What can be prepared from cod briquettes. Baked cod fillet with vegetables. Pink cod in red wine

The cod fish family is represented by several species - pangasius, haddock, and pollock. But the most valuable, both in composition and in cost, is still cod. It is rich in protein and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In addition, fish contains a lot of micro- and macroelements: potassium, iron, zinc. You can prepare cod fillet according to different recipes, but in any case, the dish, like the fish, will definitely turn out delicious.

Oven-baked cod fillet according to a simple recipe with photos

Inventory: knife, board, grater, baking sheet.


How to choose cod fillet

Cod fillets are difficult to distinguish from fillets of less expensive fish: pangasius or pollock. Therefore, it is better to buy it from trusted sellers or cut the carcass yourself.

Tips for choosing frozen fillets:

  • A large amount of ice in the package indicates that it was frozen and thawed several times. In addition, ice is included in the price of the fish.
  • The pieces must be even, twisted and deformed indicate improper storage.
  • There should not be a single bone in the fillet., longer than 2 cm.
  • Yellow and brown spots indicate that the fillet may not be fresh.

If you defrost the fillet in the microwave or hot water, it will become dry. But if you really want fish for dinner, there is one way quick defrost: Place frozen pieces in a sealed bag and immerse in cold water.

Step-by-step preparation

Serve the dish hot with fresh vegetables or with vegetable salad. If desired, sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.


According to this recipe, you can also cook cod fillet in foil in the oven. Wrap the pieces completely in foil and open them a few minutes before they are ready to brown the crust. You can also make some kind of dishes out of foil.- boats. You can serve the fish directly in foil.

How to fry cod fillet in a frying pan

Cooking time: 10-15 minutes.
Number of servings: 3-4.
Inventory: knife, bowl, spoon, frying pan.


Step-by-step preparation

Serve fried fish Can be served both hot and cold. Pieces white fillet spread on lettuce leaves, sprinkle with sesame seeds or black cumin seeds on top. On a plate you can add a sprig of rosemary and a few slices of lemon to drizzle the fish with lemon juice if desired. Although in some restaurants it is fried portioned fish served directly in the pan.


How to deliciously cook cod fillet in a frying pan simple recipe? Just fry it in large quantities oils The fish is so tasty on its own that it does not require any special additions.

Those who carefully watch their figure or adhere to a diet cook cod fillets in a double boiler or in a slow cooker. Boil the cod in a saucepan.

How long to cook cod fillet? The multicooker has a special mode for stewing fish; the timer is set for 17-20 minutes. In a double boiler and in a saucepan, small pieces are cooked in literally 7-10 minutes. Along with the fish, you can cook vegetables in a double boiler or slow cooker: broccoli, cauliflower, pepper or green peas.

Perfect with boiled fish green sauce. For it you need to take any greens (dill, parsley, buzil, cilantro), or even better - a mix of greens. Grind the washed greens in a blender with a clove of garlic and a small amount olive oil.

Subtleties of cooking

Chefs know that salt crystals draw liquid from the fish, causing it to end up dry. Therefore, the fillet is not salted, but immersed in a sugar-salt solution before cooking. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt and sugar in a liter of water and place the fish pieces in this solution for 20 minutes. After this, pat the fillets well with a paper towel.

Cooking cod in the oven is very easy. Chop a large bunch of dill and mix the greens with melted butter. Brush the fish with this mixture and bake until done.

Parmesan and lemon zest will help make the dish restaurant-quality. Grate on fine grater lemon zest and parmesan, chop the parsley. Mix everything, pepper and add a little olive oil. Literally stick this mixture to the cod fillet and bake in the oven in the “Grill” mode for 5-7 minutes.

It is convenient to bake fish on a baking sheet on a vegetable bed. The vegetables will be saturated with fish juices and give their aromas to the fish, and the result will be a complete dish.

As vegetable pillow perfect for:

  • sliced ​​potatoes, zucchini and onions;
  • broccoli or cauliflower;

Unique fish - cod

Delicate taste white meat cod will be appreciated even by those people who don’t really like fish in general. Its equally important advantage is its impressive nutritional properties, since cod is a treasure trove useful microelements And necessary for the body unsaturated fatty acids. Such fish deserves to become a more frequent guest in our kitchen.

Cod is the favorite of Europe

Europeans have long been fans of cod. They eat it a lot in Northern and Western Europe, for example, in Norway. In Great Britain this type of fish is mandatory ingredient fish and chips, a popular dish on the islands. Residents of the eastern part of the Old World, although they are increasingly looking towards cod, are still noticeably behind others in the volume of its consumption.

