How to choose the right lard. The product contains: Use in folk medicine

Often in folk recipes suet is mentioned. What it is and how to prepare it is not said. Probably for our great-grandmothers it was as obvious as boiling an egg, and did not require additional explanation. And we, alas, will need them.

So, anyone who previously thought that lard was nutria lard will now be disappointed. Not at all. This is the fat of any animal, and it is called visceral because it is located inside, surrounds the internal organs and usually looks like a rolled up mesh (the mesh, by the way, is good to use for the same pate for baking). There is a thin mesh - already cut - and a thicker one, with lard.

Lard is a crumbly, lumpy, bright white fat, unlike regular lard, which is a single mass. It is the internal fat that has special properties, which are most favorable for the treatment of colds. Ordinary lard does not have these qualities.

Now the question naturally arises: where can I get such lard?

The easiest way, of course, is to set your sights on purchasing lard and go to the market, to the meat aisles. Rumor has it that lard is not sold openly because there are no necessary certificates, but you should be more persistent and negotiate with the traders.

What to do next with lard to turn it into useful medicine?

Flush it out. To do this, you need to put the lard in a bowl and put it in a warm place, but not hot oven or on very low heat. Drain the melted lard and cool. Melted lard is otherwise called lard. They reheat it precisely to make the structure uniform, so that it is more convenient to store and use. Rendered lard has a slight smell. If lard smells bad, it is simply of poor quality.

To cure bronchitis and severe cough with such melted lard, you need to put it on a glass of milk dessert spoon and drink.

Take 100 g lard, melt and mix with 5 tablespoons of cocoa and 100 g of figs steamed and minced through a meat grinder. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for cough.

Rubbing the breasts with lard.

Melt the lard, rub the warm lard on the patient’s chest so that he feels warm, wrap him up and put him to sleep. To rub, you can mix lard with turpentine and rub your chest dry with this mixture.

Lime bee honey - 100 g; pork lard - 100 g; unsalted butter - 100 g; aloe (or agave) juice - 15 g; cocoa powder - 50 g. Do not water aloe for 2 weeks before cutting. Melt in enamel pan lard, oil, honey When everything is melted (do not let it boil), remove the pan and add the remaining ingredients. Stir well. Store in glass jar in a refrigerator. Take one tablespoon of the composition, dissolve in a glass of hot milk. Drink morning and evening. Accept long time. Used for pulmonary tuberculosis and persistent bronchitis.

Common foods in the human diet are products from domestic pigs and wild boars. Since ancient times, food has been one of the main sources of “fast” energy. Lard is not only a favorite delicacy in the human diet, but its fat is also popular in treatment.

How to buy and render lard into fat

One of the main factors is the right lard. The meat aisles offer a varied selection, but for selection quality product The following must be taken into account:

  • The pig's skin should be soft and smell good. It’s good when the skin is ground with straw, but it can also be done with gasoline. This lard has a specific smell.
  • There must be lard white and not have a sour, musty smell.
  • To determine softness, it is recommended to pierce the product with a toothpick during the selection process. The stick should go in like butter.
  • The thickness of the lard should be medium, plus if there are layers of meat, they should be grayish-red in color. This is an indication that the animal was well fed and was not starving.

If you are lucky at the market or you have a familiar hunter, then purchasing wild boar lard is optimal. This is due to the healthier natural diet and lifestyle of the boar. The fat is rendered according to the recipes below; it is also easy to salt it.

The price may even be lower than that of domestic pork - wild boar is a common hunting catch. Medicinal properties are intensifying. Meat with lard is a healthy and high-calorie food in cooking. The use of fat in cosmetology is also described.

This lard can be melted or cooked according to various recipes. To get the melted product you need:

  • Wash and dry the lard with a paper towel.
  • Cut into small pieces and place in a container.
  • Heat the product over low heat until cracklings form, and then remove them.
  • Cool the melted mass and put it in the refrigerator.

