Crab: benefits and harm to the body. Description of the benefits of crab meat with photos and its harm, calorie content of natural meat, as well as recipes for preparing dishes with this product

Decapod crustaceans with a short abdomen are one of the favorite seafood delicacies modernity. The population does not quite understand how to cut up and eat crab in public, but thoughts about luxury restaurant dinner It is with this seafood that they appear constantly.

Crab meat is indeed very soft, tender and is considered a delicacy. The process of extracting meat from 5 pairs of legs and a massive shell is not so exciting. Only a few minutes of labor-intensive manipulation will bring the happy client closer to that very amazing sea taste.

But what exactly is seafood, how to eat it correctly, and how can an exotic dish be dangerous?

General characteristics of seafood

Crabs are an infraorder of decapod crustaceans. An acceptable name is short-tailed crayfish. Crabs are among the oldest creatures, with known fossils dating back to the Jurassic period. It is clear that these fossils are the distant ancestors of modern crustaceans, which are called primitive crabs.

The head of the arthropod is small and flattened. The abdomen is short, symmetrical, protects the internal cavity of the crab and bends behind the jaw-thorax. Animals differ by gender. The abdominal limbs of males are transformed into a copulatory organ, and of females - into special organs for bearing eggs.

Crabs live both in the seas or fresh water bodies, and on land. Today, about 4 thousand species of arthropods are known. Most of them are used in Food Industry. The size of the animal depends on the specific variety. For example, on the shores of Japan live giant crabs Macrocheira kaempferi, which weigh about 20 kilograms, and the size of their limbs reaches 4 meters.

Crabs make up 20% of all marine crustaceans that are caught, farmed and sold. About 1.5 million tons of arthropods are used annually in the food industry.

All crabs, except freshwater ones, reproduce in water. The metamorphic development of an animal looks something like this: the emergence of a pelagic larva from eggs (zoea), then transformation into a full-fledged larva (megaola), after which transformation into an adult arthropod. Freshwater crabs skip the larval stage.

Arthropods are capable of independently breaking off their limbs. This technique is most often used when a crab is being chased by a predator. In place of broken limbs, new, absolutely healthy organs grow, which quickly begin to function.

Beneficial features

Arthropod meat contains high concentration useful active substances, which make the body healthier and the person himself happier. The content of essential acids in crab is several times higher than that in fish and other seafood. These are: 80% moisture, 1.4% lipids, 19% protein, 2% ash, 2% glycogen.

Crabs are record holders for Sodium (Na) content.

Crab meat is considered dietary product. Nutritionists advise including it in the diet of those losing weight and those who are watching their figure. But we should not forget about the dosage: meals consisting of seafood should not appear on the menu more than 3 times a week.

Due to the vitamin (taurine, tocopherol, ascorbic acid) and nutrient (iodine, zinc, calcium) composition, the product is useful for anemia, deterioration of the visual organs and cardiovascular pathologies.

What else is useful for crab meat:

  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • reduces the level in the blood and maintains its permanent indicator;
  • protects the body from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (serves as a kind of prevention);
  • normalizes thyroid hormone levels and improves functionality endocrine system;
  • promotes increased visual performance, combats the problem of dry eyes;
  • improves the digestive system, “accelerates” metabolism and promotes better digestibility of foods;
  • fights strong psycho-emotional stress, protects the nervous system from depression and anxiety;
  • uplifts the mood and gives a feeling of peace;
  • prevents premature aging of all body systems and skin;
  • acts as an aphrodisiac and increases libido in both partners.

Chemical composition

How to eat seafood correctly

If the meal is at home, then lay thick paper, another tablecloth, or even a few newspaper pages on the table. Cutting a crab will bring real chaos to your home in the form of mess, juice and pieces of crustacean flesh. Take care of yourself in advance and reduce your cleaning time.

IN fish restaurant they serve you special hammer for crab, tongs for splitting claws, a dull knife and a special oblong device with a point at the end. Anything will work for a home meal: any knives, forks, and even a device for cracking nuts.

