Yellow Egyptian helba tea. Egyptian helba tea, unique properties of yellow tea

If you've never heard of yellow tea and about its benefits, this, oddly enough, is not surprising. For many centuries this noble drink was produced exclusively for supplies to the palace of the Chinese emperors, and information about it was classified. Those distant times are long gone, the drink is no longer a secret, but yellow tea (huang cha, as it is called in China) is still considered the rarest type today Chinese tea. It is not produced in large quantities and is difficult to find commercially.

Yellow tea is a type of drink that has been slightly fermented. According to the degree of oxidation, this product is in third place after green and white teas. Its fermentation rate is 7–10%. The aroma of tea is memorable, fragrant, with bright smoked notes. The taste of yellow tea is invigorating, multifaceted, sweetish, with an original aftertaste.

This drink produces a clear infusion of yellowish-amber color. You can unmistakably identify yellow tea by the pinkish edge in a cup of infusion. The raw material should look uniform, with intact dense buds covered with white fluff, leaves of the same size and dark olive color.

Varieties of yellow tea

Depending on the quality, there are three types of tea:

  1. Kidney. Only tea buds are used for its production. This type includes the highest quality tea Jun Shan Yin Zhen and Meng Ding Huang Ya.
  2. Small varieties - a bud with one young leaf (Wei Shan Mao Jian).
  3. Large varieties - a bud with two to three leaves (Huo Shan Huang Da Cha).

Standing apart from these varieties is Egyptian tea, which is also called yellow. However, this drink has nothing to do with tea bushes, since it is produced from fenugreek seeds. And then we will not talk about it, but about yellow tea from China.

Production technology

Chinese yellow tea is made from raw materials High Quality. Its collection is carried out following very strict rules:

  • collection period – early spring;
  • raw materials are collected exclusively by hand;
  • the collection of tea raw materials lasts only 3 days;
  • The buds are not collected all in a row, but only the most selected ones: heavy, dense, without damage;
  • You cannot collect raw materials in rainy weather or during dew;
  • discard all hollow, flaccid buds and buds of unnatural color;
  • do not collect buds that have already begun to open;
  • buds damaged by frost or insects are also considered defective;
  • Non-standard sized buds are not suitable for making this tea: too long, short or irregular in shape.

Yellow tea is made from selected tea leaves and buds

Yellow teas go through several stages during the manufacturing process:

  1. Pre-frying with a gradual increase in temperature. Such a temperature difference accelerates the fermentation process and allows you to maintain a uniform color of the raw material.
  2. Drying and cooling. As a result of this processing, the moisture content in the raw material is reduced to 40–50%.
  3. Languor. This stage is key and distinguishes the production of yellow tea from others Chinese varieties. Such an operation requires precision, special skill, strict adherence temperature regime and fermentation speed. It is largely thanks to this stage that the drink acquires its unsurpassed beneficial and tasteful qualities.

Useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of yellow tea are due to the rich composition of high-quality raw materials from which it is produced. It contains a large number of vitamins, amino acids, microelements, polyphenols and other substances beneficial to the body.

This drink activates the body's hidden reserves, relieves spasms, promotes the elimination of toxins, improves immunity, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, central nervous system, digestive tract And endocrine system. The benefit of yellow tea also lies in its general strengthening and tonic effect.

Can such healthy drink harm the body? It has practically no contraindications, but you should avoid drinking this tea in large quantities, especially for a strongly brewed drink. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to brew yellow tea

Yellow tea should be brewed in accordance with certain rules. Violating them can simply ruin this rare and noble drink: it can become bitter and lose most of its beneficial substances. Let us recall the main points that must be adhered to:

  1. Steep boiling water is not suitable for brewing; the water should be soft and have a temperature of 65–85 degrees.
  2. For 150 ml of water, usually take 3-4 grams of tea leaves.
  3. Porcelain, ceramic or glass dishes are suitable for brewing yellow tea.
  4. Before brewing, the kettle should be heated with boiling water.
  5. The brewing time for this tea is 30 to 45 seconds.
  6. The drink can be brewed 3-4 times in a row.
  7. With each spill, you should gradually increase the infusion time, first to 45–60 seconds, and then to 60–90 seconds.

