The best recipes for homemade bread in the oven. Homemade bread in the oven with dry yeast: recipe, cooking secrets

It’s impossible to count how many proverbs and sayings about bread people have come up with. Since ancient times, bread has been revered and treated with great respect. Bread is the head of everything! To this day it is a staple food. You won't be full without bread.

Baking is a labor-intensive and time-consuming activity, but this is all compensated by the pleasure that you get from a delicious, aromatic loaf of baked with my own hands.

Bread can be baked in the oven, in the oven, in a bread machine, from yeast dough and dough without yeast.

We will present you several recipes for bread that has an appetizing, unique taste.

First of all, let me remind you.

  1. In the old days they said that the taste of bread depends on kind hands and kind heart
  2. Important, for tasty, quality bread, is flour and pure water, their correct ratio in the test
  3. I would especially like to note that when kneading the dough, the room should be warm, and the flour should not be cold
  4. When preparing yeast, it must be thoroughly mixed with water, adding a small amount of flour
  5. The kneaded dough should be placed in a warm place for fermentation for 4–6 hours.
  6. Well-fermented dough is porous, has the smell of alcohol and has a convex shape on top
  7. During fermentation, the dough should be covered with a towel.

How to make sourdough for yeast-free dough, you can read more

Recipes for delicious bread made from yeast dough in the oven

Homemade bread from A to Z

How to bake white wheat bread at home

To prepare this bread you need 1 kg wheat flour will need to cook

  • 2 glasses of water,
  • 30 – 40 g yeast,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt,
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 1 – 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter

Let's start kneading the dough. Take half the flour, mix it with 1.5 cups of water and yeast. Mix all this very well. It is better to first dilute the yeast and add it to the flour. It is best to knead the dough with your hands, adding a little flour if necessary, until it stops sticking to the walls of the pan.

Keep in mind that the pan should be of such a size that the dough can freely increase in size to 3 times

Cover with a towel and place the pan in a warm place for 3 to 4 hours, kneading it periodically (about every hour).

After the dough has increased by 1.5 - 2 times, knead the dough again, adding the remaining flour, water, salt, sugar and vegetable oil. If you want the dough to be more rich, add one egg to it. Knead everything well, cover the pan, and put it back in a warm place for 1.5 hours.

Prepare the forms, it may be deep baking tray, pot, special forms for baking, grease them with oil and place the dough in them, keep in mind that you should not fill the molds completely, as the dough will increase in size during baking.

Place the molds for 20–40 minutes in a warm place, preferably near a warm radiator. The dough will rise a little more.

Now the most crucial moment - baking bread. If it's in the oven elevated temperature and low humidity we can get low, unbaked, hard bread, so the temperature and humidity need to be created at a certain level.

To begin, heat the oven to 160 - 180 degrees and place a bowl of water on the bottom of the oven. Place the molds on the middle shelf and hold for 6 - 10 minutes, then raise the temperature to 220 - 280 degrees, bake until done, at the end of baking, reduce the temperature again to 180 degrees. Baking time depends on the weight of the loaf, for 1.5 kg - about 1.5 hours.

After removing the bread from the oven, brush it with a 1:1 diluted egg with water or oil. Cover with a towel and leave to cool. After it cools down, you can remove it from the mold.

Start baking - we are sure you will succeed.

An old recipe for homemade bread with yeast

To bake this bread you will need:

  • 10 g yeast
  • 0.5 cups warm water
  • 1 glass of warm milk
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • wheat flour as needed

You need to add yeast to warm water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of flour, stir everything thoroughly. Add salt, milk and butter.

While stirring, add flour little by little until the dough becomes stiff, but soft, tender and does not stick to your hands.

Divide the entire dough into several small koloboks. Flatten slightly and place on a baking sheet. Upload to hot oven and bake for about 10 minutes.

Check readiness with a match by piercing the bread; if the dough does not stick to the match, the bread is ready. Take it out and place it on a wooden board, covering it with a towel for 20 minutes.

In ancient Russian recipes it was advised to grease the mold with hemp oil, and before baking the bread, keep the flour in a warm place for two days.

How to bake homemade rye bread in the oven

According to professional bakers, real rye bread can only be baked in a Russian oven. Only in it you can get the aroma of real rye bread, and the loaves should be large - about five kilograms.

Well, there are few housewives who have the opportunity to use a Russian stove, and yet we will risk using this recipe for baking it at home in our modern apartments.

