New Year's ways to decorate dishes. Decorating New Year's dishes on the festive table: the best examples with photos, ideas and tips

One of the important stages of preparation for everyone’s favorite holiday - the New Year - is thinking over the menu for the festive table.

But it's not enough just to cook delicious dishes- the table and food on it must be beautifully decorated.

What should the New Year's table setting be like? Of course, it will be festive and bright, and this can be achieved by carefully considering the table design and options for decorating dishes.

In most cases, the table is decorated in accordance with the symbolism of the coming year. For decoration, images of the patron saint of the coming year are used. But there are a number of ideas that are relevant every year.

From this article you will learn how to beautifully decorate dishes, what methods of decorating a table for the New Year are considered classic and what you need to consider in order to festive decoration The dishes turned out solemn and stylish.

New Year's table decor, photo

Choosing a style for decoration

First of all, make a plan for decorating the table for the holiday. It is preferable that the decor idea be combined with the interior design of the room. If you decorate the table brighter than the furniture, attention will be focused on it, but not in all cases you can mix colors in living rooms.

Combinations of shades should look harmonious, and with big amount This tones are difficult to achieve.

When choosing a discreet light tablecloth without a pattern and when minimum quantity accessories, decorating dishes on the New Year's table, made by yourself, will help make the design bright.

Decorating festive table dishes with your own hands, photo

There are many successful options for decorating a table for the New Year, corresponding to a certain style direction. For example, it will demonstrate solemnity traditional style. This option involves a combination of universal white, classic holiday colors - red and golden tones.

You can make the table setting more varied with the help of an emerald shade.

The traditional New Year's table decor necessarily uses candles in beautifully decorated candlesticks, wine glasses on high legs with golden edging, beautiful cutlery polished to a shine and a tablecloth with patterns. Often the table setting is complemented by embroidered napkins that match the classic design.

One of the most popular patterns found in table settings decorated for the New Year is a bright checkered pattern on the tablecloth and napkins.

DIY New Year's table decoration, photo

Traditional decor is colorful, but it's not to everyone's taste. There is another option - decorating in a winter style using cold colors. The perfect combination– a combination of white, pale blue and blue shades. Silver cutlery will add elegance to the table setting.

This combination makes it possible to focus attention on the table decor and presentation of dishes. You can also place small gifts wrapped in bright paper on the table, use Christmas tree decorations and other New Year's accessories in the design.

New Year's tables, photo - the most beautiful decoration

The latest fashion trend is eco-design. And considering the fact that you can use real pine branches in the design, this style is perfect for New Year's table setting.
The design does not end with emerald color; you can also use another shade that is consistent with the symbolism of the coming year.

Advice. Add light colors to the New Year's color scheme (for example, white or an elegant beige shade): they will add elegance to the design.

Holiday decoration New Year's table, photo

Most modern design trends have similar features to minimalism. Taking this into account, even a laconic table design for the New Year will not become less solemn.

Recommendation. Replace numerous accessories on the table with several practical and elegant decorative elements: decorative candles, plain vases, dishes with bright colors but simple shapes.

Once you have decided on your design style, consider the decor holiday dishes. You can decorate dishes in a New Year's style using in various ways, depending on the characteristics of the dishes that you are going to treat your guests to on New Year's Eve.

New Year's menu

Tradition to serve on the occasion of the New Year celebration a large number of dishes are old.
Of course, you don’t have to spend all day at the stove, but there are dishes that definitely need to be prepared for the New Year:

Decorating the table with bright fruits, vegetables and small snacks looks beautiful. Place, for example, an imitation Christmas tree in the central part of the table. To fasten the parts, use toothpicks or place the elements on a plate, creating a Christmas tree shape.

Decoration fruit desserts for the festive table, photo

Edible decorative elements on the table should be placed in such a way that the proportionality of the design is maintained. Considering this moment, large dishes place them in the central part, and the smaller ones closer to the edges.

