Khachapuri with cheese recipe is correct. How to cook khachapuri: the best recipes. Delicious and simple khachapuri in a frying pan

Flavorful cheese cakes are one of the famous dishes Georgian cuisine called khachapuri. In different regions of Georgia, khachapuri is prepared according to slightly different recipes. Classic version this wonderful baked goods consists of “khacha” (cheese) and “puri” (bread). In the Adjarian version, a chicken egg is added to them. The dough can be puff pastry or soda pastry. The “pie” shape can be round or elongated. They can be closed or open.

The dough used is puff pastry, yeast or unleavened dough, kneaded on milk drink- matsoni. True, it cannot be found on sale in all regions, so khachapuri recipes are often adapted and replaced with kefir, yogurt or sour cream.

Recipe for real khachapuri with cheese - step by step recipe+ video

This recipe for khachapuri with unleavened dough can easily be considered a standard, classic one. To taste the taste of real Georgian cheese flatbread, prepare:

  • 0.4 kg flour;
  • 0.25 l matsoni;
  • 10 g baking soda:
  • 0.25 kg suluguni;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. ghee.

Cooking procedure:

  • Pour the required volume of matsoni into a bowl, add soda, broken egg mix everything.
  • Melt the butter and add to the rest of the products.
  • Gradually add flour to the dough.
  • Knead into a dough that does not stick to your palms and is not hard. Then cover it with a clean towel and let it brew.
  • Roll out the dough into a circle, the diameter of which is 5 cm smaller than that of the frying pan.
  • Place grated cheese in the center of the circle.
  • Carefully assemble and press the edges of our circle to the center.
  • The future khachapuri must be turned over, placing it with the assembly facing down. Make a hole in the center with your finger through which the steam will escape.
  • Roll out the dough into a flat cake and place it in the center of a baking sheet covered with parchment.
  • If desired, sprinkle some cheese on top of the flatbread.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 250°C for 10 minutes.
  • Serve khachapuri tastier hot.
  • Homemade khachapuri - step-by-step recipe with photos of classic khachapuri with kefir

    The most ancient recipes for making khachapuri include simple closed cakes made from soda dough, fried in a frying pan.

    Cooking time: 2 hours 10 minutes

    Quantity: 6 servings

    • Flour:
    • Sugar:
    • Soda:
    • Butter:
    • Fat sour cream:
    • Kefir (matsoni):
    • Brine cheese (suluguni):
    Cooking instructions
    Georgian khachapuri made from puff pastry

    Preparing golden, aromatic khachapuri according to this recipe will take you a minimum of time, but the result of your labor will bring maximum taste pleasure.


    • 500 g pre-thawed puff pastry;
    • 0.2 kg of hard but aromatic cheese;
    • 1 egg.

    Puff khachapuri is prepared as follows:

  • Grate the cheese.
  • Cut the defrosted dough into approximately 4 pieces. equal shares, roll each into an arbitrary layer.
  • Place grated cheese in the center of each layer. Then we glue the edges together.
  • Transfer the future khachapuri to a baking sheet covered with parchment and place in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.
  • Yeast khachapuri

    This recipe is a variation on the theme of the famous closed Imerit khachapuri; it can be cooked both in a frying pan and in the oven. The cheese, unlike the original, is taken from Suluguni, not from Imerit.


    • 1.5 tbsp. water;
    • 1 tbsp. yeast powder;
    • 0.5 kg of wheat flour;
    • 60 ml sunflower oil;
    • 5 g salt;
    • a pinch of granulated sugar;
    • 0.6 kg suluguni;
    • 1 egg.

