The healing power of carob syrup. How to take carob syrup

Today I continue this topic and introduce you to syrup carob.
Ibn Sina in his Canon said: “... this tree is useful for throat diseases, coughs, chest pains, strengthens the liver, kidneys and bladder...”.

Ibn Baytar said: “helps with anemia, soothes the stomach and intestines, strengthens muscles.”

Syrup is produced in Turkey, Syria, Spain, Cyprus and exported to different parts of the world. Made only from carob, no additives or preservatives, 100% natural, no added color, no added flavors, no added sugar, no harmful fats and cholesterol, no caffeine and no theobromine. I recommend buying only from trusted and reliable sellers, for example from one of the universities in Ankara, which specializes in the production of organic products.

Around the world it is widely used in special diets, cosmetics, cooking, and used in medicine. This molasses has been used in cooking for centuries, and is added to various sweet dishes, baked goods, drinks, teas, and is also often used as sweet sauce for meat or dessert dishes. In Turkey, for example, syrup is served on the table together with tahini paste; even on market shelves, tahini paste and carob molasses are sold together. In addition, it is found in medicinal syrups intended to treat colds, coughs, and even bronchitis.

Carob syrup is primarily recommended for those who have any diseases with the lungs, for smokers, and for those suffering from asthma. In such cases, you can use both carob powder and the syrup itself. He is food product, does not contain cholesterol. Thus, it can be easily consumed by almost everyone. Can satisfy vitamin needs at any age. That is why qualified doctors all over the world recommend carob syrup.

What are the benefits of carob syrup?

  • High amounts of various vitamins and minerals that help with dental diseases.
  • Contains a large amount of minerals, natural sugars, zinc, useful vitamins, such as D, B, B2, B3, all this gives the human body a source of strength and energy.
  • Carob syrup can easily replace part of a full breakfast, just a piece of bread, spread butter and pour some molasses on it, and your body will get everything it needs.
  • Contains 3 times more calcium than milk.
  • Rich in vitamin A and calcium, which is why it helps with anemia and osteoporosis.
  • Has an expectorant function.
  • Helps people suffering from shortness of breath
  • Recommended for use for gastritis
  • Removes worms and tapeworm from the intestines
  • Strengthens the stomach
  • Thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals, it strengthens teeth and gums.
  • The syrup cleanses the blood.
  • In 90 percent of cases there was a preventive effect against lung cancer.
  • Helps with heart palpitations.
  • Thanks to chocolate taste children love syrup
  • Before production starts white sugar, it was used as a sweetener in sweet dishes.

Carob syrup is very important for natural nutrition; it does not contain harmful fats and sugars. Great for those who have weight problems. Doctors recommend using it as a natural sweetener for people suffering diabetes mellitus. In addition, consuming syrup gives you a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time. long time. It is known to help men with potency and lung cancer.

Carob syrup contains vitamin E and is rich in calcium, so it is recommended for use for osteoporosis. Helps eliminate gastric and intestinal gases. Also contains large amounts of potassium and sodium, which help with lung disease, liver disease and blood pressure, while providing protection to the body.

It was found that carob molasses cleanses the radiation that a person receives during the day; it is especially recommended for those who work at the computer all day. Moreover, it is very important to include it in your diet on a regular basis. Carob syrup is delicious and has an aroma that lingers in the mouth for a long time. But the more natural it is, the more it can give a feeling of bitterness. Therefore, if you really want to be treated and add it to your diet, then I recommend that you definitely buy only cold-pressed, always without additives, without sugar, etc.

How to use carob syrup

This tree is undoubtedly one of the miracles of Allah. for making syrup for many centuries, as a healthy and healthy nutrition, and is also used as a cure for all diseases. Before sugar came into existence, people used it for its enormous benefits.

In addition, syrup is practically the only natural therapy for people who suffer from allergic suffocation. As you know, carob syrup helped many people suffering from allergies. Even based on my personal one-year experience, and the experience of my clients, I can say that cold-pressed molasses has cured the most severe degrees of allergic suffocation, ranging from children to older people. Alhamdulillah.

With constant use, the syrup will easily satisfy about 20 percent daily requirement human body in vitamins. In addition, pyridoxine and thiamine, vitamin B6 are available in quantities sufficient for humans. These substances play a huge role in the formation of new skin cells, as well as for the nervous system.

For brain development in children, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of syrup on an empty stomach in the morning, and before bed in the evening. It is known that syrup helps normalize blood pressure, which is very important in our time, lowers cholesterol, increases sperm count and sexual stamina, strengthens bones, and is very useful for women during pregnancy.