As soon as a browned representative appears on the plate in front of you depths of the sea, proceed to active actions. Using rotating movements, tear the legs and claws away from the body. If you don’t want to tear off the legs with your hands (or you don’t have the strength), then use a dull knife. The knife is inserted into the junction point between the base of the claw/leg and the body of the crustacean. Lightly press on this point and the leg will literally fall off on its own. Remove the meat from the legs using an oblong, pointed tool. The claws must be crushed, cleaned, and the remaining meat must be removed using utensils.

Turn the crab onto its back, belly up. Separate the chest section from the shell (it can be easily removed from the base of the carcass when the claws and legs are separated). Take the opened upper part of the shell in your hands and break it in half. Remove inedible green/brown compounds from the meat and enjoy your meal.

What to pay attention to when cutting seafood

  1. Cartilage. Each claw contains dense cartilage. There is no need to eat it (and you won’t be able to), so cut the claws carefully and thoroughly to avoid inedible elements.
  2. Spikes. The crustacean's shell is covered with small spines, which, when pressed hard, can cause pain. Be careful and make the most of your available tools.
  3. Small dense elements. The crab's body is filled small bones, cartilage and various compounds that are unsuitable for human consumption. They can damage the mucous membrane or simply get stuck in the esophagus. Be careful and double check the meat you are about to put into your mouth.

Use of the ingredient in cooking

Recipe for ravioli with crab and apples

We will need:

  • drinking yogurt (milk-based without flavors and sweeteners) – 150 ml;
  • Greek yogurt – 10 ml;
  • gelatin – 1 sachet/piece;
  • crab meat – 50 g;
  • green apples (with a sour taste) – 40 g;
  • avocado (choose ripe dark green fruit) – 1 piece;
  • cream (any fat content) – 10 ml;
  • cilantro (can be replaced with your favorite herbs) – 5 g;
  • lemon or lime juice – 3 ml.


Prepare gelatin according to the instructions on the package (depending on the specifics of the gelatin). Mix the prepared gelatin with drinking yoghurt, mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous liquid mass. Prepare a baking sheet: line it with parchment paper and spread the gelatin-yogurt mixture evenly over it. Place the baking sheet in a dry, dark place until the mixture hardens. As soon as the gelatin has set and the yogurt has hardened, cut out circles from the frozen plate. The size of the circle depends on the desired size of the ravioli.

Blend half of it in a blender, then pour in. Place the resulting mousse in the refrigerator. Grind the other half of the avocado and mix with chopped crab meat, herbs and. Season the apple-meat salad with lemon/lime juice and Greek yogurt.

Place the finished filling inside circles of yogurt and gelatin and form ravioli. Serve with avocado mousse immediately after cooking.

Recipe for California rolls with crab meat

Culinary fact: “California” was invented by the Japanese Ichiro Masita specifically for the American people. But the dish became international and, as fate would have it, became especially popular among the Slavs.

We will need:

  • rice (recommended to use nishiki) – 150 g;
  • vinegar for making sushi and rolls – 2 tablespoons;
  • crab meat – 200 g;
  • avocado (choose a fruit with a dense structure) – 100 g;
  • Japanese mayonnaise– 40 ml;
  • tobiko (caviar) – 100 g;
  • nori (dried seaweed) – 5 pcs;
  • wasabi and pickled ginger to taste.


Rinse the nishiki rice in cold water. Rinse until the water is crystal clear. There is no need to grind or intensively clean every grain of rice. It is important that the grains are not broken or damaged. Rice - main ingredient rolls, so it must be cooked perfectly. Gently stir the rice under running water, then transfer to a sieve, place inside a large saucepan and allow any excess liquid to drain. Rice needs 15-20 minutes to get rid of moisture and dry completely.

Boil the rice in a special rice cooker or follow the instructions on the package. Once the rice is cooked, leave it in the covered container for another 15-20 minutes. During this time, the cereal will cool down, become denser and easily accept the required form. Add the roll vinegar to the warm rice and knead until the liquid is completely absorbed. Lightly dampen the towel, cover the pan with rice and let sit for another 20 minutes.