    Preparation procedure:

  • Prepare yeast dough by mixing warm water with salt, sugar, butter and yeast. After mixing, add 0.35 kg of flour to them.
  • Pour in the remaining flour gradually while kneading, so that you get a loose dough that sticks off your palms. Leave a couple of teaspoons of flour for the filling.
  • Cover the yeast dough with a clean towel and set aside in a warm place until it rises, having doubled in size.
  • While the dough is rising, we suggest making the filling. To do this, grate the cheese, beat in the egg, add the previously set aside flour, mix thoroughly, and divide in two.
  • When the dough reaches the required condition, we also divide it in half.
  • Roll out each part of the dough and place a portion of the filling collected into a ball in their center.
  • Gather the edges of each layer of dough in the center into a knot. Then we begin to roll out the cakes, using first our hands and then a rolling pin. The thickness of the raw khachapur flatbread should not be more than 1 cm.
  • Place the rolled out khachapuri on a baking sheet lined with parchment and make a hole in the center of each with your finger to allow steam to escape.
  • Bake in a hot oven for about a quarter of an hour. Grease the still hot khachapuri with oil.
  • Lavash khachapuri recipe

    This recipe seems to have been created for those who don’t want to bother with dough, but still want to taste delicious Caucasian flatbread.


    • 3 sheets of thin pita bread;
    • 0.15 kg of hard cheese;
    • 0.15 kg of Adyghe cheese or feta cheese;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 glass of kefir;
    • 5 g salt.

    Cooking steps:

  • Beat the eggs with salt a little in a bowl, add kefir to them, and beat again.
  • We unfold two sheets of pita bread out of three, cut out circles from them according to the size of our baking dish. We tear their remains into arbitrary pieces, which we place in the egg-kefir mixture.
  • Place the untouched pita bread in a mold, sprinkle a little grated hard cheese on top of it, and place one of the cut out circles.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese again and lay out about half of the salted cheese cut into cubes.
  • Place the soaked cheese on top of the cheese. kefir mixture pieces of pita bread. There should be some mixture left.
  • Add two types of cheese again.
  • We wrap the protruding edges of a large lavash sheet inward, and place a second circle on top of it, pour out the remaining kefir-egg mixture and sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese.
  • Bake khachapuri from lavash in a preheated oven for about half an hour.
  • How to cook khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan

    For a dough made from 2 cups of flour, this option cheese scones will take:

    • 2/3 tbsp. kefir;
    • 2/3 tbsp. sour cream;
    • 0.1 kg melted butter;
    • ½ tsp each salt and soda;
    • 20 g white sugar sand.

    For the filling, stock up on the following products:

    • 0.25 kg of hard cheese;
    • 0.1 kg suluguni or other salty cheese;
    • 50 g sour cream;
    • 1 tbsp. butter.

    Cooking steps:

  • Not cold kefir mix with sour cream, salt, soda and sugar, stir with a fork, pour in melted butter.
  • Add flour little by little into the kefir-sour cream mixture and knead into a soft dough that does not stick to your palms. It will have a yeast-like consistency.
  • We prepare the filling from a mixture of two types of cheese, sour cream and softened butter.
  • Divide the dough and filling into 4 approximately equal parts, from each we form a khachapuri flatbread, in the center of which we place the filling.
  • Gather the dough around the edges and pinch in the middle, leaving no air inside.
  • Gently flatten the resulting flatbread with your palms, trying not to damage the dough or squeeze out the filling. The thickness of each khachapuri at this stage should be about 1 cm.
  • We roast on dry hot frying pan on both sides under the lid; there is no need to lubricate it with oil.
  • Season the finished flatbread with butter.
  • Khachapuri recipe in the oven

    Special cheese flatbread Abkhazian recipe– satisfying and unforgettable tasty dish. 5-7 khachapuri will take 400 g of flour, as well as:

    • 170 ml kefir;
    • 0.5 kg of salted cheese (feta, feta cheese, suluguni);
    • 8 g yeast powder;
    • 10 g granulated sugar;
    • 3 tbsp. sunflower oil;
    • 2 tbsp. butter;
    • 2 garlic cloves;
    • A bunch of greenery.

