The benefits and harms of eating popcorn. Is popcorn good for you?

Popcorn is a favorite snack for many moviegoers.. For most people, going to the movies isn't complete without a serving of crispy popcorn. But is popcorn really safe and does it have any benefits for humans? In this article, we examined the benefits and harms of popcorn, its effect on the human body, and the possibility of poisoning with it.

Useful properties of popcorn

Popcorn is made from corn kernels. When heating them in an oven or microwave oven they burst and turn inside out, turning into a tasty and fluffy snack. That's why beneficial features popcorn is no different from that of corn. In no large quantities it is good for the body.

Below we have presented a list of useful qualities of popcorn:

  • Helps remove toxins from the intestines. Popcorn can cleanse digestive tract from harmful chemicals and carcinogens.
  • Enriches the body with B vitamins and fiber.
  • Due to its low calorie content, it is suitable for people trying to bring their weight back to normal. Popcorn also quickly eliminates the feeling of hunger. A few handfuls of it are enough to make you feel full, which is also important for people losing weight.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Contains powerful antioxidants, polyphenols. These substances help in the prevention cardiovascular diseases and oncological tumors.

All of the above useful qualities are relevant only in relation to natural popcorn, prepared without any flavorings, fats or flavoring additives.

Is popcorn harmful?

Is popcorn harmful to health? If we talk about natural popcorn, prepared by a person himself, at home, from ordinary corn grains, the harm of this product is minimal. It is contraindicated for consumption only by people suffering from diabetes mellitus And peptic ulcer stomach

But, unfortunately, the popcorn sold on the shelves of our supermarkets and cinemas cannot “boast” of being useful and safe for our body. It contains a lot of dangerous fats, which when frying turn into carcinogens. It also contains a lot of salt or sugar, chemical flavorings, and unnatural additives.

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Popcorn, sold in stores in special bags for cooking in the microwave, is harmful to the body. It contains many dangerous fats and flavoring additives.

What is the harm of popcorn to the body:

  • Salty popcorn can disrupt water and electrolyte balance. It leads to fluid retention in the body and swelling. You've most likely noticed that after a serving of your favorite salted popcorn, you start to get very thirsty.
  • Sweet popcorn, if consumed regularly, can cause excess weight and even obesity. A serving of this delicacy is equal in calorie content daily requirement person in energy. Thus, extra calories stored as adipose tissue.
  • The oil on which popcorn is made can cause an increase in cancer pathologies and the development of lung diseases. During frying, it produces a dangerous substance, diacetyl. Scientists have proven that it is the cause of the development of Alzheimer's disease and fibrosis of lung tissue.
  • Carbohydrates and fats, which are so heavily “enriched” in popcorn processed with oil and flavoring additives, sugar, can lead to the development of diabetes, atherosclerosis, and pancreatitis.

Many people are interested in what is more harmful, popcorn or chips. In fact, when compared to popcorn chips sold in movie theaters, there is not much difference. Potatoes, like corn, provided they proper preparation, without fats and a lot of salt, does not pose a particular threat to the body. But when it is deep-fried and when a large amount of salt is added, it becomes dangerous to our health.

Ready-made popcorn with flavorings and large amounts of butter is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, children and people with diabetes, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular pathologies.

Popcorn poisoning

Anyone can get poisoned from popcorn. This product, although not perishable, is long-term storage becomes dangerous. It can harbor pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Poisoning can also occur if sanitary and hygienic standards are not observed when preparing and serving it to customers in the cinema. Dirty hands of staff can carry infections and bacteria.

Clinical manifestations of poisoning

Popcorn poisoning is clinically evident within the first 12 hours after consumption.
. Symptoms characteristic of food poisoning develop:

  1. Nausea and vomiting. Vomit may contain remnants of popcorn eaten, even if more than 4 hours have passed since it was consumed. The thing is that when spoiled food enters the stomach, motility may decrease. Thus, the body tries not to let toxins pass further, preventing them from entering the bloodstream.
  2. Abdominal pain. She, usually localized in the stomach area, in the epigastrium.
  3. Increased gas formation, leading to intestinal colic.
  4. Diarrhea can be quite profuse.
  5. Headache, general weakness, dizziness.
  6. Increased body temperature rarely develops. It grows to low-grade levels, 37-37.5 degrees.

