How to properly fry potatoes in a frying pan. Roasted potatoes with nutmeg. Recipe for fried potatoes with a golden crust

Today, fried potatoes for many - favorite dish, both children and adults adore it, despite the calorie content. This dish can be served as a side dish, or eaten as a main dish, without adding anything or by frying potatoes with mushrooms, meat or just onions. So, let's prepare delicious fried potatoes.

It is not known exactly when fried potatoes were invented, but the fact that potatoes prepared in this way are a relative of French fries is indisputable, so their history is inextricably linked, and the Belgians can safely be called the creators of the dish.

In our country, potatoes fried in a frying pan or oven with no heat big amount butter, is considered an everyday dish, but many housewives also prepare it for the holidays, garnishing it with rosy flavorful pieces potatoes various fish, meat and poultry dishes.

The main secret of delicious fried potatoes is a crispy golden crust. And this is precisely what often becomes a problem for many cooks - making potatoes, especially when they are fried in large quantities in a frying pan, crispy, but at the same time bringing it to readiness is not so easy. To achieve this result, you need to choose the potatoes correctly, prepare them and observe certain nuances when frying - we’ll tell you about this.

Choosing potatoes – which one will crisp up best?

The best option for frying is medium-cooking potatoes with pinkish skin, hard and well-retained.

You can fry both pre-boiled potatoes and raw ones; the latter turns out tastier and juicier, but it will take more time to bring them to readiness. Boiled potatoes are cut into slices and fried in a frying pan with butter until browned - in this case it is easier to achieve a crispy crust than by frying raw potatoes, which can be called a whole art.

Choosing oil - which one is right?

Most often, potatoes are fried on a vegetable stove. refined oil, but you can also use creamy, but in this case there is a higher risk that the potatoes will burn - you will need to carefully monitor it, but the potatoes will turn out more aromatic and tender. You can also use a mixture of vegetable and melted butter - such a mixture will not burn, and the potatoes will turn out very aromatic. Another option is frying in bacon or animal fat - the crust turns out very golden brown, but the calorie content of such a dish is literally prohibitive.

Preparing potatoes before frying

It is better to cut the potatoes as thinly as possible, into slices, cubes, sticks, strips or slices. If you soak it in cold water for half an hour before frying, and then dry it, there is a better chance that it will turn out crispy and will not stick together in the process, but soaking will also lead to the loss of most of the nutrients.

You can fry potatoes without additional ingredients, or adding onions, mushrooms or any other meat products- Any type of meat will do. To ensure that your potatoes always turn out successfully when frying, take note of these tips:

  • Always place potatoes only in hot oil;
  • The layer of potatoes in the pan should be no more than 5 cm for even frying;
  • Do not salt the potatoes before frying - they will absorb a lot of fat, it is better to do this before serving;
  • To keep the potatoes crispy, fry them first on high, then on medium heat, never cover them with a lid, otherwise they will turn out to be stewed rather than fried;
  • If you dip the potatoes in a bowl before frying hot water and dry it after that, it will fry faster;
  • To ensure good browning, the potatoes can be lightly sprinkled with flour;
  • Raw potatoes fried in a pan can be cooked in the oven;
  • When frying, potatoes should not be stirred too often; it is better to do this with a wooden or plastic spatula, immersing it from the edge and lifting the lowest layer of potatoes to the top in one easy movement.

Crispy fried potatoes recipe

You will need: 4 potato tubers, 6 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook fried potatoes. Peel, cut the potatoes into thin circles about 3 mm thick, place in portions in a frying pan with hot oil in one layer, fry for about 10-15 minutes until tender, turning once when they are browned on one side, after frying, place on a paper towel. Before serving, sprinkle the potatoes with salt and chopped dill or green onions.

Recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions

You will need: 500 g of potatoes, 300 g of fresh champignons, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, herbs, black pepper, salt.

Cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms. Cut the potatoes into strips, the onion into cubes, chop the garlic. Fry the onion and garlic in vegetable oil or its mixture with butter, remove them from the pan. Place in the frying pan where the onions and garlic were fried (the oil should be hot), stir-fry until browned, add salt, reduce the heat and continue frying. Separately, fry mushrooms cut into plastic pieces in oil until browned, chop the greens. Add mushrooms with previously fried onions and garlic, greens to almost ready potatoes, stir, turn off the heat.

Fried potato wedges in the oven

You will need: 900 g potatoes, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. flour, salt.