The most passionate lovers of such fish are the Spaniards and Portuguese. Back in the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of these countries
organized long-distance fishing expeditions across the Atlantic Ocean. Dried and salted cod, marketed as the famous bacalao, was highly praised throughout Europe. In the 19th century, Basque fishermen discovered fishing grounds off the coast of Eastern Canada that were actively exploited for many years. Cod was also intensively fished in the Baltic, where two subspecies live: Atlantic (also known as western) and Baltic (eastern). At the beginning of the 21st century, the population of this fish faced a serious threat. Fortunately, through effective management and regulation of fishing, the alarming trend has been reversed. Currently, there are almost three times more cod swimming in the Baltic Sea than in 2006, and we have the opportunity to enjoy their tasty and healthy meat.

What are the benefits of cod meat?

It is no coincidence that cod is considered one of the most healthy fish. Just 100 grams of its meat covers almost half of the daily protein requirement and provides 100% of the value of valuable selenium. This substance stimulates immune system, protects cells from harmful free radicals.

Unlike many other types of fish, cod is especially rich in iodine. This microelement is necessary for normal operation thyroid gland and is especially needed by women during pregnancy (at about 12 weeks the fetus begins to produce its own thyroid hormones).

Also worth attention in cod high concentration compounds that, when released into the small intestine, are converted into folic acid. It is necessary not only for pregnant women for proper development nervous system fetus, but also to all other adults.

Cod meat contains a solid dose of phosphorus. It is a building material for bones and teeth, participating in the conduction of nerve impulses and maintaining the acid-base balance.

It also contains B vitamins, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, and nervous systems.

Cod meat, like the other sea ​​fish, is an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids. They have a significant effect on reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol, speed up metabolic processes, help the liver cope with toxins, ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system, and increase serotonin levels.

Attention, sensitivity!
People who are prone to allergies should be careful with cod. The fact is that its meat contains amino acids, which are considered strong allergens that can even lead to anaphylactic shock.

What to look for in the store

It is best to give preference to fresh cod - whole or filleted. In the store, fish should be kept on ice, and its surface should be shiny. Equally important is the smell. Environmentalists call for buying fish no shorter than 40 cm, and in the case of fillets - at least 30 cm. Such sizes indicate that the cod was not caught in illegal fishing, which at one time led to the almost extinction of the species.

Frozen cod is most often sold in our stores. In this case, it is worth asking what percentage of the weight is the so-called glaze, that is, the ice cover that protects the fish from spoilage. Sometimes it can reach up to 30%, which becomes an unpleasant surprise after defrosting.

Cod in the kitchen

When processing fresh cod, do not remove the skin. This will prevent the fish from falling apart during cooking. Before frying, frozen cod must be thoroughly defrosted and the resulting water drained.

Tender meat does not require long heat treatment: it is stopped as soon as it loses its characteristic transparency and becomes intensely white.

Cod does not require intensive additives. It goes well with lemon, dill, garlic and olive oil. From raw cod you can prepare, for example, something like this delicious snack. The meat needs to be finely chopped, salt and pepper it, add a little olive oil and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Before serving, the mass is mixed with finely chopped coriander, shallots and a small amount of lemon juice.

More details

Hello dear fans fish dishes🙂 Today I want to tell you about a predator depths of the sea, Her Majesty - cod. In Murmansk, even a monument to this fish is erected in the very center of the city. Therefore, today I will tell you how to cook cod in a frying pan. I will share tips on choosing and cutting fish, as well as photos of delicious recipes :)

Cod is a fairly large fish. The length of the carcass can reach one and a half meters. But stores usually sell fish about 50 cm long. Cod has tasty white meat. And from the liver of fish they get the well-known and healthy fish oil

Calorie content of fresh cod (per 100 g) = 78 kcal. Of these, 17.8 g of protein, 0.7 g of fat, and no carbohydrates

The protein level of this fish is the same as in meat products. At the same time, the protein here is complete with a full set of necessary for human body amino acids. And thanks to its low fat content and lack of carbohydrates, cod is an excellent dietary product. This fish is simply irreplaceable for those who suffer from excess weight and liver problems.

And cod also contains many different “benefits”:

  • vitamins A, B1, B4, B6, B9, C, E, H, etc.;
  • minerals (chrome, iodine, selenium, fluorine, sulfur, calcium, zinc and others);
  • fatty acid.

