Properties of orange peel. Easy to light a fire. Other medicinal properties of oranges

What do you do with the peel that remains after peeling oranges?

I hope you dry it out. If not, start doing so immediately. The benefits of orange peels are no less, and maybe even more, than those of oranges.

Such wide range no other cleaning is used in cosmetology and cooking, although in relation to the skin of these bright, beautiful sunny fruits, the word “cleaning” sounds very rude and ungrateful.

What are the benefits of orange peels? Of course - with its beneficial effect on our body in general and on the skin in particular.

Our body needs all this, and throwing such stuff into the trash is wasteful and uneconomical.

If I have convinced you and you decide to actively use orange peel, then you must remembertwo main points of its preparation:

  1. Sellers of oranges can use various types of chemicals to better store them. Therefore, it is very important to wash oranges thoroughly with soap or soda before eating.
  2. To keep orange peels well, make sure they are well dried. Otherwise they will either bloom or begin to rot. It is best to dry in a warm, dry place, and finish drying in an oven or electric dryer.

What can be made from orange peels? I suggest the simplest and useful ways their use.

For cosmetic purposes

1. Orange peel facial scrub

This scrub will deeply cleanse the skin and remove excess fat, improve complexion, lighten age spots, reduce signs of skin aging.

Preparation: Grind the dry peels in a coffee grinder (finely, but not into dust), mix with yogurt or sour cream (if the skin is dry). The consistency should be pasty.

Apply gently onto the skin along massage lines, using circular movements. In order to achieve a brightening effect and even out the complexion, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm and cool water.

2. Orange body scrub gel

Ingredients: baby soap 1/3 piece, 3 tbsp. spoons of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of ground dry orange peels, sea ​​salt 1 tbsp. spoon, glycerin 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: rub soap on fine grater and melt in a water bath, stirring with water, add peels. Remove from the bath, add the remaining ingredients and mix everything thoroughly.

Apply to steamed body using circular massage movements. Wash off warm water.

3. To whiten teeth and reduce sensitivity

You can add ground peels to the paste, or you can simply rub your teeth with the inside of a fresh orange peel. Regular wiping will strengthen your teeth and remove yellow plaque.

IN medical purposes

4. For prevention, strengthening the immune system and improving health

By regularly adding dry orange peels to tea or simply brewing 1 teaspoon of ground peels in a glass of water, you can normalize digestion, get rid of heartburn, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and prevent colds.

For economic purposes

5. Cleanser

Orange oil in fresh peel is an excellent cleaning, environmentally friendly product for dirty tile surfaces or sinks.

6. Natural air freshener

When dry crusts burn in the fireplace or smolder on a special stand, they emit a very pleasant aroma that will quickly refresh the air in the apartment.

7. Moth repellent

Place dry crusts in a sachet and hang in the closet.

8.Mosquito repellent

Pour boiling water, let it brew and place in a spray bottle.

9. Cat repeller

“Uncultured” cats will never go about their “business” to a place where the scent of orange peels will be present.

In cooking

10. Flavoring

Our mothers and grandmothers also added ground orange peels to baked goods or drinks, which gave them pleasant taste and aroma.

11. Candied fruits

Preparation: Pour fresh orange skins cold water for 2 days, changing the water twice a day. Drain the water, add fresh water, bring to a boil, boil for 15 minutes, turn off, drain the water, rinse with cold water. Repeat 3 times. Cut the boiled peels into strips 0.5 cm wide. Make syrup. Approximately 1.5 -2 cups of sugar per 1 cup of water. Bring the syrup to a boil and dip the prepared peels into it.

Cook until the crusts become translucent. At the end of cooking, add a little citric acid. Place in a colander and let drain. Candied fruits can be rolled in sugar, dried on parchment in the oven and it will be great treat for tea. They can be added to baked goods or to decorate cakes, and the remaining syrup can be used to soak biscuits.

12. Homemade Fanta

I wrote her recipe based on tangerine peels in the article. Exactly the same concentrated syrup for Fanta can be made from orange peels.

