How to decorate dishes beautifully. Tips for decorating dishes from the chef


Powdered sugar icing

Ingredients: sugar, lemon juice

You can make a very simple and quick frosting using powdered sugar and lemon juice. I have described the cooking recipe in detail for you.


- 8-10 tbsp. Sahara,
- 3-4 tbsp. lemon juice.


Icing made from powdered sugar and water

Ingredients: water, lemon juice, powdered sugar

When housewives bake Easter cakes, the question immediately arises of what glaze to use and prepare. We offer you a simple version of glaze made with lemon juice.

Products for the recipe:
- water - 1 tbsp. l.,
- lemon juice - 1 tbsp.,
- powdered sugar - 150 g.


White chocolate frosting

Ingredients: White chocolate, milk, powdered sugar

It turns out very interesting and tasty chocolate glaze for Easter cake. But to appearance Easter baking was traditional, let's make white chocolate frosting. Believe me, this recipe deserves your attention, it is very successful!
- white chocolate - 100 g;
- pasteurized milk - 1 tbsp;
- powdered sugar - 85 gr.


Salad "Pig" for New Year 2019

Ingredients: ham, corn, boiled sausage, pickles, cheese, potatoes, carrots, mayonnaise, salt, olives

The symbol of 2019 is a pig, so dishes decorated in this style will look good on the festive New Year's table. Therefore, we suggest you prepare the “Pig” salad, which is very similar to a cute pig.
- ham - 200 gr;
- canned corn- 150 gr;
- boiled sausage - 100 g;
- pickled cucumbers - 150 gr;
- hard cheese- 80 gr;
- potatoes - 150 gr;
- carrots - 100 gr;
- mayonnaise - 150-200 g;
- olives for decoration;
- salt to taste.


Condensed milk mastic

Ingredients: condensed milk, powdered milk, powdered sugar

Mastic cake decorations simply transform any baked goods - they look so wonderful! But at the same time, it is important to make a mastic that is both tasty and harmless. We offer you just such a recipe for mastic from condensed milk - simple and very successful.

- powdered sugar - 2 tbsp;
- milk powder - 2 tbsp;
- condensed milk - 1.5 tbsp.


Custard glaze for Easter cake

Ingredients: eggs, water, flour, lemon juice, salt, sugar

Many housewives are looking for a recipe perfect glaze for Easter cake - so that it does not smear, but also does not crumble, it is tasty and beautiful. There is a solution to this problem - custard glaze. This is exactly what you need, believe me!

- eggs - 2 pcs;
- boiled water - 40 ml;
- wheat flour - 40 g;
- lemon juice - 2 tsp;
- salt - a pinch;
- sugar - 0.5 cups.


Glaze on gelatin that does not crumble

Ingredients: sugar, gelatin, water, lemon juice

Today I will tell you how to cook very delicious glaze, which does not crumble. This glaze is suitable for Easter cakes and other baked goods.


- sugar - 200 grams,
- gelatin - 1 tsp,
- water - 60 ml.,
- lemon juice - 1 tsp.


Salad "Gift"

Ingredients: potatoes, yolk, carrots, grapes, beets, green pea, chicken liver, mayonnaise

Layered salad "Gift" will undoubtedly become the main decoration at your festive feast, no matter what holiday you celebrate. The ceremonial presentation of this delicious dish will definitely not go unnoticed by your guests!


- potatoes - 5 pcs.;
- 4 yolks (boiled);
- carrots - 2 pcs.;
- seedless grapes - 300 g;
- beets - 1 large;
- green peas - 100 gr.;
- chicken or beef liver- 300 g;
- a little mayonnaise.


Gingerbread house - photo recipe

Ingredients: powdered sugar, eggs, honey, sugar, margarine, cocoa, flour, baking powder, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg

There is very little time left before the long-awaited holiday - the New Year. And we hasten to offer you an idea for a dessert for the New Year or Christmas table. Namely, we suggest preparing Gingerbread house together with your children. There is nothing more wonderful than joint creative work. It develops children's skills and abilities, it unites people, it brings joy. So, to make such a gingerbread house you need the following products:
For the glaze:
- sugar or powder - 150 g,
- egg - 1 piece.

