Blue tea: beneficial properties and consumer reviews. Flower blue tea Butterfly pea tea from Thailand: beneficial properties and customer reviews

Clitoria ternatea is better known as " butterfly peas", is widespread in Southeast Asia. It is an evergreen herbaceous perennial plant. In Southeast Asia, clitoria flowers have long been used as food coloring. For example, in Malay cuisine extract from the clitoris is used to color rice in kuih tekan dishes, and in Thai it is used to color the drink nam dok anchan. In India, the roots of the clitoris trifoliate are used in Ayurvedic medicine traditional medicine. The trifoliate clitoris contains substances that have a strong stimulating effect and can be used as antidepressants. The plant also helps relieve stress and has nootropic, anxiolytic, and anticonvulsant effects. Tea from the petals and leaves of the clitoris - good remedy for hair. Improves blood circulation, promotes blood purification and rapid hair growth. Prevents hair loss and the appearance of gray hair. It also cleanses the blood vessels of the eyes and improves vision. The unusual color of tea will decorate any tea ceremony and will be a surprise for your guests.

The tea does not contain caffeine, artificial colors, additives or preservatives.

Weight: 50g.
Compound: Clitoria ternatea
Quantity/pack: weight.
Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components is possible.
Before use, consult a specialist.
Mode of application: Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 spoon of tea and let steep for more than 5 minutes.
Can be used mixed with regular black or green tea.
Can be drunk both hot and chilled.

Clitoria ternatea, better known as butterfly pea or pigeon wing, is widespread in southeast Asia. An evergreen herbaceous perennial plant, either shrubs or small trees.

Instructions for brewing Blue tea

In Southeast Asia, clitoria flowers have long been used as food coloring. For example, in Malay cuisine, clitoris extract is used to color rice in kuih tekan dishes.
In India, the roots of the clitoris trifolium are used in Ayurvedic traditional medicine.
In the trifoliate clitoris, especially in its roots, substances have been found that have a strong stimulating effect and can be used as antidepressants and also to relieve stress.


The color of the infusion is pure blue, as if a dye was added to it; if you add a few drops of lemon juice to the blue infusion of Clitoria Trifoliate, the color will change to purple, and the taste will completely change. It is recommended to drink with or without lemon.

Mode of application: Pour 2-3 teaspoons of dried flowers with hot water (85-90 degrees). Brew many times until the color of the brew is completely white. From four grams of dried flowers you can get at least two liters of drink! Can be consumed hot or cold.
Storage conditions: at a temperature not exceeding 25 C in a dry place. Shelf life: 2 years

Tea drinking traditions go back centuries. Whether you live in equatorial Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia or America, drinking various types tea is an integral part of the life of the inhabitants of our planet. Behind aromatic drink, refreshing and perfectly quenches thirst, people communicate, savor delicious desserts and even solve business issues.

Naturally, we are accustomed to drinking black and green tea. Slightly less popular is red hibiscus tea, brought from sunny Egypt and brewed from hibiscus flowers. Herbal teas are also common in Russia and other post-Soviet countries - infusions of various spicy and medicinal plants, for example, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort.

And in recent years, specialized stores and online resources for the sale of tea have offered their consumers a unique opportunity to try plant raw materials imported from the most remote corners of our planet and fully enjoy them. amazing taste, exquisite scent and undoubted benefit for the body. Eg, blue tea- the butterfly became a long time ago business card Thailand.

What it is?

Blue tea is obtained from the large blue buds of Clitoria ternate (blue pea, butterfly pea, Thai orchid, anchan) - an evergreen legume, growing in Thailand and Malaysia. The thing is that when dried flower petals are brewed, the resulting drink is a rich blue hue.

Do not confuse Thai tea made from the petals of the clitoris ternate with the Chinese large-leaf oolong, which also gives bluish tints when brewed. These two are perfect different plants, differing in both taste and medicinal properties.

Butterfly pea tea or butterfly pea, which means “butterfly peas” in Russian, was brought from the ecologically clean regions of Southeast Asia and is valued all over the world not only for its original color, amazing aroma and rich, subtle, unobtrusive taste with notes of earth and wood. , but also for healing qualities, which is possessed by plant raw materials dried in the sun and packaged in sealed packages.

Beneficial properties of blue tea, composition

Healing blue tea from Thailand has a powerful biochemical composition, which contains anthocyanins (substances with powerful antioxidant properties that give the product a characteristic blue color), steroids, flavonol glycosides, triterpenoids, peptides, polyphenols, vitamins (C, groups B, K, D) and numerous mineral salts (magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, etc.).

According to Ayurvedic medicine, blue tea has the following medicinal properties:

  • nootropic;
  • antioxidant;
  • sedative;
  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • decongestant;
  • cleansing;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • anxiolytic;
  • restorative;
  • tonic.

Drinking the drink has a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system, is a way to eliminate the effects of stress, relieves depression and anxiety, improves cognitive functions of the brain, including memory and concentration. In the East, it is believed that if you drink blue tea correctly, you can influence the female libido, increasing sexual desire for the opposite sex.