That's how much benefit you can get from a seemingly worthless product!This is another case of saving with health benefits and without any costs at all.

Do not throw away orange peels and you will see once again -!



Questions about what orange zest is, the benefits and harms of orange zest, and whether it has any medicinal properties, are of great interest to those who care about their health and are interested in traditional methods treatment. And this interest is understandable. Maybe this article will, to some extent, answer these questions.

Oranges are wonderful sunny fruits, which many of us love so much. We all probably know about the beneficial properties of these fruits, but much fewer people know what orange zest can give us, the benefits of which, by the way, also deserve attention. But first, let's remember beneficial features the fruit from which it is obtained.

Orange is a rich source of vitamins; In addition to vitamin C, it also contains a lot of biologically active substances, such as: folic acid, beta-carotene, flavonoids, photochemicals, etc. It is the composition of the orange that determines its ability to strengthen the immune system. Oranges (and other citrus fruits) play a significant role in the prevention of cancer, in particular cancer of the throat, mouth and stomach. Experiments prove that eating oranges reduces the likelihood of illness by 40-50%. WHO recognizes the property of these fruits to serve for the prevention of strokes and heart diseases.

Beneficial features:

Now let's find out what the benefits are orange zest. We call zest the upper colored layer of the peel of citrus fruits, for example, lemon, grapefruit, orange, bitter orange, lime, tangerine, in other words, orange peels.

Please note that the bitter-tasting white shell located under this top layer is not eaten. To remove a thin layer from the fruit peel, use a special knife. You can also remove the zest using a grater or vegetable peeler.

The zest has a rough surface, it tastes somewhat cloying and has a bitter aroma (the latter due to the content essential oils in the peel of citrus fruits).

It is the zest that is the richest source of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), flavonoids and solid fibers, which are beneficial for digestion.

Fiber makes us feel full, it swells and helps eliminate carbohydrates. Orange essential oil perfectly fights oral ailments.

Juicy orange peel is very beneficial for humans. It contains a lot of vitamin C, vitamins B1, B2, P and A, as well as minerals - calcium, phosphorus.

In addition, orange fruits contain pectin and citric acid, as well as natural antibiotics - phytoncides. In ancient times, these fruits were used to heal ulcers and wounds, since phytoncides are destructive to pathogens.

There is evidence that orange peel is a wonderful cure for atherosclerosis. This substance removes “bad” cholesterol from the body and cleans blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques. This product improves your mood quite well, which is why it is recommended to use it for preparing many dishes.

Orange zest has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. Its consumption helps improve digestive processes and avoid heartburn. Consumption of such a product helps eliminate nausea and increase vigor.

Powder obtained from orange peel helps dissolve mucus in respiratory tract. It can be used to treat cough and asthma.

Orange bark essential oils have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Its consumption allows you to optimize the acidity of gastric juice and normalize the processes occurring in the intestines. Also use of this product promotes unloading and cleansing of the liver.

Finely ground orange peel is an excellent abrasive for homemade scrub. An alternative can be grapefruit zest, because both of these fruits are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which protect the skin from aging. Orange and grapefruit peel can be used to shrink skin pores, improve skin texture, and rejuvenate skin.

To prepare the abrasive zest, carefully trim it from the fruit, dry it and grind it in a coffee grinder or blender.

Benefits of orange peels:

Do not rush to throw away orange peels - orange peel has the ability to normalize blood cholesterol levels. Substances that have this effect are also available in fresh orange juice, but there are much fewer of them. Orange zest is a wonderful mood lifter. Therefore, you need to use it wisely in household. For example, grate the zest on a fine grater and use it for different sauces, soups, salads, teas.

Have you ever used homemade orange peel masks? This product is worth a try! It gives our skin fresh look, eliminates fine wrinkles. It will be enough to grind the zest into a paste and combine with heavy cream. This recipe Great not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté area.

Orange peel placed indoors eliminates unpleasant odors and various microbes. Patients with acute respiratory infections can eat oranges and inhale the aroma of their peel.

