Passion fruit is a delicious fruit of passion. Passion fruit: beneficial properties, how to eat it and photos

Exotic fruits leave many questions behind. Passion flower (passion fruit) is no exception; how this fruit is eaten is the question that arises first. Also, many are interested in how to use exotic fruits in cooking and what beneficial properties they have.

How to choose passion fruit

How to choose the right one ripe fruits having good taste? Choose ripe fruit possible by appearance. Passion fruit is ripe when the peel turns a rich purple hue and has small wrinkles or cracks on its surface. If we are talking about yellow varieties of fruit, then its ripeness is also determined by the unevenness on the skin, only the skin will look a little different due to its color.

You should not purchase fruits with brown skin, deep cracks or dents on the surface, as this indicates a low quality product and reduced taste.

Passion fruit (fruit) is eaten immediately after purchase. If required long-term storage fruits, then unripe specimens should be selected. It takes about 3 days for them to ripen. room temperature. Fruit ripened at home can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Pay attention! Ripe fruits purchased from the supermarket should not be stored in the refrigerator. Without knowing the exact date of ripening, you can wait for the fruit to spoil, so it should be consumed on the day of purchase. Opened fruits have a shelf life of 24 hours.

How to peel fruit? A sharp knife and cutting board are required to peel the fruit. Pre-washed fruits should be placed on a board and cut into 2 halves, then quickly open the fruits without allowing the juice to leak out.

Will be exposed when cut juicy pulp with seeds, which is used as food. You can separate the pulp from the skin using a teaspoon. The cut fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for some time along with the peel, which is later discarded.

The best way to enjoy the taste of the fruit is to put the freshly removed pulp directly into your mouth. But do not forget that the fruits can be used for cooking various dishes.

Do they eat the peel? The peel of the fruit is not suitable for food, as it has an unpleasant taste and negative impact on the digestive system.

Do they eat bones? Passion fruit contains hard seeds that are edible. Eating it with or without seeds is a matter of taste. In order to separate passion fruit seeds from the pulp, just strain it through cheesecloth. The seeds can be used to plant plants at home.

How to eat passion fruit flower - Some chefs use the flowers of the fruit to prepare various dishes, but there is an opinion that they have a poisonous effect. Therefore, without knowledge and experience, you should not take risks.

Beneficial properties are found in both the pulp and seeds of the fruit. In its raw form, 100 grams of pulp contains only 70 kilocalories.

Pay attention! If you peel and eat the fruits immediately, they contain all useful substances necessary for the body, some of them are destroyed during storage.

Due to large quantity ascorbic acid, passion fruit improves performance immune system and has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and heart muscle. Regular consumption of pulp with seeds allows you to remove harmful cholesterol from the body and alleviate the condition of people with cardiovascular diseases.

  1. The fruit helps fight intestinal obstruction due to its mild laxative effect. Regular consumption of fruits improves digestion and helps prevent gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Consumption of 100 g of product per day helps prevent the development of diseases of the urinary system. The diuretic effect promotes the removal of pathological substances and microorganisms.
  3. Substances contained in fruits slow down the growth rate of cancer cells and are good remedy for prevention oncological diseases.

Eating passion fruit for colds and flu speeds up recovery, normalizes body temperature and promotes rapid recovery from inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract.


  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • acute diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • postoperative period.

Excessive consumption of exotic fruits can harm even a healthy person. Any new product should be introduced into the diet gradually.

Passion fruit is good in any form. It is most useful to eat it in fresh, but the fruits can also be used to prepare various dishes.

Best uses of passion fruit:

  1. Ice cream decoration. To present ice cream beautifully and improve it taste qualities, you should separate the fruit pulp from the peel and add a little gelatin dissolved in water. The resulting mixture should be poured into the ice cream bowl in an even layer. Ready dish should be placed in the refrigerator, after the mixture has hardened, it can be served. Mousses and creams can be served in a similar way.
  2. Ice cream. To prepare the dessert, you need to whip chilled 33% cream until soft foam is obtained, then add powdered sugar and fruit pulp and continue whipping for a couple more minutes. The resulting mixture should be frozen for at least 12 hours.
  3. Cocktail. In a blender bowl, beat the unsweetened yogurt and passion fruit until homogeneous mass. You can add various fruits and berries. Serve chilled.

