Recipes with pumpkin flour. How to make your own pumpkin flour from seeds - step-by-step photo instructions

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Pumpkin - a well-known fruit. Some people know pumpkins as the main decoration for Halloween, while others grow them in their own garden. In fact, pumpkin is very healthy, and not only the pumpkin pulp itself, but also its seeds! If you grind the seeds, you get flour. This is exactly what I want to talk about today.

Pumpkin seed flour is a protein-vitamin complex plant origin, contains essential amino acids that are successfully combined with vitamins C and group B, macro and microelements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc) and dietary fiber.

Pumpkin seed flour compatible with any products and medicines Moreover, it relieves the toxic load on the liver, simultaneously healing it. This functional food product is effective in the fight against the so-called diseases of civilization - diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, liver and prostate diseases.

I have flour from the company "Specialist". I recently wrote about cedar flour from the same manufacturer.

  • Price- 180 rubles in IM "Health of Altai"- . The price of flour there is relatively low (and there is a large selection of it). In other IMs I saw it for 250 rubles and more. I haven't seen it in retail yet.
  • Volume- 200 grams.

Sold in cardboard boxes that contain all the necessary information. The flour itself is packaged in a dense, ergonomic, water- and light-proof bag. It can be closed and opened many times.

In general, there are no complaints about the packaging. Very comfortable.

Pumpkin seed flour perfectly normalizes metabolism, stimulates the immune system, improves the functioning of major organs and systems human body, primarily the cardiovascular, hematopoietic organs, liver and kidneys, increases mental and physical performance.

Just look at nutritional composition. He's just perfect! A lot of protein and fat - pumpkin seed oil is also a very valuable thing.

KBJU: per 100 grams - 286 kcal, proteins - 40 g, fats - 10 g, carbohydrates - 5.5

The flour is rich green in color and the grind is quite fine. It is homogeneous and can form small lumps that crumble when touched. Lumps appear from the oil in the composition.

It smells like pumpkin seeds, a rather specific smell, nothing unusual.

The flour tastes the same as the seeds. If you've eaten raw pumpkin seeds, you know. I can’t say that it’s tasty, but it’s NOT tasteless either. The taste is rather an acquired taste. If you really want delicious flour, then pay attention to cedar or walnut flour.

Pumpkin seeds contain zinc. Lots of zinc!

Unfortunately, the diet modern man does not allow you to get the required amount of zinc from food. It is especially necessary for athletes (especially weightlifters), because during active sports the body uses up zinc faster.

Zinc helps improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. It strengthens hair and nails and cleanses the skin. Everyone knows cheap and effective remedy- zinc ointment. And there are also many different zinc-containing drugs (Zincteral, for example). They are often prescribed by dermatologists to treat acne and acne. So, instead of drugs, you can simply eat 3-4 tbsp. in a day.

Zinc affects the activity of the gonads and prostate gland, normalizes the secretion of testosterone and is used for the prevention and treatment of male infertility.

Zinc also helps the pancreas produce insulin and helps restore normal blood sugar levels.

In addition to zinc, pumpkin seeds are rich in a whole group of amino acids! They perform a number of important functions in the body and help digest proteins.

Glutamine is converted in the brain into glutamic acid, which prevents fatigue and relieves depression.

Glycine prevents degeneration of cells of the central nervous system.

Lysine promotes the absorption of calcium by cells.

Methionine prevents fatty liver degeneration, normalizes cholesterol metabolism, participates in the production of antibodies, albumin and promotes the formation of collagen.

Phenylalanine increases performance, improves mood, improves memory.

Valin has a stimulating effect on muscle metabolism and is used by muscle cells as an energy source.

Isoleucine necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, regulates blood sugar levels.

Meteonine improves the functioning of the digestive system, helps detoxify (remove) heavy metals, provides protection from radiation, is necessary for the synthesis of adrenaline, the pharmacokinetics of folic acid and vitamin B12.

Threonine participates in the formation of collagen.

................................................................ WHO AND WHY......................................................................

1. People involved in sports. Especially for those who are gaining muscle mass. Firstly, because flour is very rich in protein (and amino acids), and Secondly, again, ZINC. It is important when recruiting muscle mass, since it is part of anabolic hormones, on which the final result largely depends.