Possible complications of poisoning

Popcorn poisoning can lead to complications. As a rule, they are associated with the irritating effect of toxins on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Possible complications of popcorn poisoning include:

  • Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It manifests itself as heartburn, a feeling of bloating, nausea, vomiting, and flatulence.
  • Chronic pancreatitis. In this case, the patient may experience girdle pain in the abdomen, loose stools, nausea, vomiting and general weakness. Flatulence and bloating also develop.
  • Acetonemic syndrome. This complication is typical for children preschool age. It occurs as pancreatitis. Characteristic distinguishing feature– the smell of acetone from the baby’s mouth.

What to do in case of poisoning

If popcorn poisoning develops, you should seek medical attention. medical care. If the patient’s condition worsens, he develops uncontrollable vomiting, or his body temperature rises, call ambulance. If the poisoned person’s condition is relatively stable, you can seek help from a clinic.

You can independently provide first aid to the patient. Below we have listed its main components:

  • Remove remaining toxins from the stomach. To do this, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of plain water in one gulp and induce vomiting by pressing your finger on the root of the tongue. Water should not be carbonated, room temperature. There is no need to use potassium permanganate.
  • Give the patient sorbents to drink. These drugs should be in every home medicine cabinet. Any medicine from this group will do, for example, atoxil, Activated carbon, enterosgel. Before taking the sorbent, carefully read the instructions and pay attention to the dosing rules.
  • Start drinking away the poisoned person. It is best to use alkaline mineral water, no gases. You should drink little and often. So you can take a sip every five minutes. This drinking regime will protect a person from repeated vomiting attacks.

Further treatment will be prescribed by the doctor. It must include dietary food. For 7-10 days you should give up alcohol, coffee, fatty, spicy, rich, and smoked foods.

Popcorn is healthy and low calorie product. But it is such only if it is prepared at home from ordinary corn grains. The popcorn sold on the shelves of cinemas and supermarkets contains a large number of harmful substances, can lead to obesity, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Popcorn can also cause food poisoning. Such poisoning proceeds like ordinary food poisoning. It must be treated under the supervision of a doctor. Do not self-medicate. And finally, we would like to add that any food, even store-bought popcorn, will not harm the body if consumed in moderation and rarely. If, while visiting a movie theater, you eat a small portion of popcorn with your favorite flavorings, nothing bad will happen to you.

When it comes to healthy snacking, nutritionists rank... popcorn at the top of the recommendation list. Regular popcorn is especially healthy for snacks (chips, etc.) due to its low calorie content, high quantity fiber and beneficial antioxidants. Not all low calorie snacks can boast such an impressive chemical composition, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of our body. What are the benefits and harms of popcorn? Is it possible to make it at home and how?

Useful and healing properties

Popcorn is popular all over the world, in almost every place where it is grown. In its uncooked form it is whole grain corn, and all grains, as is known, consist of endosperm, germ and bran. Whole grain cereals like, and, which also contain all three vital components, have a similar composition.

Studies have shown that popcorn is included in the diet healthy eating for the following reasons:

  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • improves the digestion process;
  • protects against osteoporosis;
  • serves excellent prevention against cancer;
  • inhibits cognitive decline;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • help in losing weight.

Popcorn contains cellulose, not to mention minerals, vitamins B and E. Due to their high fiber content, processed foods move faster through the digestive tract, protecting the intestines from constipation. Fiber stimulates peristaltic movements and the secretion of digestive juices, maintaining the health of the digestive system.

Whole popcorn kernels contain a type of fiber that “remove” excess cholesterol from the walls blood vessels and arteries; Total cholesterol levels and the chance of dangerous cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes are reduced. It also reduces the stress on the cardiac system because the heart will not have to work as hard to move blood through clogged vessels and arteries.

Traditionally, popcorn is considered a relatively unhealthy fast food, but it turned out that the popcorn shell contains a large amount of polyphenolic compounds - powerful antioxidants. Scientists also discovered that crunchy popcorn husks contain the most high concentration antioxidants and fiber.

Studies have shown that popcorn has more antioxidants than... daily dose fruits and vegetables! Antioxidants serve as a powerful defense against free radicals - harmful molecules that damage the body's cells. Free radicals are closely linked to age-related symptoms such as wrinkles, age spots, macular degeneration and blindness, muscle weakness, cognitive decline, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and hair loss.

In addition, one serving of popcorn has very low glycemic load compared with traditional snacks. Popcorn is a healthy addition to a diabetic diet when consumed in moderation.

