Step-by-step recipe for delicious apple strudel. Puff pastry apple strudel recipe with photo. Lenten strudel with apples. Strudel with apples made from puff pastry – greetings from Austria


Prepare amazingly aromatic apple strudel from puff pastry according to our family recipe with detailed video recommendations and step by step photos.

45 min

400 kcal

5/5 (3)

Much water has passed under the bridge since I started my culinary career, but I still won’t forget my first experience for the rest of my life. Then my grandmother and I realized signature recipe strudel with apples made from puff pastry, which surprisingly turned out very good, and I received even more positive emotions. Mom and Dad praised me and predicted a successful culinary career.

Years passed, and I myself taught my girls to bake a quick and easy strudel with apples and fragrant cinnamon according to the same old step-by-step recipe, which was copied a long time ago from a French cookbook containing all the secrets proper baking with a photo of the finished dish.

Ingredients and preparation

Preparation time: 120 minutes.

Kitchen appliances

Select the utensils, tools and utensils that are required for kneading dough and baking strudel:

  • a wide baking tray with a diagonal of 25 cm with a non-stick coating or a spacious and big shape for cake with a diameter of 30 cm;
  • volumetric bowls (several pieces) with a capacity from 250 to 850 ml;
  • tablespoons and teaspoons;
  • fork;
  • steel whisk;
  • linen towel;
  • pastry brush;
  • cutting board (wooden only);
  • medium grater;
  • measuring cup or kitchen scale;
  • fine sieve;
  • rolling pin;
  • wooden spatula.

Among other things, try to prepare a blender or mixer to be able to make your work easier and reduce the time for preparing the strudel dough.

You will need



Did you know? If you decide to prepare apple strudel using this recipe using ready-made (store-bought) puff pastry or yeast-free dough, remove it from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking so that it can completely melt. As a last resort, place the packet of dough on a towel and place it on a hot radiator or use the microwave to defrost.


  • 1 chicken egg.

Important! You can also add a little (a pinch) of ground cloves and ginger, and I sometimes crush a few cardamom seeds by hand in a mortar and add the resulting crumbs to the filling - the flavor is simply delicious!

Cooking sequence



  1. Combine the sifted flour with water in three to four additions.

  2. Knead a soft, elastic dough that does not stick to your hands.

  3. Roll it into a ball and put it in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes.

  4. Then remove from the refrigerator and place on the table. Roll out quite thinly with a rolling pin, rub or cut butter or margarine on top.

  5. We distribute it with a spatula over the entire surface of the formation.
  6. Then fold the dough in three or four times, wrapping the edges towards the center.

  7. And put the dough in the cold again for 10 or 15 minutes.
  8. After this, carefully, so as not to squeeze out the oil too much, roll out the dough into a layer.

  9. Wrap it again in several layers and put it in the refrigerator.
  10. We do the same thing one or two more times and the dough is ready.

Did you know? To obtain the perfect apple strudel, you need to roll out the workpiece in the manner described above at least four times so that the structure of the product becomes even more tender and delicate. However, if you don’t have time, you can roll out the dough only twice - the product will turn out less fluffy, but still tasty.

Assembly and baking

  1. Set the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.
  2. Mix the melted butter with a spoon into a solid mass.
  3. Roll out the risen dough with a rolling pin on a kitchen table sprinkled with flour.

  4. Let the resulting layer sit for approximately ten minutes.

  5. Then lubricate one half of the layer butter using a brush or cotton wool.

  6. Sprinkle breadcrumbs or potato starch on top.

  7. Place the prepared apples and carefully spread them over the surface of the dough.

  8. Let our preparation stand for a little longer (approximately five minutes).
  9. Meanwhile, grease a baking sheet or mold with creamy margarine.

  10. With a few quick and confident movements, roll the dough into a roll.

  11. Carefully transfer it to a baking sheet and cover with beaten egg on top.

  12. We keep our pie in the oven for about fifteen minutes.
  13. Then carefully check the dough for readiness with a skewer or toothpick.
  14. If the dough is still raw, extend baking for another ten minutes.
  15. Remove the finished pie from oven and let it cool.

