Homemade ice cream easy recipe. Ice cream made from milk and banana. Kulfi - Indian ice cream

Ice cream is considered the favorite dessert of all times. This delicacy is enjoyed by people of all ages; everyone is not averse to pampering themselves with a delicious dessert, especially in the hot season. Some people have wondered more than once how to make ice cream at home, whether this requires special knowledge, tools or ingredients. An ice cream maker can be used to prepare dessert, but if one is not available, a refrigerator freezer or freezer will do. Interesting recipes, secrets of making ice cream with different tastes you will find below.

Recipes for making ice cream at home

Ice cream - favorite treat, well known to everyone from childhood. The variety of flavors can please even the most fastidious gourmets. Classic ice cream, creme brulee with caramel flavor, exotic dessert with banana or pineapple flavor, chocolate or popsicle - everyone will like such delicious ice cream. The advantage of this dessert is the ability to prepare it at home with your own hands. This way you will get not only delicious ice cream, but also a fascinating process of creating it.

In order to make homemade ice cream, you need to know some secrets:

  • It is possible to make ice cream at home using special equipment - an ice cream maker. In its absence, it is not necessary to run to the store for miracle technology, help will come standard freezer, which is equipped with every refrigerator.

  • In order for ice cream made at home to be homogeneous and cool evenly, it must be constantly stirred every hour until completely frozen. If you make dessert using an ice cream maker, you can omit this item.
  • Carefully choose the ingredients for making ice cream at home: they must be fresh, natural, and of high quality. If possible, preference should be given to homemade eggs, berries, and dairy products. The taste and quality of the finished dessert directly depends on the selected ingredients.
  • Ice cream is a dessert for the preparation of which it is recommended to use products with a maximum fat content. Therefore, for those who care about the calorie content of their dishes or who are on a diet, this option is not suitable. When choosing ingredients (milk, cream) for a treat, preference should be given to the fattest ones, this will allow you to get a uniform texture without ice crystals.
  • Adding additional components to ice cream to add taste, color, aroma (nuts, flavorings, alcohol, chocolate pieces) is best done after the base has cooled.

  • To create fruit or berry ice cream, fresh or frozen products can be used.

Making creamy ice cream

A classic version of ice cream, well known to everyone, loved by many - creamy ice cream. In order to make this delicacy, no additional components are used to give it flavor. However, the finished dessert can be poured with melted chocolate, delicious jam or topping. Preparation does not require any special skills or knowledge, the main thing is the availability of all the necessary products, compliance with proportions, proper mixing and the desire to create amazing ice cream at home.

Ingredients for making creamy ice cream:

  • one tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • 10 grams of corn starch;
  • 35 gr. powdered milk;
  • 90 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 250 ml cream with 35% fat content;
  • 300 ml of fresh milk with a high percentage of fat content.

How to make your own ice cream sundae at home:

  1. Combine dry milk and two types of sugar in a saucepan. Add 250 milliliters of milk gradually, stirring constantly to prevent the formation of lumps.
  2. Combine corn starch with the remaining fifty milliliters of milk.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil, then add the diluted starch. Mix thoroughly and keep on heat until the ice cream thickens.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, strain the mixture to obtain a homogeneous consistency, cover with plastic, and let cool.
  5. Beat the chilled cream with a mixer or blender until soft peaks form, combine them with the cooled milk mass.
  6. Place the mixture in the freezer, stir every twenty minutes until completely thickened. Ready-made ice cream sundae, made at home, decorated with fruits, berries or topped dark chocolateamazing delicacy ready.

Chocolate ice cream lovers will love the following recipe, which makes it possible to make this treat at home. To prepare the dessert you will need following ingredients:

  • yolks of three eggs;
  • chocolate – 120 grams;
  • water - three tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar - three tablespoons;
  • 1.3 glasses of milk;
  • cream - six tablespoons.

Homemade chocolate ice cream recipe:

  1. Grind the yolks with powdered sugar until light.
  2. Pour hot milk into the yolks in a thin stream, stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon to prevent the formation of lumps.
  3. Strain the resulting base, pour into a saucepan and cook until the base has a thick consistency over moderate heat.
  4. Whip the cream.
  5. Chop the chocolate into pieces and melt using water bath.
  6. Add chocolate to the milk-egg mixture - mix well, and then add the whipped cream.
  7. Mix all the ingredients until combined, transfer the ice cream to an ice cream maker or container, and place in the freezer.
  8. Delicious dessert ready. For beautiful presentation It is worth decorating it with a sprig of mint or a slice of chocolate. Look at the photo below for design options.


For lovers unusual tastes Exotic banana ice cream will do. In addition, such option will do for those who count calories, since its preparation does not require foods with high content fat To make banana ice cream you will need:

  • cold water - four tablespoons;
  • sugar – 110 grams;
  • ripe bananas– 2-3 pieces (450 grams);
  • lemon and orange juice per dessert spoon.

How to make banana ice cream at home:

  1. Combine sugar and water. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for another five minutes, then cool it.
  3. Mash the bananas until pureed, add juice, transfer to the cooled mixture, and mix everything.
  4. Place in the freezer and remove a few minutes before serving so that the ice cream is slightly warm at room temperature and is easy to remove. When serving, garnish with a sprig of mint and a slice of banana (sprinkle it with lemon juice to prevent it from darkening).

Can quench your thirst during the summer heat and give moments of pleasure fruit ice. To make such a delicacy, you only need your favorite fruits or berries, a little patience, and a mold for pouring such ice cream. For cooking fruit ice at home you will need the following ingredients:

  • water – 400 ml;
  • lemon – 3 pieces;
  • watermelon – 250 grams;
  • orange - four pieces;
  • sugar – two hundred grams.

How to make popsicles at home:

  1. Boil water.
  2. Add sugar to the container and cook until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove the syrup from the heat and let cool.
  4. Preparing fruit for ice cream: squeeze juice from orange and lemon (into different containers); Grind watermelon (without seeds) in a blender until pureed.
  5. Add cooled syrup to the container with juice and puree: Orange juice and watermelon - 100 ml, lemon - 200 ml.
  6. Pour the juice into molds and place them in the freezer. When the mixture begins to harden (after 15-20 minutes), insert wooden sticks.
  7. Before serving, remove the fruit ice from the container by lowering the molds into boiling water for a few seconds.