To complete our recipe you will need 2 cups of sifted rye flour, 1 cup of water, 25 g of yeast, salt on the tip of a teaspoon.

Take a bowl, pour flour into it. Dissolve the yeast with water, pour it into a bowl, add salt and knead the dough until it is soft, smooth, and homogeneous.

Make a bun out of it, leave in a warm place for 1.5 hours. The dough will ferment and rise, the aroma of fermented rye dough will emanate from it.

After this, knead it well again, place it on a prepared baking sheet, previously greased with oil, and shape it.

Wait about an hour for the dough to rise, place it in the oven preheated to 230 degrees for 30 minutes, after sprinkling it with water.

Remove the finished bread from the mold and lightly moisten the top with water, cover with a towel to cool.

Break off a piece of fragrant, delicious bread and try it with cold milk. The taste is unforgettable.

A simple recipe for baking milky white bread

For this recipe, prepare based on 850 g of wheat flour -

  • 1 glass of milk
  • 100 g sugar
  • 150 g butter
  • 20 g yeast
  • 3 eggs and salt on the tip of a knife

First, dilute the yeast with warm milk, add half the sugar and 100 grams of flour, make batter, leave it in a warm place for 1 hour.

At this time we will fill, to do this, rub butter so that it becomes white, connect with egg yolks, salt and sugar. Mash all this very well until you obtain a liquid homogeneous mass.

Beat the remaining whites.

Place the dough in a large saucepan, add flour, filling, and egg whites. Knead the dough well, divide into 2 equal parts, form loaves and place them in pre-greased molds.

The top of the bun can, if desired, be sprinkled with crushed nuts and brushed with egg. Bake at approximately 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

Recipes for homemade bread made from dough without yeast

Baking a bun according to the recipe with cinnamon and raisins

Take yolks from 5 eggs and mix with 100 g powdered sugar until smooth.

0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon, 3 grains of cloves, half a glass of seedless raisins, add the grated rind of one lemon to the resulting mass and mix it all.

Beat the whites, add to the mixture and add 50 g of wheat flour to knead the dough well.

Bake in a greased pan over low heat for 30 minutes.

Potato bread recipe with vanilla

Grind the yolks with powdered sugar until white, add whipped cream, potato flour, vanillin and knead everything well.

Take a mold, preferably a round one, grease with oil and sprinkle flour on top, place the dough in it.

Bake in the oven until done.

Composition of this bread

  • 120 g potato flour
  • 10 egg yolks
  • 5 proteins
  • 150 g powdered sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanillin

Cornbread in the oven without yeast

Do homogeneous mass, consisting of 3 egg yolks, 150 g of powdered sugar, add 1 cup of sifted corn flour, grated zest, juice from one lemon. Knead it all well.

Beat the whites of 12 eggs and pour into the dough, mix lightly.

Bake over low heat in a greased and floured pan.

Recipes for bread made from yeast dough in a bread machine

Bake Tex-Mex Bread with Sweet Peppers in a Bread Machine

Since many people today have electric bread makers in their home kitchens, we decided to give two, in our opinion, original recipes for delicious bread. There are many types of bread makers, and we will do this in a fairly common one, the Tefal model, which is the easiest to use.

  • 225 ml water
  • 30 g tomato paste
  • 6 g salt (1 tsp)
  • 290 g sifted wheat flour

Place the container in the bread machine, select mode 5 (baking French bread), product weight 750 g, crust color and start. After the signal, add 100 g of red, yellow and green sweet pepper, cut into small cubes.

How to make Hawaiian bread in a bread machine

For a 750 g loaf, place the ingredients in the container in the following order:

  • 135 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 7 g salt (1 tsp)
  • 75 g sugar
  • 375 g sifted wheat flour
  • 5 g dry yeast (1 tsp – 3 g dry yeast)

Place the container in the bread machine, select mode 6 (highest baked bread), product weight 750 g, crust color and start. 5 minutes after the start of kneading, open the lid and add 70 g of soft butter.

After the signal, add 30 g of cocoa powder and 80 g of diced pineapple. At the beginning of the baking process, brush the crust with beaten egg, sprinkle with 10 g of cocoa powder and decorate with 30 g of pineapple rings.