Cooking, of course, also does not deprive orange peel of attention. It is used (grated) as an addition to all kinds of desserts and salads. Orange peel is used in the preparation of compotes, jams, and pies.

Essential orange oil, obtained from the peel, strengthens the immune defense of our body, soothes nervous system, will be useful for insomnia, as well as if you are haunted by stress and obsessive fears.

Orange peel exudes a specific pleasant aroma. With its help, you can easily get rid of bad breath. IN Soviet era, When chewing gum It was very difficult to get, every third person replaced it with dried orange or tangerine peels. And for such a “pet” as a moth, orange aroma(like other citrus fruits) is completely unbearable.

Harm of orange peels:

Orange is one of those few plants in which all of their parts are useful. It (like other citrus fruits) contains citric acid, which prevents the appearance of nitrates and nitrites in these fruits. This means that neither the orange itself nor its peel pose a threat to our health.

Orange zest, the benefits of which are undeniable, is also used in the preparation of tincture, which helps fight menstrual pain. In addition, oranges help to “cleanse” the body of toxins and waste. People who love and often pamper themselves with oranges do not have water-salt imbalances and, as a result, are little susceptible to edema.

Orange zest in weight loss diets:

Many nutrients and antioxidants, including vitamin C, contained in orange peel, activate metabolic processes in the body and promote weight loss.

Therefore, starting from today do not throw orange peels into the trash, remember that they are an excellent ally in the fight for slim figure. If you brew them in a glass of boiling water (you get something like orange tea) and drink, this will help to significantly speed up metabolism and, therefore, speed up the process of removing fat deposits, and at the same time get a boost of energy and vigor. It is recommended to drink two cups of this tea a day, one in the morning on an empty stomach, and the second in the afternoon.


Pour one tablespoon of powder (or some fresh peels) with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. You can add a spoonful of honey (a teaspoon of honey a day activates the breakdown of fat in the hips and waist).

Orange is one of the most prominent representatives of the citrus family, which is distinguished by its colorful orange appearance and extraordinary taste. Coming from Southeast Asia, it has gained popularity literally all over the world. Orange is loved and appreciated not only for its constant sweet and sour taste, but above all for the health that it gives to everyone without exception. It is known that this representative of citrus fruits has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, and can boast high content vitamins A, B, and especially C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, dietary fiber and many others nutrients, so necessary for our body.

Having enjoyed slices of aromatic orange, we rush to throw away its peel, not thinking at all that the outer shell of this fruit is rich in valuable compounds no less than its pulp, and therefore has unique benefits for health and beauty. For example, few people know that the peel of an orange contains no less vitamin C than juicy pulp fruit, and even more phytonutrients and bioflavonoids!

11 ways to use orange peels

1. Improves skin tone

Did you know that using orange peel can easily get rid of dark spots and other skin blemishes? The peel acts as a natural brightener, helping to improve your skin tone. Moreover, it maintains elasticity, prevents dullness and restores the natural radiance of the epidermis. Moreover, the components present in orange peel protect the skin from negative impact ultraviolet.

To protect your skin and restore its healthy glow, prepare a refreshing mask. To do this, dry the orange peels (by keeping them in the sun for 3 days and grinding them in a coffee grinder to a powder) and then mix 3 tbsp. natural yogurt with 1 tsp. honey and 2 tsp. orange powder. Ready mixture Apply to face and décolleté, rubbing lightly in light circular movements, leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Use this mask 2-3 times a week and your skin will always be smooth and glowing.

2. Eliminates signs of aging

Powerful antioxidants, which are found in abundance in orange peels, actively fight free radicals that damage healthy skin cells and accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. In addition, when applied to cleansed skin, orange peel acts as a toner, nourishing the epidermal layers and replenishing the lack of ingredients to restore the natural pH of the skin.