The meat of this sea predator has a positive effect on blood formation processes, gastrointestinal tract, heart and brain activity. It’s not for nothing that doctors say that you need to eat more sea fish.

How to choose the right cod

To prevent unscrupulous sellers from slipping you low-quality fish, carefully study the characteristics of cod before purchasing it. This fish is sold chilled and frozen.

  1. "Eyes to eyes"- the very first quality test. If the fish has cloudy eyes, put the carcass aside: this is not your option.
  2. Study the gills- if they are brownish with a loose texture, the cod was not stored and transported correctly. A fish that has been transported correctly will have gills that are reddish in color and shiny.
  3. Skin disorders and spots- signs that the fish is not fresh. Also, the product’s 100-year-old origin is evidenced by its dubious aroma.

As for buying frozen fish, this also has its moments. Pay attention to the ice. Numerous cracks in the ice glaze are a sign that the cod has been frozen many times. The color of the ice is also important. Fresh glaze transparent, while the old one has a yellowish tint.

In addition, when purchasing, ask the seller when the fish was caught. Such information is contained in the relevant accompanying documentation. When looking at these “important pieces of paper”, remember the shelf life of the frozen product. At a temperature of 0 degrees, cod can be stored for no more than 2 days. And at –5 degrees, the shelf life of the fish is 2 weeks.

Rules for cutting cod

If you purchased frozen fish, let it thaw. But under no circumstances defrost cod in the microwave or in hot water! The carcass will fall apart, and you will be cooking “porridge”.

Carefully cut off the fish tail and fins. Remove scales from the fish. Cut the belly and remove the entrails. And don’t forget to remove the film - otherwise the dish will taste bitter. Then rinse the cod thoroughly under running cold water. Finally, dry the fish with a paper towel. Don't work with wet meat. On hot frying pan the excess water will begin to sizzle and spray sizzling oil in all directions.

How long to fry cod

This fish cooks quite quickly. Fry the fillet for about 15 minutes. Approximately 5-7 minutes on each side. At this time, I do not recommend covering the dishes with a lid. Afterwards, reduce the heat to low and simmer under the lid for one minute.

You should not cook longer, because if you cook for a long time heat treatment the fish will turn out a little dry. The heat during cooking should be medium.

By the way, here are the recipes that I prepared for you. Catch them, friends :) And I expect from you step by step recipe your his signature dish from cod.

How to fry cod in a frying pan in flour with vegetables

For this dish, stock up on:

  • 0.5 kilos of cod;
  • ¼ cup wheat flour;
  • larger onion;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • carrot;
  • salt + ground black pepper;
  • parsley;
  • lemon;
  • oil for frying.

Pour 3 tbsp into a preheated frying pan. oil and heat it up. Place a clove of garlic cut into slices in a bowl and fry for about a minute.

While the garlic is frying, don’t waste time. Cut the prepared fish into portioned pieces, salt and add spices. Dredge each steak in flour. Remove the fried garlic from the frying pan and aromatic oil fry the fish until golden color. Place the finished fish on a flat plate covered with a paper towel. Us excess fat not needed - let it drain.

Pour a new portion of oil into the frying pan where the fish was fried (a couple of spoons is enough). Place the remaining garlic in hot oil and fry until fragrant. Then remove the garlic from the bowl and add the chopped onion into rings into the frying pan. Fry the onion until slightly golden brown. Then add the grated carrots here and continue cooking for a couple more minutes. Do not forget vegetable mixture add salt and pepper.

Sprinkle the fried fish on top with onions, carrots and chopped herbs. Sprinkle lemon juice over the cod. Serve the fried fish with onions and carrots hot. Great side dish It could be mashed potatoes or boiled rice. An ideal addition For such a meal there will be white semi-dry or dry wine 😉

How to cook cod in a frying pan in sour cream

Products for cooking:

  • 0.5 kilo fish fillet;
  • 2 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 6 tbsp. sour cream or mayonnaise;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • ¼ tsp. ground black pepper.

Place the fillet pieces in a deep bowl, salt and pepper it. Pour sour cream or mayonnaise over the cod. Then place the container with the product in the refrigerator for an hour.

Then roll the pieces of fish, marinated in sour cream or mayonnaise, in flour. And place the cod in a heated frying pan with oil. Fry until delicious crust. It will turn out incredibly tasty, and most importantly the fish will be soft! Prepare it and you will see for yourself.

