Rice dishes simple recipes. How to cook delicious rice as a side dish: step-by-step recipes

They are very popular among those who adhere to the principles dietary nutrition, and for everyone who just loves to eat delicious food. Rice cereal It is considered one of the most useful for the gastrointestinal tract; it is good for disorders of the digestive system. In Japan and China, they try to eat unpolished rice, because it has less calories and contains large quantity microelements needed by our body.

Useful suggestions

So, what can you cook with rice? Naturally, different types pilaf, porridge - milk and creamy or vegetable soup, filling for zraz and pies are also frequent guests on our table. What about cabbage rolls? If you list everything that can be cooked from rice, then you can’t forget about them! Plus various salads and snacks for vegetable based, which we prepare for the winter.

And if you look through various culinary reference books, you will find out that you can cook from rice and quite unusual delicacies that are typical of Asian cuisine. This article is dedicated to them. After reading it, you will learn how to make preparations for rolls, savory rolls with special filling, first and Useful tips regarding what can be cooked from rice, they will probably come to your rescue more than once and help you pleasantly surprise your family with their culinary art.

Chicken rice soup: ingredients

And we will start with a nutritious, easy and very delicious soup with dietary chicken meat. But this recipe differs from the usual broths seasoned with cereal, because it belongs to oriental cuisine. And the East, as you know, is a delicate matter! In a word, this is the very option when you have small quantities of rice left over from previous dishes. What can you cook using it?

So, option one. In addition to cereals - raw or boiled - you will need: about half a kilogram or a little more chicken fillet or chicken, 2 tablespoons potato starch, 1 bell pepper (any color will do), onion, several cloves of garlic. And also a little vegetable oil for frying, a bunch of celery and 50 g of roots, soy sauce to taste, ground ginger, salt and black pepper. And definitely a few tablespoons of sherry or other dry wine.

Chicken soup with rice: preparation

First, boil the meat in salted water until cooked. Remove the fillet from the broth, let cool and pound lightly with a wooden mallet. Then roll in starch and chop into thin strips. Also cut the pepper into strips, after removing the seeds. Separately, boil three quarters of a glass of rice until half cooked. Salt the water too. Afterwards, drain the cereal in a colander.

Now fry the chopped roots, onion and garlic until translucent. Do this in a saucepan, into which you then pour chicken bouillon and wait for it to boil. Put meat and pepper, rice into the soup and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove the foam, and add ginger, sherry, salt and soy sauce to the pan. Finely chop a bunch of celery, pour the soup into bowls, pepper and sprinkle with herbs. As you can see, if you have leftover rice, there is always something you can cook!

with rice: composition

For those who like to eat delicious dishes from fried dough will always be a tasty morsel. Knowing this, you can easily create your own masterpieces using the proposed rice recipes. Rice dishes are good in any form, let alone in quality. savory filling to the original rolls - and even more so!

You need: 350-400 (depending on the number of servings) grams of lean pork, 100 g of boiled rice, 2 onions, a little ginger powder for taste and smell, salt and soy sauce. And for the test - 5-6 chicken eggs and 3 tablespoons of flour. And a few sprigs of fresh parsley for decoration. By the way, almost all recipes with rice contain an indication of greens. Rice dishes, unless they are sweet, really taste better when dill, celery, and parsley are added.

Meatloaves with rice: how to fry them

Let's now start preparing all the components. First of all, mince the pork. Cut the onion into half rings, sauté in vegetable oil, place the minced meat in a frying pan and fry until full readiness. Stir in rice. Then sprinkle with ginger, add a spoon or two of soy sauce for juiciness and, if necessary, add salt. Beat the eggs, add flour, also add salt and pour the dough into the pan in a thin layer. Fry the pancakes on both sides and place them in a stack on a plate.

Now cut each one in half, lay out the filling and carefully roll the rolls. Separately, make the batter by beating 1 egg with a spoonful of flour. Dip each roll in batter and fry until golden crust. Serve hot, garnished with parsley or dill. They will eat the rolls instantly and ask for more - no doubt about it. So if you are wondering how to cook rice deliciously, - cooking tips they will tell you!

Rice with mushrooms: ingredients

As already mentioned, in this article we introduce you to the recipes of national Asian cuisine - Japanese, Korean, Chinese. Of course, somewhat adapted to our European tastes, but preserving the local flavor. For example, you want to serve rice as a side dish. We will be happy to tell you how you can prepare it! And for this we will use the advice given by residents of the Chinese province of Guangzhou. After all, it is in their region this recipe especially popular.