Carob syrup is used to treat various diseases like natural organic food supplement and simply, it heals the body. If you suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, or want to cleanse your body of toxins, then you will need to consume the following norm:

  • 2 - 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon - for adults
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons per day - children from 2 to 5 years
  • 1 teaspoon 3 times a day - children from 5 to 12 years old

For colds and ARVI, you must take 1 tablespoon of syrup, but it must be diluted warm water(40°) 3 - 4 times a day.

Not many people know about these healthy products foods such as carob and carob syrup. They are made from the fruits of the carob tree, which is grown in Cyprus. Kerob is a powder made from the fruits of this tree; it is a cocoa substitute and is used to make confectionery products. The syrup is used as a natural sweetener and is recommended to replace sugar. In Cyprus, carob products are actively used in Food Industry, in our country, mostly only fans know about them healthy eating and paleo diets.

Carob: beneficial properties

People like kerob because it is completely natural product and does not include outsiders chemical substances and preservatives. Unlike cocoa, carob products do not stimulate the central nervous system and do not increase arterial pressure. Kerobe does not contain caffeine and theobromine, which are found in coffee and cocoa, so it can be given even to children under one year old. People with heart disease, blood vessels and high blood pressure should replace the consumption of coffee and chocolate with carob dishes. And for those with diabetes, it will be useful to give up sweeteners and switch to carob syrup.

Kerob in the form of powder and syrup is convenient to add to baked goods and confectionery, in this case there is no need to put regular sugar, because kerob itself is 2 times sweeter. Scientists have found that carob does not contain oxalates, cholesterol and phenylethylamine, so it is useful for people who suffer from migraines and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

If you have kidney stones, and doctors have forbidden you to eat sweets and confectionery, you can safely consume kerob. It will not affect the absorption of calcium from food. Allergic reactions in children is a pressing problem these days. Even small amounts of chocolate can cause a rash. Children love sweets very much and you can prepare them yourself using carob. By the way, in baby purees, cocoa and sugar are usually replaced with carob products.

Basic beneficial features Keroba:

  1. Restores normal work intestines.
  2. Improves metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Prevents the onset of symptoms of hypertension.
  4. Increases the overall tone of the body.
  5. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs.
  6. Promotes rapid recovery from viral infections.
  7. Saturates the body with calcium (there is 3 times more of it in kerobe than in dairy products) and vitamin E.
  8. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels.
  9. Saturates the body with iron and treats anemia.
  10. Helps heal wounds, especially those in oral cavity.
  11. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  12. Helps remove heavy metals and radioactive elements from the body.
  13. It is recommended to use kerob in the treatment of allergies and breathing difficulties due to allergic reactions.
  14. Speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite, useful for weight loss.
  15. Strengthens the body's immune defense.
  16. Has a mild diuretic effect.

Chocolate counts high-calorie product, but 100 g of carob contains only 220 kcal, 1 g of fat, 49 g of carbohydrates and 4 g of protein. Therefore, if you decide to follow a diet to lose weight, replace chocolate products dishes with carob. Carob can be used to make delicious drink who will become a great alternative cocoa. The powder must be dissolved in water at a temperature of 90 degrees; there is no need to add sugar or honey; the kerob itself is very sweet. You can supplement the drink with milk; it will not bind calcium and interfere with the absorption of milk fats. Are very useful homemade candy from dried fruits and nuts, in Lately they became very popular. If you watch your diet and want to eat food free from chemicals and preservatives with dyes, prepare the candies yourself, adding healthy carob to them. Such sweets can be given even to very young children.

Carob powder and syrup go well with cottage cheese, coconut flakes and fruits. It can be added to any homemade confectionery and baked goods. Carob syrup can be added to coffee and tea, various drinks and desserts; many sauces and gravies are prepared on its basis, especially in oriental cuisine.

Carob syrup has virtually no contraindications. Absolutely everyone can eat it, regardless of age and health status. Only in very rare cases does individual intolerance to carob products occur.

Carob syrup: instructionsby use

Carob syrup can be purchased in some organic stores clean eating and pharmacies, this product is also now sold on the Internet. Carob syrup is a brown liquid similar in thickness to regular sugar syrup. A syrup is prepared from the fruits, which are crushed into small pieces and soaked in water, and then evaporated. This is done in huge industrial scale, the syrup that we sell is made mainly in Cyprus. In addition to the food industry, the product is used by cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies.