How to fry potatoes in the oven. Heat the oven to 220 degrees. Peel medium-sized potatoes, cut into quarters, place in boiling salted water and boil for 15 minutes, uncovered, place in a colander, and dry. Next, pour the oil over the potatoes, sprinkle with flour and mix gently with your hands so that they are evenly coated with oil and flour. Pour oil into a baking dish or onto a sheet, put in the oven, heat the oil, carefully remove the sheet, lay out the potatoes, put them in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes until browned. These potatoes are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Recipe for fried potatoes with meat

You will need: 600 g potatoes, 200 g pork tenderloin, 10 g of greens, salt, pepper.

Cooking fried potatoes with meat. Cut the meat into small pieces and fry in a frying pan with hot oil. Cut the potatoes into strips, add to the meat, browned on both sides, fry for 10 minutes, pepper and salt, add spices to taste, reduce the heat and fry until tender, stirring every 5 minutes, before serving, sprinkle the potatoes and meat with herbs.

For men, crispy fried potatoes with meat will be a real pleasure; it is very appetizing and satisfying. Always make your loved ones happy delicious dishes together with!

Video recipe for fried potatoes

They prepared it. Look what happened

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Fried potatoes in a frying pan - how delicious it is! I know you will say that this is very harmful, and you will be right a thousand times, but... I still cannot give it up completely and sometimes I allow myself to eat a little of such tasty and appetizing fried potatoes. It seems to me that occasionally you can treat yourself to such a dish - after all good mood from tasty food also has great importance. I’ll tell you how to fry potatoes in a frying pan with a crispy crust; my dad taught me this.

In fact, this was the only dish he knew how to cook. But he did it just great! I don’t know why - either because I really loved fried potatoes, or because during my student years there was no other option for a normal lunch in the hostel... But the fact is a fact: my father’s fried potatoes always turned out very tasty. And he taught my brother and me all the intricacies of its preparation. Now I also sometimes spoil my family with fried potatoes with a crispy crust. Would you like me to share this recipe with you?

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 4-5 potato tubers (500 – 600 g);
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.


Wash and peel the potatoes. Wash the peeled potatoes thoroughly again under running water. cold water. Cut the potatoes into strips. The thickness of the straws is up to your taste: if you like thinly sliced ​​pieces, cut them about 5mm, if thick - 1cm.

Transfer the potatoes to a large container - a bowl or pan and pour in a large amount cold water. During soaking, excess starch and nitrates are removed. Soak the potatoes in water for about 1 hour, then drain the water. After this procedure, most of the nitrates will be removed from the potatoes.

Dry the potatoes thoroughly with paper towels or kitchen napkins.

Heat well in a frying pan vegetable oil. A prerequisite for obtaining crispy potatoes is that there should not be too much of them in the pan, they should be fried in a thin layer. Therefore, it is best to fry potatoes in two pans at the same time.

Dip the potatoes into the oil and fry over medium heat for 5-8 minutes, until golden brown.

Then carefully turn the potatoes over and continue frying, also until golden brown. The frying time may be different - it depends on the type of potato and the thickness of the tubers.

Reduce the heat to below medium, cover the pan with a lid and fry the potatoes for another 5 minutes, until almost cooked.

Then add salt to the potatoes and mix gently, trying not to damage the pieces.

Fry the potatoes uncovered over low heat until tender, another 3-5 minutes. Check the readiness of the potatoes with a wooden stick.

Serve the finished potatoes immediately to the table. Decorate to taste.

Bon appetit!

I would like to dwell separately on how to choose the right potatoes for frying. It is best if the tubers are medium in size, not too large, but not small either - then it will be more convenient to cut the potatoes. If there are any defects on the surface - cracks, depressions, humps, then it is better to leave such potatoes for mashing - all these defects will not be visible in the masher potatoes.

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Boiled potatoes - great side dish, which goes well with fish and any meat, but this dish has one drawback - it is only tasty when freshly prepared. But, as a rule, every housewife always cooks with a small reserve so that her household, God forbid, does not go hungry. But what to do with yesterday's potatoes? It’s tasteless to reheat, throw away - transfer the food! It turns out that in just 5 minutes you can prepare very tasty fried potatoes with a crust. At the same time, you don’t need to bother with the oven for a long time; these potatoes are cooked in a frying pan. The potatoes turn out delicious, with a beautiful crispy crust.