How to fry cod fillet in a frying pan in batter

Recipe for this gourmet food is:

  • half a kilo of fish;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • ¼ tsp. ground black pepper;
  • tsp salt;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • oil for frying.

Cut the fish into portions. Pepper the meat, add salt and leave it for 30-40 minutes: let it marinate.

To prevent the fish from being dry, prepare a batter. Grate the cheese. Beat the eggs and mix with the cheese, and then add salt to the mixture. Roll the fish in flour, and then in the egg-cheese mixture. After dipping the piece in the batter, place it in a frying pan with hot oil. The heat should be above medium so that the batter sets quickly. Place the fish pieces so that they do not touch each other.

Fry the fish until golden and crispy. After turning off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and keep the fish for a couple of minutes. This way it will turn out tastier and juicier.

And if you want to surprise your guests, cook cod with a white marinade of fennel, leeks and onions. Looks awesome. Watch the video

Valuable addition

Cod meat has a distinct, specific fishy aroma. This is what scares away many people. To get rid of this smell, sprinkle lemon juice on the fish. A similar effect can be achieved by soaking the fillet in vinegar solution. To prepare it, use 2 tbsp. Take a liter of water for 9% vinegar. You can also remove the unpleasant aroma of fish by soaking the product in cucumber pickle or kefir.

Another unpleasant surprise that may await you is that the cod falls apart during cooking. So that you have for dinner delicious food, not fish porridge, prepare the product properly. You need to gently squeeze the fish with your hands and dry it with a paper towel. Cook the cod over medium heat without covering the pan with a lid.

Also, the fish will come out juicier if, after frying, it is stewed with vegetables. Cod goes well with carrots, zucchini, and bell peppers.

Do you like to experiment? Fry the cod in green breading. This fish is prepared without flour. For breading, take a small bunch of parsley and dill, as well as a little vegetable oil. Chop the greens and mix with oil. Roll each piece of fish in this breading and fry. It will turn out amazing! Well, what can I say, cook this dish and taste it :)

I wish you a pleasant appetite. And I say goodbye to you: see you again, my inquisitive cooks.

You can make a lot of healthy and tasty dishes from cod fillets in the oven. This product does not need to be cut; it cooks quickly, which makes the housewife’s work easier in the kitchen. Slightly dry cod proper preparation becomes tender and juicy.

Cod baked in the oven in sour cream can turn out too dry and bland only if the recipe and cooking technology are violated. Knowing how to bake it correctly, you will never encounter such a situation.

  • How fresh cod and the less it is frozen, the juicier the dish made from it will be. Therefore, when choosing a product, you should pay attention to the date of manufacture and the thickness of the ice glaze.
  • Fish should be defrosted at room temperature. This will take a lot of time, but in the end it will allow you to get more juicy dish than from cod defrosted in the microwave.
  • To reduce the content of certain mineral salts in fish, which in large quantities are not very healthy and can give the dish a bitter taste, the thawed carcass can be placed in milk for an hour or two. However, there is no great need for this.
  • Even if you do everything correctly, but overcook the fish in the oven, it will end up tough and dry. Therefore, the cooking time indicated in the recipe should not be exceeded.
  • Cod does not apply strongly oily fish, so with sour cream it turns out especially tasty. Moreover, the fattier the sour cream, the tastier and more tender the baked cod will be. It will be even better if you marinate the fish before cooking.

It is necessary to follow the technology for cooking cod in the oven, but this is not enough to ready dish had impeccable taste. Great importance has a selection of spices, herbs. White and black pepper, thyme, rosemary, parsley, dill, and basil go well with fish. Pleasant aroma gives the dish and lemon zest.

Cod fillet in the oven - Delicious recipes

Cod under a cheese coat


  • cod fillet - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • boiled champignons - 1 can (300 ml);
  • hard cheese - 80 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • raw egg - 1 piece;
  • salt - two pinches;
  • spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. for baking sheet, 2 for frying).

The recipe for cooking cod fillet with cheese in the oven is as follows:

Cook the fish in the usual way, that is, rinse and dry. Rub with spices and salt. Chop the peeled onion into half rings. Fry in a hot frying pan until translucent. Mushrooms, if whole, chop finely and add to ready onions, fry for a couple more minutes. Place the fish on a greased baking sheet, and place the mushrooms and onions on top to form a layer. Mix mayonnaise with egg. Grate the cheese on a grater, preferably a fine one. Cover the fish with a layer of cheese and pour the mayonnaise-egg mixture on top.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a sheet of prepared fillet there. Bake at the indicated temperature for 20 minutes. The cheese under the filling will melt, and the filling itself will thicken and form a crust. You will get a fish under a fur coat.

