Jam from late varieties of pears. Pear jam for the winter. Necessary ingredients for delicious jam from hard wild pears in winter

Pear jam is one of the most delicious, beautiful and fragrant sweet preparations for the winter. Fragrant delicacy with slices glowing in the sun can conquer even the most gourmet gourmet. The summer-autumn period is the time for pears to ripen, so do not miss the opportunity to prepare a delicious dessert from these wonderful fruits.

How to make pear jam

When preparing a particular dish, you should follow certain recommendations to ensure that the final product is as tasty as possible. So, to make jam, you should take those varieties of pears that differ in density, such as lemon or duchess. You can choose any other varieties, but ensure that the fruits are not overripe. Ideal option there will be whole pears with elastic skin of late autumn varieties. Before direct cooking, the fruits should be washed, freed from the core and stalk, cut into cubes or slices, removing spoiled areas.

Next important point How to make pear jam depends on choosing the right utensils. It is better to cook the sweetness in a copper or aluminum bowl. In such an inventory, the mixture will not burn or stick to the bottom. It is better to stir with a wooden spatula and skim the foam into a plate. Sterilization of jars is the main condition for long-term storage preparations for the winter.

There are several secrets on how to make pear jam tasty and aromatic:

  • The delicacy can be diversified by adding various ingredients, such as lemon, orange, apple, banana, mint, almonds or spices.
  • It is better to harvest the harvest for cooking on a sunny day, only in this case the fruit is able to reveal its aroma well.
  • Pear jam burns strongly, so the whole process should be monitored.
  • To easily remove the peel from a pear, you need to scald it with boiling water, then immediately plunge it into cold water.
  • It is advisable to cut off the excessively tight peel so that the delicacy does not turn out to be too rough.
  • Whole slices can only be obtained under the condition of three-stage cooking, each of which is carried out for twenty minutes.

Classic pear jam for the winter

If you want to know how to make maximum pear jam in a simple way, then consider classic recipe preparations. The technology for making this delicacy is known to almost every housewife, because here you can do without multi-stage cooking, and make delicious delicacy in one approach. Minimal effort will not allow you to do delicious preparations for the winter.

Ingredients needed for classic jam:

  • pear – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2.4 kg;
  • water – 2 tbsp.

To get delicious pear jam in slices, you need to do everything step by step:

  1. Cut the prepared fruits into suitable slices and place them in the container in which you plan to cook the syrup.
  2. Pour sugar onto the surface of the fruit and spread evenly.
  3. Prick pear slices with a fork and leave for a couple of hours until a copious amount of juice has formed. If the variety is not juicy, then you need to add water to the bowl.
  4. Place the dishes on the fire and wait until the consistency boils. Reduce the flame and cook for another hour, stirring.
  5. Pour the transparent astringent mixture with a yellow tint into jars and seal with lids.

The delicacy is distinguished by its unusual taste in any interpretation. However, more delicious recipes are those that have piquant additions in the form of orange, apple or lemon. So, even a child will like pear jam in lemon syrup. The tasty and aromatic amber-colored sweetness will be appropriate on cold winter evenings with a cup of hot tea.

To make pear jam in syrup, you need the following products:

  • peeled pear fruits – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar- 1 kg;
  • large lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water – 250 ml.

The jam takes a long time to prepare, but is not difficult:

  1. We wash, peel and core the fruits of the pear tree, cut into slices.
  2. Divide the lemon into thin slices, removing the seeds from each one.
  3. Place the prepared citrus in a pan filled with water, boil for three minutes, drain the broth, and lightly squeeze the lemons.
  4. Strain the broth through a sieve with small holes to remove the pulp. Place it on the citrus fruits, put it on the stove and add sugar in two to four additions until completely dissolved.
  5. Pour hot syrup over the fruits in the basin in which we will cook the jam. We stand for a couple of hours so that they give juice.
  6. Put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, wait ten to fifteen minutes, skimming off the foam. Remove from heat and let the future jam stand for three to five hours until completely cooled. We repeat this procedure a couple more times. Cook for the fourth time for twenty minutes until a beautiful amber color forms.
  7. Almost delicious clear jelly Place in sterilized jars, seal, turn the container upside down until it cools completely. We put the blanks in a storage place.

This versatile fruit can be used in any cooking method; it can be used to carry out all kinds of culinary experiments. If you think that pear jam should be made in slices by cooking for many hours, then you are mistaken. A delicious treat It can be prepared in just five minutes, and it is not at all necessary to remove the skin from the fruit. Savory pear jam can easily be used as liquid sauce To meat dish.

Ingredients for Five Minutes:

  • pear tree fruits – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.

The marmalade treat is made like this:

  1. We process the fruits of the pear tree and cut them into very thin slices.
  2. Separately, cook the syrup: dissolve sugar in water, skim off the foam that forms on top during cooking.
  3. Place pear slices into the prepared sweet mixture and cook until the consistency becomes transparent.
  4. Pour marmalade jam into jars prepared in advance and roll up.