Sherbet without milk

Ingredients to make raspberry sherbet:

  • 450 grams of fresh raspberries;
  • one tablespoon of gelatin;
  • egg white;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • 175 ml chilled water;
  • lemon zest, lemon juice.

Step-by-step preparation of ice cream sherbet at home:

  1. Grind the washed raspberries to form a puree. Press the mixture through a sieve to remove the seeds.
  2. Soak gelatin in 50 milliliters of water until it swells, heat it over low heat until dissolved.
  3. Connect raspberry puree with gelatin, remaining water, lemon juice and lemon zest, sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, transfer to a mold and place in the freezer.
  4. After 2 hours, remove the sorbet from the freezer and whisk it to break up any ice chunks that have formed. Using a mixer, beat the egg white until foam forms, add to the sherbet, mix, and place inside the freezer for an hour and a half.
  5. Beat the mixture again, pour into molds and place in the freezer for an hour. Before serving, garnish with fresh raspberries, a sprig of mint, and a slice of lemon.

Caramel Creme Brulee

Creme brulee is an amazingly delicious ice cream with a pronounced caramel flavor. Every housewife will be able to cook it at home and please their household and guests. delicious dessert. Ingredients for preparing the treat:

  • 330 milliliters of milk;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 8 grams of corn starch;
  • 95 ml cream with a fat percentage of 35%;
  • powdered milk – 30 grams.

Step-by-step preparation homemade caramel ice cream:

  1. To make a caramel base, you need to melt sugar (40 grams) until Brown, then add milk (40 ml), mix the ingredients. Cook the caramel over low heat until the mixture resembles condensed milk.
  2. Dilute starch in 30 ml of milk.
  3. In a separate container, combine the milk powder with the remaining sugar and mix everything, add the syrup and the rest of the milk.
  4. Strain the finished mixture and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Add starch and brew like jelly.
  5. Cool the resulting mixture slightly, cover with foil or film and place in the refrigerator to cool.
  6. Beat the cold cream with a mixer until soft peaks form, combine with the caramel mass, and beat again.
  7. Transfer the mixture to a special container and cool in the freezer.
  8. Before serving, sprinkle with caramel or condensed milk and garnish with mint.


In the summer, when there is an abundance of fresh berries, it is possible to make delicious strawberry ice cream. This delicacy recipe has obvious advantages: it is quick and easy to prepare, you can make it at home, thanks to the natural ingredients, children can also eat it, and the amazing taste will delight both children and adults. This ice cream is suitable for finishing a festive evening or simply for treating guests and loved ones.

Ingredients to make strawberry ice cream:

  • fresh strawberries- 300 grams;
  • condensed milk - three tablespoons;
  • cream 300 ml with fat content 12 percent.

How to make strawberry ice cream:

  1. Peel the strawberries and wash them well.
  2. Grind the strawberries to a puree consistency using a mixer or blender.
  3. Combine strawberry puree with cream, beat well again.
  4. Add condensed milk, beat until a thick, homogeneous mixture is formed.
  5. Pour the resulting mass into freezer containers and place in the freezer.
  6. Decorate the finished treat with fresh strawberries.


Vanilla ice cream is a simple but surprisingly tasty treat that can be easily prepared at home in your kitchen. To make the dessert, you will need milk, sugar, egg whites, cream and vanilla sugar (to obtain a rich aroma and taste, you can use a vanilla pod), sometimes vanilla oil is used. Having learned how to prepare such a base, experiment with different fillers, flavoring additives(for example, fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate). For step-by-step preparation of vanilla ice cream at home, watch the video below:

There is a widespread belief among culinary enthusiasts that it is impossible to make ice cream at home without special equipment. We will try to dispel this myth and tell you how to make simple ice cream yourself.

Vanilla ice cream

For example this recipe you will learn to cook many others, for example, fruit, berry or chocolate. Creamy ice cream, is essentially a chilled custard cooked with an egg. Adults and children love it, and we will cook it at home like this:

  • Pour one liter of 33% cream into a saucepan with thick walls, add vanillin or
  • Place the dishes on the fire and, stirring constantly, heat the cream, but do not bring it to a boil.
  • Using a mixer, beat eight egg yolks with 170 grams of sugar. After this, pour hot cream into them. Do not forget to stir the products all the time with a simple culinary whisk.
  • Pour the resulting mixture back into the pan and place it over low heat. Stirring the liquid with a spatula, cook it until thickened, avoiding boiling.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, let the contents cool slightly and add rum to taste or a couple of tablespoons of cognac.
  • Pour the resulting mass into Plastic container, cool completely and then place in the freezer.

Delicious ice cream will be ready soon. Before serving, place it in the refrigerator for half an hour to make the structure of the delicacy more tender.

Dairy ice cream

By preparing this treat yourself, you can enjoy its wonderful taste. No less pleasing is the absence of chemical additives. To make homemade ice cream without cream, you will need:

  • Grind four yolks with one glass of sugar.
  • Add vanillin to the mixture to taste, add two and a half glasses of hot milk and bring the resulting mass to simmer over low heat.
  • While the future ice cream is being prepared, stir it constantly with a spatula. When the mixture thickens enough and the foam disappears, remove it from the stove.
  • Strain the resulting mass through several layers of cheesecloth, then cool and place in the freezer in a plastic container.

Place the finished milk ice cream in beautiful shapes, decorate with chocolate and nuts. If desired, you can serve it with fruit or fresh berries.

Ice cream

Here is a recipe for a very tasty and very... simple treat. Even a child can cope with its preparation, so feel free to get down to business. We will prepare creamy ice cream as follows:

  • Stock up in the store ready-made waffle cones or make them yourself using a waffle iron.
  • Melt 100 grams of chocolate over the fire and use a special brush to grease the inside of the tubes.
  • Half liter heavy cream(35%) whisk with ¾ can of condensed milk. Add vanillin, crushed walnuts, grated chocolate and mix everything well again.
  • By using pastry syringe or bag, fill waffle cones with the resulting mixture.

Place the future ice cream in the freezer for several hours. To prevent it from leaking out and losing its beautiful shape, place the horns in cups or use an egg cassette.

