Appetizers on skewers and on wooden skewers. Festive canapés with red fish on skewers “Rosochki”. Vegetable rolls with cream cheese

We have prepared detailed instructions to make your task as easy as possible when creating this interesting dish. So, attention, let's start with the basics.

Homemade canapes are small sandwiches that perfectly serve as snacks. Today it is difficult to imagine a holiday table without tiny delicacies strung on skewers. Their main advantage is ease and simplicity of preparation and excellent taste qualities. Take advantage of our tips and diversify your celebration with exquisite and aesthetically attractive dishes.

Choosing skewers

This useful invention came to us from French chefs, who realized that using a stick allows you to taste a treat without getting your hands dirty. Initially, it looked like bread spread with pate. The recipe for canapés at home depends on what skewers you want to use. The variety of sticks is due to the variety of ingredients.

Skewers can be:

  1. Wooden ones are the most common option; they are useful for one-time use. Plus, it's an inexpensive option that allows you to taste your favorite snack without getting your fingers dirty.
  2. Metal – for hot mini-sandwiches. Designed for reusable, which is also very convenient.
  3. Bamboo – perfect option for fish snacks.
  4. Plastic - colored skewers for lovers of bright impressions or for a children's party.

Skewers sizes

Here everything completely depends on the size of your canapés and the scope of your imagination.

Let's say you're going to make mini sandwiches like kebabs. Then you will need long “tools” (no wider than a standard toothpick) to thread more canapés onto them, again ensuring that there is space between the portions. If you have not quite tiny treats, it is better to choose longer and wider skewers. 30-centimeter bamboo ones are ideal here.

For small single canapés, it is better to choose either special forks or short skewers with arrow-shaped tips. This way you will be sure that your snack will not spin and will not fall apart into parts.

For juicy canapés, such as tangerine or orange, use round options.
How to give the desired shape?

It is important to know what you can use to cut canapés at home. The overall appearance and presentability of the product depends on the shape of the sandwiches.

Can be used:

  • a pastry syringe without a nozzle, carefully squeezing the contents out of it and securing it with a skewer;
  • an ordinary kitchen knife, cutting food into geometric symbols– squares, triangles;
  • small baking dishes or a thin glass glass;
  • homemade molds from the sides of a tin can.

Show your imagination and use any available tools and materials. Baking tins, which almost every housewife has, are also suitable, as long as they are hard. In fact, preparing canapés at home is very easy and our recipes will help you with this:

More canape recipes:

12 Canapés with seafood
Mushroom canapés

Cooking features

To get started, you need to be aware of the following:

  • vegetable canapés are best made from gherkins, tomatoes, olives;
  • meat - sausage, cheese durum varieties, chicken fillet, ham;
  • fruit - from strawberries, bananas, grapes, apples, pears, apricots or plums.

After reading the following tips, you will learn how to make canapés at home.

To do this you need:

  • choose the right skewers (you can experiment with color and shape);
  • decide which ingredients to use and shop at the store or test the refrigerator for their availability;
  • When cutting food into pieces, select the size so that it is comfortable to string them onto a stick;
  • snacks can be served cold or hot - for example, meat or cheese;
  • decorate sandwiches with herbs, grated chocolate or chopped nuts - depending on the ingredients;
  • when placing on a dish, take care of aesthetic beauty - arrange the products in a spiral, according to the colors of the rainbow or in a pyramid;
  • remember that the weight should not exceed 50-70 g.

Show your imagination and diligence, and your guests will probably not be able to tear themselves away from your culinary masterpieces.

Preparing canapés at home does not require special skills culinary arts, but using some tips will help you surprise your loved ones and please unusual taste and beauty of presentation.

  1. Choose wheat bread, dense varieties, fresh. Very lush and porous will not work. The cut pieces can be dried in the oven and immediately greased butter(to add tenderness) or fry in a frying pan. If you want to serve the dish exceptionally hot, soak the pieces of bread in sauce or broth before frying.
  2. Bread can be replaced puff pastry, baked in pieces until golden crust. It is advisable to use such a base only in fresh, otherwise the taste will not be the same.
  3. Would you like some puff pastry? Then try making canapés using crackers, tartlets, crackers and other products suitable for such snacks as a basis.
  4. The most delicate products– with pates and creams. It is advisable to serve them using paper or wafer molds.
  5. The most flavorful ones are made from seafood. They are not only tasty and nutritious, but also healthy and can add variety to any celebration.
  6. The most original ones are on a pancake base stuffed with salmon and red caviar. Forming pancake pie With cheese sauce, cool and cut into cubes, decorating with eggs and fastening with skewers.
  7. How to make a choice?