  16. Transfer the product to a spacious serving dish.

Important! At the final stage, many fans add ground nuts or even candied fruits to the filling for apple strudel with cinnamon. However I don't think this is good idea, since apples do not go well with them and can overload the filling with strong flavors.

Made! Your amazing and very aromatic apple strudel is completely ready! You will be convinced that the game was worth the candle as soon as you cut off a piece and put it in your mouth (the hostess tries it first).

Sprinkle your product powdered sugar or your favorite confectionery powder, it is only desirable that it has fruity notes. Serve sliced ​​into delicious portions so that the enticing aroma will draw even your family's staunchest characters to the table.

Apple strudel video recipe

Look at the attached video to see how to do it correctly and without unnecessary hassle bake a delicious strudel with apples and cinnamon. Please note that to prepare such aromatic and delicious baked goods You can also use ready-made puff pastry- it will be much faster this way.

Finally, I would like to recommend to you a few more excellent products with apples, which my family appreciates so much, because it would be unwise to cook the same thing over and over again. Try it, which is more rich and original taste than the one just presented. In addition, I highly recommend the classic one - my family has been baking it relatively recently, but I’m already absolutely delighted.

In addition, you will definitely like the famous one, as well as the delicate and low-calorie one. For those who are always in a hurry and young mothers, I wholeheartedly advise you to try baking

Today I want to show you how to make apple strudel from puff pastry. But I take ready-made dough, it can be either store-bought or something you kneaded yourself, it’s important that it’s flaky. It also doesn’t matter whether it is yeast-based or yeast-free. Its thickness is also important, so roll it out to such a state that it actually shines through.

I make this apple strudel recipe quite often. It has two huge advantages: it is very tasty and quick to make. Any beginner can handle this recipe, not to mention those who constantly work with dough. This step by step recipe, will help you clearly see all the processes and repeat them accurately.

The filling is made from apples with the addition of nuts. If you want, you can add raisins, but this time I wanted to do it without them. It is best to take walnuts. You can also make it with apples.


  • Yeast puff pastry – 250 g
  • Apple – 3 pcs.
  • Walnuts – 60 g
  • Wheat flour – 20 g
  • Cinnamon – 1 tsp
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp
  • Breadcrumbs – 1 tbsp
  • Kefir – for lubrication

How to make strudel with apples and nuts

First of all, I take the finished puff pastry out of the refrigerator and leave it room temperature, defrost. And at this time, I clean the walnuts, they need about 60 grams, if desired, the amount can be increased to 100 grams.

Then I grind them in any convenient way. This can be done with a rolling pin or in a mortar. You don’t need to chop it too much, let the pieces remain different sizes, but not very big.

Next, add breadcrumbs and 2 tbsp sugar to the nuts. I mix everything and the first filling is ready.

Now I’m working on apples, to do this I peel them and cut out the core with seeds. After that, I cut them into small pieces. Sometimes housewives prefer to cut them into thin slices, and you do it to your taste.

Add flour, cinnamon and the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar to the apples. If desired, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice to prevent them from darkening.

I mix them and delicious filling Ready for apple strudel.

Next, I continue to make strudel with apples from puff pastry dough, which by this time has already been completely defrosted. I'm posting it on silicone mat, or another surface sprinkled with a little flour, and roll it out as thin as possible. As a result, you should get a large, long rectangle, which will be the basis for this baking.

Then I post it on it first nut filling, and then the apple one, distributing it evenly over the entire rectangle, slightly short of the edges.

Now it is important to understand how to wrap puff pastry strudel, and this is done very simply. First, I bend the bottom and top parts of the dough a little, and then the sides.

And I roll it up like a roll. I twist it from the side that will result in fewer layers inside, but longer length. Then, I transfer it to a baking sheet with parchment.

I grease it with kefir, milk or egg on top, and then, using a sharp knife, I make cuts. I want to say that such cuts are required, and all because puff pastry is fragile and if you don’t make them in advance, then ready-made baked goods It will be difficult to cut into pieces, because it will crumble and break.

