Fried conger eel recipe. Smoked eel is a healthy fish with a unique taste. How to cook smoked eel at home and what can be made from it

Eel is a universally recognized delicacy that can be considered a truly royal delicacy. The popularity of eel is based on the excellent nutritional characteristics and significant health benefits of the fish.

History and geography of the product

Eel is the common name for fish of the eel order. (Anguilliformes), which are characterized by a long snake-like body. Its meat is considered a delicacy in Europe and Asia. It is known that eel was an important source of food for the Maori tribe. For fishing, the New Zealand aborigines built dams at the outlets of the lagoons. The eel was caught in the fall, when it went downstream to the sea to spawn. To store living individuals in water, special cage pots were equipped. The container could hold up to 300 fish. The cages were placed in a stream and tied to a pole or tree. They fed the eels in improvised cages with potatoes or other products.

Later, the Maori learned to build special shelters in the water for fish. These were dams more than 4 m long, 1 m wide and 0.5 m high. The top of the pit was covered with manuka branches, the bottom of the reservoir was blocked with stones, and the top was left free. The eels gathered themselves into a house equipped for them, where they were caught.

Today, fish is an important commercial commodity. The river species lives in the Baltic, Azov, Black, White, Barents and Caspian seas, and is found in the European regions of Russia. Since 2010, the freshwater eel has been included in the Red Book. Its marine counterpart is found in the North and Mediterranean seas, near the Faroe Islands, in the south of Norway, in the waters of the eastern Atlantic, being a valuable object for fishing. The American Anguilla rostrata, Japanese and southern Anguilla are of commercial importance.

Types and varieties

There are several varieties of fish. Nelson's classification recognizes three suborders, 15 families, 141 genera, and about 738 species of Anguilliformes. Another version (according to Fishebs) recognizes the presence of 15 families, but 4 suborders. The eel was classified more simply in ancient times. According to legend, a giant eel once frightened the wives of the demigod Maui. As punishment, Maui decided to "cut" the snake in half. As a result, one half of the worm landed on the sea and turned into a conger eel, the other fell into the river and became a freshwater fish.

Let's talk more about these Anguilliformes species...

1. Swamp eel- a freshwater representative of the family synbranchidae, living in the tropics. In India they are called kusia. There are two categories of fish:

Marbled eel (Synbranchus marmoratus) grows up to 150 cm in length.
Bombay eel (Monopterus isindicus) reaches no more than 8 cm.

2. Sea eel- found in the sea, grows up to 1.8 m. There are blind representatives of marine species (tuere). They have no eyes, secrete blue mucus, have no backbone, and grow up to 1 m in length.

Fish of the order Anguilliformes lack fins on the chest and belly, and the anal and dorsal fins are also rudimentary. The eel's eyes are small; in some individuals living in caves, they are located under the skin. Most species can breathe oxygen and stay on land for some time. In their lifestyle they resemble amphibians.

Beneficial features

According to composition and nutritional characteristics there are differences between the river eel and sea ​​view fish. The first type has energy value 100g/184 kcal. In turn, the marine type is fattier, but has less calories - by 100g/100 kcal. Eel meat contains fats, proteins, vitamins A, C, D, E, group B, potassium, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium.

The Japanese value fish for a large number of vitamin A. It helps strengthen teeth and bones, is good for vision, and ensures the integrity of the skin. Omega 3 and 6, which are essential for humans, have particular health benefits. Substances can prevent the development of cancer, vision problems, and help the body resist the aging process of the skin.

Despite low calorie content, fish has a high fat content, which is why experts recommend it in dietary nutrition and advise using it to prevent rickets. The toxins contained in the eel's blood are used as a remedy for anaphylaxis. The serum was used by Charles Robert Richet, a Nobel Prize winner.

Taste qualities

Eel is loved by gourmets for its soft, tender meat. Snake-shaped fish tastes similar to salmon, however, a little richer in taste. nutritional quality and much juicier because high concentration fat

Use in cooking

Freshwater eels are especially popular in Europe and Asia; they are loved for their rich, sweet meat, which is considered a delicacy. The Japanese cook and river (unagi), and sea (anagi) individuals. It is a fairly popular but expensive food there. Eels are used in Shanghai and Cantonese cuisine. In New Zealand, fish is considered traditional dish in the diet. In Germany they love smoked meat. In India, fish curry is prepared from eel or fried foods. In China, fish is considered a delicacy and is prepared in the form of a casserole with garlic, green onions, bamboo shoots, rice wine and soy sauce.