And blue tea from the Thai orchid helps strengthen vision, improving its sharpness and perception of contrasts, as it cleanses the blood vessels of the eyeballs and relieves tension from the visual organ, prevents oxidative stress in the body, and helps strengthen and restore natural hair color. Drinking infused buds is considered a powerful cosmetic product that actively acts from the inside and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

There is a practice of rinsing hair with blue tea infusion. It works as a high-quality conditioner, removing static electricity and improving combing of strands during styling. Such procedures help improve the condition of the hair, restore color, strengthen the roots, and give the curls an amazing shine. To prepare the rinse aid, a glass of brewed classic recipe tea is diluted in 0.7 liters of settled water and used after each wash.

But the drink has become most widespread among women all over the world for its invaluable assistance in controlling body weight. Systematically drinking blue tea helps you lose weight and maintain a slim figure, especially in combination with a thoughtful diet and additional physical activity.

Thai blue tea for weight loss is useful due to its ability to reduce appetite, accelerate metabolism, remove excess fluid from tissues, relieve irritability and anxiety caused by food restriction. Just 2-3 cups of this delicious drink a day will help every woman in the fight against extra pounds. The initial course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, after which a three-week break is taken.

Blue tea brewing recipes

Many readers are concerned about the pressing question - how to properly brew blue tea so that the drink reveals all its beneficial features?

  • Classic version

Tea sommeliers recommend preparing the drink using the following technology: pour over teapot boiling water, immerse 6-8 flowers for each glass of water in a container, steam with hot but not boiling water (temperature 85-90°C), close with a lid, let steep for 4 minutes, pour into porcelain cups.

You can drink tea either warm or chilled. It perfectly quenches thirst and charges the body with additional energy. Added to blue tea ginger root, lemon, lime, Bee Honey or sugar, according to your own taste. When sour lemon juice is added, the drink changes color from blue to intense purple.

  • An exquisite cocktail for any occasion

Here's a unique recipe non-alcoholic cocktail called “Purple Mojito”, serving which every housewife will rightfully win the title of the most original and hospitable. It is useful to drink for both adults and children. The drink is served with a straw; the color of the cocktail attracts the attention of even the most inattentive guests.

Pour a quarter of strong brewed blue tea into a tall cocktail glass and dilute it mineral water(necessarily highly carbonated), leaving about a third of the volume to the top, add 1-2 teaspoons sugar syrup, finely chopped fresh leaves peppermint, lime and lemon slices and crushed ice.

Numerous reviews from consumers, traditional and traditional medicine indicate that blue tea from Thailand has beneficial properties, and its inclusion in the daily diet can significantly improve health.

Have you already tried blue tea? Personally, I fell in love with it from the first cup after visiting Thailand. Now I purchase raw materials in an online store, choosing for myself from numerous positive feedback verified supplier. Beauty and youth to you, dear readers!

Invite for a cup of tea delicious tea, alas, I won’t be with you, because I simply can’t - there’s a shortage of delicious tea these days. Well, since there is nothing tasty, I’ll tell you about something unusual - unique, simply fantastically beautiful blue tea.

How much has already been written about it and how many beneficial properties are attributed to the butterfly pea plant: it will improve vision, help grow healthy hair, improve the condition of the skin and nails, strengthen memory and work as an antidepressant. Well, many people have probably heard about the weight loss effect of drinking blue tea. So I couldn’t resist - I tried it, expecting a miracle, expecting a extravaganza of colors and taste, something unusually beautiful, the same as a blossoming bud in the hair of a young Thai woman.

I received this tea bag from the Siamarket IM.

Manufacturer country: Thailand.

Weight: 50 grams.

Price: currently 76 rubles, but constantly fluctuates as a result of the dollar exchange rate

The price is frankly cheap, but I got this tea absolutely free - it was included in the package as a gift, and was not even included in the invoice, like mango waffles, which were also received as a gift. Alas, there won’t be a separate review of the waffles, only as part of a review of the store, but I wanted to talk about the tea in more detail.


My a budget option tea and is packaged just as inexpensively - there is no identifying information on the packaging. If you order tea on "Siamarket", then be prepared that this package is not worth taking as a gift; the website has more presentable packaging, but it costs a little more.

The tea itself is not really tea, but the flowers of the butterfly pea plant, which are collected and dried in a special way:

It is the flowers of this plant that are the basis of blue tea, which the Thais love very much. A delicate process of collecting buds, which are picked only in the early morning, helps them achieve the special taste and color of the drink.

Then the flowers are dried, but not completely, so that some moisture is retained. At the next stage, they are oxidized and then dried again.

The result is flowers that look like this: hard, not at all fragile, not brittle. That is why there is so little debris and grass pollen in the bag.


The usual method: boil a kettle and immediately pour the tea leaves into it will not work here.