The composition of the dish is as follows: 300 g of long rice, a couple of cloves of garlic, 250 g of mushrooms ( better than champignons, but any you have will do). Fresh mushrooms are needed. If you use pickled or salted ones, be sure to rinse them. Next, meat. The Chinese traditionally put 2 varieties in the dish: lean pork, about 120-150 g, and the same amount of poultry fillet. For better taste You should add at least 100 g of ham, smoked if possible. Canned products will be added to the list green pea in a jar, vegetable oil, a bunch of cilantro and soy sauce - there’s nowhere in Asian cuisine without it! The rule also concerns the question of what to cook from rice. The recipes that we have given contain this important component, as well as those that you will read below.

cook and eat

First, sort out, rinse and boil the rice in a small amount of salted water. Wash and peel the mushrooms, cut them into thin slices. Chop the meat fillet into strips and chop the ham into cubes. Drain the peas in a colander, pour the marinade into a clean bowl - you will need it later. Now pour oil into a deep frying pan and heat until smoking. Chop the garlic and fry, then add the mushrooms, add a little soy sauce instead of salt and simmer over high heat for about 5-6 minutes. Then transfer the mushrooms to a plate. Add oil to the same frying pan, add the sliced ​​pork and poultry and quickly fry for 5 minutes. Now place the ham, mushrooms with garlic, peas here, again pour 1-2 teaspoons of soy sauce and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Finally, add the rice, pour over the pea marinade, and simmer for another 5 minutes. Ready dish sprinkle with finely chopped cilantro and immediately bring to the table. It will be eaten before the rice with mushrooms and peas has time to cool down. Why? Yes, because it’s delicious!

Travel to Japan: sushi for you

In the country rising sun they know how to cook equally delicious rice dishes. Their recipes include cereals cooked in a special way. In particular, such rice is necessary for sushi and other national dishes. One of the heat treatment methods looks like this. 250-300 g round rice rinse thoroughly in running water in a fine sieve. Then transfer to a saucepan, pour cold water and leave for 20 minutes. After this, boil in a small amount of water over low heat. Leave to steam under the lid for another 7-8 minutes, then place in a thin layer on a flat dish and quickly cool until warm. Season the finished cereal with a mixture of rice vinegar, small quantity salt and sugar. Warm filling is suitable for sushi, but not cold or hot.

Rice vinegar

The listed dishes are not all that can be prepared from rice. The recipes for original delicacies are truly inexhaustible. But rice vinegar- an almost indispensable component of all raw seafood dishes stuffed with cereals or vegetables. The fact is that this product has a strong antiseptic effect, disinfecting fish. Therefore, in East Asian countries there is nowhere without it. But here it is not available in all stores. Therefore, feel free to use the more familiar one - apple, grape or table, only adding a little sugar and salt and boiling the mixture until the above components are completely dissolved. To your taste homemade vinegar will be close to rice, but somewhat spicier. This means that in order not to overdo it, make a little less dressing than suggested in the recipes.

Stuffed cucumbers

You will know how to cook rice deliciously in Japanese if you experiment as follows. Take some mature ones large cucumbers. Using a very sharp knife, or preferably a vegetable slicer, cut them lengthwise into wide thin strips. Prepare 200-300 g of rice as if you were making sushi. Wet your hands, take small handfuls of boiled cereal and form them into balls, slightly flattening them at the top and bottom.

Cover them with horseradish soy sauce or ketchup - whatever you like best. Wrap each ball in a strip of cucumber pulp, rolling tightly to prevent the rolls from unrolling. If that doesn’t work, secure it with a sharp match or toothpicks. Buy marinated crabmeat or just crab sticks, pass through a meat grinder. It would be nice to add red caviar. Place a little at a time into the cucumber barrels. minced crab and caviar, pour over soy sauce mixed with grated ginger. Spicy, refreshing and nutritious, this snack will be the hit of your meal!

Rice with fish: recipe ingredients

What other rice products are there? Best Recipes We have already described it to you. But this does not mean that the topic is exhausted. On the contrary, we also saved something tasty for last. For example, completely original and vegetables. It is good both as a side dish and as independent dish. The composition of the food is quite complex. It includes 2 onions, 2 large carrots, a small leek, 2-3 bell peppers- yellow and red. 200 g of fresh fish fillet - tuna and salmon or other valuable species, 300 g of fresh shrimp. Vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 100 g of soy sauce and 400-500 g of rice as for sushi, i.e. already prepared.

