What is pepper: hot, hot, black peppercorns - what are they and what is their role in human life. Capsicum

The discovery of the sharp, burning taste that has taken root in variety of dishes all over the world, belongs to Spanish and Portuguese sailors, who brought it from South America to our mainland under the name “Indian pepper”. The indigenous people called it “agi”. Currently, there are many names for this plant: hot, hot, chilli pepper, Cayenne pepper, paprika.

Red Bell pepper very close relative bell pepper, tomato and potato. They all belong to the Solanaceae family, since their flower structure is very similar. What gives paprika its hot taste? In his the composition contains an alkaloid - capsaicin, which has that same pungent. In this regard, a consonant botanical name was given for the genus Capsicum, which includes various types peppers Depending on the content of capsaicin, they are divided according to their pungency. There is a 10-point scale of the spiciness of peppers, and the Socoville scale of the same name was developed by an American chemist, which shows how many times you need to dilute the pepper powder in order not to feel its spiciness. The maximum at the moment is 1 million 600 thousand units that a foreign variety produces Carolina Reaper.

If you remove the seeds and membranes from the hot pepper fruit, its pungency will be significantly reduced.

The Gogoshary variety is very interesting, having 4 chambers in the fruit. He has two cameras opposite each other pungent taste, but the other two are not. Therefore, you can easily argue with friends about eating hot peppers, knowing which parts are not hot.

Hot pepper varieties easily pollinate with bell peppers (sweet). Therefore, if you sow nearby, then already in the same year a slight pungency is felt in the sweet peppers, and the sown seeds from them produce large fruits, like sweet varieties, but with the pungency of a spicy one.

What are the benefits of hot pepper?

Availability hot pepper can be observed not only in dishes and canned food, but also in medicines (pepper patch for radiculitis, warming ointments) and in self-defense means (pepper tear spray).

Anyone who regularly consumes capsicum is often in good mood. This is due to the fact that the pungency of the pepper irritates the mucous membranes, and, interacting with the brain, allows the production of so-called happiness hormones - endorphins.

It is known that men who like a lot of spicy foods have a high temperament. This is due to the fact that in addition to the hot taste, red pepper contains vitamins C, PP, carotenoids, which together have a beneficial effect on the activity of the prostate gland.

Another useful property of hot pepper is its analgesic effect. In pharmacology, creams and ointments are made from it, which reduce pain without paralyzing side effect. Therefore, pepper patch quite quickly relieves the symptoms of radiculitis and joint diseases.

To prepare for long time a supply of hot pepper, it is dried and crushed to a powdery state. This product is called paprika and is made from varieties of medium heat. Paprika can be added to various dishes, make tinctures with an alcohol solution.

If a person cannot tolerate the burning taste, then in case of accidental consumption or contact with the skin or eyes, he usually runs to drink it or immediately wash it off with water. This is not recommended, as the burning effect only intensifies. The secret is that the severity can be quickly reduced only by using acidified water or eating acidic foods, for example, add to water citric acid, vinegar or eat sour apple, unripe tomato.

Features of cultivation

Since hot peppers come from tropical countries, they are naturally a heat-loving crop. It does not tolerate frost at all, and at temperatures below +14 degrees it stops growing, then the leaves begin to turn yellow and die. Therefore, it is mainly grown through seedlings, and planted in the ground only when the soil is well warmed up and there is no likelihood of return frosts.

Hot pepper plants grow rather slowly; seedlings that are at least 60 days old are usually planted in the ground. When planting, the main thing is not to bury the root collar; it must be at soil level, otherwise the plant will lag behind in growth.

Decorative hot peppers can be grown in a pot on the windowsill. They are sown immediately as seeds in a pot and not replanted. Peppers really don't like transplanting. Fertilizing should include the entire complex of nutrients, preferably in equal proportions, for example N16P16K16, so any universal fertilizer will do.

For spicy varieties are not scary, since capsaicin, which gives the pungency, protects plants from them. The main thing is to disinfect them for 20 minutes before sowing seeds. in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 100 g of water), and the seeds should turn brown. Therefore, it is quite easy to obtain environmentally friendly products from this plant.

Most popular varieties

Gained popularity among the population various varieties hot peppers with different fruit shapes and degrees of heat. We present a description of the best of them.

Indian summer- a plant of this variety looks like a small bush. Shoots with densely arranged small leaves are practically invisible. Each leaf axil contains 1-2 fruits, which gives the plant a decorative appearance, both during flowering and when the fruits ripen. Round small fruits of red color look like berries. Due to its fastidiousness to growing conditions and relative shade tolerance, the variety has gained wide popularity when grown in a pot on a windowsill. The fruits ripen by September, hence the corresponding name of the variety. They have a spicy spicy taste, possessing medicinal properties.

