Eggplants in tomato and garlic sauce for the winter. Eggplants with tomatoes and garlic for the winter - preparation. Recipes for eggplant salads for the winter with photos

An appetizer of eggplant in tomato for the winter is a tasty and favorite dish for many. Tomato sauce, juice, paste or fresh tomatoes give blue tomatoes more juiciness, improve their taste and promote better long-term storage vegetables in winter. Pickled and canned vegetables served with baked and fried meat, various side dishes or used in winter as an appetizing and very satisfying independent snack.

Eggplant in tomato sauce for the winter - a delicious recipe for the perfect snack

Tomato sauce adds flavor canned eggplant very juicy and tender. This appetizer can be safely served with festive table as in quality independent dish, and in combination with meat, baked fish or as a dressing for fresh side dishes.

To prepare one standard jar (3 liters), take the following amount of ingredients:

  • fresh eggplants - 1 kg;
  • ripe tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic and spices to taste;
  • sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vinegar.

First of all, the blue ones are washed with water, the tails are removed and cut into 4 equal parts.

The tomatoes are also washed, blanched and peeled, and then cut into quarters and sent to a blender or meat grinder. There they are ground until tomato puree so that the mass is homogeneous.

Place the chopped eggplants in a deep pan and add a little water (100-150 ml), sprinkle them with salt, sugar, ground pepper and other spices at your discretion.

You can also add dried bay leaf and 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Turn on the heat and cook the blue ones for 25-30 minutes under the lid.

15 minutes after boiling, pour the resulting tomato puree into the pan and mix gently vegetable composition, add a little vinegar, chopped garlic and simmer for the remaining amount of time on the timer over low heat.

Now they are posting hot salad in pre-prepared and sterilized jars, cover tightly with lids, turn over and allow to cool until room temperature about a day, after which the product is completely ready for winter storage.

Blue salad with finger licking tomatoes

Many people love the incomparable taste of this salad. It is easy to prepare, and in winter, it will melt the hearts of even the most demanding gourmets with its aroma.

To prepare such preservation for one liter jar Ingredients typically used include:

  • eggplants and ripe tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • dill or parsley - 1/4 bunch;
  • onion, juicy - 1 pc.;
  • garlic, salt and spices to taste (pepper, cloves, etc.).

Eggplants are washed thoroughly cold water, then cut off part of the peel with a sharp knife. Then cut them into small cubes, put them in a clean, warm water and let it brew for 20-25 minutes.

This softens the dense texture of vegetables without additional cooking and reduces bitterness. Heat a frying pan on the stove with olive oil or vegetable oil, add finely chopped onion and fry it until the first crust.

As soon as the blue cubes are dry, they are also poured into a frying pan and fried together with the onion or separately with new oil over low heat.

Tomatoes are cut into cubes, if their structure allows, or passed through a meat grinder, after removing the skin. Next, add the tomatoes to the fried vegetables, add salt, a little sugar, ground pepper and other spices.

This dish will not be harmed by a little dried cloves or coriander. Spicy lovers can include this in the recipe Cayenne pepper, just a little so as not to spoil the pleasant and delicate taste ready salad.

The vegetables mixed in a frying pan are simmered over low heat for 15-20 minutes. At the very end, add a little essence of table or wine (preferably the latter) vinegar.

As soon as the salad reaches the desired consistency, it will appear unique aroma. Sort everything into clean glass jars and seal with screw caps.

Baked vegetables in tomato sauce - a dish for real gourmets

This simple recipe will allow you to prepare delicious and juicy pickled eggplants in filling, from which you can prepare fresh and aromatic caviar or slice and serve as an appetizer on its own.

For cooking you will need fresh blue, selected tomatoes, garlic, Bay leaf, salt and ground pepper. Additionally, other spices or herbs are used.

First of all, select eggplants of the same size, wash them with water, then place them on a baking sheet with olive or sunflower oil and put them in the oven for 30-50 minutes, depending on the weight of the vegetables.

When baking is finished, take out the blue ones and carefully remove the skin from them. After this, the whole vegetables are placed in clean, sterile jars tightly to each other.

