Delicious plum sauce for meat. Plum sauce for the winter: with basil. A real classic recipe for Tkemali for meat, very tasty from a Georgian chef


Simple recipes for plum sauce for the winter allow you to prepare delicious and healthy dishes. Despite the common main ingredient, plum, each of them has a bright and memorable taste.

Sweet plum sauce with a piquant aroma

This universal sauce, which will suit almost any dish. You can also eat it simply with bread.

The sauce is unlikely to be suitable as jam, because it contains hot and spicy components in its composition

To prepare it you will need:

  • plums - 2 kg;
  • chili pepper - 30 g;
  • curry - 30 g;
  • garlic - 100 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • salt - 20 g.
  1. Wash and dry the plums. Remove the seeds from them.
  2. Peel, wash and crush the garlic.
  3. Grind the plums in a blender to a paste.
  4. Pour the plum mixture into a saucepan. Salt, sugar and add curry. To stir thoroughly.
  5. Cook until boiling, stirring occasionally.
  6. After boiling, cook for another 15 minutes over low heat.
  7. Remove the foam.
  8. Add garlic. Mix.
  9. Cook for 15 minutes.
  10. Place hot plum sauce into sterilized jars.
  11. Close the jars with lids, roll them up and turn them upside down.
  12. Wrap in cloth and let cool.
  13. Take it to a cellar or other dark place.

Recipe for spicy plum sauce for the winter

Spicy plum sauce will perfectly complement any hot dish.

This recipe uses hot chili.


  • plums (red or blue) - 2 kg;
  • sweet (bulgarian) pepper - 100 g;
  • chili pepper - 60 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • seasoning " Provencal herbs» – 20 g.
  1. Rinse the plums and dry.
  2. Remove the seeds.
  3. Cut the plums in half.
  4. Place the halves in a bowl. Pour in water.
  5. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Rub the plums through a sieve.
  7. Wash the pepper, remove seeds. Cut in small pieces.
  8. Add to plum mixture. Beat with a blender until smooth.
  9. Boil.
  10. Salt, sugar, add seasoning. To stir thoroughly.
  11. Cook for another half hour over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  12. Pour the sauce into sterile jars, close them with lids and roll up.
  13. Turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket or rug.
  14. Place in the cellar.

Chinese plum sauce

Making Chinese plum sauce requires special ingredients, but unique taste will be worth the effort.

The sauce is a little more expensive in terms of ingredients, but the flavors are truly multifaceted.

To prepare the sauce you will need:

  • plums (blue) – 1 kg;
  • pitted prunes - 150 g;
  • onion (red) – 75 g;
  • garlic - 20 g;
  • ginger root - 15 g;
  • brown sugar - 250 g;
  • rice vinegar - 120 ml;
  • soy sauce- 60 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - 2 g;
  • star anise - 3 g;
  • Chinese seasoning “5 spices” – 2 g;
  • Sichuanese ground pepper- 4 years
  1. Wash the plums, remove the pits and chop finely.
  2. Crush the garlic.
  3. Chop the onion.
  4. Grate the ginger root.
  5. Finely chop the plums.
  6. Place the chopped ingredients in a deep saucepan.
  7. Add star anise, soy sauce, ground cinnamon, Chinese 5 spice seasoning. If there is no such seasoning, then it can be replaced with a mixture of ground cloves, ground cinnamon and dried dill in equal proportions.
  8. Sugar and pepper. To stir thoroughly.
  9. Bring to a boil, then cook for another half hour over low heat.
  10. Leave to cool for 20 minutes.
  11. Bring to a homogeneous state with a blender.
  12. Divide hot sauce into clean jars. Close with sterile lids and roll up.
  13. After cooling, place in the cellar.

Recipes for plum sauces are designed for a wide range of dishes. By alternating them you can ensure a variety of tastes throughout the winter.

The sauce is a liquid seasoning and is usually served with main dishes. Today we will tell you how to prepare plum sauce for the winter. It will perfectly complement any dish, radically changing the taste of the product, and its bright taste will help you get true satisfaction from food.

Spicy plum sauce for the winter


  • garden plum – 2 kg;
  • garlic – 15 g;
  • hot peppers chili – 2 pcs.;
  • curry powder – 20 g;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • white sugar – 85 g;
  • ground black and red peppers – 25 g;
  • ground cinnamon – 10 g.


Wash the plums and carefully remove the pits. Process the garlic, pepper and grind all the ingredients through a fine grinder. Season the resulting mass with salt, sugar and add all the spices to taste. Mix the contents thoroughly, boil and simmer for 30 minutes. After this, put the hot sauce into sterile dry jars and roll up the lids.