(2-3 servings)

  • 500 gr. boiled potatoes
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • hot red pepper to taste
  • salt to taste
  • 1-2 tbsp. ketchup
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • So, how to fry potatoes in a frying pan with a crust? Everything is indecently simple. Let's take yesterday's boiled potatoes, put it in a wide saucepan or bowl, it’s quite suitable Plastic container for products.
  • By the way, so that fried potatoes the crust turned out crispy, it’s better to use not freshly boiled potatoes, but yesterday’s potatoes, since they have already dried out a little, which is what we need)))))
  • In a cup or small bowl, mix 1 teaspoon paprika, 1/4 tsp. seasonings of hot red pepper, a little black ground pepper, a little salt. (If you are preparing potatoes with a crust for the first time, then be careful with hot pepper. It's better to put less at first and then add to taste.)
  • Add a couple of spoons of ketchup and mix everything well.
  • Received spicy mixture Pour over the potatoes, mix with your hand so that the mixture coats all the potatoes more or less uniformly.
  • To avoid getting your hands dirty, you can cover the container with potatoes with a lid and mix by gently shaking the container.
  • Sprinkle the potatoes with flour, shake in the container so that the flour is evenly distributed over the potatoes. We repeat the operation.
  • Pour into the frying pan more oil. When the oil is hot enough, add the potatoes to the pan. It is advisable that the potatoes lie in one layer.
  • Fry the potatoes in a frying pan over medium heat until golden brown. This only takes a few minutes.
  • Then turn the potatoes over so that the other side is well browned. Taste for salt and spices. If something is not enough, you can add salt and pepper. Fry the potatoes on all sides.
  • That's all! As you can see, frying potatoes in a frying pan with a crust is very simple, and most importantly, quick and practical! I hope you enjoy this fried potato recipe, it has saved me many times))))).

What can we say, fried potatoes are a traditional dish among many peoples of the world. This dish is especially famous in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, because it is here that, following their traditions, they know how to properly fry in a frying pan and present potatoes, making them rosy, crispy, golden crust.

It seems that this is complicated, put the potatoes in oil, fry them and it’s done, but it’s not. Here you are seriously mistaken; fried potatoes can only become tasty, beautiful, appetizing when the cook observes important rules selection of ingredients for cooking, cutting and the cooking process itself.

Here, as in any business, it is important to approach the process creatively, with soul. By the way, you can make this wonderful one from potatoes. I highly recommend preparing it.

General principles of how to fry potatoes with a golden crust in a frying pan

Specialists in frying potatoes, as strange as it may sound, have special secrets How to make a dish the most delicious and attractive in appearance. Let's consider what rules are important to follow so that these fried tubers turn out with golden brown crust?

1. After the tubers are cut, it is important to soak them in ice water for a few minutes (20-40). This will draw out the starch, which means that when frying it will be fried and not stewed. It is starch, as indicated professional chefs, prevents the potatoes from browning to a golden crust.

2. After the cut potatoes have been in the water, it is important to dry them before frying. You can use regular paper towels and place the slices on them for about five minutes. Remember, excess moisture, like starch, interferes with the formation of a beautiful crust when frying.

3. Before sending the crushed product to the frying pan, you need to heat the oil to a boil, but you don’t need to spare the fatty product. The more hot oil in the pan, the browner the crust, and you can remove excess fat during the cooking process or after the potatoes are fried by placing them on paper towels and only then on a serving dish.

4. Do not cover the frying pan with a lid when frying; moisture accumulates under the lid and the product ends up being stewed rather than fried.

5. Fry the potatoes in small portions, so they can fry quickly and not break during the cooking process.

For lovers of delicious golden-brown potatoes, I have selected a few simple and very delicious recipes frying this vegetable in a frying pan.

  • 6-7 medium-sized potatoes;
  • Vegetable oil, you can use both refined and unrefined - half a glass;
  • Salt to your own taste;
  • Seasoning “For potatoes” - 10 gr.
  • Two cloves of garlic (optional).

I would like to point out right away that you won’t get any crispy crust in a frying pan with a thin bottom. To achieve the desired result, take a deep frying pan with a wide and thick bottom and it is better if it has a non-stick coating.

Peel the potato tubers, rinse with water, cut into beautiful cubes or slices.

Pour cold, almost ice-cold water into a deep bowl and place the chopped vegetables there for half an hour.

Drain the water after 30 or 40 minutes, place the potato wedges on a plate or paper towels, and let dry completely.

While the vegetables are drying, bring the oil to a boil in a frying pan; it should start to crackle.

To ensure that the tubers dry quickly, do not load them in a heap; spread the pieces on towels in an even layer.

Reduce the heat by half and add a portion of the potatoes so that they lie in the pan, scattered along the bottom, and not in a pile. Do not close the lid.

Stir the food occasionally for the first few minutes until a small crust sets.

Press the garlic with a garlic clove or finely chop it.