No matter how tasty the fruit is, it is important to remember in moderation. Any healthy dish, at excessive consumption, can cause harm, rather than benefit, to the body.

If you decide to enjoy an exotic fruit and don’t know how to eat passion fruit, this information is for you. The fruit can be used in different ways, but the most great pleasure– eat it fresh.

How to eat sweet fruit correctly

It is not for nothing that this fragrant fruit is called the fruit of passion; its taste will not leave you indifferent. Don't try to take the most attractive-looking fruit. Choose purple fruits with mint and withered skin in the store: this is an indicator of ripeness. The softer the fruit, the sweeter the pulp. However, the brown color of the skin indicates that the fruit is overripe - you should not take it.

To eat passion fruit, take a spoon

The selected fruit must be shaken. The more liquid it contains, the tastier it is. Choose the most fragrant fruit. This will ensure that the pulp has a bright taste. Here's how you can enjoy the fruit:

  • wash the fruit and place it on a plate;
  • cut in half, being careful not to lose a drop of juice;
  • Use a teaspoon to scrape out the pulp from each half;
  • discard the skin.

The jelly-like pulp must be scraped out until the white layer of the skin is reached. Do not scrub the white layer too hard: it is tasteless and may taste bitter.

What is the best way to eat fruit: with or without seeds?

Inside aromatic pulp The fruit has small seeds. They are quite edible, although they may be slightly bitter. For passion fruit lovers, this is not an obstacle, since the jelly-like mass can be swallowed without chewing.

If small inclusions irritate you, rub the pulp through a sieve. It's easier than fishing out the inedible parts one by one.

How to use fruit raw, and more

Best to eat exotic fruit fresh. If you're not interested in eating it with a spoon, make it into juice. The fruit fits perfectly into fruit salads, it can be eaten with yogurt or added to ice cream.

The fruit is suitable for preparing dressing. Rub the fruit through a sieve. Mix the pulp freed from seeds with olive oil, Dijon mustard and lemon juice. Season a green salad with this mixture.

Fresh passion fruit goes well with alcoholic cocktails chilled

If fate has blessed you with an abundance of such exotic things, make jam or preserves from the fruit. Unusual taste will give meat or fish a sauce with the addition of aromatic fruits.

Eating tropical fruits immerses you in a magical fairy tale with an abundance of aromas and tastes. Passion fruit is one of these exotic dishes. It is versatile and can be enjoyed fresh or cooked.

Passion fruit is an exotic Brazilian fruit, widely known throughout the world. Passion fruit, passionflower, purple granadilla - the fruit has many names. Remain unchanged unique taste, alluring smell, sweet juice, and, of course, the benefits of passion fruit. Indeed, it would be very difficult to find a person who has not tried yogurt or aromatic tea with the addition of an exotic beauty.

Like everything unknown, passion fruit has its own secrets, wrapped in uniquely beautiful flowers.

How does passion fruit grow?

Many centuries ago, monk Ferrari arrived from Italy in sunny Brazil. It was he who gave the name “fruit of passion”, but not at all for the inflaming properties of the fruit. The strange flower reminded the monk of the torment and pain of Jesus. Thin flower petals symbolized the bloody crown of thorns, strong stamens were like the nails of a crucifix, and the most delicate white petals expressed innocence.

Over time, the religious legend was forgotten, passion fruit spread throughout the world and, thanks to bright taste, attractive aroma and spectacular appearance, retained its passionate name. By the way, in many countries, passionflower is used as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Today, passion fruit is cultivated in tropical countries and delights residents with the most beautiful flowers and delicious fruits. The tree itself is a cluster of vines that grow up to 10-12 meters per year. During the growth period, the plant grows small tendrils and carefully wraps itself around everything. Over time, numerous fragrant flowers form on the branches, from which fruits appear after 3 months.

