Salad with boiled meat “Drift. Step-by-step cooking process at home

We suggest preparing very delicious salad Snowdrifts on New Year, and so that it suits everyone, we provide three detailed options for its preparation. We hope these recipes will be useful to you when preparing New Year's menu. So how to get closer new year holidays and it’s time to think about what we hostesses will put on the table. The salad is very tasty, the products go well together. And snowdrifts made from eggs with the addition of mayonnaise and garlic will add piquancy to your dish.

Option No. 1 “Snowdrifts” salad with fried chicken fillet


  • Chicken fillet…….. 300 g (any meat can be used)
  • Potatoes…………… 2-3 pcs
  • Fresh cucumber………. 1 PC
  • Egg………..6-7 pcs
  • Garlic, herbs
  • Salt pepper
  • Mayonnaise


Cut the meat into thin strips, the onion into thin half rings, fry everything together on vegetable oil until done, add salt and pepper. We spread the resulting mass on a flat plate in a circle, this is the first layer of our “Snowdrifts” salad.

Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and grate on top of the first layer, add salt and spread mayonnaise on top.

Cut the fresh cucumber into thin strips and place it in a layer on top of the potatoes. Add salt.

Cut the hard-boiled eggs in half and remove the yolk into a separate bowl. In this bowl, mash the yolk with a fork into a homogeneous mass, add garlic squeezed through a garlic press, finely chopped herbs and mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

We fill the halves of the whites with this filling, we get stuffed eggs, place them cut side down on our salad around the perimeter, beautifully, there’s a lot to do here). Spread a layer of mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated fine grater cheese, it gives such an airy effect. Between the snowdrifts you can decorate with canned peas.

You can leave it to soak overnight, you can serve it immediately)

Watch the video of the process of preparing the “Snow Drifts” salad.

Option No. 2 “Snow Drifts” Salad with Mushrooms


  • Egg……………. 4 things.
  • Jacket potatoes……………………. 2 pcs.
  • Medium size onion………………. 1 PC.
  • Mayonnaise………………. optional.
  • Champignons…………….. 300 g
  • Garlic…………… 1-2 teeth.
  • Baked chicken fillet…………….1 pc.
  • Cheese…………….. 50 g
  • Apple cider vinegar…………………2 tbsp. l.
  • Pomegranate seeds for decoration.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Ground black pepper to taste.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.


Thinly slice the onion into half rings, add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper, pour boiling water for 15 minutes and then drain.

Chop the champignons and fry in vegetable oil until tender, the main thing is not to overcook, add salt and pepper to taste. Place in a bowl to cool.

Pre-baked chicken fillet cut into strips. Place the fillet on the bottom of the form and distribute the pickled onions on top, cover with a mayonnaise mesh.

Rub the peeled jacket potatoes into a layer with a coarse grater, again using a mesh of mayonnaise.

Grate 4 eggs on a fine grater, mix with mayonnaise, finely chopped garlic, and salt to taste. We form testicles from the mass. And we lay them out on the surface of our salad, covered with a layer of mayonnaise. Sprinkle finely grated cheese on top. Garnish with pomegranate seeds. Place in a cool place for at least four hours.

Option No. 3 With canned fish and bell pepper


  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 red bell pepper
  • 1 jar canned fish ov
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • mayonnaise


Place grated potatoes on a flat dish as the first layer. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Second layer: grated carrots, mayonnaise again on top, we recommend adding a little salt to each layer.

Third layer: canned fish, grated with a fork and mixed with finely chopped onion. Another layer of mayonnaise.

Fourth layer: finely cut bell pepper.

Now we make snowdrifts. Cut the boiled eggs in half lengthwise, grind the yolks with a fork with squeezed garlic, add mayonnaise, salt, and seasonings. Place the filling cut side down on the sliced ​​peppers. Cover everything with a layer of mayonnaise. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Place for soaking in a cool place.

Have a nice feast!

Dec 15, 2017 admin

Housewives try to prepare interesting and delicious dishes. They serve salads, appetizers and main courses in the form of a decorated fir tree, a clock showing midnight, Christmas tree decorations, snowmen and the symbol of the year. Salad “Snowdrifts” fits harmoniously into the list New Year's treats. This beautiful dish It’s quite filling, so one serving of salad is enough to quickly satisfy your hunger.