    Cooking steps:

  • For the dough, mix the sifted flour with yeast powder, sugar, and salt.
  • IN flour mixture pour strictly not cold kefir, vegetable oil, knead thoroughly, cover with a clean towel, and place in a warm place.
  • At this time we are preparing the filling. To do this, mix chopped cheese with garlic and herbs.
  • After about an hour, the dough should double in volume. We divide it into 5-7 parts the size of a man's fist.
  • Roll each piece into a circle, in the center of which you need to place the filling.
  • Next, we follow the standard pattern, pinching the edges in the center and rolling out the “bag” of cheese into a flat cake.
  • Place the cakes on a baking sheet lined with parchment and brush each one with egg yolk.
  • Baking takes place in a preheated oven in about 20 minutes.
  • How to cook khachapuri in Adjarian style

    A popular version of khachapuri, which has a very original, appetizing appearance. For two servings of Adjarian flatbreads, prepare:

    • 170 ml of non-cold water;
    • ½ tsp. yeast;
    • 20 g margarine;
    • 20 g sour cream;
    • 2 eggs;
    • Flour - as required by the dough;
    • 0.3 kg salted cheese of your choice.

    Cooking steps:

  • For the dough, mix water with yeast, margarine, sour cream and eggs. Knead soft dough, we give him about a quarter of an hour to rise.
  • For the filling, grind both types of cheese.
  • Divide the risen dough in half and roll out the flatbreads, placing the cheese mixture in the center.
  • Having pinched the edges of the cakes towards the center, we roll them out again to the same size with the filling inside.
  • We form unique boats from the flatbreads, place them on a baking sheet and send them sailing into the vast expanses of an oven preheated to 200⁰.
  • After about a quarter of an hour, pour the khachapuri inside each a raw egg, trying not to let the yolk spread.
  • Let the white set, but the yolk should remain runny.
  • When Adjarian khachapuri is served, eaters break off pieces of the boat and dip the yolk with them. If desired, sprinkle the egg with herbs, pepper and salt before serving.
  • The filling in this version of khachapuri is a mixture of two types of cheese, ideally Suluguni and Imeritsky and a tablespoon of melted butter. You need to take 0.4 kg of cheeses, and for the dough prepare:

    • 0.450 kg of flour (this amount can be adjusted);
    • ½ tbsp. milk;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 tbsp. oils;
    • 10 g yeast;
    • 1 tsp each sugar and salt.

    Megrelian khachapuri is prepared as follows:

  • Mix yeast with warm water when the mixture foams, add cold water to it cow's milk and melted butter, mix.
  • Separately sift the flour with salt and sugar, then pour the yeast mixture and egg into it. Knead standard yeast dough, which should be both soft and not stick to your palms. Covering the bowl with the dough with a towel, set it in a warm place to rise.
  • Prepare the filling by mixing cheese and butter.
  • Divide the risen dough into three approximately equal parts, and divide the filling into 4 parts.
  • Roll out each piece in a circle, sprinkle with flour, and place part of the cheese mixture in the center.
  • We lift the edges of the cakes and pinch them in the middle.
  • Place the flatbread in the pan with the pinch down and knead it with your hands to the appropriate size; the thickness should not be less than 1 cm.
  • Use your finger to make a hole in the center of each cake to allow steam to escape. The top of the scones can be sprinkled with some extra cheese mixture.
  • Bake in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.
  • Very quick khachapuri - a simple recipe

    For preparing quick and delicious breakfast prepare:

    • 0.25 kg of hard cheese;
    • 1 large bunch of your favorite greens;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 tbsp. sour cream;
    • 40 g flour;

    Cooking steps:

  • Mix all products at once with a fork. True, the cheese can be pre-grated.
  • Pour sunflower oil into a hot frying pan and place our cheese mixture on it. Fry on both sides, the first with the lid on, and the second without. Total time frying - a little less than a quarter of an hour.
  • Recipe for khachapuri with cottage cheese

    In this recipe, cottage cheese does not act as a filling, but as the main ingredient for the dough; about 300 g of cheese remains the filling. In addition to this, for one flat cake that will absorb 1.5 cups of flour, you will need:

    • 0.25 kg cottage cheese;
    • 0.15 kg melted butter;
    • ½ tsp each sugar and baking soda;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 20 g sour cream;
    • A couple of garlic cloves.

