Topic: “General rules for frying vegetables. Rules for roasting vegetables: what you need to know

For most main courses, a side dish is a mandatory addition. Vegetables are most often served as a side dish. They are prepared in the most different ways heat treatment. Among the dozen in a variety of ways For heating food, baking has gained particular popularity. The process requires virtually no intervention, so it attracts with its simplicity and ease.

It would seem that what could be easier than cutting vegetables, putting them on a baking sheet and putting them in the oven? At first glance, everything is very simple. However, the simplicity of this method is deceptive: vegetables can easily turn into mush or, conversely, into charcoal. To ensure that after baking they become soft, golden brown and crispy, you should take note of several culinary techniques used by professional chefs.

Slicing -

How evenly the vegetables bake directly depends on how they were cut. Small pieces bake faster, larger pieces require a little more time. Placing them together on one baking sheet is only a transfer of the product. Vegetables should be cut into small, approximately equal pieces. Small vegetables, so that they do not have time to burn or become soggy, are best baked whole and cut into two halves.

Before baking, the vegetables are sprinkled with oil, and to prevent them from drying out in the pan, the dishes are greased with it. At the same time, as a rule, the fact that different vegetables need different quantities oils For example, products with a porous texture like mushrooms or eggplants need more oil than the same root vegetables. But you shouldn’t get carried away either, otherwise the vegetables will turn out too fatty. For a baking sheet with non-porous vegetables, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil is enough.

Baking tray -

Theoretically, any shape or pan is suitable for vegetables. But practically they turn out best on a baking sheet, especially if vegetables are baked with high content water. In a dish with high sides, the concentration of steam emanating from vegetables will be higher than if they were cooked in a dish without walls. The vegetables should be soft, but not mushy, so empty the baking sheet for them.

Free space -

If you place vegetables on a baking sheet haphazardly, you can end up with a boiled, porridge-like mass instead. Pieces that fit tightly to each other, or worse - folded in layers - will boil when steam is released. In order for them to bake evenly, and most importantly, to turn out crispy, you need to leave a little space between the vegetables.

Temperature -

Baking at low temperatures does not allow you to get beautiful golden color. The optimal temperature for roasting vegetables varies within 200 °C. With this temperature conditions The vegetables are soft on the inside and nicely caramelized and crispy on the outside. But 200 °C, recommended by chefs, should not be considered as a guide to action. Select the most suitable baking temperature, taking into account how your oven bakes.

Stirring -

No one says that the oven door should practically not close, and you should stand next to it, not letting go of the spatula. But stirring vegetables from time to time is mandatory and extremely necessary. Once or twice, depending on the selected vegetables and the baking time, will be enough for them to bake evenly and acquire a beautiful golden brown hue on all sides.

The benefits of vegetables for children and adults are obvious, because cauliflower, carrots and zucchini contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for health. However, as you know, vegetables lose some of this “richness” during cooking. In this article we will talk about how to preserve vitamins and microelements in vegetables as much as possible during heat treatment.

Processing vegetables

The preparation of any dish should begin with careful processing of vegetables. It is recommended to wash them under running water, and heavy pollution clean with a brush designed specifically for this purpose. For even more thorough cleaning, you can soak the vegetables in salt water (3 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water) for half an hour, and then rinse them well under running water.

Clean and chop vegetables

Unfortunately, some of the vitamins are destroyed already at this stage, and in geometric progression: the smaller the carrots, for example, are cut, the greater the vitamin losses. That is why, whenever possible, it is recommended to cook vegetables cut into large pieces.

The utensils used for cutting and preparing vegetables are very important. It is recommended to give preference to sharp stainless steel knives and cutting boards made of glass or plastic. Pots for cooking vegetables should be enameled, ceramic or have a non-stick coating (ware for stewing).

