Menu for Valentine's Day. Coolness for hot hearts. Fish steaks in wine

February 14 is coming soon, it’s time to think not only about gifts, but also about what delicious treats to pamper your loved one with. We have collected 14 for you culinary ideas, as for romantic breakfast, and lunch and dinner with your loved one or loved one. And even if you don’t know how or don’t like to cook, in this article you will find ideas on how you can beautifully decorate familiar dishes so that they look romantic and fit the holiday - Valentine’s Day.

What pleasant surprise can you give your loved one for Valentine's Day? Eat great amount gift ideas. But you can congratulate your other half in the morning by preparing a beautiful and tasty breakfast.

So, what can you cook on February 14:

Coffee with a heart pattern

You can easily please your loved one. You don't need anything supernatural for this. Just a small sign of attention is enough. For example, a cup of hot coffee, prepared with love, can charge you with positive emotions. If you also decorate the coffee with a heart-shaped design, it will be a very pleasant surprise. In order for the heart to turn out, it is important to prepare the foam correctly. After preparing the coffee, sprinkle cocoa powder or cinnamon powder on top of the cup, then add milk foam to the center. The pitcher will help create the pattern.

Fried egg in the shape of a heart

You can express your feelings for a loved one not only on holidays, but every day, for example, during breakfast. Scrambled eggs are quite filling for a morning meal and are an extremely simple dish. Unusual design Fried eggs in the shape of a heart will decorate the dish and convey the warmth of feelings.

Sausages in the shape of hearts

To prepare such scrambled eggs, you need to pour them into the middle of sausages made in the shape of a heart. Secure the sausages with a toothpick.

Heart-shaped pancakes or cheesecakes

We all love pancakes and cheesecakes since childhood. So why not do this on February 14th? familiar dish romantic? You just need to prepare them in special molds and decorate them beautifully.

Heart-shaped dumplings

For Valentine's Day, you can prepare dumplings for your loved one, making their shape similar to your hot fiery heart. Moreover, dumplings can be either with a sweet (fruit) filling or with any other. You can also do lazy dumplings, especially since they cook very quickly. The aroma is amazing and the taste is incomparable. You can add any sauce to the dumplings, it all depends on taste and personal preference.

Pizza in the shape of a heart

Pizza is considered a dish instant cooking, there is nothing complicated in its preparation. Pizza toppings come in a variety of varieties, both salty and sweet. Pizza can serve as a symbol of bright love if it is prepared in the shape of a heart. Your loved one will definitely appreciate such a pleasant and tasty gift. Delight and smiles will reign all day.

Sandwich, canapé

A table during a holiday can be original and unusual, but at the same time simple. Sandwiches are present at all celebrations and holidays. It is enough to decorate canapes so that their appearance reflects tenderness, and for Valentine's Day they will become a wonderful find. Imagination will help in the design of sandwiches. Slices of vegetables and lemon can serve as decoration. Olives and herbs are also suitable.

Heart-shaped cookies

On February 14, you can give heart-shaped cookies to a loved one; they look very cute, especially if decorated with icing and sprinkles. It will not only be tasty and pleasant, but also beautiful to the eye.

Heart cake

A heart-shaped cake is a real miracle for the celebration of loving hearts. For good result you need to bake two cakes and cut them in half to make four cakes. Drizzle the heart-shaped cakes thoroughly with cream, and finally decorate the cake to your taste. The cake should be placed in the refrigerator for a while so that it is well soaked. You can please your soul mate.

Heart shaped sushi

For sushi to become a symbol of love, it must be prepared in the shape of a heart. First you need to cook the rice, then cut the fish into pieces. You can carefully cut out hearts from the fish. Some of the rice should also be shaped into a heart shape. You can place fish on a heart of rice. You can also take a box of chocolates and put the finished sushi in it, this will add romance.

Salad with heart

The variety of salads is amazing. Salads are always present on holiday tables. In order to create an even more romantic atmosphere, for example, on Valentine's Day, the salad can be laid out and decorated in the form of a symbol of love, a heart.

Fruits cut into hearts

You can take different fruits by color. For example, yellow banana, green kiwi, and orange orange. Then the fruits need to be washed and peeled. Kiwi and orange should be cut into pieces, and banana should be cut into slices. And the last fruit should be beautifully placed in a heart-shaped mold.

