Flattened peach. Fig peach (nectarine): selection of seedlings, growing rules and review of large size Saturn

Several years ago on Russian markets and in some supermarkets peaches of an unusual shape appeared for sale - flat, as if flattened, and immediately aroused a wary attitude from buyers. People, frightened by “Chinese hybrids,” were afraid to buy an unprecedented fruit, believing that it was the result of another genetic modification - “whatever these Chinese will come up with.” In addition, the name of the fruit matches: fig peach, and this may mean that it is crossed with figs - it is better to be careful and continue to buy fruits of the usual shape. Is this true or not? We will tell you what kind of fruit the fig peach is, what its benefits and properties are for the body.

What is this fruit

Is the fig peach related to figs? In fact, figs have nothing to do with it, but with China this type peach is still connected: botanists believe that its ancestor is the wild species of peaches that still grow in this country - however, other varieties of peaches also trace their “ancestry” from them. The same botanists claim that peaches can be crossed with plums and apricots, but not with figs - this is impossible.

As for the fig peach, it is not at all exotic fruit, although for some reason little was known about him in Central Russia. Missionaries brought it to Europe back in the 1st quarter of the 19th century, and here it appeared at the end of the same century - albeit in the southern regions. In the USSR, residents of the Central Asian republics already knew well and grew this variety of peaches, similar to figs only in their appearance.

Fig peach has several varieties, so when purchasing, you should not be surprised or afraid if you notice a difference in the shape and color of the fruit - you just need to ask the seller where the fruit “came” from. Fig peach varieties ripen differently - some take longer to ripen, but all have a wonderful taste and aroma. Gardeners consider the advantage of this variety to be its frost resistance: it is hardier than ordinary peaches and nectarines - the buds and buds are not afraid of frost, but it has a smaller seed - this is also an advantage. Those who would like to grow them will be interested to know that the peach tree blooms late, and the fruits ripen in mid-August.

Sellers like these peaches because, due to their shape, they are more convenient to stack and transport, although their shelf life is rather weak. The fruit of the fig peach is not very large - from 3.5 to 7 cm in size and about 100 g in weight; its tip is flat and slightly depressed, and the seam dividing the fruit in two is deeper than that of a regular peach. The skin is dense and slightly pubescent, of different shades - yellow, cream, greenish, crimson, etc., and the flesh is light and juicy, with big amount fiber, sweet, slightly spicy and aromatic.

Rich composition of vitamins and minerals

The composition of the fig peach is rich - just like its famous fluffy cousin. There is little protein in it, no fat at all, a lot healthy carbohydrates And dietary fiber. Vitamins include beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, K, H and group B (5 vitamins); macroelements - potassium (there is a lot of it), phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and chlorine; microelements - silicon, iron, zinc (there are also a lot of them), copper, chromium, fluorine, manganese, iodine. Fruit fig peaches also rich in pectins, organic acids - malic, citric, etc., essential oils.

It’s also worth paying attention to the peach pits. IN Lately You can often hear about their usefulness: they contain amygdalin glycoside - the so-called vitamin B17, about the “controversy” of which much is said and written. He is believed to have some anti-cancer properties– can destroy cancer cells, relieve pain and improve metabolism, but it is very toxic. So it’s unlikely that you should actively eat peach seeds - this can be dangerous to health and life, especially for allergy sufferers.

Benefits of Fig Peach

Fig peaches rarely cause allergies, so both adults and children can eat them without fear. Eating figs and other peaches improves intestinal function, relieves flatulence, strengthens the immune system, and helps maintain healthy weight. If you are prone to depression and decadent moods, it is better to eat fresh fig peaches instead of sweets and cakes; they relieve irritability, improve the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys and gall bladder.

It is noteworthy that these tasty and nutritious fruits help women endure pregnancy easily and joyfully: fig peaches not only saturate the body with vitamins, but also relieve painful nausea.

Caloric content and dietary properties

The calorie content of healthy fig peaches is very low - about 36 kcal per 100 grams (that is, about one peach), so they are really great for weight loss.

There is even a peach diet: if you follow it correctly, you can successfully get rid of 6-7 kg of excess weight, as well as cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins. Moreover, this diet cannot be called hungry and painful: you are allowed to eat not only other fruits and vegetables, but also chicken, veal, ham, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy products, legumes and even spaghetti, and still the result is excellent.