Fruit ice cream in a minute

If you want to please your family the perfect treat with fresh taste, then this recipe is for you. In addition, our popsicles do not contain excess fat or a lot of calories. Here's how to prepare a light treat:

  • Take half a glass of frozen pitted cherries (you can replace them with orange, kiwi, apples or any other fruit) and half a glass natural yogurt(milk, cream, kefir or syrup are allowed instead).
  • Combine the ingredients in a blender bowl, adding a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • Mix the products for one minute. As a result, they should turn into an elastic paste. If you think the mixture is too liquid, you can add a few more berries. During this period, you can add a little sugar if you decide that it is not enough.
  • Place the treats in vases and serve.

If you want to please yourself with delicious treats all year round, then freeze more different fruits and berries in the summer. It will refresh you, lift your spirits and, most importantly, will not spoil your figure.

Cottage cheese creme brulee

This delicious treat It's easy to prepare, but it turns out very tasty. Read how you can make your own light homemade ice cream. Simple recipe:

  • 200 grams fat cottage cheese and mix half a can of condensed milk using a blender or mixer. When the resulting mass becomes homogeneous, add 50 ml of milk to it and mix thoroughly again.
  • Place the finished product in silicone molds for muffins and then place in the freezer.

In a few hours, the curd ice cream without cream will be ready.

Chocolate ice cream

How to make delicious and healthy homemade ice cream? A simple recipe will help you please your loved ones original dessert, which is no different from the factory one:

  • Heat half a glass of milk on the stove, add three tablespoons of sugar and 100 grams of dark chocolate (it should be broken first).
  • Place the products in a water bath and, stirring constantly, cook them until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Remove the mixture from the heat and cool.
  • Beat a glass of chilled heavy cream with a mixer.
  • Combine the products, put them in a mold and place them in the freezer.

After a few hours, when the delicious ice cream has cooled sufficiently, it can be taken out and served.

Recipe "Two in one"

The dessert got its name for its unique ability - it can be used not only for making ice cream, but also for custard, which can decorate any cake. How to make homemade custard ice cream in your kitchen? A simple recipe in front of you:

  • Mix one glass of sugar, one spoon of flour and two chicken eggs in a suitable bowl.
  • Bring one glass of milk to a boil, and then pour it in a thin stream into the prepared mass. To prevent the eggs from curdling, the mixture should be constantly stirred.
  • Pour the resulting product into a saucepan, place it on the fire and bring to a boil. After this, remove the pan from the stove and let its contents cool slightly.
  • Add vanillin and two hundred grams of butter at room temperature to your future ice cream to taste. Quickly beat the ingredients with a mixer.

If you decide to make a cake, then the cream should be used immediately. If you plan to pamper your loved ones with delicious ice cream, then transfer the product into a mold and freeze it in freezer. After a few hours, place the delicacy on plates, decorate it with chocolate and serve.

Lemon dessert

Making delicious ice cream from yogurt is very simple. To do this you just need:

  • Mix one liter of curdled milk with 500 grams powdered sugar.
  • Beat the products at low speed with a mixer. Then add the juice and zest of two lemons. Mix the ingredients again.
  • Freeze the food in the freezer for several hours.

Serve dessert garnished with sprigs of fresh mint and a slice of lime.

Coffee ice cream

This seemingly complex dessert will ultimately pay off your efforts and time spent on it. To prepare it, you will need:

  • Prepare or buy at the store biscuit cookies savoiardi.
  • Mix 70 ml of milk with 15 ml of cream and place it on the stove to warm up. Mix one yolk with one tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of starch and vanilla. Pour the resulting mass into hot milk. When the liquid boils, stir the ingredients and remove them from the heat.
  • Cool the resulting cream, close cling film and place in the refrigerator.
  • To prepare the syrup, brew one hundred grams of coffee and dissolve forty grams of sugar in it.
  • Next, prepare the mascarpone cream and white chocolate. To do this, whip 170 ml of cream to high peaks and combine it with 250 grams of mascarpone. Place the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • Break white chocolate (200 grams) into pieces and melt in a water bath.
  • Heat the cream and mix it with melted chocolate and add a little coffee.
  • Place the cookies face down on the work surface and soak coffee syrup. Place popsicle sticks on top (if you make the cookies yourself, bake them with the sticks right away).
  • Using a culinary syringe, spread the cream and place the treat in the freezer for several hours.

Cover the finished ice cream chocolate icing and sprinkle with cocoa.

Marshmallow-coconut dessert

We are sure you will love this delicious homemade ice cream. A simple recipe will save time, and the ingredients will make the dessert as affordable as possible. How to prepare it:

  • Take 250 grams of any marshmallow and so on), break it into pieces and combine with 250 grams of cream. When the marshmallows have dissolved, remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool.
  • In another bowl, bring 250 ml of cream to a boil over low heat and add 65 grams of coconut flakes. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, remove them from the heat and leave to cool to room temperature.
  • Combine both masses in one pan and place it in a cup of ice water. Beat the mixture with a mixer for about five minutes at low speed.

Place the finished semi-finished product in molds or in a plastic container, and then freeze it in the freezer. You can taste a delicious dessert in just five to seven hours. Serve it to the table in the form of balls, decorated with nuts and grated chocolate. Bon appetit!

Homemade ice cream is an amazing delicacy that will please even the most sophisticated gourmet. Today there is a large number of the most different recipes, the technique and technology for preparing this dessert, as well as production, pleasantly surprises those with a sweet tooth interesting combinations his tastes. At the same time, do not forget that you can always make homemade ice cream, and it can turn out no worse than factory-made ice cream.

  1. Prepared on the basis of animal fats (isolated from milk).
  2. Based vegetable fats(palm oil or coconut oil).
  3. The so-called fruit ice. Base – puree, yogurt, juice.
  4. Sorbet, based on purees and juices of berries and fruits.

Now you can buy a special electrical appliance that will do the main job, it’s called an ice cream maker. Inside it, the temperature necessary for preparing a cold dessert is maintained, and it will also mix the contents at the right time. But doing without this device in the process of making ice cream is not so difficult, handmade will only increase the process time, but will not affect the quality of the resulting treat. However, before you start making it, you need to learn a few simple but necessary recommendations for making the perfect ice cream.