Passion fruit season in Thailand

One of the developed areas of passion fruit is Thailand, where it is considered the most aromatic fruit. Immediately after the end of the rainy season, the growing period begins, which lasts from December to April. At this time, ripe passion fruit appears on the shelves of markets and supermarkets. This is a rare fruit for Thailand, but tourists will be able to enjoy it. The price of granadilla varies depending on the time of year.

What does passion fruit look like?

Externally, the passion fruit fruit looks like a large yellow or deep purple color and reaches 12 cm in length and 3 cm in width.

The dense peel of passion fruit protects the contents of the fruit from damage and is also a kind of indicator of ripeness. An unripe fruit has a perfectly smooth skin, while a ripe fruit is completely covered with small wrinkles.

Depending on the variety, the weight of passion fruit varies between 35-50 grams. Most of it is jelly-like orange pulp With small bones. Yellow large fruits contain more pulp, but purple ones are much sweeter and juicier.

Other members of the Passionflower family are very similar to passion fruit. For example, an oblong banana granadilla grows 12 cm in length and 4 cm in width. The shape of the fruit can resemble an elongated light yellow or cucumber with velvety dark green skin. Inside the peel contains bright orange pulp in the form of numerous small droplets with seeds.

And the giant granadilla, living up to its name, has a truly impressive size. The fruit grows up to 30 cm in length and up to 12 cm in width and resembles a small melon. Unlike passion fruit, the yellow or green skin of the giant granadilla is thinner. But, like most edible varieties of passionflower, the large fruit contains aromatic, sweet and sour pulp with brown or purple seeds.

Composition and calorie content

Passionflower is distinguished not only by its bright appearance. Its rich composition itself answers the question of whether the fruit has beneficial properties.

The rich content of vitamins, mineral complexes, beta-carotene, antioxidants, flavonoids and fiber help cope with many ailments and maintain health. 100 grams contain:

  • 2.4 g protein,
  • 0.4 g fat,
  • 13.4 g carbohydrates,
  • 78 g water,
  • 1.5 g dietary fiber.

At the same time, passion fruit has low calorie content. Only 68 kcal per 100 grams of fresh pulp. This feature makes the fruit attractive to people who are losing weight or watching their figure.

Diabetics need to watch more than just what is in their foods. Due to the high carbohydrate content, it is necessary to limit the consumption of passionflower so as not to cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.


Passion fruit contains numerous vitamins, some of which provide up to 25% of the daily value.

  • Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens vision, improves skin condition and stimulates the immune system.
  • Vitamins B1 regulates work nervous system, participates in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Vitamin B2 is part of enzymes, an active participant in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, giving the skin firmness and elasticity.
  • Vitamin PP improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous activity, and is part of the enzymes involved in cellular gas exchange.
  • Vitamin B5 regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the synthesis of enzymes involved in fat and amino acid metabolism.
  • Vitamin B6 is involved in hematopoiesis and protein metabolism, improves immunity, and activates mental activity.
  • Vitamin E – protects blood vessels from damage, strengthens the immune system, activates physical and mental activity
  • Biotin makes skin and hair healthy.
  • Vitamin K synthesizes substances involved in blood clotting.
  • Folic acid helps synthesize hemoglobin and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates the immune system, strengthens blood vessels and bone tissue, regulates cholesterol levels, and participates in the synthesis of hormones.


Passion fruit contains mineral complexes, which, together with vitamins, protect health. When eating fruit, the body replenishes reserves of macro- and microelements that are not independently synthesized.