To them add finely chopped, but not crushed, cloves of garlic, bay leaf and allspice(5-6 peas per liter jar).

Afterwards, the tomatoes are washed, the stalk is removed, they are blanched and cut into quarters. Next, pass through a meat grinder or in a food processor to obtain aromatic puree.

Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan and cook with salt and ground pepper for 15 minutes so that the juice is slightly reduced. Then pour the hot mixture over the eggplants in the jars, immediately closing the containers with tight lids.

Fried eggplants in tomato - a fragrant and satisfying dish for the winter

Another traditional recipe preparations delicious eggplants using tomato sauce. The output is great snack, which can be served at the holiday table. It goes especially well with hot meat dishes with with a suitable side dish.

To prepare the snack, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • fresh, selected eggplants - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes with tender pulp, ripe - 0.5 kg;
  • salt, sugar, allspice;
  • vinegar, vegetable oil or olives.

First, wash the eggplants, then cut them into thick circles without removing the skin. You can first soak the slices in warm, slightly salted water for 20-30 minutes.

At this time, the tomatoes are peeled, blanched and cut into equal quarters. Next, the tomatoes are ground in a meat grinder, and the resulting puree is sent for cooking along with bay leaf, salt and ground pepper.

As soon as the blue ones are steeped, they are transferred to a colander, the water is allowed to drain completely, and then the circles are laid out in a preheated frying pan with oil. Fry vegetables until golden crust on each side over medium heat for 10 minutes.

At the end of cooking you can sprinkle them a small amount wine or fruit vinegar.

Now the fried eggplants are placed in glass jars, which were sterilized earlier, and hot water is poured on top tomato juice from the stove. Roll up the lids. Winter will be decorated with another delicious and healthy snack. Bon appetit!

Blueberries marinated with basil and garlic - a refreshing winter snack

Eggplants fermented in this way turn out to be very delicate in taste, absolutely without bitterness. A fragrant basil with garlic give them a unique flavor note.

To prepare snacks for liter jar take the following ingredients:

  • selected eggplants - 600 gr;
  • fresh basil and garlic;
  • cayenne pepper and other spices to taste;
  • salt and vinegar essence.

First of all, wash the eggplants thoroughly, then cut them into several pieces and place them in salted water to boil for 3-4 minutes. This is necessary so that excess bitterness is removed from the vegetables, and they are more suitable for fermentation.

Now you can cut the blue ones into circles or leave them in large slices so that the filling can fit inside, for example, carrots with dill or fresh tomatoes. And after filling with brine, put it under light pressure for several hours.

Regardless of the filling method chosen, start preparing the brine. Vinegar, salt, selected spices and a little hot pepper with bay leaf are added to a pan of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes, stirring the contents.

At the end of cooking, fresh, chopped small pieces basil and garlic, which is first passed through a press or also cut into small, thin slices. Next, the eggplants are sorted into jars and filled with hot brine.

Eggplant - herbaceous plant, which came to us from the East and firmly settled in our diet. Every housewife tries to prepare little blue ones for the winter. in various forms. And it’s not surprising, because the vegetable is rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, carotene and B vitamins, which our body so lacks in the autumn-winter period. The blue ones also contain fiber and polyphenols, and are also dietary product due to the low protein (0.6-1.4%) and fat (0.1-0.4%) content. And their spicy taste will attract everyone's attention.

How to cook eggplants in tomato sauce: recipe with photos and videos

Let us share with you one of popular recipes preparing eggplants for the winter.

Required Ingredients

To prepare the workpiece you will need:

  • 1500 g tomatoes;
  • 1000 g blue ones;
  • 1-2 (500 g) sweet peppers;
  • 1 hot pepper;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 100 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 100 g sugar.

This amount of ingredients yields approximately three liters of salad.

Features of choosing products for procurement

For cooking canned food It is better to take the blue ones young, at the stage of technical ripeness, i.e. those that can lie down. They will be less bitter.

Did you know? Solanine (an organic compound, a poisonous glycoalkaloid) gives eggplants their bitterness. Most of the substance is contained in overripe vegetables.