Pear jam without sugar

Sugar is the main component. After all, according to many, a delicacy for tea must be sweet and even cloying. However, people who watch the scale and prefer to limit their consumption of sweets know how to make sugar-free pear jam. This dietary delicacy turns out to be very tasty, so don’t miss the opportunity to prepare it. The jam will be as useful as possible - during the preparation of assorted fruits it will retain all its beneficial features.

Ingredients for cooking dietary sweets:

  • - 1 kg;
  • pear – 2 kg;
  • apple (green or red) – 2 kg;
  • apricot (large sizes) – 1 kg;
  • water – 3 l.

Method for making jam without sugar:

  1. Prepare all the fruits: peel the core, seeds and skins, cut into slices.
  2. Place in a cooking container, add water, and let it boil.
  3. Cook four times over two days until the jam reaches a uniform consistency.
  4. If desired, you can add orange or lemon to the fruit - then the preparation will turn out especially tasty.

Video: recipe for pear jam

It is a specific delicacy that almost everyone loves. The transparent sweetness of amber colors can become a wonderful decoration for the holiday table. If you want to please your loved ones and friends delicious dish on cold winter evenings, don’t miss the opportunity to make jam according to one or more recipes. Step-by-step instruction How to make pear jam is presented below.

How to make pear jam in slices

Pear jam in a slow cooker

Amber pear jam

Sweet pear jam is not only delicious, but also very simple to prepare. Juicy pears are great for fast cooking desserts for the winter. At the same time, cook aromatic thick jam You can use wild pears, green or ripe homemade fruits. For lovers easy preparation healthy sweets will help you prepare easily fragrant jam A five-minute recipe for pears is given below. But for the fans unusual blanks It is recommended to study the proposed photo and video instructions, in which pear jam is prepared with the addition of lemon, orange or cinnamon.

Delicious pear jam for the winter - a simple recipe with step-by-step photos

Making pear jam usually doesn’t take much time. Therefore, you can quickly prepare such a sweet for the winter without much difficulty. The following simple recipe makes it really quick and easy to prepare pear slices in sweet syrup. This unusual jam is perfectly stored for several years, since it is prepared with citric acid and includes sterilization of the seal.

Ingredients for the recipe for preparing delicious sweet pear jam for winter

  • pears - 1-1.2 kg;
  • water - 5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • citric acid - 2 tbsp.

A simple photo recipe for winter preparation of delicious pear jam

Amber jam from ripe pears in slices - step-by-step recipe with video

When pears are cooked for a long time, they produce a very beautiful amber jam. This preparation can be similar to puree or include beautiful slices of fruit.

Step-by-step video recipe for making amber jam from pear slices

You can find out how to properly cook pear jam in slices in the following recipe. Easy to prepare with simple instructions amber sweetness with an amazing smell.

Fragrant pear jam for the winter - a simple step-by-step recipe with photo instructions

Enhance the sweetness of pears and add jam unusual aroma Adding a pinch of salt and vanilla to the preparation will help. This sweetness can be prepared from both soft and hard pears: Grinding of fruits will be carried out to obtain a homogeneous dessert. The following simple recipe will tell you how to easily prepare paste-like pear jam for the winter.

Ingredients for making aromatic pear jam for winter

  • pears -1 kg;
  • grated ginger - 3 tbsp;
  • sugar -300 g;
  • lemon - 2-3 pcs.;
  • vanilla - 1 pinch;
  • salt - a pinch.

Step-by-step recipe with photos of preparing aromatic jam from hard pears for winter

Transparent wild pear jam in slices - photo recipe with step-by-step instructions

There is nothing more delicious than wild pear jam. They have a special persistent aroma and are very sweet. Such fruits are ideal for preparing healthy sweets for children and adults for the winter. Using next recipe, you can easily make jam from wild pears without sterilization.

List of ingredients for making wild pear jam in slices

  • wild pears -1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp;
  • vanilla extract - 2 drops;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for making pear jam using game wedges

  1. Wash the pears, remove peels and seeds.

  2. Cut the game into slices and place in a bowl. Water on top lemon juice, add sugar. Leave for 30 minutes.

  3. Due to the addition of sugar, the pear will release a lot of juice, which will help you prepare delicious jam much faster.

  4. Place the pears on the fire and after boiling, simmer for about 15 minutes.

  5. When the pears have darkened and softened a little, add vanilla extract.

  6. Simmer for another 15 minutes. Place the product in sterilized jars and seal them.

How to make sweet pear jam - step-by-step recipe with pictures and video

Most varieties of pears have sufficient sweetness that allows you to use a minimum of sugar when making jam. But to give the workpiece unusual taste It is recommended to add unusual ingredients to it. For example, using the recipe below, you can cook a dessert of pears with poppy seeds or vanilla.

List of ingredients for the recipe for making sweet pear jam

  • pears -1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. (more is possible);
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • lemon - half;
  • vanilla - a pinch;
  • pectin -50 g.

Step-by-step recipe with pictures for making sweet pear jam

Video recipe for making pear jam from sweet fruits

Another option for preparing sweets pear jam The following simple recipe with video instructions will tell you. It describes step by step how to prepare unusual sweetness for the winter.

