What's the best way to fry capelin? Capelin fried in a frying pan - a small fish with a delicate taste

There are dishes that have become symbols of the era, giving a lasting imprint of time, and are inextricably linked with some events. These are dishes of the past, associations. It’s so sweet to remember the taste and know that you are still young and have everything ahead of you. These dishes reek of melancholy and joy at the same time. Fried capelin is not a relic of the past, it is a dish that binds generations.

Everyone knows that fish contains a large number of squirrel and nutritional value It is in no way inferior to meat, and sometimes even surpasses it, due to the easy and quick digestibility of its proteins. It is rich in nutrients that are beneficial for our body and control the course of many vital processes. Contains vitamins A, D, group B, many micro- and macroelements (iodine, fluorine, selenium, phosphorus, calcium), essential amino acids. Capelin from the smelt family also normalizes blood sugar levels, which explains its mandatory presence in our diet, and even more so for people suffering from such ailments as diabetes.

Fish is dietary dish, so if you are overweight or simply care about your figure, your diet should be rich in it. It is useful in any form: fried, boiled, steamed, the only exception is smoked fish, due to formation during the cooking process. In order for fried capelin to be a success, you should first learn how to choose it. Most often fish is sold frozen, so you should pay attention to its appearance. It should be undeformed, without violating the integrity of the skin, without kinks or breaks, the pupils should be transparent and black, which indicates that the fish was frozen once. Check the information on the label regarding expiration dates and storage conditions; not only the taste of the dish, but also your health depends on this. Fish, like all other products, is not recommended to be re-frozen. The thawing process must be carried out gradually, avoiding immediate impact high temperatures, for example, heating in the microwave or under running hot water. Defrosting should take place at a temperature of 4-6°C on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. This process takes 8-10 hours, so it's worth taking care of this ahead of time. Capelin is a fish that does not require gutting; it is enough to wash it under running water and dry it with napkins. But if you are not lazy and clean it, finished form it won't taste bitter. And cleaning it is very simple: you tear off the head and pull out the insides with it. To prepare a dish such as fried capelin, you need following ingredients: frozen capelin - 600-800 grams, flour - 150 grams, vegetable oil 100-150 grams, salt. Cooking is not complex process, but there are some tricks in this too a simple dish. How to fry capelin deliciously? To do this, sprinkle it on both sides with flour and salt. Heat a thick-walled frying pan (preferably cast iron) over high heat, add 30 grams of vegetable oil. When a drop of water gets into such oil, it should hiss and splash. Place capelin in one layer in this deep fryer. Fry over high heat for 3-5 minutes on each side, do not cover the pan. Only under such conditions will it not fall apart. In another frying pan, fry the onion, cut into rings, in vegetable oil until golden color. After frying the entire batch of fish, put it in a mold with sides and add 200 grams of sour cream (at least 20% so that the capelin does not soften too much), sprinkle with spices and fried onions, put on the fire until the sour cream begins to boil, and then turn off the heat and simmer for a few more minutes. Fried capelin with sour cream is served hot, finely chopped dill is sprinkled on top for decoration, and any form of potatoes, rice or vegetable salad can be served as a side dish.

Fried capelin is a dish that is eaten with pleasure in establishments Catering, but are reluctant to cook at home. This is due to the small size of the carcasses and the specific smell that fills not only the kitchen, but the whole house.

Capelin is a small fish belonging to the smelt family. The fish is very prolific and is caught annually in huge quantities, therefore it is presented in stores everywhere affordable price. Capelin dishes have a specific taste and smell, but have beneficial properties.

Capelin contains 22% easily digestible proteins, vitamins B12, D and A more than meat, and contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which are extremely important for the functioning of the brain and heart. Regular consumption of capelin is indicated for those suffering diabetes mellitus, since the substances contained in capelin reduce blood sugar levels and promote the production of insulin. The inclusion of capelin in the diet is beneficial for everyone without exception, as it improves immunity, has positive influence on the condition of hair and skin. The calorie content of capelin is 157 kcal per 100 grams.