Cooking vegetables

So, the vegetables are washed and chopped, let's start cooking!
As mentioned earlier, heat treatment leads to the destruction of vitamins. This cannot be avoided, however, small tricks will help us make these losses less significant:

  • it is better to cook vegetables unpeeled if possible;
  • Vegetables should only be immersed in boiling water;
  • It is recommended to cook vegetables whole or cut into large pieces.
Now let's talk in more detail about ways to prepare vegetables.

Let's start with cooking.

Cooking leads to the loss of a large amount of vitamins and microelements. As already mentioned, this process can be shortened somewhat by immersing the vegetables in boiling rather than cold water. And, remember the most important rule, you cannot digest them!

Cooking times for some vegetables:

  • potato cubes or straws - 15-20 minutes;
  • shredded White cabbage- 15 minutes;
  • cauliflower, divided into inflorescences - 10 minutes;
  • unpeeled small carrots - 25-30 minutes;
  • bean pods - 10 minutes;
  • Unpeeled beets are cooked for at least 1-1.5 hours (you can check readiness by piercing the beets with a toothpick or a sharp knife).
To preserve vitamins when preparing vegetables, the housewife is advised to take note of the following:
  • Frozen vegetables should not be thawed before cooking. Rinse them under cold water and immerse in boiling water. As a rule, the package of frozen vegetables indicates the recommended cooking time.
  • Cook the vegetables over low heat with water at a low boil under a closed lid.
  • As soon as the vegetables are ready, drain them in a colander or simply drain the broth. Storing them in broth spoils their taste.


Poaching involves boiling vegetables in own juice. If this juice is not enough, you can add a little water and butter.

After washing and peeling, the vegetables should be cut and placed in one layer in a saucepan, which must be tightly closed with a lid and placed on low heat. If you cook like this vegetable caviar, then each vegetable should be cooked separately, since their cooking time is different. And elongation heat treatment, as we already know, increases the loss of vitamins. But vegetable stew is prepared in one bowl, but a clear order is established for placing vegetables in the poaching container.


Steaming is considered one of the gentlest methods for vegetables. To do this, you can use a regular colander placed on a pan of boiling water, a special container or a double boiler.


Stewing involves simmering until half cooked and then adding water. Thanks to this, over low heat with a low simmer under the lid, the vegetables “arrive.” The result is juicy dish with maximum preservation of vitamins.


Vegetables can be baked whole or in pieces, peeled or peeled, with or without sauce, in foil, special form or just on a baking sheet. Optimal temperature for baking in the oven is 250-280 0 C. Cooking time for different vegetables differs, you can check readiness by piercing carrots or potatoes with a knife or toothpick.


Fried vegetables, no doubt, for most of us represent a very tasty treat. But with this method of preparation, not only is a large amount of vitamins lost, but also substances are formed that are harmful to the stomach and intestines. This is why frying is not used for preparing children's dishes, and is not recommended for adults either!

Deep-fried vegetables that are thoroughly soaked in oil are prohibited. One cannot expect any benefit from such a dish, but heaviness in the stomach or exacerbation of cholecystitis are very common phenomena among lovers of French fries.

Raw and boiled vegetables are used for frying. Vegetables containing unstable protopectin and sufficient quantity moisture. Such vegetables include potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, etc. Vegetables containing more stable protopectin are pre-cooked, poached, chopped, and then fried (beets, carrots, cabbage). During the frying process, vegetables lose a significant amount of moisture;

crispy crust, as a result of which they acquire special taste and aroma. Vegetables are fried in the main way and in deep fat. Slice before frying. After slicing, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, and eggplants are breaded in flour.

The main way fry vegetables with any fats. Place the prepared vegetables in a frying pan or baking tray heated with fat and fry until cooked and formed. crispy crust.

Deep fried fry potatoes, onions, parsley. Dry the vegetables in a colander or with a towel so that fat does not splatter during frying. For deep frying, it is best to use a mixture of animal and vegetable fat in a ratio of 50:50 or 70:30. It is not recommended to use butter and margarine, as they have low temperature smoke formation, contain a lot of moisture and protein substances, which at high

temperatures quickly burn, contaminating fat and food.