Ice cream with fruits

Even if you don’t have time to cook, you can always put ice cream in a heart-shaped mold and decorate with your favorite fruit on top. Your significant other just can't help but like this dessert.


Very tasty dish, This cottage cheese casserole. It turns out especially tasty if fruit is added to the composition. If you prepare a casserole in the shape of a heart, then your loved one will be very pleased with such a modest gift. In principle, the casserole can be made from any ingredients you wish or based on the tastes of your loved one.

What will you cook for your other half for Valentine's Day?

The date of February 14th is approaching. People of perhaps the “very older” generation do not know what this day means. And if you say that February 14 is celebrated almost all over the world, it becomes clear to everyone that this is an amazing and beautiful holiday, of which there are so few in our lives - Valentine's Day!

The most interesting thing is that we officially celebrate the days of people of different professions and many different other days, but at the state level, Valentine’s Day, which every year at least half of the country’s residents, for some reason, do not want to recognize. Well, it doesn’t matter!

And without this, the lovers of our country already have their Day. Which they look forward to and prepare for. And which often changes life for the better - to happiness. But it may not happen as you expect (although there is no need to be too upset, because as the sage said, everything in life is for the better).

And now - all lovers and lovers, on the eve of their day, which is patronized by St. Valentine, are thinking about how beautifully to arrange everything.

Unworn ideas are now worth their weight in gold – times are difficult, crisis. If previously it was considered more prestigious to go somewhere and surprise with something cool and branded, now gifts made by yourself are more valued. Moreover, the gift can be not only a cute valentine or some kind of handmade souvenir, but something more intimate, human and maybe even family, symbolizing stability and reliability.

What to give for Valentine's Day?

This is not about visiting an expensive restaurant - expensive. And not about going to night club, where loud music will kill any intimacy, and the presence of many people will not allow you to enjoy communication. And not even about a two-day trip to Goa - few people can afford it. We will talk about what everyone can prepare for their loved one themselves - a romantic evening.

How to make a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day?

A romantic dinner in its original sense does not involve truffles, black caviar and puffer fish. In general, cooking should take a minimum of time and effort, because after all, it’s a holiday and you don’t want to spend the whole evening in the kitchen and end up with a mountain of dirty dishes.

Therefore, choose a simple but elegant menu in advance so that you can convey a romantic atmosphere, satisfy your hunger without overeating and get in the mood to continue the romantic evening not at the table, but in a more intimate setting. By the way, all the proposed options can be easily prepared by both a nice lady and a guy who is not very good at kitchen tricks.

A romantic dinner will be complete if it includes the following components:

  • festive table decoration;
  • fine alcohol;
  • light snack;
  • delicious hot dish;
  • dessert for lovers.

There are many posts on the Internet on the topic of how to surprise your soulmate, and almost all recipes mention aphrodisiacs. Here, as in everything, the main thing is not to overdo it. Choose one of the most famous products and use only it, otherwise you may get not pleasant excitement and desire, but a cacophony in your plates and stomach. The aphrodisiacs available to us include seafood, red fish, mushrooms, avocados, grapes, bananas, and fresh strawberries.

And let your choice remain a secret for your other half, because the reaction can be unpredictable, but more on that separately. We recommend excluding onions and garlic in any form. Exists sufficient quantity more noble spices - nutmeg, Provençal herbs, ginger, cardamom.

How to decorate a table for a festive occasion

As you know, Valentine's Day has its own color scheme - red and white.

Although there are only two colors, there are a huge number of options for using them. White tablecloth - then red dishes or napkins, or simply - buy red satin ribbons and decorate with them whatever you see fit.

The option with a red tablecloth also looks very exciting, but there should still be more white, otherwise your holiday table will look a little aggressive - and subconsciously will evoke exactly the kind of emotions that no one simply needs. This is one of the most common mistakes in creating ambience not only at home, but also in many cafes and restaurants.

It’s better to have more light shades on the table, and add red through small elements - the obligatory Valentine’s card, a bouquet of bright flowers and berries, napkins and ribbon. One more point - it is preferable to take the dishes in a single color - white or red, without patterns, and the glasses - exquisite, but without engravings or other tinsel. Better tie a bow on the leg - simple, but. So we smoothly moved on to the second point.

Which alcoholic drink should you choose?