During the brewing process, the tea buds float several times and then sink to the bottom again. If you brew this tea in a glass teapot or tea flask, you can see and appreciate this amazing and fascinating “tea dance” in all its glory.

It is better to drink tea from white porcelain dishes. Since a pinkish rim in a cup of infusion is considered a sign of the naturalness of yellow tea, it can best be seen on white porcelain and verify the authenticity of the drink.

Yellow tea (huang cha) should be stored in a cool, dry place in a ceramic container with a tightly closed lid. Tea easily absorbs foreign odors; this fact must be taken into account when storing it. The shelf life is about a year, after which the product begins to lose its quality.

Prophet Muhammad said: “Heal yourself with helba!” .

The Tabibs said: “If people knew how much benefit there is in helba, they would buy it for the price of gold” .

The English scientist Kleber also said: “If you put all the medicines on one side of the scale and the helbe on the other, then the scales will balance.” .

Helba(الحلبة, trigonella foenum-graecum L., fenugreek, hilbe, shambhala, chaman, fenugreek, fenigreek grass, Greek hay, Greek goat trefoil, Greek sochetica, cocked hat, camel grass) is a popular spice all over the world and medicine. The entire plant (including seeds) has an intense odor with a slight nutty aroma.

Recipes containing fenugreek seeds were found in Egyptian papyri dating back to 1500 BC. BC.
In ancient Egypt, hilbe was used to treat burns and to induce labor, as well as for embalming mummies. In the fifth century BC, the famous Hippocrates treated many diseases with fenugreek. These seeds were once used by both gladiators and Greek athletes to give strength and appetite. Charlemagne grew fenugreek in his domains and used it as a remedy for baldness.

Arab doctors Fenugreek was used in ointments to treat wounds and abscesses, since Hilbe seeds contain a lot of plant mucilage and adhesives. Applying this mucus to the wound is good for soothing irritated and inflamed tissue. It acts in a similar way when taken orally. Chinese doctors used it to treat hernia, fever, and illness Bladder, kidneys, muscle pain and impotence, recommended for fevers, intestinal and pulmonary diseases, sexually transmitted infections in men, constipation, atherosclerosis, high level triglycerides and cholesterol. Indian specialists This spice treats peptic ulcers and strengthens women's health. Hilbe was widely used in Europe Benedictine monks. Since the 9th century, this plant has been widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of wounds, fevers, respiratory and gastric diseases. IN North America colonists used fenugreek to treat female diseases. Over time, it became the main ingredient in Lydia Pinkham's famous herbal remedy, a renowned remedy for menstrual discomfort. In any case, the American creator of this medicine declared it the greatest medical discovery of the 19th century.

Hilbe is now widely used in many countries around the world. In Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, hilbe is popular; not only the seeds of this plant are used there, but also the green leaves because of their high nutritional value. There are a few popular dishes In some parts of Saudi Arabia, which cook using hilbe seeds, they are especially consumed during the month of Ramadan.

Modern scientists, having analyzed the composition of fenugreek, have found that it is rich in protein and carbohydrates, and also contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP, folic acid, and is very similar in composition to fish fat.

Hilbe belongs to the legume family. The seeds are medium-sized, mustard-colored, rectangular in shape, with stripes. Fenugreek sprouts take 6-7 days to germinate.
Hilbe sprouts disinfect and cleanse the blood, kidneys and liver. They stimulate appetite and are recommended for anemia and physical fatigue. They contain a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins A, D, E and group B, minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur.

Hilbe sprouts are consumed raw. Their taste is a little spicy, so they are used as a seasoning for salads and soups.

Range medical use Hilbe is very widely used because it has strong anti-inflammatory properties and has a calming effect. Hilbe - excellent remedy for people weakened after illness and recovering, especially with diseases of the nervous, respiratory and reproductive systems.