For complete nutrition of the epidermis, simply mix 1 tbsp. orange powder with the same amount of oat powder, as well as 1 tsp. honey and mix everything to form a paste. Apply this paste to your face and neck area, wait for 30 minutes and then wash off the mask with cool water. It is enough to use this rejuvenation product once a week and wrinkles on your face will not appear soon.

3. Fights acne and blackheads

Being slightly abrasive in nature, orange peel powder can work as an exfoliator to remove dirt, blackheads, and dead cells from the skin. All this helps prevent the appearance of comedones and acne.

To cleanse your facial skin in a timely manner, prepare a scrub from orange powder and natural yogurt. To do this, just mix both components in equal proportions, apply to the neck and face, rubbing in smooth circular movements, and leave for 15–20 minutes, and after the allotted time, remove with a cotton swab. Use this remedy daily until acne and blackheads are completely gone, and then once a week as a preventative measure.

4. Perfectly whitens teeth

Fresh orange peel helps remove yellow plaque from teeth. The fact is that orange peels contain the known substance D-limonene, which relieves the enamel of yellow spots caused by excessive coffee consumption and smoking.

To simply rub your tooth enamel with fresh orange peel for 2-3 minutes, then rinse your mouth with warm water. Carry out this procedure 2 times a day until you get the desired result.

There is an alternative method of teeth whitening. Mix a piece of orange powder with water to obtain a paste-like mixture, and then brush your teeth with this paste using a brush. You can also add dried and crushed orange tree leaves to the paste. If you brush your teeth with this paste at least once a day for several weeks, you will be surprised at the results you get.

5. Helps you lose weight

Orange peels help get rid of extra pounds. This happens thanks to the same vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, which means it promotes fat burning.

To successfully fight extra pounds, instead of the usual coffee and carbonated drinks, drink a drink based on orange peels. To prepare it, you need to dry the orange peel in a cool, dry place. 1 tbsp. dried peels should be poured into a glass hot water and cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. After removing the orange peels, you just need to add a spoonful of honey to the infusion and take it twice a day.

6. Reduces “bad” cholesterol levels

Eating orange peels can help reduce low-density lipoprotein levels in the body, which means it gets rid of “bad” cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular problems and heart attacks. This effect of orange peel is due to the presence of pectins and richness of fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol levels and also normalizes blood pressure.

A 2004 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that bioflavonoids present in orange peel were able to reduce low-density lipoprotein levels in the blood without side effects, characteristic of the main drugs used to combat this disease.

To successfully fight excess cholesterol in the blood, you can drink tea with the addition of lemon peels 2 times a day, or add aromatic orange zest to other drinks and foods.

7. Improves digestion

It has long been proven that eating orange peels helps improve digestion. Due to its high dietary fiber content, this product regulates intestinal activity, preventing constipation and improving bowel movements. Moreover, orange peel can help treat digestive disorders such as indigestion, gas, irritable bowel syndrome or heartburn. In addition, the pectin present in the crusts is beneficial for the growth of friendly bacteria in the colon.

In order to eliminate problems associated with the functioning of the stomach, after eating you should drink tea with the addition of orange peels.

8. Works as an air freshener

The sweetish orange aroma emanating from the peels can be used to disguise unpleasant odors in the office or at home, for example, in the bedroom or living room, in the bathroom or in the kitchen. That is, orange peel can work as a freshener, you just need to prepare a spray from it. It is prepared as follows: place a handful of fresh orange peels in a saucepan, add a few cinnamon sticks, add 2 glasses of water and cook for 10 minutes. The finished product is filtered, allowed to cool, then filled into a spray bottle and used as needed.

Alternatively, powder made from dried orange peels can be scattered into small linen bags and placed around the house to mask bad smell. By the way, dried orange peels placed in the bottom of the trash can will prevent any foul odors.

9. Repels insects and ants

The smell of citrus fruits repels ants and other insects, including flies, mosquitoes, horseflies and even cats. Insects and some animals don't like D-limonene, which gives oranges their citrusy smell.

