How to process cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. Stuffed cabbage rolls in the microwave - a quick and easy way to cook! Recipes for classic meat, diet and lazy cabbage rolls for the microwave

It happens that preparing cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls is frightening due to its procedural nature. But you can’t remove the leaves from raw cabbage. They will tear.

And the recipes say: boil in boiling salted water, cut out the stalk, and beat off the thick stems... passions!
Let me suggest a completely tireless replacement for this procedure. Just microwave the cabbage. And then the cabbage will turn into such a heap of flexible and soft leaves, from which it is a pleasure to make cabbage rolls.

We'll start by choosing cabbage from the market. It is best to take cabbage that is not round, but flattened. Shaped like a large tablet. This type of cabbage usually has very large and thin leaves. Round, crispy cabbage is more suitable for pickling. And of course, the leaves must be intact, and there should be no scattering under the leaves dark spots- traces of eating by pests.
So, cabbage, weighing about one and a half kilograms. Light, very dense, flattened in shape.
We remove a couple of the top leaves from it. They are not needed.
Place the cabbage in the microwave. We set the power to 900w. Timer - for 10-12 minutes (this is for a kaputa weighing 1.5-2 kg.
As soon as the microwave signals that it is ready. Remove the cabbage and place it under the stream cold water. Most likely she is ready already. Squeeze it. It should become somewhat soft. Only if in doubt, microwave it for another 2-4 minutes. And again under running cold water.
We place the cabbage with the stalk down and begin to unfold the leaves, opening the cabbage like a rose. They turn away very easily, because they have become soft and flexible. In the first photo you can see the end of this process. The cabbage turned into a large soft rose with a small ball of small leaves in the center.
Now turn the cabbage over, stalk side down. We take a knife and begin to trim the leaves at the stalk, putting the cut ones aside.
There will be no defects in the form of torn leaves. Because, despite their softness and thinness, the leaves are durable and do not tear. Unlike loose boiled ones.
From each leaf we cut off the protruding thick stems - veins - with a knife. They also cut perfectly easily.
And our leaves are ready.
Wrapping minced meat in such leaves is a most pleasant process. The cabbage rolls turn out neat, tight, dense. What a sight for sore eyes!

Step-by-step recipe for stewed cabbage in the microwave with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Second courses
  • Recipe difficulty: Simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking time: up to 30 minutes
  • Number of servings: 2 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 58 kilocalories

A simple recipe for stewed cabbage in the microwave home cooking with photo and step by step description preparations. Easy to prepare at home in under 30 minutes. Contains only 58 kilocalories.

Ingredients for 2 servings

  • Cabbage 400 g.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Butter 2 tbsp. spoon
  • Water 0.5 cup.
  • Tomato paste 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Bay leaf 2 pcs.
  • Dried basil to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Table salt to taste

Step by step

  1. Today I will tell you how to cook stewed cabbage V microwave oven. The cabbage turns out no worse than if you cook it traditional way. In addition to cabbage, we will need following products: onions (one or two heads - depending on size), half a glass of boiled chilled water, a tablespoon of tomato paste, two tablespoons butter(I forgot to add oil in the photo), one or two bay leaves, salt, black ground pepper. I also added basil. If you want, you can also add dry basil. You can also add a little less than half a glass of sour cream to the cabbage. I made it without sour cream.
  2. I chopped the cabbage prepared in advance (washed and dried from water) and immediately put it in a round heat-resistant glass dish, in which I will stew the cabbage in the microwave. I salted the cabbage and rubbed it a little with my hands.
  3. Next, I cleaned and washed under cold water head onions. Then I chopped the onion. You can chop the onion however you like - large or small. I like the onion to be finely chopped.
  4. I mixed cabbage with onions, poured water, and put pieces of butter on top. The cabbage will be stewed in two stages.
  5. Cover the mold with a lid and put it in the microwave. This is the first stage. It is necessary to cook in 100% mode for 8-10 minutes. Young cabbage cooks faster. When the time is up, I take the form with the cabbage out of the oven.
  6. Added to cabbage tomato paste, bay leaf and basil and pepper. (if you make it with sour cream, add sour cream too). The contents of the form were mixed. I tried it for salt - if there is not enough salt, then you should add more salt. And the second stage - again covered the mold with a lid and put it in the microwave. This time you need to cook for 5-7 minutes. The power should be, as the first time, one hundred percent (or maximum). Two minutes before the end of cooking, remove the lid from the pan.
  7. I take out the stewed cabbage and choose bay leaves And. ..
  8. . .. I put the cabbage into plates and serve. When serving, I like to sprinkle the stewed cabbage with green onions.
  9. Cabbage is delicious both hot and cold.