Biological effect of fenugreek: expectorant, antipyretic, tonic, anti-atherosclerotic, antidiabetic, laxative, etc. Hilbe is used to help with diabetes and sugar intolerance.

American Cancer Center(Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) states:

“Fenugreek has strong hypocholesterol, hypolipid and hypoglycemic activities in healthy and diabetic people.”

After deep scientific research European Scientific Society on herbal medicine included fenugreek in the list of remedies useful for the treatment of diabetes and lowering cholesterol levels. Fenugreek also promotes lipid oxidation and thereby reduces the level of free radicals in the blood.

German Quality Commission food products and medicines, similar to the FDA (USA), has recognized the benefits of fenugreek and approved its use for medicinal purposes, in particular to dissolve mucus and other secretions, improve blood circulation and prevent the growth of infections.

Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna):

Hilbe soothes throat and chest pain, soothes coughs and asthma, especially if boiled with honey. If boiled with vinegar (apple), it is very useful for treating intestinal ulcers, and if boiled in water, it is useful for diarrhea. Hilbe oil is useful for stomach tumors. If its oil is boiled with honey, it helps remove dense moisture (waste) from the intestines, increases the flow of urine and menstrual blood, and also becomes useful for patients with hemorrhoids.

Respiratory diseases

Hilbe is one of the best home remedies for colds and pulmonary diseases; it is used for influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, for prolonged, chronic cough, and bronchial asthma.
It is recommended to boil 2 teaspoons of seeds in 1 glass of water for 5-10 minutes. over low heat with dates, figs or honey (can be combined). Take half a glass of drink 3-4 times a day. Hilbe milk decoction is very helpful for dry cough.
If you have a sore throat, you can gargle with this infusion: simmer 2 tablespoons of Hilbe seeds for 30 minutes. in 0.5 liters of water, remove, let stand for 15 minutes, strain.

Women Health

Modern research has confirmed that hilbe is an excellent medicine for the treatment of female diseases. Hilbe seeds contain diosgenin, which is similar in structure and action to the female sex hormone estrogen. IN large quantities Hilbe acts as a strong stimulant that promotes the onset of menstruation and causes an influx of breast milk. If there is a lack of milk, drink 3-4 glasses of infusion of Hilbe seeds per day (2 teaspoons of seeds per glass of boiling water, brew with honey).

Douching with a strong infusion (1-2 tablespoons of seeds per glass of boiling water) is successfully used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genital area, inflammation of the uterus, vagina and vulva.

Diseases gastrointestinal tract

A decoction of hilbe cleanses the stomach, kidneys, and intestines of mucus and toxins. The infusion coats the walls of internal organs with protective mucus, which has a healing effect when peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Cholesterol control

Studies conducted in the USA have shown that fenugreek seeds significantly reduce the content of bad cholesterol.

Skin diseases

A paste made from ground seeds is used to treat ulcers, abscesses and difficult-to-heal wounds, cleanses the skin, and gets rid of warts.

Bad breath or body odor

Due to the large accumulation of toxins in the body, the body appears bad smell. If you drink hilbe tea, the smell that confuses you after a while will surprisingly change to pleasant aroma this plant.


Soak 2 teaspoons of seeds in water and leave overnight. In the morning, drink the resulting infusion with stevia decoction.


Hilbe seeds are rich in iron. Take 1-2 teaspoons with dates or honey. In this combination, iron is well absorbed and its level in the blood increases.


As a general strengthening and tonic, take 2 teaspoons of crushed seeds daily in a cup of hot milk. Sprouted Hilbe grains are especially useful.


For inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, simmer the seeds (1 teaspoon) in 250 ml of water until half the volume remains. Drink 3-4 cups of decoction per day.


Hilbe is an excellent antipyretic.


Hilbe is used for severe forms of arthritis and polyarthritis: simmer 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds for 5 minutes. with stevia leaves, drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. Use incense at the same time.