    Cooking steps:

  • Mix cottage cheese with melted butter, add slaked soda, 1 egg, sugar to them. Add flour to the resulting mixture.
  • Knead into a fairly soft dough that does not stick to your palms. Adjust the amount of flour if necessary.
  • Let the dough sit for a quarter of an hour.
  • For the filling, mix grated cheese with garlic, egg and sour cream, mix.
  • Divide the dough in two.
  • Each of the parts curd dough Roll out into a circle 5 mm thick.
  • Place all the filling in the center of one of the cakes, cover with the other, tucking the edges of the top one under the bottom.
  • Brush the top of the cake with egg and pierce it with a fork to let air out.
  • Khachapuri is baked from curd dough in a hot oven for up to 40 minutes.
  • Lazy khachapuri - delicious with minimal effort

    At least appearance this cheese pie and not much like Georgian flatbreads, but their essence is the same. If you wish, you can use about 0.4 kg of salted cheese, or mix it half and half with cottage cheese. In addition to them, prepare:

    • 4 eggs;
    • 0.15 g flour;
    • 1 tbsp. sour cream;
    • 1 tsp baking powder.

    Cooking steps:

  • Grind the cheese, mix it with cottage cheese, chicken eggs and sour cream.
  • Add sifted flour with baking powder to the cheese mixture and mix.
  • (1 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5),

    Khachapuri with cheese, step by step photo recipe in the oven, in a frying pan and in a slow cooker

    Khachapuri is a traditional dish Georgian cuisine, figuratively - cheese pie, and literally translated - bread and cheese. I'll tell you how you can cook it yourself at home delicious pies with cheese, khachapuri.

    There are many delicious recipes khachapuri:

    • khachapuri in Adjarian style (in the form of a boat filled with egg),
    • khachapuri in Georgian,
    • khachapuri in Imeretian style,
    • khachapuri in Abkhazian,
    • Megrelian khachapuri (this is when cheese is placed on top of the khachapuri before baking),
    • Svan khachapuri (with meat),
    • Ossetian,
    • Armenian khachapuri.

    Traditional khachapuri is prepared with unleavened curd cheese of the Adyghe type and an egg, or from feta cheese, suluguni with the addition of cottage cheese, but there are many recipes that use hard cheeses in addition to Adyghe cheese and do not add greens to the khachapuri. And some housewives make this recipe their own, special, and put not only greens in the khachapuri filling, but also garlic, ham, meat, smoked cheese, potatoes, champignons, fish. Smart housewives love to cook khachapuri quickly and use ready-made khachapuri to prepare lazy khachapuri. puff pastry or pita bread. We will prepare real khachapuri with yeast dough, and we will try to bake them not only in the oven and frying pan, but even in a slow cooker!

    In the khachapuri recipe we will use following products:
    • Wheat flour- 1 kg
    • Warm water - 0.5 liters
    • Granulated sugar- 1 tablespoon
    • Dry granulated yeast - 1 tablespoon
    • Salt - 1 teaspoon
    • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
    • Eggs - 2 pieces
    • Butter or margarine - 50 g per dough
    • Butter - 100 g for filling
    • Cheese - 1400 g

    From this amount of ingredients we will get 4 khachapuri flatbreads, each one will require approximately 350 g of cheese filling

    Ideally, for the filling, of course, use tender, lightly salted Adyghe cheese, Ossetian or Imeretian,

    How to cook khachapuri:

    Let's start by preparing yeast dough for khachapuri

    (you can also often find dough for khachapuri in recipes sour milk, matsoni or kefir).

  • Pour slightly warm water into a deep cup, add sugar and dry yeast.

  • 2. Leave them for 15 minutes, during which time the yeast will dissolve in the water and turn into foam.

    3. You need to add salt to it.

    4. Heat vegetable oil together with margarine or butter, do not make them hot so as not to kill the yeast. Place in a bowl with yeast.