Watch the video on how to bake in a bread machine and the recipe

Video recipe from the chef Homemade rustic bread

Recipe adapted from the book "My bread, The revolutionary no-work, no knead method", by Jim Lahey.The book describes a truly revolutionary method, not without thorough kneading, as the title of the book suggests, but rather a technique for baking bread. I have never seen such a technique in any of my many culinary sources inspiration and learning. The method is really wonderful!

The whole point is that the bread is baked for the first half hour in a confined space, in a saucepan or kettle. It is best for this pan or kettle to be cast iron and heavy. So that the lid fits well and the dishes maintain the temperature well.

Usually, in bread recipes I always indicate that when you put the bread in a preheated oven, pour a glass of water onto the bottom baking sheet in the oven, which is also preheated. In order to create steam during the first baking time. It is needed so that the bread rises better, so that the crust takes longer to form. And also to ensure that this crust is rough and crispy.

Here, in an enclosed space, the moisture from the dough settles on the walls of the dish and does not evaporate so quickly, generating steam in a simple and hassle-free way. Simply brilliant!

Homebaked bread It is best to eat that very day. On the second day it is also tasty, but not as good as the first day. Is there anything better than homemade bread made with your own hands with great love?

1 loaf


  • 400 grams of wheat flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 15 grams fresh yeast
  • 300 ml water
  • Rye flour for sprinkling bread
Dough fermentation: 14 hours Cooking time: 2 hours Total time preparation: 16 hours

1) In a large bowl, mix flour, salt and sugar. In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast in water. Pour into the flour and knead into a homogeneous dough using a wooden spoon or a stand mixer, stirring for about a minute. The dough will be quite liquid, like bread dough, and sticky.

2) Cover the bowl with the dough cling film and leave at room temperature for about 14 hours, at least 12 hours, up to 24 hours.

3) Spread a linen kitchen towel on a flat surface and sprinkle generously with rye flour. Place the dough on a towel and shape it into a ball, tucking the edges of the dough towards the center. Leave the formed loaf on a floured towel and sprinkle more flour on top. Cover the dough with the edges of the towel and leave to rise for 1.5 hours.

4) Half an hour before baking, preheat the oven to 250ᵒC, inserting a cast-iron pot or pan with a lid in the middle.

5) Carefully remove the heated dish from the oven, remove the lid and very carefully transfer the grown dough into the pan, trying to release as little air as possible from the dough and not burn your hands. It was more convenient for me to slowly but surely push the dough into the pan directly from the towel.

6) Cover the dish with a lid and place in a preheated oven. After 30 minutes, remove the lid and bake for another 15-30 minutes, depending on the oven and how the bread browns. As always, tap the surface of the bread to check for doneness. The sound should be empty.

7) Remove the bread from the oven and leave it in the bowl for a couple of minutes. After a couple of minutes, transfer the bread to a cooling rack.

To prepare yeast dough for bread I recommend using only premium psh. flour. The recipe also requires yeast for baking bread, plain water, and salt. Yeast bread will be baked with the same composition as round loaves, loaves, bread rolls and sticks, flat cakes and flat breads.

In the event that the composition indicated in the recipe, add 1-2 tbsp. rast. oil when calculating 1.5 kg of flour, the mixture will be ideal for baking delicious flatbreads. By the way, this recipe can be safely used to bake pizza and flat pies, which will contain savory filling. Homemade bread always tastes better, see this from your own experience.

Bread made with dry yeast, like the dough for it, has a fairly long shelf life. The dough can be placed in the freezer and stored frozen for several days. If you want to diversify your taste homemade baked goods, then you can add a little rust, buckwheat, oatmeal or psh to the recipe. flour, but of a lower grade.

As for the exact quantity, you need to know that to give a light flavor, you need to put a couple of tablespoons of flour in the bread per 1 kg of main flour. To change the taste more significantly, it is worth adding to psh. flour 25% of another type of flour, even more is possible. I propose to dwell on how to prepare bread dough for baking at home.


  • per 1000 gr. flour: 600 ml water; 20 gr. St. yeast and 2 tsp. dry: 2 tsp. salt. Get 1.6 kg finished product.
  • for 800 gr. flour: 450 ml water; 15 gr. St. yeast and 0.5 tbsp. dry: 0.5 tbsp. salt. You will get 1.2 kg of finished product. Bake the bread for 45 to 60 minutes.
  • for 300-400 gr. flour: 200 ml water; 6.5 gr. St. yeast and 0.5 tsp. dry: 0.5 tsp. salt. You will get 0.5 kg of finished product. Bread should be baked for 25 to 35 minutes.

