Pumpkin flour. Recipes with pumpkin flour

In addition to specialized medicines, exists a large number of products that can fight no less effectively various diseases, as well as saturate the body with essential microelements. Among these medicinal and mineral complexes is pumpkin flour.


More and more people are reconsidering their diet, with the goal of eating only healthy foods. Therefore, new dishes appear on the table, based on previously untried ingredients. IN Lately Pumpkin flour has become quite popular, which is notable not only for its original taste, but also for its unique healing effect for humans.

The product borrows its unique characteristics from pumpkin seeds, which act as ingredients for its preparation. Flour has found its use in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Herself vegetable crop It is quite popular in Mexico, so flour from it is widely used there, as well as in Asia, Thailand, Brazil and Japan. It is known that how medicinal supplement it was also used in Ancient Egypt. In our country, the use of pumpkin flour is gaining momentum every year, and the demand for the product is due to its composition.

Essentially, flour is a protein-mineral complex that is highly valued as a dietary supplement. It is included in the menu of vegetarians and raw foodists due to its medicinal properties. Pumpkin meal, which is made by cold pressing, retains all the proteins, amino acids and minerals that the culture is rich in.

The product contains the following beneficial substances and microelements:

  • vitamin complex consisting of vitamins A, B, C, K, PP, H and F;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • squirrels plant origin;
  • about 50 amino acids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • mineral compounds of phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc and so on.

It also contains others active substances, due to which it is so beneficial for the human body. The product contains polyunsaturated acids, chlorophyll, and also a rather rare amino acid - cucurbitin. Due to its 40% protein content, flour is an indispensable source nutrition for the body.

The powder obtained from the seeds is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, whose benefits are worthy of special attention.

It is important that pumpkin flour is a gluten-free product without soy. This unique composition makes the product useful for humans. As for calorie content, 100 grams of powder contains 305 kcal.


When considering a product, it is necessary to highlight the main positive properties from its use. Flour acts as an antiallergic, immunomodulatory and strengthening agent. In addition, the powder has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and cardiotonic effect.

  • Elderly people who suffer from osteoporosis are advised to take crushed seeds as an additive to the main course of treatment. Positive Action due to the zinc content in the powder, which helps maintain bone density at the proper level.
  • Flour is used to prevent kidney stones because it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The product normalizes hormonal background both men and women. As a result, the result of consuming flour is an improvement in mood and libido.
  • According to reviews, crushed vegetable seeds promote weight loss because they speed up metabolism. A balanced combination of protein and minimum quantity fats allow you to prepare dietary dishes.

In addition to the impressive range of applications natural product V medical purposes, flour is quite actively used in cosmetology. The powder is included in many skin care products that have a positive effect on the epidermis, providing a rejuvenating and healing effect.

The effectiveness of the product is explained by the presence of a complex of vitamins and amino acids, which play an important role in the process of skin production of collagen, which provides it with elasticity, and zinc, in turn, controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which reduces the risk of inflammatory processes and acne.

To cosmetic effect had a prolonged effect, it is supported by the use of pumpkin flour internally. In addition to its healing and strengthening effect on internal organs, the product also has a beneficial effect on the health of hair and nails. According to reviews, pumpkin flour helps get rid of dandruff.


There are no strict contraindications regarding the use of the product. The product is recommended to be included in moderate quantities even in children’s diets; in addition, the product will be useful for expectant mothers and women during lactation.

In general, the negative result from consuming flour will be the same as from pumpkin seeds, but the effect may be more significant, since the crushed substances have a much stronger effect on the body. As a rule, to side effects include diarrhea, flatulence or constipation.

This is due to the content in the product dietary fiber, which activate intestinal motility and microflora. More often adverse reactions occur in people who have not previously eaten foods that differ high content fiber.

Flour can have a negative impact on a person’s well-being in cases of severe migraines. Recent studies have shown that this particular product increases headaches in some patients.

The benefits of unsaturated fatty acids for humans are undeniable, but only if the products used are fresh. Expired flour releases toxic compounds that increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

How to use?