If blue tea is consumed as usual, then it’s worth using with the following recipe. The boiling water should stand for two minutes. Then tea petals are poured over it, and after 10 seconds the water is drained. After this, the petals are again poured with boiling water and left for 2-3 minutes. Blue tea can be drunk on its own, or with mint or lemon. By the way, lemon changes the color of tea to purple and gives the drink a unique, quite pleasant taste. You can add sugar or honey to blue tea.

You shouldn’t be afraid to drain the first water - the tea starts to give off color after half a minute, you won’t lose anything, so take the advice of those who have been drinking it all their lives

After a minute, the tea takes on a light blue tint. Usually we brew it in a French press, but for the sake of photos and greater clarity, I brewed it directly in a glass - this is also quite convenient and the tea turns out just as good.

At first, I was waiting for a floral extravaganza, that the flowers were about to open and give me a micro-show, vaguely similar to how knitted teas work - I peered into the glass for a long time, the flowers splashed...

But no, in the top view there are just slightly expanded flowers. It's a pity, but they are not blooming, and therefore the highlight of the program will be ahead.

Infused tea has a rich blue color. Have you ever blued your bed linen? I remember how my mother did this in my blue childhood, and so, the color is just the same - just as beautiful. It’s just that this glass took me not 2-3 minutes to brew, as described, but about five.

For comparison - two-minute and five-minute tea. When brewing in a French press, we usually make a lot at once, for several glasses, where the tea is brewed and gives off a better color, and therefore by the end of the tea party it turns blue to black.

Probably everyone has heard about how blue tea changes color? Everyone except me. I just received tea as a gift and decided to brew it in the evening. And when I wasn’t satisfied with the taste, I decided to add lemon tea.

"Look! Look! Shaitanama! The tea has turned purple!" - yes, I was surprised, no, I was amazed! What happened to my tea?

Like any ordinary Russian person, I first turn on the device and then read the instructions, and so it happened with tea: first I tried it, and then only found out what they decided to treat me with. That’s the kind of gullible person I am (okay, it wasn’t poison).

Later, after reading a lot of information about this tea, I learned about it unusual properties, so, if you add milk to tea, it turns blue. And this reminded me more of how in childhood we diluted blue in water emulsion to paint the walls blue. I have a lot of experience with blue, as it turned out.

I tried to combine all the shades of my tea and this is what I came up with - well, just a sunset sky, you can even now dip your brush in tea and paint a seascape.


Oooh, I saved this information for you for dessert, along with my cottage cheese cookies. Let's go back a little and remember my close friendship as a child with blue. No, no, I didn’t taste it, but I remember the smell. What is he like? Almost none... just like the taste of this tea. "What does he look like?" - I asked in bewilderment, trying to casually find out information useful for the review. “Yes, no, no, it’s like some kind of medicine was mixed in.” So I couldn’t formulate for a long time how I would characterize this smell and, after several portions of “blue”, I finally decided:

imagine clean cotton socks of blue color, which had been lying for a long time on a dusty shelf somewhere in a closet where old herbs were stored. There are a few of these blades of grass stuck to them, and so, you take out one sock, blissfully inhale its fresh, slightly dusty-herbal smell, dip it in a cup of boiling water, like a tea bag, and then try to persuade yourself that you will lose weight, your hair, nails will grow, and in general, your whole life will get better.

If you managed to imagine this, congratulations, you have a rich imagination, and you have just tasted this wonderful and unusual tea.

How can I drink it now?

Only with lemon. Yes, of course, its properties as an antidepressant are immediately evident here, even when brewed - I’m just blown away by the process and the color change. Lemon gives the tea some flavor. At work, I usually brew it directly in a mug; I take 5-7 flowers per mug.


Weight loss

Since blue tea contains polyphenols, it promotes the rapid breakdown of fats and stimulates their removal from the body, and in general speeds up all metabolic processes.

As a person who has gone on a diet, I can say with confidence: not a single tea, not a single pill, patch or goji berry will help you lose weight if you like to cook cookies, pancakes and casseroles, as I like to do, and even more so if you like not only to cook them, but also to eat them, and eat them as if you have two stomachs or tomorrow is a hungry day. Yes, undoubtedly, some plants speed up metabolism, and drinking fluid in the right amount will certainly benefit you, but, alas, no one has ever become slim from tea alone.

Well, if you decide to include blue tea in your diet (as I do now on a diet), then know when to stop:

The consumption of this drink should be moderate, especially if you decide to drink blue tea for the purpose of losing weight. According to experts, it should be taken no more than 3 cups per day for a week. After this, you need to take a break for 3 weeks and then repeat the course.

If you just drink tea without pursuing any medicinal purposes, then after a month of drinking the drink it is better to take a break so that you do not get used to it.

Well, now a few words about where so many benefits come from and why this tea is considered medicinal.

Blue tea contains great amount useful components

  • Vitamin B1 is indispensable for the full functioning of the nervous system and normal operation gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vitamin B2 is important for eye health, it normalizes metabolism, helps the body fight stress and stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Vitamin B3 normalizes blood circulation, promotes the processing of sugar and fats into energy.
  • Vitamin B12 protects against obesity, strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of depression.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, helps the body fight free radicals (like vitamin E) and helps improve mood.
  • Vitamin K fights the aging process.
  • Vitamin D is important for healthy skin.
  • Iron improves the structure of nails and hair, makes the skin more beautiful and healthier.
  • Phosphorus is no substitute for brain activity.
  • Manganese normalizes the emotional state and strengthens the immune system.