If we consider the benefits and harms, then it is not recommended to use capelin only for people with individual intolerance and allergic reaction. Others can include fish in their diet without fear. Harm can only be caused smoked capelin. But it is not the capelin that is to blame, but the carcinogenic substances that are formed during its processing.

Fried fish is not the best useful way preparation, but definitely the most delicious. You shouldn’t overuse fried things, but sometimes you can treat yourself to a tasty dish, especially knowing how to cook fried capelin tasty and odorless.

Photo fried capelin in a frying pan

Even an inexperienced cook can cook fried capelin. The fish does not need to be cleaned, you don’t have to gut it, just roll it in flour and fry it in vegetable oil. But even here there are secrets. For example, how to make the fish crispy and odorless.

Recipe ingredients:

  • capelin 1 kg.
  • flour (semolina) 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil 1 glass
  • lemon ½ pcs.
  • basil, oregano 1 teaspoon
  • salt to taste

How to fry capelin in a frying pan:

  1. Thaw the capelin at room temperature, wash and dry. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and salt. Season with dried herbs. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes. Marinating in herbs ah and lemon juice helps eliminate the specific fishy smell that so annoys housewives.
  2. Heat 1/3 cup in a frying pan vegetable oil. Place flour or semolina on a flat dish. Dip each carcass in breading, shake off excess flour (semolina) and place in a frying pan in heated fat. Next, add vegetable oil as needed.
  3. Fry the fish for 5 minutes on each side. The capelin should be browned. You can adjust the cooking time yourself. The longer the fish is fried, the drier and crispier it becomes.

Feeding method: Capelin is good on its own. It is served as a snack with beer. Suitable as a side dish mashed potatoes or boiled potatoes. Can be submitted fried fish with herbs or pickled onions, cut into half rings.

Photo of fried capelin in the oven

Fans of fried capelin understand that after frying the fish in a large amount of vegetable oil, there is no need to talk about the low calorie content of the dish. Try cooking capelin in sour cream in the oven. In fact, the fish is baked, but it is very similar to fried, since sour cream provides that crispy crust. The dish is healthier and does not threaten your figure.

Recipe ingredients:

  • capelin 500 g.
  • sour cream 1 tbsp. spoon
  • ready seasoning for fish 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt to taste

Recipe for cooking fried capelin in the oven:

  1. Wash the fish. Pat it dry with a towel to keep the carcasses as dry as possible. Add some salt. Mix sour cream with spices. Mix fish and sour cream in a bowl. Leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Preheat oven to 220°C. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Place the fish end to end or at a short distance if the volume of the mold allows. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes. If your oven has a grill function, turn it on 5-7 minutes before cooking. The crust will be more golden brown.

Tips for cooking fried capelin

Fried capelin will become a frequent guest on your table, and its preparation will not cause inconvenience if you use these tips experienced chefs on how to cook fried capelin correctly. Useful tips How to select, gut and cook capelin will help you get maximum benefit and pleasure from the dish:

  • High-quality capelin should be frozen once. This can be determined by the bulging eyes of the fish. In addition, the pupils should be black and the eyes should not be cloudy.
  • Most healthy capelin prepared from carcasses that are frozen in vacuum packaging.
  • Defrost capelin at room temperature or in the refrigerator, in compartments with positive temperatures.
  • If you are going to gut capelin, you need to do it as follows. From the back side, cut the head 1/3 without reaching the end. Pull the head while holding the carcass with your other hand. The head will easily separate, followed by the entrails. If the fish has caviar, it will remain inside.
  • To kill the strong fishy smell, marinate the fish in lemon juice with the addition of spicy aromatic herbs. Another way is to add aromatic herbs in breading. Cooking fish will not be bothered by a specific aroma.
  • Fry the fish over low heat. Otherwise it will be tough and tasteless. Place the fish on the dish in one layer, otherwise it will become soggy and stop crisping.
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  • Capelin is a universal fish. With the proper approach to preparation, it can become both a main dish and an appetizer that decorates an everyday or holiday table. But taking into account the fact that this type fish is quite specific, for normal cooking you need to know how long to fry capelin in a frying pan and familiarize yourself with simple techniques that allow you to complete this process as quickly as possible!