Recipe for plum satsebeli sauce for the winter


  • green plum – 3 kg;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • sugar – 110 g;
  • ground curry seasoning – 1 sachet;
  • fresh cilantro – 1 bunch;
  • red hot pepper – 2 pcs.


Wash the fruits thoroughly, break them into halves and carefully remove the seeds. We process the hot peppers, putting rubber gloves on our hands, and finely chop them with a knife. Mix the prepared ingredients in a bowl, throw in the peeled garlic cloves and twist everything until homogeneous mass through a meat grinder. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan and boil for half an hour, remembering to stir. Now let’s pour the hot sauce with plums into bottles, roll them up and put them in the cellar for the winter.

Sauce recipe from yellow plum for the winter


  • yellow ripe plums – 5 kg;
  • water – 455 ml;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • white sugar – 40 g;
  • coarse salt – 20 g;
  • – 20 g;
  • hot chili pepper - to taste.


Wash the plums, remove the pits and place the fruit in a saucepan. Pour water over them and bring to a boil over medium heat. After this, transfer the berries with the liquid to a blender, add peeled garlic, red pepper without seeds and grind everything into a puree. Pour the resulting mass into the pan again, boil and add spices to taste. We sterilize the jars in advance, fill them with hot sauce and roll up the lids. That's all, yellow plum tkemali sauce is ready for the winter!

Recipe for plum sauce for the winter


  • sour apple – 2 pcs.;
  • hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • plum – 1250 g;
  • - 5 pieces.;
  • vinegar essence – 10 ml;
  • salt – 5 g.


Wash the fruits, dry them and remove the seeds. Then we grind them through a meat grinder along with hot pepper and garlic cloves. Peel the ginger root, chop it with a grater and add it to the previously prepared plum puree. Let's add a little acetic acid and add to taste granulated sugar and salt. Boil the mixture at a low boil, and then pour the hot sauce into clean jars and screw on the lids.

Sweet and sour plum sauce for the winter

Sauces occupy a special place in modern cooking. They come in different tastes and color saturation. Tomato, mushroom, spicy and sweet. Particularly popular among fans of such food additives uses plum sauce. It goes well with all foods, and its preparation options are known for their variety and are not complicated. Those who want to try making the sauce with their own hands should definitely use the following recipes.

Popular plum sauces

Plum sauce recipes came to modern cooking from those countries where plums grow. These are the Caucasus, China and Japan. Delicious seasoning For the winter, you can prepare it from summer fruit at home. It goes perfectly with meat or other dishes, and its taste will complement the treat with pleasant notes of freshness.

Since plums can be combined with almost all spices, vegetables and other seasonings, there are many options for preparing your favorite winter treat. The most common sauces made from this fruit are:

  • Tkemali;
  • Chinese plum sauce;
  • tomato-plum;
  • to meat.

The color of the sauce directly depends on the color of the selected fruit. Recipes for preparing food for the winter differ in the ingredients included in their composition and in the method of preparation.

Tkemali recipe without cooking

The famous Caucasian plum sauce Tkemali is prepared without cooking, so it preserves beneficial features for a long time. To prepare this seasoning you will need:

  • dark variety of plums;
  • bell pepper;
  • hot peppers;
  • garlic;
  • cilantro;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • vinegar.

Before cooking, food is washed and, if necessary, cleaned. One kilogram of Hungarian plums is thoroughly washed and the seeds are removed from the fruit. After which the crop is ground in a meat grinder or using another kitchen appliances. When grinding the plums, add 3 heads of peeled garlic, 1 kilogram of bell pepper and 5 pieces of hot pepper, from which the seeds have previously been removed.

Next, finely chop the cilantro greens (2 bunches per 1 kg of plums) and lay them out ready-made puree. The ingredients are mixed, 2 tablespoons of salt, 100 grams of sugar and 2 tablespoons of vinegar are added. The workpiece is left to stand for 15 minutes. During this time, it is recommended to sterilize the prepared glass containers and lids.

Experts advise taking small jars for storing homemade Tkemali to make the product easier to use.

When the plum puree has infused, it is poured into prepared containers, covered with lids and stored in the refrigerator. You can take the first sample from the workpiece after 2 weeks.

Boiled Georgian sauce

There is a recipe for cooking boiled Tkemali. For this you will need:

  • plums;
  • garlic;
  • mint;
  • coriander;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • water.

In classic Georgian sauce Only cherry plum is used, but the seasoning turns out delicious from any variety of plum. To make the fruits soft, place them in a 5-liter saucepan and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook for 120 minutes.