2. Patients with diabetes, vegetarians and those on a diet. Due to its zinc content, flour promotes the production of insulin and regulates blood sugar levels. It also regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

3. Children and teenagers. It all comes down to zinc again; its deficiency results in slower development.

4. For those who have problems with hair loss, acne and brittle nails.

5. In general, everyone, without exception, should include pumpkin seeds in their diet.

I chose this flour because I go to the gym and gain weight. In general, I just love various seeds and really love pumpkin.

The condition of my hair, nails and skin has not improved. I haven’t noticed any external changes at all, but I don’t eat too much of it either (1-2 tablespoons per day)

It is not necessary to eat flour in pure form. It can be added to cereals, salads, kefir, yoghurts, baked goods, made into cocktails and used as a breading.

I add 1 heaping tablespoon to my oatmeal in the morning. The result is porridge with a slight pumpkin flavor. But I usually add a lot more (fruits, dried fruits, nuts, cocoa mass), so the taste of pumpkin is somehow lost for me.

I also made this drink - pumpkin-cedar milk. I just took a glass of warm milk, added pumpkin and cedar flour (1 tbsp each), beat it with a blender and added date pekmez. To be honest, it turned out very tasty. And this drink is also quite filling)

Generally it turns out green, but the date pekmez made it more creamy.

You can still cook various pastries. The manufacturer assures that it is not a large number of pumpkin flour makes baked goods more fluffy and does not go stale for a long time. I can't say anything about this.

But the flour is green, so any dish to which pumpkin flour is added turns green. For example, the dough for banana pancakes from 5 types of flour. There is only 1 tablespoon of pumpkin flour, and the dough has acquired a greenish tint


So if you are lucky enough to be given a pumpkin by your parents/grandmothers, never throw away the seeds! It’s better to dry and grind them, add them to porridge and baked goods.

And if pumpkin from your garden does not shine for you (like me), then I RECOMMENDstore-bought flour! Especially for athletes who are losing weight. Tasty, healthy, nutritious.

I have 2 more types of flour from this manufacturer - cedar and sesame. I especially love cedar and pumpkin, and sesame is the highest protein and is also a source of calcium, but it is very much for everyone (it’s bitter).

Thank you for your attention! Good luck, meow! .◕‿◕.

Natural pumpkin flour was obtained by drying and grinding washed, peeled seeds. Healing power crushed seeds was noticed by the peoples inhabiting Brazil, India and South America. The product has received special attention in our time, when the importance healthy eating comes to the fore. After all, pumpkin seed flour does not contain gluten, but is rich in high-quality protein, macro- and microelements, and vitamins.

This protein-vitamin-mineral complex is valuable dietary product nutrition that vegetarians and raw foodists can add to their menu. Medicinal properties Pumpkin meal made by cold pressing of oil also preserves. The use of vitamin-preserving technology allows you to preserve proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, which are successfully combined with fiber.

Composition and characteristics

Pumpkin flour It has such a rich vitamin and mineral composition that is rarely found in other products. It is an invaluable source of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, including alpha-linolenic acid. In addition to vitamins B, A, C, PP, K, pumpkin seed powder contains many micro- and macroelements:

  • Vitamin A 3 mcg
  • Calcium 55 mg
  • Magnesium 262 mg
  • Sodium 575 mg
  • Potassium 919 mg
  • Phosphorus 92 mg
  • Iron 3.31 mg
  • Zinc 10.3 mg
  • Vitamin 0.286
  • Copper 690 mcg
  • Choline 39.1 mg
  • Manganese 0.496 mg

Just 100 g of crushed seeds contains daily dose polyunsaturated fats, vitamin K and PP, as well as minerals: iron, copper, manganese. And to replenish daily value For magnesium and phosphorus, it is enough to eat 60 g of pumpkin flour.

The glycemic index of pumpkin flour is 70 units, and insulin index(AI) is 40 units. Moreover, AI raw pumpkin equal to 25, and for a boiled vegetable 75. Pumpkin flour has lower calorie content compared to wheat flour (360 Kcal).

Pumpkin seed powder contains a large amount vegetable protein(almost 40%). This gluten-free product is recommended to be included in the diet of people who do not eat foods containing animal protein. Easily digestible pumpkin flour protein contains the only limiting essential amino acid– lysine. By combining pumpkin powder with legumes, you can add complete protein to your menu!

But the main advantage of pumpkin powder is the absence of gluten - the protein ingredient of gluten, which can trigger pathological processes in the human body.

