Is melon a “honey cucumber” or is it still a berry? So what is a melon? Is it a fruit or vegetable, or maybe a berry?

" Garden

Melon is a valuable, ancient agricultural crop, known for its taste and dietary qualities. This aromatic fruit contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to human health. Melon unique product, which has not only a delicious taste, but also certain medicinal properties. So what kind of exotic plant is this, is a melon a berry or a fruit, let’s figure it out now.

It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, however, there are several hypotheses on this topic and each of them has its own undeniable arguments.

Due to the extraordinary sweetness of the fruit, many consider melon to be a fruit.. In addition, melon is often found in a variety of fruit salads, desserts and refreshing drinks. However, the fact that a fruit refers to the fruit that grows on a tree or shrub contradicts the fact that the melon is a fruit. After all, melon grows on melon fields, similar to watermelons and pumpkins.

The version that melon is a berry also deserves special attention. Melon grows on the ground, like many types of berries., and also has some characteristics of berries, such as: the presence of hard seeds inside, thin skin outside and juicy middle. From a botanical point of view, the fruits of melons are considered berries, but atypical. More often, they are called false berries, but there is also a separate name - pumpkin.

It is quite unusual to classify melon as a vegetable crop, but biologists find this version very logical. After all, do not forget that edible fruits that grow on herbaceous plants are precisely considered vegetables. The melon has a long herbaceous stem, which also indicates that it is a vegetable.. In addition, melon belongs to the pumpkin family and has an undeniable relationship with cucumber, zucchini and pumpkin.

So what is a melon? Berry, vegetable or fruit? This question remains open to this day, but for the average person this does not play a decisive role. We value melon for its unique taste and an abundance of beneficial properties.

Description and botanical characteristics of melon

Melon is a herbaceous annual crop belonging to pumpkin family. A melon plant from the cucumber genus. Melon has a long creeping stem, reaching 3 meters in length. The fruit of the melon is a multi-seeded pumpkin.

The melon root system is quite impressive and branched., capable of retaining moisture long time. Among all melon plants, melon needs fertile soil and sunlight most of all.

This crop originates from northern Africa and northwestern India. Melon is such an ancient crop that it appears in Egyptian drawings made more than 6 thousand years ago.

How does a melon grow?

Melon is a heat-loving, southern plant that requires an abundance of light. She prefers heat and even drought rather than humidity. The maximum permissible humidity for this melon crop is 60-70%. Melon has a massive root system, thanks to which it is able to obtain moisture at a depth of up to 1 meter.

Melon is a heat-loving plant that requires plenty of light.

This plant needs a lot of free space for active development and comfortable growth.

When choosing a place to plant a melon, preference should be given to elevated areas on the ground where water accumulation is unlikely. Also, when planting, you should avoid shady sides and focus on the most sunny areas.

For seed germination, a temperature of at least +15 degrees is required, and for further growth and development of the plant from +28 degrees and above. For example, the optimal temperature for southern varieties of melons is +33/+37 degrees. When the thermometer drops below +15 degrees, melon growth stops.

Ripening melon

The ripening season for melons occurs in the second half of August-September.

The determining factors in harvesting melons are climatic conditions and the region of its growth.. The next factor is the variety of melon, with early, medium or late ripening. In addition, the rate of ripening is influenced by: the amount of fertilizer, frequency of watering, structural and mineralogical composition of the soil, protection from pests and diseases.

An unripe melon has a hard rind, while a ripe one gives in slightly when pressed.

The ripeness of a melon is usually determined by the smell of the fruit and the color of the skin. The juicy, ripe fruit emits a sweet, floral aroma with light notes of vanilla, honey, pineapple and even. If there is no pronounced smell, then it is too early to pick the fruit.

Calorie content and composition

Melon – low calorie product, perfect for fasting days. Melon pulp consists of 90% water, which is why it relieves thirst so well.

The calorie content of melon largely depends on the variety of pumpkin and its growing conditions. Average caloric content per 100 g – 33 kcal:

  • Proteins – 0.6 g
  • Fats – 0.3 g
  • Carbohydrates – 7.4 g

Melon contains: pectins, starch, dietary fiber (fiber), saturated fatty and organic acids, as well as ash.