You need to turn 4.5 kilograms of fruit into puree. Then they are turned off and left to cool. The peel and seeds are removed, and the resulting mass is ground through a sieve.

While the puree is infusing, the remaining ingredients are prepared for it. Five cloves of garlic are peeled and passed through a garlic press or crushed in any other way.

Wash and cut 1 bunch of fresh mint. Coriander is crushed.

The resulting puree is put back on the fire and the remaining ingredients are added to it - garlic, mint, 1.5 teaspoons of coriander, 1 teaspoon of salt and 2.5 teaspoons of sugar. The mixture is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for another 5 minutes.

The finished hot sauce is placed in sterilized jars and covered with lids. The workpiece is wrapped and remains in this state until it cools completely. When the containers have cooled, you can transfer them to a permanent storage location.

Chinese seasoning

Will add oriental exotica dishes and Chinese plum sauce. IN Lately seasoning is popular among domestic fans Chinese cuisine. It’s also easy to prepare food for the winter at home. For this you will need:

  • plums;
  • ginger root;
  • garlic;
  • star anise;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation;
  • coriander (seeds);
  • sugar;
  • rice vinegar.

One kilogram of the selected plum variety is washed, peeled and pitted, and turned into puree in any convenient way. 40 grams of garlic and the same amount of ginger are peeled and washed, after which they are also crushed to a puree.

Next, the plum pulp is placed in a saucepan, and the remaining ingredients are added to it. Throw into a container with puree 2 star anise, 1 cinnamon stick, 4 clove buds, 1.5 teaspoons of coriander, 100 grams of sugar and 120 milliliters rice vinegar mix and bring the mixture to a boil.

All solids are removed from the sauce and the hot mixture is poured into sterile jars. Filled containers are rolled up with lids and wrapped. After the workpieces have cooled, they are removed to a permanent storage location.

Tomato-plum treat

A fairly simple way to prepare tomato-plum sauce. According to the recipe, the housewife will need:

  • plums;
  • garlic;
  • hot pepper;
  • tomato paste;
  • sugar;
  • salt.

Two kilograms of plums are washed and the seeds are removed from the fruit. 150 grams of garlic are peeled and chopped. The seeds are removed from 3 pieces of hot pepper, the vegetables are washed and passed through a meat grinder.

All ingredientsPlace in a saucepan and bring to a boil. After which 200 grams of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons are added to the boiling puree. tomato paste. Cooking over low heat continues for another 20 minutes. Hot sauce poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. Containers with the workpiece are turned over and wrapped. After cooling, they are moved to a permanent storage location.

Preparation for meat

Plum sauce for meat is also quite interesting in taste. It includes:

Well-washed 1 kilogram of tomatoes and 500 grams of pitted plums are placed in a saucepan and filled with 100 milliliters of water. Then cover with a lid and cook for several minutes. Further boiled preparations grind through a sieve into puree.

One peeled and finely chopped onion is placed in fruit puree and the resulting mass is boiled for 2 hours. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add the remaining ingredients to the sauce. The boiling mass should contain 2 heads of chopped garlic, 150 grams of sugar, 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt, ½ teaspoon of red hot pepper and cloves, 2 bay leaves and 1.5 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

When cooking is finished, remove the bay leaf from the puree. Next, the slurry is finally crushed and brought to a boil again. At the end of cooking, hot plum sauce for meat is poured into sterilized containers and rolled up. It is recommended to store the seasoning in a cool place.

By preparing sauces for the winter on her own, the housewife not only saves her budget, but also provides for her family healthy products. Despite the fact that it is easier to buy them in the store, homemade ones are always healthier and tastier.

Appetizing plum sauce – great addition to the dishes. Prepare plum sauce for the winter and you will have a delicious seasoning for meat, pasta or fish. Choose any variety of plums, but look at their degree of ripeness. Find out the secrets of making the sauce in our article.

Preparing plum sauce for the winter - preparation

For the sauce, use whole, firm blue, yellow or red plums without defects. Overripe fruits are not suitable, as are green ones. Fruit preparation:

  • remove stems and leaves from plums;
  • rinse under cold water;
  • if you peel the plums, pour boiling water over the plums or soak them in hot water for 5 minutes;
  • remove the seeds from the fruit.

Prepare a large enamel pan and 0.5 liter jars for boiling plums for the winter. Sterilize the jars first.

Preparing tkemali plum sauce for the winter - a classic recipe


  • 3 kg blue plums;
  • 0.5 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • one bunch each of fresh dill, cilantro and parsley;
  • head of garlic.

