Recipes: walnut milk. How to make milk from nuts

Cow's milk is not always well absorbed by the human body. This is especially true for older people and young children (which is why most infant formulas are made with goat or soy milk). In addition, according to the book “,” cow’s milk protein may be the cause of some autoimmune diseases.

Walnut kernels contain fatty oil (up to 60-76%), proteins (up to 21%), carbohydrates (up to 7%), provitamin A, vitamins K and P, amino acids (asparagine, cystine, glutamine, serine, histidine, valine, phenylalanine). Fatty oil walnut consists of glycerides of linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmitic and linolenic acids.

When making milk, part beneficial properties lost, but the majority still remains.


  • 1 cup peeled walnuts;
  • 3 glasses of water + water for soaking;
  • honey to taste;
  • a pinch of vanillin.


Measure out the nuts using a glass of any size and pour in cold drinking water so that it covers the nuts. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, take out the nuts, drain the water, pour them into a blender and pour three glasses (the same volume as you used for the nuts) of cold water.

Blend with a blender for a few minutes until homogeneous mass and strain through cheesecloth. After this, you can add a little honey and vanilla to taste, or you can leave it pure. Shelf life: 2–3 days in the refrigerator.

Using this milk you can prepare very delicious cocktails! First option: beat it with banana, dates (3-4 seeds, pitted), a pinch of cinnamon and honey. Second option: beat together with cinnamon, nutmeg, honey and dates (5-6 pieces). You can adjust the quantity of bananas and dates according to your taste.

Another option is to use nut milk as a base for cocktails with frozen berries (any you like) and honey, and also add it to coffee. The only thing is that this milk is not very homogeneous in consistency; when added to coffee, it separates into flakes and does not look very appetizing, so it needs to be stirred well.

Even though I don't really like walnuts, I liked the milk from them! Him pleasant taste, the coffee turns out simply amazing. If you feel that the milk is not rich enough, next time add less water.

And don’t forget that this nut milk is very rich: 100 ml contains 79 kcal. You should not drink it in large quantities and because nuts, although a healthy product, are quite difficult to digest. You don't drink cow's milk liters?

Next time we will experiment with rice milk and we will definitely share the results!

Hi all!

Nut milk from any nut or seed is easy and quick to make at home, and not only is it delicious and healthy for any age, but it also has many uses. delicious both on its own and when you add it to, as, ice cream, various soups, sauces, cakes, pastries, you can also drink a glass of milk with. Nut milk is lactose-free, gluten-free, non-genetically modified, and contains no saturated fat.

Raw nuts and raw seeds, respectively, and milk from them, have many beneficial properties and their regular use, as recent research shows, is an important part. Although more recently nuts were considered unhealthy due to their relatively high content fat However, most of the fat in nuts is healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

But, more about that another time, and today we’re sharing tips on how to prepare one of the most delicious and healthy drinks- nut milk.