Jellyfish. The curved, elongated fruits of this variety are randomly arranged throughout the compact plant and resemble the tentacles of a jellyfish. The variety is very moisture-loving and requires constant moisture of the leaves. Prefers sunny places. Grows well both in the garden and in pots on windowsills. The pungency of the fruit is above average, it is very convenient to use in canned vegetables.

Variety Ogonyok- one of the varieties with increased pungency of fruits. Its small ripe fruits located on a compact bush resemble bright lights, but it takes about 5 months from sowing the seeds to get them. The fruits lend themselves very well to natural drying, and are then easy to store in a closed glass jar. They contain an increased amount of coloring pigments and dry substances, which gives the fruit a special taste and aroma. Resistance to bacteriosis and verticillium allows the variety to be grown in a wide variety of open and protected ground conditions.

Flame. Want to see a burning plant? Ripe trunk-shaped fruits with a mirror surface of this variety are very similar to flames. They ripen for quite a long time and do not dry out. natural conditions, so they are used mainly for canning. Resistance to Verticillium wilt makes it easy to grow outdoors.

Habanero red. The variety is the standard for the greatest spiciness in peppers. Gives a 10 out of 10 on the heat scale. Despite the small size of the heart-shaped fruits (about 15 grams), from one bush you can get harvest more than 1 kg. Easily adapts to different conditions growing, and can even grow on a windowsill in a pot.

Dragon's tongue. Most early ripening variety hot pepper. The tall plant produces very long trunk-shaped fruits, weighing about 3 grams. The plant is unpretentious and does not require shaping. When you eat sufficiently spicy fruits, you feel like a fire-breathing dragon.

Thus, hot pepper Not only does it have spicy fruits that can be eaten, but it is also an ornamental crop that can decorate the interior of a home for a long time.

The pepper, which has long been used by the American Indians, got its name chilli from the word “red.” This is how this word sounds in one of the Aztec dialects. Having tasted the scalding spicy drink made from cocoa, vanilla and pepper called “chokolatl”, the great traveler decided to bring the find to Europe, where the spice very quickly found its admirers. Why hot capsicums are so useful that their images were preserved even on the temple bas-reliefs of the ancient Aztecs we will now consider.

Hot red peppers are actively used in cooking. It forms the basis of colorful Mexican food, is part of Indian spicy curry, and is added to sauces, tkemali, adjika, etc.

What are the benefits of hot red peppers?

  1. A large amount of beta-carotene and B vitamins in red pepper improves the condition of blood vessels.
  2. There is almost twice as much vitamin C in hot capsicums as in lemon. Moreover, ripe red peppers contain many times more vitamin C than green peppers. And, as you know, vitamin C best helper in the fight against colds.
  3. This spice is quite widely used in medicine. High content capsaicin, which gives pepper its fiery taste– this is reliable protection against pathogenic microbes and viruses. By eating it, you can protect yourself from infection during an epidemic and increase your body’s immunity.
  4. Using tinctures, patches, ointments containing red pepper, neutralize joint and muscle pain. It is not for nothing that capsaicin has long been successfully used in pharmacology for the production of analgesics.
  5. Reasonable use of red pepper in nutrition increases appetite and stimulates work gastrointestinal tract, improves the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.

But, no matter how useful red pepper is, you should still be careful in its use. In large doses, it can injure the mucous membranes of internal organs and provoke. To somehow neutralize the burning sensation from pepper, you should not drink water, it is better to eat a little yogurt or drink milk.

How many times have we heard that pepper is harmful to health? But still, spice lovers include red hot pepper in their diet. And, as practice shows, they do not suffer from any disorders at all, but even, on the contrary, note some improvement in the condition of the body. How spicy vegetable affects health, is it really capable of causing harm, how should it be used and does it have medicinal qualities, we'll tell you further.

Hot pepper

Red hot pepper- an aromatic, pungent seasoning obtained from the fruits of an exotic shrub of the species Capsicum frutescens or C. Annuum. The pods of this plant are dried and then ground into powder. The hot vegetable is also called bitter or chili pepper.

The homeland of this plant is the American tropics. Under natural conditions, it is a low (0.5 m) subshrub with numerous oval leaves. During flowering, the bush is covered with large light flowers.
The harvest is elongated or round fruits of red, yellow or dark olive color. They have a spicy aroma and interesting taste, which can vary from slightly spicy to fiery. The internal partitions and grains give the pepper its bitterness.

Today, hot peppers are grown in any region, but the main suppliers are Thailand and India.

Nowadays, the burning vegetable has found application in pharmacology, cosmetology and cooking.

Did you know? The hottest pepper recorded in the Guinness Book of Records is Bhut Jolokia. It is grown in India, in the state of Assam.