Simple pear jam with cinnamon - five-minute recipes with photos and videos

Fragrant and spicy pear cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger are great for serving with festive table. This amazing workpiece can also be used for everyday use household members to maintain immunity. How to prepare is so simple and healthy jam The following five-minute recipe will tell you about ordinary pears.

List of ingredients for making unusual jam with pears and cinnamon

  • chopped pear - 6 multicups (measuring cups from a blender, multicooker);
  • brown sugar - 3/4 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp;
  • drain oil - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • star anise - 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon -1 stick;
  • nutmeg - 1 tsp;
  • grated ginger - 3 tbsp;
  • pectin -50 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Five-minute recipe for making pear jam with cinnamon

  1. Wash the pears, remove peels, seeds and chop small pieces.

  2. Grate the ginger.

  3. Mix pears with ginger brown sugar and leave for 30 minutes.

  4. Place the infused pear on the fire, add spices and simmer after boiling over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

  5. Add butter, granulated sugar and a cinnamon stick. Simmer for another 3 minutes.

  6. Remove large spices from the prepared jam, place the mixture in jars and roll up.

    You can prepare thick pear jam in a variety of ways: Boil pears for a long time to soften them, or quickly boil them and roll them with small pieces of fruit. ABOUT different options You can learn how to prepare such preparations in the video recipes below.

    Recipes with step-by-step videos of making thick jam from pears

    The following videos with step-by-step descriptions of making pear jam are great for cooking unusual thick sweets. Children and adults will definitely like these desserts and will help them have very tasty tea parties.

    Unusual pear jam with lemon - recipe with step-by-step photo instructions

    It is recommended to prepare honey jam with pears in large quantities for the winter. This sweetness with lemon or oranges is great for preventing colds. About how easy it is to cook fragrant dessert With unusual ingredients, you can find out in the following recipe.

    List of ingredients for the recipe for jam with pears and lemon

    • pears -1 kg;
    • lemon - 4 pcs.;
    • water - 1 tbsp.;
    • liquid honey - 1 tbsp;
    • pectin - 2 tsp.

    Step-by-step recipe with photos of cooking unusual pear jam with the addition of lemon

    By using specified recipes with photos and videos you can easily prepare unusual jam from home or wild pear. Sweet and aromatic preparations can be cooked with lemon and orange. Jam with the addition of cinnamon or vanilla also turns out very tasty. Housewives just have to choose suitable options preparing sweets from pears. For example, they can easily cook pear jam for the winter in slices or try to make a dessert from whole pears. If you have limited time for cooking, a five-minute recipe will help you make simple and very tasty pear jam very quickly and easily. Any of the proposed aromatic preparations of bright amber or yellow color made from pears are perfect for treating guests and everyday use.

Pear jam recipe Many housewives have it, but we want to offer you a few original and very delicious options, which you will definitely like. If you are preparing a delicacy for the first time, then our tips will also be useful to you. Let's start with them.

How to make pear jam

We choose the fruits.

To prepare sweet treats, you need to choose fruits with dense pulp. The most popular varieties are duchess and lemon. However, you can take other varieties, the main thing is that the fruits are not overripe. Collect pears with elastic skin. Rinse them thoroughly, remove the stems and core, chop them into cubes or slices. Cut off all rotten areas and dark spots.

Cooking utensils.

For cooking jam, it is better to choose an aluminum or copper basin. In such containers it does not burn or stick. Wash the jars for preparation thoroughly and scald with boiling water. You can also warm them up in microwave oven or heat over steam. For preparation, also prepare a plate for foam and a wooden spatula.

Pear jam for the winter


Water – 2 glasses
- sugar – 2.4 kg
- pear – 2 kilograms


Prepare the fruits, cut them, put them in a bowl for cooking. Pour in sugar and smooth over the surface. Prick the fruit in several places with a fork. Leave for several hours until the juice appears. If the type of fruit is not very juicy, then pour water into it. Place the basin on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for an hour. During this time, stir it several times.

Pear jam with lemon


Pears – 2 kilograms
- granulated sugar – 2.5 kg
- lemon – 3 pieces


Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove dark spots and stems, cut into large cubes, and place in a container. Pass the lemon through a meat grinder. Also pass the lemon through a meat grinder and send it there. Sprinkle the fruit mixture with sugar and let it brew for 3 hours. Be sure to poke the fruits with a fork so that they release the juice. After soaking the sugar in juice, stir the mixture, put the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil, and leave for an hour on low heat. Stir the mixture, pour it while still hot into prepared containers, seal tightly with lids, and place under a blanket until it cools. ready!

Delicious pear jam

Required Products:

Water – 1.5 liters
- almond– 120 g
- vanilla – ? teaspoon
- sugar, pears - 2 kg each

Cooking steps:

Prepare the fruits, peel and cut into slices. Pour water into the cooking container and place the prepared products in it. Boil for 3 minutes, drain the water into another container, add sugar, and cook the syrup. Pour the prepared syrup over the pear pieces and leave in this form for several hours. Place the jam on the fire, boil, reduce the heat, simmer for 10 minutes, and let it brew again for 4 hours. Behind next time Boil the mixture for 20 minutes. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped almonds and vanilla. Wrap the workpiece until it cools.