Kidney problems

Hilbe tea cleanses not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the kidneys.
A thick decoction of dates and fenugreek is a good diuretic and breaks up kidney and bladder stones.

Fenugreek is a tonic and stimulant for the whole body and especially for the urinary system; animals usually resort to it for liver and kidney diseases.

Hilbe in cosmetology:

Hair masks

1 teaspoon of ground fenugreek is mixed with olive and cumin oil. You can add a pinch of ground black pepper. Rub the mixture into the roots of your hair and insulate your head. Keep the mask on your hair for half an hour, then rinse off. Hair growth accelerates, dandruff is destroyed and various scalp dermatitis is cured.

A paste of ground seeds applied to the scalp promotes hair growth. Also use sprouted hilbe grains in your food to enhance the effect. For dandruff, soak 2 tbsp. l. seeds in water overnight. In the morning, grind the softened seeds into a paste and apply to the scalp for 1 hour. Then wash your hair thoroughly.

Boil 4 tablespoons of powder in one glass of water, then strain and wipe the skin with the resulting mixture several times a day. Use to treat dull, brittle hair and hair loss.

Face masks

Cleansing mask. 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds mixed with a tablespoon olive oil, applied for ten minutes. The mask helps get rid of acne and various dermatitis.

Nourishing mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of ground seeds with yolk, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. caraway oil, 1 tsp. olive oil. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse.

Moisturizing mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of Hilbe seeds with 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. carrot juice and 1 tsp. aloe juice Apply for 20 minutes, rinse.

Cosmetic effect essential oil Hilbe

Anti-inflammatory, cleanses the skin. Used to prevent hair loss and increase hair growth. Used for head massage, added to masks and shampoos.

Dosages and contraindications

If there are no other instructions, 1-2 teaspoons of seeds (preferably ground) are simmered in 1 glass of water over low heat for 5 minutes. To improve the taste, add dates, honey, figs, lemon, mint, stevia.

Contraindications: Do not use Hilbe in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it has an abortifacient effect, as well as for vaginal bleeding.


At the beginning of use, Hilbe gives a specific smell to sweat (strong cleansing properties). But with daily body hygiene and consumption sufficient quantity liquid odor can be avoided. If you often drink Hilbe tea, over time the embarrassing smell will be replaced by the pleasant aroma of this plant.

Delicious recipe

Arabic sweetness - helba

2 cups regular semolina,
1/3-1/2 cup ground walnuts,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
a pinch of salt,
1/3 tsp. cinnamon,
1/3 tsp. turmeric for color,
1/2 cup olive oil for dough,
1/2-2/3 cup of helba decoction,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil for lubrication.

Helba decoction
1 dessert spoon of helba seeds,
1 glass of water.

1 glass of water,
1 glass of sugar,
1 tbsp. lemon juice.

Preparation of syrup
Bring water to a boil, add sugar, stir until completely dissolved, add lemon juice and cook for 4-5 minutes over low heat. The finished syrup should be similar in thickness to children's cough syrups, i.e. don't be thick. Cool the syrup.

Preparation of helba decoction.
1 dessert spoon pour 1 cup of helba hot water. Cook covered for low heat 3-4 minutes. Cool and strain.

Preheat the oven to 170-180 degrees.

Preparing the dough.
Mix in a bowl semolina, sugar, ground nuts, spices - cinnamon, salt, turmeric.
Then add half a glass of vegetable oil and mix thoroughly.
Pour in half a glass or a little more of the helba decoction to make an elastic dough.
Grease the mold vegetable oil, lay out the dough and distribute it evenly over the pan, pressing with your palms. The thickness of the dough should not be more than 1 cm. Grease the top of the dough with vegetable oil.
Cut the dough into portioned pieces in the form of diamonds, on each piece put a nut - an almond or a quarter (half) walnut and press it lightly into the dough.
Place the form with the dough in a heated oven. Bake over low heat until golden
Brown about 40-45 minutes.
Pour the cooled syrup over the hot helba (there may be some leftover). The syrup is absorbed slowly, so it should be left for 3 hours or overnight.
Ready-made sweets have a dense, slightly crispy structure.