Let's look at some interesting ideas for decorating dishes.

Decorate main dishes and appetizers

To decorate the main dishes, use sprigs of dill and parsley, beautifully cut slices of vegetables, onion rings. Make New Year's inscriptions on dishes using mayonnaise.

If fish is chosen as the main dish, garnish it with pre-cooked carrots (cut them in the form of flowers or twist them in a spiral), and lemon slices.

For decoration meat dishes Red cranberries or green olives are suitable.

Decoration New Year's dishes, photo

On the Internet you can find many master classes demonstrating ways to decorate unusable dishes. For example, you can stuff peppers and use greens to decorate them, creating small Christmas trees from them.

To decorate imitations of Christmas trees, pieces of cucumbers, carrots or peppers are suitable.

You can make mini rolls from lavash with delicious filling. Place the rolls on large lettuce leaves- so that it looks like a Christmas tree. It is very easy to add brightness to the dish; for this you will need herbs, pomegranate seeds and pepper.

Make appetizer skewers to complement other dishes. To decorate, use cheese, sausage, shrimp, boiled eggs, vegetables.

For a holiday, the decor of dishes made from butter And boiled eggs. Give your oil a bright color using boiled beets or carrots. Cut boiled eggs into cubes and decorate sandwiches or other small dishes with them. By mixing these ingredients you will create an unusual New Year's table decor.

Decorating holiday dishes with your own hands, photo

The decoration in the form of little penguins made from carrots, boiled eggs and green olives looks equally advantageous. The parts are held together with toothpicks.

The video below is a wonderful master class on decorating holiday dishes with carrot roses:

Decor of salads and sweet dishes

Now let’s move on to decorating the salads, which you can easily do with your own hands. The most common option for decorating salads for serving at a New Year's feast is to create patterns on them that imitate Christmas trees.

Christmas tree designs are formed from sprigs of dill and parsley. This type of food decoration is suitable for almost all salads, the main thing is to give them a neat shape.

We decorate dishes with our own hands, photo

To decorate the main New Year's salad - Olivier - in most cases, greens, pomegranate seeds, and black olives are used.

Advice: To decorate the salad beautifully, use shapes in the form of stars, Christmas trees and other figures.

Another original way decorate salads for New Year's feast- form a dial on them or make a New Year's inscription from cucumber, carrot, and cheese cut into strips.

Give homemade salad decorations an original configuration of stars, spirals, and thin slices.

Get creative and serve salads outside of regular dishes, but in baskets made from the peels of grapefruits or other citrus fruits. This design is one hundred percent consistent with the New Year theme.

If options original jewelry don’t come to mind - use beautiful dishes. For example, the “herring under a fur coat” salad can be served in large dish made of glass, through the walls of which all layers will be visible: this technique will add brightness to the serving.

The most interesting thing is the decor of New Year's desserts. If you buy New Year's pie or other confectionery, you don’t have to worry about their design. Decorate your own prepared desserts with cream and fruit slices.

DIY decoration of dishes for the festive table, photo

Most often as New Year's dessert gingerbread or carved cookies are served. To decorate them, use colored icing or melted chocolate.

Nuances of festive serving

The decoration of the table set for the New Year celebration is not limited to decorating the dishes.

The last step is serving and selecting accessories. There may be several decoration options.

For decoration, you can use napkins made of paper or fabric with a New Year's pattern. This option is especially relevant if there is no tablecloth or it is plain.

Napkins are laid out next to the plates or folded, giving them original forms, for example, triangular. For decoration use ribbons, rain or special holders. Until the plates are filled, napkins can be placed on them.

In rare cases, there are no candles on the New Year's table. These decorative elements make the atmosphere in the room more cozy, and after it gets dark, they will also serve as a source of light on the table.

Candles can be placed on the table different forms and sizes, made in the form of New Year's characters.

It’s easy to make New Year’s candles with your own hands: decorate them with stickers or decorate them using the decoupage technique. Beads, coffee beans, and ribbons are suitable for decorating candles.

