Chestnuts and their benefits and harm to the human body, areas of application and culinary recipes. Fresh edible chestnut - description with photo of the nut; its planting and cultivation; beneficial properties (benefit and harm); used in cooking and for treatment

The horse chestnut already shows off with its leaves on long petioles. The large leaves of this tree attract attention unusual appearance: finger-compound, they actually somewhat resemble open palms. This tree can reach a height of even 30 meters.

In May, chestnuts bloom with magnificent “candles” consisting of bell-shaped white and pink flowers. Each cone-shaped candle is up to 30 cm in height, in turn consists of 20-50 flowers.

Fruit boxes horse chestnut green in color and have many spines. These boxes contain a nut, which is popularly called a chestnut. The nut seed is shiny, brown, 2-4 cm in diameter. The fruits ripen in late August-September.

Horse chestnut is a forage plant - according to legend, horse chestnuts were brought to Central Europe by the Turks as feed for horses. The pulp of this nut is white and tender.

The homeland of horse chestnut is the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula: Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria. There this tree grows in the forests.

In Russia, horse chestnut is widely cultivated in the European part of the country for decorating parks and landscaping urban areas.

Flowers, fruits, leaves, bark have healing properties. nutshell and even horse chestnut roots.

Flowers and leaves are collected in May. Seeds (nuts) are harvested from the beginning of September. The bark is harvested from the beginning of October.

What are the benefits of horse chestnut?

The medicinal properties of horse chestnut are due to its chemical composition. The seeds contain triterpene saponins (escin), tannins, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B1, coumarin glycosides esculin, fraxin. The bark contains tannins, escin, esculin, fraxin, vitamin B1. Horse chestnut leaves are rich in carotenoids (provitamin A), pectins, glycosides esculin, fraxin. In flowers a large number of flavonoids (rutin), mucus, tannins and pectin.

Due to the combination of powerful glycosides in horse chestnut - esculin, fraxin, and escin - with vitamins and other substances, horse chestnut exhibits many beneficial properties. The main properties for which horse chestnut is valued in official medicine and pharmacological preparations are prepared from its extract are venoprotective, venotonic, anti-inflammatory and improves microcirculation in the veins. And also, of course, antithrombotic, reducing blood viscosity.

In folk medicine, the following properties of horse chestnut are also noted:

  • venotonic, accelerates blood flow in the veins,
  • antithrombotic, helps reduce blood viscosity, prevents thrombosis,
  • painkiller,
  • wound healing, bactericidal,
  • decongestant, diuretic,
  • antipyretic and diaphoretic,
  • astringent,
  • anti-sclerotic, removes low-density cholesterol from blood vessels, dissolves plaques,
  • antitumor (antioxidant), removes harmful toxins, heavy metal salts and radionuclides, used after radiation therapy,
  • painkiller,
  • hemostatic, reduces capillary permeability,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antipyretic,
  • astringent, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, improves digestion,
  • eliminates vascular spasms, reduces arterial pressure,
  • when used externally in ointments, it helps to carry active substances deep into the source of inflammation, treats old and purulent wounds, extensive burns, frostbite, and deep abscesses.

When I talk about chestnut, I always remember an incident from my life. Every year I prepare herbal ointment for wounds, burns, frostbite, bedsores grandma's recipe, which also includes horse chestnut.

This is mine and my grandmother's family recipe, the power of which we, both near and far, have been convinced of more than once.

A friend of mine ended up in surgery with a deep abscess after injections. The wound was deep and festered, so drainage was installed. The treatment was difficult, the temperature rose and all the signs of intoxication began. I decided to try offering my ointment for treatment and brought the jar to the hospital. The patient begged the doctor to make a dressing with this ointment, convincing him that the remedy was prepared by a pharmacist under aseptic conditions. The doctor gave the go-ahead. Imagine his surprise when he saw quick result from using ointment with horse chestnut. But the story continued.

For what diseases is horse chestnut used?

Preparations containing horse chestnut are used for:

  • vascular atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, venous stasis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers of the leg, endarteritis,
  • varicose veins, venous congestion,
  • neuralgia,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • gallbladder diseases,
  • increased acidity of gastric juice,
  • diseases of the spleen (malaria, lymphogranulomatosis), leukemia,
  • edema, both renal and cardiac,
  • vascular spasms, heart disease, hypertension,
  • joint pain, arthritis (including glenohumeral arthritis), rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, spinal hernia, gout,
  • osteochondrosis, radiculitis, lumbago, muscle inflammation, sciatica,
  • diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • bronchitis, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, whooping cough,
  • prostatitis, prostate adenoma,
  • anemia,
  • oncology, radiation sickness,
  • uterine bleeding, menopause.

