We make the tartlets ourselves. Dough for tartlets, puff pastry tartlets. Tartlet molds

When thinking about the menu for a festive table, every self-respecting housewife has two main goals - to feed deliciously and certainly to surprise the guests with something. This is where unimaginable recipes are invented, designer decorations are made from vegetables and fruits for salads, and, at worst, napkins hand-embroidered by the hostess are used.

Today I offer you a simpler and original way amaze guests and household members - tartlets. This dish will diversify and decorate your table; moreover, it is quite simple to prepare, and the filling can be prepared in a few minutes if desired.

Today we will learn recipes for tartlet dough and choose tartlet molds. I'll also bring a couple interesting examples puff pastry tartlets.

There are two main types of tartlets - sweet and savory, so the dough for tartlets can also be prepared in different ways.

Dough for tartlets

Flour - 3 cups
Margarine - 200 g
Sour cream - 200 g

Chop the flour with margarine or butter with a knife until crumbly, add sour cream, knead, put in the refrigerator for an hour.

Shortbread tartlet dough

Flour - 3 cups
Margarine or butter - 250 g
Sugar - 1 glass
Egg - 2-3 pieces

Grind the sugar with the eggs until foam forms and carefully add the softened margarine. Mix everything with flour and knead into a stiff dough. Place in a cool place for 30 minutes.

Unleavened tartlet dough

Flour - 300 g
Butter - 200g
Egg yolks - 3 pieces.

Mix flour with softened butter, add yolks. Knead the dough, put it in a cool place for 30 minutes.

Sweet tartlet dough

Flour - 1.5 cups
Egg - 1 piece
Butter - 100g
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Grind the egg with sugar, mix the flour with softened butter. Combine everything and knead the dough. Set aside for 30 minutes.

Sweet coffee tartlet dough

Flour - 225 g
Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Coffee (strong, cold) - 2 tbsp. l.
Butter - 150 g
Egg yolk - 1

Mix flour and sugar, add finely chopped butter. Mix the yolk well with the coffee. Knead the dough and knead well for several minutes. Roll into a ball, wrap in cling film and place in a cool place for 20 minutes.

Curd tartlet dough

Flour - 200 g
Margarine - 200 g
Cottage cheese (low-fat) - 200 g

Mix all ingredients, knead the dough.

Crumbled cheese tartlet dough

Cheese - 100 g
Flour - 1 cup
Butter - 100 g
Egg - 1 piece

Grate the cheese, add softened butter, flour, add an egg or just the yolk if you need a denser dough. Knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Apply a thin layer to tartlet molds.

As you can see, the dough recipes are quite varied. Unsalted dough is almost universal, however, for sweet tartlets it is better to prepare the dough with added sugar. Curd and cheese dough can be used to prepare tartlets with savory fillings and spicy herbs.

In addition to the recipes listed, you can also use puff pastry. Puff pastry for tartlets can be different: classic and instant cooking, yeast and yeast-free puff pastry. A recipe for such a test is not difficult to find. But the easiest way is to just buy ready-made puff pastry; frozen dough, which is easy to find in every supermarket, is also quite suitable for tartlets.

Puff pastry remarkable in that you can use it special qualities for making tartlets original form. And I want to give a couple of examples here.

Puff pastry shell tartlets

To prepare them you will need frozen yeast puff pastry. The dough needs to be thawed and rolled out slightly. Then use a tartlet mold to cut out the pieces. Press each workpiece a little with your fingers on one side - this is where the flaps will join. Then use a knife to lightly draw straight diverging lines from the central lower part to the upper edge - you will get a pattern like a real shell.

Then grease the baking sheet and place the pieces on it, first brushing with egg yolk. Bake at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. When the tartlets have cooled, carefully cut them down the middle, dividing them into 2 wings. Do not cut all the way through - they should be held together in a flat place. Now you can fill your shells with any filling. To complete the look, you can put an olive in the center - it will replace the pearl.

Puff pastry leaf tartlets

To do this, take puff pastry for tartlets, bought in a store or prepared yourself, roll it out, and cut it into the shape of leaves. You can use a real piece of large-sized paper, or you can make a stencil first.