Algorithm for preparing yeast dough:

  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Leave for a while and beat in case of dry active yeast, it’s even easier to work with fast-acting ones; you don’t even have to dissolve them in liquid, but immediately put them in flour.
  2. I pour 1.5 kg of flour into a bowl and mix the salt in there. I add warm water to the mixture. Before kneading the dough for bread, remember that the flour must be sifted. I mix the dough and spread the mixture on the table. I knead for about 15 minutes. The mass should be homogeneous and not stick to your palms at all.
  3. I put the dough in a warm place for 2.5 hours. It will fit there. Knead the dough and leave it aside. The mass can be cooked further if pressing on it with your finger, the mark does not disappear immediately.
  4. I put the dough on the table, knead it, divide it into 2 parts. I give them shape, cover them and put them in a warm place for half an hour, or even more. I again check readiness using the above method. Don't forget that I wrote this recipe for 1.5 kg of flour.
  5. I preheat the oven in advance, 230 gr. will be sufficient. I put a bowl filled with boiling water on the bottom so that the space in the oven is saturated with water vapor. I place the baking sheet to bake, but I spray the bread with water before doing so. For these purposes I use a spray bottle.
  6. When about 20 minutes have passed. baking, you can remove the bowl and leave the bread for another 15 minutes. Keep an eye on the baking, because if the sides of the baked goods burn, then you should reduce the temperature, as well as reduce the baking time to 10 minutes.
  7. I get the bread. I let the loaf cool. I cut the bread into pieces using a knife, preferably a sharp one. To understand that the baked goods are ready, I follow this rule: I knock my knuckles on the bread, if a hollow sound is heard, the baked goods are ready.

Yeast dough requires attention, but following my algorithm of actions, which includes the recipe given above, you will not encounter problems.

Homemade bread on water

To make homemade bread with water, you need to take the following products:


  • 750 gr. flour;
  • 600 ml water;
  • 1 tbsp each sah. sand and salt;
  • 3 tsp dry yeast.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I put all the ingredients and pour water into one bowl, but you only need to take 4 tbsp of flour. I put the bowl on the stove and stir well. The dough should be warm, but do not overheat it, otherwise there is a high chance of ruining the yeast dough. To cope with this task easier, you can heat the water, then add the ingredients and stir them. I leave the dough aside for 25 minutes.
  2. When the dough becomes larger, you need to add the sifted flour. Do this carefully using a spoon. Approximately 30 tbsp. I'm making a batch.
  3. I put flour on the table and dough on top. I knead. The mass should not stick to your hands.
  4. In a bowl greased with vegetable oil. oil, put a lump of dough. I pierce the yeast dough with 10 fingers, touching the bottom. This will release carbon dioxide from the mass. I leave it warm for an hour or even more.
  5. During this time the dough will increase. After lubricating your hands, grow. butter, take out the dough, knead it, and immediately let it hang. I put it in the form. I repeat the procedure again with the release of carbon dioxide. I leave it aside for an hour for the dough to rise again.
  6. I heat up the oven. The temperature should be about 220 degrees. Only then for 35 minutes. I send the dough in forms. I take out the baked goods from oven and, after waiting a couple of minutes, I remove it from the mold.
  7. Place the finished bread on a wire rack and wait until it cools completely. Only after this can you eat homemade bread.

How to make delicious homemade bread


  1. For 1 kg loaf of homemade bread you need to use 0.5 liters of water. I pour it into a large bowl. The liquid cannot be used cold; the water must be heated to room temperature. Only then do I add 1 tbsp to it. sugar, mix the mixture. Sugar can be cut down, but you should rely solely on your personal preferences. The recipe calls for its use only because it is necessary to activate the yeast.
  2. As for yeast, you can use 1 tbsp. dry mixture, the manufacturer does not matter. The yeast should be left in this state; you should not even stir the composition. Only after 15 minutes they will begin to swell. The reaction is normal, which means the process has passed. Now you can safely stir the mixture.
  3. Add salt to the mixture, about 1 tbsp. If the mass is not salty or you want to bake homemade bread that is too salty, then you can add even more salt. At the last stage I add flour to the mixture. Again, I always recommend sifting the flour before use in order to saturate the mixture with oxygen. This rule is no exception this time. Use for baking homemade loaves of bread only. high-quality composition flour, premium. You can dilute it with the first grade. The proportions are 1 to 1. In general, it will take about 4 tbsp. flour, but you may need a little more.
  4. Add flour gradually, the portions should be small. You need to knead thoroughly without stopping doing this. When the dough composition does not stick to your palms, you should transfer it to a cup and put it in a warm place. It is best to cover the mass with a towel.

