We make homemade wine from chokeberries. Chokeberry wine at home: A simple recipe without yeast for chokeberry wine with cherry leaves and apples

It is easy to find chokeberry in our latitudes; it grows in gardens, forests, and plantings. It is rarely used for home winemaking due to its distinctive bitterness and astringency. On the other hand, chokeberry is particularly beneficial for the body. The right recipe will help you make something delicious Home wine from this berry. Wine from chokeberry in moderation can solve many health problems.

What is chokeberry

Chokeberry (chokeberry) is a fruit shrub or tree about 2 m tall. The leaves in the photo can be confused with cherries. The shiny berries of chokeberry are black-purple or black with a bluish tinge. They have a sweet and sour taste with an astringent tartness. The latter is strongly expressed if the berries are unripe. You can grow the plant on your own plot as an ornamental, medicinal or food plant. The berries ripen in August-September.

Homemade black rowan wine is very healthy. Aronia berries contain a rich complex of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, sugars, tannins and pectin. The fruit contains boron, fluorine, iron, beta-carotene, glucose, fructose, sucrose and many vitamins. Chokeberry contains 2 times more vitamin P than black currants, 20 times more than apples and oranges. The iodine content is 4 times higher than in strawberries, raspberries and gooseberries.

Thanks to special properties The fruits are used for the treatment and prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis. Great benefit Chokeberry helps with gastritis with low acidity. It is recommended to use the fruits of the plant for vascular diseases, which are accompanied by fragility of the vascular wall and high permeability. Such diseases include:

  • measles;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • eczema;
  • scarlet fever;
  • allergic vasculitis.

Pectic substances are removed from the body by radio active substances, heavy metals, various pathogenic microorganisms. Pectins have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve spasms, and remove excess bile from the body. Chokeberry can strengthen blood vessels, making their walls more elastic and resilient. Homemade chokeberry wine normalizes arterial pressure, lowers blood cholesterol levels.

It is recommended to use chokeberry in cases of low platelet levels in the blood, bleeding, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, allergies. Research by doctors has shown that chokeberry improves liver function. Regular use fruit leads to strengthening immune system, improves functioning endocrine system.

How to make chokeberry wine

Homemade wines are always better and healthier than store-bought counterparts. Winemakers have developed 3 techniques for preparing a drink from chokeberry:

  1. classical;
  2. fermentation;
  3. like a Cahors.

The classic technique is simple. The juice is obtained from fresh berries chokeberries, the pulp is not subjected to heat treatment. Then sugar and yeast are added to the pulp. The big drawback of this technology is that the berry juice is not used effectively. A lot of juice and nutrients remain in the gruel. Many housewives do not throw away the pulp when using this technology, but make jam and other sweets from it.

The fermentation method is the most popular among those who make homemade chokeberry wine. The berries are thoroughly mashed and the juice is squeezed out of them. The liquid is poured into a clean container and sent to the cold. The pulp is filled with water and left for the fermentation process. The mixture is stirred frequently so that the product does not spoil. After this, the pulp is squeezed out, the resulting liquid is combined with the previously squeezed juice. The process then proceeds in the classical way. The only drawback of this technique is that the pulp is capricious and requires constant monitoring.

Cahors technology is also known. Even beginners can make homemade chokeberry wine this way. The juice should be squeezed out of the mashed berries. The remaining pulp is immediately poured hot water– about 80 degrees. The mixture should sit for a day until it swells. After the time has passed, you need to squeeze out the pulp and mix the liquid with the previously obtained juice. The pulp can be thermally processed up to 3 times.

Homemade chokeberry wine recipe

Chokeberry wine is often prepared at home, although it does cause some difficulties in production. The easiest way to force chokeberry to release juice is through fermentation. The process should take 7–9 days, the pulp should be mixed 2 times a day. Another possible difficulty is that any drink made from black rowan can taste bitter. It’s easy to avoid this: pick the berries after frost hits, then the rowan berries lose their excess bitterness.

Homemade black rowan wine will be clear if you pour it during fermentation into a clean container once a week. To activate fermentation, you can add raisins. Try not to touch the sediment. Continue this procedure until fermentation is complete. Then bottle the wine and leave it to mature. If you notice that homemade drink becomes cloudy, pour it into clean bottles.