Then, stepping back from the edge, we cut the leaf a little around the entire perimeter. There is no need to cut all the way through, just mark the width of the sides. Brush the edges of the leaf with egg yolk. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and bake until golden brown at a temperature of 180 degrees. When the puff pastry tartlets are ready, take the hot leaves and remove the layer of dough from the middle, leaving the edges that you marked earlier untouched. We will get a leaf with a depression in the middle, which is filled with filling.

Now let's talk about tartlet molds. They are usually made of tin or carbon steel, and tartlet molds are available with a non-stick coating. Now widely used Silicone forms for tartlets. Their convenience lies in the fact that the finished basket is easier to separate from the silicone coating. It is also convenient that molds for silicone tartlets are like a tray, where several forms are fastened together.

If you don’t have time to bake tartlets and you can’t buy ready-made ones, you can use tartlet molds made of cardboard, paper, or parchment. Another option is to make the tartlets yourself.

You also need to know how to fill out tartlet molds correctly.
Most often this is done simply. The rolled out layer of dough is cut into circles using a glass or the same tartlet mold. Then the circle is placed on the bottom of the mold and pressed lightly. Then distribute the edges so that they repeat the pattern of the side of the tartlet mold.
You can divide the dough into small balls, which are then placed in a mold, and then distributed over the bottom and sides of the mold.

If the dough is too thin, then try this trick. Roll out the dough, then slightly stick the edge of the layer to the rolling pin and wrap it around. Place the tartlet pans as close to each other as possible. Bring the dough to the molds on a rolling pin and begin to roll it out so that it covers the top of the molds. Now roll the dough with a rolling pin so that the edges of the molds press the circles you need into the layer. Place them carefully into tartlet tins.

Tartlets are usually baked at a temperature of 180-240 degrees, depending on the dough, size and filling. You can put the filling right away, or you can put it in a ready-made tartlet. If you bake the tartlets separately, take note of one trick that will help avoid burning.

Experienced housewives, in order to prevent the tartlet from burning, most often fill the bottom with cereal or dry beans, after placing the workpiece in a tartlet mold. After the tartlet is ready and removed from the oven, the cereal or beans are poured out.
You can also cover the bottom of the workpiece with parchment.

The art of preparing delicious dishes does not end with the fact that you have correctly introduced all the ingredients, followed all the instructions during the cooking process, added all the spices correctly and added your own touch to the process, based on the taste needs of your loved ones, family and guests. Tasty dish It can become even tastier if you learn how to properly present your masterpiece, decorate it beautifully, serve it appropriately to the table, so that the taste of your creation goes beautifully with the dishes that you served before, or will serve later. Well, what if you decided, for example, to serve only one dish into which you poured your whole soul? Here, too, its presentation to the table plays an important role.

World culinary experts have developed several interesting ideas, which will make any of your dishes even more interesting. One of these culinary creations is called a tartlet. You've probably heard more than once that all decorations on the table should be edible. Indeed, it is not very pleasant to watch such a picture when your guests begin to take away this or that decoration on their plate, knowing full well that they cannot eat it. Or even worse - you presented, for example beautiful dish decorated artificial decor, and your guests did not understand your idea correctly and decided to present it to their mouths. Your response to such a movement will be unambiguous: “This cannot be eaten, it is only for decoration.” Naturally, you yourself feel unpleasant, especially since your guests will find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. To avoid this, today we will learn how to prepare tartlets that not only look beautiful on the table, but will also decorate your dish and highlight its taste. For tartlets, you can prepare any filling at your discretion, the main thing is that it is not liquid and does not soften the dough of your tartlets. The original terletlets are made from hard cheese. When you already learn how to bake tartlets well, I recommend that you add chopped herbs when kneading the dough. In this case, the taste of your products will be even more piquant and refined.

Recipe 1. Dough for tartlets

Required ingredients:

- margarine or butter– 200 g;

- wheat flour - 2 cups;

– eggs – 2 pcs. or egg yolks 4 pcs.;

- and salt.