For the test:
- egg - 2 pcs,
- honey - 400 g,
- sugar - 400 gr,
- cocoa - 50 g,
- margarine - 300 gr,
- flour - 1000 gr,
- cinnamon - 1 teaspoon,
- baking powder - 2 teaspoons,
- nutmeg - a little,
- ginger - to taste.


New Year's salad "Bullfinch"

Ingredients: eggs, bell pepper, potatoes, boiled sausage, pickled mushrooms, olives

We decided to cook puff salad for the holiday New Year's table? Decorate it in the form of a winter bird - a bullfinch. Your guests will be pleased with the treat.

For the recipe you will need:
- egg - 2 pcs.,
- Bell pepper- 1 PC.,
- boiled potatoes - 1 pc.,
- boiled sausage - 100 g,
- pickled mushrooms - 50 g,
- pitted olives - 1 jar.


Marshmallow mastic

Ingredients: marshmallows, starch, powdered sugar

To make the holiday bright and tasty, we prepare cakes and pastries according to the most different recipes. And today we bring to your attention a simple recipe for making marshmallow mastic for decorating homemade baked goods.

- marshmallows - 1 pc.,
- powdered sugar - 6 teaspoons,
- potato starch- 3 teaspoons.


Salad in the shape of a Dog for New Year 2018

Ingredients: beef, eggs, potatoes, onion, carrots, pitted prunes, cheese, parsley root, dill, mayonnaise, Bay leaf, allspice, clove bud, salt

New Year 2018 is just around the corner, so it's time to think about snacks for New Year's menu. We offer a recipe for a very satisfying and delicious salad with meat in the shape of a dog - an original holiday dish.

- 500 g beef,
- 400 g potatoes,
- 150 g hard cheese,
- 5 chicken eggs,
- 1 onion,
- 1 carrot,
- 250 g pitted prunes,
- 2 buds of cloves,
- 5 peas of allspice,
- 5 cm parsley root,
- 2 sprigs of dill,
- 3 bay leaves,
- salt to taste,
- 160 g of mayonnaise.


Homemade candied ginger

Ingredients: ginger, water, sugar, powdered sugar, star anise

Candied ginger is used in baking, used to decorate dishes, and added to hot drinks: tea, coffee, mulled wine, milk. Candied ginger is excellent in fighting colds.


- water;
- sugar;
- ginger;
- several stars of star anise;
- powdered sugar - 2 tbsp.


Appetizer "Tangerines"

Ingredients: carrots, hard cheese, mayonnaise, peanuts, garlic, bay leaf, tangerine leaves

We continue to master recipes that are delicious, bright and easy to prepare. holiday dishes. Next in line is a snack decorated in the shape of tangerines. The combination of a cheese center with a carrot top makes the snack harmonious and incredibly tasty.

- 1-2 boiled carrots,
- 100 g hard cheese,
- 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
- 50 g roasted peanuts,
- 1 clove garlic,
- Bay leaf.


Salad "New Year's Candle"

Ingredients: chicken fillet, champignons, onions, salt, vegetable oil, potatoes, egg, mayonnaise, parsley, cheese, pomegranate, carrots, bell pepper, olive

The festive mood is created by the general atmosphere: decoration of the house and table. We suggest moving away from everyday stereotypes and preparing a snack in the form of a New Year's burning candle - symbolic, tasty, beautiful.

- 200 g chicken fillet,
- 2 potato tubers,
- 200 g champignons,
- 1 onion,
- 3 chicken eggs,
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil,
- 2 pinches of salt,
- 1 tbsp mayonnaise.

For decoration:
- hard cheese,
- pomegranate,
- olives,
- parsley,
- carrot,
- bell pepper.


Shortbread cookies "Hearts"

Ingredients: wheat flour, butter, sour cream, egg, powdered sugar, cinnamon, soda, red food coloring, lemon juice

How to express your feelings? And you will bake something delicious and beautiful cookies in the shape of hearts. Mom, sister and friend will be happy with such a gift. It's not difficult to prepare.

For the recipe you will need:
- 200 g flour;
- 3 tbsp. spoons of butter;
- 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream;
- one chicken yolk;
- 3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar;
- cinnamon – half a teaspoon;
- soda - a pinch.

For the glaze:
- one chicken protein;
- 200 g of powdered sugar;
- red food coloring - 1 g;
- lemon juice – 4 g.