With vodka

This recipe is the simplest, almost basic. Homemade chokeberry wine with vodka does not have any unnecessary ingredients. If desired, you can experiment with the amount of sugar to achieve good taste. Received fortified wine has a pleasant woody color and characteristic smell rowan. The strength does not interfere with enjoying the taste; the homemade drink warms you well in winter.


  • chokeberry berries – 1 kg;
  • vodka – 1 l;
  • sugar – 500 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort and wash the black rowan berries. Place them in a jar.
  2. Add a liter of vodka there.
  3. Add 500 grams of sugar, mix the contents thoroughly.
  4. Close the jar with a lid. Place in a dark place for 60–70 days. The wine should be infused for room temperature. The vessel needs to be shaken once every 4-5 days.
  5. At the end of the period, the finished drink must be strained through cheesecloth. Pour the purified wine into bottles and cap tightly.

With cherry leaves

Black chokeberry wines are valued for their special aromas and tart flavor. Cherry leaves can enhance the aroma and taste of the drink. This recipe for chokeberry wine allows you to make medicinal drink as quickly as possible. Making a homemade drink is so easy that even inexperienced housewife. You can make the drink in the evening and serve it the next day.


  • black chokeberry berries – 1 cup;
  • cherry leaves– 100 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • vodka – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Fill the cherry leaves with chokeberry with water and put on fire. Boil the ingredients for 15 minutes.
  2. Cool, squeeze out the leaves.
  3. Add citric acid and sugar into a saucepan, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. The mixture should not boil too much.
  4. Cool the drink and filter.
  5. Pour vodka into the cooled broth and stir.
  6. Let the wine sit for 6-8 hours and you can start drinking.


Cooked chokeberry wine different at home special taste and aroma. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions until the end of the fermentation process. You will understand that the process is over when the wine brightens and carbon dioxide stops escaping through the water seal. Full maturation will end in 6 months. The taste of the drink according to this recipe resembles syrup due to the spice.


  • chokeberry berries – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 4 kg;
  • cinnamon – 5 g;
  • vodka – 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort through the berries and mash them with a wooden pestle or your hands. No need to wash them. Unwashed fruits contain natural yeast.
  2. Place the product in a wide-necked container, you can use a basin or bucket. Cover the vessel with a cloth and place it in a warm place.
  3. Stir the berries as often as possible until the fermentation process begins.
  4. After 8-9 days, squeeze the juice out of the pulp and carefully filter it several times.
  5. Place the juice in a fermentation container and wait for the fermentation process to complete.
  6. Carefully filter the wine and mix with vodka. Bottle the drink.
  7. Seal the bottles tightly and place in a cool place.


Chokeberry (chokeberry) begins to ripen in early September, and the harvest can be harvested in about a month - during this time the nutritional value culture is only increasing. The fruits of chokeberry are considered medicinal and are widely used in medicinal and culinary purposes. So, from these berries with dark red pulp and sweetness, a little tart taste, it turns out excellent jam, jam, jelly, juice, compote and even wine. Regular use of such useful preparations Helps lower blood pressure, activate liver function and strengthen the immune system. Today we will learn how to make chokeberry wine at home - without yeast, with cherry leaves, apples autumn varieties, from fresh and frozen berries. In our selection you will find simple step by step recipes with photos and videos of making homemade chokeberry wine of different strengths. Thick and rich, such a drink will become a decoration festive table and will perfectly complement the taste of your favorite dishes.

Dessert wine from chokeberry at home - recipe without yeast, with step-by-step photos

In our latitudes, several varieties of chokeberry are grown, which make excellent dessert and fortified wines. The technology for making this healthy alcoholic drink at home is extremely simple - even a novice winemaker can master the process. Today we will do homemade dessert wine from chokeberry without adding yeast, and for clarity we offer a recipe with step by step photos. Of course, you will have to be patient, because fermenting the wine will take at least two months. However, the result is worth it - at the New Year's festive table you will be able to raise a glass of an exquisite ruby ​​drink with a subtle intoxicating aroma. Enjoy your tasting!

