Yeast can be helpful. The benefits and harms of baker's yeast

Bread is undoubtedly very tasty and hearty product nutrition, which is an important component of the daily menu for most people. The aroma of fresh baked goods is one of the most appetizing, and the bread industry will probably always be in demand. Why do you increasingly hear statements like: “Yeast bread is harmful” or “Baker’s yeast is killing us!” What is this, indications of a real threat to a product we are used to or an unfounded “horror story”? Let's try to figure it out.

What is yeast?

Yeast is a single name for 1,500 species of unicellular fungi that do not have mycelium, which is due to their habitation in liquid and semi-liquid nutrient media. The standard size of a yeast cell is 3-7 microns, but some species have cells up to 40 microns in diameter. Yeast is widespread in nature, living near sugar-containing substrates - most often on the surface of fruits and berries. They can feed on plant sap, flower nectar, and dead phytomass. Yeast can live both in the presence of oxygen (they actively grow, respire and release carbon dioxide during respiration) and in an anaerobic environment. This allows the yeast to live in soil, water and the intestines of animals. In the absence of oxygen as an energy source yeast mushrooms They consume only carbohydrates, resulting in a fermentation process with the release of alcohols. In addition, even in conditions of access to oxygen at high content In the external environment of glucose, yeast begins to ferment it.

An important feature of yeast fungi, thanks to which they have become so widespread, is the enormous speed with which they grow and reproduce. 1 cubic centimeter of mature dough contains about 120 million yeast cells! Yeast is capable of vegetative reproduction, which looks like budding or division. In addition, many types of yeast can also reproduce sexually. The method of propagation is one of the characteristics of the classification of yeast. Microbiology divides them into the classes Ascomycetes (the familiar baker's yeast, or Saccharomycetes, belongs to them) and Basidiomycetes.

Science classifies some types of yeast as conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, since they can cause certain diseases in humans: candidiasis (Candida fungus); cryptococcosis (fungus Cryptococcus neoformans); pityriasis, or pityriasis variegum, folliculitis and seborrheic dermatitis (caused by the Malassezia genus of yeast).

History of human use of yeast

Each of us has come across products obtained using yeast - this is bread, kefir, kvass, and alcoholic drinks(beer, wine and others). Yeast is used to make xylitol, various food additives and enzymes.

The history of the use of yeast - primarily in the field of brewing and baking - goes back to ancient times. The ancient Egyptians as early as 1200 BC. they knew how to bake bread with yeast sourdough, and even earlier, in 6000 BC, brew beer. Of course, yeast in those days was significantly different from what is used today. Modern yeasts are not found in nature, representing new physiological races bred by man. To be fair, it should be noted that many plant varieties are also selected and are far from those growing in the wild.

For the first time, people learned about the existence of yeast thanks to scientists - Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, who saw them under a microscope, and Louis Pasteur, who established that alcoholic fermentation is not a chemical reaction, but is caused by yeast organisms.

At the end of the 19th century, a pure yeast culture was isolated. With its help, industrial beer production began to develop rapidly. Before this, brewers used unstable starter cultures.

In bread baking, the active use of yeast began in the 40s of the 20th century. Before this, bread was traditionally baked using hop, malt, rye or other types of sourdough, and its preparation was a kind of ritual for every family. The “family” sourdough recipe has been passed down from generation to generation. In addition, the bread was baked from high-quality whole grain flour and was definitely healthier than modern bread.

Why did baker's yeast completely replace natural starters? The answer is obvious: with the help of industrial yeast, bread is baked much easier and faster. Sourdough needs care; natural yeast is more “demanding” of the nutrient medium and temperature. Store-bought yeast is a product of selection and can raise anything.

Currently, the food industry uses 4 types of yeast: baker's, dairy, wine and beer.

Baker's yeast and yeast bread: harm or benefit?

Many of us have heard about the benefits of yeast for the body. According to official medicine, yeast is a dietary protein product containing up to 66% proteins, many vitamins and minerals. The presence of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, B vitamins, vitamins H, P, folic and para-aminobenzoic acids, methionine and lecithin makes yeast wonderful food additive. They are recommended for use for skin diseases (acne, dermatitis, furunculosis) and for healing wounds and burns. Doctors advise eating them without heat treatment and for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, low gastrointestinal tone and reduced secretion of the digestive glands. But this is all in theory. Availability useful substances in yeast is a proven fact, but how easy it is for the human body to assimilate remains questionable. In addition, if yeast enters the body alive (for example, through the targeted use of such dietary supplements), the question arises: who will eat whom in the end?

Doctors themselves point out a number of contraindications for consuming yeast. In particular, it is known that taking yeast can provoke the development of thrush in women. Yeast cultures are also especially dangerous for people prone to allergies, dysbiosis, and endocrine disorders.

Why is baker's yeast harmful to the human body?