How can you cook eel?

Wrap in rangiora or green flax leaves and grill over charcoal.
Air dry or dry over heat on a wire rack.
Make a mousse from smoked eel, apples and beets.
Cook soup with eel and herbs.
Bake into a pie with fish filling.
Make aspic with eel and watercress sauce.
Stew with tomatoes, garlic, rice.
Marinate in vinegar with bay leaf.
Fry with black beans.
Make rolls from it.

What does eel go with?

Spices, seasonings: Bay leaf, cloves, pepper (peas), mustard, thyme, sage.
Sauces: soy, barbecue.
Fruits: citrus.
Vegetables: onions, garlic, capers, tomatoes.
Greens: lettuce, parsley, nori seaweed.
Cereals: rice, black beans.
Dairy products: cream.
Oil: olive, butter.
Drinks: cider, white wine, sherry.
Meat: chicken.
Seafood: shrimp, salmon.

A traveler in the East may be offered raw eel in sashimi or another dish. We advise you to refuse similar delicacy... Fish blood contains toxic substances (neurotoxins), and if they get into food, a person can become poisoned. During heat treatment, harmful compounds are destroyed.

Eel under marinade

Recipe: The eel needs to be cut into pieces. Salt the prepared fish, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour, fry in vegetable oil, cool and pour in the marinade.

Serve the marinated eel in a salad bowl or in a deep dish.

Recipe " Fish solyanka from Eel"

Recipe: To prepare hodgepodge, you can take any fresh fish, but not small or very bony fish.

Cut the removed eel fillet into pieces, 2-3 pieces per serving, and cook broth from the bones and heads.

Ingredients: For 500 g of Eel - 4–5 pickled cucumbers, 1–2 heads onions, 2–3 fresh tomatoes or 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree, 1 tbsp. spoon of capers and olives, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter.

Eel with potatoes and onions

Recipe: Lightly fry the peeled, washed and thinly sliced ​​onion in oil in a frying pan. Place the prepared and salted pieces of Eel in the same frying pan. cover with slices.

Ingredients: For 750 g of eel. 2 onions, 800 g potatoes, 300 g tomatoes, 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar, 4 tbsp. spoons of butter.

Recipe: The easiest way to prepare Eel is to boil it in water. IN boiled You can cook any fish, but fish such as crucian carp, navaga, and smelt should only be fried. How less water taken for cooking, the tastier the fish turns out.

You can serve horseradish with vinegar or sauce with cold and hot eel.

Recipe: Eel can be fried with a small amount fat or immersed in fat. To ensure that the eel cooks evenly, fish fillet or big fish cut into pieces no thicker than 3 cm, since the top layer of a thick piece may be overcooked before it is all ready. You should not remove the skin from oily eel before frying.

Fried eel with garnish

Recipe: Salt the prepared Eel, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan with butter. When serving, pour oil over the Eel and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or dill.

Ingredients: For 750 g of eel (or 500 g of finished fillet) - 2 tbsp. spoons of butter and flour.

Fried eel with tomatoes and onions

Recipe: Dip the prepared pieces of Eel into milk mixed with salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry. Separately, fry fresh or canned tomatoes, cut in half, salted and sprinkled with pepper.

Ingredients: For 750 g of eel (or 500 g of prepared fillet) - 1/4 cup milk, 4 tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 3 tbsp. spoons of butter.

Fried eel in dough

Recipe: Prepare the dough. In a bowl, mix flour and salt with two tablespoons of melted vegetable or cow's butter, then dilute warm water(1/2 cup) so that there are no lumps. Cover the bowl with the dough and let it stand. Cut the fish fillet into pieces 1 cm thick and 5–7 cm long, sprinkle with salt, pepper, chopped herbs; squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto the fish, add a spoon vegetable oil.

Ingredients: For 500 g of finished eel fillet - 5 tbsp. spoons of flour, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 lemon, 2 eggs and 100 g of fat for frying.

Fried eel in breadcrumbs

Recipe: Wash the prepared fish, dry on a napkin, salt, sprinkle with pepper, roll first in flour, and then, moistened with an egg diluted with milk (1/4 cup per 1 egg), roll in breadcrumbs. 10-15 minutes before serving, fry the fish in fat. Serve the eel on a heated platter.

Ingredients: For 750 g of eel (or 500 g of finished fillet) - 1/4 cup milk, lemon, 1/2 cup crushed crackers, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 100 g of fat for frying.