Necessary ingredients for making homemade wine from chokeberries:

  • chokeberry – 10 – 12 kg
  • sugar – 6 – 7 glasses
  • water – 1 l

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for chokeberry dessert wine without yeast - at home, with photos:

  1. To make wine, freshly picked black rowan berries do not need to be washed - otherwise the beneficial bacteria necessary for the fermentation process will be washed away.

  2. We pass the prepared chokeberry through a meat grinder or crush it with our hands - the berries should release juice. In the latter case, be careful not to splash clothes and kitchen walls with stubborn stains.

  3. Pour sugar into the resulting berry mass - about ½ cup per 1 kg of chopped rowan. When adding sugar, you must strictly adhere to the recipe, because an excess of the sweet ingredient at this stage can hopelessly ruin the wine. Mix with your hands, distributing the sugar throughout the mixture, and cover the container with a lid. Then we place the future wine in a warm place for fermentation - at a temperature of no more than +25 degrees. Leave the container with wine for about a week, remembering to stir periodically.

  4. After the specified time, the chokeberry berries should swell properly and float to the surface. If you place your hand in the berry mass and foam appears, this will be a signal for the next stage of preparation.

  5. We select the pulp from the fermented liquid and squeeze it thoroughly - it is best to do this with your hands. Place the remaining berry pulp in a separate container and set aside for now. We pass the wine through a sieve.

  6. Pour the strained chokeberry wine into glass jars - according to our recipe, you will need 2 containers with a volume of 5 liters.

  7. Now let's return to the remaining pulp - fill it with sugar (1 glass) and pour in a liter of cold bottled water. Then you need to mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave for a week to ferment again.

  8. We close the wine jars with a water seal, which can be purchased in a store or made with your own hands - from a regular screw cap and an outlet tube. Place the sealed jars in a cool, dark place.

  9. The pulp sent for re-fermentation needs to be passed through a sieve a couple of times.

  10. Now remove the water seals from the cans and use a spoon to remove the foam from the surface of the drink.

  11. We add the liquid that formed after straining the pulp into the jars and close it again with a water seal. We send the bottles to a cool, dark place.

  12. Over the next month, we regularly remove the foam, and also periodically filter the wine - pour it from one container to another. In addition, once a month you need to pour rowan wine through a thin tube, under which a separate container is placed. This filtration will provide the drink with a special unique taste and absence of impurities.

  13. To activate the activity of the “necessary” bacteria, add ammonia– one drop per liter of drink. We repeat the “injections” every two weeks.

  14. After a month of fermentation, you need to increase the frequency of filtration - once every 1 - 2 weeks. The procedure will significantly improve the taste of the drink.

  15. Young wine takes on a light color and tastes sour. At this stage, you can add sugar - at the rate of a tablespoon per liter. To do this we place required quantity sugar into a linen bag, which we then tie with a rope and lower into a jar of wine. We close the water seal and wait about a week until the sugar is completely dissolved, after which we remove the bag.

  16. Pour homemade chokeberry wine into bottles and leave uncorked for a while - the drink should be completely fermented. That's it, you can start tasting!

How to make wine from chokeberry berries at home - a simple video recipe

Chokeberry has an extremely positive influence on the functioning of the digestive organs, thyroid gland and liver. In addition, due to the content of anthocyanins in its composition, chokeberry berries significantly reduce the risk of cancer. Wine and other products made from this unique natural raw material fully adopt all of its healing properties. How to make wine from chokeberry berries at home? A simple video recipe will reveal all the secrets and intricacies of home winemaking - at the end you will get a useful alcoholic drink With unusual taste and aroma.

Homemade chokeberry wine with cherry leaves - recipe, photo

To prepare chokeberry wine according to our recipe with photo, you will need cherry leaves, which give the drink richness and a pronounced taste. For strength, you can add vodka to chokeberry wine, and with sugar the drink will become sweet and delicious.

List of ingredients for the recipe for homemade fortified wine from chokeberries and cherry leaves:

  • chokeberry berries – 100 gr.
  • cherry leaves – 100 gr.
  • sugar – 800 gr.
  • water – 0.8 – 1 l
  • vodka – 0.5 l
  • citric acid – 2 tsp.