  • Calcium is part of bone and cartilage tissue and provides nerve conduction to muscles.
  • Potassium strengthens the heart and promotes proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Magnesium regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
  • Sodium is involved in water metabolism and transports cellular substances.
  • Phosphorus is part of ATP, bone and nerve tissue, and promotes the contraction of muscle fibers.
  • Sulfur is a beauty mineral, improves body tone, nourishes skin cells, hair and nails.
  • Chlorine activates the enzyme amylase and promotes digestion, and is part of the blood plasma.
  • Iron is one of the most important components of hemoglobin and carries out gas exchange in cells.
  • Iodine is part of thyroid hormones.
  • Manganese helps vitamins and minerals to be absorbed, participates in the synthesis of insulin, as well as in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Zinc promotes the synthesis of most hormones and enzymes and ensures muscle function.
  • Fluoride is part of tooth enamel, protecting teeth from caries.
  • Copper, together with vitamin C, is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, strengthens vision, and promotes the beauty of skin and hair.

How to eat passion fruit

It is impossible to describe the taste of passion fruit in one word. It resembles a combination of your favorite fruits and berries. The freshness of kiwi, the sourness of sea buckthorn, the airy sweetness and juiciness of gooseberries, the tartness of plums and the tenderness of strawberries give a rich sweet and sour taste. Such a vibrant composition explains why granadilla is a gourmet favorite.

The fruit must be peeled before use. The peel is considered poisonous, but chefs have learned to use some varieties in the preparation of desserts. However, you should not take risks and experiment with exotic foods on your own.

To ensure safety during transportation, passionflower is treated chemicals, so it must be washed thoroughly.

The peel is carefully cut in a circle so as not to split the fruit in half. This is done to save more fresh juice. From each half, eat the remaining core with a small spoon. Passion fruit seeds are eaten along with the jelly-like aromatic pulp.

How to choose passion fruit

To please yourself with exotic delicacies, you need to understand how to choose it correctly. The ripe fruit is covered with a slightly wrinkled, rough shell without damage. Smooth passion fruit is sour in taste, but becomes sweeter as it ripens.

Can you eat passion fruit seeds?

The Brazilian guest has a contradictory effect. The pulp itself invigorates and tones, and the seeds have a hypnotic effect. The soft, miniature seeds are used in cooking for decoration. confectionery, desserts and cocktails. In addition to beauty, they are a source of Omega acids and vitamins.

What is made from passion fruit?

The fruit is often used in cooking variety of dishes– desserts, salads, pastries, casseroles and sauces. Unique taste makes it a worthy component of any kitchen. Passion fruit goes well with dairy products and seaweed, therefore it is often used in cocktails, smoothies and juices.

How to store passion fruit

In the homeland of the fruit, it is stored in a cool place to maximize its shelf life. Peeled passion fruit can be refrigerated for up to five days. And if you freeze the pulp along with sugar, all the important substances and benefits will be preserved for a long time.

What are the benefits of passion fruit?

The tropical fruit of passion can rightfully be called the fruit of health. Fresh passion fruit regulates nervous activity, strengthens the heart, normalizes blood pressure, activates the liver. The juice has a mild diuretic and laxative effect on the body. And dietary fiber stimulates the digestive system and promotes the elimination of waste and toxins.

The increased amount of antioxidants that protect not only from viruses and bacteria, but also from cancer, allows us to safely say that passion fruit and benefits are inextricably linked.

Also, passionflower has medicinal properties. The fruit reduces the development of inflammatory processes, reduces the risk of asthmatic attacks, and helps cope with severe headaches without medications.

The benefits of passion fruit for women are invaluable. During menstruation, it relieves the condition and eliminates cramps. In adulthood, regular use Fruit will help cope with severe signs of menopause.

The peel of the fruit is most often hard - wavy or smooth, and is considered inedible. Sweet pulp with bright aroma and seeds are those parts of the fruit for which passion fruit is loved today in many countries of the world. Passion fruits grow on vines, and when they ripen and fall down, they can be collected. In countries where these fruits are grown, this crop is harvested twice a year.

There are many types of wild passionflower in nature, but most of them are cultivated today. The fruits are grown mainly in America, including Brazil, but also in India, on the Pacific Islands - for example, Hawaii and the Philippines, in New Zealand, Australia and other warm countries.