Tomatoes of any variety are suitable, the main thing is that they are ripe, but not spoiled and without defects.

The pepper should also be ripe and without defects.

What you need in the kitchen

To prepare the workpiece you should have on hand:

  • wide pan for cooking;
  • container for crushed ingredients;
  • meat grinder;
  • blender;
  • measuring cup or scales;
  • banks;
  • covers;
  • tablet;
  • wooden spatula or spoon for stirring.

Important! If you don't want the eggplants to become bitter, you can soak them.

Step-by-step cooking process

  1. Wash and cut the tomatoes. We pass them through a meat grinder into the container in which the salad will be cooked.
  2. We put the pan with tomatoes on the fire, and as soon as the contents begin to boil, add vinegar to it, vegetable oil, salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly and wait until it boils.
  3. Meanwhile, wash and cut the eggplants into half rings, first cutting off the “nose” and “tail”. If the vegetable is large, then cut it into quarters. It is advisable to cut half rings at least a centimeter thick. If the blue ones are too thin, they will turn into mush when cooked.
  4. Wash and clean Bell pepper from seeds and partitions. Cut into strips.
  5. Peel the garlic and put it in a blender. Add washed and seeded hot pepper to it. Grind. If you don't have a blender, you can pass the ingredients through a meat grinder.
  6. Pour all ingredients into boiling tomatoes and mix gently. Boil and cook for 35-40 minutes, stirring from time to time.
  7. While the product is cooking, sterilize the jars and lids.
  8. Pour the finished salad into jars and cover with lids. Turn the canned food over and cover it with a towel until it cools completely.

How and where to store the workpiece correctly

After complete cooling, the preservation under the euro-lid is stored in a cool place. sunlight should not come into contact with jars. You can enjoy apples by preparing them in a variety of ways.

What to serve eggplants with

Spicy aromatic salad will highlight the taste well meat dishes, will add piquancy boiled potatoes. It also goes well with pickled and salted mushrooms. In general, blue ones go well with any dish. Therefore, you can safely put them on the table, and let each guest try for himself which dish he would like this salad with.

Did you know? Eggplant fruits are considered berries in botany, and vegetables in cooking.

We have described one of the popular and simple recipes canned eggplants. They exist great amount. And every housewife has the right to make her own adjustments in the process of preparing a dish.

Video: eggplants for the winter in tomato sauce

This season I have a lot of eggplant preparations, as we love them very much. I suggest preparing eggplants with tomatoes for the winter. I really liked this simple recipe; several years ago I covered eggplants this way. Now, based on my experience, I reduced the amount of oil and vinegar in the recipe, in my opinion, it turned out even tastier. From the specified amount of vegetables you will get 2 liters of a delicious salad with eggplants and tomatoes for the winter.

To prepare an eggplant and tomato salad for the winter, we will prepare the products we need, and there are very few of them.

Blanch the tomatoes and remove the skin.

We weigh 1 kg of tomatoes and blend them in a blender. If you wish, you can chop all the tomatoes, but I wanted some of the tomatoes to remain in pieces in the preparation. Tomato juice pour it into a saucepan and put it on the fire, cook it for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam.

While the juice is boiling, cut the eggplants into slices about 0.5 cm thick and finely hot peppers. Cut the remaining 500 g of tomatoes into large pieces.

Add salt, sugar and sunflower oil, put the eggplants in there. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 20 minutes, then stir the vegetables. Continue to simmer under a closed lid over low heat for another 20 minutes. Add chopped garlic and vinegar to the pan, stir and cook for another 5 minutes.

Place the salad in pre-prepared sterilized jars with lids, roll them up and then turn them upside down. Cover with a warm blanket and leave for a day.

After this, we move the eggplant and tomato salad to storage in the pantry for the winter. Can be stored in a city apartment.

Delicious preparations to you!

On the eve of the canning season, every housewife is going to make eggplant preparations for the winter. After all, during the season, vegetables for canning cost pennies, and in winter it’s so nice to open a jar of eggplant for, or just for dinner.