For a person accustomed to using yeast bread and for those who first heard about its dangers, it is quite difficult to understand why yeast is harmful. After all, loaves, buns, and pies surround us everywhere, and it seems that they cannot cause any health problems. Yes we are modern people we suffer big amount diseases than our ancestors, who did not eat industrial yeast, but in addition to this factor, others are obvious - environmental deterioration, the spread of bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, etc. Therefore, let’s not rashly blame yeast dough for all the world’s ills.

The difficulty of proving statements about the harmfulness or harmlessness of yeast lies in the fact that these microorganisms are not natural, and quite often one has to deal with the opinions of various experts about the thermophilicity of yeast fungi. In other words, unlike natural yeast, artificial ones do not collapse at high temperatures and begin to multiply in the body, taking away from a person nutrients. There is no scientific evidence for this point of view, and yet many gastroenterologists recommend their patients switch to yeast-free bread. Is yeast really bad for your health?

Let's consider the main arguments of people talking about harm yeast dough and baked goods based on it. If yeast is not killed by high temperatures, as some claim, the consequences of its activity are indeed frightening. So, how can baker’s yeast be harmful to humans:

1) They “steal” the microelements we need .

Yeast is a fungus that multiplies exponentially, getting into the intestines, which is an excellent place for it nutrient medium. To function, yeast needs carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which they begin to receive from human food. The result may be a deficiency of essential microelements in the body.

2) Yeast cells disrupt the natural balance of intestinal microflora .

A healthy intestine is the basis of a strong immune system. An imbalance of intestinal microflora towards “bad” bacteria leads to a weakening of the immune defense. Aggressive yeast fungi, multiplying in the intestines at tremendous speed, contribute to the development of putrefactive flora, which, together with yeast, displaces beneficial bacteria from the intestinal mycelium. As a result, not only the absorption of nutrients from food deteriorates, but also human health in general.

Among other things, yeast, like all other fungi, produces antibiotics during their life, which also have a destructive effect on the normal intestinal microflora.

3) As a result of alcoholic fermentation, harmful substances are formed .

The by-products of fermentation are fusel oil, acetoin (acetylmethylcarbinol), diacetyl, butyraldehyde, isoamyl alcohol, dimethyl sulfide, etc. These substances are toxic, but they give the resulting bread the taste and aroma we are accustomed to.

4) Yeast acidifies the body .

5) The manufacturing technology of baker's yeast includes the use of heavy metals and other harmful chemical elements.

According to GOST 171-81 for “compressed baker’s yeast”, their production involves the use of 36 types of main and 20 types of auxiliary raw materials.
Here is a short list of them:

  • technical ammonium sulfate, obtained in the production of sulfur dioxide;
  • ammonium sulfate purified according to GOST 10873;
  • aqueous technical ammonia grade B (for industry) according to GOST 9;
  • thermal orthophosphoric acid according to GOST 10678;
  • technical sulfuric acid according to GOST 2184 (improved) or battery acid according to GOST 667
  • technical potassium carbonate (potash) according to GOST 10690, first grade;
  • technical potassium chloride according to NTD;
  • caustic magnesite powder according to GOST 1216;
  • technical sulfuric acid in accordance with GOST 2184 (improved contact grades A and B) or battery acid in accordance with GOST 667;
  • microfertilizer for agriculture in the southern regions of the USSR;
  • defoamers;
  • disinfectants:
  • bleaching lime according to GOST 1692;
  • building lime according to GOST 9179;
  • bleaching lime (heat-resistant);
  • technical caustic soda according to GOST 2263;
  • soda ash (technical) according to GOST 5100;
  • technical formalin according to GOST 1625;
  • boric acid according to GOST 9656;
  • furatsilin;
  • furazolidone;
  • sulfonol NP-3;
  • catapin (bactericidal);
  • liquid detergent "Progress";
  • technical hydrochloric acid according to NTD;
  • hydrochloric acid from rectified hydrogen chloride, grade B according to NTD, etc.

Even a person far from knowing chemistry will probably find such a list creepy. Microfertilizer for agriculture in the southern regions and others, by no means nutrients, used in the production of yeast, saturate the human body with metals, including heavy metals (copper, zinc, magnesium, molybdenum, cobalt), as well as phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and other chemical elements of dubious benefit. The role of such dangerous “ingredients” in yeast production is not explained in any relevant manual or reference book.

Many experts talk about the dangers of eating our usual bread. Professor Larbert, at the Second World Congress of Herbal Medicine in Prague (1990), expressed his opinion on a number of disorders caused by long-term consumption of refined white yeast bread. The complex of health problems it causes is called hemogliasis and is characterized by headaches, drowsiness, increased blood viscosity, poor digestion, irritability, slowness of thinking, and decreased sexual activity.