Peel the garlic and remove the pits from the plums. Cut the fruits in half. Dry the washed greens. Your next steps are as follows:

  • mince the plum halves together with parsley, cilantro and garlic cloves. You can grind it with a blender;
  • place the mixture in a deep bowl or pan and place on the stove;
  • boil on low heat, stir several times;
  • put dill into the boiling mass;
  • stir and boil for 40 minutes;
  • at the end of cooking, add salt, add sugar and cook for 15 minutes;
  • pour the sauce into jars prepared in advance and screw on the lids. Store in a cool place.

Preparing yellow plum sauce for the winter


  • 5 kg yellow plums;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 460 g water;
  • 40 g sugar;
  • 20 g salt;
  • hot chili pepper to taste;
  • 20 g khmeli-suneli seasoning.

Place the prepared plums in a saucepan and add water. Boil over medium heat. Place the plums along with the liquid in a blender, add the seeded pepper and cloves of garlic. Grind. Return the mixture to the pan. You also send suneli hops, salt and sugar there. Boil until the mixture thickens and transfer the sauce into prepared jars. Roll up the lids and store in a cool place after cooling.

Preparing plum and apple sauce for the winter

This sweet and sour sauce cooked by the Chinese. The amazing combination of plums with curry and apples gives the sauce unusual taste. Prepare:

  • 3 heads of garlic;
  • 2 kg of any plums;
  • 1 kg apples;
  • 100 g ginger;
  • a glass of cold water;
  • 0.1 l balsamic vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of soy sauce;
  • ground pepper, curry to taste.

Chop the peeled ginger and prepared plums finely. Place in a saucepan and add water. Place on the stove to boil. While the mixture begins to boil, add garlic squeezed out by garlic, finely chopped apples, seasonings and soy sauce. After boiling, turn down the heat and simmer for half an hour. Don't forget to stir. Give ready mixture cooling time. Then you grind it with a blender. Return the resulting mass to the pan, bring it to a boil again, cook for 5-10 minutes and pour into jars. All that remains is to roll up the containers with lids, and in winter add the sauce to different dishes.

There are many more recipes for making plum sauce. Be sure to include it in recipes Bell pepper, suneli hops, coriander and cilantro. These seasonings will add a spicy flavor to the sauce. amazing taste, and in winter the whole family will enjoy tasting it.

Spicy homemade blue plum sauce for the winter

Spicy and tangy plum sauce goes well with meat, fish, vegetables and pasta. At the same time, it not only improves or transforms the taste of the main ingredients of the dish, but also brings great benefit health - because it is one of the most delicious and healthy sauces.

Delicious Georgian seasoning from Tkemali plums for the winter without cooking

The last notes

Homemade plum and apple sauce for meat - a simple recipe for making plum and apple sauce for the winter.

If you don’t know what to make from plums for the winter, then I recommend preparing this sauce from apples and plums. The recipe will surely become your favorite. But only by preparing it yourself at home will you be able to appreciate it. harmonious combination, all the products included in it.

The best spicy plum seasoning for the winter - a delicious preparation of plums and spices for meat and more.

Plum is a fruit that, in addition to sweet preparations, also produces a delicious savory seasoning. She is also often called Georgian seasoning- this is due to the fact that among the peoples of the Caucasus, from all the fruits, as a result of culinary magic and the combination of seemingly incompatible products, they always get a delicious spicy seasoning for meat. It should be noted that this home recipe perfect for pasta, pizza and even... regular cereals. Winter is long, everything gets boring, but it allows you to add taste variety into ordinary and seemingly boring dishes.

Plum sauce for the winter - how to prepare, delicious homemade recipe.

Plum sauce has more than one recipe. Such sauces are especially popular among the Caucasian peoples. That's understandable! After all canned plums They save vitamins, macro and microelements, thereby increasing stress resistance. Probably, the popularity of plum sauces plays an important role in the fact that in the Caucasus there are so many long-livers with excellent health.

Plum sauce
Plum sauce Best Recipes with photo Spicy homemade blue plum sauce for the winter Spicy and tangy plum sauce goes well with meat, fish, vegetables and pasta. Wherein,

Plum sauce - five delicious recipes for the winter

Sauces occupy a special place in modern cooking. They come in different tastes and color saturation. Tomato, mushroom, spicy and sweet. Plum sauce is especially popular among lovers of such food additives. It goes well with all foods, and its preparation options are known for their variety and are not complicated. Those who want to try making the sauce with their own hands should definitely use the following recipes.

Recipes for plum sauce came into modern cooking from those countries where plums grow. These are the Caucasus, China and Japan. A delicious seasoning for the winter from a summer fruit can be prepared at home. It goes perfectly with meat or other dishes, and its taste will complement the treat with pleasant notes of freshness.