Main Ingredients

As soon as a housewife finds a recipe for a new salad or any other dish, she immediately looks for a replacement for some products in accordance with her taste. But any recipe has basic ingredients that should not be replaced. At the salad “Sugrob” recipe is simple, and all the ingredients are quite accessible.

The basis of the salad is mushrooms, boiled vegetables, onions, cheese and eggs. You can prepare it with chicken, minced meat, canned fish, and sausage. The products are crushed and laid out on a plate in layers. Each layer is covered with a mesh of mayonnaise. And the top of the salad - snowdrifts - are halves of boiled eggs, covered with grated cheese.

Chicken salad

There are several recipes for the “Snowdrifts” salad with chicken, but most often boiled chicken meat and mushrooms are added to it. Required Products:

Cut the onion into half rings, pour apple cider vinegar and then boiling water. This will give it softness and remove bitterness. Mushrooms are chopped and fried in vegetable oil with salt and pepper. Chicken fillet is baked in foil, cut into small cubes and laid out in a layer on a large plate. The second layer is pickled onions and mayonnaise mesh. You need to put it on top fried mushrooms and grated boiled potatoes.

To prepare snowdrifts, you need to boil eggs, grate them on a fine grater, mix with mayonnaise and chopped garlic. Small balls are formed from the resulting mass and placed on the salad. Ready dish sprinkled with grated cheese.

"Sdrifts" from canned food

The taste of canned fish salad resembles Mimosa, but the method of preparation and appearance very different. Ingredients for the dish:

  • 2 carrots, 2 potatoes, 4 eggs;
  • 1 can of canned fish;
  • 1 onion, 1 red bell pepper;
  • mayonnaise, garlic, cheese.

Carrots, eggs and potatoes are boiled until tender, onions are pickled in boiling water. In blender until homogeneous mass Canned fish and pickled onions are crushed. Bell peppers are cut into small cubes, potatoes and carrots are grated. Potatoes, carrots, a mixture of canned food, and bell peppers are laid out on a plate in layers and smeared with mayonnaise.

Eggs need to be peeled, cut in half and the yolks separated from the whites. The yolk is mashed with mayonnaise and chopped garlic. The egg white halves are stuffed with this mixture and placed on the salad. The “drifts” are smeared with mayonnaise on top and sprinkled with grated cheese.

Dish with sausage

If one of the guests does not like baked chicken or canned fish, then you can prepare a salad with boiled sausage. Its taste will be no less refined. Required Products:

  • 1 medium carrot, 1 large onion;
  • 2 potatoes, 3 eggs;
  • 250 g boiled sausage;
  • mayonnaise, cheese, garlic.

Chopped onions and carrots are lightly fried in vegetable oil. Eggs and potatoes are boiled, sausage is cut into thin strips, cheese and potatoes are grated on a fine grater. Onions and carrots, sausage, grated potatoes, coated with mayonnaise. The eggs are cut in half, the yolks are mixed with mayonnaise and garlic, and the whites are filled with the mass. They are laid out in the top layer, soaked in mayonnaise and sprinkled with cheese.

In the “Snowdrift of Health” salad, the main product is smoked meat. The housewife can buy pork, chicken or veal. Ingredients for the dish:

Meat and cucumbers should be cut into thin strips, eggs and potatoes should be boiled, and onions should be marinated in boiling water. Potatoes and eggs are grated on a fine grater, garlic is crushed using a masher, mushrooms are cut into thin slices. Place meat, cucumber, potatoes, onions and mushrooms in layers on a plate.

Place balls of eggs, garlic and mayonnaise on top. The salad is sprinkled with a layer of grated cheese.

The dish should be cooled in the refrigerator for several hours before eating. Lingonberries, prunes, walnuts and greens will be an excellent decoration for the “Snowdrifts” salad. The step-by-step recipe will allow you to prepare it quickly. You can serve the treat on a large shared plate or in small portioned bowls, serving each guest separately. “Sdrifts” are a real table decoration that will become your favorite holiday treat from hosts and guests.

Attention, TODAY only!


Salad "Snowdrift"– it’s not just beautifully designed holiday dish, it's very tasty and hearty snack. Just one serving of this salad can satisfy the hunger of an adult man. Thus, if you are worried that your guests may remain hungry after leaving the table, without a doubt, take on board the recipe for making such snowdrifts!