Decorating Easter cakes is no less important than preparing them. Beautiful Easter cakes needed for going to church for consecration, and for delicious Easter gifts for family and friends, and simply for creating a festive mood for Easter. Of course, for all these purposes you can buy ready-made Easter cakes, but it is much more pleasant and interesting to prepare and decorate them with your own hands. Children will especially love this activity! The Culinary Eden website has collected the brightest, freshest, simplest and original ideas for decorating Easter cakes - choose! ›

You can decorate Easter eggs different ways, but one of the fastest and most effective is decoupage. Even special decoupage napkins are sold, so decoupage easter eggs available to everyone who wants to make the Easter table brighter and more joyful. ›

A cake decorated in a simple style always has clear lines, subtle patterns and one to three colors in the design. All attempts to decorate a cake in a classic style using butter cream will be doomed to failure: it is “tailored” to other forms (the same roses, for example). Frosting will help transform your cake into the epitome of elegance. ›

How to decorate eggs for Easter so that it turns out beautiful, original, and not like the relatives invited to the holiday? It seems that it is no longer possible to come up with something fundamentally new in the matter of decorating eggs. However, nothing is impossible, and every year new ideas and new masterpieces appear. ›

IN Holy holiday Easter along with traditional dishes Our table is always decorated with eggs and baked goods. It is impossible to imagine the Easter table, like the holiday itself, without them. After all painted eggs are a symbol of the birth of new life. They are the first to be eaten Easter table, they give it to relatives who come to congratulate neighbors, and they take it with them when they go to visit. ›

The art of serving and decorating dishes is addressed primarily to the taste and imagination of a particular person, however, for your creation to become a real work of art, it must comply with certain rules. ›

Making sandwiches is an art. Beautiful and delicious sandwiches can be prepared for almost any occasion: for breakfast, a quick and inexpensive snack during the day, as an accompaniment to the main course, or as a chic main course. ›

Dying eggs for Easter and giving them to friends and family is a wonderful, good custom. There are several types of Easter eggs: krashanki - painted in one color, specks - with patterns obtained by dyeing, malyvanki - hand-painted with paints, drapanki - with a pattern scraped out of the painted shell. ›

You can save time and simply paint the eggs, decorating them with decor found in the store, but decorating eggs for Easter with your own hands will turn out to be a much more interesting activity, and the result will certainly delight you with its originality. ›

Easter is the brightest Christian holiday of the year. It is preceded by Lent, promoting the spiritual and physical cleansing of a Christian. The last day of fasting is Holy Saturday. And from midnight on Bright Christ's Resurrection Christians can already eat various holiday dishes. But before you eat them, you need to cook them. ›

Bake is not enough a delicious cake, you also need to make it beautiful. Do you think the task is impossible to accomplish at home? In fact, create from regular cakes You can create a real work of art at home, without resorting to large financial expenses and without using expensive decor kits. All you need is chocolate, foil, parchment paper and the desire to create, surprise and delight others with your culinary talent. ›

Caramel is a delicacy known since childhood. It was a rare child who, after eating a cockerel on a stick, did not try to melt the sugar and make candy on his own, and many succeeded. It would seem that decorating a dessert with caramel - what could be simpler? Indeed, making caramel is quite simple, but working with it requires additional tools, talent and patience. ›

Evgeny Veselov,

restaurant chef

Forte Bello

Dominates as much as possible simple serving, the reason is banal - the desire to reduce the cost of the dish. If we talk about global trends, now they often present familiar dishes V unusual form, for example, pate with tangerine jelly in the form of a tangerine. Of course, no one has canceled the role of interesting designer dishes in the presentation, but here again we return to the issue of cost.

Yesterday's serving - all sorts of variations on the theme of decorating shrimp, chicken fillet, etc. with mixed salad.

I follow what surprises Rene Redzepi, Ferran Adria, Nobu Matsuhisa and other chefs in foreign restaurants, what tableware is appearing on the market and what new equipment manufacturers offer.

Chefs get ideas for new dishes from cookbooks and when traveling to other countries and cities, and sometimes a trip to the food market is enough for them

2. “Handwriting” of the boss

restaurant chef


Each chef has his own style that he adheres to, or his own vision existing techniques. There are dishes for which classic white plates are enough, and there are those that require an original presentation.

I really like what they are doing Grant Achatz And Rene Redzepi. In my opinion, very interesting idea– using a 3D printer to work with chocolate.