Place candles made in the same color in beautiful candlesticks. You can make them with your own hands from glasses or other utensils. If the candles are small, place them in a glass container filled with water.

To decorate the table for the New Year, compositions created from candles, Christmas tree balls, berries, pine branches, and fruits are used. Volumetric compositions look most advantageous in the central part of the table.

Among the materials suitable for New Year's decor, it is worth noting tangerines and coniferous branches, just arrange them in different parts table and complement the decoration with pine cones. Several branches can be placed in a bowl of water.

It is also recommended to use beads, ribbons, and rain as decorative elements for the New Year's table, primarily tableware.

A good idea for decorating a table for the New Year are small gifts in bright packaging, located next to the guests' plates. You can put sweets or New Year's souvenirs in the boxes.

Read about how you can make a tree of happiness with your own hands with photos and video explanations.

You can view photos of decorations for the New Year's table at:

And do not forget about the design of glasses, as well as bottles, if they do not have an exquisite design in themselves. Ribbons tied around the neck will help decorate the bottles. The stems of the glasses are also decorated with ribbons. Glass can also be decorated with New Year's inscriptions, stickers, patterns or rhinestones.

To decorate the New Year's table, stock up on tinsel, beads, beautiful pieces of fabric, and rain.

There are many ways to decorate a table for the New Year. It’s not difficult to create an original and bright design with your own hands if you wish.

Show your imagination, and you will definitely get a successful decor - such that guests will admire not only the deliciously prepared dishes, but also the original and solemn decoration of the festive table.

December has already wrapped the earth with its icy winds and prickly snow shawl, winter has come into its own, which means that the atmosphere is already beginning to take shape day after day. New Year's holidays. It does not appear and capture us all at once, when we tear off the penultimate sheet of the calendar, but grows gradually, from the very first day of December. The most magical time has already arrived - the anticipation of the holiday. Throughout December, we have time to thoroughly enjoy the pre-holiday bustle. Run around the shops in search of a wide variety of gifts and holiday outfits, bring home a fragrant Christmas tree, decorate it with old glass toys and watch many New Year and Christmas films, imbued with the feeling of the holiday and beginning to believe in miracles with all your soul.

There is always a lot of hassle in December, but on December 31 there is simply an indecent amount of it, and suddenly, somehow you immediately have to do something that, at first glance, does not require any special preparation. For example, we are faced with the procedure of decorating New Year's dishes, which for some reason we rarely think about in advance, hoping that we can quickly come up with something during the cooking process. However, decorating New Year's dishes is a matter that requires not only imagination, but also time, which is usually tight on New Year's Eve, because there is so much to do, prepare, serve, decorate, and you also want to put yourself in order and celebrate the New Year itself , not falling asleep from fatigue immediately after the chimes!

You should think about decorating New Year's dishes in advance, at the same time as you plan holiday menu to have time to purchase everything you need to decorate your culinary masterpieces. Oddly enough, nothing more successful and original than greens, vegetables, fruits, ice and powdered sugar has yet been invented. No, of course, in beautiful photographs there can be all kinds of beads wound around chicken, sandwiches or salad, Christmas decorations and paper snowflakes, however, this option for decorating New Year’s dishes can hardly be called convenient and applicable at home. Therefore, we will focus on natural jewelry. To decorate meat dishes you can’t do without greens; lettuce leaves are the most useful. different varieties, fresh parsley, dill and basil. Thin slices of lemon or orange, cherry tomatoes, bunches of grapes or berries are also useful. From solid fresh tomatoes You can make roses; to do this, cut off the skin with a thin long layer, about 1-1.5 cm wide, and wrap it in the shape of a rose. Place thin lemon slices, bell pepper slices and onion rings on a plate.