Salad "White Snowdrifts" consists of regular products, which can be found in any home. However, the list of ingredients may vary. Some people prefer “drifts” with chicken, others with mushrooms, but we suggest cooking them with the addition of canned fish, in particular, we will use pink salmon. The combination of fish with other products included in the salad is simply amazing!

Prepare this original dish It can be used for absolutely any occasion, but it will be especially relevant on the New Year and Christmas table. This salad will fit perfectly into any menu. In addition, it will become a real decoration for festive table. You'll see, everyone will be delighted with such delicious white snowdrifts!


  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1/2 piece red)

  • (1 jar)

  • (5 pieces.)

  • (2 cloves)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    First of all, to prepare the salad you need to prepare some ingredients. Potatoes and carrots should be boiled. There is no need to pre-clean them. Cooking vegetables in their uniforms. In addition, you should hard boil the eggs.

    Boiled potatoes should be cooled and peeled. Then you need to grate it. Place the resulting mass on a wide dish. This will be the first layer of lettuce. We will lubricate it with mayonnaise.

    Now we do the same with carrots: cool, peel, grate. Spread the grated carrots in a second layer and also grease with mayonnaise.

    Now you need to use a blender to grind the canned fish and onion into a homogeneous mass. Spread the resulting mass in the next layer and grease it with mayonnaise.

    Now we need pepper. It must be thoroughly washed and freed from seeds. Then the pepper should be cut into cubes and placed on top of the pink salmon.

    We peel the previously boiled eggs from their shells, and then divide them into halves. Take out the yolks and knead them with mayonnaise, while adding a couple of cloves of garlic, passed through a press, to the mixture.

    Stuff the egg halves with the resulting mass, as shown in the photo below.

    Stuffed halves Lay out the eggs in a new layer (the convex part up).

    Above egg layer grease with mayonnaise, then sprinkle with grated cheese. That's all! Salad ready. However, do not rush to take the sample immediately; let it brew for a couple of hours.

    This is what “snowdrifts” look like in cross-section.

    Bon appetit!

On New Year's table Dishes decorated in the appropriate theme look especially interesting. Decorations are made on salads in the form of a spruce tree, a clock, snowmen or the symbol of the year. The “Snowdrifts” salad also looks great on the New Year’s table. We will present several options for preparing it at home in our article.

Salad "Snowdrifts": recipe with chicken and mushrooms

There are several recipes for preparing this salad. Most often it is prepared with chicken, adding mushrooms, onions and other boiled vegetables. Step by step, the “Snowdrifts” salad is prepared as follows:

  1. The onion is cut into half rings, first poured with apple cider vinegar (30 ml), and then with boiling water. After 15 minutes, the water must be drained.
  2. Mushrooms (300 g) are fried in vegetable oil until tender. During cooking, add salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Chicken fillet baked in foil is cut into small cubes and distributed evenly over the bottom of a round plate.
  4. The next layer is pickled onions, and then a mesh of mayonnaise is made.
  5. Fried mushrooms and grated coarsely boiled potatoes are distributed on top. This layer is also smeared with mayonnaise.
  6. Boiled eggs (4 pcs.) are grated on a fine grater, mixed with squeezed garlic (1 pc.) and mayonnaise. Balls are formed from the resulting mass. They need to be placed on the last layer of salad and sprinkled with grated cheese (50 g).

The finished salad is placed in the refrigerator for 6 hours, after which it can be placed on the holiday table.

Recipe for salad "Drifts" with canned food

This salad can be called an alternative to Mimosa. They are very similar in taste and composition of ingredients, but the cooking technology is somewhat different. The "Snowdrifts" salad looks more interesting, original and festive on the table.

The salad is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, for the salad, boil potatoes in their skins (2 pcs.), carrots (2 pcs.), eggs (4 pcs.).
  2. Peeled onions (1 pc.) and canned fish (in a jar) are crushed until smooth in a blender.
  3. Sweet red pepper is cut into small cubes.
  4. The salad is formed on a plate in layers. First, coarsely grate potatoes, then carrots. The third layer is onions with canned food, red pepper is laid out on top. Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise.
  5. The eggs are peeled and cut lengthwise. The yolk is extracted from the white and mixed with mayonnaise and garlic (2 cloves). Next you need to stuff the egg white halves with the yolk mixture.
  6. On final stage Place the egg halves on a layer of red pepper, whites facing up. Grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with finely grated cheese.