Cleansing the body of toxins is largely due to the presence of a significant amount of pectin. Besides, pectins have a positive effect on metabolism and intracellular tissue respiration.

The benefits of melon for the body

Despite the fact that honey pumpkin consists only of glucose and water, nevertheless, its fruits are replete with a huge amount of valuable microelements.

  1. Due to the significant amount of calcium, potassium and magnesium in the composition of sun pumpkin, strengthening blood vessels, heart function improves and blood circulation improves.
  2. Ascorbic acid is present in sufficient quantities in melon, which plays an important role in strengthening human immunity.
  3. Of course, an important component of this false berry is iodine. Therefore, it is advisable to eat melon to prevent thyroid problems.

  1. Iron, chlorine and phosphorus are no less important minerals in melon composition, which are necessary for humans every day. Thanks to a significant amount of iron, melon is extremely useful for anemia(anemia).
  2. Melon fiber has beneficial effect on intestinal microflora Therefore, it is recommended for use by people with a slow digestive process and impaired metabolism. In addition, melon does an excellent job of removing cholesterol from blood vessels.
  3. Melon is actively used in cosmetology, thanks to the abundance of vitamin A in its delicate pulp. Melon-based face masks give skin elasticity, preserve youth and stop inflammation processes. And carotene perfectly moisturizes even very dry skin.

Homemade melon decoction is the best remedy for age spots. You need to apply the decoction in the form of lotions on age spots 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes, and then simply wipe your face. A slight whitening effect is noticeable after 2 weeks of use.

Melon in the diet of a pregnant woman

There's enough in the melon high content folic acid (vitamin B9), essential for women's health. Thanks to folic acid, Eating melon during pregnancy is beneficial, both for the expectant mother and the baby. This acid improves property breast milk and helps a woman bear fruit. Eating melon while pregnant can be compared to taking multivitamins.

An additional advantage of honey pumpkin is its the ability to remove excess fluid from the body of a pregnant woman, thereby reducing swelling.


The main danger of melon lies in its overeating, which is the cause of the development of hypervitaminosis (excessive oversaturation with vitamins).

We must not forget that melon is an independent product that should not be mixed with main dishes. Otherwise, it's may cause heaviness in the stomach and diarrhea.

Melon should be treated with caution by those people who are predisposed to sudden surges in blood sugar.

Recipes with melon

You can prepare many dishes from melon, from quite trivial to extraordinary. The best reminder of summer will be aromatic compote from melon. You can prepare for the winter melon jam or jam. Fragrant, fragrant fruit pie, the main ingredient of which is melon, will not leave any guest at your table indifferent. Also, melon great alternative apples in charlotte and adds honey sweetness to cottage cheese casserole. And about the chic refreshing melon cocktails and smoothies in summer time and there is no need to talk.

Chicken salad with melon


  • Boiled chicken breast- 2 pcs
  • Small melon - 1 pc.
  • White ground pepper- add to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise – 100g
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 2 cloves


It is necessary to peel the melon from seeds and peel, then chop the pulp into small cubes. Chicken fillet cut into medium pieces and mix with melon. Add salt and pepper to taste.


Finely chop the dill and garlic cloves and add them to the mayonnaise. Pour lemon juice over this mixture and mix thoroughly. Then, season our salad with this sauce

Curd and melon breakfast


  • Melon - 1 slice
  • Cottage cheese - 1 glass
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp
  • Honey - 1 tbsp


Grind the cottage cheese in a blender, then mix it with sour cream until homogeneous mass. Grate carrots onto fine grater, then mix it with the resulting curd mass. Add honey.

At the end, finely chop the melon, mix everything thoroughly and serve.

In ancient times, melon was considered an exquisite delicacy and was served exclusively to royalty and important foreign guests, who had to be surprised. And medieval aesculapians seriously argued that melon is a panacea for many serious diseases. One thing we know for sure is that melon is certainly a valuable and healthy product.

Description of melon

Common melon, translated as Cucumis melo, the plant belongs to the annual hard-haired representatives of the flora. The stem is a climbing type; it can grow up to almost three meters. The leaves are alternate, serrated, they have a rounded heart-shaped shape, five-lobed, their length can reach 20 centimeters.