Helba (trigonella foenum-graecum, fenugreek) is a world-famous medicinal product and also a popular spice with a slight nutty aroma. It has many positive healing properties, such as pain relief and rapid healing of open wounds, and expectorant properties. Widely used in cosmetology as rejuvenating masks for the skin of the face and body.

In contact with

In China For many centuries, healers have used miraculous properties fenugreek for treatment genitourinary system and its infections, male impotence, pulmonary diseases, constipation, fever and many other diseases.

In Arab countries Helba is used as an ingredient in the preparation of ointments for the treatment of abscesses and open wounds, since the seeds of this plant contain a considerable amount of plant mucilage, the application of which to the wound helps relieve inflammation and promote rapid healing.

Hippocrates used the properties of yellow tea from Egypt to treat gynecological diseases and problems, since fenugreek relieves discomfort during the menstrual cycle, relieves postpartum pain in a woman’s body and improves the secretion of breast milk, which is so necessary for feeding a newborn.

Scientists of our time analyzed the composition of fenugreek and found that it is rich in carbohydrates and protein, and also contains complex useful elements necessary for the full functioning of the human body.

As a tonic drink, yellow tea has a unique aroma and taste, which has been valued by gourmets for many centuries of its existence.

Egyptian yellow tea: benefits and harm

Gastrointestinal tract
For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a decoction prepared from helbe seeds is used, which cleanses the stomach and intestines of mucus and accumulated toxins, thereby improving the functioning of the digestive tract. To do this, you need to steam a few teaspoons of seeds with boiling water and drink the chilled decoction 3 glasses a day before meals.

Respiratory system
In the field of diseases respiratory system Fenugreek is one of the best drugs for the prevention and treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. It is recommended by healers to take 2 teaspoons of seeds and boil them in 1 glass of water with the addition of honey and or dates for 10 minutes. Take half a glass of the decoction 3 times a day until your health condition improves.

Capacious and useful about hawthorn -.

Women's diseases
Application in direction women's health douching strong tincture used to treat inflammation of the uterus and vagina. After childbirth, 3-4 glasses of decoction per day will help solve the problem of lack of breast milk.

Benefits for men
Sexual impotence in men is a fairly pressing problem that the stronger half of our planet is trying to combat. 2 teaspoons of crushed fenugreek grains infused in a glass of hot milk can solve the problem of impotence.

Any remedy can have both a beneficial effect and cause harm, unfortunately, our case is no exception. Helba contraindications are as follows: it should not be used in the early stages of pregnancy, as fenugreek has abortifacient properties. It is also not recommended for use for vaginal bleeding in women.

Enjoy the exquisite aroma of Helba

Let's figure out how to brew Egyptian yellow tea correctly. Traditional method tea making is not applicable to fenugreek seeds. The hard shell of the plant's seeds is not prone to quickly yielding its taste qualities, because of which it is simply impossible to do without cooking them over a fire. The seeds, soaked in water at the rate of 1 -1.5 teaspoons per cup of drink, are boiled for 15 minutes, after which the decoction is ready for use.

WITH yellow tea Ginger and honey combine perfectly, helping to express the exquisite aroma of the prepared drink.

Let's summarize
Helba has become a drink that, having its natural qualities, is capable of not only healing, but also has a very pleasant tonic aroma that allows a person to enjoy the process of drinking tea. For true connoisseurs tea parties, fenugreek seeds brought a variety of flavors to their favorite pastime.

Video on how to brew yellow tea correctly:

Bon appetit!

One of the most unusual teas in the world - yellow egyptian tea. At the same time, with yellow Chinese tea it has nothing in common, since it is not produced with tea bush, and for brewing it is not even the herbaceous part of the plant that is used, but its seeds. In Egypt, yellow tea is extremely popular and is a local landmark. In any case, tourists are always treated to this amazing drink.

