - Neapolitans and Genoese. To the above ingredients add 2 cloves of garlic and basil to taste. Such options for preparing the product according to this recipe are shown in the photo on the Internet and are quite popular among lovers of Italian cuisine.

    There are some changes in the cooking method for this recipe. In this case, you need to add the following steps:

    1. Peel the garlic cloves and squeeze through the garlic press.
    2. Rinse the greens with water, dry and cut into small pieces.
    3. Wash the tomatoes and make cuts on the vegetables. Blanch them in boiling water for 1 minute. After this, slowly remove the outer skin and grate the vegetable pulp on a medium grater or pass through a blender.

    The remaining steps are similar to those above, as in option No. 1. This stuffed pasta turns out to be more spicy and piquant, it is perfect for lovers of spicy seasonings.

    Our visitors are offered a third option for preparing stuffed pasta, the recipe for which is popular in the northern regions of Italy - in Milan and Turin. The main feature is the use of exclusively minced beef, the addition of Parmesan cheese, cherry tomatoes and herbs - thyme.

    Required components:

    • 0.3 kg minced beef
    • 150 g onions
    • 5 g ground black pepper
    • 0.2 kg rigatoni pasta
    • 30 g sunflower or olive oil
    • 0.3 kg cherry tomatoes
    • 5 g salt
    • 5 g thyme
    • 200 g finely grated parmesan cheese
    • 2 cloves garlic

    Cooking instructions:

    1. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
    2. Heat sunflower or olive oil in a baking tray, add chopped vegetables there and simmer until completely transparent.
    3. Add minced meat to the onion and garlic and cook until browned.
    4. Cut the cherry into 4 parts and place in a baking tray.
    5. Add thyme and salt to taste. Simmer until the tomatoes begin to juice.
    6. Cook the pasta in salted water until tender.
    7. Sprinkle the rigatoni with Parmesan and serve with minced meat and tomatoes.

    Video pasta recipe


    Italian style minced pasta

    Photo: ledi-povar.ru

    Use this recipe to prepare delicious Italian-style minced pasta – this lunch or dinner will delight the whole family!

    Now in Russia and in many other countries we have dishes from pasta, prepared with the addition of minced meat and other products, are often called Italian style the word "pasta". In fact, pasta is the general name used in Italy to refer to any pasta product, as well as dishes prepared from it.

    One of the integral components of any pasta is the sauce - as a rule, it is always present in the dish, combining the pasta with the product used for the filling.

    In this recipe we will tell you how to cook pasta with minced meat in Italian - wonderful dish from pasta, simple and tasty.

    • After cooking you will receive 6 servings
    • Cooking time: 30 minutes 30 minutes


    • minced meat, 400g
    • pasta, 400g
    • tomato, 250g
    • carrots, 200g
    • onion, 150g
    • vegetable oil
    • pepper

    How to cook pasta with minced meat in Italian:

    Photo: vtm.be

    Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package.

    Heat a little oil in a frying pan, add carrots and onions and fry for 5-7 minutes, stirring, then add tomatoes and fry for another 5 minutes.

    Add minced meat to the vegetables, pepper and salt, simmer everything, stirring, over medium heat.

    Drain the pasta in a colander, place in a frying pan with vegetables and minced meat, stir and simmer together for another 2-3 minutes.

    It always tastes better if you sprinkle any pasta dishes with grated cheese when serving!

    My husband and son love pasta. If it were possible, they would use it all the time - morning, lunch and evening. How have I tried to cook it and with what. We have to come up with something new every time: pasta, sauce for it, and some additional salad. I recently read a recipe for bows with minced meat in a magazine and tried to cook it. You know, she sold out with a bang! This option is very similar to Italian pasta with balognese sauce, but is much easier to prepare. Pasta is prepared with minced meat, tomato paste, onions and carrots. All ingredients are easily accessible, and the mince can be rolled up in advance and kept in the freezer. This is what I usually do: when I have extra time and energy, I buy a lot of meat (5-6 kilograms of pork and beef), roll up the minced meat and package it into portioned bags. When you need to cook something from minced meat, I take out 1 bag of this in advance, defrost it, and this way I save a lot of time. Well, I highly recommend not buying ready-made minced meat; homemade is much tastier and of higher quality.

    This homemade minced pasta recipe is amazing! Take the time and effort to prepare this dish. It turns out very tasty and satisfying - what real men need. This pasta must be served with fresh vegetables or vegetable salad, or maybe with a glass of red wine!