Pear and apple jam

You will need:

Apples, pears – 1 kg each
- granulated sugar – 2 kg
- mint sprigs – 3 pieces
- citric acid - teaspoon

How to cook:
Wash the fruits, remove rotten areas, cores and stems, cut into cubes, place in a pan, cover with sugar. Poke the fruits with a fork and leave for one night. If the fruit turned out to be dry and did not give required amount juice, you can add a little water. Stir the mixture and place on the stove. Boil the delicacy and cook over low heat with regular stirring. Cook for one and a half hours. Twenty minutes before the end, dip into the mixture citric acid, stir well. Place the washed mint sprigs, but make sure that they do not drown in the total mass. Before pouring the workpiece, they must be removed. Pack the preparation into jars, seal, cool, and transfer to a cool place.

Try this option too.

Pear and orange jam.

You will need:

Sugar – 2.2 kg
- pears – 2.2 kg
- oranges – 3 pieces


Wash the pears, peel the center, cut into slices, and place in a container. Peel the orange and cut into cubes. Cover the fruit mass with sugar, poke with a fork, and leave the mixture overnight. Place the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil, simmer for an hour and a half over the fire, stir regularly, skimming off the foam. Pour the finished treat into hot jars and close the lid tightly. Fragrant preparation ready!

How do you like this?

How to make pear jam.

You will need:

Light grapes – 520 g
- pears – 1.5 kg
- white dry wine– 220 ml
- granulated sugar – 155 g
- cinnamon - coffee spoon
- a sprig of lavender


Cut the peel from clean fruits and remove the center. Chop the pulp into slices. Mix sugar with wine, let it boil, stir until sugar dissolves. Add cinnamon and fruit, simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. As soon as the jam has cooled, put the pan on the fire again, bring the contents to a boil, add a lavender sprig, and simmer for 5 minutes. And the final approach. As soon as the preparation has cooled, remove the lavender sprig, boil the mixture, and package it in sterile jars.

Try cooking it the same way

Lingonberry jam with pears.


Hard pears – 2.8 kg
- granulated sugar – 2 kg
- lemons (juice and zest) – one and a half kilograms
- lingonberries – 1.5 kg


Wash the lingonberries and place in a sieve. Cut out the center of clean, peeled pears. Do this in such a way that the “tails” remain intact. Do not throw away the pear peel. Chop the pulp into slices. Cut the zest from the lemons, squeeze out the juice, sprinkle the fruits, transfer to a deep vat or bowl, cover with film, and let “rest.” Place lemon zest, lingonberries, pear peelings in a separate pan, cover with water (600 ml). As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the heat, cover the dish with a lid, cook with regular stirring for about 20 minutes. Make sure that the lingonberries turn into mush. Cool the resulting mass, pass through a fine strainer, place in a container in pears, add sugar, and place on the stove. Stir all this until the sugar is completely dissolved, simmer for half an hour, skim off the foam until the jam thickens. Pour the finished product into the prepared container and seal it tightly.

You will also like it.

Whole pear jam.

Required Products:

Granulated sugar – 2.4 kg
- pears – 4 kg
- citric acid – 1/3 coffee spoon
- water – 800 ml
- clove buds – 3 pcs.


Wash the fruits, make punctures in several places, and place in a saucepan with thick walls. In a separate bowl, boil the syrup, pour over the pears, and let stand. As soon as fruit mixture When it cools down, put it on the stove, set the heat to low, cook for 10 minutes. As soon as the jam has cooled, boil it again. To do this, 10 minutes will be enough for you. Do this several times. Add cloves and citric acid at the very end, place the workpiece in a sterilized glass container. Jam from whole pear ready!

Lemon pear jam.


Sugar – 1.3 kg
- water – 520 ml
- pears – 1 kilogram
- a pinch of citric acid

Cooking steps:

Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove seeds, and cut into quarters. Boil water, place pear quarters in it, and boil for five minutes. Cool the fruits in boiled water cold water. Place in a colander and let the water drain. Prepare the syrup: add water to the sugar and cook while stirring until the sugar dissolves. Pour hot syrup over the prepared fruits, leave for 3 hours. Place on the stove, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 10 hours. Repeat the cooking function 3 times until the pears become transparent. Finally, add a pinch of citric acid. Package the finished product and seal it hermetically.

What do you think?

Pear jam in a slow cooker.

Wash the fruits, cut out the middle, cut them, put them in a multi-cooker bowl, add sugar and citric acid. Cook the product for one hour, setting the “Stewing” mode. If you didn't take too much juicy pear, add some water. As soon as you hear the multicooker signal, leave the treat in the “Warming” mode for another half hour, then boil for ten minutes. Place the jam into sterilized jars, roll them up, turn the jars over, wrap them, and keep them like this until they cool completely.

Pear jam slices.

You will need:

Light liquid honey – 4 tablespoons
- pears – 2 kilograms
- poppy seed – 2 teaspoons
- vanilla
- cardamom boxes – 5 pcs.