Even if you just eat fig peaches for lunch and afternoon snack, your metabolism will already improve, and excess weight will start to leave. But after a meal, as a dessert, you should not eat peaches: they are sweet and juicy, and will cause fermentation in the stomach - the food will not be digested properly, and not only your figure, but also your health will suffer.

Fig peaches, like any other, can be introduced into the diet of young children - they can be given from 10 months, but the skin must be removed - it is the substances contained in it that often cause allergies. Peaches are especially helpful for easily excitable and hyperactive children, and they also make parents feel calmer.

Use in cooking

In cooking, fig peaches can be used in the same way as other varieties. Not only drinks, sweet dishes and pies are prepared with them, but also sauces, salads, meat and fish dishes.

Of course, it is best to consume these fruits in fresh, but from hard peaches you can make preserves, jams and compotes.

How to Preserve Fig Peaches

When canned, fig peaches retain their beneficial substances well – in this sense, they are more “resistant” than other fruits. For example, you can prepare fig peaches in syrup for the winter. Wash the fruits, cut them, remove the seeds, place the prepared halves in clean, sterilized 0.5 liter jars, pour hot sugar syrup and place the jars in a large saucepan with hot water. After the water boils, the peaches are sterilized for 10 minutes, and then the jars are removed, screwed on with sterilized lids, turned over and wrapped.

Dried fig peaches

You can dry peaches, just like apricots, and in winter cook compotes with them, add them to baked goods and other dishes. You need to take ripe, undamaged fig peaches, put them in a saucepan, pour boiling water over them for 2 minutes, take them out and dry them, cut them and remove the seeds. Then the peaches are placed on a baking sheet and dried in a low-heat oven at 60°C. The resulting dried fruits are stored in soft bags in a cool, dark place.

There are contraindications

There are very few contraindications to eating fig peaches: diabetes, allergic reactions and individual intolerance.

Fig peach is a variety fruit tree, as well as nectarine and pubescent. The peculiarity of the variety is flat, like fluffy flatbread, fruits resembling a turnip. This variety of peaches comes from China, and they are commonly called: saucer or Fergana peach, but more often, Chinese turnip. Fig peach is characterized by greater winter hardiness of buds and buds, ripens at the end of August, and requires a long, warm summer. Therefore, in the Moscow region, the fruits do not have time to gain taste and ripen. The fruits are heavy, 90-140 g.

Characteristics of a flat peach

Like other varieties, the fig peach belongs to the Rosaceae family. The disc-shaped fruit resembles a fig, but a hybrid of a peach and a fig is not possible. The tree is cultivated like a peach, similar agricultural techniques, the same diseases and pests. The fruits are different, they have more rich taste and a small bone. However, seed seeding transfers the mother properties of the tree. The flat peach is colored in the usual colors - orange and yellow with all shades and a red blush. The skin is less pubescent and does not come off the flesh.

The tree can grow up to 5 meters in height, the crown is spreading, growth is weak. Standard forms are already available. The requirements for choosing a warm, light, gentle slope, with protection from the north wind, are no different from relatives. But the tree blooms in mid-April, which is why it avoids late southern frosts. The leaves of the disc peach are lanceolate, dark green above, back side the plates are greyish. The flowers are similar to rose hips and have pale pink flowers.

A photo of a fig peach cannot convey the play of the breeze with its leaves, the warmth and taste of the fruit.

The description of fig peach draws attention to its beneficial properties. Fruits contain half the elements of the Periodic Table. They are useful for prevention oncological diseases, have low calorie content. Even the smell has an effect useful action– Helps relieve depression. You can't use this healthy fruit diabetics and those who are allergic to Pink fruits.

However, until 2010, the fruits of the fig peach were eaten only by residents of warm regions. They were not transportable. Miraculously, or thanks to GMOs, they are now on the shelves of northern stores and do not spoil.

How to Grow Fig Peach

Gardeners southern regions They enjoy growing Chinese peach. The plant's agricultural technology is no more complicated than for a nectarine or an ordinary garden tree. But the winter hardiness of fruit and leaf buds is higher, and the plant is tolerant to major diseases. The disc peach blooms later and goes away from cold weather. It needs a lot of heat; in the southern part of the country, as far as Voronezh, some peaches have time to ripen. The cost of Chinese peach fruits is 3 times higher than others, and the yield is excellent.