Cooking method:

If you need tartlets white, then we recommend using whole eggs. For yellow tartlets, it is better to use only yolks. So, from all the ingredients we will knead the dough, which is very similar to the dough for dumplings. Roll the dough into a bun and cover it baking paper and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. While the dough is resting, prepare metal tartlet molds. Lubricate them with oil, pay special attention to the corrugation so that later the tartlets do not stick and break. Sprinkle with flour. Roll out the tartlet dough to a thickness of at least 0.5 cm and cut out circles the size of your molds. You can cut it into squares and place it on top of the mold. Roll with a rolling pin and the dough will take shape on its own, leaving the excess on the table. (just like we make dumplings at the dumpling maker). Use your finger to smooth out the dough in the pans. Sprinkle some dry peas or beans on the bottom of future tartlets so that the dough does not rise during baking, and bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipe 2. Tartlets with fish filling

Ingredients: tartlets prepared according to recipe No. 1.

Now all that remains is to prepare the filling. To do this, prepare any fillet sea ​​fish, Korean carrots semi-hot, onion, garlic, mayonnaise and lemon.

Cooking method:

Let's put the fish in salted water, add fish spices, be sure to add 3 large slices of lemon, which will successfully remove the smell.

From finished fish remove the skin and chop it in small pieces. Fry the onion in oil and add it to the carrots. Pass a few cloves of garlic through the garlic press. Let's add a little to the fish lemon juice, garlic and mayonnaise. Mix and fill the prepared tartlets. Decorate the top with a mesh of mayonnaise and a slice of lemon.

Recipe 3. Tartlets with cheese

Great option for the Swiss table.

Required ingredients:

– flour – 100 g;

— butter – 4 tbsp;

- salt, cold water - 2 tbsp;

- yolk - 1 pc.

For the salad:

– cream – 300 g;

— egg – 1 pc.;

— egg yolks – 3 pcs.;

— Feta cheese – 120 g;

- olives, rosemary, pepper and salt.

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Let's prepare the molds. Sift the flour twice and add butter and a little salt. Knead the dough with your hands and roll into a ball. Cover with a towel and let it sit in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then we roll out the dough and handle it in the same way as we described above. This dough should give you 12 beautiful tartlets. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, just don’t forget to prick the dough and put beans on the bottom.

The tartlets are baked, and we will prepare the filling. Mix in a cup egg yolks with the egg, pour in the cream and beat with a mixer.

Feta cheese cut into cubes. Place the cheese among the tartlets and fill with the resulting mixture. Place sliced ​​olives on top and sprinkle with rosemary. Let's put the tartlets back in the oven for 15 minutes, and we can serve.

Recipe 4. Tartlets with caviar

Let's prepare the tartlets first. Take the tartlet dough recipe from the first recipe.

For filling:

– red caviar – 150 g;

– shrimp – 400 g;

— eggs – 6 pcs.;

— champignons – 200 g;

— mayonnaise – 200 g;

- vegetable oil 1.5-2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Wash the champignons and cut them into small pieces. Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil for about 10 minutes over low heat. In a separate pan we need to boil the eggs (10 minutes after boiling) and immediately transfer them to cold water. Peel and grate. Boil water and immerse shrimp in it for 2 minutes. Immediately drain the water and cool the shrimp. Peel, remove the central vein and cut them into small pieces. Place all prepared products in one bowl, add salt and pepper to taste, add mayonnaise and mix. The filling for your tartlets is ready. All that remains is to fill them and decorate them with red caviar.

Recipe 5. Tartlets with mushrooms

Required ingredients:

— champignons – 500 g;

– cheese – 100 g;

- onions - 2 pcs.;

- ground black pepper and salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Peel the prepared mushrooms, wash them well and dry. Then peel the onion and cut into small pieces. Cut the champignons in half and cut into slices. Place chopped onion in a frying pan and when it becomes transparent, add a little salt and add mushrooms. Stirring, cook the mushrooms and onions until cooked - about 20 minutes. Pepper the mushrooms and add salt if necessary. But, attention! If you use salty cheese, then this is worth taking into account - do not oversalt! Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Set aside 1 tbsp. cheese - we will need it for decoration. When the mushrooms have cooled, mix it with the cheese and fill your shortbread tartlets with the resulting mixture. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of each filled tartlet.

Great addition These tartlets come with crispy green lettuce and marinated olives!

