Briefly about nutritional supplements. Food additives: harmful and beneficial, classification, their effects on the body

Over the past decades, there have been significant changes in production technologies and in the range of products due to objective and subjective factors. These factors include:

  • "qualitative leap" in the technological, material and technical spheres of raw materials and food production;
  • changes in consumer preferences of the population under the influence of various reasons: advertising, which causes a "fashion" for certain products; sales promotion activities; expanding the range of goods, etc.

History reference

Nutritional supplements used by people for centuries and even millennia. These include, first of all, salt, the first mention of which is found in 1600 BC. in ancient Egypt. Also, spices were used already in the times of the Roman Empire, great importance was given to exotic seasonings and spices - cinnamon, cloves, ginger, pepper, nutmeg, which gave a specific taste and aroma to products.

The mass use of food additives dates back to the end of the 19th century, and today it reaches its maximum distribution. This is explained by the growth of the population, its concentration in cities, which caused an increase in production volumes. food products through the improvement of production technologies, the manufacture of products using biotechnology and the achievements of chemistry.

Meanings of the term "food additives"

However, the term now has several interpretations. As a rule, the main meaning of the following is a group of natural or artificial substances or their compounds that are used in order to improve the technology for obtaining products. They are introduced into products during manufacture in order to impart certain properties and/or maintain the quality of food products. This interpretation is typical for the Russian Federation. Nutritional supplements are sometimes confused with dietary supplements or dietary supplements that are not related to them.

According to one of the first definitions of the WHO (World Health Organization), food additives are non-nutritive substances that are added to food in most cases in small quantities in order to improve appearance, taste, texture or increase shelf life.

Auxiliary materials of food additives

Nutritional supplements distinguish from auxiliary materials that are used during the technological process.

Auxiliary materials include substances that are not related to food ingredients, however, are used during the processing of raw materials and food products in order to improve technologies. In the composition of finished food products, there are either no auxiliary materials, or their non-removable residues may occur.

Reasons for using nutritional supplements

Currently, there are several reasons why food manufacturers widely use nutritional supplements:

  1. Since food products are transported for sale over long distances, among them perishable and quickly stale products, accordingly, they should contain additives that will increase the shelf life of their quality.
  2. Due to the fact that today the individual ideas of a particular consumer, associated with taste, attractive appearance, low cost, and the convenience of using food, are changing rapidly, manufacturers use flavors, dyes, etc. to meet such needs.
  3. The science of nutrition is developing, certain requirements are being formulated for the creation of new types of food - low-calorie foods, products - analogues of dairy, meat and fish products. This forces manufacturers to use food additives that regulate the consistency of food products.
  4. And also the technologies for manufacturing traditional and new products are being improved.

Thus, it is possible to formulate the main purpose of nutritional supplements:

  1. They allow improving food technologies at all stages, namely the preparation and processing of food raw materials, manufacturing, packaging, transportation and storage. The use of food additives helps to improve or facilitate the process.
  2. Preserve the natural qualities of the product - increase its resistance to various types of spoilage.
  3. They improve and preserve the organoleptic properties of food products (consistency, appearance, color, taste, smell) and increase their stability during storage.

In accordance with Russian sanitary legislation, food additives cannot be used if, from the point of view of the manufacturer, it is technically and economically feasible. Their use should not degrade the quality organoleptic properties food. It is forbidden to use food additives in order to mask the spoilage of raw materials and the finished product, technological defects, as well as to reduce the nutritional value (excluding some products of special and dietary purposes).

Brief conclusions

Food supplements of natural origin have been used since ancient times. The term itself has several interpretations. In addition to the food additives themselves, certain auxiliary materials are used in the technological process. There are several reasons why nutritional supplements have become widely used. Based on these reasons, the goals of their application are formulated.

Simply put, we can say the following. Manufacturers, in order to obtain additional profits, undertake certain actions. With the help of the introduction of nutritional supplements, they have the opportunity to:

  • increase the shelf life of the product: its quality and properties when transported over long distances;
  • expand the range to meet the needs of numerous consumers;
  • to introduce the development of the science of nutrition (nutritiology);
  • food additives allow to improve, simplify, facilitate the technological process.

The question is how high quality is the product that manufacturers provide to the end consumer. The main purpose of nutrition is to provide the necessary nutrients(proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water) to the body in the required and balanced amount. Does this product contain necessary components nutrition, as well as whether it contains toxic elements harmful to the body ... More information will be discussed in this section.

Food additives are substances that can enhance the taste and aroma of products, maintain their presentation for a long time and extend their shelf life.

Additives are used in the food industry. Almost all products on the counter in stores contain them - sausages and semi-finished meats, pickles, canned food, fruits and vegetables, various sweets (ice cream, sweets, desserts, jellies, yogurts, cheeses) and even bread.

Classification of food additives

I. By origin, the following food additives are distinguished:
1. Natural - are of plant or animal origin, include minerals in their composition.
2. Identical to natural - have the same properties as natural nutritional supplements, but synthesized in the laboratory.
3. Synthetic (artificial) - developed and synthesized in artificial conditions have no analogues in nature.

II. There is a division of food additives by numerical code
Food additives are abbreviated as "E". There are several versions of the origin of this. Some experts argue that the name comes from Examined (translated means tested), while others believe that it comes from the word Europe. The letter "E" is always accompanied by a number indicating a group of nutritional supplements.
E 100-199 - dyes that enhance the natural color or restore the lost shade during the manufacture of the product

E 200-299 - preservatives that extend the shelf life of products

E 300-399 - antioxidants or antioxidants that prevent food spoilage
E 400-499 - thickeners, emulsifiers and stabilizers that affect the consistency of the product
E 500-599 - substances that preserve the structure of the product due to the normalization of acidity, humidity; they are also called baking powder; they prevent the "caking" of products
E 600-699 - flavor and odor enhancers
E 700-799 - food additives with pronounced antibacterial properties.
E 800-899 - category left for new additives
E 900-999 - sweeteners and defoamers
E 1000-1999 - a group of food additives with a wide spectrum of action: glazing agents (anti-flamings), salt melters, texturizers, separators, sealants, gas compressors

III. There are also useful, neutral, harmful and dangerous (prohibited) food additives. They will be discussed in more detail below.

Beneficial and harmful effects of food additives on the human body

Now the assertion is very popular that absolutely all food additives bring only harm. In fact, this is not true at all. They have their pros and cons, and some of them are even beneficial to the human body.

The great advantage of food additives is that they contribute to a longer storage of products, give them a “delicious” look, make them much more appetizing (which is very much appreciated by gourmets).

The main disadvantages are their bad influence on health. Various synthetic food additives damage organs and cause them to wear out quickly, because chemicals are hard to process by the human body. At high dosages, some supplements can be very dangerous.

Eating foods rich in flavor enhancers and flavors is everyone's business. Someone prefers to eat very tasty food, without attaching great importance to the fact that this can be harmful to health. Some people buy almost nothing in stores in order to avoid the negative effects of chemicals. And others can withstand the middle ground, eating most foods and observing “safety measures”.

Nutritional supplements useful for the human body

Curcumin (E100) - lowers blood cholesterol levels and increases hemoglobin, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract (stimulates its peristalsis, normalizes intestinal microflora, is effective for intestinal infections and peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, restores liver cells), prevents the development of diabetes, arthritis and oncological diseases.