    Relatively low cost, high speed preparations and phenomenal taste qualities capelins provide massive demand for fish of the smelt family.

    But not everyone knows how to properly fry capelin.

    If the recipe is not followed, the fish will turn out tasteless, and its smell will cause persistent disgust.

    In this article we will look at the simplest recipe and tell you how to properly fry capelin in a frying pan.


    Before you start frying, you should bother looking for a simple list of ingredients, including:

    • Frozen capelin: 500-800 g,
    • Wheat flour (corn): 1 cup (200 ml),
    • Sunflower oil: 3-4 tbsp. spoons (for frying),
    • Salt, pepper (black, ground), spices: 1-2 pinches (to taste).

    Cooking process

    1. Before the actual process, the fish must be prepared for frying. Due to the rather specific smell, it is important to remember how to properly fry capelin in a frying pan.
    2. To eliminate unpleasant odors, capelin should be defrosted at room temperature.
    3. After complete defrosting, rinse under cold running water and wipe with a paper towel, removing excess moisture.
    4. On a flat dish, mix flour, salt, black ground pepper and spices.
    5. It is recommended to heat the pan over medium heat.
    6. Pour out the vegetable oil.
    7. The carcasses are breaded separately and placed in a frying pan in small portions.
    8. Fry on each side for 2-6 minutes.

    The finished fish is laid out on napkins to remove any remaining fat.

    How and how much to fry capelin in a frying pan
    Capelin is a universal fish. With the proper approach to preparation, it can become both a main dish and an appetizer that decorates an everyday or holiday table.

    Small fish from the salmon family are inconspicuous in appearance, but have a very tasty taste. tender meat with moderate odor. The product is often salted or fried. Famous chefs know best how to fry capelin. They share cooking tips delicious food. When cold, capelin is great snack. Hot fish is served as a main course.

    Fish selection and cleaning

    The back is dominated by an olive green shade. The fish has silvery scales on its belly and sides. When choosing marine product you need to be attentive even to little things.

    Packaged capelin must be frozen; the date of this production process, as well as the expiration date, must be indicated on the label. It is better to buy sea catch in vacuum packaging.

    The leather of a quality product has no stains or cracks. The carcass should not be damaged anywhere. The absence of a fish tail or its dryness, as well as yellowish stains on a silver fish background indicate that the product is not fresh.

    Tip: Fresh capelin is easily distinguished by its black pupils, while rotten capelin is distinguished by cloudy ones with a veil covering them.

    The aroma of fresh capelin is barely perceptible. The carcass and gills in normal condition do not have mucus. Properly prepared catfish has many benefits for human body. It is a source of protein (23 percent in one carcass), omega-3 acids, proteins, calcium, vitamin groups B, A and D. Capelin also contains iodine.

    Thawing of capelin is natural. Hot water or microwave will only spoil the product, its taste will change for the worse.

    There are a couple of ways to clean capelin. Each chef has his own preference. According to one method, before you start frying the fish in a frying pan, you need to cut off its head, pull off the film and get rid of the intestines. This will help prevent bitterness and spicy characteristic odor during the cooking process. Cleaned carcasses are rinsed in cold water and dried so as not to fry the fish in a frying pan raw.

    To make the capelin more juicy, you can do without cleaning; it is better to fry it in a frying pan whole, with the intestines, washed in running water and dried. In this case, the intestines and spine are disposed of during the meal.

    Tip: Aromatic fried capelin without a characteristic fishy smell is obtained if you first marinate it for half an hour in a marinade from lemon juice and different, at your discretion, spices and herbs.

    A juicy, crispy dish comes out when the fish is fried in an egg and flour batter. Special breading crumbs or semolina are used as breading. For a slight sourness, sprinkle the finished washwater a small amount lemon or lime juice. Basil and oregano go well with fish dishes; they are often sprinkled on fried capelin for spicy taste and aroma.