The disadvantages of disc fruits are considered to be low shelf life, poor transportability and a tendency to the rapid development of gray rot, which can leave the fruit without a harvest.

Flat peach is planted using seedlings from a fruit nursery, or grown from seeds. When choosing a fig peach seedling, you must:

  • clarify where the variety was grown and whether it was acclimatized in the area;
  • the roots must be alive, not dry or damaged;
  • the bark from the inside should be green and alive;
  • The best seedlings are considered to be annuals.

The seedling is rooted in a pre-prepared hole in March or at the end of September. Autumn planting is preferable. Fertile substrate is prepared from 2 buckets of organic matter, liter jar wood ash, a glass of superphosphate and half a glass of potassium chloride in the fall, sulfate in the spring. The substrate should not touch the roots directly. Peas of chemical fertilizers can cause chemical burns. After compacting the soil, the root collar should remain above the soil. After the seedling is watered, the soil is mulched.

The cultivation of fig peach is based on the following operations:

  • watering and fertilizing;
  • formation and annual sanitary pruning;
  • pest prevention and;
  • protected from freezing.

The fan formation of the fig peach provides light flow to each leaf working for the harvest. In the future, the tree needs sanitary and thinning pruning. Pruning should ensure a fan arrangement of branches. They are left no longer than 50 cm. Each stump cut into a ring is treated with garden varnish on a dry cut.

Peach feeding begins in the second year after rooting. In spring, mineral and organic are required. After harvesting, winter hardiness should be increased by feeding the tree with potassium-phosphorus mixtures. Before winter, you can insulate the roots with manure placed in the circle around the trunk without touching the trunk. Digging the tree trunk circle will saturate the soil with oxygen.

Spraying the tree four times in the spring with a 1% solution of copper sulfate will destroy overwintering spores and mycelium. The treatment schedule is usual - after the snow melts, by buds, before flowering and after.

Varietal diversity of the crop

Let's look at some varieties common in the regions of Russia.

The tree is not tall, the harvests are regular. Resistant to major diseases of flat peaches. The fruits are smooth, the weight of one berry is 180 g, sweet juicy, the color of the pulp is cream.

The tree is low, early fruiting. The yield is immediate. The fruits weigh 140-150 grams, have a pleasant, sweet and sour taste.

Rich taste small stone, a good harvest - what more could a gardener wish for! The weight of round saucers is 80-120 grams. The variety does not like transportation and is not stored for long.

The large-growing variety Saturn of American selection was bred back in 1820, but is loved by gardeners from all countries for its outstanding qualities.

Modern varieties of fig peaches include several columnar varieties that are easy to cover for the winter. But in the Moscow region they lack warmth and light to develop their taste. The tender tree is already being cultivated in Voronezh.

Video about Belmondo fig peach

The plant world amazes not only with the splendor of its color palette, but also with the variety of fruit shapes. One of these amazing fruits with an unusual shape for this fruit, reminiscent of a fig, is the fig peach.

What kind of fruit is this and where does it grow?

Fig peach is the fruit of the peach tree of the Rosaceae family, subgenus Almond. Its difference from the almond tree is its fruit. The birthplace of this unusual flat peach is considered to be China, where the wild species is still found - the progenitor of the cultivated fig peach, which is the creation of human hands, and this species does not exist in nature.

It also has other names - Chinese peach, Chinese turnip,Ferghana peach, in Asia it is called fig-shaftalu, and in Europe it is called donut(due to its donut-like shape once the pit is removed). It appeared in Europe in the first half of the 19th century, and the first description of this fruit dates back to 1820.

The fruit is grown in the countries of Central Asia: western China, in the eastern regions of the former Soviet republics. In our country, it is grown in the Transcaucasian region and in the south of Russia. This culture does not require any special rules agricultural technology, and caring for a flat peach is the same as for other garden crops.

Peach trees, including figs, prefer places illuminated by the sun, but inaccessible to blowing winds. It is distinguished by its high resistance to cold and is immune to many diseases. The fruit has several varieties, differing in size, color and ripening time.

The shape of the flattened fruit gave rise to the name of this fruit., which has nothing to do with figs and is not a hybrid crossed with it. Peach does not cross with fig, but it can be successfully crossed with plum and apricot. Although the fruits have a flattened shape, uncharacteristic of a peach, they have a true peach taste and aroma.

