Watermelon juice is a delicate sweetness with medicinal properties. Successful recipes for preparing watermelon juice for the winter

At the end of summer and autumn, adults and children enjoy juicy, sweet and fragrant watermelons. But not everyone knows how beneficial watermelon juice is: it contains many vitamins and nutrients. Before drinking this drink, it is recommended to consult a doctor so as not to harm your health.

Useful qualities of juice

Watermelon juice contains vitamins A, C and group B. It contains ascorbic and folic acids, as well as minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Watermelon juice contains a high concentration of water, so it can be considered a natural diuretic. Thanks to this quality, you can easily get rid of excess fluid in the body. This drink is useful for women to drink during pregnancy and menstruation to relieve swelling.

Watermelon juice contains folic acid, sugar and pectin. It is often recommended for people suffering from joint diseases, as this drink has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is useful to drink for vitamin deficiency, anemia, thyroid diseases and type 2 diabetes. For cystitis and prostatitis, drinking this drink will help get rid of painful sensations.

Watermelon contains the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which gives the pulp its red color. At regular use watermelons reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This antioxidant can protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, aging and wrinkles. This substance may also prevent the development of oncological diseases if you drink 1 glass of watermelon juice every day.

Drinking watermelon juice can benefit not only adults, but also children, but only after they turn 1 year old. You can start with a few spoons, gradually increasing the volume to 1 glass. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly monitor the child’s condition; if side effects appear, then stop using this juice.

How to prepare juice and consume it?

How to make watermelon juice? To prepare juice from the striped berry, you must first wash it, chop it and remove the seeds. The red pulp is placed in a juicer and the juice is squeezed out. If you don’t have a juicer, you can also use a blender. If desired, you can then strain the drink through a fine strainer or drink it with pulp.

It is advisable to make juice and drink it immediately; after storage, all the beneficial qualities disappear. You should drink the drink in small sips about an hour before meals. It should not be combined with food, otherwise it will not have time to be absorbed and will cause strong fermentation, which will provoke gas formation.

You can add apple, currant, cranberry or melon juice to watermelon juice. This will help diversify your diet and enrich your body with many useful elements. Those who want to lose weight can have a watermelon fasting day. During the day, drink a glass of watermelon juice every hour.

The recipe for making boiled watermelon juice is especially popular. This process is quite lengthy; the liquid is evaporated many times until the volume is reduced and filtered. As a result we get viscous liquid, light brown in color, very similar to honey. This sweet mass can be used as a medicine.

To enjoy this drink all year round, you can prepare watermelon juice for the winter. The easiest recipe is to freeze it in freezer, pre-pouring into small molds. But this will not be enough, so this nutritious drink can be canned.

To the recipe canned juice includes watermelon pulp, sugar and citric acid. 10 kg of prepared pulp is crushed using a blender, the resulting puree is filtered and placed on the stove over low heat. 300 g of sugar and 10 g of citric acid are added to the resulting juice. You need to boil the drink for about 5 minutes until the sugar dissolves. The finished fruit drink is poured into prepared jars and hermetically sealed with lids.

Another recipe for preparing it for the winter - in a juicer, the juice obtained by evaporation will be sweeter. Pour water into the juicer according to the instructions, place the prepared pulp in it and place the container on the stove. Place a clean jar under the juicer; as soon as it is filled, roll it up with a lid. Banks should be stored in a cool place.

There is 1 more recipe for how to cook healthy fruit drink from watermelon. The fruit is peeled and seeds removed, the red pulp along with the white part is cut into pieces and passed through a juicer. Cranberries are also added there; for 6 kg of pulp you will need 1 cup of berries. The resulting mixture is placed on low heat and 300 g of sugar is added. When the mixture boils, add 2 g of cinnamon powder to it and cook for about 5 minutes. The finished juice is poured into sterilized jars and covered with lids.

This recipe makes watermelon juice even more healthy, thanks to cranberries, which contain many vitamins and can stabilize blood pressure. You can enjoy winter healing drink and prepare various things from it dessert dishes, such as jelly or jelly.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the many useful qualities, watermelon juice also has its contraindications. It should not be taken by those who have kidney stones or gallbladder, especially if they are large. The stones can start to move, which is painful and very dangerous. This drink stimulates the intestines, so it is contraindicated in the presence of adhesions in the intestines.