Recipe 6. Chicken tartlets

Let's learn how to make cheese tartlets. Let's prepare: hard cheese – 300 g and starch – 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Grate the cheese on a fine grater, add starch to it and mix. Heat a frying pan with a thick bottom. Place a tablespoon of the cheese mixture into the pan and cover with a lid. We want the following result - the cheese at the bottom should brown a little, but just melt on top. Bye cheese pancakes getting ready, let's prepare a glass - turn it upside down. Open the lid, and if the result is already obvious, quickly lift the cheese pancake with a spatula and turn it over with the melted side towards the bottom of the glass. Press the edges with your fingers cheese pancake to form a beautiful tartlet. When the cheese has cooled a little, remove it from the glass. Continue baking all the remaining portions.

Now let's get to the filling:

chicken fillet– 250 g;

— champignons – 300 g;

- mayonnaise;

- greenery; pepper and salt, cheese tartlets – 20 pcs.

Carefully cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. Grease the bottom of the frying pan with oil and fry the meat in it. The frying process should last 10-15 minutes. During this time, we finely chop the onion, and when the meat is already cooked, add the onion, cover the frying pan with a lid and continue the process.

Wash the mushrooms, dry them and cut them into small pieces. Add to the chicken and onions, mix and continue cooking under the lid until the mushrooms absorb all the liquid that they release. Season with salt and black ground pepper, mix. To taste, you can add a little to the chicken and mushroom filling fragrant greenery. When the mixture has cooled a little, fill the prepared cheese tartlets, pour sour cream or mayonnaise on top, garnish with green parsley leaves and serve.

Recipe 7. Julienne in tartlets

Puff pastry tartlets are ideal for this dish. To do this, you can buy ready-made yeast puff pastry, defrost it and bake it in the usual way in molds.

For the julienne we will prepare:

— champignons – 8 pcs.;

– cheese – 50 g;

- sour cream - 100 g;

— onion – 0.5 pcs.;

- a pinch provencal herbs, salt and vegetable oil.

I think that many of you know that julienne, translated from French, is a way of cutting vegetables into strips. First, let's prepare the ingredients. Chop the onion. Wash the champignons, dry them and cut into strips. Pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan and add chopped onion. After 2 minutes, add champignon straws and mix. Add spices, cover with a lid and cook the mushrooms until tender. Finally, add salt. Now add sour cream to the mushrooms and mix again. Place the finished tartlets on a baking sheet, fill with filling, sprinkle grated cheese on top and place them in the oven at 200*C for 5 minutes. Garnish the finished julienne tartlets with a sprig of rosemary and serve immediately hot.

Recipe 8. Pizza in tartlets

You think that pizza can only be served in our usual way. But no - original pizza in tartlets in our recipe.

Required ingredients:

— butter – 50 g;

– flour – 250 g;

- sour cream - 100 g;

smoked sausage– 200 g;

— cherry tomatoes – 3 pcs.;

- thick tomato paste - 3 tbsp;

— hard cheese – 100 g;

- parsley.

Cooking method:

First, prepare the dough for the tartlets. Mix the soft and elastic dough from sour cream, flour and butter. Be sure to add salt to the dough, otherwise your pizza will lose its taste. Ready dough put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, then roll it out into a layer and cut out circles according to the shape of your molds. Grease the molds with oil and place the dough. Press it with your fingers and place a few beans on the bottom. Bake the pizza tartlets for 15 minutes at 1802 degrees. During this time, they should not brown, but remain white.

We select the dough from the molds and grease each of them with thick tomato.

We cut the sausage into rings, as we usually do for pizza. We'll post them on tomato paste. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the sausage. Cut the cherry into circles and place them on top of the cheese. Place your already filled tartlets again on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10 minutes until done.

Decorate the finished pizza tartlets with herbs and serve.

It is not only tasty, but also original.

In exactly the same way, you can prepare pizza with any other topping at your discretion.

— When preparing the filling for tartlets, pay attention to its consistency. The filling should be tender and thick.

— When preparing dough for tartlets, you can use any spices and herbs that will give the baskets an original appearance and emphasize the taste of their filling.