    Fried potatoes and fresh and stewed vegetables are served as a side dish for capelin.

    How long to fry capelin?

    Not everyone knows how long to fry capelin in a frying pan. The process will not take much time. Frying catfish in a frying pan without a lid is fast process, it usually takes 10 minutes on medium fire. Exact time depends on the recipe.

    How to fry capelin in a frying pan?

    Having mastered the chef's recommendations on how to properly fry fish using a frying pan, you can get delicious dish, it is especially useful for patients with heart and vascular diseases, for people with malfunctions of the thyroid gland, and when blood pressure is high.

    An almost pure fish “still life” can be fried without anything, the only ingredients you need are: half a kilo of capelin, water (50 ml.), salt (half big spoon) and a little vegetable oil to lubricate the dishes. Clean kittiwakes are mixed in salt; the raw materials will lie in it for about 15 minutes.

    The bottom of the frying pan with a couple of tablespoons of already hot oil should be well heated, the fish is laid out there. Water is poured into the container and the lid is placed on top. Fry over medium heat for about 6 minutes. The fish is not stirred during the cooking process according to this recipe; frying is combined with stewing. You can add broth instead of water. Serve with baked or boiled potatoes.

    The cleaned fish is salted and peppered to taste, sprinkled with lemon juice, mixed and marinated for about twenty minutes. Afterwards, the catfish are thrown onto a sieve and kept in it until the water drains. It is best to mix the fish with a couple or three tablespoons of flour in a plastic bag, shaking the contents.

    Vegetable oil is mixed with butter, the mixture is spread over hot frying pan. Fry the fish over high heat for 2 minutes on each side, then a golden brownish crispy crust will form.

    Without smell

    There are several tricks for odorless frying. For a dish that will only produce a pleasant spicy aroma, you will need: half a kilo of capelin, 2 eggs, a couple of large spoons of water, 10 milliliters of lemon essence, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 grams ginger root, half a glass of wheat and corn flour, about 5 grams of spices (pepper, salt, fennel), a tablespoon soy sauce, 10 ml. vegetable oil for marinade and 75 ml. for frying.

    The dish has 134 kilocalories, and the entire cooking time takes about an hour. The process is divided into stages. The fish is defrosted and cleaned so that there is no bitter aftertaste. ready-made dish, and during frying there is no unpleasant fishy aroma, the intestines and inner film should be removed.

    The fish is placed in a bowl, it must be thoroughly mixed with chopped garlic and ginger, added lemon essence, a spoonful of butter and soy sauce, everything is sprinkled with spices on top. The capelin in the marinade will stand in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    The breading is prepared: eggs are beaten separately in cold water, one type of flour is poured into one bowl, the other is poured into another, all the ingredients are in different deep dishes.

    The frying pan is heating up strong mode, the oil is warming up. Capelin collapses in wheat flour, then in the egg mass, finally in corn flour. The fish is fried for 3 or 4 minutes on one side, the same on the other, a golden brown crust should form.

    Each fish is blotted with a paper napkin. Rosy capelin is good in combination with tartar sauce or tkemali.

    Batter doesn't give useful substances“go away” when frying fish. For 600 grams of basic raw materials you need to spend: a chicken egg (2 pieces), a glass of boiled milk, a glass of flour, 5 milliliters of vinegar, one and a half large spoons of olive oil, half a teaspoon of ground pepper, ginger and salt, 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.

    Gutted and washed fish are sprinkled with seasonings in a deep bowl. Capelin mixed with olive oil and vinegar, in which it is marinated. A couple of yolks, milk, flour and salt are mixed to form a homogeneous mass.

    A frying pan with oil is heated, each capelin is fried on all sides, and at the end a crust is formed.

    With onions and sour cream

    The gutted catfish is fried without turning over for about 15 minutes. Chopped dill, salt and pepper are mixed in 150 ml. sour cream, the mass is combined with onions in the form of rings or half rings, water is added (100 ml), everything is laid out on top of the capelin, the frying pan is covered with a lid. When the liquid boils, reduce the setting, and after five minutes remove the capelin from the heat.