Egyptian yellow tea and its properties

Yellow tea, which is rapidly gaining popularity, is produced from Egypt, from seeds legume called fenugreek. However, this is not its only name; other names are also known: shambhala, helba, fenugreek, chaman, abish, camel grass, etc.

The fenugreek plant is truly unique. Detailed description his medicinal properties found in the manuscripts of Avicenna, Hippocrates, and in the treatises of Chinese healers. It is quite well known and studied at present.

Grown as a food, medicinal and fodder crop in India, China, Southern and Central Europe, Ethiopia, Egypt, South America, Southern Transcaucasia.

It is an annual plant 40-70 cm tall. The presence of coumarin in the chemical composition gives a strong characteristic odor to flowers, fruits and leaves. Fruits (beans) are used to make tea. The pods are quite large, up to 10 cm long, the seeds are up to 5 mm in diameter.

Medicinal properties of Egyptian yellow tea

The healing effect of yellow tea is due to the value of its fruits, a real storehouse of microelements, vitamins, amino acids, etc.

Fenugreek fruits contain:

  • mucous (up to 30%) and bitter substances,
  • routine,
  • coumarin,
  • steroid saponins and phytosterols,
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) - 3.5-18 mg%,
  • flavonoids,
  • Trigonelline alkaloid (0.3%),
  • essential oil (0.3%),
  • fatty oil (5-8%),
  • proteins (up to 25%),
  • tannins,
  • vitamins A, C and B1, B2, B9 (folic acid) and enzymes,
  • essential amino acids,
  • nitrogenous substances,
  • iron,
  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • sodium,
  • magnesium,
  • zinc,
  • arsenic,
  • starch.

As you can see, chemical composition The plant is very rich, and when brewed, all components are almost completely transferred into the drink, having a beneficial effect on the human body.

Regular consumption of Egyptian yellow tea will help avoid many problems and is recommended:

  1. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Fenugreek tea cleanses the intestines of mucus and toxins and has a healing effect on ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.
  2. To lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.
  3. For skin diseases. Egyptian yellow tea helps normalize the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. And as you know, it is malfunctions in the functioning of these organs that manifest themselves in the condition of the skin.
  4. For prevention and treatment diabetes mellitus(in complex).
  5. Under heavy loads and an unbalanced diet, fenugreek decoction will help avoid anemia.
  6. The tea cleanses the kidneys well, and in combination with date infusion, it dissolves and removes stones from the bladder and kidneys.
  7. At various types arthritis in complex treatment.
  8. For colds it is a powerful antipyretic.
  9. For the treatment of female diseases and impotence.
  10. To improve lactation during breastfeeding.
  11. For respiratory diseases (bronchitis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, etc.).

This is one of the most effective home remedies that has a strong expectorant effect.

In addition, you can safely use boiled seeds for cosmetic skin and hair care.

Due to the fact that it is not the leaves but the seeds of the plant that are used, the usual way Brewing is not suitable in this case. Of course, you can just pour boiling water over the fenugreek beans and let them brew. But we must remember that seeds do not reveal their properties so easily. Yellow tea from Egypt is prepared according to a special recipe. It needs to be boiled. Therefore, the name “tea” is somewhat arbitrary; it is essentially a decoction and a porcelain teapot is not needed.

The seeds must be washed and dried for several days.

To fully develop the aroma of the tea, roast the seeds and then grind them.

Pour into a small saucepan required quantity water and add “leaf tea” at the rate of 200-250 ml - one teaspoon. The more tea leaves, the stronger the tea.

Simmer over low heat for 8-10 minutes and then pour into cups.

How to drink yellow tea

100 g of fenugreek seeds contains:

  • Fat - 6.4g
  • Belkov - 23g
  • Carbohydrates - 58.4g
  • Fiber - 10g.

The energy value of 1 teaspoon of seeds is 12 kcal.

The taste of yellow tea is unique and rich in nuances. In general taste range a nutty flavor predominates.

The tea should be drunk slightly cooled. It is better to replace sugar with a spoon of honey.

It will be very tasty and healthy to add ginger and lemon.