Boil the crab for 20 minutes in filtered water without spices, then cool. Remove the meat from the second phalanx (this is where it is the most delicious and juicy) and finely chop. Peel the avocado and cut into narrow slices.

Form a roll in the following sequence: nori sheet, rice, avocado, Japanese mayonnaise, crab meat. Roll up and dip tobiko in caviar. Carefully cut off the edges of the roll and cut it into several portions. Place the dish on a plate, serve with, and soy sauce immediately after cooking.

Contraindications for use

Serious danger may be hidden in the meat of arthropods. What is it? By the nature of their food chain, crabs have to be content with carrion. The corpses of other animals are not always useful and nutritious, therefore, after an unsuccessful meal, an arthropod can be infected with various infections, microbes and microorganisms. Contaminated crab may well end up on a plate if it does not pass the quality mark test. Poor quality meat can cause severe toxic poisoning, loss of hearing, vision, and impaired functionality of the central/peripheral system. nervous system.

What to do to protect your own health? Buy or taste meat only from trusted suppliers who can confirm the quality of the products not only in words, but also by providing documentation. Do not eat fish and seafood more than 2-3 times a week. This optimal quantity meals that will saturate the body with healthy nutrients and protect the body from possible harmful effects.

Nowadays, it is impossible to constantly use only those foods that are devoid of any additives. Therefore, the harm and benefits of crab sticks are of interest to many.

Products of the twentieth century

In life, only a small part of people have the opportunity to eat natural delicacies. Perhaps that is why the appearance of crab sticks on sale in the late nineties of the last century was a real sensation. They aroused keen interest and instantly disappeared from store shelves. This was also facilitated by the unrealistically low price of the product. Surprised buyers purchased kilograms of flavorful pieces and even came up with hundreds of the most different dishes. Therefore, the harm and benefits of crab sticks interested everyone who happily joined the league of seafood lovers. To be fair, it is worth noting that apart from the name, this product has nothing else in common with crabs. Marine life became a kind of bait, or rather marketing ploy enterprising producers. Why spend exorbitant amounts of money purchasing live arthropods when you can create an imitation product and successfully sell it on the market? Everything was simple and mutually beneficial: the buyer received a product similar to the one he dreamed of, and the manufacturer received his reward for this. The harm and benefits of crab sticks were of no interest to anyone, since no one was in doubt about the sought-after product.

Main component

A little later, people began to carefully study what was written on the labels, and various questions arose. Many were surprised to discover unusual composition and were perplexed about the presence of certain components. The basis of the product was the mysterious ingredient “surimi”. Translated from Japanese it means “minced meat”. There are no secrets here. Surimi is really minced meat made from the meat of various white fish. These are mainly herring, pollock, mackerel, blue whiting, hake and other representatives of the ocean. The Japanese have been using this composition for more than ten centuries. and there is no doubt about it. Is it true, unusual way cooking is still very interesting. First, fillets are removed from fresh fish. Then it for a long time washed in cold running water. After this, the mixture is crushed and mixed until elastic. homogeneous mass. The product has a fishy smell, exclusively White color and a slightly noticeable characteristic aroma. Now you can do whatever you want with it. The harm and benefits of crab sticks in this case depend only on the quality of the fish, and it is controlled by specialists.

Composition of the product

To deal with the problem, you need to know what they are made of. crab sticks. Health benefits and harm are two opposing qualities that must be studied before a product goes on the shelf. First you need to understand the recipe. In addition to the notorious minced meat, this food imitation includes starch, sugar, vegetable oil, egg white (or soy) and salt. All these are products natural origin. Together they are not capable of causing serious illness or causing poor health. However, this is not the entire list of ingredients that make up the product. The benefits and harms of the product depend on all the components as a whole. In addition to the products listed, there are those that play a supporting role. These are dyes and various chemical additives in the form of thickeners, flavors and taste enhancers. All of them are indicated on the packaging and are approved by the relevant authorities for use in food production.