Cooking steps:

Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods and pound them in a mortar. Wash the fruits, peel and core them, place them in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add honey and crushed cardamom seeds, place on low heat, cook with constant stirring for three hours. Check the readiness of the treat using the old proven method: drop a small amount of on a saucer. If the droplet does not spread, then the jam is ready. Finally, add vanilla, add poppy seeds, and simmer for a couple of minutes. Poppy seeds can also be replaced with chopped nuts and sesame seeds.

It turns out very tasty too.

Recipe with rowan berries and apples.

Required Products:

Pear – 300 g
- apple – 300 g
- rowan – 1 kg
- sugar – 1.55 kg

How to cook:

Prepare the rowan fruits. Sort the pears and apples, wash, peel, cut into slices, remove the stems and seeds. To prevent darkening, first immerse them in salted water and then in hot water. After heat treatment, cool the slices and remove excess moisture. Pack the hot jam into heated dry jars, sterilize at a temperature of 100 degrees.

Recipes for pear jam for the winter

Pear jam great way preparations for this delicious fruit for the winter. Pear is one of everyone’s favorite fruits; early or late, it is always very juicy and sweet and is loved by adults and children. But in winter period It’s not possible to pick a pear from a branch and enjoy its great taste, of course you can buy it in the store in winter, but they are not cheap and such a delicacy is not always available and healthy, so if you like pears, then it’s better to make them preparations for the winter and enjoy the beauty pear dessert from a jar.

In winter, put your jam in a bowl, pour some hot tea, and you will get a lot of pleasure from your labors. In our time, quite a lot has already been accumulated pear jam recipes, but I really want to cook something that will prevent the fruit from spoiling, wasting money and wasting time and effort. We tried to make it as useful as possible for you a selection of recipes pear jam, which are personally verified by us.

  1. Pear jam pieces
  2. Whole pear jam

Thick pear jam for the winter

An old and proven recipe that our grandmothers used. An excellent filling for baked pies and buns that you will prepare in winter for your loved ones, they will not leave them indifferent and will give you a lot of pleasure from such sweet pastries. It is quite simple to prepare and does not require much expense. Recipe with detailed instructions will make preparing this jam a completely hassle-free task.

And so now we will tell you how to prepare this jam with detailed instructions for the process itself.

Thick jam from pear
  • Pears – 2 kg;
  • Sugar -1 kg;
  • Water – 200 g.

Let's start cooking:

It is best to take well-ripened and soft fruits.

Step 1. Wash and peel the pears, cut them and remove the core.

Step 2. Immediately pour water into the cooking container, this is necessary so that when you put the pear on the fire, it does not immediately stick to the bottom, because the pear itself is sweet and without water it will immediately stick to the bottom and as soon as When the container is heated, the jam will immediately begin to burn and will always stick in the same place.

Step 3. Cut the peeled pear as finely as possible, then they will boil better.

Step 4. Sprinkle the chopped pear with sugar.

Step 5. Place over low heat and bring to a boil.

Let it simmer on low heat, do not increase it, otherwise it can stick and burn very quickly, which will ruin the taste by giving it a burnt taste.

Step 6. Stirring constantly, bring the jam until thick.

Step 7. When the desired thickness is achieved, remove from heat and pour into sterilized jars, roll up and turn over. When the jam has cooled, place it in the basement.

Bon appetit!

Pear jam pieces

Very tasty jam in pieces, reminiscent of candied fruits or pear candies. Your home sweet tooth will love it. Perfect for tea drinking with the family. Such winter preparation will wonderfully add variety to winter sweets and make your cold winter evenings sweeter in a warm family circle.

We will tell you how to prepare this yummy dish with a detailed description of the preparation, so that the preparation is a success and is not a burden.

Pear jam pieces

To prepare you will need:

  • Pear – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

Let's start cooking:

For this recipe you need to take pears durum varieties or not ripe, because from soft pear it won't work.

Step 1. Wash the pears, peel, cut and remove the core.

Step 2. Cut them into half rings approximately 0.5 cm thick, maybe a little thicker.

Step 3. Sprinkle with sugar, cover and shake well so that the sugar is distributed between the pear pieces and leave for 2 hours so that the pear releases juice.

Step 4. Place over low heat and bring to a boil, simmer for 2 minutes.

Remove from heat and let the pear cool.

Step 5. After the pear has cooled, it must be put on fire and also brought to a boil and allowed to simmer for 2 minutes. This needs to be done one more time.

Step 6. After the jam has boiled 3 times, remove it from the heat and you can already pour it into sterilized jars.

Step 7. Roll up the jars with lids, turn them over and let it cool. Once cooled, lower it into the basement.

Your jam is ready!

Pear and pumpkin jam for the winter

Great combination fragrant pear And sweet pumpkin will definitely suit your taste. This preparation is perfect for adding fruit to pies and even muffins; you can add this sweetness to curd desserts. The syrup will also not go unnoticed; it can be perfectly soaked into cake layers or poured over pancakes. It’s very tasty and easy to eat this jam with tea. Sweet porridges with this jam turn out great.