Riboflavin (E101) - is vitamin B2. It is involved in fat and protein metabolism, in redox processes, in the synthesis of other vitamins in the body. Riboflavin maintains youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, is necessary for the normal formation and development of the fetus and the growth of children. It is also very effective for constant stress, depression and psycho-emotional stress.

Carotene (E160a), annatto extract (E160b), lycopene (E160d) are similar in composition and action to vitamin A, they are powerful antioxidants. They contribute to the preservation and improvement of visual acuity, strengthen the immune system, protect against cancer. Always remember that these substances are strong allergens.

Beet betanin (E162) - has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, lowering vascular tone and thereby lowering blood pressure. Reduces the risk of myocardial infarction. Improves the absorption of proteins of plant and animal origin. Participates in the synthesis of choline, which stimulates the work of hepatocytes (liver cells). In addition, this substance has a strong anti-radiation effect. It also prevents the development or progression of oncological diseases, the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one.

Calcium carbonate (E170) is a simple chalk. With a deficiency of calcium in the body, it compensates for its deficiency. May affect blood coagulation. Takes part in muscle contractions, including the heart muscle. It is the main component of bones and teeth. Chalk in case of overdose has a toxic effect on the body, causing the development of milk-alkaline syndrome in it.

Lactic acid (E270) is found in dairy products and cheeses, sauerkraut and cucumbers. It normalizes the intestinal microflora and is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, promoting the absorption of carbohydrates.

Vitamin C (E300) - ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant and protects body cells from free radicals. Strengthens immunity. AT in large numbers contained in blackcurrant, kiwi, apple, cabbage, onion, pepper.
Vitamin E (E306-309) - tocopherols accelerate the regeneration of the skin. Slow down the aging of the body, protect against the action of toxins. They thin the blood and stimulate the work of red blood cells, thereby favorably affecting the cardiovascular system.
Lecithin (E322) has a large number of useful properties. Contained in egg yolk, caviar and milk. Promotes proper development nervous system. Increases immunity. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and removes it from the body. Improves hematopoiesis, bile composition. Prevents the development of cirrhosis of the liver.

Agar (E406) is part of the algae. It is rich in vitamin PP and trace elements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine). Its gelling effect is very often used in food and confectionery industry. Agar, due to its high content of iodine, stimulates the thyroid gland. It is also able to bind and remove toxins and various toxins from the body. Another useful property of it is the improvement of bowel function.

Pectins (E440), the sources of which are apple, grapes, citrus fruits, plums. They remove toxins, toxins, heavy metals from the body. Helps cleanse the intestines. They protect the gastric mucosa from the action of damaging factors, have an analgesic and healing effect on ulcers. Reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. It should always be remembered that in large quantities pectins are strong allergens.

Neutral food additives

Chlorophyll (E140) is a dye. It colors food green. Completely safe for human health. Some experts argue that it is even useful - it removes toxins from the body, when applied externally, it can heal wounds and eliminate unpleasant odors emitted by the human body.

Sorbic acid (E202) has a powerful antimicrobial effect, because it is able to inhibit the growth of mold in products. It is absolutely safe for humans. It is most often added to sausages, cheeses, smoked meats, rye bread.

Acetic acid (E260) is the most common acidity regulator. In a small concentration, it is completely harmless to the body and even useful, because it promotes the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats. But at a concentration of 30% or more, it becomes dangerous due to the possibility of burns to the skin and mucous membranes of internal organs. It is used in the preparation of mayonnaise, various sauces, confectionery, when preserving vegetables, fish, meat.

Citric acid (E330) serves as a flavor enhancer, preservative and acidity regulator. Due to the fact that it is used in small dosages, it is safe for humans. But when working with concentrated solutions or when eating large amounts of citric acid side effects may occur - burns of the mucous membranes oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and stomach, irritation of the respiratory tract and skin.

Gum (E410, 412, 415) is a natural additive to ice cream, desserts, processed cheeses, vegetable and fruit preserves, sauces, pates, bakery products. It is used because of its ability to form jelly to create a specific product structure. It also prevents its crystallization, which is very important for ice cream. Safe for human health. Its beneficial effect on appetite is noted - gum reduces it.

Mono - and diglycerides of fatty acids (E471) serve as natural stabilizers and emulsifiers. They are part of mayonnaise, pate, yogurt. They are absolutely safe for health, but they have one important side effect - when they are used in large quantities, body weight increases.

Baking soda (E500) serves as a baking powder in the manufacture confectionery products(bakery products, cookies, cakes), because it prevents the products from caking and the formation of lumps in them. Harmless to humans.

Calcium and potassium iodides (E916, 917). These dietary supplements are under investigation, so they are not yet on the lists of prohibited or allowed substances. Theoretically, they should stimulate the thyroid gland. Can protect against radioactive radiation. With a large intake of iodine in the body, signs of poisoning appear, so these supplements should be consumed in moderation.

Acesulfame potassium (E950), Aspartame (E951), Sodium cyclamate (E952), Saccharin (E954), Thaumatin (E957), Maltitol (E965), Xylitol (E967), Erythritol (E968) - sweeteners and sugar substitutes. They are added to carbonated drinks, desserts, candies, chewing gums and some low-calorie foods.

There is an active debate about the benefits and harms of these dietary supplements. Some believe that they are absolutely safe for the body, while others argue that these substances enhance the effect of carcinogens. There is also an opinion that sweeteners are wonderful sugar substitutes and are suitable for those who want to lose weight. excess weight. Doctors warn of their negative effect on liver cells, especially in people who have had hepatitis.

Dangerous food additives and their effect on the human body

The following is a list of the most common food additives that pose a risk to human health. They are widely used in the food industry, despite the harm they cause.

Yellow-green quinoline (E104) is a dye. It is added to sweets, chewing gum, carbonated drinks, groceries, smoked fish. It can cause severe allergic reactions, diseases gastrointestinal tract. Renders Negative influence on children's health.

Benzoic acid and its derivatives (E210-213) cause great harm to human health, especially in children. They cause severe allergic reactions and development cancer, nervous excitement, negatively affect respiratory system and human intelligence. The list of products that include these nutritional supplements is huge. Here are some of them: chips, ketchup, canned vegetables and meat, carbonated drinks, juice. However, these substances are not banned in many countries.

Sulfites (E221-228) are a group of food additives that are still poorly understood and are considered hazardous to human health. They are preservatives and are added to canned fruits and vegetables, mashed potatoes fast food, tomato pastes, starch, wine. They process dried fruits and disinfect containers. These substances can cause severe allergic reactions, provoke attacks of bronchial asthma, irritating the respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal diseases. If the cooking technology is violated, they can lead to death.

Urotropin (E239) increases the shelf life of cheeses and canned caviar. It is dangerous to human health due to its strong carcinogenic effect. It is also a powerful allergen and causes various skin diseases.

Nitrites and nitrates (E250-252). These food additives are added to sausages to give them a rich pink color. In addition, they are able to protect products from oxidation and exposure to microbial agents. Despite such positive qualities, these substances are very dangerous for human health, because they have a powerful carcinogenic effect, provoking the development of lung and intestinal cancer. They often have allergic reactions up to suffocation. They also affect the cardiovascular system, either narrowing or expanding the vessels, thereby causing sharp jumps. blood pressure. Nitrates also affect the nervous system. This is manifested by headaches, impaired coordination, convulsions.