— Tartlets are an ideal solution when decorating a “Swiss table” at buffets. If you decide to serve tartlets at a picnic, we recommend not filling them at home. It’s better to bring the fillings to the picnic in separate containers, and fill the tartlets on the spot and leave them to soak for 10 minutes. After that, you can serve them to your guests.

— Be sure to decorate each tartlet on top with cheese, herbs, caviar, cherry tomatoes, etc.

IN Lately tartlets with filling can be found not only on buffet tables, but also on traditional festive feasts. Housewives are increasingly preparing various snacks in tartlets, and the fillings for tartlets are simply amazing in their variety of options. Therefore, if you are planning an office buffet or home feast, holiday tartlets with filling will definitely delight all your guests.

Small and neat baskets made of shortcrust pastry With with different fillings They look not only appetizing, but also very elegant. Therefore, festive tartlets and various snacks in tartlets can always be found at events such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, christenings, office buffets, or catering.

How to prepare filled tartlets?

To prepare the tartlets festive table, you need to buy ready-made tartlets in advance, or bake the baskets at home. Tartlets come in sand, waffle and puff pastries. Most often I prepare dishes in tartlets using shortbread tartlets, and you can see how to make tartlets from shortbread dough.

There are a great many options for filling tartlets for a festive table: salads in tartlets, julienne, pates, mousses, mono ingredients and their various mixes. And so that your tartlet appetizer or tartlet salad becomes a real highlight of the holiday table, I recommend reading the article to the end.

But be sure to prepare the filling for the tartlets yourself - ready-made salads from the supermarket has no place on your table! I bring to your attention, dear friends, a selection of recipes for filling tartlets, which I hope you will like.

If you have your own favorite tartlet appetizer, delicious tartlet fillings, or a proven tartlet salad, please share the recipe in the comments.

Tartlets with red fish, caviar and curd cheese

I suggest you prepare tartlets with red fish, caviar and curd cheese - delicious and simple snack, which is prepared in a matter of minutes. The recipe for tartlets with red fish and the cut can’t even be called a recipe, it’s more of an idea on how to fill the tartlets when housewives are so busy before the holidays. All you need to do is buy all the ingredients at the supermarket and fill the shortbread baskets. Recipe with photo.

Tartlets with avocado and red fish

I suggest making tartlets with avocado, red fish and cottage cheese. An appetizer with avocado in tartlets with red fish turns out very tasty, beautiful, elegant, and will decorate any holiday table. Avocado paste for tartlets is prepared with the addition of curd cheese, and in finished form keeps its shape perfectly. Delicate taste avocado and curd cheese go very harmoniously with lightly salted fish, so the snack can safely be classified as a win-win and universal option. Recipe with photo.

Cheese balls in tartlets “Piglets”

On the eve of the New Year, I hasten to please you with new delicious and original recipe, which is sure to bring a smile to your guests. We will prepare a delicious snack in tartlets in the shape of cute piglets, since the next 2019 will be the year of the pig. As a result, a cheese tartlet appetizer will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, which is important for the holiday table. How to cook cheese balls in tartlets, I wrote.

Tartlets with caviar and cream cheese

If we are talking about such a delicacy as red caviar, then there can be no compromises here - an appetizer with red caviar in tartlets is perhaps one of the best ready-made solutions. I can assure you that the filling for tartlets with caviar and cream cheese is a very successful combination of ingredients. You can see the recipe with photos step by step.

Filling for tartlets with pineapple and crab sticks

If you don’t know what to fill tartlets with, I bring to your attention a very tasty and holiday option fillings. Meet pineapple tartlets, crab sticks and cheese! The results are very tasty and beautiful baskets with filling that will pleasantly delight your guests. Recipe with photo.

Tartlets with shrimp, caviar and curd cheese

I suggest making tartlets with shrimp, caviar and curd cheese - a festive and original appetizer for a feast or buffet table. An appetizer with shrimp in tartlets will delight your guests not only with its appetizing appearance, but also great taste. Recipe with photo.