Acne. baked in sour cream

Recipe: Salt the Eel pieces, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan with butter. Also fry porcini mushrooms, peeled, washed, chopped, and potatoes, cut into circles 1/2 cm thick. Place the eel in a frying pan, put a circle of hard-boiled egg and mushrooms on each piece. Then cover the Eel with slices of fried potatoes.

Ingredients: For 750 g of eel (or 500 g of prepared fillet) - 800 g of potatoes, 1 glass of sour cream, 2 eggs, 200 g of fresh porcini mushrooms, 25 g of cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 4 tbsp. spoons of butter.

Baked eel with potatoes

Baked eel with potatoes

Recipe: Cut the cleaned and washed fish lengthwise along the ridge, then cut crosswise, sprinkle with pepper and place the pieces in a greased frying pan. Place fish on top raw potatoes, cut into noodles and washed in cold water. Place thin potato slices along the edges of the pan. Salt it all and sprinkle it with flour first.

Ingredients: For 750 g of eel (or 500 g of prepared fillet) - 800 g of potatoes, 1 tbsp. spoon of flour, 2 tbsp. spoons of crackers and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of butter.

Eel solyanka in a frying pan

Recipe: Stew fresh or sauerkraut. Cut the prepared fish into pieces of 40–50 g. Place separately in a saucepan, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, add capers, cucumbers, peeled and grained and cut into slices, add tomato puree, chopped onion.

Ingredients: For stewing cabbage - 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree, 2 1/2 tbsp. spoons of butter or lard, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar and flour.

Recipe: Portioned pieces of Eel. chopped fillet, simmer with the addition of onions, carrots and parsley. Use the broth to make sauce. Boil potatoes for garnish.

Ingredients: Eel 150, onion 5, parsley 5, carrots 5, mushrooms 30, crabs 10, side dish 150, sauce 75, greens.

Eel with apples and leeks

Recipe: Cut peeled into slices Antonov apples and the white part of the leek. Place the apples and onions in a greased saucepan and portioned pieces Eel. sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour it all over with a small amount of broth and add white wine.

Ingredients: Eel 150 gr. apples 100 gr. leek 20 gr. white wine 10 gr. sour cream 50 g or butter 20 g. pepper.

Eel in tomato sauce with vegetables

Recipe: Cut the Eel fillet into portions and simmer them with the addition of onion and parsley. When serving, place on the fish boiled mushrooms and pieces of crab. Garnish: boiled potatoes.

Ingredients: Eel 150 gr. onion 5 gr. parsley 5 gr. mushrooms 30 gr. crabs 10 gr. side dish 150 gr. sauce 100 gr. pepper, greens

Eel in tarragon sauce

Recipe: Poach the eel in broth with onion, parsley and white wine. On cooked fish put boiled mushrooms and crabs, and on the side fish-boiled potatoes. The broth left after.

Ingredients: Eel 150 gr. onion 5 gr. parsley 5 gr. white wine 10 gr. mushrooms 30 gr. crabs 10 gr. sauce 80 gr. butter 15 gr. tarragon 10 gr. lemon juice 1 gr. side dish 150 gr. pepper.

Eel cutlets

Recipe: If desired, cook cutlets without using finished semi-finished product, fish fillet (without skin) must be minced, mixed with bread soaked in milk, salt and pepper and minced one or two more times. After this, add softened butter to the fish mixture and mix well.

Ingredients: For 500 g Eel fillet - 100 g white bread, 1/2 cup milk, 3 tbsp. spoons of crackers and 2 tbsp. spoons of butter.

List of fish dishes

The eel is a real sea predator. It is a delicacy that many people enjoy. Most of us have tried this fish dried or smoked. Therefore, few people know that eel can be used to prepare very delicious dishes Houses. Except great taste, this fish is also very healthy: it contains many vitamins and useful substances. However, eel must be prepared properly, as its blood contains poisonous toxins that can cause poisoning. But do not be alarmed; with proper heat treatment, all toxins are destroyed. Another thing you need to know: if you have to cut an eel yourself, be very careful. If his blood gets on damaged skin, inflammation may occur. But even that doesn't stop true gourmets. Next, we will share with you recipes for the most delicious eel dishes.

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Photo gallery: Recipes for dishes made from eel

Japanese food

We all know that the Japanese are considered long-livers. They help with this various products, including fish. These people really understand fish very well and can cook real fish from it. culinary masterpieces. At the same time, they try to subject seafood to minimal heat treatment. Eel is one of the most popular products in Japan. Most often it is used to make rolls. Therefore, we will tell you how to prepare such delicious rolls Houses. All products can be easily found in the supermarket.