In addition to Larbert, other scientists wrote about the negative impact of yeast on the human body: Rosini Gianfranco (“The presence of a killing feature of yeast,” Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 1983, No. 10), G. Bassi and D. A. Sherman (The Killing Factor , - Biochemistry, Biophysics, 1973, No. 298, p. 868-879), S.A. Konovalov ("Biochemistry of yeast", 1962, M., Pishchepromizdat, pp. 13-14), special correspondent of "Izvestia" L. Volodin (Paris, February 27 by telephone, published February 28 p. 4), Rubin B.A. (Fermentation, - BME, vol. 3, 1976, pp. 383-384), V.M. Dilman (“Four models of medicine”, Leningrad, Medicine, 1987. pp. 40-42, 214-215), Marilyn Diamond, Donald Schnsll, (USA “Acid-base balance”), V. Mikhailov, L. Trushkina ( “Food is a serious matter” M., “Young Guard”, 1988, pp. 5-7), academicians F. Uglov, B. Iskakov, N. Dubinin (works of the Plekhanov Ministry of Economy), French professor Etienne Wolf and many other.

IN AND. Grinev draws attention to the fact that in the USA, Sweden and other countries, yeast-free bread has become commonplace and is recommended as one of the means of preventing and treating cancer.

The harm of yeast dough seems to be obvious. Indeed, no one wants their body to be dominated by an insidious fungus that consumes beneficial substances from food and prevents the body from functioning normally. However, yeast dough turns into our favorite bread during the baking process, i.e. strong heating.

To understand whether baker's yeast is harmful, you need to answer the question of whether these fungi die when baking bread. After all, it is living fungi that pose a danger, and mainly their presence in bread explains its harm (with the exception of the fact about toxic additives during production). On the Internet, people have been arguing about this topic for a very long time. Moreover, the argumentation of both sides sounds clear and logical.

On the one hand, bakery experts claim that the temperature even in the center of the bread crumb reaches 90⁰C, and all yeast cultures die at a temperature of 60⁰C. Yeast thermophilicity is nothing more than a myth, they say. In addition, supporters of eating yeast bread believe that yeast enters the body in any case - from fruit or with kefir - and is part of the normal human microflora.

To find the truth in this dispute, or at least get closer to it, let’s take a closer look at the arguments presented. The existence of thermophilic organisms is a scientific fact, although a similar statement has not been proven regarding yeast fungi. Therefore, theoretically, yeast can actually survive in bread. And the figure of 98⁰С, at which all fungal spores die, according to the bakers themselves, may not be achieved inside the bread crumb.

Regarding the entry of various yeast cultures into the body, the following can be said. Indeed, some fungi constantly live in our intestines and are opportunistic (for example, Candida). About the benefits and harms of kefir and other yeast-containing products food products In general, it is worth talking separately. In any case, the balance of natural microflora is very fragile and must be monitored. Live yeast or its spores that enter the intestines can displace “good” bacteria, reliably settling in the human body.

And one more fact that raises suspicions about the dangers of store-bought bread with yeast. Let’s say that all yeast fungi die during baking. But why then can we make homemade kvass using the crusts of store-bought yeast bread, but failure will await us using the crusts of homemade sourdough bread?

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether yeast in bread is harmful. There are heated discussions on the Internet about the benefits and harms of yeast baked goods, but neither side has 100% evidence.

And yet, it should be borne in mind that giving up yeast and yeast bread is recommended not only by advocates of a healthy lifestyle, but also by many nutritionists, as well as gastroenterologists. The theoretical harm of yeast most likely outweighs all the charm and possible benefit bread based on them. The difference in the consumption of yeast foods and their absence in the diet is noticed by people who have given up their usual bread for one reason or another. Heartburn disappears, bloating and gas formation decrease. This means that in the body of people who have stopped eating yeast baked goods, fermentation processes are at least less active. Is the reason for this being “freed” from insidious and dangerous yeast? Quite possible. However, the decision whether to continue eating traditional bread is up to you...

We wish you health and a reasonable approach to nutrition!

All the specialists at our institute heard with surprise about the attacks on bread,” said Irina Matveeva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Bakery and Pasta Production Technology at the Moscow State University state university food production; she has been teaching for a quarter of a century.

According to Irina Viktorovna, the very expression “thermophilic yeast” is a gross mistake! Thermophilic yeast does not exist in nature at all! There are thermophilic lactic acid bacteria, which, according to Matveeva, bring enormous benefits to a person.

The article “Killer Yeast” mentions certain “bacterial yeast cells,” continues Irina Viktorovna. - You can’t say that, this is also a gross mistake. Yeast is a fungus. In my own way chemical composition they have the most valuable components. In our country, brewer's yeast is sold in pharmacies to normalize the blood formula and improve metabolism. And baker's and brewer's yeast are one family of Saccharomycetes. It cannot be that beer brands are sold in pharmacies and bakery products are harmful.

As Matveeva said, at 50 degrees the death of ordinary baker's yeast(and in the article about the dangers of bread, let me remind you, we were talking about 500 degrees!). Conventional baker's yeast multiplies at 25 and ferments at 30 degrees.