The most common ways to use carob syrup:

  • Found in carob syrup high content pectin, organic acids, starch, tannins and vegetable protein. In addition, this product contains a lot natural sugar, microelements and B vitamins. In this regard, it is widely used for the production of pharmacological agents. The syrup will perfectly help cure colds, restore the functioning of the digestive system, and get rid of nervous disorders and sleep disorders, insomnia. It cleanses the body and removes waste products from it.
  • Kerob in the form of powder and syrup is recommended for use for diarrhea and other digestive disorders. It is taken 30 minutes before eating 3-4 times a day. Single dose of syrup - 1 tbsp. l. Children can also be given this product, but only from 2 years of age.
  • For coughs, flu and acute respiratory viral infections, the syrup is taken by first dissolving it in water at a temperature of 60 degrees. Syrup mixed with 1 tbsp. I drink warm water 4 times a day until complete recovery. You should not increase the single dose of kerob; if you want to speed up the effect, drink it 6 times a day.
  • The remedy also helps well with headaches and migraines that were caused by neurological disorders and are accompanied by sleep disturbances. In such situations, the syrup is taken 6 times a day for 3 months. A single dose should be no more than 1 tbsp. l. then they take a break of 2 weeks and resume the course. Optimal quantity courses - 2.
  • To prevent various disorders and prevent diseases, it is recommended to replace sugar with carob syrup. The syrup can be put in required quantities in tea, coffee and other drinks. Gum, which is large quantities Contained in carob, it is used in the manufacture of many cosmetics. Kerob can be added in small quantities to homemade masks and scrubs for the face and body.
  • Keroba syrup is an excellent dietary supplement. It is recommended to drink it every day. Powder or syrup in the amount of 1 tbsp. l diluted in 1 tbsp. warm clean water and drink before meals. Taking kerob will make it easier to diet or fast.
  • Scheme for weight loss. Drink syrup no more than 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. l for 1 dose. Optimally 1 dose before lunch, and 2 before dinner. After 2 weeks, the 3rd dose is administered in the morning before breakfast.

The popular name for this tree is carob, and scientific – ceratonia capita. It is named carob because of these very pods: when ripe, they curl into long (from fifteen to thirty centimeters) curved stripes, reminiscent of the horns of a ram or goat.

Ceratonia is widespread throughout the Mediterranean, it reaches as much as twelve meters in height and, due to its lush foliage and spreading branches, provides abundant shade.

The ancient Greeks were the first to use the fruits of this tree. It was carob that gave the world the well-known measure of weight “carat”. Since all carob seeds weigh exactly the same, this makes them ideal “weights” for jewelers and apothecaries.

Carob in cooking

The ceratonia pod is widely used in the cuisine of the peoples of Mediterranean countries. Sugar makes up more than half of its pulp. The bag is cleared of seeds and dried: it can be eaten whole, cut into strips, crushed and used as a powder, or made into syrup.

The hard, sugary cone is especially popular among those who, for some reason, cannot have cocoa: this elongated brownish-red shell tastes very much like chocolate. Carob is caffeine-free, it does not raise blood pressure and does not cause headaches. The abundance of carbohydrates guarantees quick saturation. In Malta, Israel and North Africa, dishes made from pods have long secured their place of honor in the holiday menu.

Syrup and its beneficial properties

It is believed that Cyprus was the first to make syrup from ceratonia horns. It is prepared like this: the pods are placed in a huge bronze cauldron, where they are boiled for at least four hours. The liquid is passed through a fine sieve, which traps pieces of pulp. Finished product It has a pleasant dark golden color to the eye. Because of rich taste it is often diluted with juices, such as orange juice.

The islanders call their product "Cypriot black gold" and export it widely. It is especially popular in Muslim countries, where it is drunk in large quantities during the month of Ramadan. Currently, Cypriots compete with regions such as Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Sicily, where carob syrup is also widely brewed. Its use, however, is not limited to just confectionery industry: This drink is recognized to have beneficial effects on health.

We'll describe it in more detail. healing properties ceratonia syrup:

  • It helps with sore throat and;
  • It contains truly gigantic amounts of calcium: three times more than milk;
  • The drink is rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and dietary fiber;
  • It contains (albeit in not very significant amounts) vitamins B 2 and B 3;
  • Due to the presence of tanning substances (tannins), it also treats loose stools (this effect is most pronounced in young children);
  • It is free of gluten and casein, which extensive experience suggests may increase symptoms of childhood autism and hyperactivity, migraines and ulcerative colitis in adults;
  • The drink is rich in polyphenols - plant antioxidants that help the body cope with harmful free radicals.

Carob syrup is added to drinks or plain water. It is so sweet that four to five tablespoons a day is enough for an adult, but for children and teenagers it is better to limit themselves to three teaspoons.