Composition of red pepper

Hot vegetables are used as raw, so dried. They are suitable for preparing first courses, pickles, sauces, salads and as a spicy ingredient. However, in any form, pepper has unique characteristics.


All the main components of hot pepper tone and heal the body. Just a little of this vegetable can compensate for the body’s deficiency in (composition 100 g):

  • - 0.6 g;
  • - 0.5 g;
  • - 140 mg;
  • - 14 mcg;
  • - 0.1 mg;
  • - 0.7 mg;

In addition, the vegetable contains an alkaloid capsaicin, it is this that imparts bitterness and is distinguished by antibacterial, warming and analgesic properties.


Scientists have proven that the range useful elements hot vegetable (and in addition to vitamins, pepper is also enriched) exceeds 40 components. So, pepper contains in sufficient quantities (concentration per 100 g of product):

  • - 18.1 mg;
  • - 0.44 mcg;
  • - 25.1 mg;
  • - 173-174 mcg;
  • - 7-8 mg;
  • - 40-50 mg;
  • - 0.19 mcg;
  • - 0.25-0.3 mg;
  • - 320-341 mg;
  • - 1.22 mg.

In addition, 100 g of spicy vegetable contains 0.33 g of acid.

Did you know? In the Caribbean, peppers are considered a fruit and eaten whole.

Nutritional value and calorie content of the product

Even those who are watching their weight can safely consume hot pepper; its calorie content is only 40 kcal per 100 g of product.

Nutritional value of 100 g pepper as follows:

  • - 0.4 g;
  • - 7.3 g;
  • - 1.9 g.

Separately about the benefits of hot vegetables

All components that the hot vegetable contains have different effects on the female and male body.

For men

Strong half of humanity spicy seasoning helps the most in a positive way - improves potency.

For women

The use of hot spices has such effects:

  • improves the menstrual cycle;
  • protects against infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • serves as a prevention of ovarian cancer.

Is it possible to give red pepper?

Considering the pungency of this vegetable, the question immediately arises: can it be consumed by people with fragile or particularly sensitive bodies.


For this category, in moderation (excessive consumption may cause miscarriage) hot peppers not harmful. And in Asian territory, pregnant women use it very actively.


During lactation, this vegetable (including in ground form) contraindicated.

The bottom line is that the pungency of this product freely penetrates into breast milk and can harm the infant’s fragile digestive system.

For children

A moderate amount of hot pepper will not harm children. On the contrary, it will help improve brain activity and protect against various infections. In addition, consuming this vegetable will help maintain healthy teeth, strengthen the nervous system and eyesight.

Nutritionists say that this pepper can be introduced into a child’s diet with 10-12 years, starting with a small amount.

Rules for selecting and storing hot peppers

First of all, when purchasing this seasoning, you need to pay attention to the packaging. It should be dense, airtight, but in no case paper.

In addition, the color should be quite bright - from bright orange to dark red, but not pale at all.

Important! The dullness of a spice indicates its poor quality.

To properly store this spice, you do not need any special conditions- quite simple hermetically sealed packaging. True, to save useful qualities the place should be dark and cool.
It is also worth noting that taste qualities may at proper storage last for several years.

A fresh vegetable should also be brightly colored, firm, wrinkle-free and smooth. It can be stored in the freezer for a year, and in the refrigerator for no longer than 14 days.

Application of beneficial properties for treatment

It used to be that fans of hot peppers were harmful to their stomachs and the body in general. However, practice and recent research have proven that this particular hot vegetable can cure many ailments.


Moderate consumption of spicy fruits perfectly stimulates the blood circulation system and has healing effect on respiratory system. Therefore, it is successfully used as a diaphoretic and expectorant, as well as a metabolic regulator.

Important! Hot pepper quite seriously irritates the mucous membranes and skin.

For colds, it is recommended to use alcoholic pepper powder internally, and a tincture of pepper, vegetable oil and kerosene is prepared as a rub. The following composition will help with a sore throat: mix ½ teaspoon of pepper, 4 teaspoons of honey and water and drink a teaspoon of the solution twice a day.

Dry cough

The beneficial qualities of hot peppers are also used to remove sputum. To do this, one pod is crushed and mixed with honey (1:1). Eat this mixture several times a day, one teaspoon at a time. You can drink it with water.

For treatment dry cough You can use the following recipe: pour in 60 g of crushed pepper (natural, of course) and bring to a boil. Filter the resulting drink and drink hot 3 times a day.

Lack of appetite and general loss of energy

Fresh pepper fruits include twice as much. Therefore, its use stimulates the production of endorphins, which not only activate immune system, but also help reduce pain and improve blood circulation. Endorphins are otherwise called happiness hormones because they help.