In the center of the crumb when baking bread, the temperature reaches 98 degrees, says my interlocutor. - After baking, not a single living yeast cell remains there, but only inactivated yeast biomass, which has the most valuable composition: proteins, lipids, vitamins, mineral components. There are no living yeast cells in bread! Let the authors of publications about the dangers of yeast bread and Zhanna Bichevskaya show me “thermophilic yeast” and tell me what strain it is, what race, what plant produces it. I repeat: does not exist thermophilic yeast! There are thermotolerant yeasts. This means that they can withstand temperatures of 45 degrees. Thermotolerant yeast is used simultaneously with lactic acid starters so that there are two types of fermentation: lactic acid and alcoholic. But this does not mean that thermotolerant yeast will remain a living cell in the bread.

But in essence this is not important, because live yeast does not enter the stomach with bread! The microbiological species composition of the stomach contents of a person who, suppose, completely gives up yeast bread, will still contain 20 - 30 species of Saccharomyces yeast. Yeast enters the stomach with vegetables, lactic acid and other types of foods.

The authors of anti-bread horror films, let me remind you, scare us with the artificial origin of baker's yeast - supposedly the creation of human hands. However, Saccharomyces yeast was not created by humans. And they really live everywhere - on the surface of vegetables, fruits, and on lettuce leaves. They are in yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk.

They are in the air, sitting on your hands. They are everywhere! - Matveeva emphasizes. - When do you eat the most regular apple, cherries, lettuce or cucumbers, then the yeast that is on them enters your body. Unless, of course, you cook vegetables and fruits before eating. Simply wash under cold water the yeast is not destroyed.

Bread is the most valuable product, Matveeva emphasizes. And people get sick, she believes, because the state of the environment has deteriorated, and because many today lead an unhealthy lifestyle: they drink too much alcohol, smoke, and don’t move enough.

And yet bread can really be harmful. But only... for one hundredth of the entire population! Namely - for patients with celiac disease. There are people who cannot tolerate wheat proteins - gluten (for them it is an allergen). This is the only category of people who should consume gluten-free products, such as buckwheat. But yeast has absolutely nothing to do with it.

There is no sourdough without yeast
Anti-bread articles talk a lot about the benefits of yeast-free bread made according to old recipes- on sourdough, especially hop sourdough. The authors of bread horror films also respect rye bread - it has been eaten in Rus' since ancient times, and, according to the authors of these publications, it does not contain artificial yeast.

There are two types of biological leavening agents used in the baking industry,” explains Matveeva. - This is alcoholic fermentation, which is caused by yeast. It is used for all types of products, except waffles, biscuits, shortbread cookies. But for some types of wheat and especially rye products lactic acid bacteria are used. This traditional technology. Humanity has been eating bread for 50 thousand years, and for five thousand years it has been eating leavened bread, that is, yeast bread. Our army won the war, and the soldiers ate just such bread.

Thermophilic lactic acid bacteria (mesophilic) are very useful and are used for rye bread. In Belarus, all rye bread is prepared with thermophilic lactic acid bacteria. Are people being poisoned there, or what? But this does not mean that there is no yeast in rye bread. If you don't bring them in, they will multiply on their own because they sit on the flour particles. Yeast will appear in 2 - 4 hours. And in two days it will be full of them.

It is generally impossible to prepare such a starter without yeast in it! - Matveeva is indignant. - I repeat once again: the yeast is on the surface of the flour, and spontaneous spontaneous alcoholic fermentation begins. Yeast bread is well leavened, it is healthier than unleavened flatbread.

Hop starter, according to Matveeva, does not replace yeast or lactic acid bacteria. She is added because she has pleasant taste and aroma. It gives baked goods additional attractiveness. consumer properties. Hops contain components that slow down molding. But this is just an addition, not a replacement for traditional technology.

I also don’t understand what “dead flour” is. Currently, up to 15 types of flour are used in baking: not only premium(refined). But bread made from premium flour is really less healthy than bread made from wallpaper or second-grade flour. In flour coarse vitamins and minerals much more. But our people traditionally prefer bread made from premium flour and do not buy gray loaves. Manufacturers are forced to meet demand. In addition, croissants and bun You can’t make it from wallpaper flour or coarse flour. It will be gray, with inclusions.

Irina Viktorovna herself prefers rye bread and products made from wholemeal flour (in them more benefit). But, according to her, there is bread from whole grain It is also necessary in moderation, because shell particles can irritate the intestines, and colitis with gastritis is not far away. It is beneficial to eat a piece of this bread a day. On average, a person needs 250 - 300 grams of bread per day. Not buns and cakes, and bread. This, according to Matveeva, is a low-calorie product. The World Health Organization has placed it at the top of the food pyramid.

Greetings, dear friends! One of the most exciting investigations awaits us today. bread yeast - these are not at all harmless substances, as they present to us through the TV screen, the media and already on the Internet.

Yeast is a real poison! If this issue is not sorted out in time, the outcome can be very disastrous. How to avoid this and what is so terrible about them - you will learn from the article. Let's begin!

Biological weapons of mass destruction

Friends, have you ever wondered what it really is? thermophilic yeast? Today they are included in almost every bakery product, and if we talk about fast foods and cafes, then they are used there in 100% of cases.