We will tell you how to prepare such a wonderful preparation in the winter so that it is not difficult for you.

Pear and pumpkin jam

To prepare, take:

  • Pear – 600 g;
  • Pumpkin – 300 g;
  • Sugar – 500 g;
  • Water – 300 g.

Let's start cooking:

Pears need hard varieties or those that are not yet ripe, they must be firm.

Step 1. Wash the pear and remove the core. Cut the pear however you like, to suit your taste.

Step 2. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut it to your liking.

Step 3. Place a cooking container on the fire, pour water into it and add sugar.

Let the syrup boil until all the sugar dissolves.

Step 4. When the syrup is ready, add the pear and pumpkin and mix thoroughly.

Step 5. Bring the jam to a boil and let simmer for 20 minutes, stirring during cooking as gently as possible to keep the fruit intact.

Step 6. Pour it into sterilized jars.

Roll up the jars and turn them over.

Wrap the jars in a warm blanket until cool. Then lower it into the basement.

After opening in winter, store it covered in the refrigerator. nylon cover.

Enjoy your meal!

Jam with spices “Oriental pear”

Incredibly aromatic jam! It will become just a highlight among your winter preparations. The incredible aroma of jam will bring you a lot of pleasure. Adding such jam to baked goods will make it very rich and aromatic, and your whole family will come running to the smell of such sweetness. Having prepared it once, you will no longer be able to resist preparing it again. Your whole family will love it and your guests will praise it.

Here you will find a recipe for this jam with a detailed description of preparation.

Pear jam with spices “Oriental pear”

To make jam you will need:

  • Pear – 600 g;
  • Sugar – 400 g;
  • Turmeric – a quarter teaspoon;
  • Cloves - 3 pieces;
  • Fennel - a quarter teaspoon;
  • Anise - a quarter teaspoon;
  • Water – 100 g.

Let's start cooking:

Step 1. Wash the pears thoroughly, cut them and remove the seeds.

Step 2. Cut the fruit into small slices.

Step 3. Pour water into the cooking container and add sugar.

Step 4. Place on fire and stir.

Step 5. When the syrup starts to boil, add turmeric, cloves, fennel, and anise. Bring to a boil, let the syrup simmer for 7 minutes over low heat.

Step 6. Then pour the pear into the syrup and bring to a boil.

Step 7. Let the pear simmer for 30 minutes. During cooking, stir as carefully as possible so as not to turn the pears into porridge.

Step 8. Pour your jam into sterilized jars, roll up and turn over.

Now let the jars cool down, then lower them into the basement.

Your “Eastern Pear” is ready to eat!

Pear jam with grapes “With a twist”

The name of the jam speaks for itself; it really has a twist, since it contains grapes. And the addition of lemon and orange juices makes the taste of the jam simply incredible and unusual. A jar of such jam, of course, will not be exactly cheap, but the taste will pay off all your costs, both financial and physical.

This jam is just perfect for smearing, for example, cookies for tea or adding to a cake layer. It will not leave indifferent any member of your family, as well as any of your guests. Believe me, once you prepare it, you will not regret wasting time and money, because by spring there won’t be a single jar of this delicacy left in the basement.

We will share with you the recipe for such sweets step by step description preparations.

Pear jam with grapes “With a twist”

To make jam you will need:

  • Pears – 1 kg;
  • Grapes Kish-mish (or other white grapes seedless) – 300 g;
  • Lemon – 1 piece;
  • Orange – 1 piece;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Water – 150 g.

Let's start cooking:

Step 1. Wash the pears thoroughly, cut them and remove all the seeds. Then they need to be cut into medium-sized cubes, preferably the pear is slightly larger than the grapes.

Step 2. The grapes must be picked from the bunch and washed very well. When using grapes in preparations, remember that they must be washed very well; they contain natural yeast on the surface of the skin and, if they are not washed off, the preparation may ferment. Pour it into a colander and let it drain thoroughly.

Step 3. Now put the cooking container on the fire and pour water into it, add sugar to the water, bring to a boil, let the syrup boil for 5 minutes.

Step 4. Add fruit to the syrup and let it simmer for 5 minutes, over low heat, it should not boil too much.

Step 5: Now take the lemon and roll it on the table to soften it and release its juice.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the jam.

Step 6. Now take the orange and soften it the same way, cut it in half, squeeze out the juice, then use a fork to make rotating movements to squeeze out the remaining juice and a little pulp.

When squeezing juice from citrus fruits, make sure that the seeds do not get into the jam; it is better to squeeze the juice into a bowl, the seeds can give off bitterness.

Step 7. Let the jam simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

Step 8. Remove from heat, pour into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and let it cool.

Your delicious jam for the winter is ready!

Whole pear jam

Very delicious pear comes from childhood. Our grandmothers used this recipe to prepare pears, because previously there was no such variety on store shelves and we had to stock up as much as possible in the summer, even with sweets for winter desserts. Then this recipe was forgotten due to the fact that a lot of factory-made sweets appeared, but these days we are already quite fed up with them and we want something homemade and natural. These pears add variety to the winter season like no other. sweet table and will delight you and your loved ones.