Even though the year of the dragon is coming, focus on creating all kinds of salads with the image of his image and likeness is not worth it. However, if you still want to see a water dragon on your table, then you can decorate one dish in a similar way, for example, fish. Prepare it as planned, whole or cut into portioned pieces, but do not throw away the head, but cook it along with the rest of the fish. Place lettuce leaves on a plate, place pieces of fish on them in a circle, cut the onion into rings and place it along the inner edge of the fish so that it looks like a ridge along the body of a dragon. Place the head on the first piece, garnish it with mayonnaise, black peppercorns and pickled ginger or a fluffy bunch of dill. This decoration of a New Year's dish will not take much time, and your table will be decorated with a water dragon curled up on a plate.

The decoration of the New Year's dish can be apples, nuts, cinnamon sticks, anise, raisins and powdered sugar. And if you combine all this beauty together, you get great dessert. Cut off the top of the apples and peel out the core. Fill the apples with finely chopped pulp, raisins and walnuts, all of which can be seasoned a small amount honey, cover the apples with cut lids and place them on a plate. Also place raisins on the plate, walnuts or just their kernels, place a few cinnamon sticks and anise, sprinkle everything with a thin layer of powdered sugar. Anise and cinnamon can not only serve as a wonderful decoration for almost any New Year's dish, but also fill the house with their warm and cozy New Year's aroma, and powdered sugar will dust your dessert with fresh December snow.

What's New Year's Eve without sandwiches? Usually it never comes to decorating them, what kind of decoration, when the guests are already on the way, there would be time to cut everything that is needed! The most regular sandwiches can become a real masterpiece on your New Year's table if you decorate them beautifully. What can become a decoration? All the same greenery bell pepper or tomatoes. The most ordinary toasts with cream cheese, on which they placed a green Christmas tree, a star or a green snowman, will be remembered by guests for a long time! To save time, cut out stencils from cardboard in advance, finely chop the greens and decorate your New Year's dish. The Christmas tree can be decorated not only in the house, but also on sandwiches; for this, cut the tomato or bell pepper into very small pieces and place them in a chaotic order on the greens.

Fresh berries, although a terribly expensive pleasure in the cold season, are simply irreplaceable for decorating New Year's dishes. And the time saved is worth spending a little, not to mention the fact that in itself fresh berries They will create a real sensation on the New Year's table and will be eaten in a matter of seconds. When can berries come in handy? For example, if you baked a cake or pastry that you don’t have time to decorate, or that doesn’t look very festive in itself. Place cream on the cake or pastry, make sides out of it and place a small mound of strawberries or raspberries; if it is a cake, then 1 berry for each is enough. Decorate the top with cream using pastry syringe. You will get the most New Year's dessert in the form of a Santa Claus hat from the most summer ingredients!

Everyone knows that the New Year smells of tangerines or oranges; something warm, homely and incredibly fragrant is mixed into this smell, familiar to everyone from childhood. This whole bouquet smells of cinnamon, vanilla and cloves. You can combine all these smells in one decoration for a New Year's dish. The dishes will carry all these seductive aromas. Cut off the tops of the oranges and thoroughly clean them of the pulp, prepare all your reserves of cloves and garnish with them. orange peel. The smell will waft throughout the house! In these orange bowls you can serve ice cream, fruit dessert or salad containing oranges. Whatever you serve, this dish will become a real decoration for your New Year's table!

Cloves can decorate not only orange bowls, but also the dishes themselves. Surely there will be mulled wine or fruit compote. For such hot drinks, cinnamon, anise and cloves will become not only a decoration, but also an integral part of the composition. Cloves and anise, along with pears, apricots and prunes, will add to the compote original taste, and mulled wine has an incomparable aroma, and will look great as a decoration in transparent glasses filled with your favorite drink. In addition, cinnamon sticks can be tied with a ribbon and simply placed as a decoration on the table next to the New Year's dish. An excellent decoration for mulled wine would be dried orange peel, peeled off in a thin layer about 1 cm wide and sprinkled with chopped cinnamon.