3. Designer dishes

restaurant chef

"Latin Quarter"

The main trend is serving on non-standard or custom-made designer dishes created for specific dishes. In this case, it is very important to adhere to the color scheme.

It is no longer relevant to pour sauce over the entire dish before serving, and also to combine a large number of different tastes.

You can impress your guest by changing the texture of your food. In my opinion, an interesting idea is to serve ingredients from which the guest assembles the dish himself, choosing what he likes.

Among the chefs whose work is interesting to watch, I would like to name Adrian Ketglasa And Heston Blumenthal. Among the establishments, I highlight the Arzak restaurant in San Sebastian.

4. Color wheel theory

restaurant chef

New and relevant - serving the same product, but in different textures. Very interesting ideas based on the right combination colors when using various ingredients. It is important to use the theory of the color wheel (the color of recent seasons is green).

It has ceased to be relevant to serve on slate, on wood and together with inedible elements. Also not very trendy bright dishes, where there are more than 3-4 colors (with the exception of desserts).

You can impress a guest with a seemingly ordinary dish if you tell its story or hidden subtext. For example, our menu includes quail pate and chicken ventricles conf. The restaurant is located at a bird's eye view, and such close proximity to birds gave rise to the idea of ​​​​creating this unusual dish.

Interesting ideas for serving dishes can be seen from chefs from Finland, Denmark, France, Spain, Estonia and Asian countries.

5. Balance of form and content

Alexey Berzin,

restaurant chef

"Grandee European Express»

I try to demonstrate the limitless variety of cooking possibilities, including scientific evidence. I form the menu from simple, understandable products that reflect the tastes and preferences of the majority of consumers. I stick to the basic principles Japanese cooking– this is naturalness, elegant simplicity, balance of form and content.

Main trends require original presentation and beautiful design(the dish should look like a composition - side dish, several sauces, decoration), High Quality products and their correct proven combinations, instant cooking and affordable prices.

I also include shocking presentation and the possibility of simple ingredients make complex interesting dishes. I strive for the dish to be complex, multi-component, bright in presentation and at the same time remain democratic.

Scandinavian countries and Spain now dictate fashion in gastronomy and are at the top. If we talk about the chefs I focus on, then this is definitely Andre Chang. He uses only new methods in his dishes, quality ingredients And seasonal products. Often he doesn’t even have a prepared recipe; the dish can be born 10 minutes before serving it to the guest. At the same time, the price remains affordable.

6. Product quality

Mikhail Simagin,

bakery cafe chef

"Bread Shop"

I place my bet, first of all, on the quality of the product, on its original presentation, for the correct proven taste combinations.

Today in Moscow there are two trends: either chefs copy the cuisine or presentation from foreign ones, or they follow the wishes of the guests, who dictate to us what they want to eat. The consumer is not interested in either new offerings or molecular cuisine, everything goes to simplicity, to the quality of the product. The guest is interested in new products. Price also matters, but people pay attention to it secondarily (they began to compare it with foreign restaurants).

In the world of gastronomy, everything changes very quickly, everything is cyclical, and fashion can return. I can say only one thing with confidence: no matter what trend is observed in the world, I will not cook insects.

There are a lot of cool chefs now, especially in Spain. They “play” well with dishes and think through every detail. There is also interesting equipment, for example, a sous vide grill, which allows you to cook at low temperatures.

Maxim Ryzhkov,

restaurant chef

Paulaner Brauhaus Moscow Paveletsky

Time requirement - only natural ingredients, avoiding the use of additives and dyes, preserving the natural taste and benefits of seasonal products.

To impress a guest, you need to meet his expectations - and people whose lives are full of worries and tasks want to receive homely, healthy and Tasty food. Amazing dishes prepared on open fire– they have an incomparable taste.

7. “Taste of childhood”

brand chef of the Varenichnaya No. 1 chain

and cafe "Kompot"

Nowadays Russians and Ukrainian dishes that we remember from childhood. I like Odessa cuisine - it's a mixture best traditions Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, French, Italian, Polish, Moldovan cuisine. In Odessa, a port city, there were a lot of people, everything boiled in one pot and formed an incredibly colorful cuisine.