In order not to melt the lard excessively, it is necessary that the greaves have a flesh-colored or yellowish color.

You can also raise your own pig, but for this the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Decide on the breed of pig (for example, bacon pig good lard does not work).
  • Provide piglets optimal conditions contents: a room with machines, a walking area with a canopy and a dug hole for swimming. The scale of construction depends on the chosen breed.
  • Provide animals quality nutrition: boiled vegetables(carrots, beets,
  • So that there is lard good quality, piglets should be fattened from three months of age. The animal should consume 6 kg of feed and 30 g of salt per day. From eight months of age - 7 kg of food and 40 g of salt. When a pig reaches 1 year of age, feed consumption is 8 kg.

Piglets can be given mashed root vegetables on the 20th day after birth, before this time - porridge.

Composition of lard

The pig has two types of lard. These are subcutaneous and internal (internal).

The internal type of lard is considered the most useful for treatment.

The product contains:

  • proteins;
  • histamines;
  • cholesterol (50-80 mg);
  • lecithin;
  • various vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • valuable fatty acids.

Microelements contained in lard:


Vitamin E 1.7 mg
Vitamin A 0.005 mg
Vitamin B1 0.084 mg
Vitamin B2 0.051 mg
Vitamin B3 0.115 mg
Vitamin B6 0.04 mg
Vitamin B12 0.18 mg


  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • iron.

Unsaturated fatty acids:

  • oleic;
  • steoric;
  • linoleic;
  • palmetine;
  • linolenic;
  • arachidonic

The beneficial substances and quality of fat do not change when heated, unlike beef and lamb fat.

What benefits and harms does lard bring?

Facts about benefit interior lard:

  • Consuming vitamin salads will also help strengthen the immune system.
  • Removes harmful cholesterol, toxins and heavy metals from the body.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Indications and contraindications for use

Like any product, pork fat has a number of indications and contraindications that should be taken into account to exclude side effects and manifestations of allergic reactions.

The consumption of internal pork fat has a number of indications in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Colds, especially those accompanied by cough.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Skin diseases: eczema, burns, dermatitis, etc.
  • Ulcers.
  • Ear disease.
  • Exhaustion of the body.

For injuries to the musculoskeletal system, ointment is used.

  • Hepatitis.
  • Cardiovascular.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Duodenitis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • And also for people suffering from allergies.

The norm for an adult is 9-12 g of fat per day, 100 g per week.

Special indications

When consuming large amounts of pork fat, the following may occur:

  • Food allergies, which contain histamines;
  • pork products should be well processed thermally, as trichinella, echinococcus, and sarcocysts may appear;
  • Since the product is high in calories, it is not recommended to consume it large quantities during a diet.

Use in folk medicine and cooking

IN folk medicine Pork fat is used internally, and numerous ointments are also made.

Watch the video on how internal pork fat can be rendered correctly at home:

Infusion with pork fat for influenza and for prevention:


  • rose hip;
  • pork fat.

Rose hips are brewed in a thermos or airtight container and left overnight. Immediately before use, warm up to optimal temperature and add 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. l. lard This drink not only helps strengthen the immune system, but also gives energy.

Pork fat ointment for treatment and cosmetology:

  • 100 g melted fat;
  • 1 tablespoon fine salt;
  • The ingredients are mixed and applied to the sore spot with massage movements. After this they apply parchment paper and bandage with warm cloth. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at night.

In cooking, the most common are lard with garlic and omelet.

Lard recipe:

  • 300 g lard;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • Spices and herbs to taste.

Cooking procedure:

  • Peel and wash the garlic. Cut into equal slices.
  • Make small holes in the pre-cleaned (washed) lard. Place garlic cloves into these holes.
  • On top, lard is rubbed with spices and herbs.
  • Wrap the product in parchment and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days (just not in the freezer!).

Omelette recipe:

  • 3 pcs eggs;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 green onion;
  • 50 g lard;
  • spices.