Not a single New Year is complete without baking. Every year, thinking about decorating New Year's dishes, we cut out all kinds of figures from dough, paint them with icing, and decorate them. powdered sugar, beautifully tie several pieces at a time with ribbon. This year we invite you to relax and not waste 2-3 hours of precious time preparing icing and decorating cookies. It is beautiful in itself. Just choose the right bowl, garnish the orange with the remaining cloves, place a few anise stars and a couple of cinnamon sticks on top, you can add a few spirals of orange peel for flavor. This is the most natural, fragrant and beautiful decoration New Year's dishes.

The New Year's table is the very center of the holiday, because congratulations are heard at it, champagne is poured and the most cherished wishes are made as the chimes strike. Therefore, you want it to look festive and cozy, and for this you need to try: stock up on new ideas and spend a little time decorating New Year's dishes. However, if the holiday is already approaching, and for decoration New Year's Eve dinner there’s no time left, don’t be upset, because the festive atmosphere depends not on the table, but on Have a good mood and warm friendly company. Happy New Year!

As they say, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it... Therefore, to create a sincere, warm, festive atmosphere in the house and at the table, you need to work hard! The rooms are cleaned, the decorations are hung, the aroma of tangerines, pine needles, fresh baked goods is in the air... Now you need to think about how to decorate the New Year's table.

I really want this magical holiday to be fun and memorable for my family for a long time! Every year I look forward to it festive feast we are looking for new interesting recipes, trying to surprise our loved ones with something new, we come up with original ideas serving dishes and festive table decoration.
We try to make your task easier in the pre-holiday bustle by selecting the most extraordinary ideas for decorating New Year's dishes!

How to decorate New Year's dishes

Boiled eggs give you plenty of room to use your creative skills! Black peppercorns serve as eyes and buttons for these snowmen, and they remain stable thanks to a wooden skewer.

Penguins from Antarctica will surely delight your little one! To prevent them from tipping over, cut off the bottom of the egg.

Well, where would we be without classic fly agarics in a forest clearing...

Original in New Year's style set the right mood.

Shape and filling - to your taste!

You can bake snack dumplings with garlic from yeast dough, placing them on a baking sheet in the shape of a Christmas tree. When serving, sprinkle the baked goods with fresh chopped herbs.

A New Year's wreath can show off not only on the door! Give your favorite salad a wreath shape.

Sliced ​​cheese in the shape of a wreath... As an option!

Funny canapes in the shape of ladybugs will help quench the children's voracious appetite before serving the main courses.

A new role for the classic and beloved “Squirrel” salad.

A mini snack, but rather an edible decoration on the table in the form of Christmas boots. For the correct cut, you will have to remember your geometry lessons :)

You can decorate the New Year's table with imagination by decorating chocolate cake or a themed pie.

It's time for desserts! Strawberries and cream have no competition, and if you approach the issue creatively, you get simply unforgettable masterpieces!

The little strawberry Santas are so cute!

New Year's style will not even pass by fruits.

Surely the cupcakes you bake will amaze everyone with their flavor shades! And thanks to their unique design, they will become real stars of the holiday party.

The New Year's table is always the center of attention of guests. How to decorate it beautifully and originally, using improvised means, read the article.

The table for the New Year's celebration requires much more attention than on other holidays. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, there is such freedom for imagination!

Of course, every year dictates its own rules and sets restrictions. But without giving up the traditional Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat, you can come up with many non-standard dishes. And the table setting is varied: from formal for a corporate meeting to cheerful for a children's party.

Options for decorating the New Year's holiday table

Classic style: red and white with gold

Setting a festive table in red and white was and remains timeless. Majestic and elegant. By adding gold in the form of decor for glasses and cutlery, the decoration takes on an even more solemn sound.

These colors can be combined in completely different ways. White tablecloth, red napkins, checkered coasters and so on.

Each personal place is decorated with additional New Year or Christmas elements. These are embroidered napkins, Christmas tree branches, tinsel and serpentine. Cutlery is packed in bags specially made for the New Year. There is a sense of solemnity, anticipation of joy and happiness in everything.