In addition, making your own eggplant preparations is a guarantee of naturalness and healthy food. After all, canned food manufacturers “sin” to mix in preservatives and dyes so that their products can be stored longer and retain their presentation.

I bring to your attention “Golden recipes” for eggplant preparations for the winter, which have been tested by more than one thousand housewives, and are invariably popular every year.

If you have your own original recipe cooking eggplant for the winter, feel free to tell us about it in the comments.

Eggplant saute for the winter (you'll lick your fingers)

If you like simple and hassle-free eggplant preparations, then my today's recipe sauteed eggplant for the winter, you will definitely like it. We will prepare eggplant sauté for the winter without tedious sterilization, "fur coats" and long preparation ingredients. The portion of blueberry sauté for the winter is small, everything is prepared very quickly and simply. And the result...I promise you - you will lick your fingers! Recipe.

Georgian eggplants for the winter

Fried eggplants spicy adjika with garlic...what could be tastier? By the way, Georgian-style spicy eggplants are prepared without sugar for the winter, in case you don’t like sugar in preserving vegetables. Georgian eggplant appetizer for the winter is prepared with sterilization, and it will take more time to prepare the ingredients. How to cook, see.

"Mother-in-law's tongue" made from eggplant for the winter

I dedicate this eggplant recipe to all my fans. delicious preparations from the blue ones. Preparing “mother-in-law’s tongue” from eggplants for the winter - what could be simpler? Essentially, these are spicy eggplants in adjika, which I told you about earlier, but still, today’s appetizer “mother-in-law’s tongue” from eggplants is not prepared quite usually. To ensure that the “mother-in-law’s tongue” made from eggplants for the winter would be guaranteed to be delicious, I decided to pre-bake the eggplants in the oven. Interesting? Recipe with photo.

Eggplants for the winter “Ogonyok”

You can see how to cook real Ogonyok eggplants.

Fried eggplants for the winter

If you like savory and spicy snacks, then my today's recipe for fried eggplants for the winter with garlic 100% deserves your attention. My friend advised me to make these canned fried eggplants, and you know, I was very pleased with the result.

Fried eggplant with garlic for the winter turned out incredibly tasty, and are no different from fresh seasonal eggplants. We will be preparing fried eggplants for the winter without sterilization, so get ready to do the preservation very quickly so that you can immediately put the hot jars of eggplant under the blanket. Recipe with photos step by step.

Eggplant adjika for the winter

Just recently I discovered new recipe– adjika with eggplants. To say it's delicious is an understatement! This is simply amazing, honestly! I am sure that in the winter season such conservation will be very popular. Another plus of this recipe is its ease of preparation. You actually don’t have to fuss with the ingredients for a long time - you just need to grind them in a meat grinder. Recipe with photo.

Eggplant salad for the winter with rice

Let's prepare an eggplant salad for the winter with rice, and the company of proud eggplant dandies and traditional rice will consist of: tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, carrots and seasonings. Such winter salad with rice and eggplant great snack and full vegetable dish. Especially winter eggplant salad with rice will be relevant during Lent: you just need to warm up the contents of the jar and hearty lunch ready! Recipe with photo.

Spicy eggplants for the winter in marinade

This recipe spicy eggplant for the winter, I begged it from a friend. Yes, yes, she begged for it - once I tried an amazing spicy dish at her place. eggplant appetizer and just disappeared: I liked her so much. And the friend was in no hurry to share the recipe: she apparently wanted to be the unique owner of such good recipe. But, in the end, I persuaded her, and in my cookbook it ended up in a place of honor. spicy snack from eggplants for the winter. It’s really, really hot thanks to the red pepper and piquant because of the garlic. Another highlight of this snack is delicious marinade with vegetable oil and vinegar. How to cook, see.