Of course, it will not be possible to restore your vision, as well as your figure, but B vitamins are considered very beneficial for vision. Of course, in addition to blue tea, you can find products that contain them: cottage cheese, pumpkin, nuts, buckwheat, milk, blueberries, blueberries... So here, tea is not a panacea, but an excellent addition to your diet.


For these purposes, it is recommended to drink blue tea both internally and to rinse your hair with it. I don’t really want to spend the tea show on my hair - for now I’m just making my guests happy with it, preferring that my hair and my guests’ hair starts to grow from all the benefits that blue tea contains.

For decorating dishes

Oh, these Thais, but they have adapted to cook blue rice using this tea and make blue desserts, such as jelly. I’m not ready for such culinary delights, remembering how in one of the episodes Bridget Jones treated her guests to blue soup, which turned out after an unplanned blue cord got into the pan. Special taste Blue tea still won’t add to the dish, but everyone will definitely treat the color with great distrust

Well, have a colorful show, because Bon appetit the tongue simply cannot dare to wish for it. Here I remain a native Russian person, I prefer the impossibly delicious Ivan tea, which I collect myself every summer. It may not surprise anyone, but the benefits of this simple plant are no less, believe me, and the aroma of the resulting drink will be the envy of any Thai.

I give the tea a two and a point for the fact that now I can turn any of my soup blue.

I hope to see you again in my other reviews. xo

The modern tea industry never ceases to amaze consumers. Thai blue tea (moth pea) is a drink that surprises and delights with its amazing properties, taste and appearance. Having heard its name, most people do not know what it is about.

Blue tea has several names - moth pea, clitoria, Thai orchid,. English names: blue pea tea, butterfly pea. Most people will most likely imagine a simple, blue drink. But blue tea is not so simple and it differs not only in its marvelous color.

This drink also famous for its unique taste and soft aroma, thanks to which it has gained thousands of fans from all over the world. But that’s not all, this not-so-modest drink is also famous for its healing properties.

For example, many residents of Asian countries use blue tea as a medicine in the treatment of many diseases and ailments. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at blue tea, because it is not only elegant and delicious drink, but also great source a large number of useful natural compounds.

Why is Thai tea blue?

The anthocyanins contained in it give this unique color to the drink. They are organic dyes that are used by Thais in cooking.

All the beneficial properties of the drink are based on the rich content of vitamins and microelements. It contains B vitamins, vitamins C, D and E. Microelements - calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and others.

The effect of tea on the body

  • Improves visual acuity.
  • Prevents glaucoma and other eye diseases.
  • Strengthens and improves hair growth.
  • Strengthens nails.
  • Cleanses and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Prevents stroke and heart attack.
  • Calms the nervous system.

Contraindications for blue tea

If we talk about our tea, then there is a minimum of them. You should not drink a blue drink if you are preparing for an important business meeting or are about to drive a car, since blue tea has very strong sedative properties, due to which it can reduce attention and slow down the speed of reactions.

If you know that your body reacts poorly to clitoris flowers or other components of blue tea, then it would be better to consult a doctor or take tea in small doses.

This was the entire list of contraindications!

Tea distribution

China is a recognized world leader in the cultivation and procurement of different varieties tea. And according to the classification accepted in the Celestial Empire, absolutely all teas have their own special purposes. For example, expensive elite varieties of Chinese tea are usually consumed only on important occasions, celebrations, and holidays. Noble varieties of tea simply cannot be used for daily tea drinking. This is considered to be very bad form and a sign of real disrespect for traditions and the ancient culture of our ancestors.

Here in Russia, the two main types of tea are considered the most popular - green and black. But, according to the ancient classification, between green and black tea there is still a large number of independent varieties of tea. Blue tea is classified as oolong or oolong tea - this is a medium-fermentative tea produced only in a few places on our planet.

One of these places is the island of Taiwan, located in China. Moreover, Taiwanese oolong is considered more elite and valuable variety than its Chinese counterpart. The whole difference is in the climate. It is also worth mentioning that blue tea is considered the most ancient drink, consumed by ancient Chinese emperors. And today blue tea is considered one of the best and most elite varieties of tea. But in Asian countries it is still more accessible than here.

What is the price

For example, in tea shops in Thailand you need to pay 100 baht (about $3) for 100 grams of blue tea. In our specialized stores they sell it for $4-5, and in online stores you can find it a little cheaper.

Recently, tea has become popular in our country. It is believed that the drink can help with various ailments. Its price is about a thousand rubles per package.

Advice. Buy blue tea only from trusted sellers, since only in this case you can know for sure that what is inside the bags is blue tea, and not some dried burdock!

Features of tea

Blue tea boasts not only its exceptional aroma and taste abilities. The drink is also distinguished by its unique characteristics and mineral and vitamin composition.