Baking procedure:

  • Rinse the vegetables under running water and allow to dry/wipe.
  • Cut into medium slices.
  • Cut the lard into small pieces
  • Fry in a frying pan along with herbs and vegetables for a few minutes.
  • Add eggs and turn down heat.
  • Cover the pan with a lid. Cookies until the consistency thickens.

Products type shortbread cookies made with rendered internal pork fat are very tasty and high in calories, but the beneficial properties are most likely lost. If the melting point of pork fat is from 41.4, then an oven mode of 180 degrees will be required, which will destroy the range biologically active substances.


Pork fat– this is melted internal pork fat and lard, i.e. subcutaneous fat. For a long time Pork fat, along with other animal fats, has been criticized by scientists and doctors and blamed for increasing the risk cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol and other troubles. Today fat has been rehabilitated and is once again entering culinary practice. True, buying animal fat in the store is still problematic. It is much easier to heat it yourself at home. How to render pork fat will be discussed in this article.

What are the benefits of pork fat?

For many years, the refusal to use pork fat was explained by the risk high cholesterol, which is the main cause of heart and vascular diseases. It was classified as one of the most unhealthy fats and all our attention was paid to vegetable oils. Now many studies show that they are much more more harm than good.

Animal fats consist of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Most monounsaturated fatty acids are represented by oleic acid, the acid that is abundant in olive oil. Exactly for high content Oleic acid, this oil is considered one of the healthiest vegetable oils.

Saturated fats are also important for the human body. We need them to absorb and assimilate fat-soluble vitamins and some other nutrients. For example, when we drink skimmed milk enriched with vitamin D, there will be no benefit in it, since it requires saturated fat. And if there is not enough of it, then no vitamin will be absorbed.

In addition, pork fat is rich in vitamins A, E, Omega-3 fatty acids. Not only that, this fat helps absorb and metabolize these important nutrients and vitamins.

The low level of polyunsaturated fatty acids in pork fat means that the fat oxidizes slowly and does not become rancid, i.e. it can be stored for a long time.

Pork fat has a high smoke point, i.e. it can be heated to higher temperatures without fear of releasing carcinogenic substances. It is suitable for frying at high temperatures that many vegetable oils cannot provide.

Read on topic: Pork fat benefits and harms

Which lard to choose

Pork lard is not uniform in quality. For different needs you need to take different lard for rendering fat.

Firstly, the quality of the fat depends on what and how the pig was fed.

Secondly, from which part of the pig carcass will you render the fat?

To make it easier to figure out which fat is best and for which culinary needs to render fat from which part, take note of these tips.

Lard or lard. This subcutaneous fat, which is usually salted. But it can also be taken for reheating. It is sold in the market or in the store in pieces. This lard is great for frying and stewing.

Fat from the belly or underbelly. Soft layered fat with meat. Bacon is mainly made from this part. This lard is fine for frying.

Internal lard or internal fat. This is the fat that is located on the internal organs of the pig. It is cut in layers and is soft. This is the purest fat. After melting, the fat will be white, practically odorless and tasteless.

The fat rendered from such lard is highly valued by bakers. It is added to dough, greased pies to get aromatic beautiful crust. It always remains soft.

How to render pork fat at home

The technology for preparing and rendering pork fat is the same regardless of which part of the carcass you are rendering it from.

You can render fat on the stove, in the oven, or in a slow cooker. There are two different ways obtaining fat.

Wet method. Place the chopped fat in a saucepan with a small amount water. Turn on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce until the water simmers and melt the fat until it melts in the water. Cool and pour into a jar. This method is suitable for both rendering internal fat and lard.

Dry method. This method can be used to render fat on the stove, oven, slow cooker, or frying pan. Heat the container in which you will heat the fat and place the chopped fat in it. This method can be used to render both interior fat and lard. While rendering fat using this method on the stove or in a slow cooker, stir it periodically with a wooden spatula.