Appetizer of beets and herring in tartlets

Do you need an inexpensive filling for shortcrust pastry baskets? An appetizer of beets and herring in tartlets will brighten up your holiday and won’t break the bank. The ingredients are the best available, the process easy cooking and fast, and the end result is such beautiful tartlets with herring that they can rightfully claim to be the highlight of your holiday menu. Recipe with photo.

Filling for tartlets with caviar and avocado

It's hard to imagine more holiday snack than baskets with caviar, but if you add avocado to this appetizer, it turns out, without exaggeration, a simply enchanting filling for tartlets. Salty taste red caviar goes perfectly with tender nut butter from avocado, and the sourness of lemon adds bright touches to the overall taste palette this appetizer with red caviar in tartlets. How to make tartlets with caviar and avocado, see.

Olivier salad in tartlets

What kind of salad should I put in tartlets? Well, of course Olivier! To give the salad festive look, I decided to make New Year's tartlets with Olivier salad. The result was interesting and cute baskets with Olivier salad, which the children especially liked. Recipe with photo.

Appetizer with red caviar in tartlets with cheese and sour cream paste

This appetizer with red caviar in tartlets turned out delicious! Baskets with caviar and cheese and sour cream spread pleasantly surprised all my guests. If you need original and delicious filling for tartlets with caviar, be sure to pay attention to this recipe. I wrote how to make tartlets with caviar and cheese and sour cream paste (recipe with photos).

Filling for tartlets with cod liver and cheese

Cod liver in tartlets is a bold and unexpected decision, and if you need a delicious filling for tartlets that will appeal to all guests, I can confidently recommend tartlets with cod liver and cheese. Tender liver cod in combination with cheese and egg is a classic, but original presentation V sand baskets gives this snack the right to a new delicious interesting life. How to prepare baskets with cod liver (recipe with photo), see.

Salad in tartlets with chicken and orange “Naslazhdeniye”

Simple fillings for tartlets - The best decision For busy housewives, and salad in tartlets with chicken, orange and cheese is a clear confirmation of this. If you are looking delicious salad for tartlets, then be sure to pay attention to tartlets with chicken and cheese. Tender chicken fillet goes wonderfully with juicy orange and hard cheese, and walnuts combine taste, creating harmonious combination all ingredients. I wrote how to prepare baskets with chicken and orange (recipe with photos).

Salad in tartlets with crab sticks and red caviar

The simplest thing you can put in tartlets is crab stick tartlet filling. But to make the salad baskets look more impressive, red caviar is used as decoration. This appetizer with red caviar in tartlets with crab salad It's very quick and easy to prepare, but this crab stick tartlet filling contains one more secret ingredient. Read all the details with photos on how to prepare tartlets with crab stick salad and caviar.

Salad in tartlets “Carousel”

Simple and delicious saladbest filling For ready-made tartlets. I present to your attention delicious tartlets with ham and Korean carrots, which will not go unnoticed at your feast. This filling for ham tartlets is quick and easy to prepare, and the finished salad baskets look elegant and appetizing. You can see how to prepare salad in Carousel tartlets (recipe with photo).

Salad in tartlets with smoked chicken and mushrooms

Simple and tasty salads in tartlets for snacks continue to conquer modern housewives and salad in tartlets with chicken and mushrooms is a clear confirmation of this. After all, the filling for chicken tartlets is prepared without special troubles, because the recipe uses ready-made smoked chicken breast.

And this delicious salad in baskets is complemented by mushrooms, processed cheese and garlic. I'm sure you will also like this recipe for filled tartlets. How to prepare salad in tartlets with smoked chicken and mushrooms (recipe with step by step photos), I wrote.

Tartlets with red fish and salad

I suggest preparing holiday tartlets with red fish, filled with hard cheese salad, chicken eggs And fresh cucumber. The ingredients combine perfectly with each other, creating a delicate harmonious taste. Try it too! How to cook, see.

Tartlets stuffed with crab sticks and cod liver

You can see how to prepare tartlets filled with crab sticks and cod liver.

Filling for tartlets with pineapple and cheese

Overseas pineapple goes incredibly well with garlic and cheese, and the light sweet taste does not spoil this appetizer, but rather adds some southern piquancy. Recipe .