Horse chestnut flowers are used externally in the form of rubbing for diseases of the joints, spine, veins, in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, endarteritis, hemorrhoids and other diseases. Tincture of chestnut flowers is widely used internally for many diseases.

Horse chestnut leaves in the form of complex preparations are used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, as well as for vascular diseases, gynecological diseases, and uterine bleeding. Horse chestnut bark is included in complex preparations for joint diseases and is included in gastric fees, has an astringent and antipyretic effect.

Contraindications to the use of horse chestnut:

  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding (lactation),
  • low blood pressure (hypotension),
  • severe liver and kidney diseases, renal failure,
  • intestinal atony with constipation,
  • children up to 12 years old,
  • menstrual irregularities.

In case of an overdose when taken orally, there may be heartburn, nausea, and pain in the heart area.

Horse chestnut recipes

Horse chestnut tincture

We take horse chestnut fruits, peel them from the prickly pericarp, peel the nut from the brown shell, like potatoes.

Grind the peeled horse chestnut fruits with a blender (or through a meat grinder), weigh out 100 grams of this minced meat and pour in 1 liter of vodka.

Let it brew with daily shaking for 7 days in a dark, cool place.

Take pre-strained orally, 15 drops in water three times a day.

It is used for conditions that develop against the background of venous pathology:

  • edema syndrome,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • heaviness in the legs, pain, calf cramps,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • atherosclerosis, vascular spasms, hypertension,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • externally for the treatment of blood flow disorders, bruises, contusions, etc.

Pharmaceutical preparations from horse chestnut:

Aescusan (in the form of tablets, drops, dragees, gel and cream); Aesculus (ointment), Gerbion aesculus (gel), Aesculus compositum (drops), Venitan (gel, cream), Reparil (dragees, gel).

Horse chestnut ointment

Peeled and chopped horse chestnut fruits 50 grams pour 250 grams of melted lard into a thick-walled pan

and 250 grams of badger fat from the pharmacy Barsukor. Bring to a boil and let simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Turn off and strain through cheesecloth into a sterile jar.

It is used externally for diseases of the veins, hemorrhoids, diseases of the joints and spine.

Currently, horse chestnut is widely used in dietary supplements and “dietary supplement” creams in combination with other herbs and substances.

As always, you should consult your doctor before use.

Good health!

Pharmacist-herbalist Vera Vladimirovna Sorokina

Horse chestnut fruits contain: potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium, silver, iodine, malic acid, milk and citric acid, lipase, globulin, as well as protein and tannins, starch, vitamins B, C, K, ash and fats. They also consist of glucose and sucrose, sapon, coumarins, flavonoids, carotene and other substances.

Chestnuts are very nutritious and filling. They contain less fat and are not as oily as other nuts. 100 g of fruit contains 210 kcal, 42% carbohydrates, 3.6% proteins, 2.2% fats. Chestnuts are considered an excellent component of a vegetarian diet.

Chestnut fruits are widely used in folk medicine. They are harvested during the period of full ripening, when they fall out of the valves. Next, the nuts are dried in a warm and ventilated room. They can be used both inside and outside.

You can simply put nuts in your pocket (the method is common in the treatment of articular rheumatism) and feed on its natural strength. For mastopathy, perform a gentle massage with chestnut fruits. They are also used to make special beads that help the thyroid gland and heart work without disturbances. They are a good preventative against irritability, bad mood and headaches.

Is of great importance for health alcohol extract chestnut fruit. It has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, strengthens capillary walls, reduces blood viscosity, blood pressure and the appearance of fatty plaques in the aorta. This extract normalizes the levels of cholesterol and lecithin in the blood, and is also an analgesic.

In this case, horse chestnut nuts are placed in a jar and filled with vodka. The container is tightly closed and kept first for three days in the sun, and then for forty days indoors. The resulting product is rubbed onto diseased areas of the body. Very often the extract is used for radiculitis.

With this disease, it is also useful to sleep on chestnut fruits, tying them to the affected areas. An infusion of fruits is often used for diarrhea, chronic bronchitis in smokers, malaria, and a decoction of nut skins is used for uterine bleeding.