Male flowers are located on short stalks, they are localized in rather loose axillary bunches; and women's - single. The corolla is painted yellow, it is wheel-shaped, five-parted. When ripe, ordinary melon has a delightful aroma and wonderful taste.

Its fruit is berry-shaped, spherical or elongated; inside it you can see numerous white oblong seeds, which are surrounded by juicy edible pulp. At first it is green in color, but over time it acquires a yellowish color, which indicates the ripeness of the melon.

What is the calorie content of the melon plant?

Fresh - 33 kcal per 100 grams
Dried - 341 kcal per 100 grams

Where does melon grow?

As you know, melon grows in the southern territory, mainly in the Caucasus, in the Central Black Earth regions, it is specially cultivated on plantations, and is also grown in gardens and dachas, which are located in warm areas, since its ripening does not occur in the northern regions .

Plant part used

Melon fruits are used, they can be consumed in fresh, as well as dried and dried, candied fruits, marmalade, preserves, jams are prepared from it, it is preserved for the winter and used in confectionery industry, for example, for decorating cakes and pastries.

What is the composition of the melon plant?

The fruits contain many useful substances that make melon useful, so these are: organic acids, fiber, sugars, pectin substances, nitrogenous compounds, some important mineral components, among the vitamins we can note the presence of group B, as well as ascorbic and folic acid, carotene , and some other elements.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

The fruits are harvested in the autumn, when they have gained sufficient weight and are in the final stage of ripening. They are carefully cut and placed in spacious boxes, but the outer cortical layer of the fruit must not be damaged, otherwise it will rot and will not be transported to the final point of sale, in particular to the consumer.

Uses of melon

In addition to using melon in cooking, it is also used for medicinal purposes, since its pulp has a mild laxative and diuretic effect, and its use also affects the secretion of bile. It is recommended to eat it for diseases of the urinary system, as well as for some cardiovascular pathologies.

It is recommended to eat melon if you have metabolic disorders; it is also effective if you have a history of gout and urolithiasis, it has an anthelmintic effect and is used for hemorrhoids and chronic cough. Thanks to the fiber present, intestinal motility accelerates, which is reflected in increased peristalsis.

Eating melon has a positive effect on the body in the presence of atherosclerosis, as it is able to remove unnecessary cholesterol, which is involved in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Due to the presence of folic acid, this fruit is useful for anemia and liver diseases.

This delicacy is also used in cosmetology, in particular, juice is prepared from it, which is used to combat age spots, it helps fight acne, and also reduces the severity of freckles.

It is worth noting that this aromatic fruit is not recommended for everyone; for example, it is contraindicated for use while breastfeeding a baby, as this can lead to dyspeptic symptoms in the child. This will be expressed in the presence of flatulence, and as a result, pain in the abdominal area may appear, which will lead to anxiety and crying.

You should not eat melon if you have endocrine pathology, in particular if you have a history of diabetes mellitus, and it is also not recommended to use it if you have peptic ulcer stomach, dysentery and any other intestinal disorders. Excessive consumption of the pulp of this fruit can lead to diarrhea and pain in the abdominal area.

Melon should not be eaten together with honey and alcoholic drinks, it is not recommended to drink it cold water, because this can lead to flatulence, diarrhea and intestinal colic.

Even in ancient times, the Arabs prepared medicinal plasters from dry melon seeds, which were used to speed up the maturation of existing abscesses. This fruit was recommended for treatment by such famous doctors as Pliny, Paracelsus and Dioscorides.

Melon mask recipe

You can prepare a mask with melon pulp. To do this, you need to soften it in a small amount using a blender, after which the prepared fresh mass is applied to the face for about 20 minutes, no more, without using the eye area and mouth.

Next, it is recommended to wash your face with warm running water, then dry your skin with a towel, and only then apply some nourishing cream to it. This procedure can be carried out twice a week, which will significantly refresh and rejuvenate the skin.


Of course, melon is very useful for humans, but there are some contraindications to its use, so these points should be taken into account so as not to harm the body. Overeating can also lead to negative consequences, so we should not forget about moderation.