Greetings, my dear cooks. I recently discovered new way preparing cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls. Now you won't have to wait for the water to boil. And then carefully lower the head of cabbage so as not to burn your hands with splashes of boiling water. Today I’m going to tell you how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave.

Now this dish will be included more often in my family’s diet. I am sure that after today’s article you will also make cabbage rolls with enviable regularity. And call for it tasty dish his friends. As for cooking cabbage. There are two proven ways to prepare cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls.

Take a 2 kg head of cabbage. For cabbage rolls, try to use a slightly flattened head rather than a round one. This head of cabbage is shaped a little like a large tablet. This cabbage has large and thin leaves. Round cabbage is more suitable for pickling or other dishes that require chopping the vegetable.

Yes, and be sure to pay attention to appearance leaves. If there are black spots on them, it means that this product has already been eaten before you. I mean small pests. Who were you thinking about? 🙂

Soften the cabbage in layers

After you decide on the head of cabbage, make 4 deep cuts at the stalk. Then put the cabbage in the microwave for 7-10 minutes. Set the microwave power to maximum. Next, pull out the head of cabbage and carefully remove the top leaves. Don't forcefully drag - tear off just enough to move away.

Then again you need to make a few cuts and put the head of cabbage in the microwave. This time for 5 minutes (also at maximum power). We take out the head again and remove a few of the top leaves. We make cuts and again send the head of cabbage to the mikru for 5 minutes. And continue to do this until the cabbage becomes very small.

Then we collect all the cabbage leaves that we separated from the head of cabbage and place them in the microwave. Keep them here for 3-5 minutes at high power. We do this to soften the leaves - they will sweat and become soft and translucent. Well, that's it, the cabbage is prepared - it's time to make cabbage rolls out of them.

Prepare the whole cabbage in a bag

Be sure to remove the top leaves that have a “non-marketable” appearance. Make a cut around the stalk. The notches should be deep to make it easier to separate the leaves later.

Place the cabbage in a plastic bag (it must be tightly tied). Then place the workpiece in the microwave for 15 minutes. The microwave power should be set to maximum. A quarter of an hour is the recommended time for medium-sized cabbage (up to 1.5 kg). If the head is large, naturally, set more time.

Then carefully remove the cabbage from the micra and remove it from the bag. Then separate the leaves. The cabbage is ready - its leaves have become soft. Making cabbage rolls from them is a pleasure. So feel free to start preparing this dish. And the video recipe will help you with this.

Recipes with cooked cabbage in the microwave

With prepared cabbage leaves, you can cook a lot of things in the same microwave. I suggest you try several recipes with delicious photos.

How to cook cabbage rolls in the microwave

For cabbage rolls, take:

  • cabbage leaves;
  • 80 g round rice;
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 400 g minced meat (can be pork or “assorted”);
  • 40 ml vegetable oil;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • 180 ml water (for sauce);
  • 1 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • salt + pepper.

Cut the peeled onion into small cubes. Then fry it in oil until golden color. Boil the rice in salted water until half cooked. Next, we rinse it and tip it into a colander (this is so that all the excess liquid is gone). If you don't want to wash the pots later, cook the rice in the microwave.

Then transfer the minced meat into a bowl. We also send rice and onions there. Mix all the ingredients, add the mixture and season. Then mix everything again.

Soften the cabbage leaves in a micro-cooker in advance. Place 1 tbsp on each sheet. minced meat and wrap it in a roll. Place the cabbage rolls in a glass container for the microwave (you will get several layers).