Serve this cod fillet better whole on large dish. Place the boiled fish around the fish round potatoes, decorate with greenery.

Cod fillet with vegetables in the oven


  • Cod fillet - 100 gr.
  • Onions - 15 gr.
  • Carrots - 15 gr.
  • Zucchini - 15 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 20 gr.
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l
  • Dill - 2 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking method

Prepare the ingredients according to the list: cod, zucchini, onions, carrots, tomatoes, soy sauce, sunflower oil, dill seeds. I have cod in such a piece that you can take the fillet right away. Peel the vegetables and chop thinly. Separate the cod fillet from the bone.

Cut the fillet into portions (2 per serving, food calculations are given for 1 serving). Marinate in a mixture of soy sauce and sunflower oil, adding fresh dill seeds, leave for 15-20 minutes.

Place a layer of onion on a square piece of parchment, put carrots and zucchini on it, sprinkle with oil. Place cod fillet on top. Wrap the parchment in an envelope and place in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. It is better to put the envelopes in a baking dish. After the time has passed, check the fish and vegetables, and readiness will be clear by the spread delicious aroma.

Serve baked cod fillets directly in envelopes, trimming their edges. Additionally, put soy sauce, dill, and butter on the table. Cod fillets can be cooked in the oven in different ways. The proposed recipe is very simple, accessible and not expensive in terms of time or finances.

Cod with broccoli in the oven


  • Cod fillet – 600 grams
  • Potatoes – 600 grams
  • Broccoli – 400 grams
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Sour cream – 200 grams
  • Mustard - 2 teaspoons
  • Lemon juice - To taste
  • Spices - To taste
  • Salt - To taste
  • Black ground pepper- Taste

Cooking method

Cut the fish into pieces. Salt, pepper and sprinkle everything with lemon juice and leave to marinate. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into slices and cook in salted water. Then, once the potatoes are half-cooked, drain the liquid.

Boil the broccoli for two minutes and then drain excess water through a colander.

Now mix the sauce. Add eggs, salt, pepper, mustard (I took French) and spices to the sour cream. It is best to take oregano and fennel. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place potatoes and fish in a baking dish. Then broccoli, and pour the sauce over everything.

Bake for 15 minutes and serve immediately. Bon appetit!

Baked cod with tomatoes, cheese in sour cream


  • Cod fillet - 600−700 gr.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Hard cheese - 50−70 gr.
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Fresh herbs (parsley, dill)
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • You can add seasonings at your discretion


  1. Wash the fish fillet, cut into small pieces, salt, pepper, sprinkle with spices
  2. Place the pieces in a baking dish.
  3. Finely chop the garlic and sprinkle it over the fish.
  4. Coat everything with sour cream on top.
  5. Thinly slice the tomato into halves.
  6. Spread them in a top layer and add salt.
  7. Finely chop the greens.
  8. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  9. Mix cheese and herbs.
  10. Sprinkle the mixture on top.
  11. Place in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Cod in the oven with carrots and onions

Baked cod with marinade in the oven is a dish familiar to many since Soviet times. Marinade is usually called a vegetable mixture of carrots and onions, which during the cooking process does not allow the fish to dry out. The treat comes with simple taste, you can individually supplement it with lemon juice.


  • fish - 500 g;
  • carrots and onions - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, spices for fish;
  • white wine - 100 ml.


  1. Sauté onion half rings and grated carrots in a frying pan.
  2. Add honey and juice of half a lemon.
  3. Pour in wine, simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Place the fish in the form, add salt and pepper.
  5. Place remaining lemon slices on top and distribute vegetable marinade.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes at 200.

Cod fillet baked in the oven with lemon and garlic

To prepare baked cod you will need:

  • Frozen cod fillet - 400−500 g,
  • Salt - to taste.

To marinade fish before baking:

  • Lime or lemon juice - 1 tablespoon,
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • Garlic - 1 clove,
  • Spices, I used Provençal herbs.

To prepare the cod sauce:

  • Fresh tomatoes- 1 large or 2 medium tomatoes,
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves,
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • Lime juice - 1 tablespoon,
  • Fresh herbs- I had parsley, dill would also work well,
  • Dry oregano - a pinch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground pepper - at your discretion.