What are the benefits of passion fruit?
Composition and beneficial properties of passion fruit

Passion fruit is not only tasty, but also very healthy, thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition.. Apart from excellent clean water, vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber - there is a lot of it in the seeds, and a small amount of fat, the fruits contain B vitamins (6 of them), beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, H, K; minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, fluorine. Passion fruit is no different in calories - it only contains about 70-90 kcal per 100 g, depending on the type, so it is quite possible to use it in diets - it will be both tasty and healthy.

Plant substances of the steroid class - sterols - can replace cholesterol in our blood - they are close to it in composition. “Harmful” cholesterol therefore does not accumulate, but is forced out of the body - of course, for this, passion fruit must be consumed regularly.

Has passion fruit and soothing properties– if you eat fruits before bed, you can fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully.

Passion fruit in folk medicine

IN folk medicine, in those countries where passion fruit is grown, it is used for gout and rheumatism– reduces pain; as a mild laxative for diseases of the digestive system, as well as a diuretic and bactericidal agent in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract; for bronchial asthma; relieves headaches, depression; relieves fever and muscle tension.

The leaves of the plant are also healing: they contain alkaloids that normalize blood pressure; their decoctions and infusions relieve spasms, soothe, improve sleep, help with diseases of the stomach and intestines, and alleviate menopause.

Substances obtained from passion fruit seeds are used in the pharmaceutical industry to make sedatives.

Passion fruit in cooking.
How to eat passion fruit

The most commonly consumed juice is passion fruit.: it is drunk separately or added to drinks, mixed with others fruit juices. The pulp is also often eaten fresh, or added to different dishes, mainly desserts and sweets, but you can use it to prepare salads, sauces, and pie fillings. This is done both in America and in Asia - wherever passion fruit grows.

In Brazil, the most popular delicacy is considered to be a mousse made from the pulp of its fruits, and they love to decorate cakes and pastries with the seeds - probably, after such sweets, hot Brazilians feel more calm and peaceful.

It is clear that passion fruit juice is very healthy, but it also has a tonic effect., so it is successfully used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

In the manufacture of many cosmetic products, extract and oil of the fruit are used - such cosmetics contain many unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, have a regenerating effect, stimulate blood circulation in the skin, refresh it and improve complexion.

Cleansers with passion fruit extract are great for dealing with oily skin problems.– pimples and blackheads; The oil, extracted by cold pressing from the seeds of the fruit, is added not only to cosmetics for the skin, but also to hair products - shampoos and balms with it have good moisturizing properties.

In some countries, passion fruit is considered an aphrodisiac., although most scientists deny this. However, the fruit has many beneficial properties, and its smell is truly wonderful, so you can try it in this capacity.

How to select and store passion fruit

You can buy passion fruit today in any good supermarket., or even on the market - if you trust the seller. Choose large, heavy fruits with smooth, shiny, dark purple skin, but experts say that fruits with rough skin are sweeter. The color of the peel can be red, lilac-brown, yellow - depending on where the fruit is grown: for example, New Zealand passion fruits are most often dark purple, and Hawaiian fruits are usually bright yellow. The main thing is that the color is juicy and rich - this means that the fruit is ripe.

You can store passion fruit in the refrigerator, but not for long - no more than 5-6 days. If you bought an unripe fruit, you can leave it until ripening at room temperature - by the way, most often we sell just such fruits, because ripe ones simply would not withstand transportation.

To eat passion fruit, you just need to cut it., remove the pulp and seeds - you can eat it all with a spoon, or you can squeeze out the juice. The pulp of the fruit is added to salads, mousses, jellies, creams, syrups, ice cream - this is a traditional use.

You can add sugar or honey to the sour juice - from smooth-skinned fruits - it is also often diluted with water - without water it is too concentrated. Pure juice with a sour taste, it complements seafood dishes well, and the pulp from such fruits is eaten not only in salads or with yogurt, but also with fish, pork or chicken.