How to render lard into fat

First you need to cut into small cubes, no larger than 1x1cm. Like this

The finer the lard is cut, the faster it will melt and the more finished fat you will get. You can grind it in a meat grinder.

Place the chopped lard into a saucepan. Add water. For 1.5-2.0 kg of lard, approximately 200-300 grams of water.

Cover with a lid and place on the stove. As soon as the pan is well heated and the first bubbles appear on top, reduce the heat. Fat should be rendered at the lowest possible temperature. When heated at high temperature the fat melts faster, but it turns out darker in color, and may even be brown.

Approximately once every half hour, the fat should be carefully mixed with a wooden spatula. The entire process of rendering this amount of lard can take from 4 to 5 hours.

Strain the rendered fat through a sieve to separate the cracklings and pour into clean, dry jars. As soon as it cools down to room temperature, put in the refrigerator.

How to render pork fat in the oven

The best thing about melting fat in the oven is that you prepare it, put it in a pan, and you can go about your business while the fat is melting.

The preparation of fat is the same as for rendering on the stove. First you need to finely chop the pieces of lard or visceral fat. The smaller the better. You can twist it in a meat grinder.

Place everything in a pan that can be placed in the oven. It is good to heat in cast iron.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of about 105-110 degrees. Place the pan in the oven. The rendering time depends on the amount of lard. The more lard, the longer the fat is rendered. You can carefully remove the pan and stir. Just be very careful so as not to burn your hands with fat.

Separate the rendered fat from the cracklings and pour into glass jars.

How to render internal pork fat

Internal fat it's soft and layered. Almost all of it is melted away.

Cut the fat into small pieces. Place in a saucepan.

Add approximately 500-100 ml of water depending on the amount of fat. You don't need to pour a lot of water. It turns out more soft consistency compared to fat from rendering lard.

Place on the stove over low heat. After about an hour, check the pan and stir. It is very important not to let the fat burn at the very beginning.

When melting, it will form cracklings, which will gradually settle to the bottom.

Strain the rendered fat through a sieve or cheesecloth and pour into jars.

Regardless of what you render the fat from, the most important thing at the initial stage is to clearly regulate the temperature. If the stove is heated too much, the lard may burn.

Until the first rendered fat appears, you need to monitor this process and stir the lard in a timely manner.

As soon as a certain amount of fat is rendered, the remaining pieces will boil in it, giving off fat.

You need to stir periodically. This will ensure that all the pieces of lard are rendered more evenly.

There is no need to render the fat until the cracklings are crispy. They should remain soft and light. They can then be further fried separately until they become brown and crispy. They can be used for stewing potatoes or other dishes. Fried cracklings can be sprinkled, for example, on potato salad.

Properly rendered fat in a glass jar should be pale yellow. When it hardens, it will turn white.

Before pouring it into jars, cool the fat so that the jars do not crack and your work is not in vain.

Fat should be stored in a cool place. Can be frozen.

Pork fat can be stored in such conditions for a long time, more than a year.

How to use pork fat

Pork fat can be used in the same way as vegetable oil. You can fry meat, vegetables, and stew in it. The dough is made with pork fat. Only for baking it is better to take only internal fat and preferably in the area of ​​the kidneys.

Lard is an animal's fatty tissue that lines the animal's internal organs. It differs greatly from ordinary lard both in appearance and in its properties. The first difference that catches your eye is its consistency. It crumbles easily, unlike whole pieces ordinary lard, which can only be cut with a knife. But the differences don't end there.

Internal lard can bring the body much more benefit than the product we are used to. Its benefits are so diverse that it is used to treat many diseases.

Composition of pork lard

The varied health benefits are due to its rich composition, which contains important nutritional and biological active ingredients. First of all, despite the fact that this product is an animal fat, it contains surprisingly little cholesterol. An excess of this substance in products can cause significant harm to human health. At the same time, it contains an extremely useful substance - arachidonic acid.

Arachidonic acid is a fatty acid that in the human body can stimulate mental activity. It is also extremely useful for people who suffer from high acidity. gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it can bring significant benefits to people who suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcers.