I heat the oven to a temperature of 190 degrees, and when it warms up, I put the prepared roll in it and bake it for 40 minutes. When the puff pastry apple strudel becomes beautiful golden color, with a golden brown crust, you can remove it from the oven. But don’t forget that you don’t need to do this earlier than 40 minutes.

Now you know how to bake apple strudel from puff pastry so that it turns out juicy on the inside, golden brown on the outside and with minimal time. If we talk about the dough, you can either buy it or prepare it yourself. By the way, both yeast and yeast-free are suitable. After the oven, I let it cool, and then all that remains is to carefully cut it into pieces, exactly along the cuts that were made before baking. Then I transfer it to a plate. I really love baking with apples, and in this version, it is incredibly tasty. I advise you to immediately make a double portion. You can serve it with a scoop of ice cream or just with tea. Bon appetit!

The Austrian dessert, popular all over the world, is sweet and juicy. You can make it from store-bought or homemade puff pastry. The delicacy turns out very tasty, aromatic, airy and tender.

Step-by-step recipes for puff pastry strudel - a quick option. Sweet and savory puff pastry strudel

It is prepared from rolled out dough prepared using the stretch method. To make such a pie base at home, you need to have a special skill, ability and dexterity. Unleavened puff pastry can easily replace the stretch dough traditionally used for such a pie.

There is no need to make your own puff pastry. It is enough to buy a frozen semi-finished product, thaw it well, roll it out to the desired thickness and wrap the filling, and what it will be is up to you to decide.

The selection describes step by step how to prepare puff pastry strudel with the most popular apple filling, minced meat and snack option spinach pie.

General principles for making puff pastry strudel (step by step)

The fillings for such a pie can be very different. Apples stewed with nuts and raisins are considered a classic; meat is prepared from minced meat. There are also snack strudels made from puff pastry; a step-by-step recipe for one of them is included in our selection. You can experiment with fillings; strudel is prepared with pears, cherries, cottage cheese, which is mixed with canned fruit. The main thing in such a pie, its base, is a thin, crispy dough.

There are two types of puff pastry: yeast and unleavened. It is not advisable to use yeast semi-finished product for strudel. Even when rolled out thinly, such dough does not lose its fluffiness after baking, although housewives prefer semi-finished yeast products. It is not excluded self-production puff pastry, especially since there are many quick recipes.

Most often, the pie is formed in the form of a roll, but this only applies to light fillings, chopped meat and other heavy fillings are wrapped in dough like an envelope. The reason for this is the thinly rolled layers, which are easy to break through when rolling. The surface of the formed strudel is evenly pierced; if this is not done, the steam generated during baking inside the pie will tear the thin layer of dough.

Before baking the pie, line the baking sheet with parchment. The paper does not require additional oiling; the dough contains enough fat to prevent sticking. Like any baked goods, strudels are placed only in a preheated oven. Optimal temperature in this case it is 180 degrees, and the duration is no more than 30 minutes and depends on the type of filling.

Slightly cooled sweet strudel is usually decorated with powdered sugar and served with a scoop of ice cream. Meat and snack versions of the pie do not require any additions.

Making puff pastry apple strudel

Proper preparation of apple strudel from puff pastry takes place in several stages:

  1. The dough layer needs to be taken out of the freezer and rolled out.
  2. To make the filling, apples must be peeled and cored. The fruit should be cut into cubes, plates or bars (depending on the recipe). Mix the main ingredient with additional ingredients of your choice.
  3. The resulting filler must be placed on the dough, having previously stretched it. To hide the fruit, wrap the dessert in a roll or make a rectangle by connecting the edges of the base. If desired, you can make cuts so that the delicacy is better baked.
  4. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment. The product will need to be lubricated with milk, butter or honey.
  5. Cook the dessert in a preheated oven until its surface turns golden.