Vegetables are fried in special dishes or on deep, thick-walled baking sheets with inserted metal mesh. They take 4–5 times more fat than vegetables. The dishes are filled halfway with fat, so it can foam a lot, heat to 180–190°C and immerse the prepared vegetables. Deep frying time 2–8

min. Fried vegetables are used as independent dish or as a side dish.

Subject: " General rules stewing and baking vegetables"

Stew each type of vegetable separately or together (mixture of vegetables). Before stewing, vegetables are cut into strips, cubes, slices, then fried until half cooked or poached.

then stewed with a small amount of broth or sauce with the addition of tomato puree, bay leaf, pepper, sauteed roots and onions. It is allowed to use fresh or sauerkraut without preliminary heat treatment. Stew the vegetables in a container with a closed lid at a low boil.

For baking vegetables are pre-cooked, poached, stewed or fried, and sometimes

used raw. Vegetables are baked on baking sheets or portioned frying pans in an oven at a temperature of 250–280°C. Baking is continued until a crispy crust forms on the surface and the temperature inside the product is 80

°C. The bottom and walls of the dishes are greased and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs, portioned pans are greased.

Baked vegetables can be divided into groups: vegetables baked in sauce, casseroles, stuffed vegetables.

Before baking, the surface of casseroles and rolls is greased with sour cream, and vegetables baked with sauce are sprinkled with grated cheese or ground breadcrumbs and sprinkled with oil.

Topic: “Technology for preparing side dishes”


The carrots are cut into strips or passed through a vegetable cutter, placed in a deep bowl, water, broth or milk and butter are added, and simmered until almost done. Then pour in semolina cook while stirring. The resulting mass is cooled to 40–50°C, add raw eggs, salt and grated cottage cheese, mix everything well. You can make cutlets without cottage cheese, and replace semolina with thick milk sauce or semolina porridge. The resulting mass is cut into portions, breaded in breadcrumbs, and shaped into cutlets. Before leaving, the cutlets are placed on a baking sheet heated with fat, fried on both sides and brought to readiness in the oven.

When releasing, cutlets are placed in 2 pieces. on portioned dish or a plate, water butter. Separately, sour cream, milk or sour cream sauce is served in a sauce boat.


Quantity of products per serving, yield 200/75, where croquettes 200g, sauce 75g:

potatoes –253g, egg –1/5 pcs., butter –5g, Wheat flour–12g, crackers –12g, fat –23g, sauce –75g.

Hot boiled potatoes wipe, add 1/3 of the flour specified in the recipe, raw egg yolks, butter and mix. The resulting mass is formed into balls, pears, cylinders (3–

4 per serving), breaded in flour, dipped in egg white and breaded in breadcrumbs. Croquettes are fried in large quantities fat (deep fried). To the mass

for croquettes you can add mushrooms.

When leaving, the croquettes are placed on a portioned dish or plate, decorated with parsley, and sprinkled with butter. Tomato, mushroom, red with onions and gherkins or onion sauce. Croquettes can be used as a side dish, in which case they are made smaller.

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Vegetables are a real storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. However, it is important to be able to cook them correctly so that they retain all their valuable properties. Great option is baking vegetables in the oven. At first glance, the process is extremely simple, but upon closer examination it no longer seems so easy.

Here are the 6 main mistakes that housewives often make when baking vegetables in the oven. You need to know the enemy by sight!

Chop vegetables at random

Perhaps the most violated rule by housewives is baking vegetables. Often tomatoes, peppers, champignons and eggplants are cut into pieces according to the situation different shapes And different sizes. In order to get an evenly cooked dish, you should pay more attention to cutting vegetables. They should be approximately the same size. The pieces should be neither too big nor too small.