The flour tastes a little like a nut and has an airy consistency, which is why it is often used to prepare baked goods. confectionery and various cocktails. Ground pumpkin seeds are used as a seasoning for vegetable salads, they are used to season porridges. In cooking, flour also acts as flavoring agent for various side dishes. It is combined with pasta, rice or corn.

In order to maintain immunity and replenish energy in the off-season, flour can be included as an additive in fortified drinks. Usually the powder is dissolved in fermented milk products and drunk several times a day for at least 30 days.

To eliminate intestinal problems and liver diseases, the powder is dissolved in water and drunk morning and evening for a month.

To cleanse toxins, there is a scheme for their removal using of this product. The duration of the course of taking pumpkin powder is 3 weeks. In the first week, every day, instead of breakfast, you need to prepare a cocktail of 100 grams of any fermented milk product with the addition of one tablespoon of flour. The second and third weeks involve cleaning according to the same scheme, but the amount of powder must be increased by one spoon, and fermented milk drink by 50 grams after every seven days.


To prepare food from pumpkin flour, it is not at all necessary to purchase products in supermarkets, because it is quite possible to make it at home. Store-bought gluten-free flour is produced in accordance with GOST, but also home product by content useful substances will not be inferior to it, in addition, the powder prepared by yourself is guaranteed not to contain any additional inclusions.

Flour is prepared according to the recipe described below.

  • Raw pumpkin seeds must be washed and then dried in the oven until they are reduced in size by half.
  • Next, they need to be crushed to a powder consistency. For these purposes, you should use a kitchen blender or coffee grinder. The device must be set to fine grinding mode.
  • The resulting powder is sifted through a sieve and stored in a dry container. The main thing is that it is stored in a cool place and in an airtight container.

Flour can be made not only from the seeds of the vegetable, but also from the pulp. As for the chemical content of the pulp, it is slightly inferior to the seeds in terms of fatty acid content, but its advantages are worth noting high content carotenoids, which are powerful antioxidants.

To do useful powder from the pulp, it must be dried, before doing this, remove the peel and remove the seeds. Next, the vegetable is cut into small pieces and sent to dry in the oven at a minimum temperature. After heat treatment grind the pumpkin in a blender or meat grinder.

Prepare from the resulting powder homemade cakes, porridge, cutlets, can be made pumpkin casserole, and also used for cosmetic procedures that can be easily performed at home.

Pumpkin flour based cake is prepared according to the recipe presented below.

  • Four egg whites must be beaten with 100-150 grams of sugar. Egg yolks are ground with half the specified portion of sugar.
  • After which two glasses of pumpkin flour are sifted with one tablespoon baking powder, cinnamon and vanilla. Then these ingredients are mixed with the yolks. Proteins are added to the dough last.
  • The resulting mass should be transferred to a baking dish and placed in the oven for 30 minutes.

To make homemade cutlets, you need to follow the recipe presented below.

  • Two juicy carrots grind in a meat grinder, then mix with two glasses of flour, various herbs, spices and garlic.
  • Next, the cutlets are prepared according to the usual method - formed in the usual size, after which they are fried until golden crust. To highlight the taste qualities product, cutlets are recommended to be served with some kind of sauce.

For skin care, you can make whitening, toning and cleansing masks from pumpkin flour. Cosmetologists recommend preparing a facial composition according to the following recipe:

  • the powder is poured into a container and poured with boiling water, you need to achieve a thick consistency of the mixture;
  • then onto the pre-treated face vegetable oil, apply dissolved flour;
  • After twenty minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water.

To improve the condition of the hair, as well as to prevent the appearance of dandruff, you can also make useful mask.It is prepared according to this scheme:

  • water is added to the powder in a ratio of 10: 1;
  • the resulting mixture should be applied to the scalp and hair roots, cover for half an hour;
  • After the time has passed, rinse off.

Complex use of the product for health improvement will provide a more pronounced effect, so external use should be alternated with adding to food.

Storage conditions

Flour purchased in a store is stored in its original packaging according to the instructions specified by the manufacturer. As a rule, the shelf life of the product is no more than one year.