Juicy watermelons and fragrant melons are a favorite dessert of many people. These varieties of melons have their own characteristics of cultivation and care. Read the article where melons and watermelons grow.

Watermelon: general information

This crop is a plant from the Pumpkin family. Watermelon is a berry, not a vegetable. U different nations the names are different. For example, Belarusians and Ukrainians call watermelon kavun, and pumpkin is called watermelon.

The culture comes from South Africa. Here you can still find wild watermelon today. Humanity has been familiar with this plant for a long time. The ancient Egyptians were cultivating it, as evidenced by the tombs where watermelon was placed to feed the pharaohs who lived after death in the afterlife.

Where do watermelons grow? In the distant past, the crop began to be grown in Western Europe. This has been happening ever since the watermelon was brought there during the Crusades. Over time, the growing area expanded. Persian traders brought watermelons to Russia in the 12th century. The new plant liked the fertile lands and it quickly took root. Where do watermelons grow? Nowadays they grow in almost every corner of the world, but they are most cultivated in China.

Description of watermelon

This crop is an annual or perennial herb; the stems are climbing or prostrate. The main root has the ability to penetrate deep into the soil, about two meters. Many other branches are formed from the lateral roots, which reach an even greater depth - three to four meters. The root system has a powerful development, due to which the plant is provided with nutrition in such an amount that is enough to create a large vegetative mass and form watery fruits of large size.

The thin stem is well branched, creeping, its length reaches three to five meters. The leaves have five lobes, their plates are dissected. Different varieties have different shapes and sizes. Young leaves are pubescent, tender and soft. Whiskers are formed in their sinuses.

Watermelon has dioecious or bisexual flowers that bloom at dawn and stop blooming around 4 p.m. At the beginning, the green mass grows slowly, since the plant devotes all its energy to the development of the root system.

When about a month passes after the shoots appear, the crop will grow well and side shoots will form if the conditions for this are favorable. At this time, or half a month later, the flowering season begins, which will continue throughout the growing season.

Where do watermelons grow in Russia?

Our country, of course, lags behind China in terms of the volume of crops grown, however, watermelon grows in many regions. They are the Rostov and Volgograd, Saratov, Leningrad and Novgorod regions, the Stavropol, Khabarovsk and Krasnodar territories, as well as the Moscow region. In the struggle for the right to be called the capital, the center of watermelon cultivation in Russia, the Astrakhan region won. Although all of these regions have the opportunity to grow sugar watermelons in large quantities.

This is facilitated by favorable climatic conditions: heat and sun are exactly what this culture needs. In this climate, there is also severe drought, but watermelons are not afraid of it, since they come from Africa. In the south of our country there are huge plantations of them. Here watermelons are grown in industrial scale. Steppe and Mediterranean climates are suitable for this crop, when summers are dry, hot and long, and winters are short and mild.

Astrakhan watermelons

In written sources in 1560, watermelons from Astrakhan were first mentioned. Two centuries passed, Emperor Peter 1 ascended the Russian throne. Once he tasted the delicious berry, he ordered it to be regularly delivered to the table, as he fell in love with the sweet delicacy. Watermelon received a high honor: by order of the sovereign, a commemorative coin was issued and fireworks were fired. Since then, Astrakhan has been associated with watermelons.

It is generally accepted that only this type of culture is characterized the right kind, the right size, attractive color, rich aroma and sweet taste. Astrakhan watermelon can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • It has an oblong or round shape.
  • The crust is elastic, durable and thick, which is two centimeters. The surface is smooth.
  • Characteristic pattern: spiky dark green stripes on a light background.
  • The pulp contains a high content of sweet liquid, it has a coarse-grained consistency, a bright red color, and is crispy.
  • The fruits are large, up to 8-10 kg.