Make famous quickly Viennese pie You can use a ready-made base, which is easy to find in stores. The semi-finished product must be removed from the package and left until defrosted. You can choose yeast-free or yeast dough. Many housewives prefer to prepare the base themselves. The recipe for puff pastry for strudel can easily be found on culinary sites. It is not difficult, but you will spend a little more time.

Apple strudel made from puff pastry: step-by-step recipe with nuts and raisins

Step-by-step recipe for puff pastry strudel - “Apple Classic”. Sliced ​​apples are stewed in sugar syrup, and emphasize the taste by complementing the filling with nuts and raisins. Cinnamon is used as a flavoring.


A kilogram of sweet and sour apples;

Kilogram packaging semi-finished puff pastry(yeast);

A glass of walnut kernels;

Half a stick of “Peasant” butter;

Half a glass of sugar;

70 gr. white breading (finely ground crackers);

Cinnamon powder - to taste;

100 gr. raisins

Cooking method:

1. After removing the package of dough from the freezer, leave it on the table. As it thaws, be sure to unfold it - bend the upper soft layers to the sides. To prevent the dough from sticking to the table, you can place a clean towel under it.

2. The puff pastry is slowly defrosting, and we are cooking apple filling. Scatter raisins on the table, pick out litter and spoiled berries. After scalding with boiling water, leave for ten minutes. warm water, and then rinse again. Expressing excess water, throwing the raisins into a sieve.

3. Wash the apples, remove the peel from the fruit in a thin layer and remove the core. Cut the apple halves into thin slices.

4. Grind the nuts with a blender into coarse crumbs. You can chop the nuts with a knife.

5. Place a deep frying pan over medium heat and add about 70 grams of oil. Pour sugar into the melted butter, mix thoroughly, and melt it. Place apples in the resulting syrup and add cinnamon powder. Stirring occasionally, simmer for seven minutes without covering with a lid - the moisture should evaporate. Add raisins and nuts to the apples, stir, continue to simmer until the moisture has completely evaporated. Transfer the prepared apple filling to a deep plate and cool.

6. Roll out the thawed dough into a thin layer and cut in half. Sprinkle one part with half of the prepared crackers, spread part of the filling over it, and roll into a loose roll. We do the same with the second part of the dough and the remaining filling. Don't forget about breading, this is done so that the juice does not flow out of the pie, but is absorbed into the crackers.

7. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and carefully transfer the prepared rolls onto it. We lay the future strudel with the seam down and be sure to pierce the surface in several places with a sharp splinter. Place the roasting pan in the preheated oven, setting it to medium, and cook the strudel for half an hour. Grease the surface of the hot pie with the remaining butter.

Cooking time: 45 minutes. Number of servings: 3-4 persons. Calorie content of the dish: 364 kcal. Purpose: for dessert. Cuisine: Austrian, German. Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Strudel made from ready-made puff pastry is a delicious and aromatic Viennese dessert. It is not very difficult to prepare it at home. Housewives who do not have special skills can make this delicacy. The recipe for apple strudel from ready-made puff pastry is different in that you only need to prepare fruit filling. You can take yeast or Lenten option purchased semi-finished product. You don't have to use raisins. If you don't like this dried fruit, replace it with dried apricots.


  • almonds - 50 g;
  • rum - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • semi-finished puff pastry - 0.5 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • apples - 0.6 kg;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tsp;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • brown sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. The semi-finished dough product must be removed from the refrigerator and defrosted.
  2. Peel the apples and remove seeds inside, cut into small cubes. Rinse the raisins and soak in boiling water to soften the dried fruit.
  3. Take half the butter and melt it in a frying pan. Add the apples, fry the fruit until golden brown and the juice has evaporated over low heat.
  4. Add rum and granulated sugar to the pan and continue cooking for about 2 minutes.
  5. Post it ready mixture into a deep bowl. Add cinnamon, raisins and ground almonds. Mix all ingredients and cool.
  6. Roll out the dough. Stepping back approximately 1 cm from each edge, make a powder of breadcrumbs.
  7. Place the filling on the resulting base. Form a roll, making gentle movements away from you. Make tight tucks around the edges.
  8. The strudel should be placed on a baking sheet, seam side down, and grease the product with butter melted in a water bath.
  9. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place a baking sheet with dessert inside. The delicacy should remain in the oven for 25-30 minutes so that it acquires a ruddy color.