We will tell you how to prepare these wonderful pears. Detailed description cooking will help you easily do it correctly.

Whole pear jam

In order to prepare the preparation you will need:

  • Pears (preferably lemon or other varieties, but dense and small) – 5 kg;
  • Sugar – 3 kg;
  • Water – 1200 g.

Let's start cooking:

Step 1. Wash the pears thoroughly and prick each one with a needle; it is better not to use a toothpick because it will become limp and pieces of wood may remain in the pear. Place the pears in a container for making jam.

Step 2. In a separate container, boil syrup from sugar and water. The syrup must be boiled for 7 minutes.

Step 3. Pour the hot syrup over the pears and let them cool completely.

Step 4. Once the pears have cooled completely, put them on the fire and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, they should not boil too much. You need to stir carefully so as not to damage the whole fruit, because that’s why the jam is made from whole pears, so that they remain intact and do not turn into jam.

Step 5. Remove from heat and let them cool completely again. This will need to be repeated 3 more times throughout the day (4 times in total); you can set it aside and continue cooking the next day if one day was not enough for you. Don’t worry, the pears won’t turn sour even if you continue the process even the next evening.

Step 6. After you have boiled the jam 3 times and the last time, pour the jam into jars, it is better to take 1 liter jars, because the jam does not consist of chopped fruit and it will not fit well into small jars. Jars must be sterilized.

Step 7. Roll up the lids on the jars. Turn over and wrap in a warm blanket until completely cool. Place the jars in the basement or move them to another dark, cool storage area.

After opening the jar, it is better to store it in the refrigerator, tightly closing it with a nylon lid, because there is little sugar in the jam and it can quickly ferment.

Now your whole pear jam is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Treat your family and friends to winter pear preparations and enjoy healthy, natural homemade sweets.

Bon appetit and warm winter evenings! And always be healthy!

Great( 4 ) Badly( 0 )

Pear - amazing fruit having a rich supply useful vitamins, It has rich taste and aroma. Pear jam, which is prepared with the addition of berries and fruits, as well as spices and herbs, is considered popular.

Pear jam - a simple recipe

Dark amber pear delicacy will do sweeter than pancakes, strengthen the body's strength before the winter season.

To prepare a healthy sweet, you need to take:

  • 1000 g pears,
  • 1000 g sugar;
  • 450 ml water;
  • 1 lemon (zest).

Pear jam recipe step by step:

  1. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan, put the mixture on the fire and cook until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Without wasting time, peel the pear seeds and cut into slices. Dip the prepared fruit pieces into hot syrup, add the zest removed from the lemon using fine grater. It will remove excessive cloying.
  3. Cook the mixture for about two hours over moderate heat until it turns a beautiful amber color. Store in sterile glass jars until winter.

With the addition of apples

Jam made from apples and pears can vary in consistency. For example, with transparent amber slices, thick jam, confiture or jam, but in any case it is tasty and healthy.

For the simple version you will need:

  • 1000 g pears;
  • 1000 g apples;
  • 2000 g sugar;
  • 45 ml freshly squeezed apple juice;
  • 1 lemon (juice);
  • 5 g cinnamon.


  1. Cut the washed apples and pears into small pieces, having previously cut out the cores and spoiled areas, and place them in a bowl or basin of suitable capacity.
  2. Cover the fruit with sugar and pour Apple juice and squeeze lemon juice in there. Put on fire and cook until done. Five to seven minutes before the end of the cooking process, add ground cinnamon powder.

Preparation with lemon

This jam has a very beautiful name“Sunny beauty”, because these are the associations that come to mind when you see chalky pear slices mixed with citrus sun circles.

The lemon recipe involves using:

  • 3000 g pears;
  • 3000 g sugar;
  • 3 lemons;
  • 100 ml water.

How to cook pear-lemon jam:

  1. Wash and cut the fruits: pears into translucent slices, lemon into slices.
  2. In a saucepan, combine the prepared fruit raw materials with sugar, add water and cook over low heat until beautiful golden color syrup.

Lingonberry jam with pears

For housewives, a more familiar combination of lingonberries and apples in jam, but if you prepare this winter preparation with pear at least once, it will become a permanent favorite for more than one year.

Ingredients used in cooking and their quantities:

  • 1000 g pear;
  • 1000 g lingonberries;
  • 2000 g granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 5 buds of cloves;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon.

Cooking technology:

  1. We prepare raw materials. We sort out the lingonberries and wash them. We wash the pears, peel them and cut them into small thin slices.
  2. Pour sugar into a bowl or pan with a wide bottom and pour boiling water over it, this will dissolve all the sweetener crystals faster. Put the syrup on the fire and cook until it boils.
  3. First add the pears to the boiling liquid, and after a quarter of an hour add lingonberries and spices. Cook everything over low heat until a drop of jam stops spreading on a cold saucer. This may take up to 45 minutes.
  4. Store the product in hermetically sealed jars in a dark and cool place.