Color. The most important and unique feature of the Asian drink is its color. Blue color.

Leaf shape. Another of the main features of tea is the special shape of the leaves. They are strongly twisted and similar in shape to a tourniquet. It is the shape of the leaf that helps the drink withstand many brewings. After harvest, leaves tea tree lay out in the open sun for 10 hours. As a result, the sheets curl and acquire their distinctive shape. Also interesting is that the tea leaves dry out at the edges, but remain fresh in the middle.

Productivity. In 1 season you can harvest up to 4 harvests.

To get a pleasant impression and the greatest benefit from a Thai drink, it must be brewed according to all the rules.

To change the color a little ready drink, you can add lemon and honey to it. Then it will be purple.

Specifics of brewing tea

The leaves of this tea can be brewed many times. That is, as long as the brewed tea has an aftertaste and “holds” a blue color. Consumer characteristics blue tea remain unchanged even after 15 brewing times.

Watch a video about what real blue tea looks like

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Thai blue tea - properties and features

Author: Master Coffee Published: August 8, 2014

The modern tea industry never ceases to amaze consumers. Thai blue tea (moth pea) is a drink that surprises and delights with its amazing properties, taste and appearance. Having heard its name, most people do not know what it is about.

Blue tea has several names - moth pea, clitoria, Thai orchid. English names - blue pea tea, butterfly pea. Most people will most likely imagine a simple, blue drink. But blue tea is not so simple and it differs not only in its marvelous color. This drink is also famous for its unique taste and mild aroma, thanks to which it has gained thousands of fans from all over the world. But that’s not all, this not so modest drink is also famous for its healing properties, for example, many residents of Asian countries use blue tea as a medicine in the treatment of many diseases and ailments. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at blue tea, because it is not only an elegant and tasty drink, but also an excellent source of a large number of beneficial natural compounds.

Why is Thai tea blue?

The anthocyanins contained in it give this unique color to the drink. They are organic dyes that are used by Thais in cooking.

Benefits of blue tea

All the beneficial properties of the drink are based on the rich content of vitamins and microelements. It contains B vitamins, vitamins C, D and E. Microelements - calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and others.

The effect of tea on the body

  • Prevents glaucoma and other eye diseases
  • Strengthens and improves hair growth
  • Strengthens nails
  • Cleanses and strengthens blood vessels
  • Prevents stroke and heart attack
  • Calms the nervous system

Contraindications for blue tea

If we talk about our tea, then there is a minimum of them. You should not drink a blue drink if you are preparing for an important business meeting or are about to drive a car, since blue tea has very strong sedative properties, due to which it can reduce attention and slow down the speed of reactions.

If you know that your body reacts poorly to clitoris flowers or other components of blue tea, then it would be better to consult a doctor or take tea in small doses.

This was the entire list of contraindications!

Tea distribution

China is a recognized world leader in the cultivation and procurement of various varieties of tea. And according to the classification accepted in the Celestial Empire, absolutely all teas have their own special purposes. For example, expensive elite varieties of Chinese tea are usually consumed only on important occasions, celebrations, and holidays. Noble varieties of tea simply cannot be used for daily tea drinking. This is considered to be very bad form and a sign of real disrespect for traditions and the ancient culture of our ancestors.

Here in Russia, two main types of tea are considered the most popular - green and black. But, according to the ancient classification, between green and black tea there are still a large number of independent varieties of tea. Blue tea is classified as oolong or oolong tea - this is a medium-fermentative tea produced only in a few places on our planet.

One of these places is the island of Taiwan, located in China. Moreover, Taiwanese oolong is considered a more elite and valuable variety than its Chinese counterpart. The whole difference is in the climate. It is also worth mentioning that blue tea is considered the most ancient drink, consumed by ancient Chinese emperors. And today blue tea is considered one of the best and most elite varieties of tea. But in Asian countries it is still more accessible than here.

What is the price

For example, in tea shops in Thailand you need to pay 100 baht (about $3) for 100 grams of blue tea. In our specialized stores they sell it for $4-5, and in online stores you can find it a little cheaper.

Advice. Buy blue tea only from trusted sellers, since only in this case you can know for sure that what is inside the bags is blue tea, and not some dried burdock!

Features of tea

Blue tea boasts not only its exceptional aroma and taste abilities. The drink is also distinguished by its unique characteristics and mineral and vitamin composition.

Color. The most important and unique feature of the Asian drink is its color. Blue color.

Leaf shape. Another of the main features of tea is the special shape of the leaves. They are strongly twisted and similar in shape to a tourniquet. It is the shape of the leaf that helps the drink withstand many brewings. After harvesting, the tea tree leaves are placed in the open sun for 10 hours. As a result, the sheets curl and acquire their distinctive shape. Also interesting is that the tea leaves dry out at the edges, but remain fresh in the middle.

Productivity. In 1 season you can harvest up to 4 harvests.

How to brew blue tea

To get a pleasant impression and the greatest benefit from a Thai drink, it must be brewed according to all the rules.