Even if homemade canapés on skewers are easy to prepare, it is worth taking into account some more features to ensure that the appetizer is a success.

Calculate the range of alcoholic drinks to choose sandwiches for them. For wine, it would be more profitable to serve a dish of seafood and cheese, for cocktails - vegetable and fruit snacks, for stronger alcohol - meat and fish canapés.

Be informed in advance about the guests' taste preferences or prepare different types dishes to please everyone.

If you're on a budget, use seasonal ingredients and use canned seafood instead of fresh seafood.

Now you know how to prepare canapés at home. Bon appetit!

Canapés with olives are perhaps one of the most popular dishes for buffet tables. Their beauty lies in the fact that they are one-bite sandwiches, which makes it possible not to overeat and at the same time try a lot different variations products.

To prepare canapés with olives, in the vast majority of cases, they are used salty foods. It could be cheese, sausage, meat, salted vegetables And so on. There are several recipes that combine olives with sweet foods, such as canapés with olives and marmalade. Such dishes cannot be called particularly popular, since they are not to everyone’s taste.

If it is assumed that canapés with olives will be one of the table dishes, then it is worth remembering one rule. Olives without liquid dry out, wrinkle and lose their appearance.

Culinary experts recommend using toothpicks to form canapés. In this case, the canapes can be completely assembled, just do not string olives on them. They should be attached to the canapé just before serving so that they retain their moisture for as long as possible.

How to prepare canapés with olives - 15 varieties

For these canapés, cheese and sausage are used. In order for them to truly live up to their name, the sausage should be chosen raw-smoked with a special spicy taste, such as “Finnish”.


  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Raw smoked sausage - 100 gr.
  • Black olives - 15 pcs.


Clean the sausage and cut into thin slices. Cut the cheese into cubes. Prick one olive onto a toothpick or skewer, then a piece of cheese, and then sausage. The sausage should be rolled into an envelope and then pricked, so the canapés will look more elegant.

To prepare delicate canapés you should use pork ham and cheese without spices. Only in this case the canapés will turn out as they should.


  • Ham - 150 gr.
  • Cheese - 200 gr.
  • Olives - 1 jar


Cut the ham into thin ribbons.

It is very important that the meat strips are streak-free. If there are any, they should be cut out.

Cut the cheese into cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives.

Place a piece of cheese, a rolled-up strip of ham and an olive onto a toothpick. Bon appetit!

Anyone, even the youngest cook, can handle this recipe. After all, for such canapés you just need to cut the food and stick them on skewers in the right sequence.


  • Canned pineapples - 1/3 can
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.


Cut the cheese into medium-sized cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives. We also drain the excess liquid from the pineapples. If they are shaped like rings, then they should be cut into cubes, approximately the same size as the cheese. When everything is prepared, we begin assembling the canapés. To do this, stick the products on toothpicks in the following order. First we prick a piece of cheese, then an olive, and then a piece of pineapple. Canapes are ready!

These canapes are very filling. Just 2 - 3 pieces can relieve mild hunger, despite the fact that they are very easy to prepare.


  • Black bread - 5 slices
  • Meat (ham, juicy beef etc.) - 150 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Black olives - 80 gr.


We make circles from bread using culinary molds. We do the same with cheese. Cut the meat into thin rectangles. Wash the cucumber and cut into thin slices.

Now you should chop the products onto skewers in the following order:

  1. The first product is olive;
  2. The second product is cucumber;
  3. The third product is meat;
  4. The fourth layer is cheese;
  5. The fifth layer is bread.

Canapes are ready!

These canapés are real holiday dish. They have a very specific taste and inimitable appearance. Canapés with cheese and marmalade are perfect as an appetizer with light alcoholic drinks.


  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Lemon - ½ pc.
  • Marmalade - 100 gr.
  • Green olives - ½ can


Cut the cheese into cubes. Wash the lemon and cut into small slices. If the marmalade is large, larger than pieces of cheese, it should also be cut. All products should be approximately the same size.