Let's start with the fact that our body is a unique system with simply incredible abilities of restoration and healing. All bone tissues inside the body are completely renewed in 5-6 years, and the skin is several times faster. All these processes are possible only with one important condition- lack of fermentation.

Yeast is an ordinary fungus that causes fermentation. In the body of a modern person, it almost never stops, because we love to eat bread every day with every meal, don’t we?

But the point is that ordinary yeast are not able to survive, much less reproduce, at high temperatures. Unfortunately, leading geneticists about 50 years ago managed to develop a completely unique and unnatural variant of yeast called “thermophilic”.

Their peculiarity is that high temperatures They are not frightened at all; on the contrary, they multiply in them. These fungi are able to survive at 42-43 degrees, which is sometimes a fatal level for humans.

During the First World War, a secret department was created in Germany, which included leading geneticists at that time. The project was called“Der kleine Morder”, which translates into Russian as “the little killer.”

The goal of the project was to develop a biological weapon that, when it entered the enemy’s body, would kill him slowly and painfully. The yeast fungus was supposed to spread the so-called cadaveric poison inside the body, or, as scientists say, paralytic acids.

Friends, all the information described in the article is proven facts. Can you imagine why these deadly substances are actually being shoved into us?

In addition, yeast is a very low vibrational food, which is approximately on the same level as meat. These “products” dull a person’s mind and awareness, making him a natural zombie.

It is much easier to control such people and instill some information into them, which is very beneficial for the system around us. But we will not delve into the topic of energy, since this is not what the article is about. The most interesting things await us ahead!


So that you yourself can understand why thermophilic yeast is so dangerous, I will introduce you to its composition. If you are standing, it is better to sit down. Because what you see now will shock you. Please note that all substances included in the composition meet current GOST 54731-2011. You can easily check this information by reading it.

So, fungi include:

  • pure cultures of yeast strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae;

  • beet molasses;
  • brewing barley malt;
  • So far everything seems fine, but then:
  • aqueous technical ammonia;
  • defoamer;
  • disinfectant detergents;
  • technical formalin;
  • potassium chloride fine;
  • urea;
  • caustic soda and so on.

The composition also includes about 57 items, many of which can break your tongue. Guys, do you even have any idea what they are pushing at us? Do they think it's edible? Not a single person in the world, even one who knows nothing at all about nutrition, would think of drinking detergent and then using antifoam.

How do you like this phrase from GOST?

“4.1.4 The content of toxic elements (lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury), radionuclides in pressed baker’s yeast should not exceed the standards established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.”

Friends, it seems to me that the conclusion here is obvious. Still, it’s up to you to decide, and we move on.

The effect of yeast on the body - facts

Back in the last century, the German chemist Hermann Wolf conducted one interesting experience. He took a malignant tumor and immersed it in a container of yeast solution. In just 1 week, the tumor tripled in size!

Can you imagine how fast that is? But an even more interesting discovery was that after removing the tumor from the solution, it shrank again and then completely died.

Yeast has the ability to multiply in the human body at an incredibly high speed. They kill the immune system, then jumping to other systems within a person.

Fungi have the strongest effect on the internal microflora of the intestine. Putrefactive microflora, or in other words, pathogenic, begins to form.

She is no longer able to produce necessary products human life activity. All the pathogen is capable of is consumption.

It sucks all the nutrients from the body, which is why modern man is so dependent on food. If you deprive a person of food for a day, he can simply go crazy, although there is nothing bad or terrible in this.

Scientists microbiologists have long proven that yeast causes the chaotic formation of new cells inside the human body, which is why cancerous tumors arise.

Constant consumption of fungi leads to chronic fatigue, difficulty in brain function, and susceptibility to external viruses. All this information can be checked; it is available on the Internet.

Harm It’s difficult to compare the benefits of thermophilic yeast with anything, except maybe meat. They are an absolutely anti-natural product that goes against the universe as a whole.

There is a way out! About yeast-free bread

Yes, the information is really disappointing. But there is always a way out. You need to understand that nature could not come up with everything like this. Surely there must be a way out and there really is one.

Oddly enough, today on supermarket shelves you can find bread that is made without the use of fungi. It looks much less fluffy, because when heated it does not swell like yeast.

However, such bakery products can already be eaten, since there is nothing fundamentally unnatural in their composition. The only negative is the presence of salt.

The best option would still be your own homebaked bread, which can be prepared with sourdough. This method has been used in Rus' for centuries and it is worth noting that life expectancy was higher.

Sourdough bread is the most organic option you can make. Cereals in this form retain their properties for quite a long time, because it is not without reason that sourdough is considered a natural preserve.

By the way, friends, I have one valuable gift for you. I have selected a number of recipes for sourdough bread at home. By following the suggested recommendations, you can prepare your own real bread, which will not only be healthy, but also tasty!

Thermophilic (bread) - temperature resistant, artificial product.