Rice with fish: how to cook

First, deal with the vegetables. Wash them, peel them, cut them: carrots into strips, peppers into cubes, both types of onions into small pieces. Also cut the fish fillet. Remove everything from shrimp inedible elements. If you come across large representatives of crustaceans, their meat should also be cut into several parts. Pour into the frying pan vegetable oil, reheat thoroughly. By the way, asian cuisine This is why it is known that all products are fried very quickly in hot frying pans. So, wait until the oil starts to smoke, and then put both types of onions into it. While stirring, wait until the cutting becomes transparent. Now it’s the carrot’s turn, and after 4 minutes add the shrimp and pepper to the vegetables. Fry everything, stirring, for another 3 minutes. Now comes the time to add fish. Cook until the tuna meat is tender White color. Beat in the egg and mix. Lastly, place the rice in the frying pan, pour in soy sauce, and simmer for about 2 minutes. Now you can remove the pan from the heat, place the food on plates and enjoy its amazingly pleasant taste!


How to cook rice with vegetables
Good day, dear readers of the site!

Rice- the main ingredient of thousands of different national dishes. You can prepare many dishes from these magical grains. For example, in Italy it is risotto, in Spain it is paella, in oriental cuisines - incredible amount all kinds of pilafs. And we are no exception; in Moldova we prepare delicious pilaf, both with meat and without meat.

Rice goes well with any meat: beef, pork, chicken; with fish and seafood, with mushrooms and vegetables, fruits and berries, with peas, with dairy products. By the way, my kids really love dairy.

The list of dishes with rice can take a long time, but today I want to focus on one of the simplest. This rice with vegetables in a cauldron. - nourishing, tasty and healthy food, recipe which can easily be classified as a Lenten dish.


How to cook:

Recipe for rice with vegetables

1) First, take a cauldron and put it on the fire. While it is heating up, you need to peel the onion, wash it and chop it finely.
Pour the plant into a hot cauldron. oil and add chopped onions. 2) Fry all the vegetables one by one, but for 1-2 minutes, do not fry too much. Next, cut the pepper pod in half, remove the core and seeds, wash and cut into small cubes.
Add to the cauldron with onions, mix and move on.
3) Peel the carrots, wash them and chop them on a coarse grater.
You can cut the carrots into slices or cubes, it's your choice. We also add to the general cauldron, mix
and let's move on to the last vegetable - tomatoes. 4) Tomatoes must be washed, picked up and cut into arbitrarily small pieces, or rubbed through a grater. Transfer the tomatoes to the sautéed vegetables and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.
5) Now add rice to the cauldron with vegetables, stir, pour 2 glasses of water or broth, salt and pepper to taste.
Cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer for low heat 15 minutes without stirring. Then open the lid, the rice will swell noticeably, add bay leaf and finely chopped parsley.
Stir lightly and leave under the lid for 3 minutes on the fire. Then remove from heat and wrap in a towel, preferably two. Let it sit for about twenty minutes. The rice will absorb all the moisture, swell and become crumbly. This is how our grandmothers and mothers prepared porridge. 6) Before serving, rice with vegetables Place on plates, sprinkle with herbs and serve with sour cream, preferably homemade.
Bon appetit everyone! And also, here is a short video on how to cook rice with vegetables. Have fun cooking, see you next time!
  1. Rice - 200g;
  2. Lemon juice – 1.5 tablespoons;
  3. Water – 1.2 l;
  4. A couple of tablespoons of butter (vegetable on a fasting day; on a normal day you can add butter);
  5. Vegetables (we have canned corn, you can add carrots, tomatoes, fried eggplants, zucchini, everything will be delicious).


Wash the rice, place it in a cauldron, add lemon juice, oil, add salt, pour boiling water. Bring to a boil under the lid, remove the lid. Let it simmer open for 10 minutes, turn off the heat. Keep covered for 5 minutes. Add canned corn, sprinkle with herbs - lunch is ready!

Uzbek pilaf

Next comes a more serious option - pilaf. ABOUT, real pilaf it’s so tasty, aromatic, and it’s actually not difficult to prepare, you just need to know some of the nuances and secrets that we’ll tell you about. So, let’s prepare real Uzbek pilaf and invite you to the table!

You will need:

  • 600 g lamb (take sirloin)
  • 2 onions
  • 600 g carrots
  • The same amount of rice (the devzira variety is best)
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • A little cumin to taste
  • A glass of vegetable oil
  • Salt - about 2 teaspoons


Rinse the rice first, and then leave it in a clean cold water about half an hour. Chop the onion, heat the oil in a frying pan until hot, so that when you put the onion in there, the oil begins to bubble. Without reducing the heat, fry the onion until light brown.