For such canapés, it is better to use colored marmalade, then the dish will look much brighter and more impressive.

Now let's start forming the canapés. To do this, place a slice of lemon on the cheese, marmalade on top, and finally an olive. We pierce the finished canapés onto beautiful skewers.

Light and delicate - these canapés will appeal to many. They do not require much time or special skill to prepare.


  • Shrimp - 8 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 8 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaves - 2 pcs.


Wash the cucumber and cut into slices. Boil in salt water shrimps. Cool them and clean them. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and tear them into small pieces the size of cucumber slices. We alternately place shrimp, olive, lettuce and cucumber on a skewer. You should prick it so that the olive appears to be inside the shrimp.

Such canapes can with full confidence be called a related dish to Greek salad. To prepare them you need the same products as for him.


  • Black olives - 1 jar
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 gr.
  • Fetta cheese - 200 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Black ground pepper- taste


Cut the cheese into large cubes. Wash the cucumbers and cut into large rings. Wash and dry the tomatoes. Drain excess liquid from olives. We put a tomato, olive, cucumber and a piece of cheese on each skewer. In a separate container, combine finely chopped greens, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, ground black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. Serve the sauce to the table in a separate deep bowl.

Herring is a product that has a whole army of fans. It is quite natural that canapés with herring are a favorite dish of many.


  • Pickled herring - 240 gr.
  • Black bread - 6 slices
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Olives - 40 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Parsley - for decoration


Cut the bread into squares and dry it in the oven. Then it should be greased with mayonnaise. Wash the cucumber, cut into thin slices and place on top of the greased bread. Place herring on top of the cucumber. Place half an olive and a parsley leaf on the surface of the herring. We pierce the resulting structure with a toothpick. The canapes are ready.

Canapés with red fish and olives can be considered festive dishes. They just have unique taste, and due to its fat content, fish are perfect as a snack with strong alcoholic drinks.


  • Brown bread - 5 slices
  • Green olives - 120 gr.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.


Cut the bread into cubes of the desired size.

First, the crusts of the bread should be cut off on all sides to make the canapés more tender.

We clean the avocado, remove the pulp and mash it with a fork until pureed. Now pour lemon juice over the avocado pulp and mix everything. Peel the fish and cut into cubes the same size as the bread. Wash the dill, dry it and finely chop it. Wash the cucumber and cut into thin slices.

Spread each piece of bread with avocado puree. Then place a piece of fish on the spread bread and sprinkle everything with dill. We prick an olive onto a toothpick, and then a cucumber slice folded several times. Now use the same toothpick to pierce the bread and fish. The canapes are ready. Bon appetit!

“Pearl” is a very impressive type of canapé.


  • Baguette - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.


Peel the salmon and cut into large squares. We wrap each olive in a piece of salmon. The fish should cover the olive by about 70%. Cut the baguette into circles. Now use a toothpick to prick the olive wrapped in fish and baguette. “Zhemuzhinka” is ready.

Such canapés will become a real find for seafood lovers. You can include other seafood in their composition, depending on your own preferences.


  • Shrimp - 10 pcs.
  • Green olives - 10 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 80 gr.
  • Salt - to taste


Boil the shrimp in salted water, cool and clean. Cut the cheese into medium-sized cubes. Wash the tomatoes. We place shrimp, olive, tomato and a piece of cheese on skewers one by one. We serve the finished canapes to the table on a beautiful platter.

It’s not for nothing that these canapés got their name. They are really very satisfying, because they contain real fried meat.


  • Meat - 200 gr.
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Greens - to taste


Wash the meat and cut it into large pieces. Then it should be fried depending on your own preferences. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices. Wash and dry the greens.

We wrap each tomato slice in a piece of fried meat. Place a leaf of your favorite greenery and one olive on top. Now we pierce the entire resulting structure with a toothpick.

These canapés are best suited for New Year's table. It would be very appropriate to use children to prepare them. After all, it will be possible to connect useful process with a pleasant time.


  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Olives - 10 pcs.
  • Fetta cheese - 200 gr.


Wash the tomatoes, dry them and cut off their bases. We cut the cheese into plates, and then use half the plates to make circles using culinary molds. Cut the remaining cheese into cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives.

We put one olive on the skewers, then a circle of cheese, then a tomato and, finally, a cube of cheese. The canapes are ready.