Assume that all vegetables need the same amount of oil

If you are cooking in the oven rather than on the grill, you will need a small amount of oil to grease the baking dish and drizzle over the chopped vegetables. However, it is a mistake to think that all vegetables require the same amount of oil. Porous vegetables, such as mushrooms or eggplants, require a little more oil than root vegetables. However, it is important not to overdo it. Otherwise your dish will turn out too greasy. Two tablespoons olive oil will be quite enough. By the way, don’t forget about spices and herbs.

Bake vegetables in the dish that comes to hand first

It is best to roast vegetables on a baking sheet. Use special baking paper. It should be lightly greased with oil, just like the vegetables themselves. This will ensure they cook more evenly. It's no secret that vegetables release steam when roasting. On a flat surface it will evaporate evenly and won't cause some pieces to burn. In addition, it will be more convenient for you to turn carrots, potatoes, champignons or any other fruits that you want to cook.

Leave no free space

If you decide to bake vegetables, this does not mean that you can simply pour them into the appropriate dishes and put them in the oven. In order for the vegetables to be fried evenly, crispy, but at the same time tender and soft in taste, it is important to leave free space between them. The fact is that when baked, they emit steam, and in cramped conditions, as a result, they become boiled. This culinary advice will also help produce a nice golden brown color to the vegetables.

Roast vegetables at the lowest possible temperature

It is best to bake vegetables at a temperature of at least 200 degrees. If you leave them longer, but at lower settings, then you risk getting fruits that are not fried enough on the outside. If you want to get well-caramelized and golden-brown vegetables, you need to increase the temperature slightly and bake them for at least 30 minutes.

Processing of vegetables and fruitsProcurement for future use

Cooking rules

Vegetables, fruits and berries intended for cooking are sorted and thoroughly washed with drinking water to remove possible contamination by microbes, viruses, worm eggs, as well as toxic chemicals, used to control agricultural pests, etc. When cleaning plant products, it is necessary to remember that vitamins are found in large quantities under the peel, so waste should be minimal. When peeling potatoes, remove the skin, eyes, damaged parts and green areas containing a harmful substance - solanine. Then rinse again drinking water. Peel potatoes no earlier than 2-3 hours before preparing dishes, so that vitamin C and starch do not transfer into the water with which they are poured to protect them from darkening. The water temperature should not exceed 10...12°C.

The shelf life of processed vegetables and fruits should be reduced as much as possible so as not to increase the loss of biologically valuable products. nutrients. It is best to store peeled vegetables whole in a cool place, covered with a damp cloth, to protect them from contamination and drying out.

After removing the top contaminated leaves and the outer part of the stalk, white cabbage is thoroughly washed with cold running water. Heads of cabbage intended for shredding are cut into 2-4 parts, cutting out the stalk. Remove leaves from cauliflower, clean dirty and darkened areas on the head and wash in cold water. If there are worms, the cabbage is immersed for 30 minutes in a 6% cold solution of table salt. The surfaced worms are removed. Wash zucchini and pumpkin, remove stems, seeds and peel. Carrots, beets, turnips and rutabaga are first washed with a brush, changing the water, and then peeled.

Particularly careful washing requires tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, green and onions, green crops, fruits and berries consumed raw, without heat treatment. This is necessary in order to completely remove adhering soil particles, as well as microbes and worm eggs that may be on the surface of these vegetables and fruits. If necessary, pre-soak them in cold water (especially greens) for 30 minutes to remove stuck soil, then wash under the tap or in a large bowl, changing the water several times. Softened and severely damaged plants should not be eaten.

After sorting, washing and peeling, vegetables and fruits are used for cooking various dishes and beverages, both fresh and processed. The main purpose of heat treatment is to destroy microorganisms, make food products accessible to digestive juices, preserve their biological value as much as possible and increase taste qualities ready meals.