Internal fat is also very rich in vitamins. In its composition a large number of vitamins A, E, K and D. Vitamins are vital substances that human body can only be obtained from food. Vitamin A takes part in the fight against various infections, and is also necessary for healthy hair, skin and nails. Vitamin E prevents the aging of the body, prevents the development of thrombosis, and also strengthens the cardiovascular system. In addition, vitamin A is most effectively absorbed together with vitamin E.

Vitamin K is necessary for the absorption of calcium (which, by the way, is also rich in lard). Vitamin D helps our body fight depression. This product is of great benefit as a means of preventing vitamin deficiency. Especially if you regularly use it in winter.

Also, lard is rich in minerals. Calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium - these vital nutritional components are contained in large quantities.

The benefits of lard

This product is, without a doubt, one of the healthiest fats. Its benefits remain even with intense heat treatment. Therefore, it is used as various ointments, as well as warm compresses. Internal fat obtained from pork is very beneficial to the human body. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and other biologically active compounds.

The benefits of internal pork fat are especially noticeable as a means for healing the skin, hair and nails. This product contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of these tissues. Regular use eating it helps improve appearance, and also strengthens them.

The benefits of interior lard for treatment are invaluable skin diseases, as well as for the treatment of burns. The use of this product on a damaged surface prevents the formation of scars and marks, and also accelerates healing. Regular consumption of it helps strengthen the immune system, improves the body's resistance to infections, and also reduces the likelihood of respiratory viral diseases.

Internal lard for the treatment of diseases

  • Joint pain

Using compresses at night, based on internal pork fat, relieves pain in various diseases and joint injuries. Its benefit also lies in improving joint mobility. For joint diseases, it is necessary to apply a special warm compress to them. This requires a fairly dense fabric that retains heat well.

  • Skin diseases

Pig internal fat is an excellent remedy for the treatment of eczema. To do this, use a special mixture based on egg whites, as well as nightshades and celandine.

  • Burns

An ointment based on interior lard helps improve the condition of skin with burns. Thanks to its use, the healing of burn surfaces is accelerated, and skin scarring is also prevented.

Ingredients for respiratory diseases

Pig internal fat is of great benefit for diseases respiratory system. Our ancestors knew about this and often used it to treat these diseases. Compared to badger or bear fat, which are also used for treatment, pork fat is much easier to obtain. Thanks to its use, expectoration increases, which stimulates a more intense release of microbes during colds. Another important point is its ability to strengthen the immune system.

Before use, it must be melted over low heat. Thanks to this, it acquires a uniform consistency, which makes it much more convenient for use. If the lard was of proper quality, then the smell after this procedure will be insignificant and pleasant. Once cooled, it is already completely ready for use.

A very effective tactic for colds that allows you to fully appreciate its benefits is rubbing. This improves mucus production. Its use is especially important for painful dry coughs. To do this, you need to rub the patient’s chest and back (you cannot rub in the heart area). After this, the patient is dressed in cotton clothes and covered with a warm blanket.

Such procedures allow you to completely cleanse the patient’s lungs in a few days. Internal lard brings even greater benefits in combination with fir oil.

Internal use for colds

In addition, lard is of great benefit as a means to relieve well-being during colds. internal use. Eating a teaspoon of warm visceral fat can help relieve acute coughing attacks.

In addition, it is very useful for colds to mix this product with tea or warm milk. You can add honey to it, which will bring even more benefits. This product must be consumed warm.

Harm of lard

Even such a product that brings great benefit people and used to treat the most various diseases, can also cause harm. Pig visceral fat is harmful to humans, mainly if the animal has been contaminated. To avoid infection with helminthic worms and other microbes, it must be heat treated before consumption.

You should also remember that animal fat is a very high-calorie product and can cause significant harm to your figure. To avoid this, simply consume it in reasonable quantities.