Icy reflections of the snowy kingdom

Much less often, among the options for decorating the New Year's holiday table, blue and other cold shades are used, unless, of course, there is a special theme for such a decision or the personal preferences of the owners. The change of color will reduce the solemnity a little, but along with it some stiffness will go away, and lightness and fun will appear. Serving in cold colors most often serves as an addition to the overall decoration of the home.

Minimalism, ecology and other styles

Adherents of a particular style will make the table setting elegant without much difficulty. A wooden table without a tablecloth, complemented by pine cones and twigs laid out on it, will look environmentally friendly. Linen napkins, jute twine for attaching toys - everything natural is welcome.

Minimalism in blue tones will delight high-tech lovers. No frills in the form of tinsel, no glamorous glitter. It is laconic, however, but looks stylish.

Delicious New Year's table decorations

Dishes prepared for a New Year's party serve as decorative elements in themselves. Hot dishes, salads, fruit plates - every housewife strives to come up with something unusual, to diversify the delicious decorations of the New Year's table.

New Year's decorations on the table from food, products and dishes

The highlight of the main dish, which sets the mood for the entire feast, can be its design taking into account the Chinese horoscope. For example, 2017 was the year of the Rooster. That's why roast rooster or chicken on beautiful dish will come in handy. Bright slices of oranges and apples, parsley, onions, cucumbers and tomatoes will help to present them beautifully.

Stuffed peppers loved by many gourmets. Simple manipulations will help you turn an ordinary dish into something unusual - plant a Christmas tree in each pepper, using a carrot, a cucumber, or the same pepper, only in a different shape and color. But the stuffing recipe itself doesn’t need to be changed!

Cheese, meat and seafood plates will also decorate the table if you shape them, combining not only products, but colors and shapes. Supplemented with shaggy sprigs of spices reminiscent of Christmas trees, the dishes will look great.

New Year's decorations from food, products and dishes include sweets. And the cake requires New Year's decoration, which, by the way, can even be made from regular cheese. Cut out the Christmas trees with a sharp knife and place them in the chocolate meadow.

New Year's table decoration from fruits and vegetables

Tangerines, oranges, pineapple and apples are the most New Year's fruits. Make and place an unusual Christmas tree in the center of the New Year's table using fruit slices. This is not difficult: slices of citrus fruits, pears, apples, and grapes are placed on a pineapple base using skewers so that the resulting shape is a cone.

Tangerines are also shaped like a beautiful Christmas tree if there are a lot of them. Mixed with fir branches they will decorate the living room.

The Christmas tree theme can be used for all types of vegetables and fruits.

Decorate the New Year's table with fruits and vegetables in the Year of the Rat in the shape of these animals. Pineapple, watermelon and a little imagination.

Decorating salads on the New Year's table

The traditional Olivier salad is never alone at a holiday. There will definitely be bright colorful culinary masterpieces nearby. Having prepared the salad according to regular recipe, but decorate it with shaggy dill, parsley, thin carrot shavings and olive and pomegranate beads. As a result, you will put a colorful New Year's wreath on the table.

Using finely chopped egg white, carrot sticks, red bell pepper, it’s easy and simple to decorate a salad with a dense consistency. Decorating salads for the New Year's table is not a problem, the main thing is that the salads themselves are tasty and appetizing.

Decorating the New Year's table with napkins

An ordinary fabric napkin, beautifully folded and decorated with New Year's paraphernalia, looks very festive on a white plate.

To give the napkin an even more New Year's look, it is folded in the shape of a Christmas tree and complemented with thin tinsel, ribbons and artificial small fruits. Or place it on a plate in a cone.

Decorating the New Year's table with napkins may require preliminary preparation. For example, double-sided fabric napkins may well complement the New Year's print of paper ones. But you will have to sew them in advance.