  1. The most important thing about making nut milk at home is to use any raw, unroasted nuts or seeds.
  2. If you do not trust the purity of the purchased raw nuts or seeds before making milk from them at home, For mold removal and bacteria, leave them for 20 minutes in water with the addition of 1 or 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide (per 1 cup of raw nuts). Then rinse well under running water several times. After this, the nuts/seeds can be soaked. Follow the table below.
    Name Soaking Time for Nuts and Seeds
    almond 8-12 hours
    Brazilian nut 2 hours
    hazelnut 2 hours
    cashew nuts 2 hours
    walnuts 6-8 hours
    pecans 24 hours
    green buckwheat 6-8 hours
    flax seeds (flax seeds) 4-6 hours
    chia seeds 6-8 hours
    hulled hemp seeds
    (hemp seeds)
    no need to soak
    unhulled hemp seeds 8-12 hours
    pumpkin seeds 4-6 hours
    sesame seeds (sesame seeds) 4-6 hours
    sunflower seeds 4-6 hours
  3. When soaking, raw nuts/seeds must be completely covered with water because... They swell when they absorb water.
  4. If you don't have time or can't use the soaked nuts/seeds right away, you can leave them in water in the refrigerator for a few days, but you need to change the water every day. This will keep them fresh and ready to use for several days.
  5. After the soaking time is over, the nuts/seeds should be washed well and the water in which they were soaked should be discarded. Never use water in which nuts/seeds were soaked. It contains harmful enzymes that were “pulled out” from the nuts during the soaking process. Removing these enzymes reduces acidity and inherent bitterness, and makes the nuts/seeds easier to digest.
  6. Be careful not to over-soak as... good and useful minerals will begin to wash out into the water. Follow the table above.
  7. When soaking, add a pinch or two to the water sea ​​salt- will improve taste qualities nuts/seeds
  8. Chia seeds and when soaked they become jelly-like. Therefore, it is better to soak them immediately before use and NOT rinse them after soaking, because... The adhesive substance that forms when soaked is very useful.
  9. To make nut milk, it is advisable to purchase a powerful blender. Place nuts/seeds in a blender along with water. Start the blender at low speed first and gradually increase to high speed. As a rule, the milk will be ready within 30-60 seconds. If you don't have a blender like a Vitamix or Blendec, you may have to wait 1-2 minutes until the nuts are completely ground. The more powerful your blender, the smoother your nut milk will be.
  10. When making nut milk at home, you can use it instead of regular water. coconut water, Herb tea, or add cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, ginger, vanilla or lemon extract, ( coconut butter), stevia . This method will give a completely different taste to your milk. Do not use . It hardens when cooled and can create small grains in the milk.
  11. Can be sweetened or added flavorings already directly into the milk, after filtering and removing the pulp.
  12. When you make nut milk, after straining through a sieve, gauze or special bag for nut milk, what remains is the nut pulp. Don't rush to throw it away! You can use the nut pulp for delicious cookies, bread, crispbread, if you don’t have time to make cookies, then you can add it to salads - extra fiber will never hurt anyone. Especially for diabetics! 😉
  13. If you cannot use the raw nut pulp on the same day, it can be stored raw in the refrigerator, in a tightly sealed container, for up to two to three days. But, if you're making nut milks with any flavors, there's a good chance the pulp will ferment quickly. You can dry the nut pulp in a dehydrator and later use it as flour. Store in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place for several months. Or you can simply freeze the raw nut pulp.
  14. Store homemade milk in an airtight glass container, jar, for 3-5 days in the refrigerator. Always label the content and the date it was made.
    IN freezer Homemade nut milk can be stored for up to 3 months. Pour the nut milk into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Frozen milk cubes are great for fruit cocktails on hot summer days.
  15. In the summer, when it's hot, you can make nut milk by adding a little ice to the water to quickly cool it down, or chill it just before serving for 30 minutes to one hour in the refrigerator.

That's all. We hope these tips help you make nut milk at home using any nut or seed!

All the best and have a nice weekend everyone!

In our minds, a product such as milk can only be of one type. Our usual cow's milk is a source of calcium. But did you know that there are many other types of milk that you can prepare yourself at home?!

It is thanks to vegetarians that we manage to discover new types of foods. plant origin. Thanks to them, products such as carob beans, paneer cheese, agar and even plant-based milk have become popular. As for the latter, this is a forgotten invention from the Middle Ages.

In the days of knights, ladies and dragon monsters, cow's milk was used to make cheese and butter. But the food was prepared with almond milk. The sweet liquid from the nuts was added to baked goods, drunk during meals, and even made into butter.

Of course, calling a liquid from plants milk is a little incorrect, but in appearance it is very similar to a product of animal origin. Yes, and the benefits in “ unusual milk" much more. Moreover, this product is suitable for those who suffer from lactose intolerance.

Here are a few more facts in favor of “plant milk”. It turns out that cow's milk contains a lot of casein protein. Since it was originally intended for a calf, then, accordingly, it contains substances that are needed for the development of an animal, and not a person. Therefore, the same casein in cow's milk is three times more than what a person needs.

Doctors believe that it is an overdose of this type of protein that causes chronic rhinitis or frequent indigestion. You can also refute the myth that calcium contained in cow's milk strengthens bones. Scientists from Harvard conducted the study for more than 12 years. The results of the research project showed that eating unsalted foods, legumes and fruits gives best effect in the fight against osteoporosis than systematic consumption of cow's milk.