Generally speaking, anyone can enjoy the taste of sweet syrup. There are, however, certain groups of people for whom it is especially indicated:

  • Smokers and those who quit smoking. Let us not once again describe the wide range of health hazards from this still popular bad habit. Let us only note that people who regularly inhale hot smoke saturated with tar constantly have their throat, trachea, bronchi and lungs themselves irritated. Carob syrup will help soothe inflammation and stimulate mucus flow, thereby helping the body rid itself of toxins. Unfortunately, the therapeutic effect of carob will only slightly mitigate the harm of smoking, but will not completely eliminate it. You can make it a rule: when your hands reach for a pack of poison, drink instead a small glass of water or tea with dissolved in them sweet additive. Double benefit and no harm!
  • We can give a similar recommendation to those who have noticed excessive partiality to such everyday stimulants as coffee and chocolate. If you drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day and cannot imagine a morning that would not begin with this invigorating drink, we must warn you: your health is at risk. High blood pressure, nervous exhaustion, heart problems are just the beginning long list ailments that await you. Carob syrup is very similar to coffee in taste and color, but since it does not contain a single molecule of caffeine, it does not harm in any way nervous system and the entire body as a whole. Using this drink substitute will help you maintain your favorite tradition while potential harm will result in visible benefits.
  • You are being tormented gastrointestinal problems: poor digestion, rumbling in the stomach and flatulence. Although such conditions should be treated by a doctor and nothing can replace consultation with an experienced specialist, we note that carob decoction, used as an addition to the main treatment, will enhance the effect of the medications taken and will more likely bring the desired relief.

Who is the syrup contraindicated for?

  • Although ceratonia pods are extremely rare, when introducing a new dish into the diet, it always makes sense to exercise caution. At first, take small amounts of the supplement in food - a third of a teaspoon. If no negative consequences If you haven’t noticed (they manifest themselves primarily in the form of skin rashes), feel free to increase the dose.
  • If you have diabetes (especially type 1), your intake of easily digestible “fast” carbohydrates should be placed under maximum control. Unfortunately, it is these carbohydrates that make up the lion's share of the components of the carob drink. Carefully read the nutritional and nutritional information on the product label and never exceed your doctor's recommendations. daily value carbohydrates.
  • If you are struggling with overweight, you should not eat anything that can be easily converted by the body into excess fat tissue. In this case, your choice should not be a spoon with sweet contents, but jogging, exercise and a strict diet with a protein and vegetable bias.
  • Let's not ignore common myths. Since carob is something of a fashionable novelty, unscrupulous importers and distributors have rushed to declare carob products the latest panacea. You can often find claims that this remedy helps with anemia, impotence, improves kidney function and successfully fights viral infections. Unfortunately, for all of the above conditions, the help that the body will receive from ceratonia will consist only of the well-known placebo effect.

Beneficial properties of carob fruits (video)

So our story is over - your knowledge has been enriched with information about what carob syrup is. It would be useful to describe the beneficial properties and contraindications of this drink to your friends - it’s so nice to share reliable news!

Ceratonia, which is the correct name for the carob tree, is part of the legume family. The fruits of this plant, whose dimensions reach up to twenty centimeters, are most actively used in the industrial sphere, for example, to prepare medicinal syrup.

Carob beneficial properties of syrup

Among other things, speaking about the use of this plant, one cannot fail to note its demand in the cosmetics industry. A variety of products are made from syrup cosmetical tools, medicines, culinary dishes They also cannot do without syrup.

Today, the relevance of collecting carob is becoming more and more serious; it is used in a variety of modern fields of human activity. This plant is quite common in medicine, but its main production is in Cyprus.

It is here that carob syrup and its properties receive the greatest attention from the point of view of production organizations working in the field of cosmetics, cooking, and medicine. The syrup contains large amounts of pectin, starch, many organic acids, tannins, vegetable protein, vitamin B, and sugar.

Various microelements are also present here. Thanks to the content so large quantity useful substances this product is most actively used in the medical industry.

Carob syrup is used for

With the help of syrup you can overcome ailments such as colds, nervous disorders, intestinal problems, and restless sleep.

Using syrup, you can cleanse the body and remove waste products. If you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, you can take the syrup half an hour before meals, this will help you cope with diarrhea.

You can take this healing syrup from the age of two. In the case of diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, taking syrup is recommended in the same dose. You need to dissolve it in a glass of water, the temperature of which is approximately 60 degrees.

The dosage should not be increased, although the dose can be increased to five to six times a day. If you follow this rule, you can effectively cure this disease without spending any extra effort on it.

Among other things, it should also be noted that the remedy is effective in the case of headaches caused by neuralgic disorders. Syrup also helps with disturbed sleep.