This vegetable is capable of improve appetite. Having an anti-inflammatory effect, it fights infections in the intestines, reduces pain and discomfort. In addition, as a seasoning it can act as a remedy against diarrhea and cleanse the intestines of rotting products.
For increase appetite The following recipe is recommended: 25 g of crushed pepper is poured with 200 ml of alcohol and infused in a dark place for 10-14 days. The resulting composition is drunk after meals, 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day.

Cosmetic properties

The hot vegetable has long ceased to be just a seasoning and has become an indispensable component in the preparation of various cosmetic preparations.

About application in cosmetology

The unique properties of pepper were used in cooking cosmetics :

  • in shampoos - to stimulate hair growth and improve its condition;
  • in toothpaste - to reduce bleeding and strengthen gums;
  • in hand creams - to strengthen the nail plate;
  • in anti-cellulite products - for burning fat.

Hair mask recipes

Cosmetologists could not miss such a property of hot pepper as stimulating blood circulation, therefore, it is actively used to prevent hair loss and to restore a healthy state. We will only talk about several masks:

  1. Alcohol infusion. Properties: increased blood flow, nutrition of follicles. This product is sold in pharmacies, but if desired, you can prepare it at home. Ingredients: 100 ml pure without additives (cognac is fine), 1 pepper. The vegetable is chopped, placed in a glass container and filled with vodka. This is infused in a dark place for 10-14 days. In order to avoid burns, the resulting mixture is diluted (2:1) before use. The resulting tincture is rubbed into the roots of the hair, the head is covered with film and insulated (with a towel, hat). Leave for 2 hours (if the burning becomes unbearable, then less) and wash off with shampoo. Course - 1-2 times a week.
  2. Vitamin-pepper. Suitable for weakened, brittle hair. Several capsules of vitamins are mixed with 2 tablespoons of pepper tincture (recipe as in the first option) and applied to the roots of the hair (the head must be washed). After this, the hair is wrapped and kept for 2 hours. This gentle option can be repeated every other day.

Important! Pepper masks must be made taking precautions: if it gets on your hair, it can cause it to become brittle, and it can cause burns on your facial skin.

How red pepper helps you lose weight

The effect of capsaicin helps maintain healthy weight. This substance works simply: it activates blood circulation, regulates metabolism, accelerates the process of fat breakdown, and removes toxins.
Those who want to lose weight are recommended to take pepper tincture. It is easy to prepare: the chopped vegetable is poured with alcohol or vodka (1:5) and infused for 7-10 days. Taken before meals three times a day.

Nutritionists also say that this vegetable can simply be included in your daily diet.

Culinary properties

Fresh or processed pepper fruits are added to sauces, homemade sausages, soups, preserves, National dishes. In ground form, it can be used to season salads, matsun,

Is ground pepper good for you?

Experts are confident that whole fruits bring much more more benefit, because during the grinding process a considerable amount of capsaicin is lost. Consequently, such a spice can only impart a piquant taste, but lose nutritional value.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite many positive qualities, the spicy vegetable will not be useful for everyone. Eg, It should not be used for such pathologies:

  • increased acidity;
  • diabetes;
  • liver and intestinal diseases;
  • gastritis and peptic ulcer.

With all these conditions, heaviness in the stomach may occur and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract may deteriorate, as a result of which the work of the digestive system will not proceed in the proper rhythm. In addition, inflammation of the mucous membrane will only worsen the disease, making it chronic.

Patients with heart rhythm disturbances, angina pectoris and arrhythmia should also be careful when using this spice.
When preparing dishes with hot pepper, it is advisable to thoroughly wash your hands and utensils after the process and never touch your mucous membranes.

Important! It is in vain to wash down hot pepper with water. It is better to extinguish its aggressiveness with milk, lemon or eat a piece of bread.

Use hot pepper products for external use Not recommended when:

  • proneness to allergies;
  • presence of small scratches and wounds;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • problems with veins.

More about the benefits of pepper

There are other types of this vegetable that do not have such a burning taste, but have their own beneficial features.


Lovers of this vegetable can rest assured about their health, because it has such effects:

  • strengthens the body, improves immunity;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • improves blood composition, strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • improves appetite, regulates the functioning of the digestive system;
  • stabilizes vision;
  • helps cope with stress;


This type of seasoning also deserves attention because it has such positive effects:

  • alleviates the condition of;
  • reduces gas formation;
  • improves intestinal motility, helps get rid of constipation;
  • improves digestion;
  • reduces hunger;
  • regulates sweating;
  • helps fight infections and inflammation;
  • breaks down fat cells.

In general, hot peppers are much different big amount useful qualities than contraindications. If you use it in moderation, then negative qualities can be significantly reduced. And knowing all the features of this vegetable, you can not only improve your health, but also enjoy savory dishes.