People often use a decoction of chestnut fruits and leaves. The crushed products, taken 5 g each, are brewed with a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for half an hour. Then the liquid is filtered and added to a volume of 200 ml. To identify possible side effects, take 1 tbsp for two days. spoon once a day. If there are no reactions, the dose is increased to 2-3 times a day. The decoction is drunk after meals.

This is quite effective for the treatment of varicose veins (course of application ranges from 2 to 8 weeks), for hemorrhoids (without the presence of bleeding cones, course for 1-4 weeks), as well as for acute and chronic thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities, arteritis and trophic ulcers shins.

For hemorrhoids, you can also eat three chestnuts or take a bath from a decoction of its branches (for bleeding cones). In this case, 50 g of the product is brewed in a liter of water, and water pepper herb is added to the resulting solution. Take a bath after bowel movement with cool water for 10-15 minutes.

Chestnut nuts contain strong energy. Therefore, they are considered quite effective in the fight against cough, sciatica and many other ailments. When coughing, one chestnut fruit is applied to the bronchial point between the nipples and secured with an adhesive plaster. When there are gusts, it is pressed on this zone. Under the influence of chestnut, the cough goes away soon. It is not recommended to carry out such a procedure at night.

It is very useful to sit on chestnut trees for workers in intellectual or creative work. Even after a short period of time, the fruit will give its energy to the coccyx, from which it originates, and where reserves are concentrated human body. The result will be inspiration and increased productivity.

As for contraindications for treatment with chestnut nuts, it can be noted that healing is not desirable - chestnut strongly thins the blood. Medicinal preparations with chestnut are not recommended for pregnant, lactating women and people with liver disease, kidney disease and hypotension.

When talking about roasted chestnuts, the quiet streets and cozy squares of Paris invariably come to mind. Thanks to Hemingway's novels and Mityaev's songs, chestnuts for us have become a symbol of old Europe. It seems that all you have to do is come there, buy a bag of hot, aromatic nuts - and that’s it, you’re a real European, carefree and happy. But these amazing nuts are also very healthy!

The pride of Sicily and the treasure of Kyiv

Chestnut of a thousand horses is the name of the most ancient and famous chestnut in the world, growing in Sicily. The miracle tree is already several thousand years old. Once it became the reason for saving the queen with her retinue of 100 knights from death, and now the Italians cherish it like the apple of their eye.

The people of Kiev are also proud of their chestnuts - in the spring the city turns into a real lilac-chestnut greenhouse. But the Russians are less fortunate - in our country, mostly only horse chestnuts grow, which are inedible. There are a lot of them, they bloom amazingly, but you can’t fry them or eat them.

And edible chestnuts, where do they grow? Here the Old World holds the palm - it’s not for nothing that poets and writers painted it that way. In autumn, the aromas of roasted chestnuts permeate half of Europe: France, Italy, Spain and other warm countries.

In our country, edible nuts grow only in the Krasnodar region. Therefore, if you see a bright van with roasted chestnuts, know - probably from Kuban.

How to recognize an edible chestnut?

If the edible chestnut loves warmth and humidity, then the horse chestnut will withstand almost any climate. This tree is usually grown in parks, and what is surprising is that both chestnuts are absolutely different types. The horse was named so because it is very similar to the edible one, and also to the hair of a bay horse. The same brown, smooth and shiny.

Horse chestnut poisoning is a common and unpleasant occurrence. Therefore, it is not enough to know that there are edible and inedible chestnuts. How to distinguish them from each other is an important question.

  • Look at the tree. Horse walnut is taller and looks more luxurious. The tree is pyramidal, the flowers are white and pink.
  • Study the foliage. Real chestnut leaves are dense, glossy, and grow separately on a branch. The inedible foliage is collected in “fives”.
  • Look at the nuts. When the fruits are still sitting on the branch, they can be distinguished by their needles. In horse nuts they are rare, the fruits of noble nuts are strewn with needles, like hedgehogs. And if you don’t know what a ripe edible chestnut looks like, the photo from this article will help you.

In the pictures, the edible fruits are flattened, dark brown and have a sharp nose. Inside the dark shell are several light nuts separated by film. Horse chestnuts are rounder and single, even brownish in color and shiny. Yes, yes - like a horse's mane.

Why do we love chestnuts?

Few people enjoyed the unusual European nuts, except perhaps avid tourists and residents of the south. But even fewer people know the benefits of edible chestnuts. We will reveal the cards.