The procedure for making wine from chokeberry berries and cherry leaves at home:

  1. We wash the chokeberry berries, sort them and place them with cherry leaves in enamel pan. Fill with water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. After boiling, add sugar and citric acid and cook over low heat for another 20 minutes. If desired, you can add less sugar than indicated in the recipe.
  3. Cool the berry syrup, filter through a sieve and pour in vodka. The resulting drink is bottled and kept for a couple of weeks. Try it for your health!

Recipe for wine from chokeberries and apples at home, video

Homemade wine from chokeberries and apples has exquisite taste with a slight sourness, and the color is simply mesmerizing - bright and transparent. Prepare chokeberry wine at home using our video recipe. fresh apples, and you will delight your loved ones and guests with a healthy and divinely tasty drink.

How to make wine from chokeberries and plums at home - using a simple video recipe

Ripe plums pleasantly soften the “classic” astringency of chokeberry wine, giving a unique delicate taste and aroma. How to make wine from chokeberries and plums at home? We stock up on berries and fruits, be patient and follow the simple video recipe.

How to make chokeberry wine at home? We have selected simple recipes with photos and videos of homemade wine made from chokeberries - without yeast, with cherry leaves, apples, plums. Sticking to step by step instructions recipes, you will prepare a tasty and healthy alcoholic drink that will decorate any holiday table. Happy home winemaking!

The season for making fruit wine is over, but the difficult period of classic winemaking from juicy grape varieties has not yet started. It's time to deviate a little from the planned schedule to make an extraordinary homemade chokeberry wine without yeast for the whole family using one of our simple recipes. Domestic winemakers characterize the finished drink as “high quality” and there are a number of reasons for this. Despite the long and complicated preparation, the wine turns out thick, rich and very aromatic. Its tart, deep taste is more “for an amateur” than for the average gourmet. But even this can be easily corrected by combining chokeberry with apples, fresh or frozen berries, and cherry leaves. Next, we’ll talk in detail about the technology and features of preparing the sweet “drink of the Gods.”

High-quality wine from fresh chokeberry at home - a simple recipe with photos

Aronia chokeberry ("chokeberry" among the people) in our area is represented by three popular types. And none of them were interesting before local residents, as an ingredient for preparing food or drinks. Only in the last few decades has the berry gained popularity in home medicine and cosmetology, and then in cooking. Now chokeberry is a godsend for winemakers. Even the lightest wine from fresh chokeberry, prepared at home according to our simple recipe from the photo, it turns out to be of high quality, thick, extractive, with a bright ruby ​​color and a powerful aroma of autumn berries.

Necessary ingredients for high-quality homemade wine from fresh chokeberries

Step-by-step preparation of wine from fresh chokeberries at home

  • Collect 10-12 kg of ripe chokeberry. Remove the berries from the stems and leave them unwashed to preserve the yeast bacteria on the surface of the skin. Prepare the optimal vessel to begin the process.
  • On a note! The container for the first stage should be made of stainless steel or enameled metal (without cracks). Plastic, copper and aluminum cookware not suitable for winemaking.