Such canapés cannot be called standard dishes of this type. This is due to the fact that they are large in size, and canapés are one-bite sandwiches.


  • Loaf - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Bacon - to taste
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.


Cut the loaf into pieces. Drain excess liquid from olives. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into 4 parts. Cut the bacon into thin slices. Place a slab of bacon on each piece of loaf. You can even put several of them. Place one piece of tomato on top of the bacon, and one olive on top of the tomato. Pierce the resulting sandwich with a skewer.

Nowadays, crab sticks have become an integral part of the daily diet. In most cases they are used for cooking all kinds of salads However, they can also be used in canapés.


  • Crab sticks - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Green olives - 6 pcs.


We clean the crab sticks and cut them into 3 equal parts. Wash the cucumber and cut into rings. Place the ingredients on a skewer in this order. First the olive, then crab stick, and then cucumber. Canapes are ready!

Canapes are small sandwiches for one or two bites, which are assembled in the form of pyramids, where all the ingredients are placed on skewers or toothpicks. They can be served both on bread and on vegetable based. They are a festive dish, and now they are increasingly decorating New Year's tables.

In many cases, they can be easily prepared from ingredients you have at home. The most important thing is to correctly assemble that beautiful composition, which not everyone succeeds in doing. And that's why you need to know the basics technological processes, those useful tips and the tricks of this most delicious and at the same time simple dish.

Today I will tell you and show you wonderful recipes simple canapés on skewers with step-by-step photos for the festive table. And also to the addition: This is simply a wonderful idea for any holiday, celebration or feast. So, scroll below, get inspired and have fun making these mini sandwiches.

Fruit canapés on skewers - step-by-step photo recipe


  • Black grapes - 1 sprig
  • Green grapes- 1 sprig
  • banana - 1 piece
  • tangerine - 1 piece
  • kiwi - 1 piece
  • watermelon - 1/6 part.

Cooking method:

Skewers for canapés will play an important role here.

Divide the watermelon into slices, separate the rind, and cut the pulp into small squares, about 3 by 3 cm. Remove all the seeds from them.

Peel the tangerine, separate all the segments and cut each segment into three parts. Of course, if they contain seeds, they must be removed.

Remove the skin from the banana and cut it into thin rounds.

Now we start collecting and for this we need to put black grapes, a tangerine, then green grapes, banana, kiwi and a piece of watermelon on a skewer.

For variety, you can swap black grapes with green ones.

Then we place the finished masterpiece on a plate and additionally decorate with fruit.

Recipe of this dish It is considered very simple, and the result is very beautiful. Plus, the combination of fresh and varied fruits will give you an exquisite and unique taste.

How to prepare canapés on skewers for children

Ingredients for one serving:

  • A pineapple
  • strawberries - 1 piece
  • grapes - 3 pcs.
  • marshmallow
  • kiwi - 1 piece
  • pear - 1/3 part
  • puffed rice - 2 tablespoon
  • coconut flakes - 1 tbsp. l
  • chocolate - 1/3 bar

Cooking method:

First of all, we separate the bottom part from the pineapple using a knife, then cut off a ring about 2.5 cm thick and peel it.

We divide it into 6 equal cubes, but it is better to remove the core and seeds.

1. Take a strawberry, cut off its butt, place it on a pineapple cube and fasten it with a skewer.

2. For the second we will need two grapes, preferably different colors, unfortunately I have the same color, well, nothing. We pierce them with a skewer and place them on the second piece of pineapple.

3. We make the third one with marshmallows, first we pierce it and place it on the cube.

4. For the fourth, we need to take two marshmallows, plant one first, then a peeled kiwi circle, then the second.

5. We make the fifth with a peeled orange slice, in the order shown in the photo below.

6.And the sixth with a pear, a round of strawberries and a cube of pineapple.

Here's what I got.

Canapes without bread with sausage and cheese


  • Skewers – 6 pcs
  • salami – 6 slices
  • cucumber - 6 slices
  • olives - 6 pcs
  • cheese - 6 cubes
  • parsley leaves.

Cooking method:

In preparing this recipe, first prepare everything necessary ingredients, rinse the cucumber under water, open the jar of olives and cut into the quantities indicated above.

Then take a skewer or toothpick and put the olive on it first.

Now comes the parsley leaf.