To protect your home from insect infestation, chop up an orange peel and place ready powder in places where ants, flies and other pests accumulate. And to prevent mosquito bites, simply lubricate the exposed skin with fresh orange peels. Put also lemon peels at window sills and near doors to protect your home from stray cats.

10. Improves mood

The smell of citrus fruits helps improve mood and raise emotional tone.

To do this, it is enough to place a fruit bowl with oranges or orange peels in the living room or living room, or even better in the bedroom, in which case waking up in good mood you're guaranteed.

11. Provides the basis for good compost

Amateur gardeners know how important good compost is for harvesting. Orange peels are an important component of good humus, since thanks to a large number nitrogen, they make the soil more fertile and contribute to a good harvest. In addition, a compost pit containing orange peels will never be raked by dogs and cats.

To make good compost, thoroughly wash orange peels, as well as the peels of other citrus fruits, to remove pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Finely chop the peels to help them decompose more quickly and add them to your compost pile. Once the compost is ready, use it for gardening.

If you decide to use our tips, remember to always rinse your orange peels with cold water before sun drying them to remove as many pesticides as possible. Prepare orange powder only from thoroughly dried peels. Store the prepared powder in an airtight container and do not keep fresh orange peels in the refrigerator, as this will spoil them faster. Take care of yourself!

What do you do with the peel that remains after peeling oranges?

I hope you dry it out. If not, start doing so immediately. The benefits of orange peels are no less, and maybe even more, than those of oranges.

No other peelings know such a wide range of applications in cosmetology and cooking, although in relation to the skin of these bright, beautiful sunny fruits, the word “cleaning” sounds very rude and ungrateful.

What are the benefits of orange peels? Of course - with its beneficial effect on our body as a whole and on the skin in particular.

They contain useful substances and phytonutrients - vitamin C.(there are 2 times more peels in 100 grams than in 100 grams of orange pulp!), calcium, alimentary fiber (pectins) and many other useful elements.

Our body needs all this, and throwing such stuff into the trash is wasteful and uneconomical.

If I have convinced you and you decide to actively use orange peel, then you should remember two main points in its preparation:

1. Sellers of oranges can use various types of chemicals to better store them. Therefore, it is very important to wash oranges thoroughly with soap or soda before eating.

2. To keep orange peels well, make sure they are well dried. Otherwise they will either bloom or begin to rot. It is best to dry in a warm, dry place, and finish drying in an oven or electric dryer.

What can be made from orange peels? I offer the simplest and most useful ways to use them.

  • Dried orange peels are perfect for lighting a fireplace in the country.They contain a lotthe amount of flammable, oily substance (this substance is called limonene, and it is part of many essential oils), which makes a fire flare up well. In addition, when the fireplace is lit, the living room is filled with a pleasant citrus aroma!

  • Limonene is also a very effective natural pesticide(Pesticides are substances that are used to combat pests). A puree made from orange peel and water can serve as an excellent barrier to ants if you place it in their paths. This smell also repels flies and mosquitoes. If you have enough orange peels, then you can even take the finely shredded zest with you on a picnic to spread in piles around the blanket on which you are sitting. Mosquitoes and flies will try to stay away from this place.

  • If your kitten digs into the pots of your favorite indoor plants or seedlings and chews on their leaves,You can again put orange zest on the windowsill. Cats do not like this smell and will avoid your “garden”.

  • And without outside clues it is clear that orange peels haveexcellent deodorizing effect. Candied orange peel You can put it, for example, under the kitchen sink, where there is usually a trash can, and the unpleasant odor will be neutralized. Or dried crusts can be placed in a gauze bag and hung in a closet where winter outerwear is stored in the summer - the musty smell will go away.

  • Pamper your skin with orange peels!Sounds crazy? Just throw the washed crusts into the water when you go to take a bath. Vitamin C enters the body through the skin, so the presence of orange peels in water is a very simple and convenient way to strengthen immune system. And what a aroma! Mmm! While taking “orange baths” you can also make masks from bananas. This will add to the overall tonic effect. cosmetic effect for facial skin.