    5. Add sifted flour to it and knead the dough. Sometimes I knead the dough for khachapuri in a bread maker.

    6. Yeast dough in a warm place it will take you about 1 hour to rise and ripen. It should expand well in volume.

    Preparation of cheese filling for khachapuri:

    In order for the khachapuri to be rosy and shiny, you need to prepare a lubricant for them.

  • To do this, mix the remaining yolks with two tablespoons of sunflower oil and three tablespoons of water.
  • The dough and filling for khachapuri are ready,

    the next step is to tell how to make khachapuri stuffed with cheese and eggs.
    Cooking khachapuri with cheese in the oven

    Cooking khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan

    Do not skimp on the oil for khachapuri; as soon as it is absorbed, you can try it.

    Khachapuri is ruddy and very appetizing wheat tortillas stuffed with cheese, which are a real symbol of Georgian cuisine. I think that even those of you who are completely unfamiliar with Caucasian dishes, have probably bought this pastry more than once in bakeries and street cafes and appreciated its delicate cheese taste. These thin flatbreads from soft unleavened dough with a spicy cheese filling can serve not only a hearty snack or a kind of fast food “on the run”. They can be served for breakfast, lunch or dinner as independent dish, and also as an accompaniment to other dishes instead of our usual bread. For example, if you prepare khachapuri for a hearty meal meat soup, it will turn out excellent full lunch without any need for a second course.

    Khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan is prepared quite easily and quickly, because for them a simple mixture is mixed yeast-free dough, which does not require long-term warming. Traditionally, the dough for these flatbreads is made using the Caucasian drink matsoni, which can also be found on sale here, but there will be no noticeable difference if you cook khachapuri using regular kefir or friend fermented milk product, which is at hand. The filling for khachapuri can vary depending on your taste preferences and include one or more types of cheese. In any case, these flatbreads with cheese can pleasantly surprise and delight with their viscous consistency and piquant taste.

    IN this recipe khachapuri with cheese bakes very quickly on regular frying pan, and not in the oven we are used to, after which they are greased with butter in the heat of the day and turn into a real delicacy, albeit a very high-calorie one. The dough of these flatbreads grows during the cooking process and turns out tender, soft and slightly fluffy. It practically merges with the cheese filling, forming a single whole in this airy and very aromatic pastry.

    Having once tasted real homemade khachapuri, no one is able to remain indifferent to it. So be sure to treat yourself and your family to this delicious pastries! If you want to try more unusual flatbreads with a spicy and very juicy filling, prepare these, and you will discover a new and incomparable taste.

    Useful information How to cook khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan at home - kefir recipe with step-by-step photos


    • 3 tbsp. flour
    • 1 tbsp. kefir or matsoni
    • 1 large egg
    • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
    • 1 tsp. Sahara
    • 1 tsp. salt
    • 1/2 tsp. soda
    • 300 g suluguni cheese
    • 100 g cheese
    • 1 egg


    • 50 g butter


    1. To prepare khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan at home, pour kefir into a large bowl and add salt, sugar, egg and vegetable oil.

    Advice! Khachapuri can be prepared with almost any fermented milk drink that you have on hand. Natural kefir is especially good drinking yogurt And Caucasian drink matsoni

    2. Mix all ingredients using a mixer or a regular whisk into a homogeneous mass.

    3. Add 2.5 tbsp in 2-3 additions. flour sifted with soda. The remaining flour will be needed to work with the dough when modeling khachapuri.

    4. Knead the thick dough by hand or in a food processor using the hook attachment. Cover the bowl with the khachapuri dough with a towel and leave for 30 minutes at room temperature.

    Important! When kneading dough for khachapuri, the main thing is not to overdo it with flour. The dough should remain soft and slightly sticky, not clogged with flour, thanks to this the baked goods will turn out more tasty and tender. To make it easier to work with such dough, you will have to generously add flour while sculpting the products.

    5. While the dough is resting, prepare the cheese filling for the khachapuri. To do this, grate the cheeses on a coarse grater and mix with a raw egg.