  1. Useful composition. There is practically no fat in chestnut pulp - up to 5% (in different varieties percentage may vary slightly). But there are a lot of carbohydrates, sugar, etc. And the noble chestnut is the only nut in the world that contains. So move over, sir, you have a worthy competitor.
  2. Energy recharging. Chestnuts are a unique snack. 2-3 fried nuts - and you are already full, happy and can easily last until lunch, dinner or even breakfast. Chestnuts improve your mood and energize you. Is this why the French are so carefree and joyful?
  3. Rescue for vegetarians and those on a diet. Thanks to the high percentage vegetable protein chestnut nut can easily replace animal protein. For vegetarian table He - great alternative peas and beans. And the nutritional value of chestnut is about 150 kcal, so it definitely won’t harm your figure.

Useful properties of noble chestnut

Among the two chestnuts, the most useful is horse chestnut. There are legends about its properties to treat veins and get rid of varicose veins, and any pharmacy will offer you an anti-varicose cream based on horse chestnut.

Its noble brother is not so famous in the medical field; the main battlefield of this nut is cooking. But traditional medicine still appreciates and loves edible chestnut - beneficial features It will help relieve stress, heal the heart, and maintain natural beauty.

What is so good about real chestnut?

  • Stops bleeding, protects against internal bleeding and heals wounds.
  • Accelerates metabolism and improves the condition of cartilage and bone tissue, protecting us from arthritis and osteoporosis.
  • Relieves chronic fatigue and helps fight stress.
  • Normalizes heart function and relieves pain.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, removes it from the body excess water and relieves swelling.
  • The oils in chestnut fill the skin with radiance, improve complexion and are beneficial for hair.

What's the danger?

People have been roasting and baking edible chestnuts for several thousand years - their benefits and harms have been studied far and wide. Therefore, doctors warn that even valuable noble nuts can harm you if handled incorrectly.

It is very difficult to overeat chestnuts - they are very filling, and you cannot eat more than 7-10 pieces in one sitting. But if you get carried away, there is a risk of getting allergies, constipation or bloating.

You should not eat a lot of chestnuts even if you have reduced blood clotting, hypotension and chronic renal failure.

Chestnut in cooking

Chestnut – a real find for the sophisticated gourmet, for the inventive chef, and for loving housewife. But it’s not only edible nuts that are so prized on the dinner table.

Blooming chestnut is an excellent honey plant. Chestnut honey is considered a delicacy and costs several times more than usual, but once you try this dessert, you will forever remain a fan of it. Tart sweetness slight bitterness and valuable healing properties have long given this dark honey worldwide love.

The chestnut nuts themselves do not at all resemble the legendary honey; their peculiarity is different. Chestnut flesh is similar to both a baked potato and boiled beans. The taste is about the same, with a pleasant nutty shade and light sweetness.

If you have an edible chestnut in your home, preparing it will be a real gift for your imagination. The fruits of noble chestnut are used in various ways:

  • grind to make coffee;
  • they make marzipan and chocolate;
  • prepare a side dish for meat;
  • stuffed baked poultry;
  • added to soups;
  • ground into chestnut paste for sandwiches;
  • added to pasta, bread and buns;
  • fried and eaten on the street, etc.

Recipes with chestnuts

Most dishes with chestnuts are real masterpieces haute cuisine, with many ingredients and complex recipes. But the bright taste of these nuts does not necessarily require sophisticated imagination. It’s not for nothing that the most popular chestnut dish is roasted nuts.

Have you already bought edible chestnuts? We will now tell you how to prepare them, recipes and little tricks.

Baked chestnuts in the oven

Soak a batch of fresh chestnuts in cold water for 20-30 minutes. Then carefully cut each nut to the diameter with a knife. Place in a mold and cover with a wet towel.

Bake in the oven for 30-45 minutes - depends on the size of the fruit. Towards the end, you can pull out the nut and try whether it’s ready or not.

Chestnut cream soup

You will need: 1 liter of meat or vegetable broth, 500 grams of shelled chestnuts, 1 onion, 2 small carrots, turnip or celery - to taste.

Bring the peeled chestnuts to a boil and cook over high heat for 5 minutes. Cool and remove the film. Then we put the broth on the stove; when it boils, we throw in the chestnuts.

Meanwhile, sauté the onion, then add other vegetables. Place in a saucepan, add salt and cook for another 10 minutes until the chestnuts are cooked.

When the soup has cooled a little, blend with a blender and serve. Be sure to season the soup with low-fat sour cream or cream.