It is not recommended to use juice for urinary incontinence and pancreatitis. Breastfeeding women should use it with caution; the drink can cause colic in the baby. If you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before drinking watermelon juice.

Watermelon juice rich in vitamins and useful minerals, it can improve mood and support immunity not only in summer, but also cold winter. A properly prepared drink can completely replace the main breakfast. But you should not abuse it, so as not to harm your health.

With its own unique aroma, but this large striped berry offers much more health benefits and can surprise you with its mass. useful properties.

Who can resist a juicy slice on a hot summer day? For many people, this is a safe way to enjoy dessert since watermelon is a low-calorie berry.

Research conducted around the world suggests that herbal products, such as watermelon, may reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, as well as increase energy and improve complexion.

Health Benefits of Watermelon Juice

It is also a source of protein and carbohydrates, and. Watermelon contains, and natural sugars. Does not contain fats or, and contains limited quantities.

Blood Pressure: Potassium and magnesium, along with the acids in watermelon, work together to support health blood vessels and maintain smooth blood flow. Watermelon can also help maintain proper electrolyte and acid balance, which are important for a stable level blood pressure. The berry has the ability to reduce blood pressure in overweight people.

Asthma: Some studies suggest that the risk of developing asthma is lower in people who consume large quantity certain nutrients, including vitamin C. As mentioned above, watermelon contains vitamin C.

Heart Health: Help support arteries and stimulate good blood flow, which promote healthy cardiovascular function. Watermelon contains amino acids. The fruit also contains beta-carotene as well as vitamin C, which helps lower cholesterol levels.

Weight loss: The berry is low in calories and contains no fat. The fact that watermelon contains about 90 percent water helps you feel full quickly and avoid overeating.

Skin: Hydration is important for the face and since watermelon contains water, it is recommended to drink watermelon juice drinks regularly. The vitamin A in berries also promotes cell repair and helps maintain healthy skin and hair. Vitamin C helps the process of collagen production, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, there are also benefits of drinking watermelon juice. Eating watermelon during pregnancy reduces swelling and helps get rid of heartburn and morning sickness. Key nutrients found in watermelon reduce pre-eclampsia by as much as 50 percent. Since watermelon contains vitamins A, C and, as well as potassium and magnesium, it cannot harm the body of a pregnant woman. All these vitamins are very important for the development of a child’s brain, nervous and immune systems.

Kidney health: The berry has a diuretic effect. It stimulates kidney function and reduces uric acid in the blood. The product helps the liver process ammonia, which significantly reduces the load on the kidneys by eliminating excess fluid.

Cancer: Research is ongoing, but some nutrients found in watermelon are known to be beneficial in inhibiting the development of certain types of cancer cells.

Eye health: it turns out that it’s not the only one good food for our eyes. Watermelon juice also affects eye health. This product is great source beta carotene.

Included of this product contained a large number of. Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals, which can cause inflammation and problems such as arthritis, asthma, stroke, cancer and heart disease. To get the maximum amount of nutrients and useful substances With this berry, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed juice from ripe and aromatic fruits.

Chemical composition

The product is low-calorie with almost complete absence of fat.

The product contains a large amount dietary fiber, sugars, natural water, organic acids, vitamins (, C, group B, A, beta-carotene) and (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium).

Contraindications for use

This product has both benefits and harm to the body, if you do not take into account contraindications before use. Freshly squeezed watermelon juice is contraindicated:

  • people with severe disease of the prostate and pancreas;
  • people with pyelonephritis and diabetes mellitus.

Watermelon juice in cooking

Watermelon juice and watermelon rinds often used in cooking to make sherbet, jelly, ice cream, cocktails, creams, sauces and even marinades.

To prepare watermelon juice at home, you need to take a freshly picked ripe watermelon, wash it, cut it in half, separate the pulp and pass it through a juicer. How to make watermelon juice from pulp without a juicer? The pulp can be beaten in a blender or, as a last resort, grated. Ready puree squeeze through cheesecloth or grind through a fine sieve. You can add ice cubes to the finished juice.