Passion fruit peel is poisonous - it contains cyanogenic glycosides; however, they are not found in all types of these fruits, and therefore the peel is also used. In those countries where the fruit grows, delicious jam is made from the peel and used in confectionery production, but it’s better for you and me not to risk it, since we are not experts on this fruit.

Aphrodisiac passion fruit

Let's get back to aphrodisiac dishes: although scientists believe that passion fruit is not capable of enhancing love passion, in many countries it is used precisely in this capacity.

Passion fruit salad in red wine

Best dish: fruit salad in sweet wine: it can awaken tender feelings even in the coldest and most indecisive men and women.

Fruits needed:
2 papayas, 2 passion fruits, 2 mangoes, 4 tangerines, 150 g each of red and green grapes pitted, ½ lemon, 80 g sugar and 300 ml sweet white wine.
Melt the sugar in water (120 ml) over medium heat, let it simmer for a couple of minutes, then pour into a large bowl. When the syrup has cooled, add peeled and cut into slices papaya, mango cubes, cross-cut tangerine slices, grapes, pour wine into a bowl, mix gently, pour lemon juice on top, cover, and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Passion fruit seeds and pulp are added to the salad just before serving. The taste and aroma of this salad is delicious, and is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Passion fruit has one main contraindication– It should not be eaten by people prone to allergies.

If just a few years ago it was very rare to find a fruit called passion fruit in a store, now it is much more popular: passion fruit can be seen in juices, yoghurts, ice cream, tea, etc. and even on supermarket shelves. And interest in useful and harmful properties of this product, its chemical composition and methods of application are only growing.

What kind of fruit

Passion fruit is a fruit that is the fruit of a number of tropical vines called passionflower or passion flower. Such plants are most often found in the American (Brazil, Peru), Asian or Australian tropics.

Passion fruit is also grown in industrial scale in the subtropical climate of Transcaucasia. Because of one of the names of the vine on which such fruits grow (passion flower), this fruit is called “passion fruit.”

Did you know?In the forests of Brazil you can find a large tree, which is called“milk nipple” due to the ability to give milk: if you pierce a tree, milk will flow out of it, which people can drink. However, first such a product must be boiled and diluted with water. One tree can produce up to 4 liters of milk per day.

Passion flower fruits are round in shape, have slightly wrinkled or smooth skin (depending on the type and ripeness), light green, burgundy, orange, yellow or dark purple on the outside and usually have yellow-green flesh on the inside.

Calorie content and chemical composition

This fruit is not very high in calories and is suitable for consumption if you are on a diet. Calorie content of passion fruit is 68 kcal. Energy value: - 2.4 g (about 10 kcal), - 0.4 g (about 4 kcal), - 13.4 g (about 54 kcal). Energy ratio (protein: fat: carbohydrates): 14%: 6%: 80%.

Video: passion fruit Chemical composition:

  • water;
  • dietary fiber;
  • group vitamins, and;

Did you know? Japan has good ones quality fruits are rare, so, for example, fresh ripe pineapple can be a luxurious holiday gift. There are shops in the country whose specialization is ideal fruits not only in taste, but also in sight and smell. However, the prices in such stores are rather high. For example, 12 perfect strawberries will cost a Japanese $80, and 3 small melons will cost about $400.

Benefits for the body

  • tones, gives energy (juice);
  • saves from insomnia (seeds);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves nervous tension;
  • helps eliminate wrinkles;
  • tightens pores, helps restore natural complexion;
  • restores skin elasticity;
  • helps cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • helps in the treatment of certain diseases.

During pregnancy

If a woman is not allergic to this fruit, its consumption can bring enormous benefits to the pregnant woman’s body:

  • this fruit helps fight insomnia, anxiety and nervousness, which so often affect pregnant women and which must be eliminated for the health and normal development of the baby;
  • passion fruit is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, so necessary for pregnant women;
  • It is a source of potassium, which helps in the formation of cells in the baby's body.

Important!Passion fruit is a strong allergen, so it is better for pregnant women to first try it in small doses, observing the body's reaction.