A large amount of fat can disrupt the functioning of the liver and digestive glands in people who suffer from diseases of these organs. Therefore, in case of these diseases, it is better to refrain from using it.

Lard is a white, lumpy fat that has no distinct odor and coats the internal organs of animals. Unlike ordinary lard, which appears as a solid mass, it is a crumbly product. He has important medicinal qualities, used to treat a wide variety of diseases. It should be noted that ordinary lard, which is usually consumed, for example, in salted or smoked form, does not possess these properties. So we’ll talk about what pork lard is valued for, what benefits it has for the body and whether it can harm us on this page www..

Beneficial properties of pork lard

The composition of lard contains arachidonic acid, which is part of the enzymes of the heart muscle and the membrane of human cells. With its help, some hormones are formed and cholesterol is exchanged. In terms of biological activity, lard exceeds other fats several times. If, when heated, many animal fats lose their useful qualities, then its properties remain unchanged. It can be easily mixed with wax, glycerin, alcohol or resins to make medicinal ointments.

Rules for preparing and storing pork fat

Various compositions are prepared using lard therapeutic effect. When used externally, they do not irritate the skin and can be easily washed off with ordinary soapy water.

To prepare pork fat suitable for use in food or medicinal purposes, you can use the following methods:

Finely chop the lard or grind it using a meat grinder, put it in a saucepan and put it on low heat. When the fat reaches a transparent state, it is drained through a colander, cooled and stored in the refrigerator;

Chopped lard, placed in a metal container, is heated in the oven until cooked.

Properly prepared liquid fat is transparent (without sediment) and has an amber color. After freezing it turns white.

Keep ready fat should be in a dark, cool place. Storage at high air temperatures and the presence of light results in a product with an unpleasant, pungent odor and bitter taste. It becomes unsuitable for consumption as it has an irritating effect. Pork fat can be stored on the refrigerator shelf for up to one and a half years, while it does not lose its beneficial and medicinal properties.

Another benefit of pork lard

Pork fat, obtained from lard, is a rich source of energy. It contains vitamins A, E, D and K. Cholesterol is present in it in small doses. To his beneficial properties it is also necessary to include the presence in the composition sufficient quantity magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and a number of other macro and microelements necessary for human life.

Its reasonable consumption in food allows you to maintain the vital functions of the body, and also gives the skin a healthy, “radiant” appearance. Pork fat has become widespread in the treatment of a number of diseases, as a remedy for external and internal use.

Medicinal use

1. Joint pain

Sore joints are lubricated with pork fat at night, compress paper and warm cloth are applied on top;

2. Skin diseases

For those suffering from weeping eczema, a composition of the following components is recommended: pork fat - 2 tablespoons, white of two eggs, nightshade - 100 grams, celandine juice - 0.5 liters. The mixture must be kept for three to four days, and then rubbed into the affected areas;

For burns, use an ointment prepared as follows. One medium-sized onion is fried in half a liter of lard. Five crushed acetylsalicylic acid tablets are added to it. Apply the ointment to the burn several times.
Fat will help prevent the formation of scars and scars, and with the help of aspirin it is possible to prevent the burn from becoming infected. If the affected area is large, you need to lubricate it with this composition every hour for two weeks. This will allow new healthy skin to quickly form.

3. Diseases respiratory tract(bronchitis, pneumonia and others)

For internal use, dissolve a teaspoon of pork fat in a glass of hot milk. To improve the taste, you can add a little boiled honey to the resulting drink, since in its normal state it can worsen the cough;

For external use, lard is mixed with a small amount of alcohol and rubbed into the patient’s chest;

To treat a runny nose, you need to rub lard on your feet at night and put on warm socks;

For preventive purposes, an infusion prepared from one glass of rosehip decoction with the addition of two teaspoons of honey and half a teaspoon of lard is used. This will help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's activity.

Now let's talk about whether pork lard is dangerous, what harm it can cause...