Prepare the sauce. For this I'm hot boiled water mix with pasta and sour cream. Add some salt to the mixture and pour it over the cabbage rolls. Cover the glass container with a lid and put it in the microwave. We set the maximum power. Cook the cabbage rolls for about 20-30 minutes. Then we leave the dish for another 10 minutes in the turned off oven - let it finish. And then we taste the delicious food :) I am sure that many “helpers” will come to the tasting.

Step-by-step recipe for cabbage with stew in the microwave

If you have small cabbage leaves left after cooking cabbage rolls, do not throw them away. From this valuable product you can “cook”, or rather stew, a delicious dish.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kilos of cabbage;
  • 250 g stew;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 100 ml chili sauce;
  • salt + pepper + cloves.

Chop cabbage leaves. Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings. Place cabbage, onions and stewed meat in layers in a greased baking dish. Add salt and pepper on top, add cloves. And fill it all with sauce.

Cover the container with a lid and put it in the microwave. We set the average power. Cook the dish for about 15 minutes. Then we take a sample to determine the readiness of the food.

If everything is ready, mix the ingredients. Cover the dish with a lid again and place in the microwave for 3-4 minutes (medium power). Afterwards, leave the dish for another 5 minutes in the switched off microphone. And then we press on both cheeks.

Additional Tricks

By the way, my friends, cabbage becomes soft not only under the influence high temperature. Cold provides a similar effect. Surprised? And you use this method, and then write down what happened to you. This method is good if you are not in a hurry and in general you are too lazy to mess around in the kitchen right now :)

The head of cabbage should be placed in the freezer for 12 hours. Then you need to take it out and defrost it at room temperature. Cabbage leaves will change beyond recognition - you can easily make cabbage rolls from them. Only this method has its own catch - leaves prepared in this way cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, do not store them for future use, otherwise they will be lost.

Useful properties of cabbage

The energy value of this vegetable crop is 28 kcal. There are 4.7 g of carbohydrates, 1.8 g of protein and 0.2 g of fat.

Its rich and “many-sided” chemical composition, here are contained:

  • vitamins B1, B6, B9,

    And due to the fact that cabbage is rich in potassium, it helps in regulating blood pressure. And participates in the transmission of nerve impulses. By the way, this product helps get rid of increased anxiety and fights fatigue remarkably.

    Also given vegetable crop is different high content vitamin C. This component takes an active part in oxidative reactions occurring in the body. With a deficiency of ascorbic acid, increased fragility is observed blood vessels, bleeding gums and other problems. To avoid all this, eat more cabbage.

    Cabbage also has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It normalizes intestinal function and improves its microflora. This miracle plant also helps in the fight against harmful bacteria. These include tuberculosis bacillus and Staphylococcus aureus.

    And this product has an effect on the brain positive influence. So eat cabbage for your health, and maybe you will discover “Newton’s fourth law” :)

    I am sure that this article will be useful to you. And if your friends ask how you managed to cook this dish so quickly, don’t hide the secret. Send them a link to the article.

    Cook with love. I take my leave: see you again.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are an original and incredibly tasty dish. But not all housewives cook it. The difficulty lies in preparing the cabbage leaves. Preparation deposit delicious cabbage rolls lies in their making the right choice and softening. Today we will discuss how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave.

General aspects

Every housewife, without exception, knows that preparing cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls is real flour. You first have to carefully separate the leaves, then boil them until softened, and cut off the veins.

As a result, each leaf should be evenly softened, thin and soft. But at the same time quite elastic and elastic. Otherwise, it will be impossible to wrap the cabbage rolls, and during the stewing process, the cabbage leaves will begin to tear, and the filling will simply fall out to the bottom of the pan.

Many housewives already know how to cook cabbage in the microwave for cabbage rolls and how many minutes this process takes. Duration heat treatment depends on the functionality of the microwave oven, as well as the size of the cabbage fork.

Preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave is very important. Before placing a head of cabbage in the microwave oven, follow these steps:

  • Be sure to remove the top leaves if they are spoiled;
  • Rinse the cabbage forks thoroughly with filtered water and dry with paper towels;
  • Use a sharp knife to cut out the stalk.