Popcorn does not contain gluten, so it is a safe food for people with celiac disease.

Plain popcorn is rich in protein and fiber but contains no saturated or trans fats. The nutritional value The taste of other types of popcorn varies greatly, depending on the type of ingredients in its composition.

How much protein, fat, carbohydrates (BJC) and calories are in popcorn?

Popcorn provides your daily requirement of B vitamins. These vitamins convert food into energy and perform many other functions.

Vitamins (mg per 100 g):

How to use it for weight loss

For those watching their figure, popcorn is inexpensive and healthy way have a snack. A standard cup of popcorn contains about 5 times fewer calories than the same amount of fatty potato chips.

The fiber in popcorn fills you up faster because it inhibits the release of ghrelin- hunger hormone. This prevents overeating and helps people who are struggling with extra pounds.

Use in healthy and therapeutic nutrition

Most people add flavor to popcorn using salt or butter. This worst way cook healthy snack, because when heated, oil releases carcinogens. An excellent replacement for these harmful ingredients is garlic, onion, grated cheese, oregano, basil or cinnamon.

Popcorn goes with:
  • with spices (chili, garlic powder, paprika);
  • with cheeses (parmesan, mozzarella);
  • with dried fruits (,);
  • with seeds (,).

Many people prefer to sprinkle popcorn with grated chocolate or roll the kernels in honey.

How to make popcorn at home

Healthy popcorn can be made from the following ingredients:

  • 15 ml;
  • 120 g corn grains;
  • a pinch of salt.

The cooking process is simple:

  1. Heat a 2.5 liter saucepan over high heat, add oil and hold for a minute.
  2. Add corn, cover and shake well.
  3. To prevent the grains from burning, continue to vigorously shake the pan over the fire away from you and back until the corn stops popping.

Sprinkle the finished popcorn with salt or any other additives.

Video on how to fry popcorn in a frying pan

In this video you will see another way to make popcorn without a microwave. To save your pot, you can use a frying pan instead. Details and tips accompanying this process are in the video.

How to choose corn for popcorn

If you want to make popcorn yourself, before buying it in a store you should pay attention to the following nuances: the grains should be medium-sized, with a shiny surface and a reddish tint.

How to use the product

One serving of popcorn contains half daily norm fiber consumption. 100 g per day as a snack before or after lunch will be enough for this product to have positive effect on the body.

Product storage features

It's best to eat popcorn right away while it's warm. Store-bought grains are stored in a closed container for up to a year.

Harm and contraindications

If you don’t stop eating this delicacy in time, exceeding the fiber norm will have the opposite effect. Instead of helping processed foods move through, insoluble fiber can block the intestines, causing temporary constipation.

Popcorn is healthy as long as it's flavored with non-calorie flavors. Butter, salt and caramel nullify all the positive qualities of this product. Popcorn with such additives becomes dangerous product for people prone to thrombosis, ulcers or heart disease. In addition, salt retains water in the body, and this, in turn, threatens swelling and headaches.

If you eat it in moderation and consume delicious and aromatic popcorn, you will be guaranteed a feeling of fullness and contentment for several hours after eating.

Popcorn with what additives do you prefer? How often do you use this product?

It ranks first among the favorite products of children and adults in entertainment centers, cinemas, and children's attractions. The benefits and harms of popcorn directly depend on the cooking method, the flavoring additives used, the quality of the oil and flavorings.

History of popcorn

The first ability of corn kernels to explode when high temperatures discovered by the ancient American Indians. There is an assumption that an ear of maize, a special type of corn, fell into the fire when lighting a fire. This resulted in deafening explosions of the product and scared people. The taste of the airy dish pleased the Indians, they began to add it to food, decorate their hair and make various accessories from the opened flakes.

The delicacy appeared in Europe around the 15th century, but modern way preparing snacks was invented much later. At the end of the 19th century, in 1885, the American Charles Kritos invented the “Popper” - a special machine for frying popcorn. This wonderful invention was on wheels, so Charles could move around the city with it and sell delicious cereal.

In 1984, special popcorn for microwave ovens appeared. Such grains are in special packaging, which prevents them from scattering when heated.

Why do grains explode?