Green beans with chestnuts and beef

You will need: 600 grams of green beans, a glass of oven-baked chestnuts (peeled!), 4 pieces of meat and a little butter.

Throw the beans into boiling water and cook for 4-6 minutes. Then we wash it under cold water and dry with a towel.

Finely chop the beef and fry until crispy. Place on a napkin to remove excess fat.

Cut the chestnuts into 2 parts, melt the butter and put nuts, beans and meat in the pan. Salt, pepper and fry for 2-3 minutes.

How to grow chestnuts in your own garden?

The noble chestnut is a capricious tree with pretensions. Growing it in the garden is not so easy - you need warmth, good humidity and a lot of space. But such a guest will become a true decoration of your garden.

It is convenient to place a bench under its spreading foliage to relax on a hot day, and in the spring it will turn your dacha or house into a piece of real Europe.

If you want to get an edible chestnut into your garden, there are two ways to grow it.

The first is to plant seedlings. For each future tree, you need a plot 3-4 meters in diameter, a deep square hole 50 cm deep, good fertilizer and more warm water for watering.

The second way is to plant the seeds in autumn or spring. IN open ground they grow quickly and freely, and if everything happens as it should, within a year the noble one-year-old chestnut will stretch 20-25 cm. And in five years it will turn into a luxurious tree 3 meters tall. And five years is not so much...

In our country, people rarely think about the benefits and harms of edible chestnuts. Too exotic food. However, for those people who want to know more about the beneficial properties different products and contraindications for their use, information about chestnuts would also be useful.

What it is?

Trees of the genus are called chestnuts Castanea, growing in moderately warm climates and having edible fruits.

There are many varieties Castanea. In the Caucasus you can easily find Chestnut Sowing ( Castanea sativa). If you purchase imported nuts, then these are most likely the fruits of European or American Chestnut.

In addition to trees that have edible fruits, chestnuts are sometimes called other types of plants whose fruits cannot be eaten.

How to distinguish edible chestnuts from inedible ones?

In our latitudes one must be able to distinguish trees of the genus Castanea with edible fruits from Horse Chestnut ( Aesculus), the fruits of which are poisonous.

Learn to distinguish edible options it’s easy to avoid inedible – just look at the photo.

The trees on which the fruits ripen have completely different leaves. The horse chestnut has compound palmate leaves, while the tree whose nuts can be eaten has single leaves.

The fruits themselves also differ.

U edible chestnut The nuts are collected together in 2-4 pieces, surrounded on the outside by branched spines. Those nuts that cannot be eaten are single. They have no spines on top.


Chestnuts are nuts. However, their composition is fundamentally different from the composition of other fruits classified in this class.

Nuts are high in fat, protein and fat-soluble vitamins. But they contain significantly less carbohydrates, fiber and water-soluble vitamins. With chestnuts everything is different. Their composition is similar to vegetables such as potatoes or corn: they are rich in starch, fiber, and vitamin C.

So, 100 grams of fried fruit contains:

  • 245 kcal;
  • 53 grams of carbohydrates, of which 5 are fiber, which is about 20% daily norm;
  • 2.2 g of fat, including saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid molecules;
  • 3.2 g protein;
  • 59% daily dose of manganese;
  • 43% vitamin C;
  • 25% vitamin B6 and copper;
  • 17% folate and potassium each;
  • 16% thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • 10% vitamins B2 and K;
  • 8% magnesium;
  • 7% niacin;
  • 6% pantothenic acid;
  • 5% iron;
  • 4% zinc.

The data provided may vary slightly depending on the type Castanea.

Please note that the composition of these nuts is always given per 100 grams fried product, since in its raw form it is inedible.

The benefits of chestnuts are also explained by the presence of compounds in them that have antioxidant activity. This is not only vitamin C, which is the strongest antioxidant, but also some other substances, for example, polyphenols.

The antioxidant activity of nuts is largely similar to. Like the autumn orange berry, chestnuts supply the body with significant amounts of copper and manganese, which ensure the functioning of enzymes that are natural internal antioxidants for humans.

Another beneficial property of chestnuts is the absence of gluten in them. high content starch. This makes it possible to prepare flour from nuts, which can be used for baking by people suffering.

Medicinal properties

  1. Improves digestion: supports the functioning of beneficial intestinal microflora and eliminates chronic constipation.
  2. Strengthening immunity. Strengthening bone tissue, preventing osteoporosis.
  3. Helps normalize blood pressure in hypertension.
  4. Prevention of atherosclerosis.
  5. Improving brain function: enhancing cognitive abilities, preventing neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia.
  6. Defence from oncological diseases and premature aging.