Let's dismiss it right away strong alcohol- cognacs, vodka, whiskey, rums and all kinds of gins. The goal is not to get drunk, but to make a beautiful accompaniment to dinner. We also advise you not to put champagne on the table - after it, many people burp, which would not be very appropriate for a romantic dinner. But a bottle of quality red wine is exactly what you need.

We also want to warn young people: low alcohol drinks- this is not at all romantic and in general - just bad manners on festive table. In addition to wine, you can also take a martini or absinthe, but you should first find out how your partner feels about them - many do not like their rather bright and persistent taste.

Snacks for lovers

We offer three options to choose from. The recipes are simple but interesting.

  • First - if you decide to make dinner in red and white, then best snack I can't think of anything better than tomatoes with curd cream. IN classic recipe You need to add garlic to the cottage cheese, but we agreed that we will not use it, so we will replace it with any fresh herbs - parsley (a very strong aphrodisiac!), dill or cilantro. Cut the tomatoes into rings, add salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and put the blender on top curd cream- V fresh cottage cheese add salt, a spoonful of cream or sour cream and herbs. Garnish with lemon slices.
  • Option 2. Canapes - any. You can only prepare the ingredients in advance - cut 2-3 types of cheese into cubes, ham into slices, good sausage, fish, olives, grapes and what else you like. And preparing canapés on skewers can be an interesting game to play together.
  • More a good option- do light salad, the same Caesar or salad cocktail of avocado, shrimp and canned pineapple with dressing from olive oil and lemon. Serve in bowls or large glasses. It's beautiful and delicious snack Great to whet your appetite for the main course.

Main course for a holiday dinner

We also offer three options - more detailed step by step recipes which can be found on culinary sites.

  1. The first option for a red dinner is a steak from marbled beef with cranberry sweet and sour sauce.
  2. The second option is grilled red fish with hot vegetables.
  3. And also a fantastic and very simple recipe - orange peel chicken.

It’s simple and quick to prepare – pre-grate the chicken (or take two quail carcasses) Provencal herbs, salt and vegetable oil and place on the oranges cut into rings.

Bake for about an hour. During this time, prepare the sauce - Orange juice, boil the zest and a little sugar until thick and 10 minutes before the end of frying, generously coat the chicken with this sauce. Serve with any vegetables and herbs.

The end of a romantic dinner is dessert.

Here, too, there is no need to invent something new - you can buy fresh strawberries and cream - that's it. Or beautifully serve ice cream with toasted powdered sugar bananas - fantastically tasty and impressive. Or make coffee original recipe with the same ice cream or purchased in advance, an assortment of small cakes - macaroons, baskets, muffins and honey cakes. Cakes for romantic dinners submission is not accepted.

What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Date? Going to the cinema for a romantic movie? Gatherings with friends or an evening together? In any case, our recipes for festive dinner will come in handy when you're thinking about the menu. Try to take into account the ones we have already written about, they will help you get in the right frame of mind. And don’t forget that Valentine’s Day should be celebrated from the very morning, because this year it falls on Saturday!

All the troubles the day before

Try to buy and order groceries in advance so that on the eve of the holiday you can take care of what you will serve for breakfast and prepare the necessary semi-finished products for dinner. In this case, you won’t have to spend a lot of time on kitchen chores on the day of the holiday. And don't forget what's in the preparation romantic dinner An important role is played by those that are able to kindle feelings!

Only positive emotions!

Try to ensure that from the very beginning Valentine's Day gives you only pleasant moments. To get into the right frame of mind, turn on your favorite music in the morning - the one with which good memories are associated. If you haven't watched it in a while home video, The 14th of February - good time to do this. What to cook for your loved one for dinner.

In the shape of a heart

“Valentines” can be not only cute heart-shaped cards, but also dishes! Mini cakes, cookies, homemade candies or even scrambled eggs cooked in the shape of a heart are also ways to say “I love you.”

Here is a clear example of how simple products make a festive lunch.
What could be more trivial than chicken, herbs, lemon, coarse salt?
I recommend the recipe.

Dense but melt-in-your-mouth cheesecake with a crispy base, lemon aroma and bright raspberry sauce. Literally a few fresh raspberries transform simply delicious dessert in magnificent.

If you want to please your loved one for Valentine's Day, you can be sure that he will be very surprised when you cut into this cupcake :) After all, there is a heart hidden inside it!