How to make watermelon juice for the winter and at the same time preserve the maximum amount of useful and nutritious nutrients of the berry? To do this, you need to boil the juice, boil for twenty minutes and quickly roll it into jars or roll it into bottles (glass).

To extend the shelf life of the drink, it can be frozen. How to make ice? Pour watermelon juice into special ice containers and place in the freezer. Ready ice can be added to cocktails, sorbets, or used as a rejuvenating and nutritious ice for facial care.

Another method of preserving watermelon juice is canned boiled watermelon juice at home. To prepare watermelon juice for the winter, you need to take two liters of ready-made freshly squeezed juice, pour it into a juicer and cook for at least five hours. There is no need to add any additional preservatives. To be on the safe side, you can add one aspirin tablet per liter to the boiled drink before rolling.

Another option for preserving this product for the winter is watermelon juice syrup. The recipe for making watermelon juice syrup requires only watermelons. Watermelon juice should be boiled for at least two hours, stirring in a juice cooker or saucepan over very low heat. Pass the watermelon juice syrup through cheesecloth. The resulting mass can be boiled again and quickly rolled up, or you can prepare another aromatic dish- This is watermelon syrup-honey. What is the name of watermelon juice? – another popular name is nardek. To prepare nardek, you need to boil the watermelon juice until you get a honey-like thick consistency. You just need to be careful so that the mass does not burn.

In watermelon juice there is a recipe for the winter - for preparation you will need one and a half kilograms of tomatoes, a liter of freshly squeezed watermelon juice, seven cloves, five sprigs, one tablespoon, two and a half spoons of sugar, one dessert spoon or vinegar essence. The recipe for the winter is intended for a three-liter bottle. Pre-wash the tomatoes and prepare the remaining ingredients. Place two cloves of garlic, a sprig of celery on the bottom of the jar, and pack the tomatoes tightly. Top with remaining celery and garlic. Boil water separately and pour boiling water over the tomatoes three times for ten minutes each time. Separately, boil watermelon juice. Add sugar, salt, vinegar to the juice ( citric acid). While the marinade is boiling, pour it over the tomatoes, quickly roll it up, turn the bottle over, wrap it in a towel or blanket and leave it to steep overnight.

Freshly squeezed watermelon juice can be used in medicine, cooking, dietetics, and cosmetology. The beneficial properties of this product are incredible. Give your body health and beauty.

Watermelon has many beneficial properties. The juice contains various microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Those who want to receive healthy vitamins and minerals during the cold season, you can use recipes for preparing watermelon juice for the winter at home.

The quality of the resulting juice directly depends on the condition of the watermelon. It is not recommended to buy sluggish or unripe berries to prepare the drink.

To harvest, you will need a watermelon weighing no more than 7 kilograms, with light spots on the peel and a dry tail. When tapped, the fruit should make a dull sound. Berry with visible damage and an unclear pattern on the peel is not suitable for harvesting.

It is also necessary to sterilize the containers in which the drink will be stored. For this:

  • the jars are steamed for several minutes;
  • the lids are boiled in boiling water for 5 or more minutes.

If desired, jars can be sterilized in the oven or microwave oven. In the first version, the containers are heated to a temperature of 100 degrees. To sterilize in the microwave, jars should be filled one-third full with water.

Preparing watermelon

Watermelon must be washed under warm water. Dirt that gets inside the can will trigger processes that will soon cause the container to explode or the drink will eventually begin to ferment.

Next, the peel and green rind are removed. The fruit is cut into small pieces, and all the seeds are removed. At the end, you need to grind the pulp (usually a meat grinder is used, but a juicer will do), and strain the resulting mass through a sieve. The remainder should be squeezed out through 3-4 layers of gauze.

It is recommended to squeeze the juice immediately. If the volume of pulp begins to decrease, or flies begin to circle over the berry, the workpiece must be thrown away. It is also not recommended to use watermelon for canning, which long time was in the sun.

Cooking methods

There are several options for preparing watermelon juice suitable for canning. Regardless of the chosen method, it is important to follow the recommendations and recipe given. Failure to comply with any requirements will result in the juice spoiling and the jar will explode. After twisting, the container should be turned upside down and covered until completely cool.

A simple recipe for the winter

To prepare a drink from watermelon pulp, classic recipe, you will need pulp with a total weight of 7 kilograms. You also need to take citric acid (5 grams or a teaspoon) and sugar (200 grams or a glass).