    Advice: Ready fish transfer to a dish with puree or boiled potatoes.

    How to fry capelin in the oven?

    You need to fry in the oven without oil. On a baking sheet lined with parchment, place capelin, rolled in flour, pepper and salt. The oven is set to 200 degrees, baking will take 15 or 20 minutes. You should not increase the time so that the product does not dry out. Transfer to a plate and decorate with greens.

    How to correctly home kitchen fry capelin
    How much and how to properly fry capelin in a frying pan and in the oven, how to choose frozen fish, rules for defrosting and cleaning capelin. Several recipes

    Fish dishes are especially popular, because they make delicious snacks, side dishes that look perfect on both casual and festive table. Today we invite you to get acquainted with recipes that describe simply and in detail how to fry capelin in a frying pan; this is the fish that housewives in our country often cook for lunch or dinner.

    Such popularity sea ​​creature It is popular not only because of its good natural taste, but also because of its low cost, so absolutely everyone can afford dishes made from this fish.

    How to fry capelin in a frying pan without smell


    • Capelin - 600 g + –
    • Salt - 2 pinches or to taste + –
    • Vegetable oil - for frying + –
    • Wheat flour - 1 glass of 200 ml + –
    • Ground black pepper - on the tip of a knife or to taste + –

    Recipe for frying capelin in flour in a frying pan

    Many chefs note the fact that fried capelin is quite tasty and satisfying, but when fried it does not release quite the nice smell. To get rid of it, you need to fry the fish properly.

    As a rule, capelin are not gutted, since this procedure takes a lot of time, moreover, this process is very labor-intensive, since the carcasses are small. You will spend more time cleaning them than actually frying them, which only takes 10-15 minutes.

    1. We defrost the fish carcasses, then rinse them under running water.
    2. Wipe the fish with a towel or paper napkin to remove excess moisture.
    3. Pour flour into a flat dish, mix it with ground pepper and salt.
    4. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour vegetable oil into the heated container.
    5. Bread each fish carcass separately in flour with spices, then place them in small portions in a frying pan.
    1. To ensure that the fish is not overly fried, very juicy and tender, fry it on both sides for 2 minutes. To obtain a golden crispy crust, fry the carcasses for 6 minutes on each side.
    2. Before transferring the fried fish to a plate, place it on a napkin to drain off any remaining fat. Next, serve the finished fried capelin hot with raw vegetables, salad, rice and others low-fat foods, since in itself it is quite fatty.

    How independent dish, fried capelin in a frying pan looks great. Without additional dishes, the fish is perfectly eaten in a matter of minutes with herbs, mayonnaise or any sauce. Tkemali sauce, Tartar sauce or regular ketchup are ideal as a dressing.

    How to fry capelin in a frying pan in batter

    Another simple and very good way frying capelin is frying in batter. Cooking capelin in batter is not particularly different from the previous recipe, but you will definitely feel the difference in taste.

    To give the fish more originality and slight piquancy– sprinkle the carcasses with special spices, such as basil and oregano. This will not only enhance the taste of the dish, but also help eliminate the unpleasant fishy smell.


    • Capelin – 500 g,
    • Eggs (chicken) – 2 pcs.,
    • Ground black pepper – 1 tsp each,
    • Flour (semolina or breadcrumbs– to choose from) – 3 tbsp.,
    • Salt - to taste
    • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

    How to properly fry odorless capelin

    1. We defrost fish carcasses; if we have time and desire, we gut them. Properly gutting capelin is not difficult: you need to cut the belly of the fish, clean it of the black film and intestines. It is not necessary to cut off the tail and head.
    2. We wash the cleaned capelin under running water, salt it to taste, pepper it, if you want, immediately sprinkle it with seasonings.
    3. Prepare the batter: beat the eggs into a deep bowl, mix them with ½ tsp. salt, add ground pepper to taste.
    4. Pour flour into a separate bowl, bread the fish in it one by one, then roll them in batter, after which we place the carcasses in a frying pan heated in oil. Make sure that the fish should not touch each other.