Medicinal properties and rules of use

Pumpkin flour is allowed to be used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract. Gluten-free powder lowers blood glucose and cholesterol levels, improves fat metabolism, preventing obesity and allowing patients with type II diabetes to reduce the dose of glucose-lowering medications. As part of complex therapy for cardiovascular diseases, pumpkin flour increases the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, maintains normal blood pressure, and fights the consequences of strokes and heart attacks.

In folk medicine, pumpkin flour has proven itself in the fight against worms. To do this, you need to dilute 50 g of powder warm water until a liquid mass is obtained and take it on an empty stomach in small portions for 15 minutes. After 2 hours you need to drink a saline laxative. According to another recipe, you need to add honey to the flour, take it before breakfast (you can eat it after an hour), and after 3 hours take a laxative.

By adding this product to your daily diet you can:

Pumpkin seed flour finds use as an ingredient sports nutrition, acting as a source of protein and energy for muscle tissue. It must be remembered that the maximum daily norm pumpkin powder is no more than 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Use in cooking

Pumpkin powder has an airy consistency and a slight nutty flavor. Goes well with wheat flour, dried fruits, nuts and gives the finished product original taste, gluten-free flour is used in baking bakery products, manufacturing confectionery products: cookies, halva, sweet bars, etc. Bread with the addition of pumpkin flour is very popular, which is fluffy and does not go stale or mold for a long time. But to improve the taste, increase organoleptic qualities and increasing storage time (up to 72 hours), you should use no more than 100-150 g of pumpkin powder per 1 kg of rye or wheat flour.

Main culinary uses of pumpkin seed flour:

  • vitamin and protein supplement for cereals, salads, snacks, soups;
  • thickener for gravy, sauces, jelly;
  • enriching element for baking;
  • breading for minced meat products, vegetables, etc.

Porridge, which is prepared very simply, will bring undeniable benefits to the body. Pumpkin flour is poured into boiling water (milk) and boiled for about 2 minutes with constant stirring. For weakened or recovering patients, you can increase nutritional value porridge, adding dried apricots, raisins, prunes, honey, cocoa, yogurt. Seed powder is added to various side dishes, bake pancakes and pancakes, sprinkle on salads, cereals, pasta.

Pumpkin flour is often taken as energy drink, diluting with water or other liquid. It turns out healthy cocktail, enriched with protein, which is well absorbed by the body. With the addition of pumpkin flour you can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes: sauces, gravies, dumplings and even cutlets, and housewives note that in combination with carrots they acquire a smoked aroma.

In home cosmetology

Based on pumpkin flour, face masks are made with different effects: refreshing, cleansing, whitening. The amino acids it contains, as well as vitamins B and C, are involved in the synthesis of collagen, a protein “responsible” for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Zinc has the ability to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing the appearance of acne. For problem skin you can use a mask made from equal parts of pumpkin flour, sour milk, honey and lemon juice.

To refresh and whiten facial skin, cosmetologists recommend using next recipe: Pour boiling water over the flour to obtain a medium-thick consistency. Lubricate your face with vegetable oil and apply the warm mixture for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and rinse your face with cool water. You can prepare a rejuvenating decoction by boiling 100 g of pumpkin powder in a glass of water for 2-3 minutes. Leave for 2 hours, strain, wipe the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, and hands several times a day.

You can improve the condition of your hair and scalp and prevent dandruff by regularly using a special mask. Fill hot water pumpkin flour in a ratio of 1:10. Apply the resulting emulsion to the roots and insulate the head. Wash off after 20-30 minutes. It is advisable to combine the external use of pumpkin seed flour and its ingestion. Complex regular use will restore elasticity and tenderness to the skin, provide softness and silkiness to the hair, and make nails healthy.

Making flour at home

Although it is not difficult to buy ready-made pumpkin flour, many people prefer to make it themselves. This will eliminate the presence of any industrial or foreign impurities in the mixture, which means it will provide maximum benefits. To do this, you need to peel, wash the raw pumpkin seeds and dry them in the oven or simply in the sun.

The weight of the seeds should decrease by 2-3 times. After drying, the seed should be ground in a coffee grinder, meat grinder or blender, selecting the finest grinding mode and checking the resulting mass by touch. It is advisable to sift the pumpkin flour through a sieve 1-2 times and pour into a dry, clean container, which is closed with an airtight lid. In this form, the product can be stored for 2 months in a cool, dark place.

You can also make flour at home from pumpkin pulp, which is famous high concentration carotenoids with antioxidant properties. First you need to select ripe vegetable, remove the peel, remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into small pieces (slices) and place in a dryer or oven set to low heat. When the vegetable slices are dry, you need to grind them in a blender or food processor. Ready powder Pumpkin pulp should be stored in the refrigerator or a cool, dry place in a container with a tight lid.