The quality of finished dairy products today leaves much to be desired. And here we are talking not only about animal milk, but also about plant milk. Cow's milk is diluted and "enriched" various additives. Nut and soy milk made from roasted nuts, not fresh ones. Therefore, having completed this certainly important introduction, I will finally begin my story on how to make milk from nuts and grains at home.

Almond milk

So, you need peeled and unroasted almonds. Soak it in overnight ordinary water. Then pour boiling water over the nuts for five hours. In a blender or food processor, mix a glass of almonds, a vanilla pod, and two glasses of water. You can sweeten the liquid by adding some dates or honey. Mix all ingredients until smooth, then strain through a sieve.

Consume almond milk chilled. The product will have creamy taste. Almond milk contains a lot of magnesium (even more than spinach or oats), calcium, phosphorus, folic acid, zinc, vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids.

Milk from poppy seeds

It turns out that you can also cook it from grains. To do this, in a food processor, mix 3/4 cup of poppy seeds, two cups of water, and a tablespoon of honey. Strain the liquid through a sieve. This milk should be consumed chilled. The liquid has nutty coffee taste. In 100 ml. Milk of the poppy contains 1448 mg of calcium. A similar amount of cow's milk contains only 300 mg of calcium.

Coconut milk

Making milk from coconut nuts is also not difficult. To do this, pour grated coconut pulp hot water(75-90ºС). Stick to the ratio 1:3. Leave the mixture until it cools. Then strain and squeeze on a sieve. Sweet coconut milk rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), as well as vitamin C and lauric acid.

How to cook pumpkin milk?

One glass of peeled pumpkin seeds soak in water for two hours. Then mix in a blender with two glasses of water, vanilla and dates. Strain the liquid through a sieve and drink chilled. Tastes like pumpkin milk gingerbread. This type of plant milk contains a lot of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, proteins and calcium.

How to make oat milk?

You will need rolled oats. Don't take the cereal instant cooking! Soak a glass of cereal with three glasses of water overnight. Then mix the oatmeal with water in a food processor. You can add cinnamon, lime zest, vanilla. Strain the milk through a sieve. It will have sweet taste. Oat milk rich in globulin, beta-glucanate.

Animal origin leads in sales and popularity. The white sweet liquid made from nuts loses in several respects: high cost, minimal consumer awareness of the product, new unfamiliar taste. What you need to know about nut milk, why it needs to replace cow’s milk, and is the product worth the money claimed by the manufacturer?

What's wrong with animal milk?

From an early age we were instilled with the value of milk and its derivatives. Drinking a full glass of white liquid before lunch is a common practice that often results in acne, intestinal problems or abdominal pain. The average consumer did not consider dairy products to be a source of problems because they were extremely healthy. Why isn't this true?

The scientific community has long established the dangers of animal milk. The American nutritionist Walter Willett achieved maximum clarity and popularity of the theory. He is a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. Willett conducted research food product for decades and, having collected all the necessary information, shared it with the public.

Willett proved that cow's milk does not strengthen the bone skeleton. On the contrary, the product washes out of the bones, making them brittle and weak.

For healthy bones and high-quality skeletal functionality, it is more important to consume calcium rather than calcium.

An abundance of dairy products in the diet leads to the development of cancer. In men who consume milk and its derivatives daily, the risk of developing prostate cancer increases by 30-50%.

Nutritionists also paid attention to lactose intolerance. Upon reaching the age of 3, our body stops producing lactase. Lactase is the only one that can qualitatively break down lactose (milk sugar).

More than 75% of the world's population suffers from lactose intolerance.

Manifestations of lactose intolerance: abdominal pain, allergic rash, severe forms of acne, itching, bowel movements, etc. In his work, Dr. Willett calls milk not a toxic product, but simply useless. A person can live a healthy life without milk without suffering from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Moreover, animal milk is very high in calories and contains a colossal percentage, which leads to heart and vascular diseases.