This completes the kneading recipe, but this is only half the work done.

Mass approach

  1. In a warm place, the dough should rise 2 times, or even more. It is important that there is no draft around, otherwise there is a chance that the yeast will simply harden. After the first approach occurs, it will take about 1 hour, the dough needs to be beaten.
  2. To do this, I pour the mixture from the cup onto the table, making sure to sprinkle it with flour. When the second approach takes place, I put it in shape. You need to choose a baking dish in advance; be sure to grease it. oil

Baking process

  1. When the composition of the dough “changes”, you will notice that it has become 2 times larger, albeit only visually. The form must be placed in the oven at 220 degrees. at 1.30 min.
  2. If you decide to bake bread in a slow cooker, you should note that your baked goods will take longer to bake - an hour on each side. In this case, you need to remember to turn the bread over.
  3. Bread should only be served when it has cooled down. You can do this in the form of a whole loaf, or you can cut it into portions - everything will depend only on your wishes!

As you can see, each recipe yeast bread It’s not complicated, and therefore it’s quite possible to bake it personally in your own kitchen.

Your loved ones will appreciate your efforts, because the bread will certainly turn out tastier than a store-bought product. Check out other recipes on the site to see what else may be of interest to you. Have fun in your home kitchen!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their larger counterparts not only in the small size of their berries. Many cherry varieties are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato one. Anyone who has never tried such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual Exotic fruits. In this article I will talk about five different tomatoes cherry, which have the sweetest fruits of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - aromatic and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise - high-calorie foods, combined with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms make a very nutritious snack, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken fillet in this recipe is marinated in spicy mixture made from ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with fire, use hot chili.

All summer residents are concerned about the question of how to grow healthy seedlings in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, every experienced gardener has his own proven method of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

Task indoor plants in the house - to decorate the home with your own appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

Tender cutlets from chicken breast It’s easy to prepare with champignons according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to prepare juicy and tender cutlets, this is wrong! Chicken meat contains virtually no fat, which is why it is a bit dry. But, if you add to chicken fillet cream, White bread and mushrooms and onions will turn out amazing delicious cutlets, which will appeal to both children and adults. During mushroom season, try adding wild mushrooms to the minced meat.

It is impossible to imagine a beautiful garden that blooms throughout the season without perennials. These flowers do not require as much attention as annuals, they are frost-resistant, and only sometimes need a little shelter for the winter. Different types perennials do not bloom at the same time, and the duration of their flowering can vary from one week to 1.5–2 months. In this article we suggest recalling the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers.

Seeds of poor germination are a common occurrence for Russian market. Normally, cabbage germination should be at least 60%. It is often written on seed bags that the germination rate is almost 100%, although in practice it is good if at least 30% of the seeds germinate from such a package. This is why it is so important to choose the right supplier. In this article we will look at varieties and hybrids white cabbage, who deservedly received the love of gardeners.

Receive fresh, environmentally friendly and aromatic vegetables all gardeners strive. Relatives happily accept the food home cooking from your own potatoes, tomatoes and salads. But there is a way to show off your culinary skills to even greater effect. To do this, it’s worth trying to grow several aromatic plants, which will give your dishes new tastes and aromas. What greens in the garden can be considered the best from a culinary point of view?

Radish salad with egg and mayonnaise, which I made from Chinese radish. This radish is often called Loba radish in our stores. The outside of the vegetable is covered with a light green peel, and when cut open there is pink flesh that looks exotic. When cooking, it was decided to focus on the smell and taste of the vegetable, and make traditional salad. It turned out very tasty, we didn’t detect any “nutty” notes, but it was nice to eat in winter light spring salad

The graceful perfection of shining white flowers on tall stalks and huge shiny dark leaves of Eucharis give it the appearance of a classic star. In indoor culture, this is one of the most famous bulbous plants. Few plants cause so much controversy. Some eucharis bloom and delight with absolutely no effort, while others do not produce more than two leaves for many years and seem stunted. It is very difficult to classify the Amazon lily as an unpretentious plant.