In pursuit of a slim figure

Crab sticks are of great interest. Like any other seafood, they are a carbohydrate-protein food. Besides, great amount vitamins (A, B6, B12, C, D) and useful macroelements such as calcium, zinc, iron, iodine and magnesium remain unchanged for the reason that the semi-finished product is not subjected to heat treatment. All this can be attributed to the positive characteristics of the product. Here, of course, it is worth adding the fact that such a mixture is low-calorie. It does not overload the human body because it contains about 80-90 kilocalories per 100 grams finished product. This may be of interest to those who are struggling with overweight. To achieve this goal, many diets advise people to include regular crab sticks in their diet. There is a fine line between the benefits and harms of losing weight. On the one hand, the product reduced calorie content allows you to force the body to use up its own fat reserves. The benefits are obvious. But in other way, frequent use product in large quantities may cause unwanted allergic reactions or performance disorders gastrointestinal tract. Both have equally detrimental effects on human health. Therefore, in everything you need measure and advice from a knowledgeable specialist.

Danger is near

The minced fish that the Japanese used more than nine centuries ago is not at all similar to modern crab sticks. The benefits and harms of a new generation product are close together, which forces a person to think several times before making a final decision.

It must be remembered that in addition to the unique complex and rich protein composition, the sticks contain many chemical components, the effect of which no one can foresee on a specific organism. Of course, no cholesterol and minimal amount fat makes such food favorable, for example, for heart patients. People with an enlarged thyroid gland can also include crab imitation in their diet without fear of harm. possible consequences. This product is even useful for them. But due to their complex chemical composition, they should not be given to children in large quantities. It is clear that nothing bad will happen from a couple of pieces a day. But if the product is used with enviable consistency, then irreparable changes will not keep you waiting.

the main problem

Now crab sticks are known to almost every person on earth. Modern cooks have come up with a lot of interesting recipes, and housewives are constantly increasing this number with new results from the flight of their imagination. Who doesn't know famous salad with corn or sticks in batter? But the benefits and harms of crab sticks and meat will always worry those who care about their health. These fears are not unfounded. First, you need to remember what minced meat is. Essentially it's raw different varieties. Like any other product that has not undergone real heat treatment, it is somewhat dangerous. After all, no one can know in advance about the possible illness of a particular fish. In addition, such products must be stored in compliance with certain temperature and time conditions. One can only guess what will happen to it if the permissible shelf life is exceeded by just a few days. Therefore, when purchasing such a product in a store, you need to choose only packaged products and carefully study the label. You should not buy sticks by weight. In this case, no one can fully vouch for their quality and give an appropriate guarantee.

Many people love crab meat for its delicious delicate taste . And nutritionists often recommend adding it to your diet for those who want to lose weight.

Description of crab meat

Crabs are the name given to marine animals that are classified as decapod crustaceans. There are many subspecies of crabs in the world - more than 6,780 varieties. They differ in various ways. One of them is the size of the animal. For example, the size of a spider crab's shell in circumference can reach 1.5 meters, and the leg length can reach 0.4 meters. These crabs weigh about 20 kg. The diet of crabs includes all kinds of plankton - small crustaceans, mollusks, worms, etc. Its body can be divided into several main parts: head, abdomen, jaw-thorax and legs. And this animal can be found both in freshwater bodies of water (lakes), and in the seas and oceans. Some species are also found on land.

As for the edibility of crabs, of course, not every type is suitable for cooking. And the meat of edible crabs is concentrated in the abdomen, limbs and claws. It is important to cook the crab correctly. To do this, it is placed in a hot salt water and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. The meat can then be canned or frozen. Or you can immediately serve it as part of any dish. In any form, crab meat is considered a delicacy. You can prepare a variety of cold appetizers with it, exotic salads, use for the second dish. They even make soups with crab meat. In areas rich in crabs, they are used to make flour. This favorite treat many birds.

When purchasing crab meat, it is important to know that crab sticks and even crab meat that we are so accustomed to do not actually contain real crab meat. To prepare them, fish protein (surimi), starch, sugar, salt and all kinds of flavorings and dyes. Real crab meat can be distinguished from fake by price. Real crab meat costs a lot, and not everyone can afford it. However, its taste cannot be confused with anything else.