Unagi (sugrem rolls)

To prepare these rolls you will need the following products: 150 sushi gris, 3 sheets of nori, smoked eel, a tablespoon of sesame seeds, a tablespoon soy sauce, green onions, wasabi and pickled ginger.

With wet hands, place the rice on the sheets of noria. It should take up approximately 2/3 of the space. Place green onions and eel in strips in the middle of the sheet. Using a special galvanizing tool, roll the rolls and cut them into 6-8 pieces. Before serving, pour soy sauce over each roll and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve the rolls with ginger and wasabi.

European cuisine

IN European cuisine The recipe for eel pie is very popular. We will tell you how to prepare it.

Take a couple of medium sized eels and skin them, remembering to remove the fins. Then cut the fish into pieces and place them in a pan with melted butter (30 g). Add shallots, mushrooms, spices, parsley, a glass of sherry to the fish. nutmeg and a little water. Put the fire on high and let it boil. After boiling, remove the fish and transfer it to the prepared baking dish. puff pastry. Add another 30 grams to the liquid that remains in the pan. butter the same amount of flour. This will make your sauce. The sauce must be simmered until thickened over low heat and at the end add a little lemon juice. Pour the prepared sauce over the fish, grate the yolks of boiled eggs on top and cover with puff pastry. To make the crust golden brown, brush the top of the pie with egg yolk. Bake the pie at 180 degrees for an hour. The dish can be served either cold or hot.

Smoked eel salad

To prepare this dish you will need: 300 g of smoked eel, 2 fresh cucumbers, one bell red pepper, lettuce, sesame seeds, soclimon, olive oil, spices to taste.

The salad is prepared very quickly and simply. Cut the eel into strips bell pepper and cucumbers. Carefully tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, add salt, pepper and lemon juice to the salad. Before serving, season with olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bon appetit!

Eel in white wine

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients: a kilogram of eel, a kilogram of onions, olive oil, 2 glasses of white wine, garlic (3 cloves), melted butter, flour and spices to taste.

Clean the eel from skin, entrails and bones, cut it into pieces. Fry whole onions in a frying pan and then add the fish. Season with salt, pepper and add white wine. As soon as the wine starts to boil, throw garlic (grated or finely chopped) into the fish. Cook everything for half an hour. Five minutes before cooking, add a spoonful of flour to the fish. Eel in white wine is ready. Before serving, the fish can be decorated with sliced ​​eggs.

Russian kitchen

Eel is not only a favorite delicacy abroad. Here in Russia they love him too. This means that some people have learned to cook dishes well from it. The most famous dish- ear. Therefore, this is what we will prepare.

Take an eel weighing one and a half kilograms and peel its skin. Some people do not remove the skin from the fish, but first clean it well (with salt). After this, gut it well from the inside and wipe it thoroughly with a clean napkin. Next, pour water into the pan and add 2 celery roots and parsley, allspice, 2 cups fresh green peas, 2 medium-sized onions. When the broth boils, throw in the fish and cook for at least 45 minutes. Undercooked eel is very harmful. Before removing from the heat, toss in some parsley and a bay leaf. The soup is ready. Bon appetit.

Fried eel

It must be borne in mind that eel - fatty fish. Therefore, you can’t eat a lot of it at once and you definitely need to serve it with a side dish. Therefore, prepare in advance mashed potatoes or porridge with fried eel.

You will need a 1 kg eel. Cut it in half lengthwise, gut all the insides well and remove the seeds. Then prepare the fish sauce. To prepare it you will need soy sauce, soy paste, ginger and garlic. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and place on fire. Bring the sauce to a boil. When it is ready, grease the imugr and start frying the fish. The fish should be fried over high heat until it turns dark brown. Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

Eel with horseradish

To prepare this dish you will need: half a kilogram of eel, 100 ghren, one tablespoon of flour, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, vinegar and salt.

Grease a saucepan with oil and place the pre-grated horseradish there. Clean the fish from entrails, skin and bones, cut into medium pieces and place on top of the horseradish. You can lay out the fish in rows, but each row must be sprinkled with horseradish. Add salt, vinegar and water to the eel and simmer until half cooked. Then drain some of the broth from the fish and add butter and flour to it. Boil the sauce. 15 minutes before cooking the eel, add the sauce. When serving, garnish with parsley or lettuce sprigs. Bon appetit!