How to cook tasty fillet

Before cooking, the fish must be defrosted; it is advisable (and best) to do this in the refrigerator in advance. In extreme cases, at room temperature. I had cod fillets from the Barents Sea in a package from Agama, as in the photo, indeed, as stated by the manufacturer, without an ice glaze. After defrosting, the cod fillet remained firm, white with a slightly pink tint.

Before cooking, cod fillet should be salted (I used coarse sea salt) and poured with marinade. I prepared a marinade for fish from vegetable oil, lemon juice, grated garlic and aromatic herbs.

I salted the cod and poured the marinade directly into a deep baking dish. This way there will be less dirty dishes, and the fish will remain juicy when baked.

The marinated cod should sit for at least 15 minutes. If you want to serve this dish hot when guests arrive, you can marinate it in the refrigerator for much longer and put it in the oven at the appointed time.

Baked cod fillets will cook very quickly in the oven. Temperature in a preheated oven 170−180 degrees, cooking time 15−17 minutes.

While the cod fillet is baking in the oven, prepare a sauce for serving the fish from fresh tomatoes, garlic and herbs. Chop the washed tomatoes into cubes, chop the fresh herbs with a knife, and grate the garlic. We combine them in a deep cup, season with lime juice, olive oil, spices and oregano. Delicious vegetable sauce ready from fresh tomatoes!

We transfer the cod pieces to a dish, I had 4 fillets, just enough for 4 people. Place tender baked fillet on top flavorful sauce from fresh tomatoes and serve tasty dish to the table.

I think it's so simple and quick recipe Cooking cod in the oven or any other sea fish will be to your taste.

Fish and potato casserole

When baked in the oven, cod releases a lot of juice. The potato “pillow” absorbs it, and the result is aromatic hearty side dish To fish appetizer.

Will need:

  • 1 kg of potato tubers;
  • 600 g fish fillet;
  • 2 onions;
  • 100 g low-fat mayonnaise;
  • 2 g dried basil;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 15 g fresh parsley leaves;
  • 60 ml sunflower oil.

Step by step cooking method

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut into medium-thick slices and boil in salted water for 10 minutes.
  2. The cod is cut into pieces 2 cm wide.
  3. Pieces of fish are poured with mayonnaise, salted and left to marinate for 15 minutes.
  4. The onion is cut into half rings and sautéed in two tablespoons of oil until completely softened.
  5. Grease the baking sheet with the remaining oil. Some potatoes are placed on it, fried onions are placed on top, then the marinated cod is placed. Next, add the potatoes again.
  6. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 °C for 40 minutes.
  7. 5 minutes before the end of baking, sprinkle the cod fillet with potatoes in the oven with finely chopped parsley.

It is very beneficial for the human body. You can cook from it great amount variety of dishes. Low calorie fish is very popular among people who watch their figure. Cod dishes turn out very tasty if you take into account some cooking recommendations.

Eat variety of dishes from cod. I propose to dwell on some of them. First, let's prepare this. We need the following ingredients:

Cod - 2 pieces;

Carrots - 1 pc.;

Cauliflower - 400 g.

Now let's look at the process of preparing this dish. Take cleaned and washed fish. The carrots must be peeled and cut into small cubes. Divide the cabbage into small florets. Take the forms

for baking and grease it with oil. Place the fish on it and place the cooked vegetables in the belly. Don't forget to add salt. Cook in a steamer for 20 minutes.

Cod dishes are constantly present on the tables of peoples. It is not for nothing that its inhabitants have excellent health. Let's consider another cooking option, but only in the oven. For it we need the following ingredients:

Cod - 1 kg;

Tomato - 1 pc.;

Onion - 1 pc.;

Mayonnaise - 70 ml;

Soy sauce - 2 pieces;

Rosemary - 1.5 tsp;

Cod dishes are prepared very simply and quickly, and this option is no exception. The fish must be washed, peeled and cut into steaks. Take a deep plate and place the fish there, add soy sauce, pepper and rosemary. The dish should marinate for about 20 minutes. Onion and the tomatoes must be cut into slices. Grease the mold vegetable oil and place p on it

Ibu. On each piece you need to put onion and mayonnaise. Place the tomato on top and add a little salt. Place our dish in a preheated oven and bake at 200 degrees for an hour. You can use rice or potatoes as a side dish.

There are several tips to ensure that cod dishes turn out delicious:

If you are using canned fish, then to get rid of the smell, place it in lemon juice for a few minutes.

To avoid any specific odors when frying, you can put them in cold water for a minute, which should contain a little vinegar. If you take these tips into account, the fish will turn out very tasty and juicy.