Where do Astrakhan watermelons grow? For their growth, they need comfortable conditions that the climate has. southern regions. Watermelons from Astrakhan were floated down the Volga for sale back in the 19th century. Where do the most grow? delicious watermelons? The peasants allocated huge tracts of land for melon production in the Tsaritsyn region and all the way to Kamyshin. It is no coincidence that this area was chosen for their cultivation. The fact is that here watermelons grow without the use of chemicals, and the fruits are environmentally friendly. That is why buyers want to buy Astrakhan watermelons. But this heat-loving crop also grows in other areas: non-chernozem regions, the middle zone. Over the years, the popularity of Astrakhan watermelon has not diminished. It is like a symbol of taste, a sign of quality among its kind.

Watermelon with yellow flesh appeared as a result of crossing a wild plant with a red-colored crop. After selection work, the only color left of the wild watermelon is yellow. It can be round or oval in shape, and small in size. The peel is dark, with barely defined stripes, sometimes without them at all, the flesh is juicy, almost seedless. The taste of the berry is pleasant, reminiscent of lemon, pumpkin, mango. By appearance It is almost impossible to distinguish a yellow watermelon from a red one. Nowadays the watermelon is called “lunar”; people call it “baby”.

Where do yellow watermelons grow? Round fruits are grown in Spain, and oval fruits are grown in Thailand. These countries are famous for the fact that yellow watermelons are more popular here than red ones. Where do watermelons grow? Recently, yellow watermelons have been grown in Russia. The Astrakhan region was chosen as the place for their growth.

Watermelons in their natural environment

Wild watermelon is native to South Africa. Being the “king of the desert”, over time it spread to India, Australia, and Central Asia. Where do wild watermelons grow? Currently, they abound in desert areas in Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, and South Africa. It is here that genetic forms of watermelons with pulp of bitter and sweet taste have been identified in large quantities.

The wild berry is not similar to the cultivated variety. It belongs to perennial plants that are not afraid of heat. A powerful root system can entangle large areas. The fruits, in the form of small balls, stay on the stems for a long time, their ripening occurs within six months or more. During the period of desert winds, they roll along the endless sands, run into hummocks, burst, spreading seeds around them. They have the ability to germinate quickly, forming entire plantations of wild berries that have a bitter taste. There are poisonous and sweet varieties.

Today, 96 countries around the world are engaged in growing watermelons, but most of all - China, where the production volume is about 63 million tons. The sweet berry is cultivated in large quantities in Turkey and Iran, Brazil and the USA, Egypt and Russia, Mexico, Uzbekistan, and the Republic of Korea. Why is watermelon so popular? Like any other plant, after the flower is pollinated, a fruit forms in its place. So, watermelon is grown precisely for this reason. In this case, the fruit is a false berry, the pulp of which is distinguished by its juiciness and sweet taste.

Seedless watermelons

Such plants are triploid hybrids with an oblong shape. Their weight ranges from 5 to 10 kg. To say that they have no seeds at all would be wrong. They exist only in an underdeveloped form. In Russia, such watermelons are rare. Many people do not trust seedless crops, considering them genetically modified. But that's not true. Watermelon, which does not contain seeds inside, was obtained by scientists from America as a result of breeding work. It differs in that the seeds are suitable for consumption. The pulp has a watery structure and contains large quantities of sugar.

Where does seedless watermelon grow? In Russia, this crop is grown in the Astrakhan region, namely in the Akhtubinsky district. The varieties used are bred by breeders from Israel. In the United States of America and neighboring countries with warm climates (Paraguay, Uruguay), seedless watermelons are commonplace. They are sold here all year round.


This plant is considered the queen of melons. It came to our country from Asia Minor and Central Asia, although the centers of origin, in addition to Asia, are Iran and Afghanistan. Russian breeders have developed early ripening varieties that are more adapted to our climate.

Where do melons grow? Even central Russia is suitable for normal growth. Here, well-warmed areas by the sun are allocated for melon crops, which should not be exposed to cold winds. If the southern regions are chosen for the growth of melon, the soil in the places where it is grown must be fertile and well-permeable to water and air. It is better if these are small hills where water does not accumulate.

Melon is valued for its taste and dietary qualities. Following the scientific classification, it is a false berry, although it is also called a dessert vegetable. Melon is consumed fresh. It is stored only in processed form (jams, preserves, compotes). It is a low-calorie berry, containing 90% water.

I have melon for breakfast today, what about you?