    6. Khachapuri filling is ready!

    Comment! Classic khachapuri is prepared only with Imeretian cheese, but since you can’t find such cheese on sale here, I use traditional one for this baking Caucasian cheese suluguni and add a little cheese to it for spicy taste. In general, delicious khachapuri can be prepared even with ordinary semi-hard cheese like “Russian”.

    How to make khachapuri

    7. Place the rested dough on a generously floured surface, roll it into a sausage and cut it into 8 equal parts.

    8. Stretch each piece of dough with your hands or a rolling pin into a flat cake and place a generous portion of the filling, rolled into a ball, in the center.

    9. Raise the edges of the dough up and seal it over the cheese ball.

    10. Turn the ball over with the seam down and roll it out a little with a rolling pin. Turn the resulting cake over several times and roll it out with a rolling pin into a fairly thin circle. If necessary, add flour to prevent the cakes from sticking to the table.

    Khachapuri in a frying pan

    11. Now let's start frying the khachapuri in a dry frying pan without oil. To do this, heat the frying pan well, add one khachapuri and cook covered over medium heat for 4 - 5 minutes until lightly browned.

    Advice! To prepare khachapuri, it is advisable to use cast iron frying pan or another thick-bottomed frying pan that heats more consistently and distributes heat evenly.

    12. Turn the khachapuri over with a spatula and fry the other side in the same way. Ready baked goods Place in a pile on a plate, generously brushing with melted butter.

    Advice! Only the very first khachapuri should be greased with oil on both sides; the rest should only be greased on top, since their lower part will be saturated with oil from the previous flatbreads.

    Tender and aromatic khachapuri with cheese, cooked in a frying pan, must be consumed warm. They can be served with soups and main courses instead of bread, and can also be used as hearty breakfast or a snack between meals. Bon appetit!

    Khachapuri is a traditional and beloved dish of Georgian cuisine. It is a flatbread with cheese filling inside. More recently, housewives prepared this dish as they saw fit: they kneaded the dough each in their own way, experimented with fillings, tried to surprise guests unusual pastries. And everyone called these pies, pies and cheesecakes - khachapuri.

    However, in Georgia, khachapuri is treated not only with great love and respect, but also with reverence. Therefore, in order not to lose in the era of globalization unique recipe, it was patented in 2010. And now not every pie with cheese, no matter how tender and tasty it turns out, can bear the proud name - khachapuri.

    Cooking features yeast-free dough

    Dough mixed with fermented milk drink is considered one of the simple “win-win” options. As a rule, it turns out successfully even for inexperienced housewife. This recipe produces a soft and tender slightly sticky dough that does not require a long time for maturation and proofing.

    Recipe for khachapuri dough with cheese

    Khachapuri made from this dough is especially tasty immediately after cooking - when hot, but the next day they lose some of their best flavors.

    Main ingredients of khachapuri dough
    • 450-500 ml of matsoni or other fermented milk drink of normal fat content;
    • 1 egg;
    • According to the recipe - one level teaspoon each of salt and sugar;
    • a little less than one teaspoon of baking powder. If you use baking soda instead of baking powder, you will need no more than half a teaspoon. Before use, baking soda must be dissolved in one tablespoon hot water to avoid an unpleasant “soda” taste in the dough;
    • one tablespoon of olive or sunflower (or any other vegetable) oil.

    Typically, this amount of fermented milk drink requires 4-5 glasses of sifted flour. But the amount of fiber in flour can be different, and besides, the density ready dough depends on the initial temperature of the products used. Therefore, in the recipe you should focus not on the exact amount of flour, but on the resulting dough consistency.

    You can first mix all the ingredients in a bowl, except for the flour, then add two cups of flour there, mix again, and continue kneading, periodically adding flour, until the dough becomes completely homogeneous and soft. After this, you need to cover the bowl with the dough for half an hour with a towel folded several times, and only after that start making flatbreads.