Puff pastry meat strudel: step-by-step recipe for a popular Austrian minced meat pie

Step-by-step recipe for a delicious puff pastry strudel with minced meat. The pie is quite simple and will decorate not only everyday, but also holiday tea parties. Using a semi-finished puff pastry will make the task easier, and you can also use store-bought minced meat.


Puff pastry without yeast semi-finished product - 300 g;

400 grams of minced pork and beef;

Two slices white bread- 100 gr.;

40 ml vegetable oil;

A spoon of quicklime soda;

A tablespoon of spicy homemade mustard;

Three pinches of pepper;

Two onions;

A quarter spoon of ground savory.

Cooking method:

1. Cooking meat filling for strudel. Remove the crusts from the pieces of bread, cut the crumb into large cubes, put them in a bowl and cover with water for a quarter of an hour.

2. Peel two cloves of garlic and remove the peel from the onion. Finely chop the garlic and onion. After mixing, place in a frying pan with vegetable oil and place on low heat. Stirring, sauté under the lid until a pleasant golden hue, transfer to a bowl and cool completely.

3. If you prepare the minced meat yourself, take 200 grams of fatty pork and beef pulp. Rinse the meat well with water, chop coarsely and grind twice in a meat grinder. Mix the minced meat thoroughly; the purchased semi-finished product should also be ground to be safe.

4. Wring out the crumb soaked in water well and crumble it with your hands into a bowl with minced meat. Add the cooled onion sauté, mix, sprinkle with salt, savory and ground pepper. Pour in the egg, add mustard and mix thoroughly.

5. Roll out the thawed dough rectangular layer, about 3 mm thick. The dough is thin, the filling is heavy, and when moving it onto a baking sheet, the walls of the pie may be damaged. It is better to roll out the puff pastry and form the pie directly on parchment.

6. Next to the rolled out layer, spread cling film and put the minced meat on it. We form a strip from the meat mass, calculating the dimensions so that it can be wrapped in the dough like in an envelope.

7. Having lifted the film with minced meat, carefully transfer the filling to the layer, retreating two centimeters from the edge. First, wrap the sides of the rectangle over it, then cover it with the remaining loose dough and pinch the side seam tightly.

8. Without lifting, we drag the parchment with the future strudel onto the roasting pan. Prick the surface evenly with a fork, then brush the pie well with beaten egg.

9. Place the baking sheet in an already hot oven, bake meat strudel until evenly golden brown, about 30 minutes.

Puff pastry strudel: a step-by-step recipe for a snack pie

Step-by-step recipe for snack puff pastry strudel. Original filling consists of an omelet with spinach leaves, mixed with tomatoes and fried bacon. To ensure that all components of the filling are well bonded to each other, hard, easily melting cheese is added. Serve the strudel after complete cooling, cut into portions.


Twelve large eggs;

Half a glass of full-fat mayonnaise;

150 gr. fresh spinach;

Half a kilo of fresh bacon, cut into strips;

200 grams of cheese, “Russian” or similar variety;

Two large meaty tomatoes;

300 gr. unleavened puff pastry.

Cooking method:

1. You will need a large bowl. We break eleven eggs into it, pierce the shells holding the yolks with any other sharp object. Whisk the eggs until homogeneous mass. Add mayonnaise, stir well and temporarily set the mixture aside.

2. After washing the spinach, cut off the dense stems just below the leaves. After drying well with a towel, cut the leaves into strips. Peel two large cloves of garlic, chop them by pressing them through a press, or finely chop them with a knife.

3. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for two minutes, then cool cold water and remove the skin from them. Cut the tomatoes into centimeter cubes and coarsely grate the cheese.