Powder prepared at home must be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no more than two months. This applies to flour made from seeds, as well as products obtained from vegetable pulp.

Distinguish expired flour from fresh product based on the characteristic rancid taste. It is prohibited to eat it. A similar taste in the product appears during the oxidation of fatty acids, which pose a health hazard due to the release of toxic compounds. Therefore, pumpkin flour should only be used in fresh, expired product must be disposed of.

Watch the video below about the benefits of pumpkin flour.

Meets the requirements of the BGBK diet, adapts to the Paleo diet, LOD

In the beloved children's story, a pumpkin transforms into a carriage to transport Cinderella to the fateful ball at the prince's palace. And in real life, the more we learn about the beneficial properties of this seasonal fruit and vegetable, the more a comparison with her fairy-tale character arises. Pumpkin is a truly amazing vegetable, a real “pharmacy in the garden.” It is gratifying that pumpkin seeds are also increasingly used in medicinal cooking. Grinded into flour, they can take their rightful place in the list of products for alternative gluten-free baking. Pumpkin seed flour can now be bought in Russian stores healthy eating (unlike Western ones!..). And I, as before, prepare pumpkin flour by grinding pumpkin seeds in small portions in a regular coffee grinder.

I propose to try an easy-to-follow modified recipe for a sponge cake, the homeland of which is the Austrian land of Styria - an area famous for its large pumpkin harvests and an abundance of all kinds of creativity associated with this fact. This cake can be baked in round shape for cupcakes or in a regular narrow rectangular one.

In traditional Austrian recipe One glass of flour and the same amount of ground pumpkin seeds are requested. Having set myself the goal of completely eliminating flour from the dough, I use only crushed seeds. But options are also possible.

Pumpkin seeds have a relatively low oxalic acid salt content. Supposedly pumpkin flour is even smaller per serving. Oxalate finished product will be lower if you follow the traditional version, using white rice flour as BG.

8 servings


  • 2 cups pumpkin flour (or ground pumpkin seeds) - for, or if not Paleo restricted, you can use equal amounts of pumpkin flour and gluten-free flour of your choice (rice for)
  • 4 eggs (whites and yolks separately)
  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar for Paleo diet (or if not restricted, can substitute equal amount of powdered sugar or 1/4 cup xylitol)
  • 1/4 cup coconut sugar (or the same amount if Paleo diet restrictions apply) regular sugar or a few drops of stevia extract to taste)
  • 1.5 tsp. vanilla extract (if there are no restrictions, you can replace 1 tbsp. rum)
  • a little cinnamon (do not use on a low oxalate diet)
  • 1 tbsp.


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350 F).
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  3. Using a mixer, beat the whites into a strong, stable foam ( as for meringue) with 1/2 cup coconut sugar (or powdered sugar or other sweetener according to diet).
  4. Grind the yolks with a spoon with 1/4 cup of coconut sugar (or other sweetener according to your diet).
  5. In another bowl, sift all remaining dry ingredients—flour, baking powder, and cinnamon (if using).
  6. Add vanilla extract (or rum) to dry ingredients. Pour in the yolks, mashed with sugar. Mix well with a spoon.
  7. Carefully add the whites whipped with sugar. The dough will be thick, not fluffy and not very evenly combined with the whites. But this fact, oddly enough, does not spoil the final result at all!
  8. Place the dough in a well-greased baking pan. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 C until a golden crust forms on the surface of the cake (about 25-30 minutes).
  9. Allow the finished cake to cool completely. Remove from the mold and pour over the cream of your choice:
  • from whipped with a fork and sweetened according to the diet, chilled coconut cream (BGBK, Paleo, LOD), or
  • if you can’t control the level of oxalates in your diet, use cashew cream according to the recipe or about ½ the amount of cream prepared according to the recipe below.

Nutritional properties: In 1/8 of the recipe (with coconut sugar) 137 calories, 6 g fat, 1 g sat., 93 mg cholesterol, 46 mg sodium, 196 mg potassium, 1 g fiber, 16 g carbohydrates, 6 g protein, 12% DV magnesium, 14% DV zinc

The image is enlarging...