The harm of cow's milk was also revealed by the China-Cornell-Oxford study or the China Project. Scientists from Asia and Europe studied not only milk, but also the human need for the animal. The results of the study confirmed Willett's ideas:

  • Dairy products thin your bones. Animal protein provokes the accumulation of acid, and our body tries to neutralize it. To eliminate acid, calcium must be released from the bones, making them brittle and weak;
  • Consuming more than 1 liter of dairy products per day increases the risk of developing cancer by 30%. This is due to the toxic compound dioxin, which makes a person more susceptible to disease;
  • 1 glass of milk is fraught with flatulence, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and chronic constipation - all these are symptoms of lactose intolerance;
  • milk worsens acne by stimulating insulin production. Dairy products increase the effect of steroids on the skin and lead to imperfections;
  • The modern market is teeming with low-quality milk. Control samples contained pathogenic bacteria, hormones, antibiotics and chemicals. They have a detrimental effect on hormonal background and gradually destroys a person from the inside.

What you need to know about nut milk

Nut milk is made from pureed nuts. If animals bring dairy products more harm, than benefits, then with a herbal ingredient things are different. Nut liquid is rich in calcium, vitamins and vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by our body.

There are definitely no antibiotics or various growth hormones in nut dairy products, because raising or is much cheaper, easier and more ergonomic than calf.

Find plant milk With ideal composition pretty hard. Manufacturers also add preservatives so that the product is definitely liked by the consumer and can be stored on the shelf for a long time. How to solve this problem? Make your own milk. Everything you need for home production– food processor, cheesecloth and a little patience.

How is the product useful? Nut milk completely takes on the properties of the main ingredient - almonds. The water in which the nuts are soaked activates them and additionally saturates them with nutrients. The benefits of milk depend on its composition. In almond, rice and oat product there will be a completely different spectrum of action and set of vitamins/minerals. Seeds, superfoods and sweet fruits are often added to milk. They affect the taste of the liquid and replace the sweetener, but the main task is to enrich the composition, nutritional value, etc.

Nut milk will help reduce sugar cravings and is perfect as a healthy afternoon snack or addition to breakfast. Vary the composition, experiment with flavors and introduce real food into your body. vitamin bomb. The main thing is to monitor the quality of the products and observe the measure.

Alternative Product Applications

Nut milk is used not only in the gastronomic industry. The ingredient is popular in the field of cosmetology and home care behind the body. Nut milk is used to make nourishing, moisturizing baths, professional/folk serums, masks and tonics.

Milk extracts are most often added as a moisturizing component. It softens the skin, evens out tone, eliminates redness and fills the epithelium with moisture. It is important that the composition cosmetic product There were water-retaining components that help the skin retain moisture and protect against dryness and irritation. Tonics with lactic acids perform 2 functions at once: gentle acid cleansing and additional vitamin replenishment for the skin.

Skin care for the body and face should be selected by a specialist. Before using dairy products, you should consult a dermatologist to avoid unwanted skin reactions. Incorrectly selected care is fraught with acne, rashes, redness, peeling and itching.

How much does nut milk cost?

Price plant product 2-3 times higher than the cost of regular cow's milk. This is due to low demand and “exotic” production. In the post-Soviet space, cow's milk is in incredible demand. Industrial enterprises who are engaged full cycle production is becoming more and more, so the cost of the final product is lower.

If the demand for plant-based dairy products increases and more competitive producers appear, then the price will change. A real way to save money is to make nut milk using own kitchen. This way you will save your budget, be able to choose your own ingredients and have full control over the entire cycle of creating the drink.

What nuts do you use to make milk from and what are they good for?

Its beneficial properties are revealed appearance– the product is similar to the hemispheres of the human brain. Even the ancient Greeks believed that the nut could stimulate brain activity and improve a person’s thinking abilities. In ancient times, the product could only be consumed by privileged people, but ordinary workers were denied access to brain stimulation. But was there any rational grain in the actions of the Greeks?

Many people associate the origin of the nut with its name, but this is a misconception. The birthplace of the walnut is not Greece, but Asia Minor (the territory of modern Iran).

In high nutritional value and the benefits of the product, the Greeks turned out to be right. It contains , and . Walnuts are rich in vegetable protein, which completely satisfies the nutrient requirement. Vegetable protein is much more efficiently and easily absorbed by the body, without causing discomfort or excessive stress on the organs.