  • Having chosen a container, start kneading the chokeberry. Carefully crush each berry with your hands. Lazy people can use a potato masher, meat grinder or other kitchen device.
  • Pour granulated sugar into the crushed berries in the proportion of 1 tbsp. for 2 kg chokeberry. To get a tart-sour drink, reduce the amount of sweetener; for a sweet dessert wine, increase the amount of sugar. But remember, excessive sweetness cannot be avoided, unlike its lack.
  • Mix the berry mixture with sugar thoroughly, feel free to dip your hand deeper into the bowl. Then cover the vessel with a lid and leave in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 25C for 7-13 days. Mix the juice with the pulp once a day or two to prevent mold from forming.
  • After a week or a week and a half, lift the container with the workpiece back and work hard with your hands, catching and squeezing the pulp from the juice. Leave the dry cake, it will be useful in further stages. Strain the juice through a kitchen sieve. Don’t worry about the purity of the liquid: any fines that slip through the holes will not harm the further winemaking process.
  • Pour all the resulting juice into two five-liter glass bottles. Considering that 12 kg of chokeberry are taken as a basis, this dish should be enough.
  • It's time to give the squeezed pulp a second life. To do this, fill the berry cake with a liter of well or bottled water and add one glass of sugar. Mix the mixture thoroughly and press the pulp to the bottom so that the liquid rises to the top. Cover the vessel with a lid and leave again for 1-1.5 weeks at +18C - +25C.
  • Protect previously squeezed and strained juice, poured into glass jars, from unnecessary contact with air. To do this, put caps with water seals on the bottles, and lower the ends of the tubes into a jar with clean water. Leave the juice for further fermentation in a cool place with a temperature not lower than +18C, but not higher than +25C.
  • Return back to the waterlogged pulp. Don't forget to stir it every day or once every two days. After 7-13 days, repeat the previously known process: squeeze out the pulp, strain the resulting juice through a sieve. This time you can throw away the cake; it will not survive a third fermentation.
  • It's time to get your first batch of juice. Remove the hydraulic seals from the bottles and carefully, using a small sieve, remove foam and any small debris from the surface of the liquid.
  • Drain the first and second batches of chokeberry juice in one huge vessel, and then distribute into two 5-liter containers. glass bottles. Return the water seals to their place and place the vessels at the desired temperature conditions for the next 7-12 days.
  • At first, remove the foam from the liquid (once every 5-7 days). But after 2 weeks, begin periodic filtration. To do this, use a thin flexible tube and additional glass bottles. Try to drain the wine each time without touching the sediment on the bottom of the jar.
  • On a note! The longer and thinner the stream when pouring, the better drink will be enriched with oxygen and become “more valuable”.

  • Wine filtration can be done not too often - once every 3-4 weeks. But there is another, important and necessary procedure that promotes the active functioning of alcoholic yeast. This is a kind of “feeding”. Add 8-10 drops of an aqueous solution of ammonium chloride (ammonia) to the entire volume of the drink after a month of seething. Continue this session once every 2 weeks.
  • 2 months after the start of the winemaking process, the drink itself will begin to lighten. But this is not at all a reason to stop removing it from the sediment. Now filtration can be carried out every two weeks to eliminate all the “used” bacteria that have settled on the bottom of the bottle.
  • A clear lightening of the wine is a sign of approaching completion. Now the liquid in bottles is, although still young, wine! Now is the time to take a sample so you can correct any taste defects. The young drink should be slightly sour, but not too sour.
  • If the acidity seems excessive to you, sweeten the wine. To do this, place the required amount of sugar in a sterile gauze bag and hang it just below the liquid level with a thread to the neck of the bottle. Put the water seal back on. Remove the bag only when the sugar has completely dissolved.
  • Ready quality wine from fresh chokeberry at home (according to a simple recipe with a photo), pour into bottles and close with lids. And only after the effects of fermentation have completely disappeared, replace the usual lids with tight sealed plugs.
  • Fragrant chokeberry wine at home: a simple recipe with video

    Despite the full details of the previous recipe for aromatic homemade wine from ripe chokeberry, we recommend watching the detailed video instructions. After all, experts say that it is better to see the winemaking process once than to hear about it several times. There are a number of small details and nuances that are noticeable only by visual observation. And if you decide to do the real thing aromatic wine from chokeberry at home, a simple recipe with video is essential for you.

    Homemade fortified wine from blueberries and chokeberries - recipe without yeast

    In general, the recipe for making fortified wine from berries (blueberries, currants, blackberries and chokeberries) without yeast is no more complicated than the recipe for other fruit and berry drinks at home. And in our case it’s even simpler. The next lesson is about quickly and simple preparation Not classic wine, but real rowan liqueur. This process does not require any heroism, and the finished drink turns out surprisingly aromatic, strong, deep and rich.