Melon- another proof of the incorrectness of the statement that something healthy cannot be tasty. We can probably argue a lot about which is tastier - melon or watermelon. However, it's unlikely anyone can resist a slice of the wonderful-smelling, sweet Southern Belle. Everything about melon is tasty, everything is edible, everything is healthy: the aromatic pulp, the peel, and even the seeds. Let's figure out why melon is useful and what it really is.

Melon is a vegetable or a fruit? Melon is a berry!

What kind of relatives are not attributed to this wonderful…. to whom? From a botanical point of view, melon is an annual herbaceous plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, a melon crop from the cucumber genus. Actually melon is a false berry, multi-seeded pumpkin various shapes, weighing from 200g to 20kg.

From a merchandising point of view, melon - dessert vegetable, which we most often find on store shelves next to another large berry - watermelon. Melon and watermelon, melon and pumpkin, melon and cucumber - these pairs have the right to exist, since they belong to the same family.

Of course, the origin of the southern sorceress is interesting to us, as they say, for general development. From point of view proper nutrition we are no less interested in knowing about the benefits of melon for our health.

Melon: beneficial properties and not so

This small (or large) child of the pumpkin family has long been revered not only as wonderful dessert, but also as a dietary and medicinal plant. Some properties of melon, an independent and capricious product, can cause a lot of trouble instead of being useful.

Useful properties of melon.

Melon calorie content is 30-38 kcal/100 g, depending on the variety. Low melon calories allows you to organize delicious and enjoyable fasting days based on it. But you should not get carried away with eating melon alone for more than three days.

Vitamins in melon: folic acid or vitamin B9, vitamin C, beta-carotene. Melon - valuable source folic acid, since vitamin B9 is almost completely destroyed during heat treatment, and we usually prefer to eat the sweet fruit in in kind. Folic acid is necessary for women during pregnancy and menopause, as well as for anyone who wants to improve memory and get rid of depression. Vitamin C will make our body invulnerable during the winter cold; the beautiful melon will also help us stock up on it for future use. Beta-carotene will make our skin and hair beautiful. For lovers of a beautiful tan, it is simply necessary to include melon in your beach diet; this will make the tan stable and even. Vitamins in melon will strengthen our immunity and help defeat the autumn blues.

Properties of melon The enzyme superoxide dismutase, which prevents the process of damage to body tissue, provides a lifting mood, relieving insomnia, fatigue and irritability.

Trace elements in melon provide the fruit with healing powers. Melon pulp is rich in silicon, which is necessary for hard tissues, nerves, skin and hair. A large amount of iron allows melon to be used to prevent anemia. Benefits of melon in cardiovascular diseases is the presence of potassium and magnesium.

Useful properties of melon apply not only to women, making them more beautiful, but also to the stronger half of humanity. Melon seeds from time immemorial it was considered the strongest aphrodisiac. Don't throw away melon seeds, they are able to increase male strength. Melon seeds can simply be chewed fresh, preferably with honey. However, it is important to observe the measure - no more than 2g per day, otherwise problems with the spleen are inevitable.

Melon is useful for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

A large amount of fiber is perhaps the main advantage of melon. In modern medicine, the fruit is most often used to cleanse the body and cleanse the intestines. Melon fiber helps remove toxic substances from the body. However, the properties of melon as a “nurse of the body” also have a downside.

Melon is harmful:

  • in combination with dairy products and alcoholic drinks, as it causes digestive system upset;
  • nursing mothers, as it can cause digestive problems in the child;
  • those suffering diabetes mellitus, as it contains a large amount of sugars;
  • for infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcers.

How to eat melon

In what combinations and how to eat melon correctly- this is not an idle question. Improper consumption of the fruit can cause heaviness in the stomach and upset it at the most inopportune time. Melon is best enjoyed between meals, without mixing with other foods. Although in Central Asia it is believed that melon promotes the digestion of food, and it is consumed during a heavy meal as a “natural mezim”. Most likely, when eating a large berry, it is best to focus on your own feelings.

Not only ripe fresh melon is useful. Dried melon- an invariable attribute of oriental tea drinking. Dried melon retains almost all beneficial substances. Just like fresh, dried melon tones and cleanses the body.