Since plums can be combined with almost all spices, vegetables and other seasonings, there are many options for preparing your favorite winter treat. The most common sauces made from this fruit are:

  • Tkemali,
  • Chinese plum sauce,
  • tomato-plum,
  • to meat.

The color of the sauce directly depends on the color of the selected fruit. Recipes for preparing food for the winter differ in the ingredients included in their composition and in the method of preparation.

The famous Caucasian plum sauce Tkemali is prepared without cooking, so it retains its beneficial properties for a long time. To prepare this seasoning you will need:

  • dark variety of plums,
  • bell pepper,
  • hot peppers,
  • garlic,
  • cilantro,
  • sugar,
  • salt,
  • vinegar.

Before cooking, food is washed and, if necessary, cleaned. One kilogram of Hungarian plums is thoroughly washed and the seeds are removed from the fruit. After which the harvest is ground in a meat grinder or using other kitchen equipment. When grinding the plums, add 3 heads of peeled garlic, 1 kilogram of bell pepper and 5 pieces of hot pepper, from which the seeds have previously been removed.

Next, finely chop the cilantro (2 bunches per 1 kg of plums) and add it to the finished puree. The ingredients are mixed, 2 tablespoons of salt, 100 grams of sugar and 2 tablespoons of vinegar are added. The workpiece is left to stand for 15 minutes. During this time, it is recommended to sterilize the prepared glass containers and lids.

Experts advise taking small jars for storing homemade Tkemali to make the product easier to use.

When the plum puree has infused, it is poured into prepared containers, covered with lids and stored in the refrigerator. You can take the first sample from the workpiece after 2 weeks.

There is a recipe for cooking boiled Tkemali. For this you will need:

In the classic Georgian sauce, only cherry plum is used, but the seasoning turns out delicious from any variety of plum. To make the fruits soft, place them in a 5-liter saucepan and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook for 120 minutes.

You need to turn 4.5 kilograms of fruit into puree. Then they are turned off and left to cool. The peel and seeds are removed, and the resulting mass is ground through a sieve.

While the puree is infusing, the remaining ingredients are prepared for it. Five cloves of garlic are peeled and passed through a garlic press or crushed in any other way.

Wash and cut 1 bunch of fresh mint. Coriander is crushed.

The resulting puree is put back on the fire and the remaining ingredients are added to it - garlic, mint, 1.5 teaspoons of coriander, 1 teaspoon of salt and 2.5 teaspoons of sugar. The mixture is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for another 5 minutes.

The finished hot sauce is placed in sterilized jars and covered with lids. The workpiece is wrapped and remains in this state until it cools completely. When the containers have cooled, you can transfer them to a permanent storage location.

Chinese plum sauce will add oriental exoticism to the dishes. Recently, the seasoning has been popular among domestic lovers of Chinese cuisine. It’s also easy to prepare food for the winter at home. For this you will need:

  • plums,
  • ginger root,
  • garlic,
  • star anise,
  • cinnamon,
  • carnation,
  • coriander (seeds),
  • sugar,
  • rice vinegar.

One kilogram of the selected plum variety is washed, peeled and pitted, and turned into puree in any convenient way. 40 grams of garlic and the same amount of ginger are peeled and washed, after which they are also crushed to a puree.

Next, the plum pulp is placed in a saucepan, and the remaining ingredients are added to it. 2 star anise, 1 cinnamon stick, 4 clove buds, 1.5 teaspoons of coriander, 100 grams of sugar and 120 milliliters of rice vinegar thrown into a container with puree are mixed and the mixture is brought to a boil.

All solids are removed from the sauce and the hot mixture is poured into sterile jars. Filled containers are rolled up with lids and wrapped. After the workpieces have cooled, they are removed to a permanent storage location.

A fairly simple way to prepare tomato-plum sauce. According to the recipe, the housewife will need:

Two kilograms of plums are washed and the seeds are removed from the fruit. 150 grams of garlic are peeled and chopped. The seeds are removed from 3 pieces of hot pepper, the vegetables are washed and passed through a meat grinder.

All ingredients Place in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then 200 grams of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of tomato paste are added to the boiling puree. Cooking over low heat continues for another 20 minutes. The hot sauce is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. Containers with the workpiece are turned over and wrapped. After cooling, they are moved to a permanent storage location.

Plum sauce for meat is also quite interesting in taste. It includes:

  • plums,
  • tomatoes,
  • garlic,
  • white onion,
  • ground red pepper,
  • carnation,
  • Bay leaf,
  • salt,
  • sugar,
  • Apple vinegar.