As a result of heat treatment, physical and chemical processes, changing their consistency, color, smell and taste. Violation of the heat treatment regime can lead to undesirable color changes, the formation of substances with an unpleasant odor and taste, large losses of nutrients, especially vitamins, decreased digestibility of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of heat treatment of products, especially when cooking dishes for therapeutic nutrition.

The main methods of heat treatment used in preparing food from plant products are boiling, frying, poaching, and sautéing.

The most effective method of heat treatment is cooking, during which the products are uniformly heated to 80 °C or more, which is sufficient to kill living microbes. Uneven heating occurs during frying. So, on the surface of fried pieces potato zraz and zucchini stuffed with vegetables, the temperature can reach 180...200 °C, inside - fluctuate from 52 to 64 °C, which is not enough to destroy microflora.

Typically, products reach culinary readiness and the best organoleptic characteristics (smell, color, appearance, consistency, taste, etc.) at a temperature in the middle of the product of 75 ° C. Its further increase leads to a change in these indicators and an increase in the loss of nutrients. So, if at a temperature of 75 °C inside the product the weight loss averages 4%, then at 85 °C it is already 7%.

Methods of heat treatment affect the loss of nutrients. For example, when steaming meatballs, the loss of mass (moisture with nutrients dissolved in it) is 18%, and when frying chopped semi-finished products it reaches 24-41%. To intensify heat treatment culinary products Recently, infrared heating has begun to be used, which has a sterilizing effect, leading to the death of not only vegetative, but also spore forms of microorganisms (microbes with multilayer shells that are resistant to external influences).

You need to know that fatty foods heat up worse and germs persist in them longer. So, under the same frying conditions in oily fish germs survive in 50% of cases, and in skinny - 23%.

The bactericidal effect of heat treatment is reduced by high microbial contamination of raw materials and semi-finished products, as well as by a reduction in the time of thermal exposure. Therefore, compliance with hygiene rules, temperature and processing time standards is important.

Heat treatment of products leads to the disintegration of connective tissue - collagen and its transformation into glutin, gelatinization of starch, the transition of propectin of vegetables and fruits into soluble pectin, softening of the fiber of vegetables, fruits and cereals, the formation of new flavors and aromatics etc., which improves taste, digestion and absorption of food. And at the same time heat treatment can lead to unwanted loss of vitamins, mineral salts, proteins, fats and carbohydrates (Table 13).

Table 13. Food cooking losses

The greatest losses of nutrients plant products observed during frying, and animals - during cooking. Rational methods of heat treatment that preserve the greatest amount of essential nutrients for plant products are boiling without draining, sautéing and poaching, and for animals - stewing, baking, steaming.

The listed methods of heat treatment are mainly recommended for preparing dietary dishes. The time for cooking and frying vegetables and fruits varies depending on the variety, type and size of root vegetables. When cutting them with a knife, it is important that the pieces are the same thickness and shape. Only under this condition during heat treatment will they simultaneously reach readiness. To give dishes an attractive appearance, vegetables are cut into cubes, slices, strips, circles, cubes, slices, rings, half rings, splitters, shavings, nuts, etc.

Bars. To make them, root vegetables are cut into plates and then into cubes: potatoes - 4-5 cm X 7-10 mm in size, carrots and white roots - 3 mm X 1.5 cm. Potato bars are used as a side dish (french fries), put in soup with pasta and borscht, and carrots and white roots - in broth with vegetables and soups with pasta. Main courses are prepared from them.

Slices. Potatoes, large carrots, parsley and other root vegetables are first cut in half (lengthwise) or into four parts, then into slices (crosswise) 1-2 mm thick. The beets are first cut into large pieces. Slices of boiled potatoes are used to prepare salads and vinaigrettes, and fried as a side dish for fish and meat dishes. Slices from boiled carrots and beets are put in vinaigrettes and vegetable salads, and from raw - into naval borscht.