  1. There are several basic elements in making any ice cream, one of which is a thickener (also basic elements include cream, sugar and milk). At home, you can use lemon juice and egg yolk as a thickener. If you ignore the addition of a thickener, then such ice cream will quickly melt and will not have that same delicate taste.
  2. To count on the ideal result, you need to be more careful when choosing products. They must be fresh and natural. This applies to both milk and cream; some ingredients can be made with your own hands, for example, you can cook condensed milk yourself.
    Also, we should not forget that the irreplaceable main components of ice cream - milk and cream - must be as fat as possible, otherwise the taste of the finished product will suffer significantly.
  3. You can achieve the most successful results with the help of some additives. For example, in order to obtain a uniform texture for the dessert being made, you need to add a little starch to it. Sugar can be replaced with powdered sugar; it will melt faster and give the ice cream a delicate consistency.
    To ensure that the future ice cream becomes homogeneous, before freezing the resulting mass, you should grind it through a sieve.
  4. Adding alcohol to ice cream will make it more airy and soft. However, it is worth keeping in mind that such ice cream will take longer to harden in the freezer.
  5. Future ice cream immersed in cold needs frequent stirring with a mixer so as not to turn into a block of ice. At the beginning of the freezing process, you need to do this as often as possible (for example, every 20 minutes), then for the next five hours - about every hour. The mixture will turn into full-fledged ice cream 10-12 hours after freezing begins.
  6. You can also add a little fruit juice (lemon or pineapple) to the ice cream, this will give your favorite treat a softer and creamier texture.
  7. The mixture obtained before freezing should not be too liquid, otherwise the finished ice cream will contain a lot of ice and it will be watery. How do you know if the consistency is ideal for freezing? The answer is simple: you need to remove the spoon from the mixture, run a match (or a toothpick) across it; the mixture divided in two on the spoon should not come together.
  8. You need to approach different additives wisely. For example, syrups should be added to the mixture before immersion in the cold, while pieces of fruit, berries, and nuts should only be added to ready-made ice cream. At the same time, the additives in the finished ice cream must be cooled, otherwise they will quickly melt the cold delicacy.
  9. The resulting dessert must be stored in a container with a closed lid, preferably on a separate shelf, so that the ice cream is not saturated with foreign odors.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

To make your favorite dessert tasty and tender, you should adhere to the basic rules for preparing it at home, follow the recipe, and also don’t be afraid to experiment a little.

Creamy ice cream (prepared in an ice cream maker)

Ingredients (first option):

0.25 l milk, 0.25 l cream, about 5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.

First you need to thoroughly mix all the products until you get homogeneous mass, a mixer is best suited for this. Then you need to transfer the mixture to the ice cream maker and follow the instructions. At the same time, the maximum permissible quantity laid mass - no more than half of its total capacity. That is, you can put no more than 600 ml in the 1.2 liter bowl of the device.

Ingredients (second option):

0.35 l of heavy cream (from 25% and above), 0.25 l of milk, egg yolks from 3 eggs, 5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.

It is necessary to combine and mix the cream and milk, pour them into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on medium heat, and, stirring constantly, bring to 80 ° C. The mixture should not boil over the fire!
You need to separate the yolks from the whites, combine the yolks with granulated sugar and beat. Now you need to combine the yolks and the mixture of milk and cream heated in the pan; to do this, you first need to add a little hot mixture to the yolks, stir without ceasing, and then pour everything back into the pan. Return it to the heat until it thickens. You should place a container for the resulting mass in the refrigerator in advance. When the container has cooled, you need to pour the hot mixture into it, then stir it until it cools to room temperature. Then you need to pour the cooled mass into the ice cream maker. All additives in homemade ice cream are to taste!

Handmade ice cream

How to make ice cream at home if you don't have an ice cream maker? Worth adopting following recipes for making delicious homemade ice cream by hand. At home you can prepare a simple, but at the same time elite chilled delicacy, if you take high-quality, fresh, natural products.

Strawberry ice cream


0.25 l milk, 0.25 l cream, 0.1 kg sugar, egg yolk from 3 eggs, 2 cups strawberries, 1 vanilla pod.

  1. First you need to combine 50 g of sugar with strawberries in one container, mix everything well. Place in the refrigerator to cool the candied berries.
  2. Then separate the whites from the yolks, add the yolks, milk and the remaining granulated sugar into the pan. Next, you need to place the pan with the contents on medium heat, bring the mass until smooth until the sugar is completely dissolved, for this you need to continuously stir it, without letting it boil.
  3. Then you should remove the pan from the heat, pour its contents into a separate container, and let it cool to room temperature. Then you need to move the cooled mixture into the freezer and leave it there for about 3 hours. At the same time, we must not forget to stir the not yet fully prepared ice cream 5 times per hour at equal time intervals. That is, you need to stir the ice cream every 20 minutes.
  4. When the mixture has completely hardened, you will get ready-made ice cream; add cream and vanilla to it, and place chilled sugar strawberries on top.

Cherry ice cream


0.5 liters of heavy cream, 2.5 tbsp. cherries, 0.5 tbsp. milk, 0.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, a pinch of salt.

  1. Wash the berries and remove the seeds. 1.5 tbsp. put in a saucepan, put the remaining cherries in the refrigerator, after cutting each one in half.
  2. Add granulated sugar, milk, salt, 0.25 l to the berries in a saucepan. cream and cook over medium heat, let it boil. Then reduce the heat to the lowest possible level and keep on the stove for another quarter of an hour. Important: if the dairy products mixed with cherries are stale, the mixture may curdle after cooking; to avoid this problem, you must use only fresh ingredients.
  3. Place the blender (it will chop the berries better than a mixer) into the resulting mass removed from the heat and bring it to a homogeneous state. During the process, add the remaining 0.25 liters of cream.
  4. To taste, add lemon juice, liqueur or chocolate chips and be sure to try the resulting mass.
  5. After mixing thoroughly, allow the mixture to cool.
  6. Next, pour the mixture into a container with a lid and place in the freezer for an hour.
  7. Remove from the freezer and beat (preferably with a mixer) several times. Add the cherries from the refrigerator to the mixture and beat again (this time a blender is more suitable).
  8. Return the whipped mixture to the freezer, take it out after an hour and beat again (this time a whisk will do the job).
  9. Place the container back in the freezer for an hour.

It is better to consume this ice cream immediately after removing it from the freezer, as it melts quickly.