The Chinese peach tree can reach a height of 5 m. It has a characteristic spreading and dense crown with elongated oval-shaped leaves of a rich green color. Flowering with light pink flowers, like rose hips, begins in the second ten days of April or in May (for areas with colder climates). The fruit easily tolerates light frosts.

Peaches are very similar in shape to figs, but are larger in size. Their width reaches 5-7 cm, and their weight on average ranges from 90 to 120 grams. The round shape of the fruit is flattened, the upper part is slightly depressed, and a groove is clearly visible on the side.

The color of the skin can range from pale yellow to dark red. Under the thick skin, the yellowish pulp is very juicy, sweet, with a pronounced honey flavor and rich fruity aroma.

The dense skin of the fruit is covered with a delicate fluff, characteristic of all ordinary peaches, but there is much less of it. The bone is very small. Another feature of it is that it has an equally juicy and sweet taste from the skin to the pit, which is what distinguishes it from ordinary round peaches, in which the flesh loses its taste closer to the pit. The disadvantage of these fruits is their inability to be stored for long periods of time.

Fig peach has many varieties.

  • Variety "Ufo-3". The peach tree of this variety reaches 2-3 m in height. The fruits, weighing about 110 g, are pink in color; the juicy pulp may contain thin veins.
  • Variety "Vladimir". This variety is distinguished by its resistance to cold and disease. Flat peaches are light in color with a subtle blush on the sides and have creamy, sweet flesh. The fruits are large - can reach 180 g. This early ripening variety, arriving by the first days of August.
  • Columnar fig peach– a low-growing variety with early fruiting, the harvest of which ripens at the same time. The color of peaches is deep red, and the weight can reach 130-150 g.


  • Nikitsky flat– is also a low-growing variety with a dense crown, which is often perceived as a tall shrub. Resistance to cold allows it to be grown in areas with harsher climates. The weight of the fruit with a reddish tint reaches 90-110 g. This peach has very delicate flesh of a light cream color with a juicy and sweet taste.
  • Variety "Saturn". This tree begins to bear fruit quite early. Reaches great heights, brings a stable harvest, ripening by the second ten days of August. A peach weighing up to 100 g has a yellowish tint and a light pink blush on the sides.

Composition and calorie content

The composition of fig peaches is characterized high content useful elements, and the amount of vitamins in them significantly exceeds their number in ordinary peaches. Among them are ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, almost all B vitamins, and vitamin B17 is also present in the bone. In addition, vitamins H, K and E are present.

For 100 g of Chinese peach there is:

  • retinol RE – 83 mcg;
  • beta-carotene – 0.5 mg;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1) – 0.04 mg;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.08 mg;
  • pantothenic acid – 0.2 mg;
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6) – 0.06 mg;
  • vitamin C – 10 mg;
  • folic acid (vitamin B9) – 8 mcg;
  • vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) – 0.7 mg;
  • RR NE – about 0.8 µg;
  • alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E TE) – up to 1.1 mg.

100 g of fruit also contains carbohydrates (about 14 g), proteins (about 4 g), no fat, and water is about 86 g. In addition, fig peach contains fiber (about 2 g), sucrose (about 8 g ), pectins, acids of organic origin (citric, tartaric, quinic and malic), fixed oils, and in the stone - almond and essential.

Mineral salts are represented by potassium, of which there is quite a lot (363 mg), phosphorus, calcium, sodium (approximately 30 mg each) and small amounts of iodine, sulfur and chlorine (from 2 to 6 mg).

Of the microelements, the most is copper (50 mg), in small quantity contains iron, zinc and manganese (0.1 to 0.6 mg) and very little fluorine (0.02 mg).


The rich composition of vitamins, minerals and other elements allows us to speak O beneficial properties and health benefits of fig peach.

  • Its daily consumption has a preventive effect against the emergence, expansion and growth of cancerous formations (especially lung and cervical tumors) due to the content of beta-carotene, vitamin A and vitamin B17 (amygdalin) in peach.
  • The presence of fiber ensures, when consumed systematically (three times every seven days), the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fiber lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Vitamin E protects against the occurrence of coronary disease and arthritis.
  • Vitamins A and C support visual health and reduce the risk of cataracts.
  • Vitamin C has a strengthening effect on the immune system and protects against colds and viral infections.
  • Due to its high potassium content, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, preventing the occurrence of strokes, heart attacks, and stabilizing blood pressure. Vitamin K strengthens the walls of capillary vessels, affects brain functions, taking part in the memory process.
  • Reduces the risk of prostatitis in men, while improving sexual function.
  • It has antidepressant properties, reduces irritability and nervousness in stressful situations, having a calming effect on work nervous system.
  • Eating fig peaches during pregnancy eases the course of toxicosis, relieving nausea, and during breastfeeding, with moderate consumption, it is beneficial for the baby, saturating it with vitamins through milk.