  • Facial scrub made from orange peels.This scrub will deeply cleanse the skin, remove excess oil, improve complexion, lighten age spots, and reduce signs of skin aging.Preparation: Grind the dry peels in a coffee grinder (finely, but not into dust), mix with yogurt or sour cream (if the skin is dry). The consistency should be pasty.Apply gently onto the skin along massage lines, using circular movements. In order to achieve a brightening effect and even out the complexion, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm and cool water.

  • Orange gel-scrub for body.Ingredients: baby soap 1/3 piece, 3 tbsp. spoons of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of ground dry orange peels, sea salt 1 tbsp. spoon, glycerin 1 tbsp. spoon.Preparation: Grate the soap onto a fine grater and melt in a water bath, mix with water, add peels. Remove from the bath, add the remaining ingredients and mix everything thoroughly.Apply to steamed body using circular massage movements. Rinse off with warm water.

  • Dried crusts can also be used asdecor, For example, gift.Just cut with a knife from just peeled some figures, then dry them (either in the oven or on a radiator) and string them on a thread or staple them to the gift wrapping. Here is one of the options - appreciate how impressive it looks!

That's how much benefit you can get from a seemingly worthless product! This is another case of saving with health benefits and without any costs at all.

Many young housewives, unknowingly, simply get rid of the orange peels left after eating the fruits themselves. And it’s completely in vain, because from them you can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes. In today's post you will find several interesting recipes with citrus zest.

The benefits and harms of using orange peel

Recipes with citrus zest allow you to fill human body many valuable vitamins and microelements. This product contains sufficient quantity pectin, flavonoids, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. This great source vitamin A, C and E. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for the treatment and prevention of colds.

Regular consumption of orange peel helps increase performance, reduce blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of stone formation. gallbladder. Citrus peels have excellent wound-healing properties, neutralize toxic substances and help restore intestinal microflora. They stimulate activity of cardio-vascular system, have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin.

However, there are also contraindications. For those who are wondering where to use orange and tangerine peels, you need to remember that the zest of these citrus fruits can cause severe allergic reactions, provoke the appearance of a rash, irritation of the mucous membranes and even an increase in temperature. They should not be consumed by people suffering from intestinal disorders. Citrus zest is contraindicated at low blood pressure and increased acidity.

Review of ways to use orange peels

This component is widely used in cooking. It is used to prepare preserves, jams, candied fruits, alcoholic and soft drinks. In addition, they are often replaced with artificial flavors. Along with cinnamon and vanilla, it is added to muffins, biscuits, charlottes, jellies, mousses and other desserts. Some housewives put this ingredient in sauces, soups, salads, meat and fish dishes.

With citrus zest, you can not only cook various delicacies, but also do cleaning. After all, she is an excellent basis for creating home cleaning products. Plus, it is considered an excellent replacement for store-bought air fresheners. So that the house is filled pleasant aromas, you just need to boil water and add cloves, cinnamon and chopped orange peel to it.

Few people know that this is one of the most effective means to scare away cats. If your pet gets into the habit of spoiling houseplants, then you can simply put a little citrus zest around the flowerpot.

These are not all the ways to use orange peel. It is one of the most popular cosmetic components. And some people scatter it to get rid of mosquitoes and house ants. Having figured out where and how to use citrus zest, you can start looking at culinary recipes.


This one is delicious and fragrant dessert Both big and small sweet tooths will surely appreciate it. This recipe for using orange peels requires the presence of additional components. Therefore, before you start playing it, check if you have at hand:

  • 200 grams baking flour v/s.
  • Chopped zest from two oranges.
  • 2 eggs.
  • A couple of spoons of water.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Powdered sugar (for sprinkling).
  • Vegetable oil.