    To cook homemade pasta with minced meat and tomato paste, you will need:

    • 200 g of any pasta or pasta (bows, spaghetti pasta, etc.);
    • 1 kg of homemade minced meat (pork + beef);
    • 2 medium carrots;
    • 2 onions;
    • 2 tbsp. with a small pile of tomato paste;
    • 2-3 small cloves of garlic;
    • A little vegetable oil for frying;
    • salt, ground black pepper to taste;
    • some green onions for garnish.

    Pasta recipe with minced meat and tomato paste.

    1. Select carrots that are bright orange. Let's rid it of dirt, peel it and cut it into cubes.

    2. Pour about 2 tbsp into the pan. vegetable oil. It is preferable to choose refined sunflower oil, it is ideal for frying.

    Place the carrot cubes in hot oil and fry for literally 1 minute, until the carrots are half cooked.

    3. Peel the onion and chop finely.

    4. Add chopped onions to carrots.

    6. Take defrosted homemade minced meat. Add it to vegetables.

    7. Immediately, stir the minced meat, breaking up large lumps with a spatula. You won’t be able to get rid of lumps completely, but try to keep them as small as possible.

    8. At first the meat will release juice, but then the juice will evaporate and you will hear a characteristic crackling sound - the meat will begin to fry and a characteristic mark will begin to appear on it. golden crust. Without leaving the pan, stir the minced meat thoroughly so that it browns evenly.

    9. Pour in about a glass and a half of water and add tomato paste.

    10.Cover with a lid and simmer for about 15 minutes over medium heat. During this time, part of the liquid will evaporate, and the rest will turn into tomato sauce.

    11. While the minced meat is stewing, prepare the pasta. Add salt and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to boiling water. Add bows.

    12. Please note that the amount of water is as important as the quality of the paste. For 100 g of paste you need 1 liter of water. Boil as much as indicated on the package. If you bought Italian pasta, then 2 or even 3 cooking times are indicated. We choose the latest option, we are more accustomed to fully prepared pasta.

    Place the finished pasta in a colander and let the water drain completely.

    13. When only 1/3 of the liquid remains, proceed to the next step. Add salt to taste to the prepared meat component. Grate the garlic fine grater, add to the minced meat. Stir and remove from heat. Cover with a lid and leave to brew for a while.

    Place the bows on a warmed flat plate. To do this, scald the plate with boiling water. Place meat on top. Cut some green onions into rings. Sprinkle hot pasta with minced meat and serve immediately. Because the plate is hot, the pasta will remain warm for a long time. After all, you only need to eat hot pasta. Bon appetit!

    The simplest combination of products is spaghetti with minced meat. This dish can be prepared in a matter of minutes and still satisfy you. big family. You can choose any minced meat - both single-component and compound.

    Ingredients: half a carrot, 1 tbsp. spoon of flour, 30 g butter, 320 g spaghetti, onion, 240 g any minced meat, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, spices, a pinch of sugar, garlic to taste, salt.

    1. Cook the pasta until fully cooked according to the instructions. Next, the water is drained from them and oil is added.
    2. Vegetables are first fried in a frying pan. Then the onions and carrots are cooked together with the minced meat. The mass is salted, sprinkled with spices and flour.
    3. When the products are well fried, tomato paste is added to them. Approximately 2/3 is poured in hot water, add a pinch of sand and crushed garlic.
    4. The mass is simmered for 8-9 minutes over low heat.
    5. Ready-made spaghetti is laid out on plates in portions. The resulting sauce with meat is distributed on top.

    You can decorate spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste with grated cheese.

    Ingredients: 240-270 g spaghetti, medium carrot, 2 large spoons of tomato paste and olive oil, garlic to taste, onion, half a kilo of homemade mixed minced meat(from chicken and pork), a pinch of dried basil, salt.

    1. Chopped vegetables are sautéed in olive oil until golden brown. Add chopped garlic, salt and spices to the frying pan.
    2. Next, mince is added. As a result, the meat should turn out rosy and crumbly. Then it is poured with half a glass of hot water with tomato paste, and the mixture is simmered under the lid for about 12 minutes.
    3. Cooked and washed pasta is placed in a frying pan.

    Navy spaghetti is served with chopped herbs.

    Ingredients: standard pack of spaghetti, 330 g minced beef, 3 liters of prepared chicken broth, a mixture of dry thyme, oregano, white pepper, onion, 270 g canned tomatoes, garlic to taste, 3 large spoons of tomato paste, 70 g semi-hard cheese, butter.

    1. Very finely chopped onion and garlic are fried for 3-4 minutes. The minced meat is also placed here.
    2. After 12-15 minutes they go into the frying pan canned tomatoes without peel. They need to be crushed with a fork.
    3. Seasonings, salt, tomato paste, and a little broth are added to the frying pan. With constant stirring, its contents should turn into a homogeneous mass.
    4. Pasta is prepared in chicken broth, butter is added to them. They go into a small saucepan or saucepan. Place the contents of the frying pan and grated cheese on top. The mass remains on the stove until it is completely melted.