Having prepared watermelon pulp, the latter must be brought to a boil. Then you need to remove the foam that appears and reduce the heat by adding citric acid and sugar. While stirring the juice, the liquid should be brought to a boil again. After this, the composition is kept on low heat for no more than 7 minutes, poured into jars and twisted.

Containers must be stored indoors at room temperature for about 1.5 weeks. If the watermelon juice has not become darker and the jar is not cracked, the containers should be moved to a dark place.

A blended drink is prepared in the same way. To create the latter, you will need 5 liters of watermelon and apple juice.

In a blender

It is easier to prepare watermelon juice in a blender. To do this, you need to place the pulp, a small amount of honey (or powdered sugar), water (ice), other fruits (optional).

The blender is suitable for creating drinks. If you plan to squeeze juices for the winter, the device is used to grind the pulp. After this, the drinks are prepared according to other suitable recipes.

In a juicer

A juice cooker greatly simplifies the process of preparing ingredients for subsequent mixing. The device, in addition to grinding the pulp, additionally pasteurizes the juice. Thanks to this, the latter is ready for twisting after the juicer.

To make watermelon juice for later storage, you need to pour 3 liters of water into the appropriate reservoir of the device, and the pulp into the upper one. The amount of sugar added depends on personal preference. You can omit this ingredient if you wish. After juicing, a very concentrated drink is obtained, and therefore extra sugar will make the juice too sweet.

The device along with the ingredients is placed on the stove. After sufficient heating, the future drink will begin to flow through the tube, which must be immediately poured into sterilized jars.

Without sterilization

Watermelon juice cannot be stored for a long time without sterilization. During this process, microorganisms that cause fermentation of the drink are removed. For getting delicious drink without sterilization it is necessary:

  1. Trim the bottom of the watermelon so that the berry can stand on a flat surface.
  2. Remove the top of the berry where the tail is located.
  3. Use a spoon to scoop out the pulp.
  4. Strain the pulp through a sieve.
  5. In the lower part of the fruit, drill a hole with a diameter of no more than 1 centimeter and insert a faucet.
  6. Pour the liquid obtained by pressing through the sieve back.

If desired, the resulting composition can be frozen in small containers. Yogurt cups or ice trays are suitable for this.

How to store juice?

It is optimal to store blanks in the basement. The drink will remain fresh and the cans will remain intact if the containers are placed in ventilated, dark and cool areas. When the ambient temperature rises inside the container, fermentation processes start. This causes the jars to explode.

Watermelon is almost always on the table in late summer and early autumn. This delicious product Both children and adults love it equally. Watermelon contains many useful substances and microelements; it is actively used in folk medicine, as well as in cosmetology. This product can be eaten as independent dish, but you can cook from it flavored juice or honey

Composition of watermelon juice

Watermelon is pretty low calorie product, 100 g of red pulp contains only about 40 kcal. This indicator may vary slightly depending on the type of watermelon and its degree of ripeness. The redder the watermelon, the more caloric its juice is, this is explained high content different sugars in pulp. Almost all nutritional value is achieved due to carbohydrates, of which watermelon juice contains up to 90%; in addition, the composition contains a small amount of proteins and dietary fiber. But there is absolutely no fat in watermelon juice.

Watermelon juice contains pectins and various organic acids, which normalize metabolism in the body and prevent the deposition of toxic substances. This drink contains vitamins B, PP, A and ascorbic acid. In watermelon juice small quantity Potassium, calcium, folic acid, phosphorus, iron and sodium are present.

Thanks to its composition, watermelon juice helps remove excess fluid and bad cholesterol from the body, and also significantly improves the condition of muscle tissue and makes the skin elastic.

What are the benefits of watermelon juice?