Cashew cream

Yield 1.25 cups


  • ¾ cup raw cashews, soaked for 2-3 hours and then rinsed
  • 2 tbsp. melted coconut oil or pumpkin seed oil
  • 3 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp. sea ​​salt
  • 2-4 tbsp. water, if needed for mixing


Place all ingredients except water into a blender. Turn on the blender and, adding water one spoon at a time, mix the contents until a creamy consistency is obtained.

Nutritional properties: 1/16 of the cream formula contains 60 calories, 4 g fat, 2 g sat., 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium, 2 mg potassium, 5 g carbohydrates, 1 g protein.

Even children know about the value of pumpkin for the body: this sunny orange vegetable, grown in the middle zone, is associated with autumn and is used for making sweet cereals, fillings for pies and pies, healthy desserts. Pumpkin is rich in carotene, vitamin A, its pulp improves liver and intestinal function. But almost no one knows about the benefits and harms of pumpkin seed flour - even pumpkin seed oil has great popularity. So what is this product and how to use it?

Pumpkin flour: general characteristics

To make flour, seeds are used, which are rich in vegetable fats, because that’s why they’re kicked out of them healing oil cold pressing method. It is noteworthy that all its beneficial qualities remain unchanged even under the influence high temperatures, so it can be heated. Pumpkin seeds are highly nutritious, so you can take them with you for a snack, like regular nuts, or add them to salads, appetizers, and even desserts and baked goods. And when these seeds are crushed, pumpkin flour is obtained.

  • Calorie content per 100 g – 305 kcal.
  • BZHU – 33.0/9.0/23.0 g.

A significant advantage of pumpkin flour is the absence of gluten: this means that it will not harm those suffering from gluten intolerance. In chemical composition pumpkin seeds(cores - not shells) and, accordingly, the flour itself can contain folic acid, Omega-3 fatty acids (stearic, linolenic, palmitic, oleic). It is also important to take into account the presence of magnesium, zinc and potassium, the level of which is higher in pumpkin flour than in others. Doctors also claim that 100 g of pumpkin flour can cover daily requirement a person in copper and iron, and 60 grams can cover the need for phosphorus and magnesium.

Unique chemical composition causes a wide range useful qualities pumpkin flour, which retains all the vitamins and minerals found in the seed. In particular, it helps protect against anemia (replenishing the need for iron and folic acid), and also reduces blood sugar levels, so it is useful for diabetics.

Experts also mention the benefits of pumpkin flour for weight loss, as it helps speed up metabolic processes. In addition, it helps cleanse the skin and reduces the likelihood of prostate diseases.

Pumpkin flour causes harm to the body very rarely: it mainly consists of increased gas formation and stool disorders, but only if it is consumed too actively. For some people it increases headache, and in case of cholelithiasis it can provoke the movement of stones.

How to take pumpkin flour?

In order to get exceptional benefits from this product, you should not forget that any flour is carbohydrates, and fast ones, due to the strong grinding of the grain. Only whole seeds can be considered slow. Accordingly, you should not overuse pumpkin flour: firstly, it can cause excess weight, and, secondly, irritation of the intestinal mucosa is possible. This is why you need to take this product correctly:

  • For therapeutic purposes, doctors advise taking 2 tsp diluted in kefir or yogurt in the evening in the spring and autumn for a monthly course. Thanks to this, you will be protected from vitamin deficiency.
  • If you are losing weight or want to cleanse your body, sprinkle pumpkin flour on your salads or cereals using 1-2 tsp. per serving. It is advisable to use the product only once a day.

Pumpkin flour is added to baked goods in the same way as wheat flour, but it is not used alone: ​​it is enough to replace 20-25% with regular white flour. Moreover, baked goods prepared with such a combined flour will remain fresh longer.

Flour of their seeds orange fruit– a very nutritious and healing product. It can be used to create muffins, pancakes, cookies, various desserts and sauces. Nowadays, pumpkin grain flour can be purchased in almost any vegetarian shop, but the price for such a product is high and not affordable for everyone. Make it yourself, and how to make pumpkin flour at home - step by step recipe later in the article.