A simple recipe for real ice cream

Ingredients for making regular ice cream:

1 liter of milk, 0.4 kg of granulated sugar, 0.1 kg of butter, 2 teaspoons of starch, 5 egg yolks, 1 vanilla pod (1 teaspoon of vanilla powder or vanillin).

  1. To prepare the mixture, you must select enamel pan, pour a liter of milk into it and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Then you need to add vanilla to the milk and butter. Continue cooking, but do not let the mixture boil.
  3. At the same time, you need to separate the yolks from the whites, grind them with granulated sugar and starch to obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency.
  4. Next, combine a small part of the hot contents of the pan with egg yolks, pureed with sugar and starch (bring to the consistency thick sour cream). Bring the milk mixture to a boil and gradually, stirring constantly, pour the resulting mixture of milk and yolks into it.
  5. After boiling, remove the pan from the heat and cool. For faster cooling, you need to immerse the pan in a container with cold water, periodically changing the water (as it warms up).
  6. When the mixture reaches room temperature, pour it into a container (or freeze it in portion molds), cover it with a lid and put it in the freezer to freeze.

Currant sorbet


Currants - to taste (about a glass per serving), about 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar per serving.

  1. First you need to wash the berries and place them in a single layer on flat plates, then freeze them for 40 minutes.
  2. Then you need to remove the berries from the freezer, sprinkle with granulated sugar and grind in a blender until the products turn into a single mass of homogeneous consistency. In this case, you can take white currants separately or red currants separately, or you can combine them in one sorbet.
  3. This is how crushed frozen berries become an appetizing sorbet. It is necessary to transfer it into glasses or special forms and consume immediately before the fruit ice melts and loses its attractive appearance.

You can make any popsicles using the same method.

Homemade ice cream is delicious healthy treat which is easy to prepare! And you, having prepared it for own kitchen, you will feel proud of yourself and enjoy the process, since making ice cream with your own hands for your beloved household members is a manifestation of love and care!

Everyone will agree that delicious sweet ice cream is a true joy for those with a real sweet tooth. Starting from early childhood, children fall in love with the taste of this culinary masterpiece and few people do not love him even in his old age. But it is known that store-bought products are sometimes quite harmful to the stomach and are not always healthy. Ice cream is also no exception.

Store-bought versions of this delicacy often contain various harmful additives, so this delicacy is not entirely included in the list. healthy products for good health. But why buy it on store shelves, since you yourself will know how to make ice cream at home and will be able to create this airy and beloved dessert yourself.

Homemade ice cream recipes are a vast field for all kinds of culinary experiments, the unlimited number of which is especially large in summer time when it is possible to experiment with different berries and fruits. Therefore, many gourmets will be interested and useful to learn how to properly and tasty make ice cream at home.

What you need to make homemade ice cream

In order to make ice cream at home, it would be absolutely useful to purchase special device- freezer, this is the so-called ice cream maker. Thanks to this kitchen device, your ice cream will become soft, airy and have a uniform consistency, which is important.

The presence of lumps can lead to rapid settling of the airy cream.

But even the absence of this device, if you strictly follow the recipe and the sequence of preparation points, will not prevent you from making amazing soft homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker.

By preparing this treat at home, you will get a delicacy that you will never find on store shelves. But in order to prepare it correctly, you should follow several useful instructions and recommendations:

  1. In order to prepare delicious ice cream at home, you must not be lazy, and during the first three hours of freezing, periodically whip or stir it, removing it from the freezer;
  2. When choosing sugar for dessert, you don’t have to use white; you can use brown or honey. Instead of powdered or store-bought milk, you can use natural homemade milk. The same goes for cream. This will make the dessert tasty, healthy and aromatic. In addition, such a delicacy will never give your loved ones a stomach ache, which can hardly be said about a store-bought one, which is quite possible to be poisoned by, given improper storage and repeated freezing;
  3. If you're trying to count calories, you'll have to leave that for later. After all, it is known that the creamy texture and wonderful delicate taste directly depend on the presence of fats. By using low-fat products when making ice cream at home, you risk getting a crystalline texture. An exception may be fruit sorbet, which is prepared without dairy ingredients;
  4. It is not recommended to store homemade ice cream in the freezer for too long. Since the ice cream was prepared only from homemade ingredients, it has no preservatives and should be stored for no more than 2-3 days. But if you want to prolong the life of your dessert, then try covering the container with your treat with a tight lid. But don't try to refreeze it after defrosting. This is not recommended;
  5. Add various extracts and flavors last, when the delicate mousse has completely cooled. As for vanilla, it is better to use a natural pod rather than vanillin or sugar with the corresponding aroma;
  6. As you know, in a slightly melted dessert taste qualities are most pronounced, so before serving it is advised to keep it a little at room temperature (10-15 minutes);
  7. To avoid the appearance of ice crystals when over long-term storage It is recommended to add a little alcohol to your dessert, for example, a small amount of rum or fruit liqueur. If the delicacy is being prepared for children, then corn syrup, gelatin, starch, agar or honey will not hurt, as they simply will not allow your treat to crystallize. By the way, egg yolks also have excellent thickening properties;
  8. To decorate and add flavor, it is recommended to use grated chocolate, condensed milk, yogurt, cocoa, dried or fresh fruits, nuts, jam, raisins and more. Don’t be afraid to experiment, and you will definitely find your recipe for a real culinary masterpiece.

By following these rules, you can easily prepare delicious homemade ice cream and learn how to properly store it for as long as possible.

Classic ice cream recipe at home

For performance classic version of this delicacy you need:

  • Whole milk (510 grams);
  • Vanilla pod or vanillin (10 grams);
  • Sugar (55 grams) and powdered sugar (115 grams);
  • 5-6 yolks;
  • 35 % — interest cream(about 350 grams).

So, to prepare the fragrant homemade dessert, it is necessary to prepare the basis ( English cream). Transfer the milk to the heat and add sugar and vanilla ingredients, stirring occasionally. Then beat the yolks separately and when the milk mass is heated to 55 - 65 degrees, gradually add the egg mousse into it. Stirring constantly, you will see how your liquid mass acquires a creamy texture. Be careful that the liquid does not burn or boil.. After complete thickening, the “English cream” is ready. Remove from heat quickly and cool quickly.

The next step is to whip the cream and powdered sugar. After you get a fluffy creamy mass, add it to the cooled base and put it in the freezer.