Well-washed 1 kilogram of tomatoes and 500 grams of pitted plums are placed in a saucepan and filled with 100 milliliters of water. Then cover with a lid and cook for several minutes. Next, the boiled preparations are ground through a sieve into puree.

One peeled and finely chopped onion is placed in fruit puree and the resulting mass is boiled for 2 hours. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add the remaining ingredients to the sauce. The boiling mass should contain 2 heads of chopped garlic, 150 grams of sugar, 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt, ½ teaspoon of red hot pepper and cloves, 2 bay leaves and 1.5 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

When cooking is finished, remove the bay leaf from the puree. Next, the slurry is finally crushed and brought to a boil again. At the end of cooking, hot plum sauce for meat is poured into sterilized containers and rolled up. It is recommended to store the seasoning in a cool place.

By preparing sauces for the winter on her own, the housewife not only saves her budget, but also provides her family with healthy products. Despite the fact that it is easier to buy them in the store, homemade ones are always healthier and tastier.

Plum sauce- five delicious recipes for the winter
Plum sauce for the winter. Recipe for raw and boiled Tkemali. Spicy seasoning to meat. Methods winter preparations from plums at home.

Simple and tasty plum sauce for the winter: 5 options for one recipe

Thick and flavorful sauce from plums for the winter - a special preparation. Believe me, I'm not joking or exaggerating. If you try to cook it at least once, you will forget for a long time about compotes, preserves, marmalade and other sweet preparations made from plums for the winter at home. After all, sauce is something completely different. Before you even blink an eye, the jar will end... and then another one, followed by the next one. And now everything that was lovingly prepared will be eaten no less joyfully and with appetite. You know, at such moments I understand that for the sake of all this it is worth cooking and even living on, despite all the worries, problems and troubles. Is it worth denying yourself the pleasure of pampering your family with plum sauce for homemade meat?

The answer to this question lies on the surface. Of course it's not worth it. And even more than that - the more diverse your assortment of preparations is, the more significant, important, accomplished person you will feel. And not just a housewife.

Choose suitable recipe and cook delicious sauce from plums for the winter!

First, my favorite option for preparing sauce for the winter.

Plum sauce for winter meat is very tasty

  • 1 kg ripe blue plums (Hungarian plums are fine),
  • 1 small head of garlic,
  • 4 large red sweet peppers,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar,
  • salt to taste,
  • ground black pepper to taste,
  • 2 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil.

Wash ripe, unwrinkled plums and remove the pits. No need to remove the skin, taste ready sauce she's not a hindrance. Place the fruit halves in a blender bowl and puree. If you don’t have a blender, you can grind them in a meat grinder. Plum puree Pour into a saucepan (preferably with a ceramic coating - protection from burning) and bring to a boil over low heat. Don't forget to stir. Cook for 10 minutes. While the plums are cooking, remove the seeds with partitions. Bell pepper. Pass it through a meat grinder or cut into small pieces and blend with a blender. Add to the boiling plum puree, stir, cook for another 10 minutes at a barely noticeable boil. Then salt and sweeten the future sauce: add sugar according to the instructions in the list of ingredients, and add salt to taste. Pour in refined vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar. Peel and rub on fine grater garlic, add it to the sauce too, but 5 minutes after the oil and vinegar. Pepper the preparation to taste, bring to a boil after all the additives, pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Winter plum sauce for curried meat

I found this recipe on Anastasia Skripkina’s forum - and I really liked it.

  • 2 kg of ripe blue plums, maybe sweet and sour,
  • 2 small heads of garlic,
  • 6 pieces of red sweet pepper,
  • 2 hot peppers (small),
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 25 grams of curry seasoning,
  • salt to taste.

The curry sauce is prepared without sterilization, so it needs to be cooked for quite a long time.

Wash and peel the plums, grind or puree them in a blender, cook for 25 minutes, then grind the sweet peppers and add to the pan with fruit puree. Cook again for 25 minutes. Add chopped hot pepper, stir, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Peel and chop the garlic, add to the sauce, cook for another 5 minutes. Add sugar, salt and seasoning. Stir, bring to a boil, pour into sterile jars and seal immediately. In winter it will be a wonderful seasoning for meat.

Spicy plum sauce for the winter

The main feature of the sauce is its pungent taste and smooth homogeneous consistency.

  • 2 kg red or blue plums,
  • 2 pods of hot pepper,
  • 1 large sweet pepper,
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 1 level tablespoon of salt,
  • 1 glass of water,
  • 1 tablespoon herbs de Provence seasoning.