Regarding the use of passion fruit for breastfeeding, then during this period it is better to refrain from such exotic fruit. Since the newborn’s body is weak and very sensitive, it is better for a nursing mother not to eat foods that can cause allergies.

What does it taste like

Passion fruit is very juicy, it consists of 40% juice. If you buy ripe fruit, its flesh will be sweet. Opinions differ as to what the taste of such a fruit is like: to some it resembles kiwi, to others it resembles ripe sea buckthorn. In fact, you can also feel notes of , in the taste of this fruit.

How to eat correctly

The skin of this fruit is not edible, therefore, in the homeland of passion fruit, the process of eating it occurs as follows: the fruit is carefully cut (so as not to lose most of the juice. To do this, you do not need to cut the fruit in half, but cut off the skin in a circle) and use a spoon to They eat the pulp, after which the peel is thrown away.

How to choose when purchasing

To buy a sweet, ripe fruit, you need to taste it by touch: an unripe passion fruit has a smooth skin, the fruit itself is hard, but a ripe fruit, as a rule, has a slightly wrinkled surface and can be soft.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the good chemical composition and a huge list of useful properties of passion fruit, this fruit may be harmful to some people. The fruit should not be consumed by those who are allergic to anything.

Also, it is better not to give such exotic food to small children, even those who are not prone to allergic reactions, since the gastrointestinal tract The child may react unpredictably to such food.

It is worth noting that one of the beneficial properties of passion fruit - its ability to cause drowsiness - may turn out to be a big disadvantage of the fruit for someone, so it is better not to consume this fruit in large quantities if you want to stay alert and full of energy.

Important!Sick diabetes mellitus It is worth considering that if long time Store passion fruit in a cool place, the amount of sugar in its composition will increase significantly.


This universal fruit, due to the absence of clear contraindications to its consumption, is used both to treat a number of diseases and prepare various dishes, and in cosmetology to eliminate skin problems.

In medicine

Passion fruit can be used to treat the following ailments:

  • digestive problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poor metabolism;
  • hyperthermia;
  • liver diseases;
  • problems with the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • abnormal blood pressure;
  • asthma;
  • migraine;
  • vision problems.

In cooking

The fruit of an exotic tree is quite widely used in cooking. For example, you can please your guests with dessert in the form of cottage cheese casserole with passion fruit.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • 300 g crumbly;
  • 250 g soft low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 5 passion fruits;
  • 2 tablespoons;
  • half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix together two types of cottage cheese (crumbly and soft), add egg and sugar to them.
  2. Remove the pulp from three fruits and remove the seeds, leaving only the juice. Two more passion fruits should be left in order to decorate the casserole with their pulp.
  3. Dissolve starch in the fruit juice and add to the mixture of cottage cheese, eggs and sugar. Mix the resulting dough well.
  4. Grease a baking pan with oil and sprinkle with flour, place the dough inside.
  5. Bake for 30-40 minutes at 200°C.
  6. When the casserole is ready, let it cool, then cut into pieces and decorate each piece with the pulp from the two remaining fruits. You can add whipped cream and a mint leaf on top.

Passion fruit pulp can also be one of the ingredients fruit salad, a garnish for almost any baked dessert or a topping for ice cream. However, the “opportunities” of passion fruit are not limited to desserts. Fish in coconut milk with vanilla and passion fruit - a great main dish for a family dinner.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 300 ml;
  • 400 g white fish;
  • 2 passion fruits;
  • 1 vanilla pod;

How to cook:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix the pulp of one fruit with coconut milk.
  2. Add the contents of the vanilla pod to the resulting mixture.
  3. Marinate the pre-cleaned fish in a well-mixed mixture.
  4. Place the marinated fish in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  5. Fry individual pieces of fish well in a frying pan with a small amount sunflower or olive oil.
  6. Wash the second fruit well, cut it in half and decorate the dish with it.

Passion fruit juice can become great addition to alcohol or soft drinks For example, in the summer you can prepare a smoothie with mango and passion fruit for breakfast.