Composition of crab meat

Crab meat is very rich in protein. Per 100 g of product there are 18.06 g of protein, while there is only 1.08 g of fat, and very few carbohydrates - 0.04 g. It is also very watery. 100 g of crab meat contains about 79.02 g of water.

Crab meat has quite a rich vitamin composition . It contains a lot of niacin (vitamin B3 or PP). It is known that this substance helps normalize metabolism and regulate cholesterol levels in the blood. Consuming niacin is very beneficial for people with medical conditions of cardio-vascular system. It also contains quite a lot of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which promotes normal brain function, the absorption of other vitamins, regulates lipid metabolism, the metabolism of fatty acids, hemoglobin and histamine. Crab meat is rich in vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). This substance has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, prevents early aging of the skin, and promotes relaxation of muscle tissue. Crab meat also contains other vitamins - A, B1, B2, B9 (folic acid), B12.

Of the microelements, crab meat contains the most potassium, sodium and phosphorus. Humans need potassium for normal operation muscular and skeletal systems, it also has a beneficial effect on arterial pressure and brain function.

Sodium, together with other minerals, participates in water-salt metabolism, is necessary for the activity of muscle tissue, and plays a special role in the processes of digestion and excretion.

Crab meat also contains other macroelements - calcium and magnesium. Among microelements, this product is especially rich in zinc. This substance is necessary for normal bone formation, sexual development, successful pregnancy, and helps improve memory and brain function. also in crab meat contains selenium, copper, manganese, iodine and iron.

Useful properties of crab meat

Crab meat is recommended for dietary nutrition . It contains little fat and carbohydrates, is easily digestible and has a pleasant taste. And the calorie content of this product is very low. There are only 87 kcal per 100 g of crab meat.

For those wishing to lose weight, crab meat is also suitable because it does not contain a large amount of coarse fiber, so it is digested better than poultry or animal meat. Crab meat is also rich in the amino acid taurine. This substance is an antioxidant, it fights free radicals and premature aging. Taurine also has a beneficial effect on muscle function and circulatory system, helps improve vision. With its help, the eye muscles are strengthened, the condition of the cornea and retina improves.

Crab meat also contains unsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3, the benefits of which many have heard about. They are very useful for the cardiovascular system, as they normalize cholesterol levels in the blood.

It is useful to eat foods that contain these acids for people suffering from atherosclerosis, anemia or hypertension. Another advantage of acids is their ability to prevent the development of cancer.

Due to the fact that crab meat is rich in iodine, it is useful for thyroid diseases. It also helps improve brain function. The human body is not able to synthesize iodine on its own like other substances, so it is important to eat foods rich in this trace element. You can eat foods that are artificially enriched with iodine. However, such a microelement is rather unstable in nature and quickly disintegrates under the influence of various factors. But crab meat contains a real microelement that has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Crab meat is beneficial not only for human physical health, but also for emotional health. A whole set of B vitamins, copper and magnesium are a combination useful substances that are necessary for a person to maintain Have a good mood, calmness and normal reaction to stress and emotional overload. Crab meat contains quite a lot of phosphorus, which promotes better absorption of B vitamins.

Crab meat, like many other seafood products, is considered an aphrodisiac. It promotes testosterone production in men, increases male potency, prevents decreased libido and improves spermatogenesis.

Of course, first of all, crab meat will be useful for people with cardiovascular diseases and thyroid disorders, as well as those who want to lose weight.

Contraindications to eating crabs

Crab meat is good for almost everyone. Of course, people who are allergic to seafood should not eat it. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to something else dietary meat, containing a lot of protein and little fat. Types of such meat include chicken or rabbit.

All seafood is subject to industrial pollution due to the release of chemicals into rivers and seas. Therefore, crab meat can sometimes contain a large number of methylmercury. This substance is toxic. At regular use When eating contaminated crab meat, the body receives quite severe toxic poisoning, which leads to hearing and vision impairment and negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, it is best not to overuse crab meat.