4. Cut the bacon strips into small square pieces, place them in a frying pan and, without covering with a lid, brown over medium heat. It is important not to dry it out; we need to render out a little fat and only slightly brown the slices. Transfer the fried bacon to a paper towel to cool.

5. Place spinach and garlic in a frying pan with rendered fat. Simmer over moderate heat for about 2 minutes, until the filling has noticeably reduced in volume. Pour it over it egg mixture, fry, stirring, over low heat. As soon as the eggs are well set, but not yet cooked through, remove the pan from the stove and immediately transfer its contents to a bowl. Add tomatoes, shredded cheese, pieces of bacon and mix well. Leave the filling until it cools completely.

6. Turn on the oven and bring the heat to 180 degrees. Line a baking sheet with a large sheet of parchment paper.

7. Roll out the pre-thawed dough on a surface sprinkled with flour; two thin layers should come out with sides 25x30 cm. Place the filling on them so that it does not reach the edges by one and a half centimeters on the sides. Having rolled two thick rolls, pinch all the seams well and carefully transfer them to a baking sheet.

8. Brush the surfaces of the strudels with beaten egg and pierce them evenly with a fork. Place the roasting pan in the oven and bake for half an hour.

9. After cooling, cut the strudel in portioned pieces and carefully, in the shape of a fan, arrange it on the dish.

Cooking time: 50 minutes. Number of servings: 5-6 persons. Calorie content of the dish: 351 kcal. Purpose: dessert. Cuisine: European. Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Strudel with apples made from puff pastry without yeast - tender fruit pie, which both adults and children will be happy about. The unique apple-cinnamon aroma will fill your home with warmth and comfort. The ease of preparation will please any housewife. For the filling you need to mix apple pieces with spices. You can replace flour with starch. The base for the delicacy should be rolled out thinly so that the pie turns out tender and juicy. It is better to serve the treat with a small portion of creamy ice cream.


  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • yeast-free semi-finished dough product - 1 pack;
  • flour - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tsp;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

Remove the dough from the package and defrost. Wash the fruits, peel them with a knife, cut into small slices. Sprinkle the filling with flour, sugar and cinnamon, mix everything well. Roll out the dough semi-finished product into a layer, brush with melted butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. After making a small indent from the edge of the base, spread the filling in an even layer. Roll the product into a roll. Make several oblique cuts on top of the workpiece. The treat should be placed on the laid parchment paper baking tray Lubricate the dessert blank with milk using a silicone brush or a piece of gauze. Bake apple strudel with puff pastry 35 min. in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Tricks for making puff pastry strudel using step-by-step recipes

Forming strudels in the form of an envelope or roll is a classic, but not a dogma. An original solution The cake will be decorated in the form of a braid. Roll out the dough into a rectangular layer, place a strip of filling in the center, and be sure to sprinkle breadcrumbs under the fruit. From the filling to the sides, use a round curly knife to cut the dough diagonally into strips. Then, taking the strips alternately from one side and then from the other, lay them overlapping the filling.

To ensure that the strudel is well browned, you can brush it with more than just beaten egg. Melted butter, individual whites or yolks are also suitable for this purpose.

To simplify, puff pastry strudel can be formed according to any step-by-step recipe in the form of a familiar pie. Simply place the filling between two sheets of thinly rolled out dough and seal the seams tightly. Be sure to pierce the surface of the strudel to allow steam to escape.


  • Puff pastry - 2 sheets
  • Apples (large) - 5 - 6 pcs.
  • Flour - 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp.
  • Walnuts - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Breadcrumbs - 4 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tbsp.

For greasing the strudel:

  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.

Apple strudel is business card Austrian cooking. It was in Vienna that many years ago they invented a recipe for apple strudel made from paper-thin puff pastry. Cinnamon and white bread crumbs were invariably added to baked goods.

As a rule, apple strudel is prepared from puff pastry (phyllo); it is often also called stretch. The basis of this dough is flour and water. Then add butter, which makes the baked goods tender and crumbly, and an egg for elasticity.

But today we will prepare apple strudel from ready-made puff pastry. As a filling we will take dense apples autumn varieties, breadcrumbs from white loaf. We will complement the taste of strudel with crushed walnuts, and, of course, fragrant ground cinnamon.