Decorating the New Year's table with candles

The New Year's table setting will remain incomplete if there are no candles. It doesn’t matter whether they are large or small, colored or plain, handmade or bought at a nearby store! The main thing is that they exist. The light of a candle will turn an ordinary evening into fabulous magic.

Depending on the overall design and the availability of free space on dining table choosing a design for the candle. There can be a lot of them on the table if space allows. Or one or two, surrounded by a wreath of fir branches and Christmas tree decorations. Decorating the New Year's table with candles is not limited to one style.

Handmade candles are decorative, it’s a shame to burn them, you just want to admire them. In this case, make sure that there are simpler candles for evening gatherings.

If you decorate the candles with cinnamon sticks and orange slices, they will look like an exotic dish.

Christmas trees for decorating the New Year's table

A live Christmas tree branch lying next to a serving plate or decorating a napkin is an affordable solution. Applicable for any decoration style, since a Christmas tree is a mandatory attribute of this holiday.

And if there is no big main beauty decorated with toys, then Christmas trees on the table will be just right.

Individual small branches are placed in small containers with water and placed throughout the table. The decor is complemented with candles and pine cones. The result is a composition worthy of decorating a family holiday.

Spruce wreaths are not considered a traditional Russian decoration, but are increasingly found on holiday tables in the area with candles.

Original New Year's table decoration

It can be difficult to come up with an original decoration for the New Year's table, but ideas can be found on the Internet. For example, why not use the technique of decorating with candles not in classic candlesticks, but using the bottoms of glasses, as in the photo.

Turn the tall stemmed wine glasses upside down and place candles on their bases. Illumination is much better with a high fire position. And unusual, interesting.

Use brightly colored wrapping paper to wrap small gifts. This is very easy and quick to do: collapse in the usual way bag and everything is ready. Place some sweets inside and on a plate for each guest. Quite the recipe will do for serving the dessert part of the dinner.

Bottles can be used for more than just drinks. An unusual lamp will look great on the table. Place a New Year's garland in a champagne bottle, decorate it with sparkles, rhinestones and tinsel - a flickering light will decorate evening gatherings, creating a festive atmosphere.

Or dress the bottles in winter clothes!

Unusual decoration the table can be made from orange peels. Use cookie cutters to cut stars, slices baked in the oven, and decorate candles.

When setting up a table, don't forget about the chairs. Decorate the backrests with the same decor that was used for table setting.

Simple New Year's table decorations: photos

Decorating the New Year's table with your own hands does not require much time and effort. Several sheets of white writing paper, scissors - snow-white snowflakes look great on a colored tablecloth or napkins.

Fasten regular napkins with New Year’s “rain” and tinsel - simple, affordable and, most importantly, elegant!

If not exotic vegetables and fruits - make from regular salad mound and decorate it with the same vegetables you have on hand.

Decorating a children's New Year's table: photo

The children's table should not be overloaded with cutlery and complex decorations, so as not to worry about broken cups. Children will be delighted by dishes made in the shape of snowmen, Santa Clauses and other winter fairy tale heroes.

As for the actual serving, show your imagination here too, or even better, involve the kids themselves in the process. Put funny hats on drink bottles and tie beautiful bows on spoons. Buy napkins with a bright pattern that your child can understand.

In any business, it is important to stop in time. Do not overload the holiday table with details; after all, it is intended for food, not for decoration. Products also do not tolerate crowding.

Be careful when using candles, especially thin ones: use special candlesticks to hold them without falling until they burn out completely. And do not decorate the composition with candles with flammable decor: dry spruce branches, nylon bows, etc.

Do not use candles on children's table, the toothpicks used to fasten the parts of the fruit tree, as described above, are also not the best option for children's dishes. Better fruit plate make it a little more prosaic, but safe.

Use disposable decorations, so you can part with your used decor the day after the holiday without much regret.

Decorate the house and set the table with the whole family. It's fun and will help you become friends.

Video: New Year's table setting