  • Indispensable for weight loss diets, as it actively participates in carbohydrate metabolism due to its vitamin H content.
  • Vitamin K improves liver function.
  • Oils obtained from fig peach seeds are widely used in cosmetology: in creams and masks that moisturize, rejuvenate and smooth out facial skin wrinkles.
  • It has an effect on balancing the functioning of the body as a whole thanks to the iron contained in the flat peach.
  • When used in children's diet, it reduces their hyperactivity.
  • The high water content prevents dehydration, which in turn causes fatigue.

The use of this fruit is especially useful for people suffering from frequent constipation and flatulence, as well as for children to invigorate immune system. In addition, Chinese peaches help maintain healthy teeth, heal the skeletal system, protect against the formation of kidney stones and rejuvenate the body.


At undoubted benefit Fig peach also poses a risk of harm when consumed. This primarily applies to the category of people who have a special intolerance to the flat peach. The large amount of sucrose contained in it excludes the possibility of its use in case of illness diabetes mellitus.

In case of individual intolerance, an allergy may occur, manifested in the appearance of:

  • mild to moderate itching;
  • swelling of the throat, mucous membranes oral cavity and nose;
  • rhinitis and sneezing;
  • pain in the eyes and redness of the whites;
  • nausea and vomiting, stomach dysfunction;
  • dry cough

In order for the fig peach to benefit when consumed, you need to choose it carefully when purchasing.

  • Strong and pleasant aroma speaks about the quality and freshness of the fruit. A low-quality peach has no smell or has a slight sour smell.
  • On ripe peaches, with light pressure, a small dent appears on the skin, which gradually disappears, which does not happen with unripe fruits with hard flesh.
  • Perfectly round and very large fruits indicate that chemicals were used in their cultivation.
  • The skin should not have wormholes or rotten spots.
  • The presence of purple or purple veins on the skin or pulp of blue color indicates the presence of a disease in the fruit - consuming it is dangerous to health.
  • Store flat peaches in a cool room.

Peaches, including fig peaches, are consumed primarily as a dessert or treat in fresh, frozen or canned form. After heat treatment it retains more than 30% of the contents useful substances, which allows you to prepare it for the winter. Fig peaches retain their flavor especially well when covered in syrup (no need to boil them) and sealed in jars.

It is most beneficial to eat flat peaches before meals (35-40 minutes) fresh or in a fruit salad. It is better for a child to eat no more than two peaches per day. Daily use 2-4 flat peaches will help eliminate vitamin deficiency, and if you feel normal, 1-3 fruits are enough.

Fig peaches are widely used in cooking for cooking fruit salads and sauces, they go well with other ingredients in fish and meat dishes. Special taste gives the fruit added to oatmeal porridge, yoghurts, ice cream. They can also be added to confectionery dishes and baked goods.

In recent years, yellow-orange or reddish fruits of an unusual flattened shape can be increasingly seen on supermarket shelves. This fruit, which until recently seemed like a curiosity, but has now become a completely familiar delicacy, is called a fig peach.

Features of fig peach: description, properties, calorie content

Peach trees of this species grow in the western part of China, Iran, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean (Spain, France, Italy, Turkey, Morocco). This type of fruit tree is becoming increasingly common in homestead farms in the Crimea, Transcaucasia and the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine.

For a long time, Iran was considered the birthplace of this fruit, and even the name “peach” came from the ancient name of this country - Persia. However, in fact, the birthplace of the flat peach is China, from where this species came first to Central Asia, and then to Europe and America.

Contrary to its name, as well as the erroneous belief that it is supposedly a variety of peach crossed with a fig, the flattened peach has nothing to do with figs. Unusual fruits are not a hybrid of peach and fig, since it is in principle impossible to cross these two species. The peach is also not at all similar in shape or color to the fruits of the fig tree. But these fruits actually look a bit like flattened dried figs. Perhaps it was precisely for this similarity that the fig peach began to be called that way.