    However traditional recipe Kneading yeast-free dough is somewhat more difficult. Two glasses of flour should be poured onto a clean and dry surface in a heap. Make a depression in its center, and gradually, little by little, pour in the pre-prepared mixture of the remaining ingredients, while simultaneously stirring the flour with your hands. This gradual kneading makes the khachapuri dough especially tender and airy. After most of the mixture has been mixed into the flour, you need to alternately continue to add the liquid mixture and add flour, not forgetting to mix everything evenly. Ready dough You should also cover and leave for half an hour to proof.

    How to roll out dough for khachapuri

    The yeast-free dough prepared for khachapuri is quite elastic, and the recipe does not require a layer rolled out too thin. However, to avoid problems with baking, you need to follow the rules.

    To ensure that the dough does not tear when rolling out and does not stick to the table or rolling pin, you need to work with it on a flat surface sprinkled with flour. Convenient for rolling out soft dough a narrow and long rolling pin with two handles, its optimal diameter is 5 cm.

    The dough is rolled out in several directions, turning it as you work. In this way, it is possible to achieve the same thickness in all its sections. You need to start movements from the center to the edges, while the movements should be directed forward and then back.

    If the dough is too soft and thin, and you don’t want to add more flour, so as not to make it too tight and rough, you can put it between sheets of oiled and floured paper or cling film.
    Dough that is too soft can be rolled out using plastic bottle with very cold water using it instead of a rolling pin. Before work, be sure to make sure that the neck is screwed on very tightly.

    You need to roll out the dough with such a bottle carefully, trying not to tear it.

    Khachapuri and its regional features

    Each region of Georgia has its own special form of khachapuri. So in Imereti, flatbreads are prepared closed, round in shape. In Adjara, flatbreads are open and boat-shaped. Mingrelian round khachapuri is sprinkled with grated suluguni cheese on top. But the sizes of the flatbreads are not strictly regulated, and depend primarily on the size of the frying pan in which they are prepared, as well as on the imagination of the housewife.

    Video of khachapuri in Adjarian:

    Recipes for making khachapuri with with different fillings on kefir, yeast and matsoni.

    Khachapuri – armenian dish from puff pastry with various fillings. The baked goods turn out very juicy and unusual. Of course, it is Armenian housewives who handle such dishes best, but if you stick to the recipe, you will also be able to please your household with unusual pies.

    Puff pastry for khachapuri: recipe

    This recipe does not involve the use of yeast. Used for dry and meat fillings. It is better not to use fruits when preparing this dough.

    Puff pastry recipe:

    • You need to prepare two tests. One is fat, the other is not so much
    • Take flour and mix it with chopped margarine. You need 400 g of margarine and 200 g of flour. Knead fat dough and divide it into 4 parts
    • Knead low-fat dough from 100 g butter and 1.5 glasses of water. How much flour will it take?
    • Divide the dough into 4 parts. Roll out 4 low-fat balls and spread the fatty dough onto them with your fingers
    • Roll out and fold each layer into an envelope. Lay out the layers and roll out again. Now just lay the sheets one on top of the other and roll them up
    • Place the filling and bake
    Yeast dough for khachapuri

    This quick dough, which goes well with any salty filling.

    Yeast dough recipe:

    • Pour a spoon into a glass of warm water active yeast and without stirring, leave for 20 minutes
    • A foam should form on top. Salt the solution
    • Take 50 g of margarine and 50 g of vegetable oil. Heat and pour into a bowl. Add flour and yeast solution
    • Knead the dough and place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours

    Yeast-free khachapuri dough recipe

    This is a traditional dough recipe used in Armenian and Georgian cuisine.

    Dough recipe:

    • Take a glass of matsoni, a pinch of salt and flour
    • Knead the dough and roll it into a layer
    • Grease the layer with butter and roll it into a roll.
    • Roll it out again and fold it into an envelope.
    • Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours

    Khachapuri dough with milk

    Traditional khachapuri is prepared with matsoni, a Georgian fermented milk drink. But Adjarian flatbreads with cheese can be prepared with milk. This will only make the taste better.