When you see that the potatoes have already browned sufficiently and have a few minutes left until the end of cooking, add spices, salt and garlic to the frying pan, stir the ingredients and fry them until a beautiful golden color.

Helpful advice! Garlic in this recipe it is possible to replace it with green or onions. When serving, fried potatoes are decorated with chopped herbs.

This dish is perfect solution for lunch and dinner. Nourishing, incredibly tasty and very aromatic dish, which, in addition to everything else, is prepared quickly and easily.

Take for preparation:
  • Medium size potatoes - 7 pieces.
  • Salted lard – 80-100 gr.
  • A piece of pork, where the fat is with meat layers(can be used smoked bacon) – 100 gr.
  • Salt to your taste.

1. Cut the lard into thin long pieces, about four centimeters in length.

2. Cut the bacon into arbitrary pieces as you like.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips or slices, but not too thin, do not forget, you are frying the tubers, not making chips.

4. Place the potatoes in water, at this time put salted lard in a frying pan, greased with oil and fry until it releases fat. It is with this fat that we will make awesome potatoes.

5. As soon as the lard begins to release fat, add bacon to it, and remove the potatoes from the water and place them on a towel to dry.

6. K deli meats When the fat and oil in the frying pan are already boiling, add the potatoes.

7. Cook until a beautiful golden brown crust appears, constantly approximately every two minutes of frying, turning the food from one side to the other.

Attention! We don’t cover it with a lid, we add salt while it’s hot, but only when it’s ready. Do not forget that the recipe is taken salted lard, and therefore, perhaps salt is not needed in the dish at all. If you wish, you can add onion or when serving, garnish it with fresh green onion.

French fries - recipe for how to fry at home

Great news for fast food lovers, now they can make their favorite fries at home, spending only 10-15 minutes on its preparation.

For 4 servings of “Fries” you will need:

Preparing French fries

We cut the potato tubers into identical, beautiful long pieces, just like cutting French fries.

Place your creation in a colander, rinse with cold water, stirring the product with your hands until the water becomes clear.

Pour the oil into a saucepan or deep frying pan and bring to a boil.

The oil for making fries should just come to a boil. Handle it carefully; there is a risk of serious burns.

Carefully place about a handful of the first portion into the oil and fry, stirring. The potatoes should be completely covered with oil, they should boil directly in it, frying. For full readiness It is enough to soak the dish in oil for seven, maximum ten, minutes.

First remove the fries from the boiling oil onto a paper towel so that all the fat drips off, and then place them beautifully on lettuce leaves or simply on a serving dish.

You can sprinkle the top of the still hot potatoes with salt or some of your favorite spices. Potatoes should be served hot with mayonnaise, cheese, garlic, tomato or some other sauce.

Fried potatoes with bell peppers and onions

Incredibly aromatic and delicious dish, fried potatoes, which can be prepared with the addition of fresh bell pepper, or with a frozen product, which, of course, must first be thawed.

  • Potatoes – 10 pcs.
  • Bell pepper, best if it is red - one piece.
  • Tomatoes (you can omit them and replace them with a spoonful of tomato paste) – two pcs.
  • Onions - one onion;
  • Fresh for decoration green onions and parsley - a bunch;
  • Garlic at your discretion (you can use dried);
  • Butter and vegetable oil – 20 gr. and 50 ml. respectively;
  • Seasonings, salt to your own taste.


When all the ingredients are cleaned and washed, they are in front of you, we begin the cooking process.

We cut the potatoes randomly, into circles if the vegetables are small or into half circles if the tubers are large.

Heat butter and vegetable oil in a frying pan, it should boil, put the chopped product there, fry on all sides for 10 minutes.

Thinly slice the onion into rings and chop the pepper into strips. I take green, which was frozen for storage for the winter (previously defrosted in room temperature and drained the excess liquid), but it’s better to take fresh and red, it tastes better.

We send the onion to the potatoes and fry the products together, stirring after about a minute. Cook without a lid.

Following the onions, they go into the frying pan. bell pepper and chopped garlic.

When the food in the frying pan is slightly fried, add peeled tomatoes or a spoonful of tomato paste, salt and pepper.

On a note! Tomato paste It is possible to replace it with adjika if you like it spicy.

We bring the treat to readiness as soon as the potatoes turn brown and begin to radiate incredibly delicious aroma, serve to the table, sprinkled with green onions and dill.

100 grams of potatoes fried in oil contain approximately 280-320 kcal, depending on the method of frying and cooking. It is worth noting that this is not too much and in order to harm your health with this dish and gain weight, you need to at least eat a pan of such a dish every day.