Cut the meat into cubes and add to the onion, lightly fry. Then fry the chopped carrots there, stirring, for 7 minutes. Pour in half a liter of water, insert a head of garlic there.) Remove only the top husk). Once it boils, remove the garlic and add salt.

Now it’s the turn of the rice – add the rice and smooth it out with a spoon. When half the water is absorbed, add a head of garlic in the middle, sprinkle with cumin, and close the lid tightly so that steam does not escape. Turn the heat to low and simmer for about 20 minutes. They’ve already crawled around the kitchen delicious flavors, soon your pilaf will be completely ripe, prepare a salad and amazing Tasty dinner ready!

Rice with chicken

A hearty dish for lunch - very aromatic and tasty!


  1. 1.5 kg thighs;
  2. One onion, carrot and sweet pepper each;
  3. Green peas (can be frozen) – 100 g;
  4. Half a kilo of long rice;
  5. Half a glass of wine (it’s better to take dry white);
  6. 2 cloves of garlic;
  7. 2 pinches of cumin;
  8. A little salt, chili and black pepper;
  9. Half a liter of broth;
  10. Oil for frying.


Marinate the thighs by rubbing them with garlic, peppers, salt and pouring wine. After 25 minutes you can remove it from the marinade. Meanwhile, finely chop the vegetables. We take out the chicken, fry it in a casserole until golden brown, and set it aside.

Fry the onion in chicken fat, followed by the carrots, followed by the peppers, and finally the peas. Add the rice, carefully mix with the already prepared vegetables, let it fry a little and soak in the juices. Place the thighs on it. Pour in the broth, as soon as it boils, turn down the heat to the lowest setting, seal the lid very tightly so that no steam escapes, and don’t look into the cauldron for about 25 minutes. Turn off and keep closed for 10 minutes. We open it - you can eat it, everything turned out delicious and aromatic! Take a look and you will find a lot of goodies!

Casserole with minced meat and rice

Rice and minced meat dishes in the oven are popular because of their ease of preparation, great taste And beautiful shape. Let's prepare this delicious casserole.


No time to cook? Follow for quick recipe ideas on Instagram:

  • 500g minced meat
  • 330 g rice
  • 1 onion
  • 320g sour cream
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt, butter, paprika

Place the washed rice in a cauldron, pour in cold water at a ratio of 1:2, when the water boils, immediately cover with a lid, reduce the heat completely, boil until ready, take out to cool. Meanwhile, beat the eggs with sour cream, and then add it all to the cooled rice and mix.

In the second vessel, fry the onions and minced meat a little, add the spices there and start assembling the casserole.
Grease the pan and add a layer of rice. On it - minced meat, again rice. Level everything, spread pieces of butter on the surface, and bake until golden brown. Crush with greens and stewed carrots.

Meatballs with rice

Another popular dish– tender and tasty, juicy and filling – meatballs with rice. By the way, kids love them very much in this form, and adults even really like this dish. (As an option - ).


  1. 500g minced meat;
  2. One carrot and one onion each;
  3. A glass of round rice;
  4. 2 eggs;
  5. 2 tablespoons each of tomato and sour cream;
  6. Greens, salt, pepper, oil.


Boil the washed rice (we use round rice, as it is sticky; long ones won’t make meatballs) until almost done. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, and fry in oil. Mix with already cooked rice and minced meat, add to required quantities salt and pepper, and eggs, mix. Next, we form the balls, fry them a little in oil, and then put them in a baking dish.

Now the balls are all folded and now you need to fill them with juice. To do this, mix the tomato with sour cream, add a little water, add salt and pepper, and pour over the meatballs so that they are all covered. It will soak in a little while baking, so don't worry about them swimming in the gravy. That's it, put it in the oven (alternatively, you can simmer it under the lid on the stove). In half an hour everything is ready - serve with a salad for dinner or with boiled potatoes for lunch - bon appetit!

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There is one product that I consider universal. He allows you to do such things to yourself that for me he became the most important ingredient in different dishes, in salads, in fillings, in soups, and even in dessert. I prepare it for both the first and the second. What is this and what will we talk about in our kitchen today? Let's find out what to cook with rice without meat. I want to show that you shouldn’t treat rice as a side dish. In fact, he deserves much more.

So much has already been said about the benefits of rice that I will not repeat myself. I’ll just show how useful it is for the housewife. After all, it’s so easy, quick and tasty to cook from it. different dishes. Today we will cook porridge from my childhood. Mommy called her “Under a fur coat.” I don’t know if this is a family name, invented by us, or an official one. But this porridge is still a frequent guest in our family. And I will prepare 2 types of gravy: thick creamy garlic sauce and tomato onion-garlic with herbs.