All that’s left to do is to soften the leaves. There are several ways to do this, let's look at each of them in detail.

Dry preparation of cabbage leaves

Cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls can be boiled in the microwave even without water. To do this you will need the vegetable itself and plastic bag. It is better to choose forks weighing 1-1.5 kg. We start by preparing the whole head of cabbage.


  • 1 head of white cabbage.


On a note! Some housewives, after cooking cabbage leaves in a microwave oven, immediately place the cabbage leaves in a bowl of chilled water. And only then they disassemble it.

Speeding up the cooking process

How to soften cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave? This can be done in the traditional way - in water, but only in a short period of time.

On a note! First make deep cuts near the stalk. This will make the leaves easier to separate. It's even easier to cook young cabbage forks.


  • 300 ml filtered water;
  • 1.5-2 kg of white cabbage.


  1. Rinse the cabbage forks thoroughly with running water.
  2. We carefully cut out the stalk and separate the forks into separate leaves.
  3. Each leaf can also be washed with filtered water if desired.
  4. Place cabbage leaves in a special bowl designed for cooking in a microwave oven.
  5. Fill them with filtered water and put them in the microwave.
  6. We select the maximum power, set the timer for 3-4 minutes.
  7. After the beep sounds, take out the cabbage leaves, cool a little and use them to prepare cabbage rolls.

Experienced housewives who are accustomed to preparing cabbage rolls according to proven grandma's recipe, are skeptical about this method of heat treatment of cabbage leaves. But progress does not stand still, so if you have a microwave oven in the kitchen, it would be a sin not to use it. Let's prepare cabbage leaves in several stages.


  • a head of white cabbage.


  1. We start traditionally by preparing a cabbage fork.
  2. Remove the top leaves.
  3. Wash the head of cabbage thoroughly with running water.
  4. We put it in a special glassware and put it in the microwave oven.
  5. Set the timer for 5-6 minutes and cook at maximum power until the sound signal sounds.
  6. We take out a head of cabbage and remove the top leaves that have softened.
  7. Again, place the rest of the head of cabbage in the microwave oven for 5-6 minutes.
  8. We carry out this algorithm until we have prepared the entire head of cabbage.
  9. We cut off the veins from the hot leaves.

One, two - and you're done: sharing secrets

Cooking cabbage rolls will give you great pleasure if you use a microwave oven. You can prepare cabbage leaves in the microwave by choosing one of the methods described above.


  • cabbage fork;
  • 500-700 g minced meat;
  • ½ tbsp. rice cereal;
  • carrots – 1-2 root vegetables;
  • tomato paste;
  • filtered water;
  • salt, pepper mixture and other seasonings - to taste.


  1. Prepare cabbage leaves as described above.
  2. We disassemble the forks into leaves, cut off the dense veins and put them aside for now.
  3. Place the chilled mixed minced meat into a deep bowl.
  4. Wash the rice grains thoroughly until the water is clear, and then boil until half cooked.
  5. Peel the carrots and wash them.
  6. Combine minced meat with boiled rice.
  7. Add salt, allspice and other seasonings and spices to taste.
  8. Mix everything thoroughly.
  9. You can also add finely chopped onion.
  10. In a separate bowl, immediately prepare the sauce.
  11. Pour the tomato paste with warm boiled water.
  12. Stir thoroughly. You can add to taste granulated sugar, salt and table vinegar with 9% concentration.
  13. Let's start preparing cabbage rolls.
  14. Place the prepared meat filling on the cabbage leaf.
  15. Wrap the cabbage leaf in an envelope.
  16. We roll up the remaining leaves in this way and place them in a thick-walled glass container.
  17. Pour the prepared tomato sauce over the cabbage rolls. The gravy should completely cover the cabbage rolls.
  18. Place the cabbage rolls in the microwave oven.
  19. Set the timer for 20 minutes.
  20. Cooking at maximum power.

On a note! If you feel like the cabbage rolls are still a little damp, you can put them back in the microwave and simmer for a few more minutes. Tomato sauce it is not necessary to cook from pasta, use canned or fresh tomatoes. The taste of cabbage rolls will be emphasized by sour cream filling.