Kefir pizza pancakes - delicious pancakes with mushrooms, olives and mortadella, easy to prepare in less than half an hour. You don’t always have time to prepare yeast dough and turn on the oven, but sometimes you want to eat a slice of pizza without leaving home. In order not to go to the nearest pizzeria, wise housewives came up with this recipe. Pancakes like pizza are a great idea for quick dinner or breakfast. We use sausage, cheese, olives, tomatoes, and mushrooms as filling.

Growing vegetables at home is quite a feasible task. The main thing is desire and a little patience. Most greens and vegetables can be successfully grown on a city balcony or kitchen windowsill. There are advantages here compared to growing in open ground: in such conditions your plants are protected from low temperatures, many diseases and pests. And if your loggia or balcony is glazed and insulated, then you can practically grow vegetables all year round

We grow many vegetable and flower crops using seedlings, which allows us to get an earlier harvest. But create ideal conditions very difficult: lack of plants sunlight, dry air, drafts, untimely watering, soil and seeds may initially contain pathogenic microorganisms. These and other reasons often lead to depletion and sometimes to the death of young seedlings, because they are the most sensitive to adverse factors

Thanks to the efforts of breeders in Lately the range of coniferous perennials has been expanded unusual varieties with yellow needles. It seems that the most original ideas, which landscape designers have not yet been able to bring to life, were just waiting in the wings. And from all this variety of yellow-coniferous plants, you can always choose the species and varieties that the best way suitable for the site. We will talk about the most interesting of them in the article.

Baked goods prepared with your own hands at home are highly valued. Thus, freshly baked bread exuding unique aroma, its very appearance whets the appetite. Modern housewives return to traditions and prefer to cook homemade bread in the oven with dry yeast.

Benefits of homemade bread

Baking production technology often involves the addition of various preservatives. Store product contains dextrose, soy flour, vegetable fat, vinegar, wheat protein, emulsifiers and nutritional supplements. This allows the manufacturer to improve appearance And taste qualities finished product, extend its shelf life. It is also possible to use low grade grain. These factors significantly reduce useful qualities store-bought bread.

Homemade baked goods have an unsurpassed taste. It's inexpensive and useful. Anyone can master the skill of making bread. Having acquired some skills in working with dough, you will be able to constantly delight your household with the most delicious and healthy bread. You can also experiment with various recipes by adding interesting ingredients.

What do you need to make delicious homemade bread?

In the old days, bread was baked in an oven. Today, many housewives have bread machines and multicookers in which they can quickly prepare it. Now we will learn how to cook delicious bread, even without having such special devices, using a conventional electric or gas oven.

Every housewife has devices for baking bread at home. Otherwise, they can always be purchased at any supermarket. In order to bring to life a recipe for delicious bread in the oven, you will need the following kitchen utensils:

  • a large bowl in which it will be convenient to knead the dough;
  • a wooden spoon or a special spatula for kneading the dough;
  • baking dish (with thick walls and high sides);
  • cling film to cover the dough (you can use a cloth napkin or a small towel).

The main ingredient for preparing the dish is yeast. The result of our efforts depends on their quality. The use of yeast makes the dough fermentation process fast and stable.

Types of dry yeast

Dry yeast (granulated) comes in two types:

  1. Active or sponge. They look like small balls. Yeast must be diluted in water, whey, milk until completely dissolved or a “cap” of foam is obtained.
  2. Unpaired. They look like a light brown powder. This product is used for baking quick bread. Yeast is simply mixed with flour and other ingredients.

Rye bread

There are many recipes for homemade bread with dry yeast that even a beginner can quickly prepare. Rye is considered one of the most useful, since it contains a lot useful substances. IN rye flour Compared to wheat, there are more valuable microelements such as potassium, magnesium and iron.

For preparation you will need the following components:

  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • rye flour - 5 glasses;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • refined sunflower oil.

Recipe step by step

Let's look at preparing the dish step by step:

  1. using a sieve.
  2. Add water, yeast and salt. The result was a dough made with dry yeast for bread.
  3. Knead the dough thoroughly and, covering it with cling film, place it in the refrigerator for 15 hours. The dough should increase approximately one and a half times.
  4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and place it on a floured counter.
  5. Spread the dough by folding it overlapping on four sides. You should have a five-layer cake.
  6. Lightly flour the dough and leave it to proof on the counter, covered with a towel.
  7. grease with vegetable oil and place it in an oven preheated to 250 °C for 5 minutes.
  8. Carefully transfer the dough into a floured pan. Put it in the oven.
  9. Bake for 40 minutes. Homemade bread in the oven with dry yeast is ready!