Doctors recommend eating nuts for anemia. They contain an abundance of magnesium (Mg) and, which will help eliminate the problem and harmonize the functioning of the hematopoietic system. Iron also helps improve blood characteristics. The nutrient has a beneficial effect on blood composition, stabilizes transport function and has a wound-healing effect. Walnuts also help restore potency.

The daily dose of the product is 4-5 pieces.

Avoiding nuts and nut-based milk is necessary if:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • chronic colitis;
  • stages of exacerbation of psoriasis/eczema/allergies.

The Romans did not call the product at all, but “κóρυς”, which translated means “helmet”. The walnut actually looks like a rounded military helmet, so the name is absolutely justified.

A miniature hazelnut grain contains 20% easily digestible vegetable protein and 60% beneficial organic oils, which will make the brain work better, hair grow faster, and skin become more radiant and hydrated. The composition of the nut is also rich in tocopherol. Minerals include zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron.

During the period of Antiquity, doctors advised eating hazelnuts for diseases respiratory tract and lungs. Any cold or infectious disease receded before healing properties nut Hazelnuts maintain and improve the elasticity of vascular walls and protect the body from cancer.

The daily dose of nuts should not exceed 50 grams. Side effects Overeating hazelnuts results in headaches, heaviness in the stomach and intestinal dysfunction.

People with individual intolerance and severe forms of diabetes will have to give up hazelnut milk.

Hazelnut milk has a specific structure, so it can be replaced. The liquid contains only 3.5 grams. The taste of milk is not sweet, with a pronounced nutty flavor.


Pistachio is the absolute leader in content and can easily compete with beef liver. Walnut kernels are rich in phenolic compounds, which slow down the aging process and preserve the youth of the entire human body.

Brown-green kernels replenish the balance of phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg). The product also contains zeaxanthin and lutein - these pigments improve vision and strengthen bones. Several pistachio kernels contain the same amount of magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P).

Contraindications for eating almonds:

  • increased excitability;
  • hyperactivity;
  • tachycardia;
  • individual intolerance to nuts.

The daily norm of almonds is 8-10 nuts. Can only be eaten sweet almonds. Bitter contains toxic components that can lead to serious poisoning and death.


Brazil is considered the birthplace of cashews. The nut came to Europe in the 15th century, receiving genuine love and popularity. Cashews are always sold in their purified form without the kernel or husk. Why? A toxic, poisonous liquid is concentrated between the shell and the cashew nut itself. It can cause severe burns of mucous and soft tissues. Cashews are processed manually by specially trained peelers. From time to time, despite experience and safety precautions, workers are injured on the job.

Useful properties of the product:

  • strengthens the protective function of the immune system;
  • contains copper (Cu), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and phosphorus (P);
  • improves skin condition and partially eliminates acne, psoriasis, and other skin pathologies;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • strengthens nervous system, helps fight psycho-emotional disorders;
  • protects human body from cancerous tumors.

Cashew milk has a specific creamy taste and characteristic bitterness. It can be used both as an independent drink and as a salad dressing or sauce without extra fat/lots of calories.

How to make nut milk

The preparation principle is identical for any type of nut milk drink.

The first step is to soak the nuts for a few hours. Soaking time depends on the variety. As soon as the nut has become soft and pliable, proceed to the next manipulations. Ready nuts grind in a blender. At this stage, you can show your imagination and add whatever your heart desires to the drink - dates, berries, green buckwheat, flax or sesame seeds. Whisk all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Ready mass strain through cheesecloth.

Pour the milk into a container and store in the refrigerator for up to 3-5 days. It is best to store the drink in a glass container to avoid interaction with toxic substances, foreign odors and the external environment.

This drink is much cheaper than a store-bought one, and you can change the composition and benefits at your own discretion. Take a scientific approach to nutrition and stay healthy.

Often the joy of motherhood is darkened when, at the next weigh-in at the clinic, it suddenly turns out that the baby is gaining weight rather poorly. In such a situation, the first thing that occurs to a nursing mother is that she does not have enough milk.