Tartlets with red fish and cheese pate

Very simple and good snack in tartlets with red fish. If you are looking for something to fill tartlets for appetizers, then I wholeheartedly recommend that you prepare baskets with red fish and cheese pate.

It turns out beautiful, original and delicious snack for a festive table that all your guests will love. You can see the recipe for tartlets with red fish and cheese pate.

Potato tartlets with chicken and cheese

How to cook potato tartlets with chicken and cheese, you can see

Salad in tartlets “Spring”

This salad with egg and cucumber is unlikely to win the palm among original snacks, but thanks interesting presentation V shortbread tartlets turns into an interesting snack. Salad recipe.

Filling for tartlets with crab sticks and mushrooms

Such a delicious filling for tartlets is a win-win option, and everyone who has tried it loves it 100%. It turns out interesting snack for wine, or others strong alcohol. Recipe .

Salad in tartlets with crab sticks and shrimp “Sea Breeze”

1. Cut the cooled (not frozen) butter into pieces and place in a deep bowl.

2. Add flour to the butter and sift through a fine sieve. Add sugar and salt. Using a knife, cut the butter into the flour to form flour crumbs. The smaller it is, the better. But you should work very quickly so that the butter does not start to melt.

3. Make a small depression in the dough and crack the egg into it.

4. Take a fork and stir the egg into the dough in a circular motion.

5. Gather the dough into a ball. Rake it off the edges and gather it into a pile. In just a few movements, knead it until it is homogeneous and smooth so that it does not stick to your hands. Do everything quickly so that the heat of your palms does not melt the butter.

6. Wrap the dough in plastic and refrigerate for half an hour. freezer- for 15 minutes.

7. Take baskets or tartlets. The shape and diameter can be whatever you have. There is no need to lubricate them with oil, because... There is a sufficient amount of it in the dough.

8. Next, also cook everything very quickly. Roll out the dough thinly with a rolling pin and place a small saucer on top to serve as a template.

9. Using a knife, cut off the excess dough around the saucer.

10. Place the resulting flatbread in a basket. Use your hands to distribute it according to its shape and curves.

11. Turn the basket over reverse side as shown in the photo.

12. And use a knife to trim the excess dough along the contour.

13. Place the finished basket in the refrigerator so that the dough freezes after contact with a warm rolling pin, board, hands, etc.

14. Do a similar procedure with all the dough, filling all the baskets. After completing each basket. Put it in the refrigerator and move on to the next one.
Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the tartlets for 15 minutes. Check the readiness of the products by color: light golden hue - the rosettes will be soft, ruddy color - crispy and more elastic. Remove the tartlets from the mold only after they have cooled completely, as when hot they are very fragile and can break.

Watch also the video recipe on how to cook shortbread dough for tartlets and baskets.

Tartlets are small baskets of dough with filling. The filling can be very different: pate, salad, fruit. For a buffet table, such an appetizer is indispensable, and children rarely refuse a breakfast that resembles a cake, even if they find unsweetened filling inside. In preparation for the holiday, many people buy ready-made baskets in the store, but they are not cheap and their taste often leaves much to be desired. It's a good idea to bake your own tartlets. The dough for them is easy to prepare at home.

Cooking features

Tartlets are most often baked from shortcrust pastry, but it can be curd, sour cream, puff pastry or other. There cannot be a single recipe for tartlet dough. However, some recommendations will come in handy for a cook who is starting to prepare tartlet dough at home for the first time.

  • It is better to preheat the oven for baking tartlets in advance. Usually they are placed in an oven, the temperature in which has reached 180–200 degrees, and baked at this temperature for half an hour. It may take even less time: you will know when the tartlets are ready by their appearance(they will brown).
  • Baking tartlets should not be rushed. The dough must be allowed to rest before forming into baskets and putting them in the oven.
  • To bake tartlets you will need molds. Silicone containers for cupcakes are quite suitable, although metal containers are more convenient to work with. Only puff pastry allows you to do without molds.
  • When baking tartlets, you need to put a little dry beans or other cereal on the bottom of the molds. If this is not done, the dough at the bottom may swell, and it will be inconvenient to use ready-made baskets with such a bottom.
  • To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you need to dust them with flour or grease them more often. vegetable oil.

Otherwise, when preparing tartlet dough and baking products from it, you need to follow the instructions accompanying the recipe. Then the result will surely meet your expectations.

A simple recipe for shortcrust pastry for tartlets

  • wheat flour – 160 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar – 5–10 g;
  • butter or margarine – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Remove butter or margarine from the refrigerator in advance. The product should soften, but not melt.
  • Sift the flour, mix with salt and sugar.
  • Gradually add flour, mixing it with butter until it is all gone. As a result, you will get a mass that resembles crumbs.
  • Place the dough in the refrigerator for 15–20 minutes.
  • Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it into small balls (1.5–2 cm in diameter). The resulting volume of dough should yield 10–12 such balls.
  • Place the balls in the bottom of greased baking pans. Knead the dough with your hands, spreading it along the bottom and edges of the containers. The thickness of the dough should be from 3 to 5 mm.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  • Place a few beans at the bottom of the molds.
  • Place the molds in the oven. Bake until the tartlets are golden brown.

Adjust the amount of sugar in the recipe depending on the filling of the tartlets. For sweet filling the dough requires a sweeter spicy fillings less suitable sweet option. Additionally, you can add a little paprika or turmeric to the dough. Thanks to this, the tartlets will not only become tastier, but will also take on an even more appetizing shade.

Unsweetened shortcrust pastry for tartlets

  • flour – 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • margarine or butter – 0.2 kg;
  • baking powder for dough - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Sift the flour, mix with baking powder and salt.
  • Hold margarine or butter for room temperature In one hour.
  • Place in a bowl and chop with a knife.
  • Add flour, stir.
  • Separate the whites from the yolks.
  • Add the yolks to the rest of the ingredients and mix.
  • Pour in cooled milk and knead the dough.
  • Place the dough in a bowl, cover cling film, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • Form the dough into small balls and press them with your palm to form flat circles.
  • Divide the dough into the molds, pressing it into the bottom and edges. Place beans on the bottom.
  • Place the molds with the dough in an oven preheated to 200 g. Bake until the dough acquires an appetizing shade.

From the specified amount of ingredients you will get so many tartlets that you will have enough of them to set the holiday table for a fairly large company. You can fill them with different snacks.

Yeast dough for tartlets

  • flour – 0.6 kg;
  • milk – 0.2 l;
  • sugar – 5–100 g (depending on whether you want to make sweet or snack tartlets);
  • dry baker's yeast– 5 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the milk to a temperature slightly above room temperature. Add yeast and sugar to it. Even if you are making unsweetened tartlets, you need to add at least a teaspoon of sugar.
  • Keep the milk in a warm place for 15–20 minutes to allow the yeast to ferment.
  • Beat the eggs into the milk one at a time.
  • Sift the flour. Add it in parts, stirring thoroughly until you have an elastic dough.
  • Roll the dough into a ball, cover with film and set aside for half an hour.
  • Pinch off pieces of dough, roll it into balls, then lay it out in the molds, using your fingers to spread it along the bottom and sides.

Tartlets are baked from yeast dough in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20–30 minutes.

Puff pastry for tartlets

  • flour – 0.6 kg;
  • water – 0.3 l;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) – 10 ml;
  • butter or margarine – 0.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Add vinegar and salt to cold water and stir thoroughly.
  • Break the egg into a container of water and beat until the mixture reaches a homogeneous consistency.
  • Add flour and knead into an elastic dough. As a result, you should have a little less than a glass of flour left.
  • Cut the butter into the remaining flour to form crumbs.
  • Place the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour, then roll out into a rectangular layer.
  • Spread the flour and butter crumbs over the dough. Fold the dough into an envelope and roll it out. Place in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour, then roll out again, fold into an envelope and roll out again.
  • Repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.
  • Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out each part.
  • Place one piece on top of the other. Cut into squares. Make cuts around the perimeter of each square, cutting through only one layer.
  • Place the dough on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200–220 degrees for 20 minutes. Do not open the oven during baking.
  • After removing the cake from the oven, remove the center.

Once the tartlets have cooled, they can be filled with the snack and covered with the removed portion of the dough. You can make tartlets using the same principle. round shape using a glass to cut out circles from the dough.