How do they help you lose weight?

The calorie content of chestnuts per 100 grams is 245 kcal. Their glycemic index not high – 54. This makes these nuts a product that can be included in the menu for people losing weight. Moreover, the explanation of why chestnuts are useful for weight loss is more extensive than just moderate calorie content and low GI. This:

  • support of beneficial intestinal microflora (in overweight people there is always a pathological change in the composition of the intestinal microflora);
  • anti-inflammatory activity (according to current scientific information, the rapid accumulation of fat deposits is associated with the presence of latent inflammatory activity in the body);
  • rapid satiation for a long time, ensuring a reduction in the total number of calories consumed during the day without the pangs of hunger;
  • slowing down the absorption of food, ensuring the prevention of a massive release of insulin after eating, which leads to the rapid formation of fat deposits;
  • general improvement of metabolism and increased energy potential due to the activation of various enzymatic systems.

However, despite all their benefits, chestnuts are not a product on which you can lose weight. Yes, it is allowed to be included in the menu proper nutrition when losing weight. But don't go heavy on these nuts. Since their glycemic load is quite high. And only those foods that do not load the body with a significant amount of carbohydrates have unconditional benefits for weight loss.

Chestnut soup

Yes, these nuts can be used to make the most real soup. To do this, they must first be fried or boiled.

Pumpkin stew

, which can be multiplied if you combine it with chestnuts.

You can see how to do this.

Baked chicken

Popular in many countries holiday dishes on New Year and Christmas are chickens or turkeys baked with chestnuts.

Here is one such recipe.

You can also cook nuts with meat. It will turn out tasty and very satisfying.

We have listed only recipes for dishes with chestnuts that are easy to implement at home and that are healthy. There are also many sweet dishes with this ingredient.

Of course, you shouldn’t deny yourself sweet desserts for life. You just need to clearly understand the following. If you wanted to know the health benefits of chestnuts and discovered that medicinal qualities they have quite a lot, decide to include these nuts in your diet for their benefits, you should not mix them with sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates.

In their sweet form, they no longer provide any benefit to the body, since sugar not only causes harm to health in itself, but also negates the healing effects of other food components.

What are the possible harms?

  1. A strict contraindication for eating chestnuts is an allergy, which is less common than for other types of nuts. It usually manifests itself in the form of redness of the skin and severe itching.
  2. It is also necessary to remember that the fruits Castanea edible only in finished form. The harm of a chestnut that has not passed heat treatment, is due to the fact that it contains a lot of tannic acids, the consumption of which can lead to unpleasant side effects.
  3. In a nut that has been heated, the amount of these compounds is minimal. However, it is not recommended to eat chestnuts at the same time as taking medications, since residual tannic acids in them can reduce the activity medicines.
  4. We must not forget about the glycemic load, which is quite high. By the amount of carbohydrates and their chemical structure this type nuts resembles potatoes. Therefore, it is a conditionally approved product for both diabetics and those losing weight. Especially those who are trying to lose weight on a low-carb diet.

Is it possible to eat chestnuts during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

If an allergy to these nuts has not previously been identified, then during pregnancy they can be included in the diet. But if you have not tried them before conception, then you should not start using them while pregnant.

Women who are breastfeeding are advised to include nuts, including chestnuts, in their menu, as this reduces the likelihood of a child developing a nut allergy in the future. However, some babies may already have allergies. Therefore, after a chestnut meal, it is imperative to monitor the child’s well-being: see if he has a rash, nausea or abdominal pain.

The benefits and harms of edible chestnuts: conclusions

The fruits of trees of the genus Castanea are unusual nuts.

In my own way chemical composition they are more reminiscent of vegetables, such as potatoes, than of nuts. They are high in starch, fiber and vitamin C. Low in fat, protein and fat-soluble vitamins.

Chestnuts have a good effect on blood pressure, are excellent satiators, help boost immunity and promote healthy intestinal microflora.

In moderation, they can be consumed by pregnant women, nursing mothers and those who want to lose weight.

At home, chestnuts can be prepared in the most different ways. But whatever the recipe, before putting it into practice, the nuts must be fried, baked or boiled, since they are inedible in their raw form.