Propionates (E280-283) serve as preservatives. They are added to dairy products, bakery products, various sauces. They have a negative effect on the vessels of the brain, causing them to spasm. At great use these chemicals may cause migraines. They are not recommended for children.

Carbon dioxide (E290) is one of the main components of carbonated drinks. It is able to wash out calcium, which is very harmful for a growing organism. It can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach, belching and flatulence.

Ammonium chloride (E510) serves as a dough improver. It is added to yeast, bread, bakery products, diet food and flour. It has a strong negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, especially on the liver and intestines.

Monosodium glutamate (E621) is one of the most famous food additives. It belongs to the group of flavor enhancers. His perceived danger is slightly exaggerated. In fact, monosodium glutamate is a component of legumes, algae, soy sauce. In small quantities, it is completely harmless to the human body. But with the systematic use of a large number of products containing it (chips, seasonings, sauces, semi-finished products), accumulation and deposition of sodium salts in various organs occurs. As a result of this, diseases can develop: decreased visual acuity, tachycardia, general weakness, severe headaches, nervous agitation, allergies (itching of the skin and flushing of the face).
This is not a complete list. It includes only the most dangerous and commonly used food additives. In fact, there are many more of them.

Prohibited Food Additives

Yellow tartrazine (E102) is used as a coloring agent in ice cream, sweets, carbonated drinks, yoghurts. It can cause severe allergic reactions, migraines and nervous excitement. Very dangerous for children. Banned in most countries.

Citrus red (E121) is added to carbonated drinks, lollipops, ice cream. It is a powerful carcinogen. Banned in most countries.

Amaranth (E123) - dark red dye. It is a chemical food additive that affects the liver and kidneys, provoking the development of severe allergic reactions, chronic rhinitis and cancer. It is most often used in the preparation of products that are very fond of children - jellies, desserts, puddings, ice cream, breakfast cereals, muffins and so on. This substance is banned in most countries.

Formaldehyde (E240) is used as a preservative in the manufacture of meat and sausage products, various drinks (carbonated water, cold teas, juices) and sweets (desserts, lollipops, chewing gums, jellies). It has a carcinogenic effect, causes damage to the nervous system, allergies and intoxication of the body.

Potassium and calcium bromates (E924a, E 924b) serve as improvers and oxidizers in the production of bakery products, as well as defoamers in carbonated drinks. They have a powerful carcinogenic effect. Banned in most countries.

Dosing of nutritional supplements

For each food additive, the permissible daily dose in which human health will not be harmed. But the catch is that most often manufacturers do not write the content of the substance in the product on the packaging. The full composition can be found only in special laboratories. In the same place, an exact calculation of the additive for a given amount of the product was made.

There is a rule for distributing ingredients in descending order - the substance that is contained in the highest concentration is indicated first in the composition, and the least - the last.

Very often, manufacturers, in order to hide the shortcomings of a product, add food additives to it not according to technology, but to bring it to a “presentation”. Thus, they do not even know how many chemicals they contain. And the packaging does not always indicate the exact composition of the product.

To date, additives have flooded the food market so much that it is even difficult to say where they are not contained. It is also almost impossible to completely abandon the products sold in stores, especially if this applies to urban residents.

Therefore, you should try to minimize their use.

Below are some tips on how this can be done.
 Before buying any product, it is better to study its exact composition in advance (information can be found on the Internet);
 It should always be remembered that most often chemicals are dangerous when used in large quantities, whether it is a useful or dangerous additive;
 Also, their impact on the body depends on the age and weight of the person;
 During illness or when the immune system is weakened, chemicals do more harm, therefore, in such conditions, it is better to limit their use;
 Fibers of plant fiber, thanks to the pectin they contain, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. So every day you need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits;
 Foods loaded with chemicals can form and release hazardous substances during heat treatment. The most harmful in this regard are aspartame (E951) and sodium nitrite (E250). Before you fry or boil the product, you must carefully study its composition.
 Do not eat brightly colored foods, vegetables and fruits out of season.
 It is imperative to limit the use of foods rich in food additives to children under five years of age (sausages and meat products, cheese, desserts, jellies, yogurts, seasonings and bouillon cubes, instant noodles, cereals, and so on).
 Well, and most importantly, everything should be in moderation - you don’t need to completely avoid products with additives, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with sausage, chips and fanta either. The body in a normal state is able to process without harm to health a small amount of chemicals. Their dangerous effects begin to appear with the systematic use of products with dyes and substitutes.

The meat industry is one of the oldest branches of the food industry. The significance of the meat industry in the national economy of the country is determined, first of all, by the fact that it provides the population of the country with products that are the main source of protein nutrition person. Meat and its processing technologies are of increasing interest.

Additives - substances that are not provided as mandatory in the recipe, but are introduced during the production of sausages to improve them - increase color intensity, storage stability, better taste and aroma, or reduce losses during heat treatment. Additives are also used for more rational use of raw materials.

The use of food additives is permissible only if they do not threaten human health even with prolonged consumption in the composition of the product, and provided that the technological tasks set cannot be solved in any other way. Based on the technological functions of additives, they are divided into several groups:

ü increasing the intensity and stability of color;

ü increasing the water-holding capacity of meat

ü improving the taste and aroma of products;

ü used as additional sources of protein;

inhibition of fat oxidation;

s preservatives.

The following reasons for the widespread use of additives by food manufacturers can be identified:

§ modern methods of trade in the conditions of transportation of food products (including perishable and quickly stale products) over long distances, which determined the need for the use of additives that increase the shelf life of their quality;

§ rapidly changing individual ideas of the modern consumer about food products, including their taste and attractive appearance, low cost, ease of use; the satisfaction of such needs is associated with the use of, for example, flavors, dyes and other food additives;

§ creation of new types of food that meets modern requirements of nutritional science, which is associated with the use of food additives that regulate the consistency of food products;

§ improvement of technology for obtaining traditional food products, creation of new food products, including functional products.

So we can conclude that additives are of great importance for the food, and in particular the meat industry.

Let's cover the topic according to a plan corresponding to the classification of additives according to their technological functions.

Substances that increase the efficiency and color stability of meat products

Ascorbic acid and its derivatives

To obtain a bright and stable color, ascorbic, isoascorbic (erythorbic) acids, ascorbate, sodium isoascorbate (erythorbate) are used.

Ascorbic acid (C 6 H 8 O 6) and sodium ascorbate are used to accelerate the reactions of color formation of meat products, improve the appearance and increase the stability of color during storage.

The action of ascorbic acid is based on its strong reducing properties, as a result of which it directly reacts with nitrous acid obtained from nitrite in the acidic environment of meat. Nitric oxide, iodine and ascorbic acid dehydrate are formed.

Ascorbic acid and ascorbinates reduce the residual content of nitrites in the finished product by 22-38%, enhance the antibacterial properties of nitrite, and inhibit the formation of nitrosamines in the product by 32-35%. The optimal amount of ascorbic acid and its derivatives is 0.02-0.05% by weight of the raw material. The use of sodium salts is considered to be preferable to the corresponding acids, since the reaction between acids and nitrite proceeds very quickly, with the possible loss of nitrogen oxides. Salts are added by 0.01-0.02% more than acids.