The brewing water can be replaced with milk.

Since fenugreek seeds have a pronounced therapeutic effect, there are many recipes for special teas. For example:

Yellow Egyptian tea with dates for anemia.

A thick decoction of dates and fenugreek cleanses the kidneys well and dissolves stones.

If you add stevia leaves to brewed yellow tea and leave for 5 minutes, you will get a wonderful remedy against arthritis.

In some cases, if fenugreek is used for medicinal purposes, it is better not to brew it, but to leave it for 12 hours and drink the infusion.

In a word, yellow fenugreek tea improves health, nervous system. Is Egyptian yellow tea used for weight loss? Controversial issue. After all excess weight, often, the problem is largely psychological and the causes of obesity must be sought and eradicated in one’s behavioral reactions. And yellow tea is only an auxiliary remedy.

In the world, in addition to black, green and red tea, many others are brewed and enjoyed with pleasure. exotic varieties. One of the most extravagant is the yellow type of tea from Egypt. It makes for an unusual appearance, an original tasting and healthy drink. What are its benefits and harms?

What is yellow tea from Egypt?

Residents of Europe, out of habit, call the dried upper leaves of the tea bush tea. The Egyptian variety of tea leaves is unique in that for its preparation they use the seeds of a plant from the legume family - fenugreek. It is also referred to as:

  • helba (or hilba);
  • abish;
  • methi;
  • camel grass;
  • chaman;
  • Greek goat trefoil;
  • fenugreek;
  • blue clover;
  • fenugreek;
  • "cocked hat".

The properties of fenugreek that are beneficial to humans have been known since time immemorial. They were studied by ancient Chinese healers, and various parts of the plant were used in their medical practice by Avicenna and Hippocrates.

Growing zones and appearance

Mass planting and cultivation of “camel grass” is carried out not only in Egypt and Asian countries (China, India). The conditions of Central European and South American climates are also suitable for this unpretentious plant.

Abish stems reach 70 cm in height. During the ripening period, the grass produces long pods (about 100 mm), inside of which there are seeds (beans). Both inflorescences and fruits, as well as the herbaceous part (leaves and stem) have a characteristic aroma.


Value medicinal herbs And food additives determined by the content of useful substances in them. Fenugreek fruits are rich in:

  • rare macro- and microelements (zinc, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, etc.);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • flavonoids (rutin), which improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • carotenoids, responsible for the supply of oxygen and moisture to all cells;
  • B vitamins;
  • amino acids (lysine, etc.);
  • phytosterol, which activates the defense system;
  • a vegetable substitute for the hormone progesterone (the main “fuel” for female ovaries);
  • polysaccharides responsible for the removal of toxins and normal cell functioning.

It is important to know. Impact high temperature When brewed, it does not reduce the value of Egyptian tea. Useful material pass from the fruit into water and dissolve in it.

For those who watch their figure

1 serving (teaspoon) of seeds contains only 12 kcal. Shambhala is rich:

  • vegetable proteins (23%);
  • simple carbohydrates (28.4%);
  • fiber (10%).

There is very little fat in fenugreek grains (3.4%). Therefore, you can drink 2-5 cups of Egyptian tea per day without fear of losing your figure.

What are the benefits of helba

The fruits of goat trefoil have truly magical qualities:

  • promote increased sputum production in respiratory diseases;
  • “extinguish” the source of inflammation;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • act as an antipyretic;
  • eliminate the feeling of “ache” in the muscles of the body;
  • help strengthen the immune system;
  • protect the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach from spicy and rough foods;
  • improve the functioning of the pancreas;
  • activate metabolic processes in the stomach and liver;
  • fight pathogenic microorganisms that enter the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heal ulcers, wounds, cracks on the walls of the intestinal tract;
  • normalize hormonal balance in the body (this is important for women);
  • eliminate negative symptoms of menopause;
  • relieve pain during menstruation, help make the cycle regular;
  • improves the formation of breast milk (useful during breastfeeding);
  • in men - helps to increase potency and stimulate sexual activity;
  • have a mild diuretic effect;
  • at regular use– “break” stones in the kidneys and liver, remove their remains out along with urine;
  • Increase concentration and relieve fatigue.