Are there any contraindications or harm to health?

There are no strict prohibitions on the use of pumpkin flour. In recommended doses, the product is well suited even for baby food, as well as for inclusion in the diet of pregnant and lactating women. Cause harm and cause Negative consequences Uncontrolled consumption of pumpkin flour can be detrimental to health due to the oversaturation of the body with microelements and vitamins.

Due to the high content of dietary coarse fibers, which affect the activity of intestinal microflora, a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract may occur. If taken in excess, a person may experience such problems with gastrointestinal tract, such as constipation, diarrhea and increased gas formation.

People suffering from hypotension should not overuse pumpkin powder, because... There may be a slight decrease in blood pressure due to vasodilation. Patients with cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, as well as migraines, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Individual intolerance is extremely rare, but any allergic manifestations that have ever been observed after taking pumpkin serve absolute contraindication to the use of products from any part of the vegetable.

It is dangerous to use a product that has expired, which acquires a bitter taste due to the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. If pumpkin flour is stored without a date label, the bitterness can be easily detected by taste. Rancid products are full of toxic compounds harmful to health and must be disposed of because they increase the risk of developing malignant tumors, cardiovascular pathologies and other diseases. Therefore, you should use a freshly ground product to combine benefits for the body and delicious food!

Pumpkin flour has centuries-old history. Its ancestors are considered to be enterprising Mexicans, but today the scope of its application has moved far to the East, affecting many European countries.

Most people know that main ingredient A regular in the kitchens of healthy eating enthusiasts, it is an excellent remedy for worms. But besides this, the product is a source of easily digestible plant origin, the rate of which is 40%.

The protein content is distinguished by the presence of numerous proteins, which act as indispensable “bolts” for the proper functioning of the immune system. Especially it concerns . Its mention can often be found on sports nutrition labels, because thanks to it, professional athletes can quickly build muscle mass.

An additional advantage here is the ability of arginine to improve blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs. Its use is especially useful for men, because regular use guarantees consistently high potency, and also significantly improves the quality of sexual life.

If you do not replenish your reserves of this vital amino acid on a regular basis, your body will begin to protest. Immediately a person will face an attack of hypertension, and then he will have to deal with mental or neurological abnormalities. Against the background of the above, weakening of immune defense is a common occurrence. The victim begins to experience difficulty concentrating, memory weakens, and there is an increased risk of becoming a victim diabetes mellitus, obesity. Destabilization of the reproductive system, which will occur against the background of liver dystrophy, adds to the danger.

Another important amino acid that flour can offer is pumpkin seeds, is . It has a beneficial effect on stabilizing energy metabolism and also improves the muscular system.

The composition boasts other amino acids that are required to maintain the functionality of the nervous system at an acceptable level under conditions of increased stress.

They are responsible for this here:

Their main benefit lies in the ability to prevent a tired nervous system from being subjected to significant depression when the body suffers from an unfavorable environment. With the help of this trio, it becomes easier to endure depression, and nervous breakdowns do not have too many harmful consequences, as usually happens.

Not everyone knows that consumption in sufficient quantity microelements are not everything. It is necessary to fill the body with substances that will help process the incoming vitamin complex. Just such an assistant is calcium, which successfully transforms calcium into strong building blocks for building good health.

To replenish methionine and threonine, which are responsible for collagen synthesis, it is absolutely not necessary to eat the powder raw. At proper preparation Even pancakes or other delicacies made in compliance with the rules of heat treatment are suitable.

If the eater has problems with the formation of hemoglobin, then isoleucine, which is abundant here, will help him out. Together with methionine, it works to produce pancreatic secretions.

Leucine, which is stored in a specific pumpkin cookies Suitable for those who have difficulties with carbohydrate metabolism. It is especially useful for losing weight. Additional benefits here include regeneration of bones and skin.

Vitamin attack

Total healing powder There are about fifty different microelements. The most significant in terms of specific gravity are called: , .

The last point is considered paramount for the stable release of digestive secretions. Knowing how to take a culinary supplement containing it, you will be able to stabilize carbohydrate and also fat metabolism. This can build immunity that can resist even the most serious illnesses.