Straw. This is how potatoes, root vegetables, cabbage, white roots and leeks are cut. Potato strips are used as a side dish for natural cutlets from lamb and for chicken fillet dishes, from carrots - for borscht, clear soups with noodles or vermicelli, as well as for marinades, vitamin salad and white cabbage salad. Straws from white roots are put into pickles, borscht, noodle soups and marinades, from raw beets - into borscht and marinades, from boiled beets - into cold borscht, beetroot soups and salads. Leek strips are used for pickles, puree soups and marinades.

Circles. Root vegetables and potatoes are cut into circles 1-2 mm thick: thin ones are deep-fried (crispy potatoes), and thicker ones are used as a side dish for steak and baked fish. Boiled potato circles are used for game salads with vegetables and as a side dish for fish; from raw carrots- V peasant soup, for lamb with vegetables, from boiled - in salads and for decorating jellied dishes. Circles from onions 2 mm thick cut for shish kebab.

substances for main types of products, %

Cubes. Their size may vary depending on the dish they are intended for. Large cubes of potatoes, up to 2 cm thick, are used for deep-frying and in milk, for potato soup; up to 1.5 cm thick - for soups with beans, peas and cereals, cooking vegetable stew and vegetables in milk sauce. Carrot cubes up to 1 cm thick are cut for poaching in butter or milk sauce and for vegetable stew; up to 7 mm thick are placed in bean soups. Small cubes (up to 5 mm) of potatoes are used as a side dish for cold dishes, placed in fish salads and crab salads; from raw carrots - in cereal soups, daily cabbage soup, made from boiled carrots, served as a side dish for cold dishes, placed in fish salads; Boiled beets are used as a side dish for herring; Onions are added to soups with cereals, vegetable and mushroom caviar.

Slices. Potatoes, carrots and turnips are pre-peeled and cut into slices. Potatoes are used for deep frying (as a side dish), as well as for vegetable and potato soup, Rostov fish soup, vegetable stew, lamb stew, braised beef. Carrot slices 2-2.5 cm long and up to 5 mm in cross-section are used to prepare stews, braised beef, lamb with vegetables, carrots and vegetables in milk sauce, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage.

Half rings. This is how onions are cut for any soups, liquid hodgepodges, borscht, cabbage soup (except daily allowances), pickles, main courses with sauce and marinades.

Rings. This form of slicing is used for onions and leeks. Onions are used for deep-frying and country-style beefsteak, served with fried ham, liver and fish. Onion rings go along with a side dish for herring, shish kebab and lula kebab, leek rings - in soups, main courses with sauce.

Sh p a l k i. Green onions are cut into pieces 4-5 cm long. They are used as a side dish for barbecue, lula kebab, chicken tabaka and sturgeon. To prepare the salad, it is cut into small pieces (up to 2 cm).

Rings. This is how green onions are cut for herring with garnish, salads from raw vegetables, vinaigrettes and pickled mushrooms.

Barrel (pear). More complex forms of cutting vegetables are used for banquet and custom-made products. Let's name some of these forms. Potato tubers are given a barrel shape for decoration. festive table, sharpening them with a small knife. This leaves a lot of waste that is used to make puree. Potatoes of this shape go as a side dish to boiled and stewed dishes of meat, fish or natural herring.

Shavings. They are made only from wilted potatoes. To do this, the tuber is cut off on both sides to create a cylinder-shaped piece 2-3 cm high. Then the edges are cut off so that the cylinder has a more regular shape. The shavings are cut into a uniform strip 2-3 mm thick and up to 5 cm long. Each cut strip is immediately folded into a bow so that the product does not break during deep-frying. Used as a garnish for fried meat and fish dishes or serve on your own.

Spiral. They are cut from potatoes using a special device. Deep fried. Used as a side dish for fried meat and fish dishes.