Did you know that abish tea brewed with dates is an excellent remedy for anemia. The fruits of camel grass in milk help with male impotence. Adding stevia will make a fenugreek drink delicious medicine from joint diseases, arthritis, etc.).

How it is used, including in cosmetology

Various parts of helba (stems, leaves, inflorescences, beans) are used as:

  • food additives;
  • feed crop for large livestock;
  • medicine.

Food additive

Abish seeds are part of multi-component spices such as suneli hops. Due to the high protein content and rapid digestibility in the body, as well as the prevention of gas formation in the intestines, novice vegetarians and vegans are advised to use chamana beans.

Tasty medicine with beneficial properties

  • diabetes;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • anemia (anemia);
  • formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • impotence;
  • various dysfunctions of the female reproductive organs;
  • menopause;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • angina;
  • tuberculosis;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • neurasthenia;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • depressive state.

Good to know. Helba has the unique property of lowering cholesterol levels and removing it from the blood. This prevents the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. In addition, a drink brewed from camel grass improves metabolism.

Panacea for skin

Fenugreek is also actively used in dermatology. Almost everything skin diseases(rashes, dermatitis, eczema) indicate malfunctions gallbladder and liver. This tea heals “from the inside”, restoring the functions of the most important internal organs. As a result, the condition of the skin becomes significantly better.

Gruel made from raw ground helba beans is one of the best wound healing agents.

Beauty the Egyptian way

Used abish beans left after brewing tea are useful for cosmetic care for the face and body. The fruits, mashed into puree, make an excellent hair mask with a strengthening and nourishing effect.

The semi-liquid gruel obtained from the beans remaining after making tea will become the basis for the “Nefertiti mask”. The skin is transformed, becoming fresher, firmer and tighter. You can add a couple of drops of any essential oil.

The resulting mixture is applied in an even layer to cleansed facial skin for 8–10 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. After the allotted time, carefully wash off warm water, and then blot the skin with a towel and apply a light nourishing cream.

How to brew yellow tea correctly

Our compatriots are accustomed to standard way To brew tea: pour boiling water and let steep for 5–7 minutes. Proper preparation chamana - a real ritual:

  • the fruits are thoroughly washed under running water cold water, dry on a towel or parchment for 2–3 days, periodically turning from one side to the other;
  • completely dried beans, like coffee beans, lightly fry in a hot frying pan (without adding oil) until a light brown hue appears;
  • the roasted seeds are crushed (with a pestle in a mortar or a coffee grinder);
  • the resulting “infusion” is poured into a container with purified cold water (or cow's milk) and put on low heat (approximately 1 teaspoon of tea per 200 ml of liquid);
  • The mixture should boil for up to 10 minutes over low heat, after which it can be poured into cups and enjoy the resulting drink.

This is interesting. Properly prepared shambhala has a unique flavor, with notes of nuts, chocolate and vanilla. Although those who try hilba for the first time often find its taste strange. Instead of traditional granulated sugar or refined sugar, it is better to use Bee Honey. If the tea is made with water, you can add a slice of lemon, a pinch of cinnamon, or finely grated ginger on the tip of a spoon to the cup.

Contraindications and harm to the body

A remedy that is a panacea for one person becomes a poison for another. The three-cornered hat can cause harm:

  • pregnant women (due to the risk of causing bleeding and premature birth);
  • women during menstruation.

Blue sweet clover should be consumed with great caution:

  • insulin dependent patients;
  • people using anticoagulants and hormonal drugs.

It is best to discuss the dosage of tea with your doctor.

Interesting fact. Regular and long-term consumption of blue clover tea leads to the fact that the whole body begins to “fragrance”, and sweating is noticeably reduced. The smell is generally pleasant, with a slight bitterness and a hint of walnuts. This is exactly what most Egyptians smell like.