Carob syrup should be taken for three months. Dosage - a tablespoon of the product, up to six times a day. After this, a certain break is taken (usually a couple of weeks are enough), then you can be treated for another three months.

Very important point due to the fact that the product has absolutely no medical contraindications. This is what makes him different in better side from those medications that should not be taken for a long time. In the culinary field, syrup can be used as a drizzle on desserts, such as pancakes. Due to its sweetness, syrup can be added instead of sugar to hot drinks.

14.04.2016 Pelagia Zuikova Save:

Hello my readers! Spring has come. Everyone knows that this time of year is very changeable, and many, in a hurry to take off their warm clothes, catch a cold.

So I once became one of these “lucky” ones. Imagine my surprise when, instead of medicine, they brought me a bottle of carob syrup! The product itself is not new to me - I liked adding it to desserts or just to tea. But to treat colds with it? The amazing thing is that it really helps you get back on your feet faster!

Today I will tell you about the beneficial properties of carob syrup, how to take the product in food, to treat colds and other diseases. Make yourself comfortable, there is a lot of interesting things ahead!

Carob syrup - what is it?

Carob is a plant from the Legume family, 10-15 meters high. Its pod-shaped fruits look like horns, hence the name.

Carob syrup (pekmez) is made from carob fruit. They make it like this: the fruits are boiled with the addition of water. The result is a dark, sweet liquid that tastes like chocolate topping.

It is produced most of all in Cyprus, in other Mediterranean countries - in smaller quantities.

Chemical composition

Carob pekmez is beneficial for the body and contains the following substances:

  • B vitamins;
  • amino acids and minerals;
  • protein;
  • starch;
  • pectin;
  • fructose.

The product has a calorie content of 320 Kcal per 100 grams and low glycemic index(about 30). Don’t let these numbers scare you, you won’t drink much of it, and there are only 14.4 Kcal in a teaspoon!

Beneficial properties of carob syrup

Friends, what are the health benefits of a carob product and why is it becoming more and more popular among our compatriots?

And all because he:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing oncological diseases;
  • used in medicinal purposes for cough and flu;
  • allowed during pregnancy and diabetes.

Instructions for use are below. Now let's see who shouldn't use it.


The syrup has no contraindications, so it is allowed even for children. However, you should not give it to children under 2 years of age. In any case, a consultation with a pediatrician will not be superfluous.

The exception is people suffering from kidney, stomach and liver diseases. If you have already bought a bottle, leave it until better times.

Don't forget about the possibility of individual intolerance, especially if you are prone to allergies.

Application of carob syrup

1. In cooking

In this area, you can use syrup in any way you like. Typically it can be used like this:

  • pour it over ice cream, pancakes, pancakes, etc.;
  • use for baking;
  • add to tea or just water (it turns out light drink with chocolate flavor).

2. For weight loss

The method of application is as follows. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. spoon of carob pekmez and lemon juice. Drink 15-20 minutes before meals.

If you are a beginner, it is better to drink this drink before lunch or dinner. Then you can try drinking it on an empty stomach.

If lemon is not your taste, just use 1 tbsp. spoon of syrup 20 minutes before meals. If you feel too sweet, drink it a small amount water.

3. In folk medicine

1. For colds, ARVI. Make a drink from a glass hot water(about 60C) and 1 tbsp. spoons of syrup. Drink 3-4 times a day.

2. For migraines and headaches. Use the product 5-6 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon before eating. The course lasts about 3 months, if necessary, can be repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Be sure to consult with your doctor or naturopath. Remember, self-medicating can harm your health.

How to select and store?

Manufacturers offer 2 types of carob pekmez: with and without added sugar.

Of course, it is better to choose the second option, especially for people suffering from diabetes. After all, the product is sweet in itself and, to be honest, I don’t see the point of consuming extra carbohydrates in the form of such sweeteners. This will definitely not bring any benefit to the body.

Take only the product on the packaging of which the manufacturer indicates that no other ingredients are used in its production except carob! Don't let the low price fool you. NATURAL syrup without additives it cannot be cheap.

It is better to store an open bottle of syrup in the refrigerator door. The shelf life is always written on the packaging, usually 1 year.

Dear friends, as you can see, carob pekmez is a product that has virtually no contraindications and is approved for everyone, even pregnant women, children and diabetics.

It promotes weight loss (of course, if you don’t get carried away with it), strengthens the immune system, speeds up metabolism and rejuvenates the body. And it's so delicious! Try it, you will definitely like it!

Write in the comments if you liked it carob syrup, did your little ones like it? And of course, I would like to know how else you use it in your diet?

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