    • Pour a spoonful of yeast into a glass of warm milk. Use dry activated
    • Let stand for 20 minutes and add salt and flour
    • Knead a stiff dough and add 50 g of margarine and 50 g of vegetable oil to it
    • Mix the lump thoroughly and place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours

    Delicious khachapuri dough with kefir

    This is enough quick recipe, which does not require long preparation. The dough does not need to sit in the refrigerator; it rises well anyway.

    • Add 2 eggs and 50 ml of vegetable oil to a glass of kefir. Add a pinch of salt and a little sugar
    • Add some baking soda
    • Knead soft dough. This recipe is ideal for salty and cheese fillings
    Dough for khachapuri with cheese

    Usually used with this filling traditional dough on matsoni. The flatbreads are not baked, but fried in a dry frying pan.


    • Mix flour with baking powder and make a well
    • Pour in warm matsoni and egg
    • Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Knead soft dough
    • Wrap com cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour

    Filling for khachapuri with cheese

    There are a lot of cheese fillings. In traditional Georgian cuisine, fillings are made from a mixture of cheeses.

    Recipe for cheese filling:

    • If the cheese is very salty, soak it for 2 hours in cold water. Adygei cheese is usually used
    • Grate it and set it aside
    • Grate on a regular grater Dutch cheese and mix it with Adyghe. Add chopped herbs and spices

    Curd cheese filling for khachapuri

    This filling is used for Imerti khachapuri. It tastes good and is slightly salty.

    Filling recipe:

    • Crush the cottage cheese with a fork or grind it in a blender. You need to try to get rid of the grains
    • Grate regular Dutch cheese and mix it with cottage cheese. Need to take cheese products in equal quantities
    • Chop a bunch of cilantro and parsley into the mixture

    Filling for khachapuri with cottage cheese

    Usually khachapuri is prepared with a salty filling. Initially, this is a village dish, as there is a lot of dairy products in the village.

    Curd filling recipe:

    • Grind the cottage cheese in a blender and add salt to it
    • Enter in milk product 2 eggs and a bunch of greens
    • Stir and taste the filling

    Filling for khachapuri with cheese and egg

    This is a filling adapted to our kitchen. The minced meat contains mayonnaise and garlic.

    Filling recipe:

    • Boil the eggs hard. Grate them and add chopped garlic
    • Rub hard cheese and mix with eggs and garlic
    • Add a spoonful of mayonnaise and salt, don’t forget the greens

    This great option fillings for preparing traditional khachapuri in a frying pan.

    Filling for khachapuri with chicken

    An excellent recipe for a complete breakfast or dinner. The dish turns out to be very satisfying.


    • Boil in salted water chicken breast or quarters
    • Separate the meat from the bones and chop with a knife.
    • Shred Dutch cheese and mix it with chicken
    • Add chopped herbs and spices

    Khachapuri cheese filling

    This recipe is for fried breakfast flatbreads. The dish is paired with beer and dry wine.


    • Grind the cheese on a grater or in a blender
    • Grate hard cheese and mix it with feta cheese
    • Add a bunch of greens and an egg mixed with sour cream
    • Do not add a lot of sour cream at once so that the filling does not turn out liquid.

    Best Recipes delicious fillings for puff khachapuri

    Meat filling recipe:

    • Grind the meat in a meat grinder
    • Add chopped onion, garlic and a bunch of herbs to the minced meat
    • Add spices and salt
    • Pour in melted butter

    Potato filling recipe:

    • Boil the potatoes with their skins on and peel them
    • Crush the root vegetables with a rolling pin and turn them into a puree.
    • Add hard cheese and egg
    • Add greens if desired

    Bean filling recipe:

    • Boil a glass of dry beans in salted water
    • Drain the broth and crush the greens, add garlic, chopped herbs and salt and pepper
    • It is necessary to make a puree. Pour melted butter into the mixture

    There are a lot of khachapuri recipes, the most delicious are Adjarian ones and those cooked in a frying pan.

    VIDEO: Khachapuri recipe