Strudel with apples made from puff pastry step by step recipe with photos

Let's start with the apples first. Wash them and remove the skin. Cut the fruit into small cubes about 1 cm.

Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and a spoon of cinnamon. Mix the apples thoroughly and set them aside for now. Let them be saturated with the sweetness and aroma of cinnamon and let the juice flow.

In a separate container, prepare the topping for the dough: mix the chopped nuts with flour, remaining sugar, and breadcrumbs. This recipe apple strudel uses ready-made crackers, but they can easily be made at home from an ordinary white loaf. You just need to crumble the bread and dry the crumbs in the oven or microwave.

On a floured countertop, roll out a thin sheet of thawed dough. Moreover, you need to not just roll it out with a rolling pin, but stretch it with your hands in different directions until the dough turns into a thin sheet. In distant Vienna experienced chefs They said: “A real baker stretches the dough to such a state that he can read romantic letters to his beloved through it.”

Making strudel from puff pastry is quite a troublesome job. But if you do everything correctly, then the dessert will turn out simply fabulous. Grease the rolled out dough a little with refined sunflower oil(without smell). Do this carefully and slowly. So as not to tear the dough.

Then sprinkle with a thin layer of the pre-prepared mixture of breadcrumbs and nuts. At the same time, step back 5-10 cm from the edges of the dough. And do not forget to turn on the oven at 180 degrees. It will have time to warm up while you finish forming the strudels.

Place apples on breadcrumbs in one layer. Shout them down a small amount nut and cracker mixture.

Do the same with the second sheet of dough. Carefully roll them into rolls and seal the edges. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, on which place the strudels, seam side down.

To make apple strudel with puff pastry appetizing, golden brown crust, brush it with egg mixed with water.

Now you can send our dessert to the preheated oven and bake until golden brown, 35 - 40 minutes.

When the mind-blowing aromas spread throughout the house and the baked goods are golden brown, remove them from the oven and let them cool slightly. Then you can sprinkle with powdered sugar. By the way, in order for the powder to lay on the baked goods in a beautiful, even layer without bald spots or lumps, it is very convenient to use a fine strainer (as in the photo).

Strudel pie with apples made from puff pastry is served with ice cream, cream, and berry confiture. Or simply cut it into portions and serve it with tea.

Apple strudel made from puff pastry in a slow cooker

First of all, defrost the finished puff pastry at room temperature. Then roll out the dough very thinly into a large square. Brush it generously with melted butter. Sprinkle with a thin layer of breadcrumbs (2-3 tbsp). Separately, prepare the filling from 4 chopped apples, 0.5 tbsp raisins, 4 tbsp. sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Drizzle generously over apples. lemon juice. Place the apple filling on the dough, retreating 10 cm from one edge. Roll the future strudel into a roll and bend it into a crescent, according to the shape of the multicooker bowl. Bake the apple strudel on the Bake setting for 45 minutes, then turn it over to reverse side and turn on the multicooker for another 20 minutes.

Apple strudel made from puff pastry from Yulia Vysotskaya

Of course, the easiest way to make apple strudel is from frozen puff pastry. But Yulia Vysotskaya in her Big cookbook recommends kneading the strudel dough yourself. Moreover, it is prepared from the most regular products and quite quickly.

So, apple strudel recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya:

knead the dough from 250 g of flour, one egg, a small pinch of salt and 3 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a towel and leave it.

In the meantime, get on with the filling. Cut the apples into thin slices. Pour boiling water over a glass of raisins to swell. Grind 0.5 cups of almonds in a mortar.

Roll out the settled dough thinly, grease it with melted butter and sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs. Place apples on top, then raisins and almonds. Sprinkle cinnamon and 3 tablespoons on top of the filling. granulated sugar. Roll the dough into a roll, brush it with beaten egg and bake at 190 degrees for 40 - 50 minutes. During baking, the strudel must be brushed with egg 2-3 more times.