It is also still often possible to hear such names for this flattened fruit as Chinese turnip, Chinese saucer, and Fergana peach. These fruits can be called differently, but we are talking about the same fruit.

A flat peach, whose shape actually vaguely resembles a turnip, is practically the same in weight as the usual round peaches: the saucer-shaped fruits reach up to 7 centimeters in diameter and weigh 80-120 grams. The skin of the fruit is dense, slightly pubescent, and has a wide range of shades: from creamy yellow to red-burgundy. The great advantage of this species is the very small, in contrast to ordinary fruits, stone, which is easily separated from the pulp.

Fragrant juicy pulp has a white or cream, less often yellow color, delicate consistency, fibrous structure and pleasant taste: fruits are sweet, with a slight sourness.

An attractive feature of fig peaches is that the flat fruits have the same flavor both at the skin and near the pit.

If the fruit pulp round shape, which has a richer taste closer to the skin, loses its flavor a little near the pit taste qualities, then the taste of a flat peach will not disappoint: it is the same throughout the fruit.

For those who monitor their health and weight, and count the calorie content of foods, it will be interesting to know what the fig peach is good for and what its calorie content is. If you decide to eat a fig peach, the benefits will be undoubted: its fruits are rich in carotene (provitamin A), vitamins E, PP, C, K, group B and many mineral elements. The pulp of the fruit contains calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other trace elements, as well as pectins and organic acids.

The calorie content of a flat peach is only 60 kcal, so it will be an excellent lunch or afternoon snack for those who are used to watching their figure. Fig peaches can be eaten not only fresh. Fruits having low calorie content, will excellent option for preservation for the winter. You can use them to make aromatic jam, jam, compote, or make canned fruits in sugar syrup.

Today you can not only buy peach-figs in any supermarket, but also try to grow them in your own garden. Nurseries in the southern regions are already offering to purchase seedlings of this tree, the fruits of which were quite recently a curiosity.

Growing: planting and care

Currently, several varieties of fig peaches are known, and there are also columnar varieties. This species is characterized by late flowering, which avoids freezing of buds and buds during spring frosts. The fruits ripen in mid-August. The peach tree is medium-sized and has a fairly spreading crown when young. The medium-sized leaves are lanceolate and light green in color. The flowers are large and attractive pink.

The agricultural technology for growing fig peaches is practically no different from growing conventional peach trees. If you see seedlings of this tree for sale in your region, remember several important points:

Trees can be planted in the ground in early spring or early autumn. Caring for peach trees involves using standard agrotechnical practices: regular watering during the dry period, fertilizing with mineral (nitrogen) fertilizers during spring digging of the soil, applying organic fertilizers every 2-3 years, spraying the crown as a preventive measure for diseases and pests. Fig peach is affected by diseases:

Particular attention should be paid to the formation of the crown of a young tree, carrying out annual pruning. The crown is formed in such a way as to avoid crossing of large branches. Usually, a few of the most well-developed and evenly distributed shoots are left, shortening them annually. Dry and damaged branches are also pruned. Fruit formation occurs on new shoots.

In its homeland, China, the peach tree has long been considered the tree of life, symbolizing longevity and even immortality. The Chinese value not only peach fruit, but also the wood from which fancy bowls are made self made. Young branches of peach trees serve as New Year's decorations in this country.

Place of growth: Central Asia.

Botanical description

The distinctive feature of the fruit is unusual shape(oblate). By appearance a flat peach resembles a fig, although it has nothing to do with figs. This fruit also differs in that its taste is more uniform than that of its counterparts. The length of the fruit is 7 cm, and its weight is approximately 120 grams.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Fig peach is very healthy due to its high content of vitamins, such as:

  • C (helps strengthen the immune system),
  • H (plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism),
  • K (needed for healthy work liver, strengthens capillary walls),
  • E (has an antioxidant effect, helps cells recover),
  • beta-carotene (preventative against lung cancer, cervical cancer),
  • B17 and other B vitamins

In addition, this fruit contains valuable substances: calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus.

Calorie content of fig peach is 60 kcal, fat - 0 g, protein - 1 g, carbohydrates - 14 g.

Fig peach varieties

The following varieties of fig peach are very popular among gardeners:


Peach "Saturn" - this variety was created by American breeders. Mid-August is the time of fruit ripening. They differ excellent taste, frost resistance, in addition, the sale of this variety is very profitable. Appearance: original flat shape(flattened), red blush over the entire area of ​​the fruit. Weight: about 100g. Reviews about the Saturn peach are positive. The cost of one seedling reaches 600 rubles.