I will call the use of rare products that none of the chefs have used before as a new trend. For me, the discovery was rapana - a very tasty and healthy Black Sea product, as well as garfish - a small tasty fish with blue bones. Working with a local product gives chefs a very good chance to develop and come up with their own ways of preparing familiar dishes.

My reference point is, of course, Western chefs; From Moscow restaurants I pay attention to “Muesli”, “Syrovarnya”, “Dr. Zhivago", "Wing or Leg" and "Spotlight".

8. Combination of incongruous things

Alexander Popov,

brand chef of beer restaurants


Previously, dishes were very popular haute cuisine, molecular gastronomy. IN modern conditions have become in demand simple dishes from Soviet cuisine, issued on new way. In the USSR, dishes were served decorated with fresh herbs. Nowadays, many restaurants are seeing exactly this trend.

I follow the ideas of these great chefs. If I like something, I borrow the brightest component and use it to create own dishes. I like to use products that, at first glance, do not go together, like lychees and shrimp.

I adhere to the following principle: the presentation of dishes should be borrowed from the French, the taste from the Italians, and the precision from the Japanese.

9. The return of ancient technologies

Yuri Kudryavtsev,

steakhouse brand chef


The trend is regional cuisine and the use of high-quality domestic products, seasonal village vegetables and greenery. Undeservedly forgotten technologies are returning, for example, cooking in a Russian oven or over fire, homemade spices and sauces.

The main trend is fresh food, carefully prepared, their natural taste, not hidden by complex sauces. When creating new dishes, there should always be one leading product that can be supplemented with side dishes.

From past trends, serving under air foam is still used. Stylish tableware with wide sides and serving separated dishes that demonstrate the texture of the product, its quality and careful preparation are still relevant.

10. Special effects

Valery Shanin,

restaurant chef

"Filimonova and Yankel"

In Russia, the topic of Russian cuisine with an original approach, the use of new technologies and local products. Among the most current trends are healthy eating. A new phenomenon that continues the trend of fruits and vegetables “fresh from the garden” is restaurants where chefs grow their own greens on the balconies or in the gardens next to their establishment.

People are becoming especially demanding when it comes to external design. Tasting menus with wine accompaniment are popular (a gastronomic set where each dish is accompanied by a glass of specially selected wine). Dishes-pictures, decoy dishes, as well as all kinds of special effects are relevant. For example, recently smoked, deliberately charred dishes sprinkled with “ash” have been in fashion. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation - these trends are more typical for developed countries and large cities; only a few percent of the planet’s inhabitants dream of this.

I'm interested in restaurants that consistently keep high level qualities such as Noma in Copenhagen, White Rabbit and Dr Zhivago in Moscow.

Chef at Noma restaurant Rene Redzepi prepares exclusively from those products that are grown or produced in the vicinity of the city. He manages to combine products that seem incompatible at first glance. This is very interesting, because not every restaurant will offer fried reindeer moss with porcini mushrooms, crispy pork skin with black currants and fresh radishes for an appetizer, which you need to pull out of the pot and eat (“the ground” is also edible).

As for White Rabbit and Dr Zhivago, I'm impressed by the skill Vladimir Mukhin And Maxim Tarusina take recipes from ancient Russian cuisine and add modern unusual notes.

I've always been interested in how to turn tasty dish into a truly magnificent, festive one. It is clear that decoration, serving and presentation are needed. However, even restaurant chefs who know how to cook delicious food... gourmet dishes, not everyone can boast of the art of decorating them. What can we say about family feasts? All these roses cut from vegetables, olives and sprigs of herbs... All this is already morally outdated and at times even brings melancholy.

Therefore, attending master classes of chefs in the most best restaurants Moscow, we chose one where every dish is a real masterpiece. The inventor and real artist, sous-chef of the Grand European Express restaurant James Reduta, agreed to teach MIR 24 readers how to turn dishes into works of art.

The main thing here is not to be lazy and prepare the decor separately,” says James. - We use carrot breading, sun-dried tomatoes, and crispy fried in oil rice paper, which can be colored at the cooking stage with beet juice or turmeric, and chips from the thinnest slices of bread, potatoes or sweet potatoes, and combinations of products, and the thinnest vegetable slices, and drops of sauces.

According to him, it is very important what the color scheme of the dishes will be: for some dishes warm tones in the design are appropriate, for others a cool color palette is good. As we watched, James decorated several dishes, along the way explaining what he used in the decor.