Now as for the harm and benefit.

Of course, in fried potatoes Due to the frying of the product, it contains a lot of cholesterol and carcinogens that are not beneficial to our body, but this dish also has undoubted benefit. Having passed heat treatment, potatoes, although they lose most of the beneficial elements and microelements found in them, still retain some, in particular phosphorus, folic acid, potassium, vitamins PP, B, E and K.

As always, I put together an interesting video on this topic.

Fried potato wedges with a crispy crust (video)

By the way, soon New Year and I decided to cook one of the holiday dishes. I think I will surprise and delight the guests.

I hope that all the recipes presented will make you want to follow them and enjoy the taste of a dish you have already prepared yourself - fried potatoes with a golden crust.

Good luck and all the best!

Fried potatoes in a frying pan - represents ready dish to quickly saturate the hungry human body. IN best case scenario it can be used as a side dish for meat and fish.

Potatoes can be fried raw or pre-boiled. It turns out juicier when frying it raw. There are two ways to cook potatoes: a small amount fat or deep-fried.

In the process of reviewing recipes, you will learn the basic rules, following which the dish turns out with a crispy crust, very tasty and aromatic. The aroma of potatoes spreads throughout

Article outline:

How to deliciously fry potatoes and onions in a frying pan

Fragrant potatoes with a crispy crust are always obtained if you follow the frying rules. Find out how.


  • peeled potatoes - 800 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt, parsley - to taste
  • vegetable oil + ghee - for frying


1. Cut the potatoes into strips using a shredder and wash them.

The cut potatoes should be washed twice in water. Then be sure to dry it with a paper or linen towel.

If the slices have droplets of water, the potatoes will not be fried, but boiled.

The frying pan must have a thick bottom, cast iron or non-stick.

2. Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan and add a little melted butter. Melted butter will give a pleasant flavor to the potatoes.

3. Then pour the prepared potatoes into a well-heated frying pan and level them.

The chopped potatoes should fill the pan in height less than half.

4. Do not touch the slices again for 6-7 minutes. And only then we turn it over.

5. After this, fry for another 4-5 minutes without turning over. 5 minutes passed and only then do we salt it and add chopped onions. Our recipe theme is fried potatoes with onions. Turn the onion slices over.

6. Now reduce the heat so that the onion does not burn and fry for another 4 minutes.

During the entire cooking process, you need to stir with a wide spatula no more than 4-5 times.

7. To prevent the onion from burning, you need to carefully stir again so as not to damage the straw. Just a little more and the fried potatoes are ready.

Recipe for fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms


  • 10-12 boiled potatoes
  • 3 onions
  • 4 tbsp fat
  • 400 g fresh mushrooms
  • salt, herbs

Cooking method

  1. First of all, clean the mushrooms, cut them and boil them in salted water.
  2. Then remove the mushrooms, drain, place in a frying pan and fry until tender.
  3. Lightly sauté the onions.
  4. Let's take it boiled potatoes, cut it into slices, salt and fry.
  5. Then combine the fried potatoes with fried mushrooms, sauteed onions and fry everything together a little.

Enjoy eating!

Video on how to simply and deliciously cook fried potatoes

Discover the delicate and aromatic taste of the dish using this recipe.

This side dish is perfect as a side dish for any dish.

Fried potatoes with eggs and green onions


  • boiled potatoes 10-12 pcs.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • any fat - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, green onions

Cooking procedure

  1. Immediately boil the washed potatoes in their skins, then peel and cut into slices.
  2. Place the sliced ​​​​circles in a frying pan and fry.
  3. Break the eggs, combine them with sour cream, salt and mix.
  4. Pour this mixture over the potatoes and fry.

Bon appetit!

How to cook potatoes with eggplants in a frying pan - video recipe

The dish turns out to be very unusual, as it resembles the taste of mushrooms.

I made this recipe and liked it.

Fried potatoes with tomatoes in a frying pan

Required Products:

  • 10-12 boiled potatoes
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 100 g lard(or other fat)
  • salt, herbs, pepper

Cooking procedure

  1. Cut the boiled potatoes into slices, add salt and fry on both sides in lard.
  2. Next, fry the slices fresh tomatoes, having previously salted and peppered them.
  3. When serving, place toasted tomato slices on top of the fried potatoes.

Eat with pleasure!

Video on how to fry delicious potatoes with carrots and garlic

Prepare this one unusual side dish To meat dishes and they will tell you: It was delicious!

You learned delicious and simple recipes with our favorite potatoes. And that’s not all, in the following articles we’ll look at how fried potatoes are deliciously prepared with meat.