Eggplants are like mushrooms for the winter

Did you know that you can close eggplants like mushrooms for the winter? Yes, yes, and their taste, and appearance will be very similar to honey mushrooms or boletus. A neighbor shared this recipe with me - she has been preserving eggplants this way for a long time, and this preparation is always one of the first to sell out. Once she treated me to these eggplants fried like mushrooms, and I really liked them. See recipe with photo

Winter salad "ten" with eggplants

Ten salad for the winter with eggplants is called so because to prepare it we need 10 pieces of various vegetables: eggplants, onions, sweet peppers and carrots. The amount of tomatoes for the recipe should be twice as large so that the salad turns out juicy and aromatic. This delicious salad My mother also prepared ten for the winter. See recipe with photo.

Eggplant salad for the winter “Autumn”

Search simple blanks from eggplants for the winter? Pay attention to the eggplant salad for the winter “Autumn”. You can see how to prepare an “Autumn” eggplant salad for the winter.

Eggplants for the winter with carrots, onions and garlic “Stripes”

Detailed recipe with a photo of how to cook eggplants for the winter with carrots, onions and garlic “Stripes”, you can see.

How to freeze eggplants: a proven method with photos

You can see a detailed recipe with photos on how to freeze eggplants for the winter.

Eggplants in adjika for the winter

Do you like hassle-free and simple eggplant preparations? Eggplants in adjika are exactly what you need! You can see a detailed recipe with photos on how to cook eggplants in adjika for the winter.

Eggplant salad for the winter “Vegetable madness”

Recipe for making eggplant salad for the winter “Vegetable Madness”, with step by step photos, you can see.

Eggplants for the winter in Korean

You can see how to cook eggplants for the winter in Korean.

Winter salad from eggplant and beans

Do you want to wrap up a delicious blueberry salad for the winter? Then be sure to pay attention to the winter salad of eggplant and beans. The result is excellent: a very tasty salad with eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and beans. By the way, beans go well with blue beans and make the preparation quite filling. I wrote how to prepare an eggplant salad with beans for the winter.

Eggplants in tomatoes for the winter

You can see the recipe for cooking eggplants in tomatoes.

Fried eggplants for the winter with pepper and vegetable sauce (recipe without vinegar)

Cooking such fried eggplants is simple, but quite long: this appetizer is cooked without vinegar, so it has a long sterilization time. Detailed recipe.

Eggplant salad for the winter “Vkusnotiischa”

I have been using this recipe for eggplant salad for the winter for several years now, and every time I am very pleased with the result. Firstly, I like the way of preparing this blueberry salad - it’s simple and fast enough, there is no sterilization, and preparing the ingredients does not take much time. Secondly, the salad turns out to be very bright and appetizing, so you can safely offer it not only to your family, but also to your guests. See recipe with photo.

At proper preparation eggplant produces a lot of tasty and variety of dishes. This vegetable is well suited for vegetarians and those on a diet. To preserve vitamins and consume this vegetable all year round came up with the idea of ​​canning eggplants. Below are provided best recipes eggplant for the winter.

Eggplant for the winter - a classic recipe

This dish does not take much time to prepare. Although simple, this snack is delicious and keeps well indoors.


  • dill – 50 g;
  • bell pepper – 500 g;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 70 g;
  • sugar – 35 g;
  • carrots – 500 g;
  • parsley – 50 g;
  • onion – 500 g;
  • eggplants – 2 kg;
  • tomatoes – 1.2 kg;
  • sunflower oil – 600 ml.


  1. Wash the eggplants, cut off the stem. Cut into one and a half centimeter circles. Add salt. Place in a container and leave for an hour.
  2. Remove the peel from the tomato. To do this, soak the fruits in boiling water for two minutes. Take it out, pour it over with water, the peel will come off easily.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  4. Cut the peeled onion into rings.
  5. Peel the carrots, cut into circles.
  6. Cut off the stem of the pepper, remove the seeds, and cut into cubes.
  7. Peel the garlic and chop finely.
  8. Wash the parsley and dill and chop them.
  9. Take large saucepans. Lay out the prepared ingredients.
  10. Lay out in layers: carrots, onions, peppers, garlic, tomatoes.
  11. Sprinkle each row with salt.
  12. Sprinkle greens on top.
  13. Season with sunflower oil.
  14. Place the container on the stove, closing the lid.
  15. Turn on medium heating mode.
  16. Simmer for about an hour.
  17. Rinse the jars with soda and sterilize.
  18. Transfer the snack into jars. Cover with sterilized lids.
  19. Pour water into a saucepan and place the jars in it.
  20. Sterilize for half an hour.
  21. Turn upside down.
  22. Wrap up. Leave for two days.