In one container combine eggs, zest, water, salt and flour. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth, and then roll it out into a thin layer and cut out cookies. The resulting products are browned in boiling water vegetable oil and generously sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cream jelly

We recommend paying attention to another simple recipe for using dried orange peels. It will certainly interest lovers of homemade mousse-like desserts. To make this jelly, you will need:

  • 100 grams of chopped zest.
  • 3 large spoons of sugar.
  • A glass of cream.
  • 2 large spoons of milk.
  • 5 grams of gelatin.
  • A teaspoon of coffee.

Warm milk is combined with whipped, sweetened cream. Chopped citrus zest, coffee and pre-soaked gelatin are also added there. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

Fragrant tea

This option for using orange peels will arouse interest among connoisseurs of unusual hot drinks. Tea prepared in this way is not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy. To brew it you will need:

  • Large orange.
  • A teaspoon of black tea leaves.
  • 300 milliliters of drinking water.
  • Honey or sugar (to taste).

Carefully remove the peel from the washed orange, pour boiling water over it and leave for ten minutes. Then the liquid is decanted, and the zest is placed in a saucepan filled with a small amount clean water, and bring to a boil. The resulting infusion is added to pre-brewed tea and mixed with sugar or natural honey.


This refreshing sweet drink ideal for roasts summer day. To prepare it you will need:

  • 4 glasses of clean water.
  • 6 medium oranges.
  • 2 cups sugar.

Carefully remove the skin from thoroughly washed oranges and grind it in a blender. Then the zest is added to two glasses of boiling water. sweet water and cook over low heat for five minutes. The resulting drink is cooled and put in the refrigerator. After some time, the remaining water and juice squeezed from six oranges are poured into the almost finished lemonade.


This option for using orange peels will be useful for thrifty housewives who are accustomed to making homemade canned food. To create this jam you will need:

  • 400 grams of sugar.
  • 2.0-2.5 glasses of water.
  • 400 grams of orange peel.

Practical part

Pre-washed skins are not cut too large pieces, pour cold water and leave for three days, periodically changing the liquid. After the designated time, the peels are cut into small squares and placed in suitable container. Syrup made from water and sugar is also added there. All this is sent to the stove and boiled for no longer than five minutes. After the future jam has completely cooled, the heating procedure is repeated twice more. Finished product packaged in sterile jars, closed with screw caps and stored.

How to make a tincture?

This option for using orange peels will certainly be of interest to lovers of homemade alcohol. The drink prepared in this way is moderately strong and very aromatic. To make this tincture, you will need:

  • A liter of homemade moonshine.
  • 250 grams of sugar.
  • Skins from two oranges.
  • 700 milliliters of water.

You need to start the process by obtaining syrup. It is brewed from filtered water and sweet sand. The completely cooled syrup is poured into a jar, at the bottom of which there is already washed citrus peel. Moonshine is also sent there. Cover all this with a lid, shake vigorously and put it in a dark place, not forgetting to shake the container periodically. No earlier than five or seven days later, the drink is filtered through cheesecloth and bottled.

Candied fruit

Lovers of natural sweets will certainly come in handy with another simple way to use orange peels. Candied fruits prepared in this way will not leave anyone with a sweet tooth, big or small, indifferent. To create them you will need:

  • 200 milliliters of water.
  • 2.5 cups sugar.
  • 8 medium oranges.
  • 100 grams of dark chocolate.
  • ¼ teaspoon citric acid.

Carefully remove the skin from thoroughly washed oranges, cut it into approximately equal long strips, fill them with cold water and leave for three days, taking the time to systematically change the liquid. This is necessary to remove all the bitterness. Then the zest is boiled for ten minutes and rinsed under the tap. The crusts prepared in this way are poured with syrup consisting of water and sugar and simmered over low heat. After some time, citric acid is added to the boiled mixture and heated until all the syrup is absorbed into the zest.

Then the hot skins are carefully laid out on parchment, being careful not to get burned, and kept at room temperature for two or three hours. Completely dried candied fruits are dipped one by one in melted chocolate and returned to the paper. As soon as the finished candies have cooled, they are placed in a glass, hermetically sealed jar. Since this delicacy does not contain any harmful additives, you can safely treat even little sweet tooths with it.