    Traditionally, spaghetti Bolognese is served with minced meat in one large dish.

    Ingredients: 270 g pasta, 180-220 g minced chicken, 2 garlic cloves, onion, salt, herbs de Provence, butter.

    1. Pasta is cooked in boiling water.
    2. Finely chopped onion and garlic are fried in a cauldron with heated butter. Salt and seasonings are immediately added here.
    3. Next, the minced meat is prepared along with the fried vegetables.

    When the meat is completely cooked, pasta without liquid is laid on top of it. After mixing the ingredients, the dish can be served.

    With added mushrooms

    Ingredients: 8 spaghetti pasta nests, onion, 240 g of any minced meat, 2 sweet bell peppers, 40 g of tomato paste, 180 g of frozen mushrooms, salt, seasonings. How to cook spaghetti with minced meat and mushrooms is described below.

    1. The onion is finely chopped and sautéed in any oil. For this purpose, it is better to choose a creamy or baked product. Then the taste of frying becomes more intense.
    2. Minced meat is added to the vegetable. First, frying continues for 3-4 minutes, after which the tomato paste and mushrooms are sent there. You can pour some water into the frying pan.
    3. The mixture is salted, sprinkled with seasonings, and then simmered under the lid for 12-14 minutes.
    4. A couple of minutes before readiness, add sweet pepper slices to the rest of the ingredients. When the vegetable softens, the filling for the nests is completely ready.
    5. The pasta is boiled and distributed on a greased baking sheet. The blanks are filled with filling.

    The dish is cooked in the oven until fully cooked for 8-9 minutes.

    Spaghetti casserole with minced meat

    Ingredients: 320 g spaghetti, carrots, 5 large eggs, white onion, salt, 230 g minced chicken, 60 g butter, 130 g semi-hard or hard cheese.

    1. The spaghetti is boiled until fully cooked, the water is drained and butter is added.
    2. Randomly chopped vegetables are fried in a frying pan until golden.
    3. The minced meat is salted and combined with the cooled roast.
    4. The eggs are added separately and lightly beaten. The cheese rubs coarsely.
    5. Either pasta or meat filling are laid out in layers in the mold.
    6. The products are topped with beaten eggs and sprinkled with cheese.

    The casserole is cooked for half an hour at 180-190 degrees.

    Carbonara pasta with minced meat

    Ingredients: pack of spaghetti, fine salt, 170 g ham, onion, 170 g cheese, big egg, 270 g minced meat, 3 tbsp. spoons heavy cream, a pinch of oregano.

    1. The onion is finely chopped and fried.
    2. It is served with minced meat and slices of ham. The ingredients are simmered together until cooked. The mass is salted and flavored with oregano.
    3. Cream and grated cheese are added to the frying pan.
    4. The pasta is boiled, after which it is mixed with a beaten salted egg. You need to warm the spaghetti a little for the filling to set.
    5. The contents of the pan are transferred to the frying pan.

    After mixing, the pasta with minced meat is completely ready.

    Cooked in creamy sauce

    Ingredients: 330 g spaghetti, a full glass of heavy cream and the same amount of white wine, bell pepper, 1 stalk of celery, onion, half a kilo of minced chicken, chili pod, 1-2 cloves of garlic, dry thyme, olive oil.

    1. Chopped onion, sweet and hot peppers sautéed in olive oil.
    2. Minced meat, chopped garlic and celery are introduced.
    3. After 6-7 minutes you can pour in the wine, add salt and add spices. Under the lid, the resulting mass will simmer for about half an hour.
    4. When the liquid has evaporated, cream is added.
    5. After another 8-9 minutes, boiled pasta is added to the sauce.

    The dish is served hot.

    Spaghetti with minced meat and cheese

    Product composition: kilo minced pork, 420 g spaghetti, 2 onions, liter full fat milk, half a stick of butter, 310 g of semi-hard cheese, 90 g of flour, salt, a pinch of nutmeg.

    1. The onion is crushed and fried until golden brown. Minced meat is added to it. The ingredients are fried together until the meat is cooked.
    2. Melt butter in a saucepan. Flour is fried in it until golden brown.
    3. Spaghetti is cooked until half cooked.
    4. Next, pour in the milk, add salt and nutmeg. Add grated cheese. The ingredients are mixed.
    5. Either spaghetti or meat are laid out in layers in the form. Each of them is topped with sauce.

    The dish is baked in the oven for 17-20 minutes.