Delicious homemade ice cream recipes

We present the most delicious recipes homemade ice cream, which you can treat not only your children, but also yourself. All the recipes presented allow you to make ice cream at home, having all the necessary ingredients.

To make ice cream sundae at home, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Homemade milk (300-350 grams);
  • Sugar (150-200 grams);
  • Vanillin (5 grams);
  • Homemade cream (150 ml);
  • Corn starch (12-15 grams);
  • Powdered milk (35-40 grams).

To make ice cream sundae at home, mix the dry ingredients (sugar, vanillin and milk powder). In another container, mix milk and cream, leaving 50 grams of milk to dilute the starch. Pour the milk-cream mixture into the dry mixture, stirring vigorously so that there are no lumps. Then pour in the diluted milk corn starch and cook until the mass thickens. After this, cool the resulting cream and put it in the freezer. The recipe for ice cream sundae at home is quite simple. After a few hours, your treat is ready to eat. Bon appetit.

To make ice cream at home with milk, prepare the following ingredients:

  • Homemade milk (500 ml);
  • 2-3 egg yolks;
  • Butter (50-60 grams);
  • Sugar (150-200 grams);
  • Starch (1/2 tsp)

Pour the milk into the prepared container, put the butter there and put it on the fire. The yolks need to be ground with starch and sugar and also added to the milk liquid. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil and place in a container with very cold water. By stirring vigorously, you will see how your ice cream at home without cream thickens before your eyes. After cooling to room temperature, transfer your treat to a tray with a tight lid and put it in the freezer.

Delicate nut ice cream

For making ice cream at home with delicate nutty taste you should prepare the following components:

  • Homemade cream (300-320 grams);
  • Walnuts (100-110 grams);
  • Maple syrup (170-175 ml);
  • Condensed milk (210-220 grams).

Using a blender or whisk, beat the cream with maple syrup and add the stiffly whipped condensed milk. Place the whipped mixture in the freezer for 1 hour. After the time has passed, take out your cream and beat it again, then add the crushed nuts and put it in the freezer again for 1 hour. After the second hour of freezing has passed, believe me, this simple recipe for homemade ice cream will never leave anyone indifferent. This is truly a heavenly pleasure.

Homemade cream ice cream

To make something truly wonderful creamy dessert you need to prepare the following components:

  • Homemade cream (410-420 grams);
  • Granulated sugar (75-85 grams);
  • Cognac (15-20 ml);
  • 5 egg yolks
  • Vanillin (1.5-2 grams).

Pour the cream into the prepared saucepan, add vanilla and place on low heat. While the creamy mass is heating up, beat the yolks with sugar until they become White color. We move our yolk mass to the cream and continue heating. Keep stirring to prevent your mousse from burning.

Make sure that your cream does not boil, as the yolks will immediately curdle and the dessert will be completely ruined.

Amazing chocolate ice cream recipe

To make homemade chocolate-flavored ice cream, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • A glass of homemade cream (450 ml);
  • Granulated sugar (150-200 grams);
  • Vanilla (5 grams);
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Chocolate syrup (65 ml);
  • Cocoa (3-3.5 tbsp.)
  • Dark chocolate (105 grams)

Melt the chocolate on steam bath, add half the cream, chocolate syrup and cocoa. When the mousse is smooth, add sugar and vanilla. Bring your delicacy to a boil. In another container, combine the remaining cream and a pinch of salt, beat well until thick foam and add to cooled chocolate mass. Whisk everything together again and place in the freezer. After 2 hours, beat everything again and leave for an hour. Serve brown ice cream with remaining grated chocolate.

Popsicle Recipes

To make your homemade ice cream even tastier, you can add any fruit to your taste. Below are the most delicious fruit recipes ice cream

Fruit and berry ice cream at home

You are allowed to experiment with this dessert like no other. Because no extra fruits and berries can spoil this delicacy. You can use the following combinations of products:

  • Fruits (banana, apricot, kiwi, peach, etc.);
  • Berries (blueberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, etc.);
  • Cream (310 grams);
  • Condensed milk (105 ml);
  • 2 yolks.

Combine cream, 2 yolks and condensed milk. Grind all the fruit and berry components and add to the creamy egg mixture. Beat well and freeze for 2 hours. This is truly a berry-fruit explosion. You'll like it.

Homemade popsicle ice cream

It's quite tasty and interesting recipe frozen fruit and berry mousse, for the production of which any fruit and berries are perfect. But the most extraordinary things come from strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, kiwis and bananas. Take equal parts fresh or frozen fruits and berries and blend thoroughly in a blender. To add acidity, you can add a little lemon juice.

Distribute the fruit and berry mousse into any baking molds and place in the freezer to freeze completely, which takes 4 hours. After the time has expired, put the ice back into the blender and blend properly. Then back into the freezer. After an hour, your ice-cold treat is ready. Have a nice...

Ice cream "Raffaello"

This recipe is perhaps one of the most exquisite, since its aroma and taste resembles famous dessert“Raffaello” therefore received the appropriate name. But how do you make homemade ice cream with such a sophisticated taste? And there is nothing simpler. For this you will need:

  • Condensed milk (330 grams);
  • Butter (120 grams);
  • Low-fat cream (150 ml);
  • Coconut flakes (20 grams);
  • Almond flakes (30 grams).

Place condensed milk, softened butter and cream in a blender. Beat thoroughly until fluffy. Place in a container with vacuum lid and, in the freezer for 2 hours. After that, place the balls in an ice cream bowl, sprinkle with coconut and almond flakes.

Homemade banana dessert

It is unlikely that you will find a person, be it an adult or a child, who does not like banana ice cream, much less one prepared at home. But not everyone knows how to cook it correctly. And there is nothing complicated about it. To complete this tasty task you will need:

  • Peeled bananas (200 grams);
  • 4 – 5 egg yolks;
  • Lemon (1/2);
  • Cream (410 grams);
  • Black chocolate (53 grams);
  • Hazelnuts and almonds (45 grams each);
  • Maple syrup (183 grams).

Combine the cream with the yolks and beat thoroughly. Place in a water bath and stir thoroughly until thickened. Then cool the mixture using a cold water bath. Crush the bananas to a smooth puree, then add lemon juice to them, maple syrup and beat well. Banana mousse Combine with cooled protein cream. Crush the nuts into equal crumbs.