If you cannot afford to purchase natural pumpkin powder for some reason or prefer to use only high-quality, homemade products, you can make it yourself.

How to make pumpkin flour: a recipe at home

All you need to create pumpkin flour is to purchase high-quality raw grains. The seeds must be intact, without damage or flaws, from a new harvest. You can dry grains using several simple and affordable methods. To do this, you can use an electric oven, slow cooker, microwave or a thick-bottomed saucepan. Any kitchen gadget will allow you to create a fragrant and high-quality preparation.

Once the seeds have cooled, you can grind them using a high-powered food processor or coffee grinder. A meat grinder is not suitable for these purposes, since when grinding using this method, the mass will begin to “stick together” (due to the formation of oil). Do not turn on the coffee grinder long time. It is advisable to use the “pulsation” mode to make pumpkin powder, since when the gadget is used for a long time, the seeds heat up and the mass becomes dense.

Powder made from healthy grains can be stored for 2-3 months by placing it in a dry and clean food box and sealing it with a lid.


Pour the grains into a ceramic mold or multicooker container and cook for 12-15 minutes. Remember: for uniform heating, the workpiece must be constantly stirred. After the seeds acquire the creamy shade we need, leave them until completely cooled.

Pour some of the pumpkin seeds into the coffee grinder container.

Turn it on for a few seconds. We repeat the process until the product is completely crushed.

Sift the pumpkin flour through a sieve.

If large particles of seeds remain, grind them one more time. Repeat the process with the remaining grains.

We use natural pumpkin seed powder to create any sweet or nutritious dish.

Hello everyone who stopped by!

Pumpkin - a well-known fruit. Some people know pumpkins as the main decoration for Halloween, while others grow them in their own garden. In fact, pumpkin is very healthy, and not only the pumpkin pulp itself, but also its seeds! If you grind the seeds, you get flour. This is exactly what I want to talk about today.

Pumpkin seed flour– this is a protein-vitamin complex of plant origin, contains essential amino acids that are successfully combined with vitamins C and group B, macro and microelements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc) and dietary fiber.

Pumpkin seed flour compatible with any products and medicines Moreover, it relieves the toxic load on the liver, simultaneously healing it. This functional food product is effective in combating the so-called diseases of civilization - diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, obesity, liver and prostate diseases.

I have flour from the company "Specialist". I recently wrote about cedar flour from the same manufacturer.

  • Price- 180 rubles in IM "Health of Altai"- . The price of flour there is relatively low (and there is a large selection of it). In other IMs I saw it for 250 rubles and more. I haven't seen it in retail yet.
  • Volume- 200 grams.

Sold in cardboard boxes that contain all the necessary information. The flour itself is packaged in a dense, ergonomic, water- and light-proof bag. It can be closed and opened many times.

In general, there are no complaints about the packaging. Very comfortable.

Pumpkin seed flour perfectly normalizes metabolism, stimulates the immune system, improves the functioning of major organs and systems human body, primarily the cardiovascular, hematopoietic organs, liver and kidneys, increases mental and physical performance.

Just look at nutritional composition. He's just perfect! A lot of protein and fat - pumpkin seed oil is also a very valuable thing.

KBJU: per 100 grams - 286 kcal, proteins - 40 g, fats - 10 g, carbohydrates - 5.5

The flour is rich green in color and the grind is quite fine. It is homogeneous and can form small lumps that crumble when touched. Lumps appear from the oil in the composition.

It smells like pumpkin seeds, a rather specific smell, nothing unusual.

The flour tastes the same as the seeds. If eaten raw pumpkin seeds, then you know. I can’t say that it’s tasty, but it’s NOT tasteless either. The taste is rather an acquired taste. If you really want delicious flour, then pay attention to cedar or walnut flour.

Pumpkin seeds contain zinc. Lots of zinc!

Unfortunately, the diet modern man does not allow you to get the required amount of zinc from food. It is especially necessary for athletes (especially weightlifters), because during active sports the body uses up zinc faster.