  1. We heat the water to 90 degrees. How to determine this temperature? When the kettle begins to make a noticeable noise and small bubbles rise from the bottom white– this is the temperature we need.
  2. Rinse the teapot with hot water and pour it out.
  3. Pour the tea itself into the teapot and fill it about 1/3 with hot water. And immediately drain this water. Why do you need to drain the first water? This way the tea leaves are washed from dust and foreign contaminants. And also for warming up and preparing tea leaf to extraction useful substances.
  4. Fill the water a second time. Let it sit for a few minutes. Now the real Thai blue tea is ready.

To slightly change the color of the finished drink, you can add lemon and honey. Then it will be purple.

Specifics of brewing tea

The leaves of this tea can be brewed many times. That is, as long as the brewed tea has an aftertaste and “holds” a blue color. The consumer characteristics of blue tea remain unchanged even after the 15th brewing time.

Articles on this topic:

Blue tea. Mysterious turquoise drink from tropical Thailand

Blue tea from Thailand - healthy tea drink, so named due to the turquoise hue it gives when brewed. This species should not be confused with the large-leaved Chinese oolong, which is also blue.

Thai turquoise tea is made from an orchid called Clitoria trifoliate, whose shoots reach almost 3.5 meters in length.

It grows only within Thailand, which is why it is often called the Thai orchid.

Turquoise tea drink has become widespread among Thais and guests of the country. And it attracts not only with its unusual color and magical aroma: it also has a number of useful properties that have long been used by residents of Southeast Asia.

Have you already tried a tonic? Chinese tea kudin with twisted leaves. The properties of kudin tea are very diverse; they add strength and restore vital energy.

Among the local plants, thyme has a large number of healing properties. Read here how to make tea with thyme and mint.

How is Thai tea made?

Blue tea is made in a rather interesting way.

Thai orchid buds are collected exclusively in the morning (as a rule, pickers pick buds with only three leaves), then they are dried so that the core remains moist and retains all its properties.

Then it comes to the final stage - the fermentation process. The dried buds are placed together with the leaves in a cool, damp place, where they are periodically stirred.

Compliance with this technology is the most important factor in production, since it allows you to preserve most of its healing qualities.

How to drink blue tea

The process of preparing a blue drink is quite simple: take 2 teaspoons of turquoise tea and fill it with hot water (250 ml).

There is no need to use boiling water, because ideally the water temperature should be approximately 90C. It only takes five minutes to brew Thai orchid leaves.

If desired, the resulting drink can be sweetened with honey or sugar. Sometimes a few drops of lemon juice are added to blue tea, which gives it new flavor shades.

Taste at first exotic tea may seem very, very specific, but with constant use it becomes addictive and then it will not need to be supplemented with any other ingredients.

Blue tea from Thailand is not recommended to be consumed too often. For its beneficial properties to have the desired effect, it is enough to drink the drink once a week. This also applies to other similar drinks, such as chamomile tea or linden tea.

If you decide to use it to lose a couple of extra pounds, then you should adhere to the following regimen: drink Thai tea every other day for one week, then stop drinking it for three weeks and then repeat the course again.

Do you like to have a strong cup of wine in the morning? invigorating coffee? This espresso coffee recipe will give you a pleasant taste and delicate aroma favorite drink.

And if you prefer coffee with milk, read here how to make latte macchiato at home.

Herbal teas have a large number of beneficial substances. Find out about the benefits of lemon balm tea using this link.

Beneficial features

Despite all the taste and aroma characteristics of this drink, people drink it primarily in order to improve their body health through its beneficial components.

This drink is a true treasure, concealing in its buds a whole range of vitamins, beneficial elements and minerals.

This tea contains iron, phosphorus and manganese, which have a beneficial effect on the skin, improve the condition of the hair, promote its growth, and also give healthy nails.

In addition, it contains vitamins B1, B2, B12, B13 and C, D, E, K, which have a comprehensive healing effect on the body. Local rosehip tea is similar in amount of vitamins.

Healing effects on the body

  • Positive effect on the eyes. Blue tea cleanses the blood vessels of the eyeballs, which leads to improved vision. This drink is especially recommended for people who often work at the computer. Tea helps relieve conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Antidepressant properties. The Thai tea drink is known for its relaxing effect: it can calm the nerves and relieve stress.
  • Elixir for a slim figure. Since blue tea contains polyphenols, it promotes the rapid breakdown of fats and stimulates their removal from the body, and in general speeds up all metabolic processes.
  • Source of energy. A drink from Thailand helps overcome chronic fatigue and has invigorating effect and tonic effect, improves the functioning of the body.
  • Beneficial effects on the brain. Turquoise tea promotes cerebral circulation, improves memory, performs effective means against insomnia.
  • Healer of the cardiovascular system. The drink stimulates blood circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots and equalizes blood pressure.

The quality of the prepared coffee depends not only on the beans themselves, but also on the quality of the grinding. Coffee grinder knives must be sharp to cope with hard beans.

One of the most tonic teas in the world is Chinese Puer tea. Read here how to drink pu-erh correctly.