Many plants now grown in the garden are also used as medicine. One of them is red capsicum. After the plant's introduction to Europe in the 16th century, it spread everywhere and became a popular seasoning. But unlike sweet bell pepper, its hot counterpart is not used so often. After all, not everyone can use it. And many people don’t even know that, in addition to being used as a seasoning, red capsicum is also used as a useful medicinal plant in medicine and cosmetology.

What is the name of red capsicum?

This plant comes from Mexico, the Indians cultivated it for several thousand years and used it instead of salt. After its appearance in Europe in the 16th century, it began to be called spanish pepper. After some time, the plant spread throughout Europe. It came to be called Brazilian, cayenne or Indian pepper. Chili, common in tropical countries, has stronger medicinal properties. It has small, brighter colored fruits.

Red capsicum has become one of the most common seasonings now. Its name depends on how it is made. If only the outer shell of the fruit is used for seasoning, without partitions and seeds, then it is not very hot and is called paprika. The hottest seasoning is obtained from the whole fruit. This pepper is called chili.

Description of the plant

This type of pepper belongs to the nightshade family. It is an annual erect plant about 40 centimeters high. It is very thermophilic and does not tolerate frost at all.

Pepper has a branched stem and oblong leaves with a pointed tip. The flowers are located in the forks of the branches; pepper blooms from June to September. Pepper fruits are narrow cone-shaped pods ranging from 5 to 15 centimeters in length. They can be different color, not only red, but also yellow. But the brighter the color of the pepper, the more pungent its taste. Exist now different varieties: the fruits can be fleshy and very long - up to 20 centimeters, or small - only 1 centimeter. They can be less or more hot, fleshy or with thin skin. There are also decorative varieties for growing in a pot on a windowsill.

Composition and beneficial properties

Red capsicum contains the alkaloid capsaicin. It is this that gives the plant such a burning taste and spicy aroma. In addition, pepper contains essential oils, saponins, phytoncides, sugars, fats and wax. It contains a lot of carotenoids, vitamins A, B, C and P. Various minerals are also present: potassium, sodium, iron, sulfur, zinc and others.

Thanks to this composition, red capsicum has many medicinal properties:

Normalizes cerebral circulation, cleanses blood vessels;

Improves memory and helps fight depression;

Stimulates the production of endorphins and thereby improves mood;

Has an analgesic effect;

Helps reduce cholesterol levels;

Improves vision and strengthens bones;

Reduces blood sugar levels;

Improves appetite and stimulates the digestive system;

Increases metabolism;

Improves immunity.

Use in cooking

In the plant's homeland - Mexico, red hot pepper was used instead of salt. In Europe, people quickly discovered the properties and taste of this seasoning. Now it is very common. Almost everywhere, red pepper is served as a seasoning.

In addition, it stimulates the appetite and enlivens the taste of dishes. The whole pepper fruit is used in canning. They are added to soups, meat and fish dishes, vegetable side dishes and sauces. It has been noticed that the spiciness of the seasoning decreases when used with acidic foods: lemon, unripe apples and tomatoes. This property can be used if pepper irritates the skin or gets into the eyes: plain water It’s impossible to cope with the burning sensation, but it’s easy to cope with the acidified one.

The healing effect of pepper

Currently, the best known external use of hot pepper is for distracting purposes. It is rubbed into the skin, made into compresses or added to ointments and creams. Pepper patch is also popular now, which helps against many diseases, such as:


Pain in muscles and joints;




Less known internal use red capsicum. Its powder is mixed with honey in a one-to-one ratio and taken one teaspoon at a time with plenty of water. This remedy has an expectorant and antipyretic effect. In addition, many people know the tincture of hot pepper, which you can prepare yourself. It is used mainly externally for colds and radiculitis, but you can also drink 10 drops diluted in a quarter glass of water.

The tincture is used for the following diseases:


Cerebrovascular accident;

Ovarian cancer;

Bronchial asthma, flu and colds;

To stimulate appetite and activate digestion.

Who should not use it

Red capsicum is a very spicy, often even hot product. Therefore, when used externally, it is possible that allergic reactions. In this case, use of the medicine should be stopped. Pepper powder is very loose and can cause severe eye irritation, sneezing and facial swelling when used. It is not recommended to use compresses with it for allergies, sensitive skin and open wounds. Not everyone can take pepper internally either.

Its use in food and as a medicine is contraindicated for the following diseases:

Gastritis and stomach ulcers;

Diseases of the pancreas;

Liver and kidney diseases.

Pepper should be used with caution in cases of severe atherosclerosis, insomnia and pregnancy. This plant as a seasoning and medicine should be consumed in very small quantities. Peppers contain a substance called capsaicin, which can cause acute gastrointestinal upset and can even lead to death if consumed in excess.