Almost everyone loves homemade cabbage rolls, but most housewives rarely cook them. The reason most often lies in the difficulty of preparing cabbage. After all, it is necessary to make the cabbage leaves soft and flexible, without damaging their structure when separating them from the head of cabbage. To do this, you have to boil the head of cabbage, constantly checking with a knife how easily the leaves come off, and remove them, risking getting burned. However, this method of preparing cabbage is already outdated, and if you have a microwave oven at home, you can cope with the task faster and easier. Cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave is easy to prepare; even inexperienced cooks have no difficulties with it.

Cooking features

The process of preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls using the microwave is so simple that it does not require any culinary skills. But still, knowing a few subtleties won’t hurt.

  • For cabbage rolls, it is better to choose young cabbage with a flattened shape - these varieties have more flexible and soft leaves.
  • In order for the leaves to separate well after processing the head of cabbage in the microwave, before placing it in the microwave oven, it is necessary to make several deep cuts around the stalk.
  • It will be easier to separate the leaves if you place the head of cabbage under a stream of cool water.
  • If the cabbage is young and the leaves come off easily, you can cook the leaves in the microwave. It will take less time than processing a whole head of cabbage.
  • If you place the head of cabbage in a bag, the leaves will soften a little faster. This method is worth choosing if you want to save time.

Preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave, whole head or leaves, with or without a bag, varies slightly.

How to cook cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls

  • heads of young cabbage - 1.5–2 kg in total;
  • water – 0.2–0.3 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage well.
  • Carefully disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves, being careful not to disturb their integrity.
  • Wet the leaves with water.
  • Place a few leaves on a microwave-safe plate.
  • Turn the microwave on full power. Set the timer for 3 minutes.
  • Take out the plate and remove the leaves from it. Place a new batch and process in the same way.

Continue processing the cabbage in this way until you have enough required quantity leaves. Remember that this method is only suitable for young cabbage of early varieties - from a large head of cabbage autumn variety Separating the leaves from the stalk without damaging them will be problematic.

Cooking cabbage in the microwave

  • white cabbage – 1.5–2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage well. It is important that it is sized to fit in the microwave.
  • Remove the top leaves - they are usually limp and spoiled by insects.
  • Cut the stalk as deep as possible, making several deep cuts around it.
  • Place a flat dish in the microwave. Some people can do without it, but it’s easier to wash a dish than a microwave stand, so it’s still advisable to use it.
  • Place the head of cabbage on the dish so that the place where the stalk was was located at the bottom.
  • Turn on the microwave for 10 minutes, selecting maximum power.
  • Careful not to burn yourself, remove the cabbage and place it in a clean sink. Cool under running water.
  • Carefully separate the top leaves, using a knife if necessary.
  • When you notice that the remaining leaves are tightly attached to the head of cabbage and you risk tearing them by separating them, place the head of cabbage in the microwave again. This time it is enough to turn on the microwave oven for 5 minutes.
  • Cool the head again and continue removing the cabbage leaves.

You need to repeat the five-minute microwave treatment of the head of cabbage until you have almost completely disassembled it into leaves. After this, the dense veins will have to be cut out or beaten with a culinary hammer, since they remain hard even after processing in the microwave, which makes it impossible to form cabbage rolls.

Cabbage for cabbage rolls in a bag

  • head of cabbage – 1–1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage and remove the wilted leaves. Make deep cuts around the stalk.
  • Place the head of cabbage in a bag or in a baking sleeve (the latter option is preferable). Use a toothpick to make several holes to allow steam to escape.
  • Place the bag of cabbage in the microwave and turn it on for 3 minutes at maximum power.
  • Remove, cool under running water and remove the top leaves. Repeat the procedure several times until the required number of leaves is collected.

Using the same technology, it is advisable to cook cabbage rolls and Chinese cabbage. This will take less time: 2 minutes. In addition, a single treatment should be enough to soften it.

Cooking cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave is quick and safe. Knowing this method, you will pamper your loved ones with cabbage rolls much more often.