Sort and wash the plums, remove the seeds, place the fruit halves in a basin and add 1 glass of water. Over low heat, gradually heat the contents of the bowl, cook for 10 minutes, then rub the softened plums through a sieve.

Wash, deseed and finely chop the sweet and hot peppers. Add to the plums and use an immersion blender to blend, then additionally rub the mixture through a sieve. Your goal is a smooth sauce without any homogeneous visible particles.

Heat the hot plum sauce to a boil, add salt, sugar and spices. Cook for half an hour over low heat, then pour into sterile jars, immediately roll up, turn over, and wrap. Spicy seasoning The plums are ready, you can enjoy it at any time.

Plum and apple sauce for the winter

A good combination of plums and apples - savory, spicy, rich. The sauce goes with many things meat dishes.

  • 3 kg ripe tomatoes,
  • 1 kg blue plums,
  • 1 kg apples,
  • 4 onions
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 50 ml vinegar 9%
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper,
  • 1/3 teaspoon ground red pepper.

Please note - 9% table vinegar is used. Not essence, not apple, not balsamic or homemade. Regular store-bought vinegar labeled “table vinegar.” Please pay attention to this before writing comments.

Wash tomatoes, apples and plums, wipe dry and cut into large pieces(remove the core of apples first). Peel and cut the onion large pieces. Pass the tomatoes with plums, apples and onions through a meat grinder, pour everything into a saucepan and put on fire. Stirring, bring the applesauce and vegetable puree to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer the sauce for about 2 hours at a low simmer, stirring as often as possible with a wooden or plastic spoon.

Remove the pan from the heat, additionally grind the contents with an immersion blender, add salt and sugar, ground cinnamon and pepper, put on fire. Cook the tomato-plum sauce with apples for 45 minutes at low simmer, stirring occasionally. Sterilize the jars and boil the lids for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking ketchup, pour vinegar into it and stir. Immediately remove the sauce from the heat, fill the jars to the top, roll up the prepared lids and turn upside down. Cover the jars with a blanket and leave until completely cool.

Chinese plum sauce for the winter

At one time, the recipe for this sauce was found on the Gastronom website, after which it was tried more than once in my own kitchen.

  • 1.5 kg blue plums,
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • 2 small onions,
  • 120 grams brown sugar,
  • 2 cm fresh ginger root,
  • 100 ml apple cider vinegar,
  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds,
  • half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon,
  • a pinch of cayenne pepper,
  • half a teaspoon of fine table salt.

Onions, garlic and ginger root peel and chop using a sharp knife. Cut the plums in half and remove the pits. Place all this in a saucepan, pour in 1 cup of water and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and cook for 30 minutes, remembering to stir. Grind the plum mass in a blender. Return it to the saucepan and add Brown sugar, apple cider vinegar and spices. Stirring, bring to a boil over low heat. Cook for about 45 minutes. Transfer the prepared Chinese plum sauce into clean jars, close the lids and pasteurize in boiling water for 20-30 minutes, depending on the volume of the jars.

Plum sauce for meat for the winter

A wonderful addition to any dish is delicious sauce, which fills food with an exquisite aroma and subtly emphasizes the uniqueness of taste. Plums are an ideal base for making an amazing seasoning that you can use on kebabs, fish or pasta. And so that this fruit can be eaten in winter, preserve ketchup from it. Such a twist for the winter will become an indispensable help for the housewife in preparing delicious festive dinners. How to cook it and what to eat important secrets canning - later in the article.

How to choose and prepare plums for harvesting for the winter

The fruits must be pre-selected and carefully prepared for the seasoning preparation procedure. If you approach this stage lightly, the result may disappoint you with fermented twists in winter. Therefore, read on for the basic recommendations on how to choose and process plums correctly.

  • Select firm, whole fruits that are free from defects.
  • Avoid using overripe specimens as they may spoil the flavor during the preparation of the sauce.
  • In order for the twists to be stored for a long time, it is important to remove the seeds.
  • Wash each cream thoroughly, remove the stems and leaves.

What utensils will you need?

Prepare in advance necessary utensils. It is important to take into account all the recommendations in this regard, otherwise you risk getting an unsuccessful result, and the sauce will not be able to be stored in canned form. Further explore detailed list utensils you will need:

  • Large plastic basin for washing plums.
  • Enameled cooking pan.
  • Glass jars. A volume of 0.5 liters is optimal.
  • You may need additional kitchen equipment Appliances: blender, slow cooker, meat grinder.