Zinc helps improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. It strengthens hair and nails and cleanses the skin. Everyone knows cheap and effective remedy- zinc ointment. And there are also many different zinc-containing drugs (Zincteral, for example). They are often prescribed by dermatologists to treat acne and acne. So, instead of drugs, you can simply eat 3-4 tbsp. in a day.

Zinc affects the activity of the gonads and prostate gland, normalizes the secretion of testosterone and is used for the prevention and treatment of male infertility.

Zinc also helps the pancreas produce insulin and helps restore normal blood sugar levels.

In addition to zinc, pumpkin seeds are rich in a whole group of amino acids! They perform a number of important functions in the body and help digest proteins.

Glutamine is converted in the brain into glutamic acid, which prevents fatigue and relieves depression.

Glycine prevents degeneration of cells of the central nervous system.

Lysine promotes the absorption of calcium by cells.

Methionine prevents fatty liver degeneration, normalizes cholesterol metabolism, participates in the production of antibodies, albumin and promotes the formation of collagen.

Phenylalanine increases performance, improves mood, improves memory.

Valin has a stimulating effect on muscle metabolism and is used by muscle cells as an energy source.

Isoleucine necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, regulates blood sugar levels.

Meteonine improves the functioning of the digestive system, helps detoxify (remove) heavy metals, provides protection from radiation, is necessary for the synthesis of adrenaline, the pharmacokinetics of folic acid and vitamin B12.

Threonine participates in the formation of collagen.

................................................................ WHO AND WHY......................................................................

1. People involved in sports. Especially for those who are gaining muscle mass. Firstly, because flour is very rich in protein (and amino acids), and Secondly, again, ZINC. It is important when recruiting muscle mass, since it is part of anabolic hormones, on which the final result largely depends.

2. Patients with diabetes, vegetarians and those on a diet. Due to its zinc content, flour promotes the production of insulin and regulates blood sugar levels. It also regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

3. Children and teenagers. It all comes down to zinc again; its deficiency results in slower development.

4. For those who have problems with hair loss, acne and brittle nails.

5. In general, everyone, without exception, should include pumpkin seeds in their diet.

I chose this flour because I go to the gym and gain weight. In general, I just love various seeds and really love pumpkin.

The condition of my hair, nails and skin has not improved. I haven’t noticed any external changes at all, but I don’t eat too much of it either (1-2 tablespoons per day)

It is not necessary to eat flour in pure form. It can be added to cereals, salads, kefir, yoghurts, baked goods, made into cocktails and used as a breading.

I add 1 heaping tablespoon to my oatmeal in the morning. The result is porridge with a slight pumpkin flavor. But I usually add a lot more (fruits, dried fruits, nuts, cocoa mass), so the taste of pumpkin is somehow lost for me.

I also made this drink - pumpkin-cedar milk. I just took a glass of warm milk, added pumpkin and cedar flour (1 tbsp each), beat it with a blender and added date pekmez. To be honest, it turned out very tasty. And this drink is also quite filling)

Generally it turns out green, but the date pekmez made it more creamy.

You can still cook various pastries. The manufacturer assures that a small amount of pumpkin flour makes baked goods more fluffy and does not go stale for a long time. I can't say anything about this.

But the flour is green, so any dish to which pumpkin flour is added turns green. For example, the dough for banana pancakes from 5 types of flour. There is only 1 tablespoon of pumpkin flour, and the dough has acquired a greenish tint


So if you are lucky enough to be given a pumpkin by your parents/grandmothers, never throw away the seeds! It’s better to dry and grind them, add them to porridge and baked goods.

And if pumpkin from your garden does not shine for you (like me), then I RECOMMENDstore-bought flour! Especially for athletes who are losing weight. Tasty, healthy, nutritious.

I have 2 more types of flour from this manufacturer - cedar and sesame. I especially love cedar and pumpkin, and sesame is the highest protein and is also a source of calcium, but it is very much for everyone (it’s bitter).

Thank you for your attention! Good luck, meow! .◕‿◕.