Possible harm

The pig is a very clean animal, but it eats a lot that comes in its way. Therefore, lard, like meat, can sometimes be contaminated with helminths and microbes that are dangerous to humans. It may also contain mycotoxins, which are formed during the decay of fungi and are collected in large quantities in adipose tissue. Therefore, before consuming lard, it must be subjected to thorough heat treatment.

A healthy human body normally absorbs pork fat, since the latter melts at 33-40 degrees Celsius. At the same time, a feeling of satiety appears.

Consumption restrictions

Metabolic disorders;
Diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Based on the above, we can conclude that pork fat obtained from lard is useful product, but only if the conditions for its preparation and proper use are observed.

Human cells are made up of all kinds of fats, so fats of animal origin must be present in the human diet. Animal fat is necessary in the human body for the normal functioning of all processes. Pork fat is especially important, it helps with hair structure and the skin needs it.

Nutritionists do not recommend consuming pork fat, since it contains cholesterol, which has a detrimental effect on the human body. However, most doctors do not agree with the opinion of nutritionists, since when moderate consumption Pork fat provides the body with beneficial substances and some harmful ones.

Pork fat is a chest of vitamins, it contains rare arachidonic acid, which is responsible for the activity of female and male hormones, helps in the processing of cholesterol, and promotes the functioning of the liver and brain. This fat also contains linoleic, oleic and many other types of acids, which are so necessary for the normal development of internal organs and systems.

Pork lard contains carotene, which can affect human vision; it contains a large number of active substances. Fat is rich in vitamins A, K, E and many others, and also contains iron, copper and iodine for normal operation thyroid gland. Pork fat has very high calorie content, because of this, it is not recommended to be consumed in large doses by overweight people.

IN Food Industry Several types of pork fat are used: extra subspecies, premium, first and second grade. When melted, the extra fat acquires a transparent color, its odor will be almost imperceptible and aromatic, and the color before melting is pure white.

Fat highest quality similar to the extra variety, only the smell is more pronounced and has not very pleasant notes. The first and second grades are taken from the inner layers of lard, therefore, the color of such fat will have a yellow tint, a little cloudy, the consistency is relatively dense and non-porous. When melted, this type of fat does not release much nice smell and smells like cracklings.

More suitable for cooking premium and extra, since they have pleasant smell and do not spoil the taste of the prepared products.

Where is pork fat used?

Many gourmets will never give up fried potatoes with lard and they will do it right. As scientists have proven, those foods that have been fried in pork fat are much better absorbed by the body than those that are fried in any type of oil. Worth using in cooking natural fat, then the food will not only be tasty, but also healthy.

According to its properties pork fat similar to human fat layers. For beautiful skin, many cosmetologists advise preparing ointments based on pork fat. This ointment will nourish the skin without weighing it down and the skin underneath will be able to breathe. It is suitable for sensitive skin and washes off well under running water.

Creams and masks made from pork fat are very easy to prepare, they can be easily mixed with any acids, glycerin, alcohols and other liquids; the fat interacts well with medications.

Medicinal properties of pork fat

Widely used in folk medicine pork fat, it helps with both internal and external diseases. Many in childhood experienced treatment with pork fat, especially for colds. To lower the temperature, you need to lubricate your feet with a piece of lard, put them on top plastic bags and warm socks. This procedure was complemented by drinking herbal tea brewed in milk with the addition of melted fat and a pinch of ginger or pepper. This “swill” does not taste very pleasant, but its effect is one hundred percent. After the procedure, a person wakes up in the morning healthy and full of energy.

For diseases of the throat or bronchi, an ointment is prepared with the addition of pork fat. We take about 50 grams of fat, heat it in a water bath, add a couple of tablespoons of vodka and five drops of fir oil to the resulting mass. Using this ointment, a warm compress is made and the chest is rubbed.

To strengthen immune system you can use rosehip tincture with lard and bee honey. It is made in a thermos, first pour boiling water over the rose hips overnight, and add half a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of fat to the finished broth.