This is a real poison and a weapon of mass destruction that kills the human body. Fungi destroy all internal microflora, destroy the immune system and actively contribute to the occurrence of cancerous tumors.

It contains substances that absolutely should not be ingested. They are dangerous, toxic, murderous.

Eat right and then you can forget about all sorts of health problems. Don’t trust your health to just anyone, understand the issues, analyze, check!

Stay with us! Write all your questions in the comments below.

See you in the next article!

The existence of yeast was discovered in the 19th century by French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Since then they have been popular all over the world. They are used to prepare all kinds of baked goods and drinks. At the same time, few people think about the harm and benefits of yeast.

What is yeast and what types of yeast exist?

Yeasts are single-celled fungi. In nature there are more than 1,500 varieties of such microorganisms. They are highly adaptable to unfavorable environmental conditions; for example, they thrive in the absence of oxygen.

Fungi are widely used in industry and medicine. This is largely due to their ability to reproduce quickly. But not all types can be used. Some of them are considered pathogenic, as they cause various diseases in humans.

4 types of fungi are currently used for food production:

  1. Bakery. With their addition, delicious fragrant bread, various buns and other baked goods. They are the ones who betray finished product airiness, volume and special structure.
  2. Wine. They can be seen on bunches of ripe grapes. It is thanks to such fungi that the fermentation process of fruits occurs, which subsequently leads to the appearance of wine.
  3. Beer houses. They are used to make drinks, baked goods and medicines.
  4. Dairy. With their help, the process of fermenting milk and preparing fermented milk products is carried out.

All varieties of this product have a unique composition, so their consumption is necessary for humans.

Wine yeast is a natural whitish coating on bunch of grapes. Therefore, grapes should not be washed before preparing wine.

What does yeast contain?

Yeast belongs to low-calorie foods . They are 60% protein. The human body easily absorbs them. The nutritional value of such fungi is comparable to meat or fish.

Baker's yeast has a particularly rich composition. They contain the following substances:

  • Vitamin B1. It is involved in metabolism and regulates the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B2. This substance helps fight skin diseases and improve visual acuity.
  • Vitamin B3. Takes part in the construction of body cells, the functioning of the endocrine glands and the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B6. Helps the body absorb nutrients more quickly and takes part in metabolism.
  • Vitami RR. Experts have discovered that this substance can prevent the development of oncological diseases. In addition, it fights allergic reactions.
  • Vitamin D. Participates in the process of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
  • Biotin or vitamin H. Has a beneficial effect on hair condition. They become thicker and more voluminous.
  • Minerals: iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, copper and others.
  • Lecithin. Participates in the construction of cell membranes, normalizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

This is far from full list valuable substances contained in baker's yeast. Dairy products have a similar composition, but they also contain probiotics necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract..

Useful qualities of baker's yeast

It is this type of fungus that we consume every day. They have an impressive list of positive qualities. The benefits of yeast for the body are as follows:

  1. Helps strengthen immune system . They contain beta-glucans, which are considered natural immunostimulants.
  2. Enrich intestinal microflora. Thanks to this, the digestion process is improved. They enhance the production of gastric juice, which leads to complete and rapid digestion of food.
  3. They have an antioxidant effect. They neutralize factors that lead to cell oxidation. This helps slow down the aging process.
  4. Reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  5. Helps cope with constipation.
  6. They have the ability to lower blood pressure.
  7. Some experts believe that yeast is beneficial for people with a predisposition to cancer. They are especially effective in preventing pancreatic cancer..
  8. After consuming yeast, the skin becomes smooth and clean, the hair gains volume and becomes silky, and the nail plates stop flaking.

Fungi can be used as an external remedy. With their help, it is possible to cope with acne, seborrhea, eczema, burns and dermatitis. They are used to prepare healing masks for the face and hair.

It is enough for a person to consume from five to seven grams of this product per day. In some cases, it is recommended to increase the dosage. Yeast is recommended for use by people with reduced immunity, those experiencing constant stress, suffering from anemia, skin diseases, oncology, digestive problems.

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61 years old

IN medicinal purposes fungi are consumed as a drink. To do this, they are bred in small quantity warm water. You can add a little sugar, bran or other ingredients to improve taste characteristics. Vegetarians must drink this drink to compensate for the deficiency of protein and other nutrients.

The beneficial properties of yeast are lost when heated above 60 degrees. Therefore, baking does not have such positive qualities.

Harmful qualities of baker's yeast

The yeast fungus has harmful qualities for the body. Among them are:

Yeast is also harmful to the human body because its modern production may involve the use of heavy metal salts and other toxic substances. Although this product has low calorie content It is not recommended for people suffering from excess body weight to use it. The fact is that it has the ability to increase appetite, which can provoke overeating.


In some cases, consuming such a product can cause serious harm to health. It is better to avoid them if you have the following diseases:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Gout.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Individual intolerance.