The cucumber, just like a sausage, we plant it, bending it, on both sides.

And all that remains is to put on a cube of hard cheese.

Delicious canapé with salmon


  • Brown bread - 2 slices
  • cream cheese— 50 grams
  • salted salmon – 120 gr
  • red caviar - 2 tbsp. l
  • dill greens - 1 small bunch
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.

Cooking method:

First of all, wash the greens and chop them finely.

Now cut the salmon into thin pieces.

Then add chopped herbs to the cream cheese and mix well.

We cut off the edges of the bread slices so that we get even rectangles.

Now we begin to form canapes and for this we need to coat the slices of bread on one side with cream cheese.

Then tightly lay out the slices of red fish.

Place cheese on top again.

Then another layer of fish and a final spread of cheese on it.

And cut the resulting sandwiches, each into four canapés.

Where we put a slice of lemon on each one, and red caviar on it.

And we fasten them with a skewer or toothpick so that it looks like in the photo below.

This is how the festive appetizer of caviar and salmon turned out.

Eat for your health!

How to make canapés with ham


  • Ham – 150 gr
  • hard cheese - 150 gr
  • pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

Cut the cheese into small squares.

The ham must be cut into the same pieces as the cheese.

We divide the cucumbers into round pieces.

Then we begin to put the chopped ingredients on the skewer.

First the cheese, then the cucumber and ham.

And in this way we collect canapés from all the pieces.

Herring canapes (video)

Original snacks for festive table don't have to be expensive. In this recipe you will see very a good option how to prepare canapés with herring. Budget-friendly, very tasty and not difficult!

Bon appetit!!!

Appetizer on skewers - perfect dish for corporate parties, festive and business receptions, children's parties and birthdays. They are convenient to eat, as they are prepared in one bite. Guests can try several canapés and choose the ones they like best. The advantages of such snacks are obvious: they are prepared quickly, they do not cause heaviness in the stomach and heaps of food. dirty dishes. Even a child can make them, as it is very simple, takes a minimum of time, and the end result is a beautiful holiday dish. This is why skewers are so popular at student parties and at receptions for heads of state.
There are an incredible variety of snack options: anyone can come up with them themselves, based only on their taste and the list of products that are in the refrigerator. Most often they are prepared on the basis of dried rye bread or French baguette, cookies, crackers, chips or baked tarts.
The most popular types of skewered appetizers are tartines and canapés. They became a more advanced mini version of the tiered sandwich that Lord Sandwich invented. He was a fan of playing cards, so he ate without leaving the card table. To keep his hands clean and free of meat grease, Sandwich decided to cover the sandwich filling with another piece of bread. Everything ingenious is simple.
The sandwich was reduced in size by the French, who decided to prepare mini-snacks with skewers. This design was not only convenient, but also hygienic. Tartines and canapés - tiny sandwiches weighing about 50 grams - were served at receptions and consumed on the go, so many guests did not have the opportunity to wash their hands.
Do you want unusual, original and very tasty snacks on skewers to appear on your table? Recipes with photos of preparing the most popular canapés and tartines will help you with this.

Recipe No. 1. Greek salad on skewers, recipe with step-by-step photos

In this original buffet appetizer easy to find popular Greek salad. The ingredients in it are so perfectly selected that modern chefs have used their imagination and served it in unusual shape, collecting vegetables and cheese on skewers, preserving the taste and recipe of a dish loved by many.

Taste Info Snacks for the buffet


  • Feta cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Cream tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Cucumber;
  • Head of red onion;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • Vegetable oil- 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • A clove of garlic;
  • Pitted olives;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper.

How to prepare a salad appetizer on skewers

Cut the pepper in half. Remove the seeds, rinse with water and cut the halves into two again to make boats.

Cut the tomatoes into neat slices. The “slivka” variety is ideal for snacking. You can take cherry tomatoes. In this case, you will need several times more of them. Simply cut the cherry in half. Place tomatoes on top of peppers.

Cut the cheese into cubes 3 by 3 centimeters. Place a piece of cheese and one olive on a toothpick.

Wash the cucumber. If it is not bitter, you don’t have to cut off the skin. Cut it into thin slices lengthwise.

Prick a cucumber onto a toothpick with cheese and olives so that it ends up on both sides. Insert a toothpick into the pepper and tomato.