In the last stage of lung disease, a drink based on pork fat will help. To prepare the drink, you will need to melt the lard over low heat and consume two tablespoons in melted form up to five times a day. This medicine does not have much pleasant taste, so it is recommended to eat it with honey. You can also mix rendered fat with butter and honey and take according to the previous scheme, you can wash it down with warm milk.

For joint pain, melted fat and honey are applied to the sore spots and wrapped in a warm scarf; it is better to do everything at night. You can also mix fat with salt and rub it into the affected area.

An ointment based on pork fat will help relieve pain from radiculitis, spinal curvature and many diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. To prepare this product, you will need to melt the fat in a water bath, then pour it into it. homemade milk and add ground pepper. Allow this mixture to cool and after cooling, rub into sore spots.

To treat gout, you should rub in the following ointment: mix about thirty grams of fat with half a glass of milk, add camphor alcohol, about fifty grams of turpentine and about twenty grams of ammonia. Add milk and all other ingredients to the melted fat, the ointment is ready.

Fat can also fight warts; you need to mix rendered fat with finely chopped garlic. This mixture is prepared in a 2:1 ratio and applied to the growth, then sealed with a band-aid. The ointment should be applied until the growth dries out and disappears.

For skin problems, you need to mix rendered fat with a decoction of coltsfoot herbs, medicinal chamomile and calendula. This ointment is rubbed into damaged skin for three days; if necessary, the course of treatment can be extended.

When treating burns, melted fat is mixed with sea buckthorn oil; after treatment with this mixture, a sterile bandage is applied to the burn.

Pork fat is an easily accessible product, and its benefits are enormous. Fat allows a person to get rid of many diseases, including chronic ones.

Harmful properties of pork fat

As everyone knows, a pig is not a model of cleanliness, and therefore all its organs are susceptible to infection with many diseases. There is a risk of infection when consuming pork fat all kinds of helminths.

Animal fat is very poorly accepted by the human body; it does not undergo hydrolysis. To digest pork fat, the human body uses a large amount of glucose, therefore, when consuming fat, a person feels hungry. That is, upon absorption high-calorie foods With fat, the human body will not be saturated and soon the constant desire to eat will lead to obesity.

Very often, unscrupulous sellers offer fat with an expired shelf life for sale. Such a product may contain mycotoxins; these microorganisms can cause mutation of internal organs, reduce the protective functions of the immune system and poison the entire body.

When a pig is slaughtered, due to the fear of the animal, ochratoxin is formed in the fatty tissues - this is harmful substance, which is very dangerous to human life.

If you rarely consume pork fat, a person may not even feel it. negative properties. However, if you consume this product daily, obesity may occur, which will lead to malfunctions. of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract and vascular blockage.

Not recommended for use pork fat people with high cholesterol levels and cholesterol plaques, hepatitis of any form, pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis, and diseases associated with memory loss.

How is rendered pig fat prepared?

In order to melt the lard, you will need a small saucepan; cut the frozen fat into medium cubes and heat it over low heat. After the fat has melted, you need to pour it into another pan, add salt and finely diced onion. Cook the fat until the onion changes its color to yellow. After cooking, pass the fat through thickened cheesecloth and leave to cool on the counter. After cooling, move the pan to a cool place.

You can cook fat using the second method, cutting internal fat pigs and melt in a bowl, stirring occasionally over low heat. We filter the resulting mass and place it in a warm place for the cracklings to settle. After steeping for several hours, strain the mixture again. After the second straining, put the cracklings on the bottom of the jar, and put the fat on top. The fat can be stored in a jar for a long time and anyone can cook it. tasty dish with the addition of pork fat.

This fat is more beneficial for external use than for internal. However, if you do not abuse this product, you can get a lot out of it useful substances and microelements. You can make rubs for your four-legged friends using this fat in the autumn-winter period. This rubbing will allow your pet not to get sick in the cold winter and you won’t have to spend money on expensive things for animals.