To the bottom flat shape spread cling film, lay out a layer of half the cooked banana cream, then place nut filling, and place the rest of the banana mixture on top. Cover the top layer with cling film. Place the banana-nut miracle in the freezer overnight. In the morning you will have a pleasant bonus. When serving homemade banana ice cream, sprinkle with nuts.

Homemade creme brulee

The excellent caramel taste and unusual color of baked milk are exactly those distinctive features, which will help you find your favorite treat among many different ice cream desserts. And preparing it is absolutely simple. You need to prepare:

  • Cream (105 ml);
  • Granulated sugar (105 grams);
  • Milk (315 ml);
  • Corn starch (8-9 grams);
  • Powdered milk (35 grams);

First you need to prepare caramel syrup from 40 ml of cream and 40 grams of sugar. Fry the sugar until slightly brown, then pour in the cream. Bring the mixture to the consistency of condensed milk. In another container, mix the remaining sugar and milk powder, pour in the rest of the cream, in which the starch has already been diluted. Pour in milk and combine with caramel mixture. Bring to a boil and cool. Then place in the freezer for 3 hours. Enjoy amazing taste homemade creme brulee.

There are many more recipes for homemade ice cream, because the number of them is simply mesmerizing. Everything is subject to your imagination and taste preferences.

Making ice cream at home is both difficult and simple. It is difficult, since it is difficult to manually organize synchronous mixing and cooling of the mass. And it’s easy, because all the components of this dessert can be purchased in the grocery section of any supermarket. Buying an ice cream maker is also not a problem - they are in every store household appliances. Details on how to make delicious ice cream different types using an ice cream maker, we will tell you in the article.

Ice cream making technology

According to the modern scheme, two conditions must be met simultaneously:

  1. Saturate the main ingredient (milk, cream, fruit juice, egg white) with air by vigorous stirring, bringing the consistency of the mixture to the state of a whipped emulsion.
  2. Gradually cool the emulsion to a temperature of minus four degrees Celsius, achieving a state of uniform thickness.

The principle of operation of ice cream makers

A cooled container with blades is filled with a ready-made mixture of milk, cream, sugar and other fillers. The device is then connected to the mains. The blades begin to rotate and mix the sweet milk mixture, which cools from contact with the cold walls of the container. As a result, the whipped mixture hardens and mixes evenly, forming ice cream of the same thickness. The quality of ice cream depends on the consistency of mixing and uniform cooling of the mixture. If these two conditions are not met in sufficient interconnection, ice crystals will appear in the mass. They will crunch unpleasantly on your teeth.


The mass is mixed by periodically turning the blades manually using a special handle. This operation should be repeated every two or three minutes. The bowl is made with double walls. A mixture of coarse salt And fine ice, which over time turns into a cold brine solution. The lifespan of this cooler is short. It has to be frozen in the freezer for each new serving of ice cream. This primitive “refrigerator” cools the inner wall of the bowl. Using a mechanical ice cream maker, you can make ice cream without electricity.

Electric: automatic and semi-automatic

Modern household electric ice cream makers are available in two versions:

Brief general instructions

  1. Having chosen a recipe for making ice cream, prepare, mix and cool the mixture of ingredients in advance to a temperature of plus 6–8 degrees (in the refrigerator compartment).
  2. Add small doses of alcohol to the milk mixture to speed up the cooling process.
  3. Do not fill the bowl more than half the volume, as during the process of mixing the mass, its quantity will almost double due to saturation with air.
  4. Get ready fruit puree right during the operation of the ice cream maker, since it can only be added at the very end of the cooking process.
  5. Adjust the operating modes of the ice cream maker strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  6. Ready ice cream can only be unloaded from the bowl using wooden or plastic spoons.
  7. Do not leave the ice cream maker plugged in after finishing the ice cream making process. As soon as the milk mixture reaches the required thickness, the device should be disconnected from the electricity, and the finished ice cream should be unloaded into pre-prepared containers.

Video: making ice cream at home

Popular ice cream recipes



  • milk - 390 g;
  • powdered milk - 25 g;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • starch - 10 g.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Pour starch into a medium-sized glass or enamel pan. Measure a given portion of milk with a glass with divisions and pour most of it into a bowl with starch powder. Mix everything thoroughly with a wooden stirrer or with a hand mixer until smooth.

    First you need to thoroughly mix the kramal and milk

  2. Mix in a deep bowl big spoon granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and milk powder. Add the remaining milk to the mixture and stir with a mixer until you get a solution of the same consistency.

    Use a mixer

  3. Pour the milk mixture from the second bowl into the first container, mix everything thoroughly and beat with an electric mixer. Transfer the pressure cooker to a moderate flame and, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon, wait until the mixture of milk and main ingredients begins to boil. Immediately turn off the gas and remove the hot saucepan from gas stove. Cool to 12–15 degrees and place in the refrigerator for one hour.

    After boiling, the mixture must be cooled

  4. Place the container of the semi-automatic ice cream maker in the freezer for two hours so that the refrigerant between the double walls of the bowl freezes. Remove the bowl and transfer the cooled milk mixture from the saucepan into it. Plug in the ice cream maker so that the blades begin to mix the mixture, which will simultaneously cool near the walls of the bowl and become saturated with air.

    Constant stirring will not allow the smallest droplets of water to crystallize

  5. When the ice cream becomes airy thick (this will happen after 30 minutes of operation of the ice cream maker), the volume of the milk mass will double. Unplug the ice cream maker and transfer the finished ice cream to a plastic container. Store in the freezer.

    Ice cream is almost ready

  6. Before using, remove the container of ice cream from the freezer to allow it to thaw a little.



  • milk - 1440 ml;
  • sugar - 195 g;
  • dark chocolate - 340 g;
  • eggs - 12 pcs;
  • cocoa.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the eggs, separate the yolks. Lightly beat them with a spoon or whisk. Pour into a saucepan, add 720 milliliters of milk and all the sugar. Place on the burner, turn on low heat and start whisking with a tablespoon until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Turn off the burner. Slowly pour in the remaining milk. Grind the chocolate and pour half the volume into the pan. Stir thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
  3. Cool the pan with the milk mixture to room temperature and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  4. We prepare the ice cream maker for use and transfer the cooled mass into the bowl. Add the remaining chopped chocolate. Turn on the ice cream maker, which will begin to mix and cool the milk chocolate mass.
  5. After half an hour, turn off the ice cream maker and transfer the finished ice cream to a plastic container. Before serving, sprinkle each serving with cocoa.