Nuts. This form of tenderloin is used for potatoes and root vegetables. It is obtained using a tool - a round metal recess ( dessert spoon), with sharp edges. The spoon is pressed against the peeled tuber and, rotating, gradually deepened. Potato nuts are deep fried. Used as a side dish for lamb dishes. Carrots are cut in the same way and used to decorate cold dishes.

Whether the heat treatment of plant products has been carried out correctly is checked by organoleptic or physicochemical methods.

Organoleptic studies are based on determining a set of indicators for color, consistency, smell and taste corresponding to ready-to-eat products. With the help of physicochemical studies, the presence of a number of enzymes (phosphatases, peroxidases, etc.) in culinary products is determined, which must be destroyed when the products are properly processed.

Proper heat treatment of vegetables and fruits contributes to maximum conservation they contain vitamins, minerals and other valuable nutrients. So, when cooking peeled potatoes, it is recommended to immerse them in boiling water. At the same time, it loses only 7% of vitamin C and from 4 to 14% of minerals, and when immersed in cold water - 35%, 18-31%, respectively. To preserve vitamin C, it is better to cook vegetable soups in pans filled to the top and covered with a lid so that there is no access to oxygen, which destroys it. Vegetables should be completely covered with water or broth. From the moment of boiling, the heating is reduced. Stir the soup as little as possible without removing the vegetables from the broth. It is equally important to follow the sequence of adding vegetables: first, those vegetables that require long-term heat treatment (beets, carrots, etc.), then foods that are easily exposed to heat (sorrel, spinach, cabbage, potatoes, etc.).

The preservation of vitamin C in vegetables is influenced by the material of the dishes in which food is prepared. Stainless steel almost does not destroy vitamin C. It is not recommended to cook food in poorly tinned, copper and iron dishes.

Vegetable dishes must be prepared shortly before consumption. The greatest loss of vitamin C (70-90%) in vegetables occurs during stewing, making purees, casseroles and cutlets. The best way to cook vegetables is steaming, which retains an average of 80% of this vitamin. When frying, vitamin C is preserved better than when boiling peeled potatoes, since fats protect it from oxidation. It is recommended to cook vegetables intended for preparing cold dishes (salads, vinaigrettes) unpeeled.

Vegetable decoctions contain free amino acids, sugars (up to 30%), organic acids, mineral elements, especially potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc (20-50%). vitamin C (20-25%), etc. They are recommended for use in the preparation of soups and sauces, in dietary and medical nutrition.

According to current sanitary regulations, unpeeled boiled vegetables Store for no more than 6 hours. The maximum shelf life of salads and vinaigrettes undressed is also 6 hours. The temperature of salads should not be higher than 15 °C. Cold dishes and drinks served on the table should have a temperature of 7 to 14 °C. Dressed salads and vinaigrettes are stored in the refrigerator for 3 hours, indoors for no more than 1 hour, green salads for no more than 30 minutes.

The first and second courses must be on the kitchen stove no more than 2-3 hours, after which they should be stored at a temperature no higher than 6 °C for no more than 12 hours. When using food from the refrigerator, it must be carefully checked. I eat with normal people organoleptic indicators subjected to repeated heat treatment. Liquid dishes are boiled, and the latter are fried in the oven. The shelf life of these dishes is no more than 1 hour. It is strictly forbidden to mix leftover food from the previous day with freshly prepared food.

From storage duration vegetable dishes, especially hot ones, depends not only on their taste, but also on their vitamin value. So, in cabbage soup from fresh cabbage 3 hours after cooking, 20% of vitamin C remains, and after 6 hours - only 6%. Consequently, storage of hot vegetable dishes should be minimal, but no more than 2-3 hours at a temperature not lower than 75 ° C for first courses, 65 ° C for second courses and side dishes. Repeated heating significantly worsens the taste and almost completely destroys vitamin C. It is better to prepare first and second courses at the time of their consumption, and appetizers in the form of salads from fresh vegetables- directly to serving.

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Processing of vegetables and fruitsProcurement for future use