Grilled squid with Kenyan beans, sun-dried tomatoes and thick yellow pepper sauce

Boil the mini-potatoes in their skins, then cut each potato into halves and fry them in oil with a little garlic. Separately, fry the Kenyan beans. We cook the squid rings on the grill, season everything with pepper and add some salt.

Cooking thick sauce from yellow pepper. Heat in a frying pan olive oil, add onions and spices, fry them. Add the baked bell pepper cut into strips and cook for 5 minutes. Then add white wine chicken bouillon and cook for another 10 minutes until the peppers are completely soft. Add the cream, remove from the heat, cool slightly and grind warm in a blender until it becomes a slightly runny, homogeneous puree. Salt and pepper, mix.

Now let's start assembling the dish. Place the yellow pepper sauce in a deep bowl. We put potatoes, bean pods and squid rings on it, which should drown in the sauce by a third. Then we decorate the dish sun-dried tomatoes. You can buy them ready-made, or prepare them yourself. James cures them for 6 hours in the oven at low temperatures, sprinkled with lemon zest and dry aromatic herbs.

Another spectacular move is a cap of milk foam, which is obtained by whipping milk with a small amount of sugar and edible lecithin. The last ingredient ensures the persistence of the cloud of airy foam. It doesn't settle for quite a long time.

Then the thinnest slices of radishes and small petals of spinach and chard (leaf), which as if accidentally fell on the edges of the dish, are added to the dish. They don't carry any flavor, they're just decor!

The final touch: James sweeps a stroke of orange carrot breading onto the dish along with the plate, and the milk foam doesn't sag - it holds it. The breading brings all parts of the dish together, makes it complete and matches the rosy color of the sauce.

Danish Halibut with Sweet Potatoes and Mushroom Anise Sauce

Fry the halibut fillet in a frying pan, add salt and pepper.

Fry the mushrooms a little, add some salt and pepper, and then add cream, anise and boil slightly. It turns out thick mushroom sauce. Then we prepare the baked sweet potato puree. It turns out dazzling orange and sweet in taste.

Now let's start assembling the dish: put the puree on a plate. James, with a decisive stroke, “draws” a sweeping orange drop for them. Place some mushrooms in sauce on it, place the fish on top so that the mushrooms peek out slightly from under it. Place mushrooms on top of the fish again. So that it all turns out to be wrapped in a shiny, delicious sauce.

Around this composition are laid out several sun-dried tomatoes and slice radishes, a couple of leaves of mini-spinach and chard.

The final touch is a cap of milk foam whipped with lecithin (hello molecular cooking!).

All! Serve the dish hot until the puree, mushrooms and fish have cooled.

Duck leg “Confit” with polenta and crispy rice

Let's cook first duck leg: it must be salted, peppered and simmered in a frying pan over low heat until the meat becomes soft and all the fat has been rendered.

When the duck is almost ready, cook soft, uncool polenta (this is a porridge made from corn grits finely ground, a denser version of which in Moldova is called mamaliga).

Then James takes a drop of balsamic cream on a wide, stiff brush and decisively draws a line across the entire plate from edge to edge. He places the palenta in the middle, making a “pillow” out of it, on which he places a delicious duck leg.

Now comes the turn of the color and taste nuance: he uses a spoonful of tomato confiture, giving it a neat shape. To do this, James, using two tablespoons, “conjures” the confiture, transferring it from spoon to spoon five times.

Making this exotic ingredient is not at all difficult, and it gives an interesting effect. To make jam, tomatoes need to be immersed in boiling water for a few minutes, cooled, peeled, cut into quarters, seeds removed, and the pulp placed in a saucepan and slowly boiled with the addition of lemon juice. Then turn the mass into puree using a blender and add sugar at the rate of 300 g of sugar per 500 g tomato pulp. Boil to desired consistency, cool.

And now comes the turn of the main decoration: a huge exotic “flower”, which is not even clear what it is made of. This is rice paper: James makes real miracles out of it. And all because this is not purchased, but homemade rice paper, which means it can be tinted at the production stage by adding turmeric to the dough for a yellow color, or beet juice for hot pink.

He used the same kind of rice paper decorations for the duck with palenta. The dough for rice paper must be rolled out, placed on a greased sheet of parchment and dried at very low temperatures until the paper hardens, and then cut into squares. To give the tinted rice paper the shape of an exotic flower, James dips the square into the deep fryer for a few seconds, where it instantly shrinks, bends, and takes on an intricate three-dimensional shape.