    That's it - fried capelin in a frying pan is ready. Serve it with herbs, raw vegetables, boiled potatoes or pasta.

    Secrets of delicious fried capelin

    1. Fish should only be defrosted at room temperature. Any other method can spoil the taste of the fish. Freezing carcasses twice is strictly prohibited.
    2. To get rid of the pungent smell of fish, try marinating it before frying. Prepare a marinade of herbs and lemon juice, and dip the fish in it for 20-30 minutes. You can do without marinade, just put the capelin on a board with finely chopped herbs and onions, these ingredients are the best way to help eliminate bad smell.

    That's all the secrets of how to tasty and correctly fry capelin in a frying pan. If such a fish is truly your family's favorite seafood, then you are very lucky. a fish dish It turns out satisfying, perfectly complements many other dishes and does not require a lot of effort, time, and most importantly - money for its preparation. In a word, fried capelin in a frying pan is a profitable option in every sense.

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    How to fry capelin in a frying pan
    How to fry capelin in a frying pan - step by step recipe cooking with detailed description all steps and useful tips on cooking

    Few people know that capelin is very healthy fish. Some housewives do not like it because of its specific smell. I want to tell you how to fry capelin in a frying pan so that it becomes tasty and aromatic.

    Recipe for fried capelin in a frying pan with photo

    Kitchenware and utensils: frying pan, plate, knife, cutting board, serving dish and plastic bag.


    How to choose ingredients

    • As a rule, capelin is sold frozen. Such a fish should have black pupils that are clearly visible. If the layer of ice on the fish makes it difficult to see its eyes, buy this product from another store.
    • When buying capelin by weight, always pay attention to the amount of ice; it should not be too much. The color of this fish is silver-gray, the belly is slightly lighter than the back. There should be no stains or damage on the fish.
    • You should also be alerted to an unpleasant odor. Yellow stains on the surface of the fish indicate improper storage.
    • For frying, you can use both refined and unrefined vegetable oil. It can be olive or sunflower, choose to your taste.

    Step by step recipe


    Stewed capelin with onions in a frying pan

    Cooking time: 20 minutes.
    Number of servings: 4.
    Calories: 170 kcal per 100 g.
    Kitchenware and utensils: frying pan with lid, fish container, serving dish and fork.


    Step by step recipe


    • To prevent the fish from becoming bitter, it must be gutted, that is, all the insides and black film must be removed.
    • Black pepper not only adds piquancy to the dish, but also removes foreign odors.
    • Before frying, capelin can be marinated. To do this, rub on fine grater a few cloves of garlic and a piece of ginger root. Mix these ingredients with a little soy sauce, lemon juice and a mixture of peppers. Submerge the fish in this marinade and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The fish can then be dredged in flour, then dipped in beaten egg batter and dipped in cornmeal. Now you can fry it.

    What to serve with

    Capelin is a fairly oily fish, so it should be served with a side dish. The best way to do this is with mashed potatoes or fried potatoes. Canned peas will also become great side dish. You can cook from it interesting salad. Add chopped peas green onions, dill, a little ketchup and mix.

    Fish can be served both hot and cold. You can serve it with Tartar sauce or any other sauce, such as sour cream. Perfect with fish fresh vegetables and salads dressed with olive oil. Do not season them with mayonnaise, in combination with oily fish such a dish will become too high in calories.

    Recipe options

    • I advise you to prepare a pie with saury and potatoes. It turns out very tasty and satisfying.
    • —Jellied pie with saury—cooks just as quickly as other jellied pies.
    • You can even cook it for a holiday.
    • And capelin in the oven can be prepared by those who do not like fried things.

    Now I want to ask my readers to answer a few questions. Do you marinate capelin before frying? What kind of batter do you prepare for this fish? Do you use breadcrumbs? How, in your opinion, can you cook this fish faster and tastier? Your tips will help many novice cooks.

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