Only a certain type of corn kernel explodes when heated. This can be explained by the content of starch in liquid form inside the seeds of the plant. With a strong increase in air temperature near the product, the liquid begins to boil from the inside, steam is formed in the dense grain, and the pressure increases. The steam expands and violently breaks the shell, the product opens, increases in volume, turning into a snow-white “flower” that instantly hardens.

To crack the corn and turn dry grains into an airy dish, its shell must be intact, without chips or cracks, and the inside must not be overdried. At approximately 170-180°C, the seeds heat up, which helps the peel open.

Popcorn composition

Natural popcorn, without additives or dyes, contains the following beneficial substances:

  • polyphenols - antioxidants necessary to slow down the aging process of cells and prevent cancer;
  • B vitamins - convert food entering the body into energy, play an important role in the health of hair and nails;
  • - high content of the substance has a positive effect on the intestines, promotes early saturation;
  • microelements - potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, iron;
  • starch - promotes normal metabolism and muscle tissue growth.

Potassium is essential for proper functioning of cardio-vascular system, normalization of pressure, its regulation. A lack of the nutrient can lead to a heart attack. Calcium has a beneficial effect on human bones, teeth and muscles.

Calorie content of treats

The nutritional value of the grains is about 70 kcal. But when hot delicious cereal this figure increases significantly.

The calorie content of popcorn depends on the type of popcorn. Simple snack, without caramel, sugar, salt, flavor enhancers and other additives, contains approximately 360-380 kcal per 100 g of finished product. In the salty “companion” of the cinephile, this figure increases - 400 kcal per 100 g, in the sweet it increases to 450-500 kcal. According to some reports, a person can eat up to 1700-1800 kcal during a session.

The benefits of popcorn

Popcorn, which is prepared according to old recipes, without oil, dyes, flavors, and eaten in small quantities, has only positive action on many organs and systems of the body:

  • cleanses the intestines, removes carcinogens;
  • regulates sugar levels;
  • provides a large amount of carbohydrates that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • thanks to the content of B vitamins, it helps fight depression, stress, and takes care of the condition of the skin;
  • improves the process of food digestion.

Popcorn itself is high in calories, but due to its lightness and airiness, it is difficult to eat a large amount of the product. Due to the volume of the cereal, it clogs the stomach, leaving a person full for a long time. Corn delicacy It is recommended to eat small portions for overweight people.

The high fiber content allows processed food to pass through the digestive tract faster. This relieves the intestines from constipation problems. Special types of fibers in whole grains corn seems to “remove” excess cholesterol from the walls of arteries and blood vessels. This reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Of all the types of “quick” snacks (chips, nuts), puffed corn is considered the most harmless. The product is easily excreted from the body and quickly satisfies hunger.

Harm of different types of popcorn

“Pure” popcorn is rarely found on sale. More often, movie theaters and zoos sell puffed cereal with salt, sugar, caramel, bacon, chocolate and other flavors. In this form, the snack will be harmful.

It is worth understanding the negative effects of additives on humans.

  • Sweet corn- contains a lot of calories, overloads the pancreas.
  • Salted corn- causes thirst, retains fluid in the body, and disturbs the water-salt balance.
  • Snack with butter- the most dangerous type of popcorn. High calorie content, low quality oils used to prepare cereal have a negative impact on health.
  • Flavored product (onion, bacon, )- can cause gastritis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Sweet and caramelized popcorn in large quantities threatens to put on extra pounds.

Regardless of the type of popcorn, the following factors are identified that cause harm from eating it.

  • Many manufacturers of puffed dishes use an oil-scented flavoring - diacetyl. This dangerous substance can lead to diseases of the lungs and brain.
  • Chemical additives cause some problems with the esophagus and stomach.
  • Peel on finished product may damage gums and tooth enamel.
  • If the cooking technology is violated, there may be a high content of carcinogens in the flakes, which negatively affects the liver.

The harm of snacks appears when the dish is consumed in large quantities.

Flavoring additives cause a feeling of thirst, so after eating a treat you definitely want to drink. To maintain your health and figure, it is better to satisfy this desire with clean still water.

People who cook popcorn are susceptible to illness respiratory tract. This can be explained harmful effects diacetyl in popcorn oil on the respiratory system.

Contraindications for eating popcorn

It is prohibited to include popcorn in your diet in the following cases:

  • in case of personal intolerance to the ingredients of the product;
  • with vascular thrombosis due to high content vitamin K (it increases blood clotting);
  • for problems with the intestines, stomach, during exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers;
  • at allergic reactions for corn grains.