Nutritionists say that the benefits of crab meat are enormous. Of course, only when it comes to a natural product. The cheap prepackaged products that supermarkets are filled with today consist of minced fish and different food additives. Such products can only boast of nutritional value. But according to the list of important ingredients, valuable qualities And taste characteristics they are very far from real crab meat.

Composition and features

Crab meat is not the most affordable product. Despite the fact that there are many species of these crustaceans, only a few of them are edible. The peculiarities of extraction and transportation only increase the already considerable cost of individuals. And yet, if possible, it is worth entering nutritious product into your diet. Not only does it have a unique and very pleasant taste, but can also have a positive effect on some organs and systems of the body.

There are several particularly valuable ingredients worth highlighting in crab meat:

  • Squirrels. The presence of these macronutrients in the composition makes crab meat healthy from a nutritional point of view. It helps maintain volume muscle mass in humans. Wherein a small amount of fats and low calorie content products (about 95 kcal per 100 g of product) allow you to gradually lose excess weight.

Tip: Crab meat is especially useful for children and the elderly. It is absorbed by the body much faster and more completely than all other types of animal products. It turns out that there is no excessive load on the excretory and digestive organs.

  • Polyunsaturated acids, amino acids, . All these substances are necessary to maintain the functionality of the cardiovascular system. By improving the composition of the blood and removing harmful cholesterol from it, they reduce the risks of developing complex pathologies in this area.
  • Crab meat is rich in vitamins A, PP and group B. Their deficiency negatively affects the functioning of the digestive organs and nervous system.
  • The benefits and harms of crab meat are largely due to high content minerals. Firstly, it contains a lot of iodine, which is necessary to maintain normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It also contains a lot of zinc and selenium, which are responsible for maintaining the reproductive system in optimal condition. Thanks to this property, crab meat is even classified as an aphrodisiac. In addition to this, in dietary fiber a lot of potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium.

The given features of the chemical composition apply only to natural product, derived from the crabs themselves. Semi-finished products, canned food and other options for serving the delicacy are not as healthy and have a different set of ingredients.

Benefits of crab meat for the body

Thanks to the unique combination of chemical compounds and elements, crab meat works well not only as a culinary component, but also as a medicinal product. Including the product in the diet gives the following results:

  1. Stimulating all processes in the body helps improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system.
  2. The condition worsened by nervous diseases, alcoholism, malfunctions of the peripheral nervous system, and weakened memory improves.
  3. Meat eases the course of dermatitis, infectious diseases, and alleviates problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  4. The introduction of the product into the diet is recommended for diabetes, obesity, stomach and intestinal disorders.
  5. There is an opinion that eating crab meat reduces the likelihood of developing cancer and a number of diseases characteristic of old age.

In general, supporters of including seafood in the diet believe that this particular ingredient is the key to health and longevity. There is no official confirmation of such a theory, but chemical composition products indicates high degree the likelihood of such an effect.

Harm and danger of crab meat

The main negative aspect of eating crab meat is that the animal lives on seabed. It feeds on substances that are not capable of harming itself due to the characteristics of the developed immunity. But a person can seriously suffer from such a set of components, including bacteria. We cannot exclude the possibility of the presence of radioactive elements in the meat of individuals, which can seriously harm health.

True, high-quality preliminary and culinary processing preparations reduces risks to a minimum. If you also do not abuse the product, the likelihood negative impact on the body will be minimal. By the way, it is very easy to get enough of crab meat, due to its high nutritional value. Of course, it is better to buy products from trusted manufacturers. Moreover, in a form as close to natural as possible.

Today you can find crab meat on sale, but it is better to purchase whole crabs, boil them and after that extract a valuable product. Crabs can be sold live, frozen or boiled.

Here are a few things to consider during the selection process:

  1. The best option is live crabs. They must be intact, with all legs intact. If an individual looks sick and its legs are stretched out, it is better not to buy it.
  2. The darker the color of the belly of the product, the more tender its meat will be.
  3. If you buy frozen goods, then let them be claws and phalanges. Their contents practically do not lose their taste and softness after processing.