If you do not monitor the timely replenishment of zinc reserves, then very soon you may encounter problems in terms of destabilizing the functioning of the liver, brain, and thyroid gland. But the one who will suffer the most nervous system, which will be depleted, which will affect the quality of mental abilities and the ability to analyze. In the worst case scenario, even infertility is possible.

The second most important is phosphorus, which a person needs for normal energy metabolism. With its help, the muscles and the brain work without interruption, without causing its owner to experience difficulty concentrating or fatigue.

Plays an important role in health, without which bones will quickly lose their hardness, and absorption nutrients will slow down significantly. Pancakes made from the ground seeds of the orange garden resident are an excellent remedy for problems with blood clotting.

Medical indications

The list of properties of the favorite flour of healthy eating enthusiasts impresses even doctors. Among them are the following impacts:

Diet cakes based on this useful ingredient It is most often recommended for use by elderly people experiencing the first signs of osteoporosis. The same algorithm should be followed by those who have suffered from arthritis for a long time, or are in the risk group of patients who have every chance of developing kidney stones.

Some fans traditional medicine claim that their seed powder recipes cope with normalization hormonal levels no worse than expensive drugs.

The positive effects on the male reproductive system are almost legendary. But low calorie pie and daily addition of raw powder to a woman’s daily diet also has its effectiveness:

  • well-being improves;
  • libido awakens;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • burn old fat layers.

Often, such baked goods without third-party additives are allowed even during low-carb diets. The reason for this is the presence of, which is a natural antidepressant. With its help, deprivation of your favorite delicacies becomes less painful, with a positive attitude and without loss of sleep. Also, created with your own hands will please you with a small amount of calories. To do this, you need to use a minimum of third-party components, creating dietary masterpiece in the bread maker yourself.

Herbalists advise taking a spoonful of flour before bed if the patient has difficulty falling asleep. Eating it just like that, adhering to the recommended dosage, will be useful for people suffering from acne.

Other indications that require the use of the product in its pure form include:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • heart diseases, eliminated by phytosterols;
  • reduction of harmful substances accumulating in the blood;
  • plaque prevention;
  • blood sugar control;
  • antioxidant activity of cells.

And thanks to cucurbitin, you can successfully get rid of various types of helminths.

Precautionary measures

Having dealt with the many advantages of an unusual guest kitchen cabinets, many immediately strive to switch to its use. But to do this, you first need to consult a nutritionist or your doctor. The reason for this is possible contraindications.

Most often, the harm lies in excessive consumption product. But there are also some specific contraindications, which include high content rude. This indicator will not appeal to those who already suffer from digestive system disorders. In this case, the additive will only do harm, which will result in:

  • loose stools;
  • periodic constipation;
  • increased gas formation.

Patients who have a diagnosis of hypotension or a suspicion of it in their medical records should heed the list of contraindications. The problem is the dilation of blood vessels, which can further reduce the already extremely low blood pressure.

The possible allergic reaction on a pumpkin. In this situation, any recipes for dishes even with minimum quantity powder are contraindicated.

Experienced housewives insist that it is easier to throw away a product that has been stored for too long than to use it for its intended purpose. Reviews say that if the flour tastes bitter after... long-term storage, then he should get rid of it. Otherwise, instead useful substances you can eat plant toxins.

Cooking method

Many shops specializing in proper nutrition, are already offering finished product. But it is much more effective to create a gluten-free composition yourself. This will avoid various flavorings and other stabilizers that distort the original nutritional value.

Instructions for homemade provides the following steps.

First, the raw seeds are thoroughly washed and then sent to dry. It is best if it is a specialized drying machine, but if there is no such benefit, you can use regular oven. You need to turn off the workpiece after the weight of the draft has decreased by approximately a couple of times.

The semi-finished product is crushed with a blender or coffee grinder. It is better to choose the finest grind, otherwise you will have to redo the work twice.

The result should only be stored in an airtight container. Optimal conditions for careful storage they are called refrigerated, but even there the workpiece should not sit idle for more than two months.

Use useful supplement at your own discretion. Some eat it directly as a biologically active addition to the daily diet, while others prepare various dishes from it. Some housewives prefer to add powder as a natural nutritious thickener for soups, sauces, and cereals.

It is even possible to add vegetarian salads. Dieters will love this healthy gravy to brighten up the monotonous taste of boring porridges. And athletes will not be able to do without it when creating branded energy cocktails on every day.

If you add unusual deliciousness to fermented milk products, you can achieve not only an interesting yellowish tint, but also increase energy value. Adding nuts to your smoothie makes for a satisfying snack.