Delicious step-by-step recipes for plum sauce for meat

With the help of plums, incredibly appetizing seasonings are obtained that wonderfully highlight the taste of any meat or fish dish. Having tried it at least once plum relish, you will dream of repeating it, realizing that you haven’t eaten anything tastier for a long time.

As a rule, cooks of Caucasian nationality specialize in preparing such sauces, which is worth only the original “Tkemali”, which is easy to simply spread on bread and enjoy. You can prepare such a delicious dish at home with your own hands.

“Tkemali” from cherry plum in Georgian style

Wonderful Georgian cuisine is in great demand among Slavic peoples. She is adored for her amazing meat dishes and sauces for them. “Tkemali” has become the most popular; it is served with lamb, beef or pork. This one is unsurpassed sweet and sour taste brings to bliss everyone who is lucky enough to try the thick and flavor additive for the main course. Not a single inquisitive housewife will refuse to find out how to cook it, so below you will find detailed recipe.

  • 0.7 kg cherry plum.
  • A bunch of cilantro.
  • 5 garlic cloves.
  • Half a teaspoon of coriander and a quarter of red pepper, finely ground...
  • Half a regular glass of lemon juice.
  • 1/4 tsp. salt.
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  1. Place the cherry plum in an enamel pan. Pour water so that it covers the fruits, bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer until soft (10-15 minutes).
  3. Drain the water through a colander, remove the seeds, and drain in a fine sieve.
  4. Place the grated mixture back into the pan, add the squeezed garlic, finely chopped cilantro and the rest of the ingredients except the oil. Put it on fire.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil, hold for a couple more minutes and remove.
  6. Place the plum sauce into sterilized jars.
  7. Pour oil on top and seal tightly with lids.
  8. Uncanned Tkemali can be perfectly stored in the refrigerator for up to two months.

Tomato-plum ketchup for the winter

Anyone who has never tried regular ketchup prepared with the addition of plums does not know how tasty such a seasoning can be. Be sure to try this recipe to verify this statement. The combination of tomatoes and plums gives an extraordinary taste, the appetizing quality of which lies in its sweet and sour notes. Make a small supply for winter using this recipe, and you will see how popular plum sauce will be among your family members and dear guests.

  • 2 kg of tomatoes.
  • 1 kg plums
  • 0.2 kg onions.
  • One and a half tbsp. l. salt.
  • 0.2 kg sugar.
  • 3 chili peppers.
  • 0.5 tsp. khmeli-suneli.
  • A couple of bay leaves.
  • Two tbsp. vinegar 9%.
  • 0.1 kg garlic.
  • A bunch of dill, cilantro, parsley, basil.
  1. Wash the tomatoes, peel them, cut them crosswise on top and dip them in boiling water for a moment.
  2. Separate the pits from the plums.
  3. Also cut the onion into 4 parts.
  4. Use a blender to crush the tomatoes, onions, and plums into a paste.
  5. Boil the resulting mixture in enamel pan on low heat for about two hours.
  6. Grind the greens with garlic and chili in a blender.
  7. Add all ingredients to the tomato-plum mixture and simmer again for up to half an hour, until the ketchup begins to thicken.
  8. Remove the bay leaves.
  9. Pour the plum sauce into clean jars and preserve.

Spicy seasoning

Many people value sauces for their spiciness, so chefs don’t regret hot pepper chili when preparing a plum additive for meat. This is how the culinary ace tries to achieve special taste hot dish with hints of acidity and sweetness. You can easily prepare this seasoning for the winter, because it retains its amazing taste for a long time and does not spoil. So see below how it’s prepared. spicy sauce with blue plums.

  • 4 kg blue plums.
  • 5 tbsp. l. salt.
  • 4 chili peppers.
  • 4 heads of garlic.
  • Dried cilantro.
  • Coriander seeds.
  • Dill, basil.
  • A handful of shelled walnuts.
  1. Rinse the plums and remove the pits.
  2. Boil for half an hour, grind on a fine sieve with a silicone spatula.
  3. Add the remaining chopped ingredients and cook again until the seasoning begins to thicken.
  4. Pour the plum sauce into jars, twist and wrap.

Unusual homemade adjika made from plums and bell peppers

The traditional preparation for the winter is adjika. It is closed in parallel with tomatoes and used as a seasoning for many dishes. However, few people know that ordinary adjika can easily be turned into a sauce of extraordinary taste by adding a little plum. You can immediately serve this preparation along with a dish to pamper your guests. Below you will find a detailed recipe.

Plum sauce for meat for the winter
Help prepare plum sauce for meat for the winter step by step recipes with photo. Look different variants this dish with plums: Georgian cherry plum tkemali, tomato-plum ketchup, homemade adjika with bell pepper