Yeast in a woman’s body can provoke the development of candidiasis. Therefore, their use is possible only under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Today, finding live yeast on sale is very problematic. The most popular is the dry product, which is sold in small bags. Dried fungi are small round granules. Their shelf life can reach two years. Wherein all beneficial properties are preserved in them. In order for them to become active, it is enough to dilute them in warm water or milk.

Dry yeast is useful for anemia and as a means to strengthen the immune system. They contain a large number of squirrel. They are not recommended for use for gout, dysbacteriosis, as well as acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is used not only in the production of beer, but also for the production of cosmetics and medical preparations. They have excellent cleansing, rejuvenating and healing effects.

This type of fungus is often used to improve hair health. It is believed that it is able to make hair voluminous and attractive. But most experts do not agree with this opinion. Their use may provoke allergic reaction and cause severe dandruff.

Brewer's yeast can now be purchased in tablet form. Manufacturers claim that they are capable of having the following effects on the body:

  • Promotes rapid gain of muscle mass.
  • Increases performance and enhances brain activity.
  • Cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
  • Eliminate the effects of stress, as they have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Reduce cholesterol concentration.

Such drugs are indicated for people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, problems with nervous system. Contraindications to their use include pregnancy, kidney disease, individual intolerance to components, treatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, antidepressants or painkillers.

Features of milk yeast

Unlike other varieties, milk yeast is a valuable product for the body. They contain enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the body.. They have a positive effect on intestinal function and help strengthen the immune system.

Milk fungi are found in kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, yogurt and others fermented milk products. They can become harmful only when excessive consumption. But if you drink them in moderation, the benefits will be invaluable.

How to properly store yeast

Live yeast is a product that requires special conditions storage The purchased briquette must be kept at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees. If you leave them at room temperature, then they will be usable for no more than a day. When stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is extended to four weeks.

You can extend the storage time of compressed yeast if you crumble it and mix it with flour. Let the resulting mixture dry. To do this, lay it out on clean thick paper. Before use, make sure the product is suitable.

Another way to store yeast is freezing. To do this, the briquette must be freed from the wrapper and cut into small pieces. Wrap each of them in foil. Put all the packages into one plastic bag and tie it tightly. Place in the freezer. The product will remain good for up to six months.

Dry yeast does not require special storage conditions. When sealed, they remain good for one and a half years. They must be kept in a slightly cool place. Make sure that straight lines do not fall on the pack. Sun rays. If the bag is already opened, the shelf life of the product is reduced to two weeks. In this case, it is better to pour the yeast into dry glass jar, seal tightly with a lid and place in the refrigerator. In this state they can remain usable for up to six months.

Hello, dear readers! Once at an appointment, a gastroenterologist told me the following phrase - to exclude yeast baked goods from your diet if possible. And after 35 years, you should completely forget what it is. And you know, by understanding this issue in more detail about the benefits and harms of yeast baked goods, I learned a lot of interesting information. Maybe it will be useful for you too.

Yeast baked goods. To eat or not to eat?

To optimize the bakery industry, scientists created baker's yeast, known to all housewives. They actively reproduce and grow in a liquid and warm environment, leading to the formation of carbon dioxide and alcohol. The dough increases several times due to carbon dioxide bubbles. The more carbon dioxide the dough receives, the more fluffy and loose the finished baked goods will be.

Fragrant and tasty baked goods, for the majority of the population, are one of the important components of the daily menu. These products are not only appetizing, but also very nutritious. How beneficial or harmful is this to our health?

In recent years, there has been a particularly active debate about the dangers, and vice versa, the harmlessness of yeast baked goods and baker's yeast. How can you understand whether this is another baseless horror story or a truly unsafe product for the human body?

How is yeast made?

Yeast-free bread in Sweden, the USA and other countries is recommended by specialists for the treatment and prevention of cancer. For their population this is familiar product. Why is this so?

Baker's yeast is a fungus that does not exist in nature, but is created artificially from chemical starters, which indicates their dubious benefits. Modern technology preparation of this product makes the advantage rather in the negative direction.

According to the official government document GOST 171–81, 36 types of basic and 20 types of additional chemical raw materials are used to produce the product. Of the 56 components, only about 10 are harmless to health when consumed. The chemicals used to produce yeast “feed” the human body with various metals, including heavy and dangerous ones.

Any element of the periodic table is not harmful if its presence in the body is not more than permissible. Exceeding a certain norm many times over poisons tissues and leads to various diseases.

Many people have heard about the benefits of natural brewer's yeast. That they are capable of improving the functioning of the entire organism, and are biologically active substance. But what benefits can you expect from baker's yeast produced in an artificial, “intimidating” way?

Does the fungus die during baking?

It is worth noting that the topic of the health hazards of yeast baked goods remains controversial even among scientists and biologists.

Bread baking experts claim that all yeast cultures are killed when heated to +60 degrees, and when baking bread, the temperature in the middle of the crumb reaches +90 degrees. If this is so, then why is kvass prepared on the crusts of store-bought bread, and homemade baking Is sourdough not suitable for these purposes?