These macarons double filling: raspberry jam And chocolate ganache. The combination of raspberries and chocolate has long been considered a classic, and in this recipe it is also very harmonious.

Delicious and unusual toasts with shrimp mixture. Reminds some people of taste boiled sausage:) At the same time, no artificial ingredients or extra fats, especially if fried without oil.

Sweet pizza with two types Italian cheeses and with pear. True gourmets may sprinkle on pizza when serving walnuts. Recipe from Valentino Bontempi.

Unusual jam, which captivated the Americans. It can be prepared at any time of the year. The taste can be varied by adding mango. Experiment and create. Carefully! addictive in children.

(1 ratings, on average: 5,00 out of 5)

Valentine's Day has been celebrated in Russia not very long ago, but is very much loved by all segments of the population. On this holiday, people want to give their soulmate tenderness, care, and love. You can express all this not only with words and colors, but also with your actions. For example, a well-designed menu.

Valentine's Day dishes and drinks should be light, romantic and attractive. After all, gourmet food, prepared with love, can completely complete the image of a sensual holiday.

Arrangement of familiar dishes

When serving any dishes on February 14, the one who prepares them should strive to give them a heart shape. This will once again emphasize the theme of the festive dinner (or breakfast, lunch).

An ordinary sandwich with soft cheese can be beautifully decorated with pepper or tomato. To do this, you need to cut hearts out of vegetables, with preference given to red pepper.

Instead of tea on Valentine's Day, you can prepare a “love” potion for your other half. To do this you need to take one glass apple juice and boiling water, ¼ cup of honey and a stick of spicy cinnamon. Add mint leaves to the mixture for flavor, a few teaspoons of any fruit tea. That's it, the drink of love is ready!

In the evening, you can crush 2 or 3 juicy strawberries at the bottom of the wine glasses, and then add champagne or martini to it - whatever you like. This unusual cocktail It’s not difficult to make, but it smells simply divine. By the way, the resulting cocktail has its own name - “Rossini” and can be replaced fresh berries for strawberry syrup.

Specific recipes for lovers

1. Salmon steak with spicy taste.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 steaks;
  • green (bunch) and onion(head);
  • ginger - to taste;
  • sherry or port - 1 tablespoon;
  • A little vegetable oil without smell;
  • soy sauce- tablespoon;
  • wheat bread – 6 small slices;
  • leaf salad;
  • cherry tomatoes.

These proportions are enough to prepare 2 servings.

Finely chop the onion and ginger and mix. Fry salmon in hot oil. The roasting procedure takes on average 10-15 minutes. Arrange green salad leaves beautifully on a plate and place on top hot fish. The frying pan with oil is not removed from the heat, cherry tomatoes are placed there, soy sauce and 2 tablespoons of water are added. A mixture of onion and ginger is carefully distributed onto the steaks, and the tomatoes are placed next to the fish. Carefully cut the wheat slices into a heart shape and fry in a toaster.

The dish is served with golden toast hearts.

2. Cottage cheese hearts seasoned with berries.

If your loved one loves sweets, he will love this dish.


0.3 l sour cream;

Powdered sugar – 2 tablespoons;

¼ kg cottage cheese;

Egg whites – 2 pcs;

Berries (can be frozen).

Mix cottage cheese with sour cream and powdered sugar well. In a separate container, beat the whites (to stiff peaks). Insert carefully into curd mass. Take the heart molds, put the resulting mixture there and put it in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours. After this, place the resulting hearts on a dish, decorating them with any berries or berry syrup. You can prepare the sauce: grind 200 grams of berries with 100 grams of sugar and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, pour over the curd figures.

3.Strudel with apples.

Another dessert for Valentine's Day can be apple strudel, the ingredients for which are selected individually, according to the eye of the chef himself. You can buy ready-made puff pastry in the store.

The filling is diced apples, previously peeled. Add a little ground cinnamon, a handful of raisins and walnuts. Aesthetes claim that in the present Apple strudel you need to add plum jam, it dilutes the taste and gives some zest to the dish. You can sweeten the filling, and if its consistency is too liquid, add a little grated wheat crackers.