Fig peach “Vladimir”. At the beginning of August, you can already collect the first fruits. These fig peaches are large, as their weight reaches 180g. The “Vladimir” variety can be distinguished from other peaches if you look closely at its appearance: the white skin with a red blush, creamy flesh, and flattened shape are not easy to miss. It is called the most resistant to diseases and frost, so its distribution range is large. Reviews about these fruits are positive. They advise you to take it. The cost of one seedling averages 250 rubles.

Nikitsky flat

Nikitsky flat peach. The tree has a spreading crown and bears fruit in mid-August. The weight of a peach can reach 120g! Original in appearance, like all fig varieties, there is a slight blush. But what's inside will please you greatly. Tender, white-cream flesh, juicy, sweet, tender. Given certain conditions, even an inexperienced gardener can cope with cultivation. The fee for such a seedling will be about 800 rubles.

Sweet cap

The Sweet Cup fig peach has a great advantage: it begins to bear fruit quickly. The yield is high, and the weight of the fruit is large, compared to other varieties, approximately 150g. Peach "Sweet Cup" will appeal to those who like fruits with sourness. But the “sourness” does not spoil the taste, but rather improves it. The flesh is white, soft, and the skin is burgundy. The cost of a fig peach seedling is about 700 rubles.

Useful properties and contraindications

Fig peaches are very healthy, as they have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. What are the benefits of these fruits?

  • Regular consumption of fig peaches helps prevent the occurrence, spread and development of cancer cells.
  • If you consume this fruit 3 times a week, intestinal function will be normalized, there will be no heartburn, due to high content fiber inside the pulp.
  • Fig fruits will help strengthen the immune system, prevent colds and viral diseases.
  • During stress, fruits improve the functioning of the nervous system - good antidepressants.
  • The risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system can be prevented by periodically eating peaches - they contain a large number of potassium After all, potassium stabilizes arterial pressure, preventing heart attacks and strokes.
  • This fruit is a friend to everyone who wants to lose weight. Its calorie content is low, but the feeling of hunger will not haunt you for a long time.
  • The fruit is useful for men - it prevents prostatitis and has a beneficial effect on sexual function.
  • Use during breastfeeding or is good for the child. Since vitamins are passed along with mother's milk. But expectant mothers should not overuse fig fruits.

Despite the fact that this fruit is healthy. People suffering from diabetes should eat it in limited quantities due to the high sugar content.

Rarely, individual intolerance to these fruits may occur. Even less often, an allergy may occur, but if symptoms appear, such as:

  • Itchy skin
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose or larynx
  • Runny nose, sneezing
  • Cough
  • Vomiting, nausea, or stomach problems
  • Pain in the eyes, redness of the whites

You should consult a doctor and stop eating these fruits.

Planting seedlings

Planting seedlings is a complicated matter. First of all, you need to choose a good seedling that will bring a bountiful harvest. To do this you need when purchasing:

  1. Ask the seller if the tree is suitable for planting in a particular area.
  2. Carefully examine the root system of the seedling, look at the color of the wood under the bark (the wood should be green).
  3. Where the seedling was cut was smooth, dry, without any damage.
  4. It is advisable that the tree from which the seedling is cut is an annual one.

Next, they begin to select a specific plot of land for planting a seedling. The plant loves warmth, which means it needs to be planted in a place where it is sunny, there is no shade or wind. Groundwater should be present at a depth of no more than 3 meters. Do not plant trees in areas where melons and strawberries grew. The best time to plant fig peaches is in early spring or early fall.

Step-by-step instruction“How to plant fig peach?”:

  1. First, you need to fertilize the soil with organic (such as peat, manure, silt) and mineral (phosphorite flour, potassium nitrate) fertilizers. Humus is suitable when trees are planted in early autumn.
  2. Water the soil generously with water.
  3. Then you need to dig a medium-sized hole, plant a seedling, bury the roots and a small part of the trunk.
  4. Take 2 buckets of water. Pour them into the soil, and later fertilize the soil with manure.
  5. After 24 hours, the fig peach should be treated with special means to avoid pest attacks.