Red capsicum for hair

This plant is now widely used in cosmetology. Pepper is added to massage creams and weight loss patches. But red pepper tincture is especially often used for hair. Research conducted by Japanese scientists has shown that the substance capsaicin, which is abundant in this plant, stimulates hair growth, as it acts directly on calcitoin genes and sensory nerves. To treat the scalp, you need to take red pepper tincture and dilute it one part with ten parts water. This medicine is rubbed into the scalp 2-3 times a week. Sometimes it can be left overnight. Pepper extract is also included in hair masks, balms and shampoos.

Preparation and storage of pepper

The fruits are collected as they ripen. Whole fresh or dried pods are used as a seasoning. It turns out to be especially hot if you add ground seeds. After harvesting, the fruits must be washed, peeled and cut into pieces. Dry them in direct sunlight. But the more common method of drying is when the entire fruit is hung by the stalk in a dry place.

The finished pepper is wrinkled and has dark color. Grind dried fruits It is quite difficult to form into powder, so the natural seasoning looks like large orange particles. When harvesting peppers, you need to protect your eyes and face, and wear rubber gloves on your hands.

And you learned about how to use the prepared product from this article.

Syn: hot red pepper, vegetable pepper, hot pepper, annual capsicum, chili pepper, red pepper, bush pepper, cayenne pepper, Astrakhan pod, Turkish pepper, paprika, zhgun, Astrakhan pepper, Russian pepper, pepper.

Capsicum is a cultivated subshrub plant with red fruit-pods that are spicy in taste. The fruits are used in cooking in many countries around the world as a spice, as well as in medical purposes. Hot pepper has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, warming properties and is used for many diseases.

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In medicine

Capsicum is widely used in official medicine, homeopathy and folk medicine. Possessing analgesic, anti-inflammatory, local warming, bactericidal and antioxidant properties, the plant stimulates metabolic processes in the body, improves immunity, improves appetite and activates digestion. One of the allopathic preparations of pepper is tincture of capsicum (Tinctura Capsici), which is a clear liquid of a reddish-yellow hue and has a pungent taste. The tincture is used externally as an irritating and distracting agent for radiculitis, neuralgia, and myositis. Capsicum extract – active ingredient combined herbal medicine Tonzipret, the use of which is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis). The ointment is based on a tincture of pepper and is used to eliminate rheumatic pain in arthritis, radiculitis, myositis, and lumbago. The pharmaceutical industry produces a pepper patch for these purposes, the active component of which is an extract from the fruit of capsicum. Capsicum extract or tincture included in the range medicines: Capsitrin, Kapsin, Gevkamen (Belarus), Espol, Nicoflex, Capsitin, Efkamon (Ukraine), liniments (liquid ointments - Pepper-camphor liniment (Linimentum Capsici camphoratum)). The use of capsicum is advisable for weight loss. The active substances of the plant stimulate blood flow and metabolism, which promotes the breakdown of lipids. Red pepper is used to prevent atherosclerosis and obesity.

Red pepper is especially popular in homeopathic practice (preparations Bioline pain, USA; Populus compositum, Germany, etc.). The use of capsicum is advisable for cystitis, urethritis, colitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, mastoiditis, lumbago, otitis, for colds, whooping cough and bronchitis, herpes, fever, bronchial asthma, gastritis with high acidity. Capsicum is the name given to medicinal raw materials made from dried pepper pods in homeopathy. Capsicum is also used for headaches and inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system. The active substance in pepper, capsaicin, can kill cancer cells and helminths in the digestive system, reduce glucose and insulin levels in the blood, and improve blood circulation.

Traditional medicine recommends using hot pepper externally to treat radiculitis and rheumatism. Having low calorie content(40 calories per 100 g of product), capsicum helps to activate metabolic processes, burn excess fat, and promote weight loss.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of capsicum are peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, gastritis, acute or chronic diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, individual intolerance, for topical use - skin injuries, dermatitis. When using capsicum for medicinal purposes, you should be careful with the dosage, since redness of the skin and burns are possible, and you should not allow the drugs to get into your eyes. Capsaicin may irritate the skin and delicate mucous membranes. Just one milligram of capsaicin on the skin can cause a severe burn, the severity of which can be compared to a burn from a hot iron. Put out the "fire" in oral cavity after taking pepper, you can drink milk, yogurt, kefir, black bread, rice, citrus fruits, but you can’t drink it with water. The listed products can neutralize the burn of capsaicin. A study conducted in 1990 by scientists from the University of California found that a 10% sucrose solution successfully breaks down capsaicin. Thai waiters reduce the spiciness of dishes prepared with pepper by adding sugar. Casein in milk is a phosphoprotein that can remove capsaicin from nerve endings. Taking a large dose of pepper orally causes irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. After using the plant pods, tinctures, or ointments for external use based on capsicum, you should thoroughly wash your hands or wear gloves.