    Necessary ingredients for fortified blueberry and chokeberry wine without yeast

    • chokeberry - 1 kg
    • blueberries – 1 kg
    • sugar - 1 kg
    • gin (or other alcohol of identical strength) - 2 l

    Step-by-step preparation of fortified berry wine from blueberries and chokeberries at home without yeast

  • Collect or buy one kilogram of blueberries and chokeberries. Remove any leaves and stems, but leave the berries unwashed.
  • Using a wide funnel, pour the crop into one large glass jar. Please note: berries should occupy no more than 1/3 of the vessel. Since the recipe also includes sugar and alcohol filling.
  • Using the same funnel, add the required amount of sugar (1:2) to the mixture of blueberries and chokeberries. This way the drink will not be too sweet, with tart notes and light sourness. If you want to make a sweet, "sticky" liqueur, increase the amount of sweetener.
  • It's time to pour half of the gin into the jar. Such a drink, even if it is not of the highest quality, will do an excellent job as one of the components of the liqueur.
  • To significantly reduce the cost of producing excellent homemade wine, you can replace half of the gin with 40% vodka or rum of the same strength. Make sure that the bottle is not filled to the very neck.
  • On a note! It is very important that 1/4 - 1/5 of the free space remains in the vessel. Otherwise, further shaking of the bottle will not make any sense.

  • After pouring all the necessary liquid ingredients, seal the container tightly. Take the jar with both hands and shake well so that the sugar is evenly distributed throughout the vessel.
  • Place the container in a cool place without strong odors for a week. Shake the container every day. Then, for two months, drain the jar 1-2 times a week.
  • TO New Year's holidays fortified wine from blueberries and chokeberries at home according to a recipe without yeast will be completely ready for use. Strain the drink through a layer of gauze and pour into small glass bottles.
  • How to make delicious wine from chokeberry with cherry leaves

    Chokeberry wines are valued not only for their wonderful aroma and rich tart taste, but also for their benefits to the body. After all, chokeberry itself is filled with vitamins and beta-carotenes, fructose, tannic and pectin substances, macro- and microelements, including iron, copper, boron, fluorine, molybdenum, etc. And that means a drink based on this amazing berry It turns out to be completely harmless (in moderate doses) and even therapeutic. Let's find out how to do delicious wine from chokeberry with cherry leaves.

    Necessary ingredients for delicious rowan wine with cherry leaves

    • chokeberry - 1 tbsp.
    • cherry tree leaves - 100 g
    • vodka – 500 ml
    • water - 1 l
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • citric acid - 1 tsp.

    Step-by-step preparation of homemade chokeberry wine with cherry leaves

  • Remove the rowan berries from the branches, rinse carefully and place in a saucepan. Also rinse the cherry leaves and add them to the bowl with the chokeberry.
  • Pour water over the ingredients, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain on a fine sieve, squeeze out the leaves and return the liquid back to the pan.
  • Boil the decoction with sugar and citric acid for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Avoid excessive bubbling of the liquid.
  • After a third of an hour, remove the vessel from the stove, cool and filter the broth. Add the required amount of vodka to the base and mix well.
  • After 8-12 hours, delicious chokeberry wine with cherry leaves can be poured into decanters and tasted.
  • Wine from frozen chokeberries and apples at home: video recipe

    If everything is already clear with the proportions and utensils for winemaking, then the selection of high-quality raw materials for wine from frozen chokeberries and apples at home is still in question. It's time to discuss it:

    • firstly, the berries must be ripe (picked after the first autumn frosts) and healthy;
    • secondly, any damaged, wrinkled or spotted specimens should definitely be thrown away;
    • thirdly, the chokeberry should not be washed at the time of starting to make wine (you should not collect rowan after heavy rain);
    • fourthly, even apples to add to berry wine must be correct: ripe, juicy, with rich sweet and sour taste and slight astringency;
    • fifthly, if the recipe contains water, it must be bottled, pump room or well.

    Other details of making wine from frozen chokeberries and apples at home in video recipes:

    Making chokeberry wine at home is somewhat troublesome, but very enjoyable. Thanks to simple, detailed recipes for making a drink from berries, apples and cherry leaves without yeast, you can enjoy the amazing processes of winemaking without being distracted by mistakes and rework.

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    There are a lot of alcoholic drinks on store shelves now. There is something for every taste and budget. From this article you will learn recipes for making chokeberry liqueur at home. The drink turns out to be very tasty, natural, and also healthy.