In addition, the salt in the product retains fluid in the body, which can lead to headaches and swelling.

Popcorn during pregnancy

Pregnant women should use this product with caution. Popcorn made at a movie theater or other entertainment center often contains unnecessary oils, colors and additives. Therefore, while waiting for your baby, it is better to refuse purchased treats and pay attention to homemade popcorn.

It is advisable to cook the corn snack not in a microwave oven (due to harmful microwaves), but in a frying pan with high sides. You need to choose medium-sized grains, with a smooth and shiny surface, of a reddish tint. Homemade natural popcorn in reasonable quantities will benefit the body expectant mother only benefits, diversifies the diet, saturates nutrients and is perfect as a snack.

If fragrant and delicious popcorn Eat in moderation, it will have a positive effect on the body, enrich it useful compounds, will satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. Excessive consumption of puffed corn can lead to the development of many diseases. Much healthier snack, prepared at home with minimal addition of seasonings, salt and sugar.

Popcorn, being a complete grain product, is considered a source of high-quality carbohydrates. It is used in weight loss programs, because one serving of popcorn contains only 70 kilocalories. We are, of course, talking about popcorn without any additives. Is popcorn healthy? This hearty product, which does not spoil the appetite and quickly “evacuates” from the stomach. And its main advantage is its high fiber content.

Useful properties of popcorn

Fiber is extremely beneficial for digestion, it can cleanse gastrointestinal tract from mucus, remove toxic substances, nitrites from the body, promotes weight loss.


If you regularly eat popcorn, you can stabilize your blood sugar levels and normalize the secretion of insulin. This product is one of the best for preventing diabetes.

Puffed corn contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. For example, vitamin B1 affects the normal development of the body, the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, and makes the heart, digestive and nervous systems work properly.

Vitamin B2 is important for our skin, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles, styes, herpes, and also maintains the normal nervous and immune systems.

Nutrients of popcorn:

  • B vitamins (mostly vitamin B4);
  • Vitamins A, E, H, K, C;
  • Minerals (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, boron, manganese, sulfur, calcium, tin, sodium, chlorine, titanium, nickel, iron, iodine, copper, silicon, selenium, chromium, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, vanadium, cobalt, aluminum) ;
  • Cellulose.

This product is also a source of antioxidants. Polyphenol is invaluable in the prevention of cancer.

Popcorn is contraindicated:

  1. People prone to thrombosis;
  2. With high blood clotting;
  3. With thrombophlebitis;
  4. People with low body weight and decreased appetite;
  5. During an exacerbation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

How to choose popcorn

In appearance, popcorn corn is smooth, not large, has a reddish color and a drop-shaped shape.

The most important rule When making popcorn, don’t take too many grains, because they increase in volume by 10 times!

How much popcorn can you eat per day?

Since fiber consumption reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, ulcers, hemorrhoids, constipation and diverticulosis, and virtually eliminates disruption of cardiac processes, it is recommended 20-35 g per day. Half daily value contained in one serving of popcorn. So both adults and children can eat popcorn every day, but only high-quality popcorn!

Healthy Popcorn Recipes

The popcorn recipe is different from the syrups or spices added when popping it. Popcorn can be fresh, salty or sweet.

Caramel popcorn

  1. Take a 4-6 liter pan. Pour into its bottom sunflower oil 50 g (about 2-3 mm) and add corn.
  2. Light the burner to the highest setting. After 5-7 minutes the popping will begin. As soon as the popping stops, the popcorn is ready.
  3. Now let's prepare the caramel. Butter(20-30 g) combine with one glass of sugar. Place the container in the microwave at full power. Take out the caramel every minute and stir it so that it doesn’t burn. As soon as it turns brown, the caramel is ready.
  4. Take it out and pour it over the popcorn in a thin stream, stirring continuously. We wait until the caramel thickens.

Oriental popcorn sweets

  1. Add to a large saucepan vegetable oil and add corn.
  2. Cover with a lid and place the container on the fire. Once the corn stops popping, the popcorn is ready.
  3. To make the glaze, you need to melt two types of it in a water bath, mix them, and heat them over low heat. Add popcorn, raisins and nuts there. Mix well.
  4. Using two spoons, form the cakes.

We looked at the question of whether popcorn is healthy. Health and bon appetit!