List variety of dishes from eel you can continue for a long time. It can be used in recipes instead of any fish. It's filling and delicious. But remember that eel is very fatty. Therefore, it is better to eat it with a side dish. If you prepare a salad with it, then such a salad can replace the main dish. Another important point, which should be taken into account when preparing dishes from this fish: eel blood is poisonous. Therefore, avoid getting it on your hands. For this product to be absolutely safe, eel should be boiled, fried or stewed for at least 45 minutes. Don't forget about it! We wish that all your eel dishes turn out tasty and beautiful.

Many sea and river inhabitants were valued by chefs different countries for its qualities. This fish has unique taste and is considered very beneficial for health. The tender and slightly sweet meat is nutritious and is used as an ingredient for wide range dishes. What can be prepared from smoked eel will be discussed in this article.

Variety of dishes

There are river and sea eels. This spicy fish, practically without bones, has been used in the cooking of various nations for a long time. Appetizers, salads, soups, and main courses were and are being prepared from. It has a very pleasant taste.

The simplest recipe

For several servings of a dish, simple and everyday, but with original taste and therefore worthy of attention, you should take a glass of rice, three large spoons of soy sauce, one medium eel (0.3-0.4 kg), hot smoked. You can also use pickled ginger and ground black pepper as spices and sprigs of herbs for decoration.


Salad mix

This dish with smoked eel looks appetizing due to the variety of its ingredients. We recommend you try it - you won’t regret it! Of course, such a dish is festive in its essence, and should look formal in terms of decoration (we use greens and lemon slices).

Ingredients: smoked eel (0.3-0.4 kg), a couple fresh cucumbers, a little olive oil, a couple of sweet peppers (bell peppers), a handful of sesame seeds, juice of half a lemon, Chinese cabbage - 100 grams, spices and salt.



What else can you cook with smoked eel? Rolls! They are one of the most popular dishes in the world using this ingredient.

We will need: 1 sheet of noria (if there are more sheets, then we automatically increase the quantity of each ingredient), smoked eel - 150 grams, rice for rolls - 150 grams, a little wasabi (be careful: spicy!), a couple of fresh cucumbers (can be replaced with fruit avocado).


  1. Place the nori on a special bamboo mat with the rough side up.
  2. We place it in a thin layer, retreating from the edge by about one and a half centimeters. This is most conveniently done with hands moistened with cold water.
  3. On top of the rice is wasabi, but very carefully! Out of habit, you can overdo it.
  4. Cut the eel and cucumbers into pieces in the form of small bars.
  5. Lay out the last 2 ingredients in a strip, sprinkle with sesame seeds and roll up the rolls.
  6. We moisten a strip of nori sheet without filling with water and stick it to the resulting roll. This way it will keep its shape.
  7. Serve with pickled ginger and soy sauce.

Eel with mushrooms

We will need: 300 grams of smoked eel, a bunch of lettuce leaves, 300 grams of champignons, a little olive oil, three medium-sized pickled cucumbers, a couple of tomatoes, a bunch of green onions, lemon juice, as a spice - paprika, sea salt and ground black pepper.


  1. We free the eel from seeds and skin. Cut into slices.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry in oil.
  3. We tear the salad by hand.
  4. Cut the cucumbers and tomatoes into cubes. Cut the onion into pieces 1-1.5 cm in length.
  5. Mix everything in an appropriate container and season with olive oil and lemon juice. Salt and pepper, sprinkle with paprika. Ready!

Note: eel smoked calories has a fairly high - 325 units. It depends on how it is processed. Therefore, many salads containing this fish should not be used as dietary nutrition. However, smoked eel meat is full of vitamins and microelements, Omega-3 acids, which are very beneficial for human body. In addition, Japanese centenarians from Okinawa traditionally eat some dishes from this phenomenal fish.

Smoked eel soup "Yanagawa nabe"

Smoked eel dishes are available not only in the form of rolls and salads. Some soup recipes include this ingredient.

We will need: one eel, one bell pepper, zucchini, onion, a little sesame oil, sauce called "Teriyaki", green onions, sesame seeds.


  1. Cut peppers, onions and zucchini into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Pour a drop of Teriyaki sauce into the sauté pan.
  2. Dissolve the Hon-dashi broth in water and bring to a boil.
  3. Place the finely chopped eel in the broth, add the sauté mixture there, add the egg and cook over low heat until it sets.
  4. Before serving, first pour a pinch of sesame seeds into a plate, then pour in the soup and add chopped green onions.