The favorite food of yeast cells is everything sweet - maltose, fructose, sucrose and glucose. To confirm this, you can conduct an experiment: throw a piece into water with sugar. white bread and monitor further reactions.

Adherents of proper nutrition, as well as many nutritionists and gastroenterologists, recommend avoiding eating foods containing yeast. They assure that people who eliminate the usual baking, due to illness or for personal reasons, feel positive changes in their health.

Live fungi are tricky. If they do not die at the temperature of baking bread, then how can this affect humans?

  1. Disturbance of intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis)

Along with fresh bakery products aggressive yeast fungi enter the body, which very quickly begin to grow and multiply. This process contributes to the development of putrefactive dyspepsia. In case of disturbances in the normal balance in gastrointestinal tract immune defense is significantly weakened. And the basis of good immunity is a healthy intestine.

Antibiotics, which form yeast (like all other fungi), have a negative effect on the microflora. All useful substances - microelements and vitamins supplied with food - begin to be absorbed worse.

Often, after eating a pie or bun, there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. All by themselves flour products difficult to digest. And in combination with yeast they cause digestive disorders and disorders.

  1. Development of acidosis

All yeast baking based on refined flour (which has no beneficial substances, but only starch) is characterized as an acidifying product that violates acid-base balance– the way to good health and ideal weight. With acidosis, people begin to complain of muscle pain (from excess acid), rapid mental and physical fatigue. As well as a gray coating on the tongue, bitterness in the mouth and nausea. Fighting this disease, the body begins to consume calcium - an alkaline element, resisting imbalance. A constant lack of calcium can cause the development of osteoporosis (bone disease).

  1. Theft of important microelements in the body's vital functions

Baker's yeast is a fast-growing fungus. For him, the digestive organs department is an excellent nutritional environment. What does yeast need to function? In minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins that come with food. The result is a lack of microelements in the body.

  1. Harmful fermentation processes

People who have a special love for yeast baked goods often experience: fairly rapid fatigue of both the body and brain, decreased immunity and low body resistance to various infections. Yeast fermentation causes a series of negative consequences. As a result of excessive gas formation, organs begin to tighten digestive tract. It's not a rare case when gallbladder leaves its “bed” and changes shape.

Fermentation – main reason congestive processes in the head, lower extremities and pelvis. Such pathologies can provoke the formation of blood clots, a further decrease in immune defense and varicose veins.

  1. Poor effect on the regeneration process

One of the features of the body is the ability to restore cells. Yeast provokes fermentation, which interferes with the successful renewal of the structural units of a living organism.

  1. Development of tumors

Scientists have put forward the opinion that fermentation provoked by yeast is directly related to the manifestation and growth in human body cancer cells. An experiment was conducted: a malignant tumor was grown in a vessel with a solution of yeast fungus for three years. By the end of each week it increased several times. But when the yeast was removed from the vessel, the tumor died!

Is modern white flour a storehouse of vitamins and minerals?

Our ancestors used only whole grain flour to make bread, and were much stronger and healthier. It is better absorbed, gives energy, does not adversely affect metabolism and activates proper intestinal function. The grain shell contains enzymes, vitamins, amino acids - almost all the necessary substances for the benefit of the body.

Today, store shelves are filled with far from quality products of dubious benefit. This also applies to white refined flour. Why is it called a “dead” product? For its production, carefully ground grain core without germ is used. And these are practically pure carbohydrates, with which the body is generously filled, spoiling the figure and leading to metabolic disorders. Almost all vitamins and microelements are lost along with the shell. Yes, it is ideal for biscuits, muffins, buns - rich yeast dough, very airy and tender. It's hard to argue with that.

In production, such flour is bleached, and the removed live vitamins are compensated by adding artificial ones. It also includes antioxidants and flavors. Refining kills the natural strength of the grain. And for what? To extend the shelf life of the product and protect it from spoilage.

Refined flour has the property of slagging the body. It lies in a lump at the bottom of the stomach, turning into a mucus-forming product.

Say no to yeast baked goods

Whether or not to exclude products made from yeast dough from your menu is a personal right and conscious choice everyone. More and more people are thinking about their health, trying to change their diet, wondering what is harmful and what is healthy.

Having given up yeast baked goods, many begin to notice positive changes in the body. Namely:

  • Heaviness in the stomach and heartburn - a burning sensation in the esophagus - disappear;
  • Gas formation and bloating are reduced. Fermentation processes are not as active;
  • Blood pressure normalizes;
  • Extra pounds go away;
  • Internal organs begin to work better;
  • Improves complexion;
  • Pass inflammatory diseases skin on the face, back and chest.

Harm and contraindications to eating yeast baked goods

  1. Allergic reaction;
  2. Individual intolerance;
  3. Kidney diseases;
  4. Intestinal dysbiosis;
  5. Gout;
  6. Endocrine disorders.

What do you think about this, dear readers? Have you ever been concerned about the benefits and harms of yeast baking?