Mix finely chopped onion, minced garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper and oil. Pour this dressing over the boats and serve them.

Recipe No. 2. Appetizer on skewers of bacon and olives

This buffet appetizer will surprise guests with its originality and satiety. It has a rich, slightly salty taste, so it is best served on arugula leaves, known for its bitter and nutty taste, with a fresh baguette.

To prepare the dish you will need 200 grams of bacon and a jar of green olives stuffed with lemon, anchovies or without additives. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Wrap each olive in them and secure with toothpicks or skewers. Place on a plate garnished with arugula and sliced ​​baguette.

Recipe No. 3. Italian appetizer with cherry tomatoes and sun-dried tomatoes

This dish is prepared on a quick fix, but at the same time has a refined taste. Sun-dried tomatoes- true Italian dish, reminiscent of the hot rays of Tuscany. You can buy them in the store or cook them yourself in the oven or microwave oven. To do this, you need to choose the “cream” variety. Mozzarella cheese perfectly complements the sourness of the tomato with its creamy taste on one side of the skewer. And the original “sandwich” will be completed with a juicy note by a fresh cherry tomato on the other. You can decorate the skewer with a leaf of arugula or spinach.

Teaser network

Recipe No. 4. Cold appetizer in the shape of a boat

Cold appetizer on skewers in the shape of a boat will fit perfectly on any occasion. It is not difficult to make, and, as a rule, every woman has the ingredients in her refrigerator.

To prepare it you will need mayonnaise or any other sauce, brisket or ham, hard cheese, Rye bread, olives, cucumber and grapes of any kind white variety.
Place thinly sliced ​​brisket and cheese on a small piece of bread spread with mayonnaise or sauce. Divide the cucumber into two halves crosswise, cut into thin slices that will become a sail. Pierce one edge of the cucumber slice with a toothpick, thread an olive and the second edge of a cucumber onto it. Top with grapes. It turns out beautiful and satisfying!

Recipe No. 5. Men's canape snack

This quick snack Any man will like it. It is especially suitable for strong alcoholic drinks. To prepare it, take Borodino bread, preserved herring (can be cut salted herring cut into pieces yourself, but carefully select the bones), lemon, mayonnaise, black pepper, green onions.

Cut the lemon into rings, which are then divided into 4 parts. Cut the onion feather diagonally into several pieces.

Place a piece of herring, a quarter slice of lemon, and a feather of green onion on small pieces of Borodino bread, greased with mayonnaise. Pierce the canapé with a skewer in the middle. For extra piquancy, sprinkle black pepper on top. The brutal men's snack is ready!

Recipe No. 6. Snack on cracker skewers

This delicious snack prepared on the basis of crackers. They can be neutral, cheese or with salt. To prepare, take grated cheese (or granular cottage cheese) and mix with chopped garlic and mayonnaise. If desired, you can salt this mass, season with dried Italian herbs or pepper. Spoon the cheese onto the crackers. Top with finely chopped bell pepper and a sprig of curly parsley. Multi-colored peppers look beautiful. Pierce with a skewer or toothpick.

Recipe No. 7. Fruit snack on skewers

Fruit snack on skewers is ideal with champagne. It is often prepared for children's parties. Fresh fruits are delicious and contain vitamins, so it's always great option. To prepare it, take long skewers or kebab sticks. Preparing the snack is simple: cut the fruits in the refrigerator into small pieces - no more than 3 by 3 centimeters - and thread them onto a skewer. IN this option chop grapes, kiwi, tangerines, pears and peaches. Cut the fruits different shapes, they can be alternated with pieces of cheese. For children's parties, you can prepare a snack, alternating fresh fruits With canned peaches, pineapples and apricots. This dish will turn out much sweeter.

Recipe No. 8. Mini Caprese

The mini caprese appetizer looks very picturesque. She is the daughter of a famous Italian appetizer, which was born in Capri and its colors resemble the flag of Italy. To prepare the appetizer, take cherry tomatoes, arugula, and mini mozzarella. It is prepared simply: stick a toothpick into a cherry tomato, string a leaf of arugula on it and finish with a small ball of mozzarella cheese. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with balsamic vinegar.

The perfect combination

We have listed only a few popular recipes holiday snacks on skewers. In order to assemble your own individual dish, like a designer, we suggest studying win-win combinations of products:

Tips for preparing appetizers on skewers:
