Treat yourself to pasta with chicken in different variations. Chicken legs with pasta, recipe in the oven

Pasta with chicken in the oven - hearty and healthy dish, rich complex carbohydrates And vegetable proteins. But the main advantage of oven-baked vermicelli is its simplicity. Thanks to the variety of ingredients that can be varied in the recipe for spaghetti in the oven with chicken, there will always be a new dish on your table - with a special “zest” and taste.

Medium difficulty

Secrets of cooking al dente vermicelli

To bake in the oven, you need to cook the pasta, as the Italians say, “al dente” (“to the tooth”), that is, slightly hard to the taste - after all, it will continue to stew in the oven. The tips below will help prevent them from sticking together and becoming homogeneous mass while cooking.

  • Use pasta for baking in the oven durum varieties.
  • Observe correct proportions. When cooking, use the “100-1000-10” principle - for 100 grams of vermicelli you will need 1 liter of water and 10 g of salt.
  • When cooking, throw the pasta immediately into salted and boiling water.
  • Do not cover the pan with a lid.
  • Do not rinse pasta under hot water.
  • Do not cook pasta. Subtract 3-4 minutes from the cooking time indicated on the package and turn off the stove.

Culinary experts advise: a spoonful of vegetable oil added to the water will help prevent pasta from sticking together.

Recipes for pasta with chicken in the oven

With sour cream and cheese

Extraordinarily filling and nutritious recipe chicken with pasta in the oven, which will especially appeal to men and children. Thanks to sour cream marinade sauce chicken meat acquires special softness and tenderness. Culinary experts do not prohibit replacing sour cream with mayonnaise if necessary, but to avoid the change taste qualities dishes, mayonnaise should consist of natural ingredients.

You will need:

  • chicken drumsticks - 700-800 g;
  • pasta - 700 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 table. spoons;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • medium fat sour cream - 4 tablespoons. spoons;
  • salt, black pepper.


  1. Make the sauce: place sour cream and chopped onion in a bowl. Add a few pinches of salt and pepper to the mixture.
  2. Place washed and dried bird legs into the marinade sauce and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Place the drumsticks in a fireproof bowl with preheated vegetable oil and fry over low heat until a light crust appears.
  4. In a separate pan, cook the pasta until half cooked.
  5. Arrange rinsed pasta, chicken and sauce evenly in rimmed pan. Add a little water to the casserole and place in an oven preheated to 200°C for 25-30 minutes.
  6. When finished, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and herbs.

Cooks allow you to use mayonnaise or cream in the recipe instead of sour cream, but it is worth considering that replacing the ingredients will further increase the calorie content of the dish (140 kcal/100 g). Oven-baked macaroni with chicken and cheese would be appropriate as an everyday lunch, or as an option festive dinner for family and guests.

It is impossible to gain weight from properly prepared pasta - 100 g of boiled noodles contains only 80 kcal! If you limit yourself to adding light vegetables and fish snacks, you can eat pasta without harming your figure.

With vegetables

Pasta baked in the oven with chicken and vegetables is not only a satisfying, but also a healthy dish that will provide your family with vitamins and microelements. So carrots will enrich the body with beneficial nutrients. immune system vitamins A and C, B vitamins, antioxidants, onion - phytoncides, organic acids and minerals. Evaporated during cooking vegetable juices form a sauce that makes the dish extremely appetizing.

You will need:

  • pasta - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken - 400 g;
  • onion- 1 PC.;
  • broccoli - 300 g;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • butter - 5-7 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper, dried herbs (basil, oregano), salt.


  1. Boil the poultry fillet in salted water.
  2. Prepare the vegetables: grate the carrots, cut the onion into cubes, and broccoli into small pieces. Turn the garlic into a homogeneous mass. Next, add the vegetables to the frying pan and sauté for 10-15 minutes in butter.
  3. Separate the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces.
  4. Place the bird in the pan stewed vegetables. Salt the resulting mass, add pepper, season with herbs, stir and fry over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. Add sour cream to the pan with a small amount water. Mix everything and simmer the fillet in sour cream sauce for another 3-5 minutes.
  6. Cook the pasta in salted water for 3-5 minutes less than indicated on the package (they should be firm). Rinse through a colander.
  7. Mix the pasta with the contents of the pan and pour everything into the pan. Place the dish in the oven for 25-30 minutes, setting the temperature to about 180-200°C. The dish is ready!

Vegetables in a chicken noodle casserole in the oven can be replaced or supplemented with others to taste - for example, bell peppers, tomatoes, green peas or eggplants.

Instead of chicken fillet For baking with pasta, you can use chicken breasts, previously cleaned of bones, skin and fat.

With mushrooms

Casserole with chicken and pasta in the oven with mushrooms (tetracini) thanks its name to the opera singer Louise Tetrazini, who lives in California and, if prepared with turkey, is considered a traditional American dish. In our country, tetracini is usually prepared with chicken meat, but it is not prohibited to replace it with vegetables and seafood.

You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 250 g;
  • pasta, noodles or horns - 250 g;
  • champignons - 10-15 pieces;
  • butter - 60-70 g;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g;
  • chicken broth - 250 ml;
  • wine (white) - ¼ glass;
  • heavy cream- 3 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Boil the chicken fillet.
  2. Also cook vermicelli and fresh mushrooms in separate pans.
  3. Place the butter in a heated frying pan and add flour to it. Add chicken bouillon, cream and wine. Season with salt and pepper. Cook everything over low heat until it boils.
  4. Place the meat in the bowl with the sauce ( portioned pieces), vermicelli and mushrooms cut into halves. Mix everything well and place in a mold with the edges greased with vegetable oil.
  5. Grind the cheese and pour onto the surface of the casserole. Bake the chicken horns in the oven for 25-30 minutes. The dish is ready when the cheese melts.

When serving, tetracini is flavored with fresh chopped parsley. If desired, white wine can be replaced with vermouth or sherry during cooking without changing the taste of the dish.

Chicken with vermicelli in the oven - universal meat dish, impressive both in its simplicity of preparation and sophistication, which every cook can change to his taste by preparing it in sour cream, vegetable, mushroom, tomato, cream or hot sauce. Experiment or use classic recipes- in any case, you will be satisfied and full!


Appetizing chicken with pasta in the oven even at the cooking stage will gather everyone in the kitchen with its aroma! And what does it taste like! Real jam! So how to prepare this dish correctly so that you don’t have to blush? Easily! Easy to prepare and unusual taste- the main trump cards of this dish! So, simple recipes pasta with chicken in the oven.

Yesterday you boiled pasta for a side dish and there was some left over? This happens very often. It's a shame, because on the second day the pasta is no longer so tasty and presentable. But there is a simple way out - with chicken! Simple quick dish This will allow you to feed the whole family without any hassle!

So, we will need:

  • Leftover boiled pasta;
  • or chicken fillet – 1-2 pieces (depending on the amount of pasta);
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs;
  • Milk – 60 ml;
  • Sour cream (heavy cream) – 150 ml;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Cheese (hard) – 100 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Since we don’t need to boil the pasta, we’ll start by boiling the meat. While it's on the stove, let's make the sauce. Beat the eggs a little, add salt and pepper, mix with sour cream (cream). Grind the cheese on a coarse grater, then add to the mixture.

Then we peel and chop the onion very finely. We also finely chop the boiled meat. Fry all this in a frying pan until golden color. Then place them in layers in a greased form. The number of layers depends on the number of products and the size of the mold. Pour the sauce over it all.

TIP: The shape can be any - silicone, porcelain, glass or a simple baking sheet. If it is not silicone, then it would be a good idea to put a silicone “baking mat” on the bottom - this will help you later carefully remove pieces of the casserole, and in addition, nothing will burn.

The last step is baking: at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Pasta and chicken casserole is ready! Before serving, you can garnish with fresh chopped herbs and tomato half rings.

Casserole with vegetables

Before we describe the recipe for making pasta casserole in the oven, we’ll tell you how to properly prepare pasta for baking in the oven. In Italy, the name “al dente” (“to the tooth”) was born, which means almost overcooked pasta. To make it perfect, you need to listen to the following tips:

  1. Choose pasta made from durum wheat.
  2. For 100 grams of pasta you need a liter of water and a teaspoon of salt.
  3. Pasta must be placed in already boiling water salt water.
  4. Do not rinse the paste under any circumstances! To prevent it from sticking, you just need to add a little vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).
  5. Cook 3 minutes less than necessary.

Follow these simple instructions to prepare perfect al dente pasta.

And now the ingredients we need for the casserole:

  • Al dente pasta – half a kilo;
  • – 200 gr;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Broccoli – 250 gr;
  • Carrots – 2 pcs;
  • Sour cream – 220 gr;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Butter – 6 tbsp;
  • Pepper, salt - to taste.

Boil the fillet. Peel and chop carrots, onions and garlic. We also chop finely. Then fry the vegetables a little in a frying pan with butter (about 10 minutes). Finely chop the cooked meat and add to the vegetables. Season it all with spices and simmer a little, about 5 minutes. After that, add sour cream and simmer for another 3 minutes.

Mix the prepared pasta with vegetables and chicken and bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

TIP: You can add other vegetables to the dish: tomatoes, bell pepper, eggplants, etc. The main thing is that there are not too many of them.

They say pasta is so boring! But, in fact, you can talk and write endlessly about pasta and pasta. Because recipes are based on them great amount. And there are even more subtleties and nuances of preparation.

If you remember all the films in which they cook or do not know how to cook pasta, jokes about pasta, even songs about them, it turns out that these flour products have long conquered the hearts and minds of humanity. And if you combine pasta with chicken and bake it in the oven, the result will be simply delicious. Let's figure out how to prepare this dish tasty and not boring.

Pasta with chicken in the oven - basic recipe

So, to cook pasta with chicken in the oven, you will need pasta and chicken. Logical? Still would. But not everything is so banal. Pasta can be whatever you like. It is preferable to choose products from durum wheat from trusted manufacturers, so as not to spoil the impression of the dish. Depending on the shape - horns, “nests”, vermicelli, classic pasta, spaghetti, homemade noodles, the taste and nuances of preparing the dish will change.

Now about the chicken. For those who are interested in calories and low fat content, choose chicken fillet. Men love chicken legs, wings or whole chicken. You can also use minced chicken if you like.

Since a mixture of pre-boiled ingredients is usually baked, you must first learn how to cook pasta correctly. Recommended ratio of water to dry pasta: 10 to 1. Salt the water to taste. The pan should be spacious; the pasta will swell during cooking.

Place dry pasta into boiling salted water and mix well to prevent it from sticking to the bottom. After boiling, they should be cooked a little less than indicated in the instructions on the pack. If you are not sure about the quality, then add vegetable oil to the water before cooking, then the pasta will not stick together. Place in a colander and let the water drain. No need to rinse!

In parallel with the pasta, you need to boil or fry the chicken. Then we cut the meat into pieces or disassemble it into fibers. A small piece of hard cheese (ideally Parmesan) grated. Place a layer of pasta with pieces in a greased pan butter, pieces of chicken on top, you can add chicken broth. Pepper to taste and add your favorite seasonings. Sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese, send it to the oven preheated to 190-200 0 for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown. cheese crust. It turns out simple, fast, hearty dish.

Recipe 1. In a pot

The recipe for baked pasta with chicken in pots is convenient for serving in portions.

To prepare you will need:

  • dry pasta - 200-250 grams;
  • chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
  • small fresh tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • bulb onions;
  • carrot;
  • water - 2 l;
  • seasonings to taste + rosemary;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • hard cheese;
  • vegetable oil

How to cook:

  1. Wash and peel the vegetables well.
  2. Boil pasta in salted water.
  3. Grate the carrots.
  4. Cut the onion into small cubes.
  5. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, put them in cold water, remove the skin, cut into cubes.
  6. Fry onions and carrots in a frying pan over vegetable oil.
  7. Place the washed, towel-dried fillet, cut into pieces, into a frying pan with the vegetables, fry, add chicken broth, add salt and pepper, and simmer under the lid for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Separately, in another pan, fry the tomatoes with the addition of rosemary.
  9. Place pasta in prepared pots, top with fried meat and vegetables, then tomatoes with rosemary, sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
  10. Preheat the oven to 190-200˚, place the pots on a baking sheet, bake for 20 minutes.
  11. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs and serve hot.

Recipe 2. With mushrooms

You can diversify pasta with chicken in the oven using various ingredients, depending on the taste preferences of the hostess and family members. Mushrooms are a win-win option. They can be added either boiled or fried in oil. They can be mixed with boiled pasta before baking or placed in a separate layer.

You can use a variety of mushrooms: from champignons to dried white ones. At the same time, you need to remember about your own safety and the health of loved ones, using only edible mushrooms, in whose quality there is complete confidence.

Recipe 3. In the nests

An interesting dish is obtained by baking chicken in pasta nests. Even small children look at it with curiosity and eat it with pleasure. The main thing is to properly prepare the “nests” for baking. To do this, place the dry pasta in a wide, low saucepan or frying pan with high sides. Pour boiling water over them level with the top edge of the “nest” and add salt. Simmer covered over low heat for 4-5 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, place on a greased sheet. Then they won’t break or turn into ordinary noodles.

Pasta nests are best baked with fried minced chicken with onions and tomato sauce. You can sprinkle it with grated cheese, but it’s delicious without it.

Recipe 4. With vegetables and cheese

Macaroni baked with chicken and cheese in the oven will perfectly “make friends” with various vegetables: onions, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, garlic. It turns out a dish with rich taste, very healthy and not very high in calories. Before baking, broccoli needs to be boiled. Fry the remaining vegetables in vegetable oil, add chopped chicken fillet and simmer until the meat is ready, at the end add broccoli to the vegetables and chicken, simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

Mix boiled pasta with chicken and vegetables, pour sour cream or sour cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven until the cheese crust is golden brown. Don't forget to season the dish with your favorite spices.

Recipe 5. With pineapple

Many people associate Italy with pasta, pizza and Parmesan. Who really knows a lot about pasta is the Italians! And in this case, the boring words “pasta” or “vermicelli” are replaced with such romantic and melodious Italian words:

  • spaghetti,
  • fettuccine,
  • tagliatelle,
  • mafaldine,
  • bucatini,
  • fusilli, it’s impossible to list them all.

There are so many recipes for making pasta, including with chicken. Here's one that's perfect for a romantic dinner.


  • leg ;
  • hard cheese - 150-200 g ;
  • spaghetti;
  • fresh or canned pineapples - 3 slices or rings ;
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • water;
  • spices, salt;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Boil the spaghetti al dente in salted water with olive oil water.
  2. Fry onion rings until soft.
  3. Cook the leg until tender, cut into pieces.
  4. Cut the pineapple into cubes and mix with the chicken.
  5. Grind the cheese on a coarse grater.
  6. Place spaghetti on a baking sheet or in a heatproof dish, top with chicken and pineapple, sprinkle with grated cheese
  7. Bake in preheated oven until cheese melts.
  8. You can place it in portions and heat the dish for 2-3 minutes in the microwave.

This dish looks attractive in the photo and in reality, especially decorated with basil and slices fresh tomatoes. And it tastes wonderful. Italy is rich in such pasta recipes, try to cook some of them to get a taste of this beautiful country.

Sauces and seasonings

The taste of any dish largely depends on the sauce and spices. This fully applies to pasta with chicken in the oven. To make the dish juicy, rich in taste and aromas, you can use various sauces:

  • Bechamel;
  • sour cream;
  • Pesto;
  • cream cheese;
  • mushroom sauce with sour cream;
  • tomato

Sauces emphasize and “set off” the taste of the dish, add juiciness, sometimes piquancy, and make it more interesting. They give you the opportunity to experiment, choose the flavor you like best, and use your imagination. The ability to successfully use a particular sauce is the art and magic of cooking. But in everything you need a sense of proportion and common sense. Then everything will work out for you. Bon appetit!