Neutralization of ascorbic acid is carried out with sodium carbonate by introducing 16 g of baking soda (NaHCO 3) into 1 liter of a 3% aqueous solution of ascorbic acid. The pH value of the solution after neutralization should not exceed 7.0. When using phosphates, neutralization of ascorbic acid is not performed.

Solutions of ascorbic acid and ascorbate are very sensitive to the presence of certain metals, and therefore they are stored in plastic, aluminum or stainless steel containers.

Sodium isoascorbate(sodium erythorbate) acts on raw materials similarly to ascorbate or ascorbic acid. It is used for:

Improving the process of forming the color of meat products;

Stabilization and increase of stability during storage of finished products;

Prevention of fat oxidation;

Improvement of taste and aromatic characteristics finished products.

The use of ascorbic acid, ascorbinates and erythorbates contributes to the production of products with increased environmental safety.

In addition to ascorbic acid for color retention fresh meat apply nicotinic acid, which is a vitamin of group B. The content of nicotinic acid or its amide in the amount of 0.0065% is considered acceptable, because. at this concentration, both substances are completely harmless. However, nicotinic acid has not been widely used. A mixture consisting of ascorbic and nicotinic acids turned out to be more effective.

To increase the intensity and stability of the color, it is also recommended to add glucono delta lactone(GDL). It is a white crystalline powder good taste. The higher the concentration of GDL, the more the pH decreases.

The cleavage of the lactone in an aqueous solution is the slower, the lower the temperature of the solution; slower in food than in solution. Due to the water content in meat and meat products, an equilibrium is also established between lactone and gluconic acid, which depends not only on temperature and GDL concentration, but also on other factors.

When equilibrium is established, a lactone that has a slightly acidic reaction produces gluconic acid with a sour taste and low pH.

Like the acids found in meat, gluconic acid is involved in flavor formation.

GDL can be added to the curing mixture if it is desirable to obtain a brine with a lower pH, and in a dry curing mixture it does not have a sour taste, only after dissolving the curing mixture in water can a brine with the required degree of acidity be obtained.


Saltpeter (nitrate) is potassium (KNO 3) and sodium (NaNO 3) in the form of white crystals.

In the manufacture of sausages, saltpeter is reduced to nitrite. Saltpeter has preservative properties, but since it is used in small quantities, it does not have a noticeable preservative effect.

AT sausage production both sodium and potassium nitrate are used. Sodium nitrate dissolves worse than potassium nitrate, therefore, when preparing a brine with an admixture of sodium nitrate, it is necessary to carefully monitor that it dissolves completely.

Upon acceptance, saltpeter samples must be transferred to the laboratory for analysis in order to determine its suitability for use in production. Saltpeter must contain at least 98% nitrate and no more than 2% moisture. If saltpeter has impurities that are insoluble in water, foreign smell, impurities of toxic substances and excessive moisture, it is not accepted. Saltpeter, recognized as suitable, is carefully sieved before use to avoid foreign objects getting into the minced meat.

Store saltpeter in a dry place, but not together with salt or other chemicals (nitrite, bleach, etc.) and odorous substances, as saltpeter absorbs odors.

The effect of saltpeter, which has absorbed excess moisture, is weakened during storage: then the portion added to the brine is correspondingly increased, since the dosages are taken taking into account the moisture content of not more than 2%.


Sodium nitrite (NaNO 2) is a nitrate reduction product. The purpose of nitrite in sausage production is to preserve the red color of the meat; partly used its preservative properties. Sodium nitrite - yellowish color, absolutely odorless and pollution-free. It has the ability to easily absorb odors as well as moisture from the air.

Sodium nitrite is used in the form of solutions (with a concentration not exceeding 2.5%); in syringe brines, the nitrite concentration is typically between 0.02 and 0.1%.

The role of sodium nitrite is multifunctional: in addition to its participation in the formation of nitroso pigments, a significant role of nitrite in the formation of flavor and aroma characteristics, the presence of an antioxidant effect on lipids, a pronounced inhibitory effect on the growth of microorganisms, toxigenic molds and the formation of toxins by them were noted.

In practice, it should be remembered that when preparing brines, the simultaneous addition of sodium nitrite and ascorbic acid is unacceptable in order to avoid intensive decomposition of nitrite. To obtain a stable color, sodium nitrite and ascorbate (erythorbate) are used.

Substances that increase the water-holding capacity of meat

Increasing the water-holding capacity and bringing it closer to that of fresh meat is very important in the manufacture of sausages and smoked meats. Losses of meat juice during heat treatment lead to dehydration of tissues, a decrease in juiciness, a deterioration in consistency, structure and taste. sausage products. The addition of salt alone cannot restore the full water-holding capacity of meat lost during refrigeration, freezing or storage. Therefore, chemicals are recommended that have a more or less effective effect in the presence of common salt.


The expediency of using phosphates in the production of meat products has been confirmed by many years of practice of their use. Phosphate salts and mixtures thereof are included in the formulations of curing brines of sausages and other meat products in order to increase its water-retaining capacity, coherence and adhesiveness of meat system components, stability of minced emulsions, increase the yield of finished products, as well as improve color, flavor and aroma bouquet and consistency meat products.

Food phosphates used in the production of meat products include sodium and potassium salts of phosphoric acids:

Ortho- (mono-) phosphoric (H 3 PO 4);

Pyro- (di-) phosphoric (H 4 P 2 O 4);

Triphosphoric (H 5 P 3 O 10);

Metaphosphoric (HPO 3).

To make up for the loss of moisture that occurs during the manufacture of sausages, to minced meat boiled sausage and sausages have to add water. For the meat to accept more water, it needs to swell. To do this, salt is added to the meat. Swollen meat fibers are able, within certain limits, to perceive the added water and, depending on the composition of the meat, retain this water even after roasting and boiling. Table salt causes swelling of the meat fibers and this phenomenon is nothing more than the effect of inorganic ions on the colloid. Other mineral salts also create a similar effect.

Table salt causes the maximum swelling of the meat fibers, and hence the binding of water, at a 5% concentration. With increasing concentration, the swelling begins to decrease, and at an even higher concentration, the swollen fibers even shrink. Different salts cause the most swelling of the meat at different concentrations. Phosphates give the best effect at a concentration of 0.3% and a concentration of table salt in meat of 2-2.5%.

The effect obtained when using phosphates is explained by their specific effect on muscle proteins and other components of minced meat.

An increase in the water-holding capacity of meat with the addition of alkaline phosphates is associated with a shift in pH to the alkaline side.

The addition of acid phosphates, such as sodium hexametaphosphate, lowers the pH and water-holding capacity of the meat. Neutral phosphates do not change the properties of meat.

However, an excessive increase in pH is undesirable, because. this gives the product an unpleasant taste, so mixtures of alkaline, neutral and acid phosphates are most often used so that the pH does not exceed 6.5.

Phosphates significantly increase the water-holding capacity minced meat, and as a result, the output of sausages and reduces shrinkage.


Carrageenan is a complex polysaccharide, hydrocolloid, represented mainly by D-galactose. It is made from red seaweed.