In cosmetology

Hot pepper is an active component of many skin and hair care cosmetics. According to European studies, the active substance capsaicin stimulates hair growth, eliminates dandruff and oily seborrhea, reduces the intensity of hair loss, and promotes the regenerative process of scalp cells. Capsaicin actively acts on nerve endings, increasing blood flow to the hair follicles. As a result, the so-called “dormant” hair follicles are activated, and the hair acquires volume, shine and health. Capsicum provides fast hair growth if you use pepper tincture for treatment. Usually, capsicum tincture is added to oils, creams and ointments to obtain strengthening products for the scalp. Capsicum extract is also found as a component of toothpaste, where it eliminates bleeding and strengthens gums.

In cooking

Capsicum is widely known in the cuisine of many countries. Its pungent taste is especially valued in the tropics and the countries of the East; it is used as a hot spice in the cooking of many countries around the world, as well as in the production of some alcoholic drinks. Hot pepper is used fresh, dried and ground as a seasoning for preparing hot first and second courses, sauces, marinades and salads. Hot pepper is used for flavoring olive oil or vinegar, the seasoning is added to meat, vegetable and fish dishes. Chile is also one of the ingredients of Italian pasta, hot sauces “Adjika” and “Tabasco”, and goes well with many spices (fennel, coriander, cardamom, turmeric). The degree of heat or spiciness of peppers, which is determined by the presence of a special substance capsaicin in the pods, can be assessed using the Scoville scale. Thus, cayenne chili pepper has a heat of 30-50 thousand units, hanabero has 100-350 thousand units. Capsicum is the only vegetable healing properties which is not lost in the process different types culinary processing, and vitamins C and A are well preserved during canning and drying.

In veterinary medicine

Capsicum tincture is used by veterinarians to treat many animal diseases as an analgesic, irritant and warming agent for bursitis, myositis, dislocations and sprains. Flavonoids in the pods, as well as the alkaloid capsaicin, have an irritating effect on the nerve endings of the skin, activate blood flow, eliminate swelling, promote fluid removal, and relieve pain.


Capsicum (lat. Cāpsicum) is a genus of annual or perennial plants of the Solanaceae family (lat. Solanaceae). According to various sources, there are from 30 to 40 species in the genus.

Botanical description

Capsicum is an annual or perennial (in the tropics) subshrub, the branched stems of which reach a height of 1.5 m and become lignified in the lower part. The leaves of the plant are ovate or lanceolate, pointed towards the apex. The lower leaf blades are alternate, the upper ones are placed in pairs. The flowers are five-membered, located on erect peduncles singly or 2-3 in the forks of the stems. Perianth double, green, corolla white, yellowish or purple with 5 stamens, pistil with superior ovary. Flowering lasts from June to September, then fruits are formed - leathery berries that vary in color, size, shape and taste. Kidney-shaped, flat seeds are located inside the pods. Depending on the variety, pepper fruits can be red, yellow-brown, or even black-purple.

Most famous varieties: cayenne chili pepper (considered the world's hottest and most powerful antioxidant); habanero has a maximum degree of heat and orange or chocolate-colored fruits; jalapeño is distinguished by semi-sharp red or green fruits; bird's eye has thin, pointed fruits popular in oriental cuisine; serrano fruits are small, used for cooking spicy dressings and sauces; Anaheim is distinguished by its large pod size; Ogonek is a popular decorative bitter pepper with small fruits, often grown on windowsills.


Capsicum is cultivated as an annual plant, less often as a perennial plant, almost all over the world. The birthplace of red pepper is considered South America, but cultivated this plant for many millennia. There are many varieties common in Europe, grouped into two groups: vegetable peppers with large, fleshy fruits and spicy, which have small, sharp-tasting fruits. Red pepper is grown in Russia in industrial scale in the Kuban, Lower Volga region, and Stavropol region. Popular and decorative indoor views capsicums, which are distinguished by small but spicy fruits.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

The fruits of bitter varieties of capsicum are used for medicinal purposes. The fruits are collected during their mass ripening (July-September). The pods are dried in the sun, then the calyxes are removed and the fruits are ground. Dried capsicums are stored in a closed container.

Chemical composition

The fruits of red pepper contain ascorbic acid (0.5%), nicotinic acid, folic acid, riboflavin, flavonoids (luteolin, apigenin), carotenoids, alkaloids (capsaicin - up to 1.9%, homodihydrocapsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin), capsorubin, glucoalkaloid solanine, coumarin scopoletin, steroid saponins, proteins (1.5%), B vitamins, vitamin A, micro- and macroelements (calcium, potassium, mercury, iron, zinc, sodium, manganese, magnesium, aluminum, iron), essential (up to 1.5%) and fatty oil, contained in seeds (10-15%). Red pepper is the record holder among vegetables for the presence of ascorbic acid. It contains twice as much vitamin C as lemon.