To prepare pasta casserole with chicken, take pasta, chicken fillet, onions, chicken eggs, sour cream, hard cheese, sunflower oil, salt, ground black pepper.

First you need to cook the chicken. I used my favorite part - chicken fillet.

Rinse the meat thoroughly in running water. Place in boiling water and cook until soft. Salt the water a little. It will take about 20-25 minutes to cook the chicken.

Cool the boiled meat. Cut into small pieces.

Peel and rinse the onion. Cut into small pieces.

Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan. Add chopped onion and chicken. Fry over medium heat until cooked through. Finally, season with ground pepper and salt. Turn off the fire.

Boil sufficient quantity water in a saucepan. Add some salt. Omit your favorite pasta. Boil until done.

Boiled pasta Drain in a colander and rinse with water. Leave in a colander to drain excess water.

Prepare the filling.

Break chicken eggs into a container with high sides and add sour cream. I used 20% sour cream. Stir with a fork.

Hard cheese grind on a medium grater. Set aside half the cheese. Add the other half to the eggs with sour cream and mix. Lightly season with spices.

To fried chicken meat add pasta and mix well. If necessary, season the pasta mixture with spices.

Grease a heatproof baking dish sunflower oil, sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs or semolina. Place pasta with chicken. Pour egg-sour cream filling on top.

Casserole with pasta and chicken in the oven is prepared quite simply and quickly. Therefore, it will be an excellent option for serving to the table for family dinner. Chicken and pasta casserole – perfect solution for those cases when complex dishes I have neither time nor energy to cook. It will be ready in an hour - and most of the time will be spent on preparing the ingredients. The perfect complement will serve for such a dinner fresh vegetables, favorite sauces and herbs.

Taste Info Unsweetened casseroles


  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • Pasta from durum wheat - 300 g;
  • Bulgarian onion- 1 PC.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Sweet bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Milk - 300 ml;
  • Hard cheese - 100 g;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • Refined oil– 3 tbsp;
  • Salt, black pepper, dill - to taste.

How to cook pasta and chicken casserole in the oven

IN this recipe will be used chicken breast, but the same casserole can also be prepared from minced chicken.

Prepare vegetables for roasting. Peel the onion and then cut into arbitrary cubes, chop the carrots into fine grater, cut the sweet bell pepper into thin strips.

Fry the onion until golden brown in heated vegetable oil. Next, add bell peppers and carrots, salt and add black ground pepper. Sauté the vegetables in a frying pan until half cooked, then add finely chopped garlic to them. Fry for another 2 minutes and quickly remove from heat.

Boil the water. Salt according to package instructions. Place pasta in boiling water and cook for 5-7 minutes after boiling. It is recommended to add a spoon during cooking vegetable oil into water, this will prevent them from sticking together. Then drain the water and re-season the pasta with 1 tbsp. vegetable or butter.

Using a sharp knife, cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.

In Teflon or glass mold To bake, spread pasta in an even layer. You can also use thick-walled for these purposes. cast iron frying pan, with high sides.

On top boiled pasta Lay out the fried vegetables, and spread the chicken fillet cubes on top in an even layer. Lightly salt the meat.

Beat the eggs in a deep bowl, add milk, then lightly beat the resulting mixture again. Add finely grated cheese and some herbs to it. Fill the pasta and chicken casserole with the milk and cheese mixture. Sprinkle with remaining chopped herbs.

The pasta casserole with chicken is prepared in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 0 C. The cheese on top should brown nicely, and the eggs will “set” and keep the pasta “in shape”.

Cool the finished dish slightly and cut into squares. Carefully transfer the cut pieces to serving plates, being careful not to damage them. appearance and the structure of the prepared dish. Pasta casserole served to the table at warm, with fresh salad and greens.