From coconut milk


  • chicken yolk - 3 pcs;
  • cream (fat content 35%) - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 130 g;
  • coconut milk- 200 ml.


  1. Heat coconut milk and add sugar to it.
  2. Continuing to heat the mixture, add cream, stirring with a wooden spoon.
  3. Beat the yolks with a whisk or hand mixer. Add the prepared yolks to the mixture and bring it to a boil, stirring with a spoon.
  4. Cool to room temperature and place the container in the refrigerator for an hour.
  5. The remaining steps are similar to making milk ice cream in an ice cream maker.

With mascarpone

The main secret of this original ice cream is its delicious Italian cheese from heavy cream - mascarpone. It is easy to buy in any large supermarket. Having a high fat content, Lombardy cheese makes ice cream airy and gives a delicate creamy taste.


  • fresh raspberries or other berries - 500 g;
  • mascarpone - 250 g;
  • dark brown sugar - 250 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • fresh milk - 150 ml;
  • heavy cream - 200 ml;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Thoroughly peel the raspberries from leaves and stems and rinse in a plastic bowl.
  2. Mix milk with sugar, add vanilla sugar and raspberries, beat everything with a blender.
  3. Continuing to beat the mixture, carefully add mascarpone cheese and lemon juice.
  4. Whip the cream separately at low speed until it thickens.
  5. Using a wooden spoon, pour the cream into the bowl with the milk mixture and mix everything carefully.
  6. Place in the refrigerator for one hour. Then fill the ice cream maker bowl with the prepared mixture. In an ice cream maker, cook for 25 minutes (the pink texture of the mixture should become thick).
  7. Turn off the ice cream maker and place the bowl with the mixture in the freezer for 10–15 minutes. After this, put the finished ice cream into containers.



  • peeled and diced banana - 300 g;
  • fresh milk (fat content 3.2%) - 150 ml;
  • cream (fat content 23%) - 100 ml;
  • white granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Puree the banana (using a blender).
  2. Add sugar, lemon juice and vanilla sugar.
  3. Pour in milk and cream, whisking constantly.
  4. Cool ready mixture in a refrigerator.
  5. Transfer the finished mixture into the bowl of the ice cream maker.
  6. Prepare in ice cream maker according to instructions.

Diet according to Dukan


  • chicken yolk - 2 pcs;
  • milk without fat - 200 m;
  • cream without fat - 125 ml;
  • sweetener - 5 tablespoons;
  • vanilla - half a pod.

How to cook?

  1. Milk and cream are poured into an enamel pan and heated over a moderate flame until hot without boiling.
  2. Beat the yolks and sweetener in a blender until foamy. Then 1/3 of the hot mixture of milk and cream is added to them. The diluted yolks are poured in a small stream into the pan with the remaining mixture. Add vanilla and sugar substitute (to taste).
  3. The pan is put back on the fire and heated with stirring until the mixture thickens. Do not allow it to boil, otherwise the yolks will turn into scrambled eggs. The mixture should be thick and resemble sour cream.
  4. Cool the finished mixture to room temperature and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  5. Then transfer the cooled mixture into the bowl of the ice cream maker and run the device for 15–20 minutes.
  6. Transfer the finished ice cream into a plastic container.


This low-calorie ice cream is consumed by sweet tooths who are sick diabetes mellitus or watch their figure. If ice cream is specially prepared for diabetics, then it should contain sorbitol or fructose, which are recommended as sugar substitutes. Ice cream base - low fat milk yogurt or other similar fermented milk products, and fillers and sweeteners can be selected as desired. They can be liquid honey and powdered cocoa, sweet fruits and fresh berries. The main thing is to ensure that sugar-free ice cream tastes like your usual ice cream or fruit ice cream.

  • milk yoghurt or cream - 50 m;
  • egg yolk - 3 pcs;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • fructose or sugar sweetener - 50 g;
  • berries or pieces of sweet fruit (berry, fruit puree or natural juices).

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the yolks with a blender, adding a little yogurt or cream.
  2. Mix the whipped mixture with the remaining yogurt and place on low heat. Stir constantly. Do not bring to a boil.
  3. Add fillers to the resulting mixture (mashed potatoes, juice, pieces of fruit, berries. Mix everything.
  4. At the same time, add a sugar substitute (sorbitol, fructose, honey) in small portions.
  5. Cool the finished mixture to room temperature and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  6. Transfer to an ice cream maker and let it run for 25-30 minutes. Then a bowl of finished product place in the freezer for 20 minutes.

From sour cream and condensed milk

This treat is different delicate taste and uniform hardening. It is very easy to prepare at home. It must be taken into account that condensed milk has sweet taste, so it is advisable to balance it with raspberries or strawberries, blackberries or cherries (seedless).


  • sour cream (store-bought or homemade 20%) - 400 g;
  • condensed milk - 380 g;
  • berries with a sour taste - 200–250 g.

How to cook?

  1. Mix sour cream with condensed milk and beat with a blender.
  2. Rinse the berries carefully, mash in a blender, rub in a strainer and strain.
  3. Add the berry mixture to the sour cream and mix everything thoroughly using a mixer or blender.
  4. You don't need an ice cream maker for this type of ice cream. Ready mass in a glass or plastic container, you can immediately place it in the freezer without stirring for 5–6 hours.

Video: ice cream recipe on Bartscher 135002 ice cream maker

How to avoid possible problems

To make ice cream at home tasty and healthy, you need to meet a number of conditions:

  1. Use only natural products, fresh and high quality. This applies to dairy products, fruits and berries, chocolate, cocoa, honey. It is best to use natural vanilla bean as a flavoring.
  2. Before use, be sure to cool the bowl of the ice cream maker in the freezer (for manual and semi-automatic models).
  3. When heating dairy and fruit mixtures never bring them to a boil (maximum heating temperature plus 80 degrees).
  4. Flavorings are added to the cooled mixture, but not to the hot mixture.
  5. Pieces of nuts, fruits, and chocolate must first be kept in the refrigerator and added to the almost finished ice cream.
  6. Adding small doses of liqueur, rum, cognac can affect not only special taste ice cream, but also to make it tender, airy, soft.