    Recipe for liqueur made from chokeberry and cherry leaves


    • fresh chokeberry berries – 450 g;
    • cherry leaves – 80 pcs.;
    • sugar – 320 g;
    • citric acid – 10 g;
    • vodka without additives – 1 liter;
    • purified water – 1.5 liters.


    Wash the cherry leaves, add water, let it boil and cook for about 10 minutes. Then remove the leaves using a slotted spoon and add chokeberry. Boil for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Add sugar, stir well and boil for another 5 minutes. Then add citric acid, mix thoroughly and immediately remove from heat. When the mixture has cooled completely, strain, add vodka, mix and pour into clean containers.

    Liqueur made from black rowan and cherry leaves


    • chokeberry - 300 g;
    • purified water – 1 liter;
    • medium-sized cherry leaves - 130 pcs.;
    • granulated sugar – 700 g;
    • vodka – 1 liter;
    • citric acid – 10 g.


    Wash the chokeberry, and then knead it until it becomes mushy. Mix with washed cherry leaves, add 1 liter of water, let the mixture boil and cook for about 5 minutes. Then we filter it all. Add lemon and sugar. Their quantity can be adjusted independently depending on taste preferences. Bring the mixture to a boil again and then cool. Pour in vodka, stir thoroughly and pour into prepared containers.

    Liqueur made from chokeberry and cherry leaves


    • fresh chokeberry berries – 100 pcs.;
    • cherry leaves – 100 pcs.;
    • – 2 teaspoons;
    • vodka – 2 glasses;
    • sugar – 850 g.


    Boil the pre-washed berries and leaves together in 1 liter of purified water for about a quarter of an hour. Then strain, add sugar, citric acid, boil for another 5 minutes. Then pour the resulting syrup into a jar and store in the cold, and just before serving, pour in vodka, stir thoroughly and serve.

    Chokeberry liqueur with cherry and raspberry leaf


    • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
    • chokeberry – 3 kg;
    • - 100 pieces.;
    • raspberry leaves – 100 pcs.;
    • purified water – 3 liters;
    • alcohol – 1 liter.


    Place the berries in a saucepan, fill them with 3 liters of water and place on the stove. After the liquid boils, reduce the heat and add sugar. Stir well and cook the compote over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Then add the washed cherry and raspberry leaves and cook for another quarter of an hour. Then cool the resulting broth and pour it into a jar along with berries and leaves. Pour in the vodka, close the lid and put it in a dark place to infuse for 2 weeks. After this, strain and squeeze the pulp thoroughly. We pour the liqueur into bottles, it’s all ready to serve!

    “Cherry” liqueur made from chokeberry

    Chokeberry is a berry that many consider useless for preparations, except for adding color to compote and piquancy to apple jam.

    However, homemade wine made from chokeberry or chokeberry, as this berry is otherwise called, is very tasty if prepared correctly.

    We will tell you how to make chokeberry wine at home without yeast.

    You will need 10-12 kg of berries per 6-7 liters ready drink. And the first question that arises if you decide to put on wine: do you need to wash the chokeberry berries?

    Washing will remove very important yeast bacteria from the surface that are involved in the fermentation process. And if there is any dust on the berries, it will fall into the sediment and will be filtered out.

    By the way, for cooking homemade wine Frozen berries are also not suitable, because these bacteria die at low temperatures.

    As a container, it is best to choose a large glass bottle, or, in extreme cases, a container made of food grade stainless steel or enameled without a single chip.

    Recipe for making homemade black rowan wine

    1. Mash each berry. Can in a modern way- in a meat grinder. But best wine Chokeberry is obtained, of course, by contact with your hands. Do this in old, “working” clothes, the juice will get very dirty.

    2. Add sugar at the rate of 0.5 cups per 1 kg berry mass to get a delicious dessert wine. Black rowan has little sugar, and dry wine Without it at all it will turn out very sour. If you add more it will be very sweet.

    3. Mix well until all the sugar is dissolved.

    4. Cover the dish and place in a warm place, but not higher than 25 degrees, let the mixture ferment for about a week or more. At this time, you need to mix the juice and pulp, otherwise mold may appear and your homemade chokeberry wine will be spoiled.