Carrageenans are divided into several groups:

Lambda carrageenan - poorly soluble in cold water;

Iota-carrageenan - forms gels of medium viscosity;

Kappa-carrageenan - forms very dense gels and is the main technology in meat products.

Carrageenan has a high gel-forming and water-binding capacity. Due to the presence of negative charges on the surface, it easily interacts with proteins and cations; forms after the "heating-cooling" cycle a strong spatial grid. Neutral in taste and smell. At pH 8 to 9, some types of carrageenans have a pronounced emulsifying ability.

At the same time, unlike other additives, carrageenan in meat systems simultaneously forms a single matrix with salt-soluble muscle proteins and strengthens it, providing the required technological effect.

The use of carrageenan in the production of meat products makes it possible to:

Increase the yield of meat products;

Improve organoleptic indicators (juiciness, consistency, cohesion, color, appearance, sliceability);

Eliminate the likelihood of formation of broth-fat edema during heat treatment;

Stabilize the appearance of the product during its storage in vacuum packaging by reducing the effect of moisture cut-off (syneresis);

The most effective use of carrageenan in the technological process of production of meat products from raw materials with a high content of adipose and connective tissue, mechanically deboned meat, poultry meat.

The use of carrageenan does not require additional equipment and changes in the standard technological process.

The dosage level of carrageenan in the production of meat products ranges from 0.2 to 2.0%.

The introduction of carrageenan into raw meat is carried out in dry (powdered) or hydrated (dissolved) form. In the manufacture of emulsified meat products (cooked sausages, frankfurters, sausages), carrageenan is added in dry form at the mixing stage or during the first phase of cutting pre-salted (low-fat) raw materials.

agar- a mixture of polysaccharides and agaropectin obtained from algae. In terms of technological action, it is somewhat inferior to carrageenan. Introduction rates - up to 200 g per 100 kg of raw materials.

Pectins- gelling substances released from fruits, which have a high water-binding capacity. As a rule, they are part of multicomponent mixtures used in the technology of whole-muscle and restructured products. Quantitative limits of use - up to 1.5% by weight of raw materials.

Alginic acid and sodium alginate- products derived from algae and used as binding, gelling and emulsifying agents. Alginic acid binds water well, but does not dissolve in water itself, and therefore it is best used in the production of restructured meat products. Sodium alginate - soluble salt; can be used both in the form of an aqueous solution and as part of a syringe brine in quantities of 0.5-1.0%. To avoid discoloration of meat, it is recommended to use sodium alginate mixed with calcium carbonate at concentrations of 0.7 and 0.3%, respectively.

Substances that improve the taste of foods

sugar and glucose

In the production of sausages and smoked pork, beet or cane sugar, which is a carbohydrate - sucrose. Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose. Sucrose does not ferment, does not have a reducing ability, and therefore its purpose in salting is reduced only to improving the taste of products.

The breakdown of sucrose into glucose and fructose occurs under the action of the enzyme invertase, which is found in yeast and some microorganisms, but is not present in meat.

Glucose is found in various fruits and fruits, it is obtained as a result of the breakdown of complex carbohydrates, for example, various types of starch (potato, corn, rice). Glucose is fermented, has a reducing ability, therefore, in its presence, nitrite is less intensively oxidized and salted meat retains its color better.

Both sugar and glucose are used in dry or dissolved form according to strictly established dosages (recipes). When using glucose instead of sugar, the color improves significantly. Crystalline glucose must contain at least 99.5% pure glucose; in granulated sugar- not less than 99.75% sucrose.


Spices and spices are products of plant origin added to food to give it a pleasant taste and smell.

Most spices contain essential oils, which act on the olfactory nerves and thus increase the secretion of saliva. Part of the spices (pepper) contains islet flavoring substances that promote the release of digestive juices. Some spices containing essential oils have the same property: cloves, nutmeg, as well as some vegetables - parsley, onion, garlic.

Spices are classified according to the parts of the plants from which they are obtained: seeds - nutmeg and nutmeg; fruits - star anise (star anise), cardamom, peppers (ordinary, clove, Spanish, cayenne), cumin, anise, coriander; flowers and their parts - carnation, saffron; leaves - bay leaf, marjoram; bulbs - garlic, onion.

Methods of administration:

Adding to raw meat in the process of massaging it;

As part of syringe brines;

By surface rubbing of raw materials;

As part of filling marinades and brines.

Monosodium glutamate

Monosodium glutamate is the most important component of the protein molecule glutamic acid, from which it is produced. This is a food product, it can also be used at home as a seasoning. Once in the human body, it helps to improve metabolism, so it is widely used both in nutrition and in medical practice in a number of countries.

Monosodium glutamate is a white or yellowish crystalline powder with a sweetish aftertaste.

Added in pure form Monosodium glutamate does not add any new taste, smell or color to foods, but it does open and improve them more fully. natural taste and aroma, contributes to the preservation of their taste qualities and the restoration of such qualities that are usually weakened after long-term storage of products, and also weakens unpleasant aftertastes (rancidity, defrosting, etc.).

Monosodium glutamate prevents rancidity and oxidation of meat products when long-term storage. MOUTH allowed the addition of 100 g of monosodium glutamate per 1 centner of minced meat boiled sausages and sausages, regardless of their grade.

Substances used as supplemental protein sources

egg whites;

Milk protein preparations;

soy isolates.

egg whites(melange, egg white, egg albumin, egg powder) have high solubility, adhesion, water-binding ability. Usage rates are limited to 1-2% due to the appearance of a rubbery texture, as well as economic considerations.

Milk protein preparations(powdered milk, whole and skimmed milk, whey protein concentrate, whey, coprecipitate, sodium caseinate) are used both as part of injection brines (liquid preparations), and by introducing into the massager during the processing of raw materials. The quantitative limits of use are determined by technological expediency.

The use of soy protein isolates allows:

ü improve the functional and technological properties of raw materials (water-binding, gel-forming, emulsifying, adhesive abilities), especially with a high content of adipose and connective tissue, thawed, beef, etc.

ü improve the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product - tenderness, juiciness, texture, consistency, color - for products made from beef, lamb and horse meat);

ü increase the yield and stability of the properties of products during storage (due to the antioxidant effect of SBI in relation to lipids);

ü avoid the appearance of syneresis (separation of free moisture) when storing sliced ​​finished products in vacuum packed form;

ü reduce the mass fraction of fat, cholesterol content and total calorie content of meat products, balance the ratio of fat: protein;

ü increase the digestibility and assimilation of the protein component in the body;

ü reduce the share of marriage from 7 to 2%;

ü reduce the cost of finished products.

Substances that inhibit fat oxidation

Animal fats during processing and especially more or less long-term storage are oxidized by atmospheric oxygen. Due to oxidative changes, their nutritional value decreases, since fat-soluble vitamins and essential polyunsaturated fatty acids are destroyed, and oxidative spoilage products that are toxic to the human and animal body appear and accumulate. The commercial quality of fats deteriorates, the bacon turns yellow and acquires an unpleasant smell and taste, and sausages in which yellowed pieces of bacon are found are rejected.

Antioxidants are used to prevent fat oxidation.

Antioxidants are substances that are involved in the autoxidation process and form stable intermediate products, i.e. substances that block the chain reaction.