Before cooking the crab, it must be immersed in a clean fresh water and leave for at least 1 hour. Then the individuals will go into suspended animation and they can be cleaned without any problems. After this treatment, the crabs are steamed until they turn bright red. If the shell of the crabs is very soft, they do not need to be boiled. traditional way, and fry in batter or bake in the oven. The main thing is not to eat meat from an undercooked animal, as this can lead to poisoning.

These invertebrate animals, which are close relatives of crayfish, familiar to us from childhood, live mainly in sea ​​waters. However, short-tailed crayfish are also land-dwelling. In total, science knows more than four thousand various types such crustaceans. The largest representatives of these animals are caught industrially, because crabs have the most delicate and very delicious meat. This is exactly what the Kamchatka crab is, whose shell diameter can exceed half a meter by the end of its life, lasting up to twenty years. At the same time, the mass of such “ king crab"can reach seven kilograms or even more.

The bulk of these crabs are caught near the shores of the Kamchatka Peninsula (hence the name of this crustacean). Although it lives throughout the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In stores you can buy not only fresh or frozen crab meat, but also canned crab meat. Everything that is consumed by humans is found in the claws and legs of the crab, as well as in those joints of the legs that attach them to the body of the animal. Very tasty and crab roe. The grayish color of fresh crab meat should not scare you away - this is its natural color. Only after boiling will it become snow-white, tender and aromatic.

Crab meat is a delicacy that has a characteristic taste that cannot be confused with other seafood, but also great benefit for a person. The cost of such a delicacy is very high and can exceed $50 per kilogram.

Calorie content

Please note that although crab meat contains enough protein and fat, it has a fairly low calorie content (only 96.4 kcal). However, the fat content here is very small, so the meat of these crustaceans belongs to the category of dietary products.

The energy value of king crab meat is achieved by the following contained in it (for 100 g of crab meat):

  1. Proteins – 16 g.
  2. Fats – 3.6 g.
  3. Carbohydrates –0 g.

Nutritional value per 100 grams

  1. Water – 80.1 g.
  2. Ash substances – 1.2 g.
  3. Vitamins: A (beta-carotene - 0.3 mg), A (RE - 30 mcg), group B (B1 - thiamine - 0.05 mg, B2 - riboflavin -0.08 mg, B5 - pantothenic acid - 0, 6 mg, B6 - pyridoxine - 0.3 mg, B9 - folic acid - 20 mcg, B12 - cobalamins - 1 mcg, C (ascorbic acid - 1 mg), PP - 3 mg, PP (Niacin equivalent - 5.656 mg) .
  4. Minerals: calcium - 100 mg, iron - 4.3 mg, magnesium - 50 mg, sodium -130 mg, potassium -310 mg, phosphorus - 260 mg.

Useful properties of crab

Thanks to such a wonderful range of both organic and minerals, the meat of these animals has great benefit for a person:

  • The proteins that make up crab meat are very rich in taurine, which is very necessary for muscle tissue cells and walls. blood vessels, since it not only monitors cholesterol levels in the blood, but also stabilizes blood pressure, which is excellent prevention development of atherosclerosis and various pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Since crab meat has no connective tissue at all, its proteins are completely absorbed by the body.
  • Since this seafood contains very little fatty tissue and is completely free of carbohydrates, it can be safely consumed by people suffering not only from excess body weight, but also from a disease such as obesity.
  • Fatty amino acids, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, “monitor” the composition of human blood, getting rid of excess cholesterol, that is, they prevent the development of various cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, which is the main cause of myocardial infarction and stroke.
  • The meat of these crustaceans, like any seafood, contains iodine, which stimulates the thyroid gland, which secretes hormones responsible for the functioning of the entire human endocrine system and the central nervous system.
  • Nutritionists say that crab meat is very useful in diagnosing:
  1. pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. obesity;
  3. cardiovascular pathologies;
  4. disorders of the secretory activity of the thyroid gland;
  5. blurred vision;
  6. anemia;
  7. depression or nervous breakdown.

However, you should not use this gourmet product when you have a personal intolerance to seafood, as it can cause allergic reaction in the body, and even lead to anaphylactic shock.