White bread

For cooking wheat bread using dry yeast in the oven you will need simple ingredients. This:

  • wheat flour - 600 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

Recipe step by step

The oven contains the following steps:

  1. Pour water into a bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in it. Add salt and sifted flour.
  2. Using a spoon, mix the mixture thoroughly. The flour should absorb all the water. Leave the dough for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour in vegetable oil and continue kneading. When the dough becomes elastic and stops sticking, leave it in a warm place for 4 minutes. Now you should knead it again. Then let him come again. Knead the dough again.
  4. Place the resulting ball into a baking dish. Leave it to come up one last time.
  5. When the dough has doubled in size, brush it with egg yolk or milk.
  6. Send future bread Bake for 50 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°C.

Features of preparing dough

To prepare the dough experienced housewives We advise you to take this very seriously:

  1. Water for the dough should be heated to 35-40°C. Withstand temperature - important condition. IN cold water Yeast bacteria will not multiply, and if it is too hot, they will die.
  2. Don't add all the flour at once. First, dissolve dry yeast, salt, sugar and a few tablespoons of flour in water. Stir the mixture with a whisk until the lumps disappear completely. The solution should have the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  3. Add the remaining flour to the water, but not vice versa. This will allow you to adjust it to the amount of liquid and not increase the volume ready dough, adding additional water.
  4. Dough made with dry yeast does not like drafts or loud sounds.
  5. The readiness of the dough will be indicated by its appearance: it should increase significantly in volume and become covered with bubbles.

How to knead the dough?

This question often arises among beginners. After all, this is the first time they are preparing homemade bread in the oven with dry yeast. Therefore, let us dwell on this stage of preparation in more detail.

  1. Wash your hands before kneading the dough. Kneading involves working with bare hands. Before touching the dough, remove all decorations from your fingers.
  2. Gather the dough into a pile. When you first touch it, it will have a fairly sticky consistency that will be difficult to pull together. Work with the mass, pressing and gradually creating a spherical shape. This should be done until the dough becomes homogeneous and stops sticking to your hands. If stickiness remains, sprinkle the mixture with flour, stirring it gently.
  3. Kneading. Gently push the dough forward by pressing your palms into it. “Hit” until it begins to spring back. Usually 10 minutes is enough. The kneading process should be rhythmic, not too slow. After this treatment, the dough will completely get rid of lumps and stickiness. Its surface will become smooth, shiny, and its consistency will be elastic.
  4. Test form. Now you should check whether the dough holds its shape. Roll it into a ball and leave it on your workbench. The shape of the dough after such manipulations should remain unchanged. Poke him with your finger. If the dough is ready, it will return to the shape of a ball.

The quality of the baked goods depends on the kneading. If done correctly, the prepared bread will be soft and have a beautiful crispy crust. If the dough has not been kneaded thoroughly, the product will end up flat with a hard, dense texture.

Cooking secrets

To make delicious bread, you should follow these helpful tips.

  1. Before kneading the dough, sift the flour through a sieve. This will fill it with oxygen and give the dough a porous structure. The baked goods will turn out fluffy and light.
  2. To avoid lumps in the dough, all ingredients should be added to the flour.
  3. On initial stage The dough must be kneaded in a bowl with a spoon. When it begins to separate from the container, kneading should be done by hand. Place the mixture on a table previously sprinkled with flour.
  4. To make the dough rise, that is, increase in volume, cover it with a towel and place it in a warm place. You can significantly speed up this process if you insert several straws into the future bread.
  5. Do not place the dough in a draft.
  6. The dough will increase in volume several times if you remove any air bubbles by kneading it a little with your hands.
  7. After the dough is placed in a baking dish, you should put it in a warm place for 20 minutes. The product will become even more magnificent.
  8. The future bread must be placed in the oven, preheated to the required temperature.
  9. A regular toothpick will help determine readiness. If it remains clean after piercing the product, then it is ready.

No one can resist the fluffy, tender crumb of thin bread golden crust. It is impossible to overestimate the taste and aroma of baked goods. Homemade bread with dry yeast is prepared quickly in the oven, and the result exceeds all expectations.