Synergists enhance the action of antioxidants, but do not themselves have antioxidant properties.

Natural antioxidants include:

Tocopherols used in emulsions in amounts up to 0.3%;

Ascorbic acid (introduction rates 0.01-0.1%);

Propyl gallate (quantitative limits of introduction from 0.005 to 0.02%);

Soybean oil containing a significant amount of tocopherol (use rate 0.1-0.6%);

Rosemary, cardamom, coriander, mustard, red pepper and extracts obtained on their basis (quantitative limits of introduction from 0.03 to 0.2%).

Citric acid, its esters, sodium and potassium salts, as well as tartaric acid in amounts of 0.05-0.02% expression exhibit synergistic properties. Monoisopropyl citrate (0.02% by weight of raw material) and phosphoric acid (0.01%) have similar properties.

Antioxidants also include alkaline phosphates.


Preservatives - chemicals used to slow down or prevent undesirable changes in food products of biological origin caused by microorganisms - bacteria, molds, yeast in order to increase their shelf life.

First of all, these include: table salt, sodium nitrite, sugar, calcium chloride, acetic, citric, lactic, ascorbic acid and their salts.

Acetic acid (CH3COOH) is used as a component of marinades and as a preservative.

Lactic acid - monobasic hydroxycarboxylic acid is used in the form of a solution or sodium salt with neutral pH to stabilize the properties of finished products during storage, suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms, regulate the level of water-binding capacity of raw materials, and intensify the color formation process.

The inhibitory effect of food acids, in particular on E. coli and Proteus, is manifested in concentrations above 0.01%. According to the effectiveness of the effect on bacteria, acids can be arranged in the following sequence: acetic > citric > lactic. In relation to thermophiles, citric acid is the most bactericidal.

Substances that provide prolongation of shelf life


Additives are not the last place in the food industry, including the meat industry. They improve the presentation, diversify the taste of the finished product, extend the shelf life and perform many other necessary functions.

The classification of additives given in this work is very rough and abstract. This is mainly due to the fact that almost each of the additives used in the food industry, and in particular the meat industry, can perform several functions at the same time, and some additives must go in combination with others and be a mixture.

Additives play an important role both in relation to the technological process and from an economic point of view: shortening the maturation of meat, saving raw materials, extending storage periods, giving a marketable (attractive) appearance. And also from a consumer visual and organoleptic point of view: the same attractive appearance, aroma and taste, as well as nutritional value.

The existence of a wide variety of additives allows you to expand and deepen the market of meat products by reducing prices, increasing taste diversity. familiar products, as well as the possible emergence of innovative products and formulations.


1. Alekhina L.T., Bolshakov A.S., Boreskov V.G. and others / Ed. Rogova I.A. Technology of meat and meat products. – M.: Agropromizdat, 1988. – 576 p.

2. Zharinov A.I., Kuznetsova O.V., Cherkashina N.A. Fundamentals of modern meat processing technologies. - M., 1997. - 179 p.

3. Konnikov A.G. Technology of sausage production / A. G. Konnikov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Pishchepromizdat, 1961. - 519 p.

4. Lavrova L.P., Krylova V.V. Technology of sausage products. - M .: "Food industry", 1975. - 344 p.

Today, food additives can be found in food stores almost everywhere. They are everywhere, even in bread. Perhaps they are not found in natural products, such as meat, cereals, milk, and also greens. However, it is impossible to be absolutely sure that they do not contain chemistry or GMOs. Often a wide variety of fruits are processed with preservatives for long-term preservation of the presentation.

Food additives in food are synthetic chemical or natural substances. Their independent use in food is not possible. They are only introduced into food products in order to endow them with certain qualities, such as taste, texture, color, smell, shelf life and appearance. How expedient their use and influence on human organisms are, are ongoing discussions.

Types of food additives

The phrase "nutritional supplements" alone makes many people feel frightened or annoyed. And this despite the fact that mankind has been using them for more than one millennium. But this has nothing to do with complex chemicals. This refers to table salt, lactic and acetic acid, spices and spices - these are also food additives. For example, carmines, dyes derived from insects, have been used since ancient times to give food a purple color. Currently, the substance is called E120.

Until the 20th century, manufacturers always sought to use only natural additives in the food production process. Over time, with the help of food chemistry, they began to develop the production of artificial food additives with the gradual replacement of most of the natural ones. Thus, palatability improvers were put on industrial flows.

Due to the fact that most of the food additives had long names that were difficult to fit on one label, for their easier recognition, experts from the European Union developed a special labeling system. The name of each individual nutritional supplement now begins with the letter "E", which stands for "Europe". It is followed by numbers that indicate that this variety belongs to a conditioned group with the designation of a certain additive. In the future, the system was finalized, and now it is an international classification.

Classification of food additives using codes

According to the classification using codes, food additives can be:

  • From E100 to E181 - food coloring;
  • From E200 to E296 - preservatives;
  • From E300 to E363 - antioxidants, antioxidants;
  • From E400 to E499 - stabilizers that retain consistency;
  • From E500 to E575 - emulsifiers and baking powder;
  • From E600 to E637 - flavors and flavor enhancers;
  • From E700 to E800 - reserves, spare positions;
  • From E900 to E 999 - anti-flaming agents designed to reduce foam, and sweeteners;
  • From E1100 to E1105 - biological catalysts and enzymes;
  • From E1400 to E 1449 - modified starches helping to create the necessary consistency;
  • From E1510 to E 1520 - solvents.

As for acidity regulators, sweeteners, leavening agents and glazing agents, they are available in all of the above groups.

The number of nutritional supplements is increasing almost daily. As a result, outdated additives are being replaced by new effective and safe substances. In particular, in recent years, the so-called complex food additives, which are a mixture of additives, have gained increasing popularity. The list of permitted substances is updated annually. For such substances, after the letter E, codes greater than 1000 appear.

Classification of food additives by application

Food supplements can be:

  • Food colorings (E1...), which are food additives to recreate the color in products that was lost during their processing, to enhance its intensity, to introduce certain colors. Natural dyes can be obtained from parts of plants, which can be roots, berries, leaves, and flowers. In addition, food coloring can also be of animal origin. AT natural dyes there may be a certain content of biologically active, aromatic and flavoring substances that give the products an attractive appearance. Food colorings are: carotenoids - yellow, orange, red; lycopenes - red; annatto extracts - yellow; flavonoids - blue, purple, red, yellow; chlorophyll and its derivatives - green; sugar colors- brown; carmine - purple. In addition, there are dyes produced synthetically. The main advantage of such substances, unlike natural ones, is greater color saturation, as well as longer shelf life;
  • Preservatives (E2…) are food additives designed to extend the shelf life of food. Often, acetic, benzoic, sorbic and sulfurous acid, as well as salt and ethyl alcohol, can be used as preservatives. In addition, antibiotics such as nisin, biomycin, and nystatin can be used as preservatives. Dangerous food additives, such as synthetic preservatives, are prohibited from being added to products during their mass production, especially for baby food, fresh meat, bread, flour and milk;
  • Antioxidants (E3 ...) are substances that prevent the deterioration of fat or fat-containing products, slow down the oxidation of wines, beer and soft drinks, and also protect vegetables and fruits from browning;
  • Thickeners (E4...) are food additives designed to preserve and improve the structural basis in products. With the help of thickeners, the products are given the necessary consistency. With the help of emulsifiers, plastic properties and viscosity can be controlled. In bakery products in particular, a longer freshness can be achieved. All authorized thickeners are of natural origin. For example, E406 (agar) - extracted from seaweed. With its help, pastes, creams, and ice cream are made. E440 (pectin) - extracted from zest and apples and added to jelly and ice cream. Gelatin is of animal origin and is extracted from the bones, tendons and cartilage of agricultural animals. Peas, sorghum, corn and potatoes are raw materials for starches. Emulsifiers and antioxidants E476, E322 (lecithins) are extracted from vegetable oils. One of the natural emulsifiers is egg white. In recent years, the food industry has been busy producing large volumes of synthetic emulsifiers;
  • Flavor enhancers (E6 ...) are food additives designed to make food more tasty and aromatic. In order to improve smell and taste, four main types of additives are used, which are aroma enhancers, taste enhancers, acidity regulators, as well as flavoring substances. Most fresh foods, such as vegetables, fish, meat, have a pronounced aroma and taste because they contain nucleotides. With their help, the taste is enhanced, the endings in the taste buds are stimulated. During processing or storage, the number of nucleotides may decrease, as a result of which they are produced artificially. For example, with the help of ethyl maltol and maltol, the perception of fruity and creamy aromas can be enhanced. They make you feel fat low-calorie mayonnaise, yogurt, and ice cream. Often added to the products of the popular monosodium glutamate with a scandalous reputation. There is a lot of controversy around sweeteners, especially around aspartame E951, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar;
  • Food flavorings, which are natural, artificial and identical to natural. Some contain only natural aromatic substances extracted from plants. They can be distillers of volatile substances, water-alcohol extracts, dry mixes and essences. To obtain identical natural food flavors, they are isolated from natural substances or by chemical synthesis. They possess chemical compounds found in animal or vegetable raw materials. Artificial food flavorings may contain artificial components, as well as contain parts identical to natural food flavors along with natural ones.

By producing dairy products, manufacturers use dietary supplements. Nutritional and biologically active additives slightly different from each other. The first can be consumed separately, as a supplement to food. Food and biologically active additives can be natural or identical to them. In Russia, dietary supplements are included in a separate category of food products. Their main purpose, in contrast to conventional nutritional supplements, is the improvement of human organisms, as well as their saturation with useful substances.

Healthy Food Supplements

Be that as it may, the E label can hide not only harmful and dangerous chemicals, but also harmless and even useful food additives. Experts do not recommend being suspicious of all nutritional supplements. Many substances, being additives, are extracts of natural products and plants. For example, apples contain substances designated by the letter E. In particular, ascorbic acid - E300, pectin - E440, riboflavin - E101, acetic acid- E260.

Despite the fact that apples contain a wide variety of substances that are considered food additives, hazardous products no one names them. The same applies to other products.

Popular supplements that may be helpful include:

  • E100 - curcumins that help to control weight;
  • E101 - riboflavins, vitamins B2 involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and metabolism;
  • E160d - lycopenes that strengthen the immune system;
  • E270 - lactic acid, which has antioxidant properties;
  • E300 - ascorbic acid or vitamin C, which helps in increasing immunity, improves skin condition and brings considerable benefits;
  • E322 - lecithins that support immunity, improve the quality of bile, as well as blood formation;
  • E440 - pectins that cleanse the intestines;
  • E916 - calcium iodates used in the enrichment of food with iodine.

Neutral food additives - relatively harmless

Relatively harmless, safe nutritional supplements are:

  • E140 - chlorophylls, thanks to which plants become green;
  • E162 - betanins, red dyes extracted from beets;
  • E170 - calcium carbonate or ordinary chalk;
  • E202 - potassium sorbitol, natural preservative;
  • E290 - carbon dioxide, which helps to convert regular drinks in carbonated;
  • E500 - baking soda, a substance that is considered relatively harmless, because, the use of its large volumes adversely affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • E913 - lanolin, used as a glazing agent, especially in demand by the confectionery industry.

Harmful food additives are much more common than useful ones. Moreover, they can be not only synthetic, but also natural substances. The harm of food additives E can be quite large, especially if they are used systematically with food, and moreover, in considerable quantities.

Today, additives are very dangerous and prohibited in Russia, which are:

  • Flour and bread improvers - E924a, E924d;
  • Preservatives - E217, E216, E240;
  • Dyes - E121, E173, E128, E123, Red 2G, E240.

List of harmful food additives

Due to the many studies of scientific experts, the lists of allowed or prohibited food additives are systematically changed. To get more detailed information and always be aware of what is happening, it is best to constantly monitor such changes. Particular attention should be paid to synthetic food additives. From a formal point of view, they are not considered prohibited, but many experts believe that such substances are extremely dangerous for people.

In particular, the notorious monosodium glutamate, codenamed E621, is a popular flavor enhancer. It seems impossible to call it completely harmful, because it is necessary for the brain and heart. When there is a deficiency of this substance in the body, then it can independently produce it.

An excess of monosodium glutamate has a toxic effect, with the liver and pancreas suffering the most. Consumption of E621 can lead to addiction, allergic reactions, brain damage and visual impairment. This substance has the greatest danger to children's, unprepared organisms. As a rule, the packaging does not indicate what the actual content of monosodium glutamate is in products.

The so-called safe additive E250 also raises many doubts. It's kind of a versatile additive because it's used as a coloring agent, antioxidant, preservative, and also a color stabilizer. Despite the fact that the harmfulness of sodium nitrate has been proven by scientists, it continues to be used in most countries of the world. It is found in meat and sausage products, they can be “stuffed” with herring, sprats, smoked fish and cheeses. Sodium nitrate has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, is harmful to those who have cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis, and have liver problems. When ingested, this chemical can be converted into a strong carcinogen.

Synthetic dyes are almost all unsafe. They are prone to mutagenic, allergenic and carcinogenic effects. Antibiotics, which are used as preservatives, can cause dysbacteriosis and often cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in Russia, as evidenced by statistics. Thickeners have the property of absorbing substances, both harmful and useful, which can lead to obstruction of the absorption of minerals and useful substances necessary for the body.

Dietary phosphates can impair calcium absorption, which can lead to osteoporosis. Saccharins can cause tumors, for example, of the bladder, and aspartames can compete with monosodium glutamate in terms of harmfulness. In the process of heating food, such substances turn into powerful carcinogens, affect the composition of chemical elements in the brain, are dangerous for people with diabetes, and generally have many detrimental effects on the body.

The effect on the body of food additives

For a long period of history of the existence of a wide variety of nutritional supplements, they still showed their benefits. Additives have played an important role in improving the palatability of food products, extending shelf life, and also improved other positive characteristics.

Sodium nitrates, known as E250, highly demanded by the meat and sausage industry, despite their danger, prevent the development of many dangerous diseases, including botulism. Denying the negative effects of food additives is a road to nowhere. Sometimes producers, seeking to extract maximum benefits for themselves, seek the help of scientists to create products that are not quite edible for themselves. human organisms Food. As a result, including humanity, there are more and more new diseases, allergic reactions of skin diseases, as well as simply a negative effect on the body. Therefore, one should be especially careful not only with explicit harmful substances, but to such additives as: E450, E476, E500, E330, E1422, E202, E171, E200, E422, E331, E220, E160a, E471, and E211.