Most likely, she will remember that walnuts breastfeeding are considered a traditional remedy for increasing lactation. Is it really worth resorting to this method of solving the problem, or is its effectiveness just one of the myths surrounding breastfeeding?

What are the benefits of walnuts?

Let's start with the fact that the product in question is actually very useful, one might say, even unique in its own way. Walnuts contain:

  • B vitamins, as well as A, E, P, K, zinc and copper, which helps prevent various diseases, slowing down the aging process;
  • vitamin C, and in terms of its quantity they are ahead of black currants, oranges, and rose hips;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids that cannot be obtained from animal fats.

Scientists have found that eating walnuts helps to lower blood cholesterol levels over a long period of time, which means they can be used to prevent cardiovascular disease.

What about the effect on lactation?

Whether it is possible to increase the “productivity” of the mammary glands with the help of nuts is not known for certain, since no one has conducted relevant research. Is it even worth using them during lactation? Both doctors and lactation consultants have differing opinions on this matter.

Some pediatricians, if they are dissatisfied with the baby's growth, advise the mother to eat walnuts, since even if with their help it is not possible to increase the amount of milk, then at least it is possible to increase its “quality,” that is, its fat content. In the case of a baby who is underweight, this is no less important.

But it doesn’t hurt to keep in mind that more full fat milk tends to stagnate in the ducts, which leads to blockage of the latter (it looks like white dot on the nipple), as well as lactostasis and mastitis. If you are prone to such problems, just in case, exclude walnuts from your menu, or at least do not overuse them.

There is another opinion among doctors, according to which the composition of milk (or rather, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) is genetically programmed. It is not possible to change it with any products. This seems quite logical, because women have always managed to feed children even in the most harsh conditions, without access to nourishing and healthy food.

Nuts with milk - healthy or dangerous recipe?

Some mothers and even lactation consultants believe that cow's milk with walnuts is a real salvation in case of shortage breast milk. They offer next recipe: Boil one and a half glasses of milk, pour in a handful of chopped nuts, place it all in a thermos for a couple of hours and drink throughout the day.

However, other consultants and doctors consider it inappropriate to use this drug during breastfeeding. The fact is that both cow’s milk and nuts are included in the so-called “Big Eight” of the most significant allergens, which, in addition to the products mentioned, includes egg, peanuts, soybeans, shellfish and crustaceans, fish, and wheat.

Allergy symptoms may include:

  • unstable stool with mucus (and sometimes streaks of blood);
  • intestinal colic;
  • skin rashes, redness of the cheeks, elbows, buttocks, groin folds, dry skin;
  • less often – respiratory phenomena.

If you notice something similar in your baby, be sure to consult your doctor.

It is worth recognizing that walnuts are safer than, for example, hazelnuts. But still, a combination of two allergens is unlikely good way establish breastfeeding, especially in the first month of lactation.

However, everything is individual, and many nursing mothers can drink milk with walnuts, since their children tolerate these products well. However, recommend this recipe It’s definitely not possible for everyone without exception.

How to stimulate lactation in case of allergy to walnuts?

First of all, do not forget that the most effective way Maintain milk quantity at the proper level - feeding on demand and frequent breastfeeding by the baby. "Demand creates supply". If the mammary gland rarely empties, the body receives information that milk is not really needed, and less of it is produced.

You also need to ensure that the baby is properly attached (not only the nipple, but also the areola, especially its lower part, should enter the mouth). Otherwise, sucking will not be as effective, and painful nipple cracks may occur.

You should not neglect night feedings, since prolactin (a hormone that stimulates milk production) is produced in the mother’s body at night. Even if the baby sleeps well, you should try to feed him twice from 3.00 to 8.00 in the morning.

If even if all these conditions are met, the problem is not solved, it is better not to let things take their course, but to contact a breastfeeding specialist (on forums, by phone, or by inviting them home). Also, be sure to talk to your pediatrician, because weight loss may not be due to a lack of milk at all, but to some other disease.

In conclusion, we note that if both the baby and the mother tolerate walnuts well, then they can be consumed during breastfeeding in the amount of two to three walnuts per day, this will be quite enough to demonstrate their beneficial properties. It is better to buy thermally unprocessed and unshelled nuts. Bon appetit!