  • 0.6 cups vanilla (you can buy or prepare it yourself);
  • half a glass of concentrated passion fruit juice (seedless);
  • 1/4 cup water;
  • 2 pieces of ice.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the mango into cubes and remove the seeds from the passion fruit, leaving only the juice.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a blender and stir until smooth.
  3. You can decorate the top if you wish. powdered sugar or a fresh mint leaf.

In cosmetology

This exotic fruit is also widely used in cosmetology because it:

  • tones and moisturizes the skin;
  • has a nourishing and refreshing effect;
  • helps cope with inflammation and irritation;
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles or reduces their number;
  • has a preventive effect against rashes.

In addition to the fact that passion fruit is included in many creams, oils and masks that we can see on store shelves, there are several recipes for masks for homemade. Mask to reduce the number of wrinkles on the face.

  • two tablespoons of mashed potatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon;
  • 1 tablespoon.

How to make and use:

  1. First you need to peel the passion fruit pulp from the seeds, mix with banana puree, starch and almond oil. Stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  2. After pre-cleansing the skin, apply the mask to it using a brush. You can keep this mask on your face for 20 minutes to one hour.
  3. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 7-10 times with an interval of one day.

Did you know?The skin is the largest organ in the human body: it makes up 15% of our body weight, and if the average person's skin were stretched, it would cover an area of ​​2 square meters.

How to make and use: Mask for nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


  • one teaspoon of passion fruit juice;
  • one tablespoon of plantain;
  • egg yolk;
  • one teaspoon of cocoa.
How to make and use:
  1. Beat the egg yolk with the fruit juice.
  2. Grind the pre-dried plantain in a coffee grinder or grind it by hand.
  3. Mix all the ingredients together; if the mass is too thick, add mineral water to it.
  4. Spread the mask on your face in a thick layer, keep for about 15 minutes, rinse warm water.

Mask for blackheads and acne.


  • 2 tablespoons passion fruit juice;
  • one teaspoon of henna;
  • one teaspoon of sage.
  1. Mix all ingredients together and stir until smooth, dilute with mineral water if necessary.
  2. Using circular movements, apply the mask to your previously cleansed face.
  3. Keep the mask on your face for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can repeat the procedure once a week.

How to grow at home

Despite the fact that passion fruit is tropical fruit, you can grow it at home.

The easiest way to do this is with seeds, following the instructions:

  1. Remove the seeds from the fresh fruit and dry them well. Or you can purchase ready-made passionflower seeds in a specialty store.
  2. Leave the dry grains in a wet cloth for 3 days.
  3. Plant the seeds in small pots filled with flower soil or regular potting soil (one in each pot to avoid problems with plant roots). Sprinkle them with a 5 mm layer of soil.
  4. Place the container in a warm place and wait for the first sprouts, which usually appear after 10-30 days.
  5. Water the plant with fresh water as the soil dries out.
  6. Since passionflower is a vine, it is necessary to provide it with support so that the plant can curl up and not lie on the ground.
  7. You can get the first passion fruit fruits within six months after planting.
Video: how to grow passion fruit

How to store passion fruit

It is better not to store passionflower fruits together with other climatic fruits. Optimal temperature storage - not lower than +7 ° C (if the temperature is below the specified figure, the fruit loses the ability to ripen and loses immunity to microbiological diseases). This fruit is sensitive to external bruises, which can cause the fruit to rot.

Passion fruit - healthy fruit, which is widely used in cooking, medicine and even cosmetology. Thanks to him healing properties, passion fruit can help cope not only with dry skin, but also with diseases genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, migraine, asthma and other diseases.

Did you know?When we laugh, the human face uses 17 muscles, but when we frown, all 43 muscles of our face work. Therefore, scientists have proven that the more a person smiles, the later wrinkles will begin to appear on his face. Gloomy people encounter such trouble much earlier.

Since among the contraindications to the use of this product are only possible allergic reactions, passion fruit can be eaten by almost everyone. And it’s much easier to do this if several passionflowers grow in your home, periodically producing fruits in the form of juicy fruits.