When using nutritional supplements, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Study food labels and try to choose those that contain a minimum of E-additives;
  • Do not use unfamiliar products, especially if they contain a wide variety of additives;
  • If possible, avoid foods rich in sweeteners, flavor enhancers, thickeners, preservatives, and dyes;
  • Stop your choice on natural and fresh products.

Nutritional supplements and human health are terms that are increasingly becoming compatible. A lot of research is being carried out in the world, the results of which reveal new facts. Many modern scientists believe that the increase in artificial food additives in the diet of people with a simultaneous decrease in the consumption of fresh natural products may be among the main reasons for the increase in cases of cancer, asthma, obesity, diabetes and depression.

If you have any questions - leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them.

Modern consumers, especially residents of megacities, are so accustomed to the fact that food gets on our table from supermarkets and shops that sometimes they remind the heroes of the famous fairy tale by Saltykov-Shchedrin - about how two generals ended up on a desert island and were saved only thanks to a peasant who knew how to get natural food.

However, in those days, food stalls and shops were unlikely to sell such products as we are used to today. After all, then there were no dyes, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers, stabilizers and preservatives.

Today, a set of substances called food additives "E", can be found on the packaging of almost all food products, and when people go to the supermarket and choose products, they do not always read their composition. Many explain this by the fact that they do not have time to read the inscriptions, that everyone eats it, and in general: if it is sold in stores, then everything is normal and safe for health.

Why use nutritional supplements

Why in food add nutritional supplements? This is explained by the fact that the products need to be given certain qualities, or, as experts in the food industry say, to achieve certain technological goals. For example, to improve the properties of the product during the production process, to carry out special processing for long-term storage, to change the consistency, color, smell, etc. Currently, the food industry around the world uses about 500 of these substances.

Production of food additives

How food supplements are made? natural supplements produced from natural substances: spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits, tree bark, fungus, yeast, insects, etc. Synthetic additives are produced artificially. However, various chemicals are used in the manufacturing process of both the first and second type of supplements, so natural substances can not always be considered more acceptable for nutrition.

Harm of food additives for health

In general, the question of how safe nutritional supplements E for health man, there is still no clear answer. But producers and consumers have no time to wait, and therefore the former actively produce, while the latter consume no less actively, very often without even thinking about what they consume every day with food.

Meanwhile, many doctors and nutritionists believe that nutritional supplements, even considered safe, can affect our body in completely unexpected ways. According to various statistical calculations, each person eats an average of 2 to 9 kg of “E” supplements in just one year, and not counting those compounds that are added to products to improve the composition, such as trace elements and vitamins. But synthetic vitamins are also not always harmless ...

food additives preservatives

Most often, preservatives are added to food products to extend their shelf life and prevent viruses, bacteria and fungi from multiplying. To imagine today the mass production of food products without preservatives is simply impossible. For example, sodium nitrite (E250) not only gives the products an attractive appearance, but also prevents the growth of bacteria in them that produce botulism, a deadly poison. How to do without such a preservative?

However, in the process of digestion, nitrites can form carcinogens in our body - toxic substances that destroy the liver and kidneys.

Other common preservatives - sulfur dioxide and sorbic acid . The first is added to products such as sweets, marmalade, dried fruits, soft drinks and alcohol, including wine and beer, as well as potato chips and puree.

Dangerous for people suffering from bronchial asthma, and can cause allergic reactions. However, the main disadvantage of sulfur dioxide (E220) is its ability to destroy one of the most important vitamins - thiamine (B1). When this vitamin is destroyed, carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed, and hence almost all diseases associated with the violation of all metabolic processes and obesity.

Sorbic acid (E200) considered one of the safest preservatives added to products such as cakes and pastries, lemonade, cheese, caviar, etc. However, even this substance, which is considered safe, can cause skin irritation in humans. And if we used some product inside, and then a rash appeared on the skin, for example, what could this mean?

It is impossible not to remember this a common food additive like monosodium glutamate (E621). This is a flavor enhancer, although it is not entirely clear - what needs to be enhanced and why? Rather, this additive changes the taste of products, irritates taste buds and is addictive, and in children is much stronger than in adults.

Have you noticed that the child sometimes demands exactly “these sausages”, and no others, or constantly asks to buy chips? Go to the supermarket and try to find canned food, condiments, convenience foods, or even prepared foods without MSG. You may be able to find something, but it will take a lot of time ...

Not so long ago, Japanese researchers came to the conclusion that this particular supplement can lead to vision loss. Monosodium glutamate contains substances that can destroy retinal cells over time. American scientists also conducted studies (on rats, of course), and found that consuming glutamate can cause brain damage, headache, nausea and weakness, chest pain, heart rhythm and breathing disorders. And this is not the whole list...

Nutritional supplements in nutrition

Approved for use food additives "E" There are many, and we won't go into all of them here. Today there is enough information so that any person who cares about the health of his own and his loved ones can draw the right conclusions for himself and bring his diet back to normal. The question may arise: so what then is there?

In fact, this question is often asked by those people whose health is somewhere in tenth place. Anything can come first: a prestigious job, a career, expensive furniture, Appliances and clothing, entertainment, etc., etc.

No, of course, no one says that all this should be abandoned. But think about why you need beautiful furniture and clothes, a career and prestige if you and your children are seriously ill?

First of all, decide - is it really necessary to consume foods that contain a lot of nutritional supplements every day, and even more so to use them in home meals? After all, we cook at home ourselves: on weekdays - at least once or twice a day, and on weekends we can afford to completely abandon semi-finished products.

Try to remember what people should eat according to the laws of nature: after all, you can buy a piece of real meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals and spices, and almost any food that is much tastier and healthier than almost dead food in bright packaging, and cook from them whatever your heart desires.

The use of canned or semi-finished products can be justified when you really have no time, or you are going somewhere - in general, in certain situations. In this case allowable rate food additives "E", calculated by scientists for humans, is unlikely to be exceeded, and these substances will not have time to accumulate in the body. Recall that safe daily rate- This is 4-5 mg of nutritional supplements per 1 kg of body weight.

However, children of preschool and primary school age should not be given canned food and semi-finished products at all, except for special canned food for children. The fact is that baby food has more stringent requirements, and although they also have “E” added to them, they are much safer than the safest nutritional supplements for “adult” foods.

How to Avoid Supplemented Foods

And a few more simple rules that should be followed if we are interested in our health.

Do not buy products from manufacturers unknown to you, especially imported ones, as well as those that are too bright, pungent and irritatingly smelling, with an unusual taste.

Do not teach yourself and your children to "snack" in eateries and cafes fast food. The food there is prepared from products containing a lot of food additives, often unsafe for health.

use for cooking natural products and spices, buying them in trusted and reliable stores, or in the market - at least where you can find those responsible for the quality of the products.

Going to the store, do not be lazy to take a list with you food additives "E"- gradually you will remember everything you need and learn how to choose the safest products for health.

Remember that our health is only for ourselves, and food manufacturers need as much as possible large quantity consumers who provide a constant profit.