And in order to calm down and relax, you can prepare Paraguayan mate tea. Find out more in this article about real dishes for brewing mate - calabash and bombilla.

True gourmets are unlikely to take blue tea drink from Thailand seriously, since it has a light, weak taste.

But those who strive to keep their body in good shape will appreciate the healing components hidden in the turquoise elixir.

If you ever go on a trip to tropical Thailand, be sure to replenish your tea collection with an unusual blue drink, which will also become an original gift for your loved ones.

Read along with this article:

Blue tea is an assistant for vision, beautiful hair and a slim figure

07/19/2013 Alikka

Since ancient times, tea has been not only a drink that can invigorate and quench thirst. It has always been endowed with a number of healing properties. Black tea, for example, is a great tonic, while green tea can improve metabolism. But blue tea has truly healing properties. Of course, for our latitudes this is exotic, but very useful.

Blue tea, anchan or “clitoria trifoliate”, is also known as “butterfly pea tea” - butterfly peas. This herbaceous vine is evergreen, its shoots can reach 3.5 meters in length.

It is the flowers of this plant that are the basis of blue tea, which the Thais love very much. A delicate process of collecting buds, which are picked only in the early morning, helps them achieve the special taste and color of the drink.

Then the flowers are dried, but not completely, so that some moisture is retained. At the next stage, they are oxidized and then dried again.

Useful properties of “butterfly pea tea”

Blue tea has a number of beneficial properties:

  • improvement of vision: tea cleans blood vessels well, including the vessels of the eyes, thereby positively affecting visual acuity. Clitoria improves eye condition in diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts, diabetes mellitus, and Alzheimer's disease;
  • Blue tea promotes rapid hair growth; by drinking it, you can forget about gray hair and hair loss. It will also help improve the condition of your skin and nails;
  • The large number of polyphenol compounds in blue tea guarantees excellent properties for breaking down fats and removing them from the body. This drink will be a great help during weight loss. And vitamins C, E, K, D, B1, B2, B12 and B13, manganese, phosphorus and iron will help normalize metabolism;
  • Regular consumption of “butterfly pea tea” guarantees improved memory;
  • Blue tea has a relaxing and calming effect, due to which it is often used as a natural antidepressant.

The consumption of this drink should be moderate, especially if you decide to drink blue tea for the purpose of losing weight. According to experts, it should be taken no more than 3 cups per day for a week. After this, you need to take a break for 3 weeks and then repeat the course.

If you just drink tea without pursuing any medicinal purposes, then after a month of drinking the drink it is better to take a break so that you do not get used to it.

Kitchen Recipes

Anchan goes well with honey, sugar, stevia and lemongrass.

To properly brew blue Thai tea, you need to pour 2-3 teaspoons of dry tea into a glass. hot water, but not boiling water: the water temperature should reach 85-90C. Let the tea steep for about 3 minutes.

You can also experiment with the taste and color of “butterfly pea tea”. Add just a couple of drops of lemon juice to blue tea, and it will acquire new flavors and colors.

In addition, Thai chefs use clitoria flowers as a natural coloring for desserts and rice, and in hotels, blue tea, which has a neutral taste, is served to quench thirst.

You can surprise everyone by using a strong decoction of blue tea to give a blue color. custard, cottage cheese and other desserts. Blue treats will surprise and delight your guests. The most important thing is that this dye is not only natural, but also healthy!

Blue tea jelly

To prepare this dessert you will need: 1 glass of tea, 15 g. sugar, 3 gr. gelatin, 150 ml. water, optional lemon juice(then the jelly will be lilac).

Sugar must be added to the water. Pre-strained strong tea add to the water at the boiling stage. Then add the pre-soaked gelatin and stir until it dissolves. Strain the jelly, pour into the mold and cool.

If you want a matte colored jelly, add coconut milk.

Beauty Recipes

Drinking blue tea as a cosmetic product gives truly miraculous results. This is especially true for hair care.

For treating colored hair and strengthening its roots, a hair mask with clitoris extract “Anchan” has proven itself well. It will not only revitalize your hair, but also effectively protect against harmful effects, and when using a hair dryer or iron, it will serve as reliable thermal protection.

For brunettes, the clitoris - a real find, it can be used as natural dye for hair! For example, regular use of black tint shampoo will make their black hair color more rich and vibrant, and will also cover gray hair.

Blue tea: beneficial properties, brewing, contraindications

Blue tea, or as it is also called blue-green, is not a blue drink at all. In fact, this is a type of tea that has a slightly bluish tint. In terms of fermentation, it is between black and green tea and has a lot of useful substances. Blue tea has been incredibly popular in Asian countries for several centuries in a row.

Oolong, another name for tea (translated from Chinese as “black dragon”), is grown on mountain plantations in China, Taiwan, and Thailand, collected and processed using unusual technology. According to tradition, at dawn, from the very top tea bush, collect only three leaves that grow on one branch. Afterwards, the leaves are placed in a cool and dark place for fermentation and stirred periodically.