Finger lickin' Georgian recipe

For lovers of spicy foods, this winter eggplant recipe is perfect.


  • eggplants – 5 kg.
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar – 270 ml;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • bell pepper – 17 pcs.;
  • chili pepper – 5 pcs.;
  • garlic – 21 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 350 ml.


  1. Wash the eggplant fruits, cut off the stem and cut into small cubes.
  2. IN deep container add the prepared vegetable, salt and mix. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Place the hot peppers, seeds and garlic in a blender and chop.
  4. U bell pepper cut the stalk, remove the seeds. Place in a blender bowl and grind. You can use a meat grinder, then the mass will look like porridge.
  5. Remove excess liquid from eggplant.
  6. Heat the frying pan. Pour oil. Place the vegetable. Fry until golden brown.
  7. Place the peppers and garlic into a large saucepan. Pour in vinegar and oil. Boil. Add eggplants to them. Add sugar, salt. Boil for 10 minutes.
  8. Sterilize jars. Transfer the snack. Close with lids.
  9. Turn the container over. Cover with a blanket. Leave to cool.


  • eggplant – 4 kg;
  • garlic – 10 cloves;
  • onions – 1 kg;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 70% – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • bell pepper – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • ground hot pepper – 2 teaspoons.


  1. Wash the vegetables.
  2. Cut off the stem of the blue one. Cut into thin long cubes.
  3. Add salt. Let it brew for an hour. Rinse.
  4. Peel the carrots and grate them on a special grater designed for Korean carrots. To make the root vegetable softer, pour boiling water for 3 minutes, rinse with cold water, and drain off excess liquid.
  5. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper, cut off the stem, and cut into strips.
  6. Remove the skins from the onion and cut into half rings.
  7. Peel the garlic, squeeze through the garlic press.
  8. Place vegetables, except eggplants, in a container and mix. Pour vinegar hot pepper. Leave for five hours. If you don't like it spicy dishes, do not use hot peppers.
  9. Place the eggplants in a frying pan with oil and fry.
  10. Add to the rest of the vegetables and stir.
  11. Sterilize jars. Toss the salad. To cover with a lid. You can't roll up. Set to sterilize. Half liter containers require 15 minutes. For liter - half an hour;
  12. Close with lids. Wrap up. Leave to cool.

Recipe for eggplants cooked like mushrooms

Eggplants can be prepared for the winter like mushrooms. In this preparation, the vegetable is tender and slippery, and tastes like pickled mushrooms.


  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • eggplants – 1.5 kg;
  • vinegar 9% – 70 g;
  • hot pepper to taste;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • vegetable oil – 80 ml;
  • salt – 1 + ¼ tbsp. spoons


  1. Wash the fruits, cut off the stem and peel.
  2. Cut into cubes of about 2 centimeters.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Transfer the eggplants. After the water boils, cook for five minutes, stirring the mixture occasionally.
  4. Remove from heat. Strain through a colander. Leave to allow the liquid to drain, and any bitterness to go away with it.
  5. Pour the amount of oil required for the recipe into a measuring cup.
  6. Chop the peeled garlic.
  7. Chop the washed dill.
  8. When the eggplants have cooled, stir in the garlic and herbs. Season with oil, vinegar, salt, hot pepper. Mix. Withstand.
  9. Place the snack tightly into the container. Leave in the refrigerator for six hours.
  10. Yield: three half-liter jars.

Homemade lecho with eggplants and sweet peppers in tomato sauce

Simple quick recipe Making eggplant caviar will please the whole family.


  • eggplants – 2.3 kg;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • tomatoes -2 kg;
  • sugar – 125 g;
  • vegetable oil – 200 ml;
  • chili pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • essence of vinegar – 1 teaspoon;
  • bell pepper – 600 g;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dill – 50 g.