Modern medicine is increasingly resorting to ancient and proven recipes. Patients try to prefer natural drugs medicines. Perhaps this is correct, because such compounds cause much less damage to the human body than various chemical compounds. One of the famous healing agents are chestnut fruits. Their application is quite wide. It can be both internal and external.

This article will provide you with information on how to properly prepare and harvest chestnut fruits. The use of this remedy in folk medicine will be described below. You will be able to find out what problems and diseases it eliminates.

Chestnut: fruit of the tree

If we talk about the components from which folk natural medicines are made, then these are not only dense round chestnuts. Currently, the benefits of the tree bark, its inflorescences, leaves and green fruit membranes have been proven. Always assemble the described components in different time. The flowering period is the spring months, particularly May. It is then that the inflorescences and leaves from the plant are carefully cut off.

It is mainly collected during this period, it contains the maximum amount useful substances. If we talk directly about the fruits, they are harvested in late summer or early autumn. It all depends on the region in which the trees grow. In warm zones this period occurs in September-October. In colder weather - for July-August. After assembly, the chestnut fruits, photos of which are presented to your attention in the article, are carefully processed. They can be dried, crushed, boiled or infused. It all depends on the purpose of use.

Chestnut fruits: properties

The plant gained popularity in folk medicine many decades ago. In the 18th century, chestnut extracts were first used in traditional medicine. Currently, you can find a lot of preparations containing this plant.

The medicinal properties of chestnut fruits can be listed for a very long time. The plant has antiseptic, astringent, healing, antipyretic and regenerating effects. It also has a beneficial effect on the blood, blood vessels and heart. It should be noted medicinal properties chestnut in relation to the stomach, intestines and general digestive system. The fruit of the tree is widely used to treat neurological problems and diseases. respiratory system. Skin pathologies are often eliminated with the help of a plant such as chestnut (its fruit). Cosmetology is a separate branch of medicine in which the described product is used.

Who is the plant contraindicated for use?

Treatment with chestnut fruits almost always has positive reviews. It's all because of what it contains. great amount tannins, vitamins (especially C), coumarin glycosides (fraxin, esculin and others), starch, fatty oil. However, such components are contraindicated for some people. That is why, before resorting to remedies yourself traditional medicine, you need to visit a doctor and consult with him.

Chestnut fruits (photo below) and potions made from them should not be used during pregnancy and after childbirth. During lactation, it is better to avoid such therapy, since there is no data on the effect of the plant on the child. The prepared products should not be taken if platelets are low or if there is bleeding. This can be life-threatening. Chestnut (fruit) is not used for exacerbations of kidney and liver diseases. If the patient suffers from gastritis, a violation acid balance stomach, then it is worth warning him about the dangers of such treatment.

Chestnut fruits (the use of medicines prepared from them) can lead to the development of limb cramps, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and stool disorders. If you encounter such signs, then categorically refuse traditional treatment and seek help from traditional medicine.

Horse chestnut (fruit): application in various fields

As you already know, the prepared medicine can be used internally and as a local remedy. It all depends on the pathology and accompanying symptoms. The most popular remedy is chestnut tincture. It is prepared in different ways, but all options for use can be divided into two. In the first case, the drug is taken orally by drip. In the second, it is applied to the surfaces of the body.

Chestnut lotions and decoctions are also very popular. To prepare them, bark, peel and flowers are used. The ingredients are first dried and crushed.

An important point in the use of chestnut is the ban on its use. It must be remembered that the fruits of this tree are inedible. They are very dangerous to health in their usual form. If a person consumes several fruits, it may occur severe poisoning(up to and including death). It is necessary to protect the prepared raw materials from children and pets. Domestic rodents and dogs are especially common victims of chestnut. Let's consider what horse chestnut (fruit) is used in folk medicine.

Diseases of veins and blood vessels

Chestnut (the fruit of the tree) is very often used to treat hemorrhoids and varicose veins. The main quality of the plant is that it helps thin the blood and relieve the inflammatory process. The most useful parts of the tree for these purposes are the brown fruits and flowers. A tincture is prepared from the latter. The fruits can be used as raw materials for a compress.

  • To prepare the tincture, you need to take round brown chestnut fruits (5 pieces) and 50 grams of dried inflorescences. All this is placed in an enamel or glassware and filled with vodka. You need to infuse the medicine for two weeks in a dark place, shaking daily. This drug is applied to the dilated veins of the lower extremities using a cotton swab twice a day.
  • Take fresh inflorescences and squeeze the juice out of them. The resulting composition should be stored in the refrigerator, taking 30 drops daily. Remember that it is better to carry out manipulation before meals.
  • If you suffer from hemorrhoids or have ulcers on your legs, you can use chestnut peel crushed into dust. To do this, clean the skin and dry it. Next, grind it and store it in a dry place. Sprinkle on affected areas daily before going to bed, then apply a bandage.

Viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract

Chestnut (fruit) can cure diseases such as tracheitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. In some cases, the plant even helps to cope with pulmonary tuberculosis. For any illness that is accompanied by a cough, the effect of the plant is observed. However, you need to know how to prepare it.

  • Take dried tree bark and grind it. Pour two glasses of chilled water over the fruit and let stand for 8 hours. After this, you must strain the drink. Take 3 tablespoons orally up to 6 times a day.
  • Grind the dry ones. Take one spoon of raw materials and pour two glasses of boiling water over it. Wait 10 minutes and strain. Add two tablespoons of honey to the resulting liquid. Drink a quarter glass three times a day.

Women's problems

The chestnut plant is often used in gynecology - a tree whose fruits have important property normalize hormonal background. So, similar traditional medicines prescribed for irregularities in the menstrual cycle, prolonged absence of menstruation, infertility, mastopathy, and so on. Remember that you must consult a gynecologist before starting the correction.

  • Prepare 8 dried tree flowers and pour them hot water. Bring the solution to a boil and remove from the stove. After this, strain and leave overnight. The next day, take one sip every hour. Next, take a break for two days and build a diagram.
  • For cycle disorders, a tincture is usually recommended. To prepare it, take whole chestnut fruits in a ratio of 1 to 100 milliliters of vodka. Mix the ingredients and leave for one month. You can take the composition 5 drops three times a day, starting from the 16th day of the cycle. Remember that the drug contains alcohol. Before starting such a correction, gynecologists advise taking tests to determine the level of hormones in the blood and getting recommendations from a specialist.

Joint diseases: inflammation and injury

Horse chestnut fruits have different properties. Among them there is also an anesthetic. If you suffer from rheumatism, arthritis, inflammation of interarticular joints, then chestnut will help you. In such situations, the plant can be used both internally and externally. To enhance the effect, these two schemes are combined.

  • Take 10 green fruits and cut them lightly. Place in a container and fill with a bottle of vodka. Wait a week and then strain. This tincture take 20 drops orally with meals. If it is impossible to drink ethanol, make compresses from the resulting tincture once a day for two hours.
  • Grind 5 peeled chestnut fruits into flour, add fat cream or butter. If possible, you can use it. In this case, the effect will be maximum. Rub the sore areas before going to bed, then wrap them with a cloth.

Bowel disorders: diarrhea and diarrhea

As you already know, chestnut fruits contain tannins and astringents. They relieve inflammation and improve intestinal motility. For diarrhea, this medicine helps quickly and effectively.

  • Grind a teaspoon of bark and pour two cups of boiling water over it. Wait until the broth has cooled, then strain. Take 50 milliliters before each meal.
  • Peel the green peel from the chestnut fruits and mash the latter in a mortar. Add half a glass hot water and leave for 6 hours. After this, remove the peel. Take a teaspoon three times a day.

When treating diarrhea with the described remedy, you need to carefully monitor your intestinal function. As soon as the condition returned to normal, folk remedy cancelled. Excessive use of the drug can lead to chronic constipation.

Use in cosmetology: chestnut for facial skin and hair

IN Lately The plant is very often used to prepare masks, spot treatments and hair components. As you already know, chestnut has antioxidant properties. This helps women using this composition keep their skin young and beautiful. Even in a polluted and dusty city, a representative of the fairer sex can have beautiful colour faces. Chestnut and its fruits help get rid of acne, blackheads, skin unevenness, and also narrow enlarged pores.

For the face, you can prepare a variety of masks with chestnut. For these purposes, fresh inflorescences and fruits of the tree are crushed. Depending on skin type added additional ingredients: honey and egg yolk(for and cucumber (for oily); lemon and zinc paste (for problematic) and so on. Before manipulation, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test and make sure there is no allergic reaction.

Using chestnut for hair helps reduce hair loss and enhance growth. As a result, the hair becomes soft, shiny and manageable. Problems such as dandruff, seborrhea, increased fat content and the like are eliminated. After each wash, rinse your curls with chestnut decoction. To prepare it, take whole fruits and place them in enamel dishes with water. Bring to a boil and wait 10 minutes. Cool and strain.