Pharmacological properties

The hot taste and pungency of capsicum are given by alkaloids: capsaicin, homodihydrocapsaicin and nordihydrocapsaicin. Capsaicin (0.1–1.9% in fruits) is an active substance that accelerates metabolic processes in the body, activates blood microcirculation, and increases heart rate. European scientists have proven that a serving of spicy food can speed up metabolism by about 25%. Studies conducted in the USA and India found that eating chili in small doses helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, capsicum can be used for prophylactic purposes to prevent diseases. of cardio-vascular system, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis. Chili-based medicines have been proven to have an analgesic effect. Pepper patches, ointments and tinctures have analgesic properties and help relieve chronic pain. When using hot pepper, endorphins (hormones of joy) are produced, which drown out pain.

As a result of recent research, American scientists have found that capsaicin is a special substance that destroys fats and promotes weight loss. Red pepper can be used not only in fresh, but also in capsules. Weight loss occurs as a result of significant energy expenditure for the body’s absorption of hot fruits. Capsaicin helps reduce triglycerides in the blood and increases the number of enzymes in the liver that are involved in lipid metabolism. Under the influence of flavonoids in pepper, the liver produces more bile. Research conducted by English and American scientists at the Universities of Nottingham and Pittsburgh identified another interesting pharmacological feature of capsaicin. This substance is capable of massively killing cancer cells by destroying mitochondria, which provide energy to tumor cells. It has been noticed that people who regularly consume chili do not suffer from oncological diseases. Scientists have also discovered that hot pepper has a special effect on prostate adenoma, completely curing its first stage. According to researchers, capsaicin-based drugs may eventually become effective drugs in oncology.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, capsicum is successfully used internally in the form of an alcohol tincture for preventive and therapeutic purposes for digestive disorders and colds. Pepper plasters and ointments are used externally as irritants for inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system (radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, myositis, neuralgia, sciatica, dislocations, bruises). Taking pepper externally, that is, rubbing the pepper remedy into the skin, active substances the product has a warming effect. This is very effective for influenza and colds (bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis), muscle and joint pain. Ground hot pepper has a diaphoretic, antipyretic and expectorant effect if taken orally with honey, washed down with water. The fruits of hot peppers are used for prophylactic purposes to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and the occurrence of blood clots. Red pepper can improve blood microcirculation in cells, activate metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the heart muscle and cleanse blood vessels of harmful cholesterol. Vitamin A in pepper improves vision. Eating chili not only removes toxins, but also prevents the development of cancer, and is used for certain diseases in gynecological practice. Treatment with medicines based on hot pepper has a good effect at the early stage of prostate adenoma. Red pepper is used to get rid of excess weight. In folk cosmetology, a mask made from capsicum for hair is especially popular. Alcohol tincture, previously diluted in water or in vegetable oil(you can add vitamins A, E), rub into the hair roots. With regular use (1-2 times a week), your hair will gain volume, natural shine and health. The active effect of pepper tincture on hair follicles promotes active microcirculation of the scalp, which ensures rapid growth, nutrition and strengthening of hair.

Historical reference

Red pepper is a very ancient plant, native to Mexico and Guatemala. According to the results of archaeological excavations, as early as 7500 BC. The taste of wild peppers was appreciated by the Mayan and Aztec tribes. The ancient people crushed the dried fruits and used them as a spice; hot pepper replaced salt for the Indians. Pepper was brought to Europe by the Spaniards during the voyage of Christopher Columbus (1493), and the fruits were used as a spice in cooking. Columbus himself came up with the name for the burning plant, taking the taste of the fruit as a basis. By appearance the plant resembled black pepper, which was known even earlier, before the appearance of bitter red pepper. Hot pepper fruits have come a long way, settling in different parts of the world. As Mexico's economic relations with Asian countries developed, chili appeared in the Philippines, China, India, Japan and Korea, gaining a foothold in the cuisines of these countries. At the beginning of the 16th century, Russians learned the taste of the hot fruit of capsicum, but first grew it as an ornamental plant. From the mid-16th century, the pods of the pungent varieties began to be used for medicinal purposes.

Burning properties Ancient people also used hot pepper as a weapon. The smoke of smoldering coals, sprinkled with crushed red pepper, helped the Indians expel the conquistadors from their lands back in 1532, as evidenced by ancient chronicles. Tribal peoples used the stinging fruit in the fight against colonialists, and modern police in some countries use tear gas canisters with concentrated chili extract. In Sanskrit chili is called "marishi-phalam", which means sunny fruit. “Paprika” is what the Hungarians call pepper, but this name has become widespread in many European languages.


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