Caring for Fig Peach

The seedling needs to be watered 2 times a week. 2-3 buckets will be enough. At good care and by watering the tree will bear fruit abundantly. You also need to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers, and sometimes spray it with mixtures against harmful insects. During the bud formation phase, it is imperative to fertilize the seedling with urea, kemira, etc. about 30-40 g for each tree. On July 15-20 it is necessary to feed the fig peach again: 50g. phosphorus-potassium mixture, about 25g. superphosphate and potassium sulfate. When fruits appear on the tree, the number of fertilizing should be increased to 3. You can fertilize with organic fertilizers several times a year - in autumn or spring.

Crown formation

It is worth forming the crown a year after planting. To ensure that the crown has a cup-shaped shape, trim it in the first month of March. Step-by-step instructions on how to make this form:

  1. Trim small side shoots. Their length should be less than 40-50 cm.
  2. Form a tree trunk. The stem is the lower part of the trunk up to the first branches.
  3. After the trunk there should be 3–6 branches left. They are the basis of the future crown; they are called first-order branches. There should not be a trunk higher than them.
  4. Then shoots of the first order grow from shoots of the first order. Their length is no more than 50-60 cm. The remaining branches should be cut into a ring.
  5. Fruiting shoots (which create a harvest) are formed on the skeletal branches. The length is 15-20 cm, anything longer is cut off.

In cold areas, it is best to grow fig peach in bush form as it is easier to protect the tree from frost. In order for the seedling to take on the shape of a bush, you need:

  1. Form an above-ground mass of 5-10 strongest branches.
  2. Remove the remaining branches.
  3. Leave the new shoots on the old ones, as they will soon form a harvest.

Method of forming “Fruit link”:

  1. Bend one of the branches towards the ground and close it for the winter.
  2. Plant trees at a distance of 2 m between rows and 0.5 m between trees in a row. The branches have not been cut for 1 year.
  3. After 2 years (in April), it is necessary to cut off all the branches at a height of 10 cm from the ground, while leaving the 2 strongest branches (one of them is a spare one), located closest to the soil. Later on these 2 branches - thinning, that is, remove excess side shoots.
  4. After leaf fall, cut off the spare branch, leaving the 2 lower branches.
  5. After a year, the branch that has already borne fruit needs to be cut off. But the spare branch, which was cut earlier, forms new harvest. Every year one branch bears fruit, and then another comes to replace it.

Diseases and pests

Fig peaches are (most often) susceptible to the following diseases: coccomycosis, powdery mildew, hole spot, and sometimes leaf curl.

  1. Coccomycosis. Sign of the disease: the formation of red spots on the leaves, as a result of which the leaf dies. You need to fight coccomycosis like this: spray the leaves chemicals, which destroy plant fungus and are called fungicides. Bordeaux mixture or sulfur color is suitable for spraying.
  2. Powdery mildew. Sign: appearance white plaque on the leaves. This disease is dangerous because the fruits of the plant are affected, stop growing and gradually die. How to save a tree? Remove all affected leaves. Change the top layer of soil. Water the soil generously with water containing certain preparations and thoroughly spray the fig peach. Fungicides to combat powdery mildew- these are Topaz, Acrobat MC, Fundazol and Vitaros. Also common folk remedies to prevent this disease. For example, mustard solution. To make it you will need 10 liters of water and 2 tbsp. mustard (dry). This mixture can be sprayed and watered on the tree.
  3. Hole spot. Brown spots with a crimson edging form on the leaves. Then the leaves die. As with powdery mildew, remove infected leaves and branches. And then seal the cut areas with a solution of lime and copper or iron sulfate. Next spring or autumn, spray the trees with Bordeaux mixture.
  4. Leaf curl. Signs: curvature of the leaves, the formation of a white coating, change in the color of the leaves, then they turn brown and fall off. To prevent peach, use Horus, Bayleton or Topsin M. When the tree is sick, it is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate.

In addition to these diseases, there is another danger: insects. Aphids, weevils, mites, fruit moths and oriental codling moths are the most common pests. They need to be dealt with quickly to avoid crop loss. Aphids do not tolerate a solution of Bordeaux mixture (1% or 2%) and dandelion infusion. Weevils do not like lime milk for whitewashing. You can spray the tree with this product or whiten the trunk. Colloidal sulfur, whitewashing the trunk, pruning trees, and keeping the area clean will help remove mites. If you thoroughly spray a peach with chlorophos, the oriental codling moth and fruit moth are unlikely to appear on it.