Thanks to its very rich mineral and vitamin composition, watermelon juice can be used in the treatment of certain diseases, which include:

  • Chronic liver and kidney diseases during remission;
  • Intestinal pathologies in which peristalsis is impaired;
  • Atherosclerosis and hypertension. By drinking watermelon juice, you can reduce your blood pressure by 10 points;
  • Urolithiasis disease . It should be borne in mind that watermelon juice can only remove urate and calcium oxalate stones from Bladder. If there are phosphate stones in the urinary organs, there will be no effect from drinking the juice;
  • Chronic constipation. Striped berry juice improves intestinal motility, which normalizes stool;
  • Gout, arthritis and sclerosis. Watermelon juice contains special substances that help remove salts from the body;
  • Chronic circulatory failure;
  • Anemia. In this case, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of watermelon juice per day;
  • Violation of reproductive function. Watermelon contains folic acid, which is necessary for normal conception and pregnancy. Watermelon juice in moderation is beneficial for pregnant and lactating women to drink.

In addition, watermelon juice contains B vitamins, which are necessary for normal operation nervous system. Vitamins of this group help prevent acne and other skin rashes.

Ascorbic acid, which is found in this tasty, tonic drink, prevents premature aging of the body. By drinking watermelon juice regularly, you can maintain youth and attractiveness for a long time.

Harm of watermelon juice

Like any other product, watermelon juice can be harmful if it is not prepared correctly. If a watermelon has small yellowish lumps, similar to lumps ranging in size from 0.3 to 2 cm, then such a product cannot be eaten, nor can it be juiced. The presence of such inclusions indicates that the plant was heavily fertilized with nitrates, which, if ingested, can lead to severe intoxication.

In case of diabetes mellitus, watermelon juice can also be harmful, but only if the patient eats such a product excessively and does not adjust the insulin dosage. For people with type 2 diabetes, you can drink no more than a glass of watermelon juice per day.

Secrets of making watermelon juice

Only a few companies produce watermelon juice, but the taste of such a product is far from a freshly prepared drink. This is why it makes sense to prepare watermelon juice at home yourself.

Preparing fresh juice

To make fresh watermelon juice, you need to prepare one ripe watermelon, some fresh honey and ice cubes. The cooking algorithm looks like this:

  • The watermelon is peeled and cut into small cubes, removing the seeds;
  • Place watermelon cubes in a blender, add a little liquid honey and beat until homogeneous mass. If you want to do more thick juice, then add ice cubes to it;
  • If necessary, the resulting juice is filtered to remove pulp particles.

To make watermelon juice more healthy, you can add a little pomegranate or grape juice to it.

Preparing watermelon juice for the winter

Fresh watermelon juice is stored for only a few days, but if you add certain ingredients to it and boil it, you can prepare the juice for the winter. To prepare watermelon juice for the winter, you need to take the following products:

The juice is squeezed out of the pulp, sugar and citric acid are added to it, then boiled for 5 minutes and quickly rolled into clean jars. This juice can be prepared in pure form or combine with apple juice. Watermelon juice turns out very tasty if black currant juice is added to it.

In addition to juice, you can prepare tasty treatwatermelon syrup, to prepare it take:

  • 700 ml watermelon juice without pulp,
  • 300 g sugar,
  • 5 g citric acid.

The syrup is simmered over low heat until it thickens, after which it is poured into small jars and rolled up.

How to drink watermelon juice correctly?

You should drink watermelon juice in small sips and always an hour before meals. If you drink this juice with food, it will not have time to be absorbed in the body and will ferment, resulting in severe gas formation. You can drink a glass of watermelon juice an hour before each meal. In the event that there are fasting days, drink 1 glass of this juice every hour.

IN summer time It is best to consume freshly prepared juice. Although, if necessary, you can prepare the drink for 2-3 times and store it in the refrigerator.

Watermelon juice is also useful for small children, but in this case the volume should not exceed several teaspoons, while adults can drink up to 3 liters of watermelon juice per day. However, it is worth considering that it is not recommended to give watermelon juice to children under one year of age as complementary foods. It is better to wait until the child’s digestive system and kidneys are fully strengthened and are able to withstand the short-term stress that watermelon juice causes.


  • Individual intolerance to watermelon, which consists of a strong allergic reaction;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • You should drink watermelon juice with caution if you have pancreatitis, kidney stones, or increased gas formation in the intestines.

Video: how to make watermelon juice?

Watermelon juice has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It is advisable to prepare it immediately before use, so the benefits of such juice will be greater. If a large harvest of watermelons has been harvested, you can preserve the tasty and healthy juice or watermelon syrup, which in winter will become a tasty find and an unusual treat for guests.