The salad is soaked in the refrigerator and served at least 2 hours after preparation.

Salad "Snowdrifts": step-by-step recipe with sausage

The next option for preparing delicious New Year's salad- sausage. It is prepared step by step in the following sequence:

  1. At the very beginning of cooking, you need to sauté the onion and grated carrots in vegetable oil, then transfer the vegetables from the frying pan to a plate and cool.
  2. Halves boiled eggs(3 pcs.) Stuff with yolks and mayonnaise, as in the previous recipe.
  3. Grate cheese (150 g) and peeled potatoes (2 pcs.), boiled sausage(200 g) cut into strips.
  4. Collect the "Snowdrifts" salad on festive plate: first a layer of onions with carrots, then sausage and mayonnaise. Next, lay out a layer of potatoes smeared with mayonnaise. On top are halves of eggs, soaked in mayonnaise and sprinkled with cheese. Salad ready!

Recipe for "Snowdrifts" salad with smoked meat

The next option for preparing the “Snowdrifts” salad involves assembling the layers in the following sequence:

  1. The first layer is smoked meat cut into strips, then lay out cucumber chopped in the same way. Both layers are smeared with mayonnaise.
  2. The next layer of salad is grated potatoes (1 pc.). Then add chopped pickled mushrooms (150 g) and mayonnaise.
  3. The top of the salad is decorated with “drifts” of grated egg and mayonnaise and generously sprinkled with “snow” of cheese.

Winter, not only in name, but also in appearance, the “Snow Drifts” salad will serve as an excellent decoration for the holiday table! And the combination of chicken breast, cheese and champignons will delight lovers of subtle and delicate flavor combinations.

The chic snowdrift salad will definitely please your guests. This salad fits well on a flat dish 25-26 cm in diameter. The number of eggs is given approximately; they must be calculated based on the number of eaters. Snowdrift salad with chicken and mushrooms should be cut into portions, like a cake, and each portion should contain half an egg. I planned to have 10 people at the table, so I boiled 5 eggs. It is better to take small eggs.

It is better to choose the lightest, almost white cheese for this salad. This way the “drifts” will look more natural.

Well, the introduction is over :), and now in detail about how to prepare snowdrift salad. I present to your attention the “Snow Drifts” salad recipe with photos.

And, of course, how can a holiday table be served without a properly prepared vinaigrette or an exquisitely decorated Olivier salad?

Ingredients for the recipe: Snowdrift Salad with Chicken
Chicken breast 500-600 grams
Fresh champignons 300 grams
Green onion small bun
Light semi-hard cheese 150 grams
Garlic 2 cloves
Mayonnaise 200 grams
Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon
Salt taste
Dill for decoration a few twigs

Snowdrift salad recipe with photos step by step

Bring one and a half liters of water to a boil in a saucepan, add salt and lower chicken breast. Cook at a very low boil for about 40 minutes. Cool the breast in the broth.

Fill the eggs cold water and place on the stove over medium heat. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Drain the water, pour cold water over the eggs several times and leave to cool.

Now let's deal with champignons. Wipe the mushrooms thoroughly with a damp cloth. Do not wash mushrooms, this will deteriorate their taste and aroma. Commercially grown mushrooms are usually quite clean and can be easily wiped down.

Cut the champignons into cubes.

Fry in a frying pan in refined vegetable oil, stirring constantly until the mushrooms are browned. Let cool. All products must be cooled before preparing the salad.

Now almost everything is ready, you can start assembling our salad.

Cut the eggs into halves lengthwise. We take out the yolks.

Mash the yolks in a bowl using a fork. Add a tablespoon of mayonnaise and garlic passed through a press.

Grind until more or less homogeneous.

Stuff the egg white halves with the resulting mixture. Stuffed eggs Set aside for now.

Cut the chicken breast into cubes.

Place the chicken on a flat plate and spread in an even layer. Apply a mesh of mayonnaise on top.

Finely chop the green onions.

Sprinkle a layer of chicken green onions and again apply a light mayonnaise mesh. It is convenient to apply the mayonnaise mesh from plastic bag with a cut corner.

Now we lay out a layer of mushrooms and also apply a mesh, but a little thicker.

Grate the cheese.

Sprinkle the salad with grated cheese. Leave a small part of the cheese.

Decorate with egg halves. Even if not all halves turned out perfect (like mine), further actions will fix it :).