    5. After all this time, the berries will float up and swell, and if you plunge your hand inside, foam will appear. This means that the juice has fermented. Squeeze the pulp from the juice with your hands. If you have a press, you can use it, but not a juicer, the pulp will clog it.

    6. Set aside the pulp and filter the juice through a colander. Small particles will be filtered out later.

    Wine from pure juice black chokeberry turns out to be very thick and does not get the aroma and benefits from the berries, and will also be very sour. The remaining pulp should be allowed to ferment again, adding sugar and water, so that this mixture can then be added to the juice.

    7. Add a glass of sugar and 1.2 liters of cold bottled water to it. Mix thoroughly, press down so that the pulp settles down, cover with a lid and leave for about a week to ferment. You need to stir it well every day to prevent it from molding.

    8. Pour the strained juice into a suitable volume glassware. For the specified quantity, 2 five-liter jars are enough.

    All dishes that contain wine must be washed clean with soda and dried well.

    8. For home winemaking, you need a device such as a water seal, which removes gases from the container with wine through water. It’s better to buy ready-made, or you can make it yourself:

    • in the center of the lid of the jar where you poured the juice, punch or drill a hole equal to the diameter of the outlet tube (hose)
    • insert the tube and gently heat it where it touches the lid, for example, on a candle, so that the diameter increases and it sits tightly in the lid for minimal contact of the wine with the outside air
    • Place the other end of the tube in a jar of water

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    9. Place the jar, sealed with a water seal, in a cool, dark place (but with a temperature not lower than 18 degrees) so that the juice begins to ferment.

    10. After a week, squeeze out the pulp, but not too much. Strain the secondary juice through a sieve several times.

    11. From a jar of pure first juice, remove the foam from the surface.

    12. Mix both juices, pour into jars, and seal with water seals. Place in a dark place with a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

    13. Once a week for a month, remove foam and film from the surface and filter the wine to reduce sediment. This is done by pouring the wine into another container, each time it becomes more difficult, then you can use the drain hose. In the second month, you can filter the wine once every two weeks.

    The stream of the drained drink must be thin and long in order to “ventilate” the wine, improving its quality and preventing spoilage. Be aware that sediment is dead bacteria that can affect the taste of the wine.

    14. At least once every two weeks after a month of fermentation, it is recommended to feed them with ammonia to stimulate the growth of alcoholic yeast. You only need a drop per liter of wine. This is necessary to enhance the activity of bacteria in order to increase the alcoholic strength of the wine.

    15. After 1.5-2 months, the wine becomes transparent, if, of course, you correctly understood how to prepare wine from black rowan. You can already taste it and adjust the taste; the fermentation process is still underway. It is sour, not sweet, but the sweetness should be felt in it. If it is too sweet, then try to “ventilate” it several times, pouring it in a thin stream. If nothing comes of this, it means that the strength of the wine will be less than necessary, and the fermentation process is complete.

    About 2 months after you start preparing homemade chokeberry wine, it will become transparent when held up to the light, and only a light coating will remain at the bottom of the container. This means you can sweeten it.

    16. To bring a sour-tasting young wine to dessert wine, you need to take about a tablespoon per liter of drink. Sugar is placed in a cotton bag on a string and, in the manner tea bag, is immersed in the wine to such a depth that the sugar is just covered with it.

    17. Secure the thread in this position on the jar and place a water seal until the sugar dissolves, about a week.

    Pour young homemade chokeberry wine into clean bottles and do not close tightly, because it may still ferment and explode the bottle. When you are completely sure that carbon dioxide is no longer released, you can seal with stoppers.

    Now you know how to make black rowan wine correctly. Be sure to try this recipe.

    Chokeberry (chokeberry) is rich in many useful substances- these are vitamins C, P, B1, B2, E, K, B6, beta-carotene, macro- and microelements (iron, copper, boron, manganese, molybdenum, fluorine), sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose), as well as tannins and pectin substances.

    Chokeberry has many medicinal properties, it lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, normalizes blood pressure, treats hypertension, and helps strengthen the walls blood vessels, improves their elasticity and firmness.