In order to stop fermentation (drying), the leaves are heated in an iron container, then dried, then cooled, then again sent for drying under high temperatures. According to the degree and method of fermentation, blue tea is divided into several types: Chinese and Taiwanese.

Taiwanese blue tea undergoes strong fermentation, but Chinese blue tea, on the contrary, undergoes less fermentation. Naturally, this is reflected in the taste characteristics. So Taiwanese has a softer, more delicate taste than Chinese.

But blue tea gained particular popularity not even because of its incredible taste, you must admit, many teas have excellent taste characteristics. This mixture of green and black tea, in addition to its wonderful aroma and taste, also has antioxidant properties that can work wonders for weight loss.

Beneficial properties of blue tea

Regular consumption of blue tea will help you speed up your metabolism, improve liver metabolism and, moreover, reduce cholesterol levels. Blue tea or oolong is considered an excellent antioxidant and also prevents diseases such as steotosis.

Blue tea is credited with its incredible ability to prevent certain types of cancer. It also has a protective effect on cardiovascular system, as it improves the condition of blood vessels and circulatory system, including immunity.

Blue tea will be useful for the following problems:

Diabetes. Oolong will be an effective addition to oral hypoglycemic agents for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Eczema. Japanese researchers found that patients who drank a liter of blue tea every day found positive dynamics in the fight against eczema.

Allergies. Blue tea contains two catechin derivatives (C-1 and C-2), which are powerful antiallergic agents.

Bacterial infections. Polyphenols, which are contained in blue tea for weight loss, inhibit the enzymatic activity of certain types of streptococci.

Caries. Polyphenolic compounds will help keep your teeth in good condition and prevent caries.

Obesity. Drinking blue tea stimulates fat oxidation. Oolong is rich in catechins, which are powerful antioxidants. Their action is aimed at weight loss and for maximum effect, experts recommend drinking blue tea after every heavy meal.

Cancer. Blue tea contains a unique extract that has chemopreventive properties against hepatocarcinogenesis. And thanks to the antioxidants that oolong is rich in, the body's cells are under maximum protection.

Oolong is also known for its sedative properties, which normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and reduces the number of stressful conditions. In addition, blue tea is considered an excellent refreshing drink. It can be consumed both hot and cold.

Blue tea for weight loss. Myth or reality?

A study was conducted at the University of Colorado (USA), the results of which were published in the International Journal of Research on Obesity and Metabolic Disorders. The article says that in the course of experiments, it was proven that blue tea still has the ability to prevent and fight obesity, including fatty liver.

Also, researchers from the University of Maryland Medical Center concluded that drinking blue tea for weight loss is indeed great way reset excess weight. After all, oolong is different high content unique antioxidants.

Blue tea has been noted to contain a sufficient concentration of caffeine for the purpose of stimulating the body and burning calories and has a diuretic effect. In addition, catechins, powerful antioxidants, speed up metabolism and increase levels of oxidation and thermogenesis, thereby creating an important basis for fat burning. Polyphenols, which are part of blue tea for weight loss, due to their special effect on glucose metabolism, will serve as a prevention of type I diabetes.

How to brew blue tea

The tea ceremony is a separate art. After all, only a properly prepared drink will give you the opportunity to feel real taste blue tea and get the maximum amount of nutrients.

In order to properly brew blue tea you need:

  1. Bring the water to almost a boil (about 90 degrees; when small bubbles and barely noticeable bubbling appear). Remember that temperature and water quality are of great importance in the tea preparation process. Soft spring water is best for this.
  2. When the water is almost boiling, remove it and rinse the kettle in which you will brew blue tea for weight loss. This is a mandatory step, because this way you will warm up the kettle.
  3. Pour in the tea, filling it one-third full with water. Be sure to pour out the first infusion, because it will collect all the unnecessary dust and at the same time it will warm up the tea leaves a little. When you fill the tea leaves with water a second time, let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Afterwards, pour into cups and enjoy its unique taste.

Blue tea does not need to be steeped for a long time, because it can then give off a bitter taste. Depending on the variety, oolong can be infused many times.

How to use blue tea correctly?

Experts recommend drinking blue tea for weight loss one hour before each main meal or an hour after. This is due to the fact that tea contains tannins, which complicate the absorption of iron. That is why it is not recommended to consume it immediately after eating. Make it a habit to drink blue tea twice a day, without sugar. If you have a sweet tooth, then just add a teaspoon of honey. However, I would like to warn you that blue tea, like many other teas, has its side effects.

Contraindications for blue tea

Since blue tea, like other tea bush products different varieties, are rich in caffeine. Although the caffeine level is not too high, it is still included in tea.

Contains tannins in more than, for example, regular green tea. This makes it much more difficult to absorb iron from food. To avoid this, simply drink blue tea for weight loss one hour before or one hour after meals.

Blue tea contains oxalates, which are not recommended for people with kidney problems. It also contains fluorine, which is considered a carcinogen. All these components are contained in small quantities and, in principle, do not pose a particular threat to health. But despite this, you should know about it.