And first, a few words about cooking the porridge itself!

Rice porrige. Cooking technology

We only need 4 ingredients:

  • Vegetable oil;
  • Water;
  • And salt.

If you want rice the way it is prepared in China, then its ratio to water should be 1 to 3. Then you will get boiled, tender, soft. That is, for 1 cup of rice there should be 3 cups of water. Note that then the yield of porridge will be the same as the amount of water.

If you want crumbly, then know that this is achieved not only by choosing the appropriate variety or a large amount of fat (as in pilaf), but also by reducing the water. It should be 1 to 2.5. But at the same time, the rice will be a little hard and crunchy a little. This is how they eat rice in Italy (risotto).

And here it is very important not to interfere every minute or two. In general, it is better not to lift the lid for about 10 minutes. The porridge will infuse and absorb water.

Rice with apples

The promised recipe for your favorite sweet porridge.

It will require:

  • Rice – 200g;
  • Sugar (honey) - to taste;
  • Water – 600ml;
  • Salt – a pinch (you can do without it);
  • Apple – 1 pc. (2 are possible);
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • Vanilla sugar;
  • Optional: zest, cinnamon, mint.

Step-by-step preparation:

Sauces for rice

For savory dish Traditionally, two types of sauces are suitable: spicy tomato and delicate creamy.

How to make tomato gravy for rice?

For this we need:

  • Tomato paste – sachet;
  • Onion (not too spicy, otherwise you need to take less of it) – 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic – 4-5 teeth;
  • Greens (in our case, sorrel and parsley; or you can use basil, dill, cilantro);
  • Butter – 100g;
  • Black pepper (to taste);
  • Salt.


You can baste the dish!

Cream sauce

For it we will need:

  • Cream – 100g;
  • Garlic – 4 teeth;
  • Flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Butter – 100g;
  • Salt, pepper, grated cheese.


Spiced fried rice


  • 1 tbsp. rice (dry)
  • 2 onions
  • 1-2 carrots
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1/2 zucchini
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • spices (black pepper, red pepper, sweet paprika, turmeric, mint, coriander, etc.)

Lenten Pilaf with Mushrooms

Lean does not mean tasteless, fried mushrooms in pilaf were a very good substitute for meat.

Rice 400 gr
Mushrooms 1 kg
Onion 2 pcs
Carrots 2 pcs
Bay leaf
Turmeric, paprika, barberry
Pour water 2-3 cm above the rice

That's all! I really hope you like my tips. Write about the results of your culinary experiments. And be sure to subscribe to participate in other conversations. Tell your friends and acquaintances that we are considering different topics, and that the advice you read here is all taken from life and tested by experience.

That's all for today. Bye!

Rice is one of the staple foods; any weekly menu necessarily contains rice dishes. A good practical housewife should not only be able to cook rice deliciously, but also know many rice recipes, then it will be easy to diversify daily menu, and what is equally important is to eat right. I bring to your attention my favorite dishes with rice.

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  • Round rice- ordinary White rice, it is used to prepare pilaf, paella, all kinds of cereals. This rice absorbs water twice its own volume, so the water-rice ratio is 2:1
  • Chinese long rice- rice has a long grain, it usually takes a lot more water, up to three volumes. Water-rice ratio 3:1
  • Whole rice (brown rice) - the grain is not peeled, so it takes much longer to cook and absorbs more than two volumes of water. This rice is the healthiest.
  • Parboiled rice— during the steaming process, the vitamins contained in the rice shell penetrate deep into the grain, thereby increasing nutritional value rice, which sharply reduces the ability of rice to absorb fats during cooking. Typically, steamed rice does not become overcooked; the grain retains its shape better, so this rice is easier to cook.
  • When preparing rice dishes, measure the rice based on the number of servings. Typically, one person uses from 50 to 80 grams of rice, depending on the specific recipe.
  • For salads, cook rice in plenty of salted water, then drain in a colander and rinse.
  • For porridges, we take water and rice in strict proportions, most often 2:1, and cook over low heat until cooked.
  • For paella, first fry the rice together with seafood, then add boiling water or broth in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Rice contains a large number of complex carbohydrates, which provide our body with energy. The value of rice also lies in the fact that it does not contain vegetable protein gluten, which can cause allergic reaction for some people. For such people, rice dishes are the main food, since bread, pasta, spaghetti, etc. are prohibited for them.