With plums for the winter

This jam turns out delicious, aromatic with an interesting color added by plums. This is not just a winter preparation, these are the colors of summer that will make the cold winter brighter and tastier.

The proportions of ingredients for the dish are as follows:

  • 750 g pear;
  • 750 g plums;
  • 1200 g sugar;
  • 300 ml water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Remove the seeds from clean, washed plums, and cut the resulting halves into 2-3 slices each. Wash the pears, wipe dry, cut out the core and chop into thin slices. Important: the recipe already indicates the amount of prepared fruit without seeds and seeds.
  2. Boil sugar and water. Pour the resulting syrup over the pear slices and cook for 20 minutes. Next, the plums are added to the jam. Cook everything together for another 20-25 minutes. After this, the workpiece is ready for subsequent preservation and further storage.

Amber pear jam slices

This jam can please not only taste buds, but also the view of the most picky esthete. Transparent pear slices, drowning in thick, concentrated and sweet juice, attract the eye. And you can’t do without little secrets in this matter.

Just first about the main ingredients:

  • 1000 g pear;
  • 1000 g sugar;
  • 2-3 g of citric acid.


  1. Carefully wash and dry pears that are juicy, but with fairly dense flesh, so that excess moisture does not get into the workpiece. Next, they should be cut into slices (without the core) of equal thickness. You can use a curved knife, for example, to cut cheese. The age-old question: should I cut the skin off pears for jam or not? For this jam it is better to leave it, it will give more guarantees that amber slices maintain your integrity, but otherwise you should focus on personal preferences.
  2. Place fruit slices in a bowl with a fairly wide bottom and cover them with sugar. The thickness of the pear-sugar layer should not be more than 4-5 cm. Leave at room temperature until the juice is released. It may take a night or a whole day for it to be enough.
  3. Pears that have released their juice are subjected to two short boils and one long boil. The first and second time, the jam is allowed to simmer for one or two minutes and left until it cools completely (at least 12 hours). Cook for the third time to the required consistency.

Delicious dessert with cinnamon

In desserts, like any other dish, small details like spices and herbs play a significant role. So, one pinch of ground cinnamon and a little orange zest capable of turning unremarkable jam from beloved, but so familiar pears into exquisite delicacy. Would you like to try it?

Then let's take:

  • 1000 g pears;
  • 1000 g sugar;
  • 1 orange (zest);
  • 4 g cinnamon;
  • 3-4 g of citric acid.


  1. Sprinkle the prepared (washed and cut into small pieces) pears with sugar, mix and hold until sufficient quantity pear juice.
  2. Next, cook the jam after boiling for an hour, stirring occasionally and removing the foam, and cool completely. Repeat boiling and cooling for an hour.
  3. For the third time, cook the mixture, adding orange zest, citric acid and cinnamon. After boiling the pear slices for an hour in own juice with spices, you can put the jam in clean glass jars.

With oranges

Thick pear jam turns out delicious on its own, but if you add it to the pears sunny orange, then their duet becomes doubly delicious.

To make thick pear jam with a citrus aftertaste, you need to prepare:

  • 3000 g (already prepared) pears;
  • 1 ½ oranges;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 500-1000 g of sugar, depending on the sweetness of the raw materials.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the orange in hot water, wipe dry. Next, use the smallest grater to finely remove the orange zest. We clean the fruit itself from the thick white layer, films and seeds, and cut the resulting pulp into pieces. We prepare the pears similarly to the previous recipes.
  2. Pour water into the bottom of a wide saucepan or basin, place the pears with orange and zest. Sprinkle sugar on top, cover with a lid and put on fire. After boiling, cook over low heat until the pears are soft (20-30 minutes).
  3. Further softened fruit mass puree using a blender and boil to the required thickness. During this time, the jam will not only become thicker, but also darken a little.
  4. 5 g vanillin;
  5. 5 g citric acid.
  6. Sequence of culinary processes:

    1. Place a saucepan with enough water on the stove so that you can easily boil a kilogram of prepared pears in it.
    2. While the water is boiling, peel the fruit if desired and cut it into slices or slices. Place the prepared pears in boiling water and boil for 5-7 minutes until soft.
    3. Then strain the water from the fruit, but do not throw it away. You should take the volume of water indicated in the recipe and, combining the pear decoction with sugar, cook the syrup.
    4. Add vanillin, citric acid and boiled pears to the hot syrup. Boil the jam until completely cooked, then roll it into sterile jars, which after cooling, put them in a dark and cool place.

    Unusual recipe with almonds

    For an exquisite jam with almond petals, lemon zest, cognac and ginger, the ratio of ingredients will be as follows:

  • 1200 g pears;
  • 150 g almond petal or chopped almonds;
  • 1200 g sugar;
  • 10 g grated ginger root;
  • 20 ml cognac;
  • 2 medium lemons.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Remove the zest from thoroughly washed citrus fruits and squeeze out the juice. Pear pulp(for this recipe it is better to remove the skin from the fruit) chop into cubes.
  2. Combine all the jam ingredients in one refractory container and cook, uncovered, until the pear slices are soft and have the desired consistency. Ready jam For storage, seal in sterile glass jars.