We place this “flower” on top, add a spinach leaf and serve until all this splendor has cooled down and breathes the aromas of duck and palenta.

Lamb chops with lightly salted cheese cream, tomato confiture and crispy flatbread

The name of this dish speaks for itself and includes almost all the ingredients included in it.

We prepare the meatballs from lamb pulp: only chopped meat, salt and pepper, nothing more! We fry them on small quantity vegetable oil on both sides, first lining the frying pan with parchment.

Lightly salted cheese should be crumbled and ground, adding a little cream, until smooth and creamy (not too liquid, because the cream should hold its shape!).

Half unleavened flatbread dry in a dry frying pan on both sides (a little bit so that it becomes crispy and acquires a slightly rosy color). First boil the mini-potatoes with their skins on, and then fry them in oil with the addition of finely chopped garlic.

Prepare tomato confiture in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Let's start assembling the dish. James paints a stripe of balsamic cream on the plate with a wide brush, lays out one piece, rests the flatbread on it, pressing its edge with the second piece. As a result, the cake is fixed at an angle.

The sous chef pours the cheese cream into pastry bag with a shaped nozzle and squeezes out beautiful “roses” in the corners of the composition.

Fried, deliciously crunchy potatoes and spinach petals complement the composition, arranged on the plate in artistic disorder.

And the last thing: close to the top bit, partly overlapping it, James places an oblong mound of tomato confiture. It not only gives the dish a bright color accent, but also complements the taste of the lamb chop.

The main thing is to do everything quickly so as not to let the meatballs cool down and serve the dish hot!

Arugula and shrimp salad with balsamic dressing and crispy sweet potatoes

For this salad, quickly fry peeled shrimp and champignons in vegetable oil, to which we add a little chopped garlic.

Arrange the arugula in an appetizing mound, “shade” the greens with a thin stream of balsamic cream, then “shade” the same stream of vinaigrette sauce on top (here is its composition: vegetable oil, soy sauce, maple syrup, Dijon mustard, garlic).

Place cherry tomato halves, shrimp and mushrooms in a circle. The composition is completed with sweet potato chips and thin slices of black bread. Both are cut very thin on a slicer and deep-fried for a few seconds. A secret from James: in order to cut the brown bread so thin, he first freezes it.

Caesar salad"

James makes the classic Caesar salad very simply, and still turns out very beautiful.

He fries the chicken fillet pieces very quickly on both sides so that they remain juicy. Iceberg lettuce is torn into pieces and placed in a mound; cherry tomatoes cut in half and canned capers are placed around this mound. Leaves watering classic sauce“Caesar”, and puts still warm pieces of chicken on top. Finally, grated Parmesan cheese is sprinkled on top. And he places two deep-fried rice chips, tinted yellow with turmeric, at an angle to each other.


This snack is inspired by classic salad caprese, but how different it is from its prototype!

James peeled the tomatoes, cut them into quarters and sprinkled them with powdered sugar and caramelized it using a gas torch.

Basil in the salad is completely present in the form air mousse. Green basil you need to chop it very finely, or better yet, grind it in a blender and add it to the liquid biscuit dough. After pouring the dough into cups, put them in the microwave and after a few minutes you get a porous bright green “sponge” with the taste and smell of basil. Carefully cut it out of the cup with a knife, tear it into pieces and place it on a plate. Between the pieces of airy mousse we place mozzarella, which we also tear with our hands.

Then comes the tomatoes with a caramel crust around the edges. He places them in geometric order, slightly resting them on the cheese, and sprinkles everything with a little aromatic olive oil.

James decorates the rest of the plate with drops of balsamic cream. He does it this way: first, he squeezes out the balsamic cream in small drops-circles, dotting the plate with them in a checkerboard pattern. And then he takes a wooden skewer and, dipping it into each circle, draws a stroke.

But what about the indispensable caprese - famous sauce pesto? James squeezes a few drops on either side of each piece of mozzarella. At the end, the geometric pattern of the dish is slightly diluted with slices of radish and spinach leaves, which the cook arranges over the appetizer with tweezers in artistic disorder. Agree that the result is simply fantastic beauty!

Tatiana Rubleva