You go to the cinema, and you really want to buy a huge glass of popcorn so you can crunch on it while watching the movie. However, nutritionists strongly advise against such treats. Puffed corn poppers seem safe only at first glance. Some of them can cause gastritis, ulcers and obesity.

Popcorn- national American food. In the USA there is even a Popcorn Day, which is celebrated on January 19th. However, this is not surprising: this product owes its birth to America. When Christopher Columbus sailed to the continent, local residents they had already “exploded” corn over a fire in a clay pot. The Indians made beads from it, and in one of the burials in Mexico City, archaeologists found a figurine of the goddess, whose head was decorated with a twig with white “flowers” ​​of popcorn. Many finds also indicate that the priestesses predicted the future by the way the corn kernels opened. However, all these actions would have remained domestic pranks of Native Americans if not for Chicago resident Charles Critors. In 1885, he invented a machine on wheels that allowed him to “pop” corn anywhere, be it a fair or a wide avenue, and called it “Popper.”

From that moment on, popcorn began its march around the world.

Crunch in the cinema

The “exploded” corn itself is a very useful thing. It is a complete grain product, a source of high-quality carbohydrates and proteins. It contains a large amount of fiber, vitamins B1, B2 and potassium. At the same time, corn is quite low in calories. For example, Madonna claims that it was she who helped her lose weight after the birth of her eldest daughter. However, it is worth clarifying that the singer ate popcorn without salt and sugar or with them minimum quantity. Our children consume treats stuffed with additives. At the cinema, as a rule, they offer a product generously seasoned with salt or sugar. Moreover, special oils are added to the machine to “explode” the grains, which create an appetizing smell and characteristic taste. And these are flavorings and harmful saturated fats. As a result there is no time diet snack turns into a health pest. If corn is salty, it disrupts the water balance and causes thirst; sweet corn puts a strain on the pancreas and causes extra pounds, since it has a very high glycemic index. In addition, additives make children addicted and whet their appetite, and the baby may not even notice how he eats a whole bucket of treats. Therefore, when going to the cinema, feed your favorite child soup or cutlets so that he does not attack the popcorn. Also, try to skip the giant glass of corn.

Eating in front of the TV

Popcorn today is sold not only in cinemas, but also in any supermarket, so you can crunch it on the sofa in front of the TV. Diversity corn flavors It's simply amazing. There is caramel, vanilla, chocolate and fruit popcorn. For those who like it more savory, they offer corn flavored with onion, garlic, cheese and even caviar. True, it is not real products that are used, but flavors mixed with cheap oils that are used to pollinate popcorn during cooking. What’s most unpleasant is that manufacturers are trying to attract a children’s audience to their products and are coming up with more and more original packaging. In addition to cardboard boxes, popcorn is sold in transparent “sausages”, in which multi-colored flakes look especially impressive. There are packages in the form of plastic buckets: then they can be used to play Easter cakes. And for the youngest lovers of popcorn, the delicacy is placed in plastic toys, cars or animals, upon seeing which the kids begin to squeal with delight. Such flakes are usually tinted food coloring and crush them finely to make it easier for the baby dolls to chew them. If you care about the health of your child, pass by such products.

Homemade popcorn

As opposed to factory-made popcorn, you can make useful option with your own hands. Only for this you will need special corn “Popcorn”, which is sold in supermarkets. Its grain has a special structure: it contains a drop of starch containing water. The shell is thin, but much stronger than that of the corn we are familiar with. When heated, the water in the miracle grain boils and turns into steam. At the same time, the hermetic shell does not let it out. The tension inside grows, and at some point the skin cannot withstand the load, the popcorn “explodes” and, turning inside out, turns into weightless figures. This trick will not work with simple corn kernels - they are usually either too soft or too hard for such a transformation.

Look for dry, unpopped popcorn in the supermarket, but don't buy it. ready semi-finished product– it’s already stuffed with flavorings. It is better to choose a product labeled “Natur” - these are low-fat natural grains with a natural taste. Microwave them according to package directions, covered paper bag or plastic dishes (but make sure that they can withstand temperatures above +150C). As soon as the grains open, use your imagination. For example, put them on a plate and sprinkle a small amount salt or powdered sugar. You can go even further and create French version American food: flavor the still hot popcorn with grated cheese, let it cool - and you get an elegant and devoid chemical additives crispy dish. If you put a little tomato paste and dry basil, you will have an Italian delicacy.