But the most important thing in using natural is to know when to stop, since too much leads to a deterioration in well-being rather than effective healing.

Grocery list:

  • Pumpkin flour 1 cup
  • 2 eggs
  • 12 glasses of milk
  • Almonds 30 grams
  • Walnuts peeled 50 grams
  • Cinnamon

Cooking method:

Beat milk with eggs, add flour and mix well. Grind the nuts in a separate container, pour in 100 ml of cream with the addition of a pinch of cinnamon. Pour the dough into a special silicone container for microwave ovens, add a mixture of nuts and cream, and if desired, you can add a few raisins. Bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Before serving, you can decorate it with grated chocolate or coconut flakes to suit your taste.

"Witch Mountain"


  • Pumpkin flour 1 cup
  • 2 eggs
  • Sour cream 400g
  • Margarine 30g
  • Slaked soda 12 teaspoons
  • Raisins 15g
  • Dark chocolate without additives 1 - 2 tiles.


Melt margarine on the stove. Mix with eggs and slaked soda, beat until foamy. Add sour cream, raisins, flour, mix thoroughly. Place the resulting dough in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate over the fire, add 1-2 tablespoons of cognac to taste. When the biscuit is ready, break it, but do not crush it into crumbs, place it on a plate in the form of a slide and pour over the chocolate.

Pumpkins for dessert


  • 3 eggs
  • Pumpkin flour 2 tablespoons
  • Flour 1 cup
  • 12 glasses of milk
  • Rapid yeast 5 grams
  • carrot juice, diluted 1 glass
  • Dark chocolate with nuts 1 bar


Mix yeast, pumpkin and wheat flour, add milk, juice, beaten eggs and mix well. Let the dough rest for 15-20 minutes. Make small cakes from the resulting text, and place a small piece of chocolate inside. Seal the edges and shape into a pumpkin. Upon request from a separate piece mold the dough into “caps” and place in green dye. Place the resulting buns on a baking sheet greased with margarine and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Chicken fillet in aromatic sauce

List of products:

  • Chicken fillet 300g
  • Pumpkin flour 1 tablespoon
  • Cream 50ml
  • Cheese 100g
  • Medium bulb
  • Black pepper
  • Greenery


Thawed chicken fillet slice large pieces and marinate in cream with black pepper and pumpkin flour for 10-15 minutes. Chop the onion small pieces, place in a frying pan. After 5 minutes, add the kritsa along with the marinade, sprinkle with herbs, mix well and fry without a lid over medium heat. When ready, sprinkle the chicken with grated cheese, close the lid and let stand for 10 minutes. If desired, you can replace the cream with mayonnaise.

Cheese soup - puree

List of ingredients:

  • Cheese 150 grams
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • small onion
  • Little carrot
  • Garlic clove
  • Tomato paste teaspoon
  • pork
  • Fresh herbs


Pour over pork a small amount water and set to cook. Finely chop the onion, carrots and garlic and fry over medium heat. 3 minutes before ready to add tomato paste, flour and mix well. Boil diced potatoes and grated potatoes in pork broth. fine grater cheese. Add roast to soup. Check for doneness by checking the softness of the potatoes. When the soup is cooked, pour it into a blender and puree. Before serving, garnish with finely chopped herbs

Porridge "Narodnaya"


  • Round rice 100 grams
  • Wheat cereal 150 grams
  • Pumpkin flour 50 grams
  • Milk 250 ml
  • Salt 12 teaspoon
  • Sugar 2 tablespoons
  • Creamy, vegetable oil taste

Cooking method:

Pour 200 ml of milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add cereals, following the order: millet, rice and pumpkin flour, at intervals of 10 minutes, stirring continuously. When ready, pour in the remaining 50 ml of milk, salt, sugar, mix thoroughly, turn off the heat and let sit for 10-15 minutes. If desired, add oil, dried fruits, berries or honey before use.

Pears in dough


  • 4 medium pears
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin flour
  • 4 tablespoons wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 12 glasses of milk


In a bowl, beat eggs with milk until smooth, add both types of flour. Knead the dough and let it stand for 10 - 15 minutes. Then knead the dough again, roll out to a thickness of 2-3 mm and cut out long strips, connecting them in pairs. Wash the pears thoroughly and remove the peel. Attach a strip of dough to the “sharp” part of the pears and carefully “wrap” the dough around the pear, leaving no gaps. Apply the algorithm to the remaining pears, then place in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