Roll out the dough thinly and spread the filling over the entire surface. Roll up the roll, connect the ends and give the product a heart shape. Carefully transfer the product to a baking sheet and brush with egg. The roll needs to be pierced in several places with a wooden stick. When baking, you need to control the degree of baking of the top crust. As soon as the sides of the heart are browned, you need to take it out onto a wide flat dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

4. Chocolate fondue.

What would Valentine's Day be without chocolate treats? Let's prepare chocolate fondue:

1) Take 200 grams of bitter dark chocolate, melt in a water bath;

2) Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of orange juice, 125 ml heavy cream, grated orange zest;

3) Mix everything well;

4) Pieces of different fruits are dipped into the resulting mass.

Very romantic, if someone has not tried chocolate fondue before, the first impression is the strongest!

5. Appetizer “cucumber hearts”.


Cucumber – 1 large;

Shrimp – 8 king;

Carrots – 100 gr;

Lemon juice and dry vermouth - 1 teaspoon each;

Dill – 1 sprig;

Olive oil, pepper and salt - to taste.

Getting ready Italian appetizer in the following way.

1) Peel the carrots, cut into pieces and boil in water with a pinch of salt for 20-25 minutes. After this, remove the vegetable and cool; there is no need to pour out the water;

2) Puree the cooled carrots in a mixer, lemon juice, pepper and a few tablespoons of water left over from cooking the vegetable. Pour oil (50 ml) into the stirred mixture in a stream;

3) Steam the shrimp for 4-4.5 minutes, sprinkle with vermouth and cool. After this, they need to be cleaned, sprinkled with lemon juice and a little salt;

4) Peel the cucumber and cut into 8 slices. The thickness of these slices should not exceed 50 mm; this is the starting material for cutting out hearts;

5) The appetizer is assembled like this: placed on a cucumber heart carrot puree, on top – shrimp, decorated with dill.

The finished hearts are beautifully laid out on a dish and await a loved one who can appreciate this exquisite delicacy.

6. Mousse of cottage cheese, trout and dill.

Another Italian appetizer. IN national cuisine Italy, by the way, has a lot of romantic and light dishes for romantic evenings together.

You will need:

Tender ricotta cottage cheese – 200 g;

Heavy cream – 50 ml;

Leaf gelatin – 5 g;

Dill – 1 sprig;

Smoked trout – 6 pieces;

Pink pepper – 1 teaspoon;

Lemon – 1 piece;

Green onions - a small bunch;

Olive oil – 2 tablespoons;

Salt to taste.

Gelatin needs to be soaked to swell. Put the cream on the fire, wait until it boils and add gelatin to it. Mix the mixture well until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

The ricotta is rubbed through a sieve and salted. Cream with gelatin and finely chopped fresh dill are added to the mixture. 2 pieces of trout should be finely chopped and added to the ricotta, stir. Take molds - hearts (capacity - 150 ml), lay them out cling film and then – the resulting mass. These hearts should be kept in the refrigerator for at least 2-2.5 hours.

The remaining pieces of smoked trout are laid out in a deep dish, poured with lemon juice, olive oil, sprinkled with pink pepper and chopped green onions. Goes into the refrigerator.

The frozen mousse is laid out on portioned plates and topped with a slice of soaked and cooled trout. The top is decorated with lemon slices and onion feathers. Can be served with golden toast.

Bon appetit!

7. Green-pink salad.

This amazing salad can decorate any table for Valentine's Day.


Salmon fillet – 200 g;

New potatoes – 8 small pieces;

Asparagus – 6 pods;

Sweet paprika, mild mustard - 1 teaspoon each;

White dry wine– 1 tbsp;

Salt and olive oil - to the cook's taste.

The asparagus is peeled and boiled for 10-12 minutes. The potatoes are peeled, cut into 2 parts and cooked for the same amount of time (by the way, you can cook the salad components at the same time in different containers).

Take a Teflon-coated frying pan, pour in 4 tablespoons of olive oil, add paprika, salmon fillet, fry everything on each side for 2-2.5 minutes. Add salt.

Cut the slightly cooled fish into pieces with your hands and arrange a la carte dishes. Divide the vegetables between these plates. Dressing: mustard, 3 tablespoons olive oil, salt and white wine. The salad is served warm. The taste is very delicate and refined.

Whatever dish you choose for the Valentine's Day menu, it needs to be prepared with love and best of all - together!

Be sure to check out the useful and interesting video for Valentine's Day.