Frozen melon Can be stored in the refrigerator for about three months. It is recommended to freeze only ripe melon. Frozen melon can be used to make smoothies and vitamin drinks.

Popular dishes with melon- preserves, jam, marmalade, pickled melon.

Melon varieties

Useful properties of melon vary depending on its variety. There are a huge number of varieties of melons, but only a small part of them is available to us, residents of cool regions. On the shelves of our stores you can most often find the familiar Kolkhoznitsa melons and the Uzbek Torpeda melons. Cantaloupe melons and cantaloupe melons appear occasionally.

Melon Kolkhoznitsa

These small, round, bright yellow fruits are grown in the Volga region. Melon Kolkhoznitsa is a fast-ripening plant bred in the 30s of the last century. Kolkhoznitsa melon is inferior to its southern rivals in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, but has diuretic properties and can be used for weight loss.

Melon Torpedo

Uzbek melons are the sweetest melons. Torpedo melon in Uzbekistan is called Mirzachul melon. This late variety, tolerates transportation well. Torpedo pulp is rich in useful substances; in addition, it has an unsurpassed taste and delicate aroma.

Melon Cantaloupe

This is a European variety, less sweet than Uzbek melons, but nevertheless loved in many countries. Cantaloupe melon has bright orange flesh, denser and less juicy than Central Asian varieties. However, the magical aroma of the European melon is not inferior to the Uzbek one. Based on the Cantaloupe melon, many unpretentious hybrids have been developed that can grow in cool climates.

Melon- a wonderful gift from nature, with correct use giving people health and beauty. Whatever type of melon you choose, this southern beauty is sure to put you in a good mood!

Who among you has not tried melon? Of course, many people on earth not only tried, but also fell in love with this sunny, fragrant fruit. In this article we will talk about the beneficial properties of melon and its contraindications.

Melon is a berry fruit or vegetable

Cultivated melon (Cucumis melo) is a plant of the pumpkin family of the cucumber genus, is an annual herbaceous plant. An ancient agricultural crop. Geographically, its homeland is considered to be Asia Minor and Central Asia, but according to other sources, the homeland of the melon is northern Africa and India.

Today the question remains open and controversial: is a melon a berry or a fruit, or maybe a vegetable? Many people do not doubt its fruit origin when they feast on sweet juicy fruits. After all, it combines taste and aroma with fruit, and not with vegetable salads. But what kind of fruit is a melon if it grows on a melon patch like a watermelon or pumpkin?

Melon culture is a heat-loving plant. The biological temperature minimum when seeds begin to germinate is 15 degrees. The optimal temperature for seed germination and further development is from 25 to 40 degrees Celsius. The crop is considered to be quite resistant to drought, but when the fruits gain strength, it consumes sufficient quantity moisture. The power and development of plant roots largely depends on climatic and territorial conditions. As a rule, branching roots are located on the top of the ground, but they can also go deeper than 2 meters. The length of the stem is up to three meters, thickness is up to two centimeters, the shoots of the plant are about 30 meters. A plant with three types of flowers: male, female, hermaphroditic. During the pollination period, pollen on flowers is carried by insects, mainly bees and ants. In botany, the melon fruit is considered a multi-seeded berry or pumpkin.

The cylindrical or flattened shape has a smooth, sometimes wrinkled surface. Color ranges from green to yellow-brown. The weight of the fetus reaches from 1 to 20 kilograms. Its pulp varies in structure and density, and the seeds have an elongated or oval shape of light color. Usually, how many fruits will be on the plant depends on the variety, usually from one to six, sometimes more. The fruits grow for about 30 days immediately after ovary. Climate influences growing conditions and varieties, with the ripening season occurring from mid-August to late September.

Which of us can be left indifferent by the melon aroma? We feel this smell due to the ongoing process of anaerobic (methane) fermentation in the fruits.

The ripeness of the plant is distinguished by a characteristic strong fruity aroma with a honey-pear hue. Choose fruits based on this criterion when buying. The peel must be free of damage, cracks and dents. If you lightly tap the fruit and hear a dull sound, you have a ripe specimen. And do not buy fruits cut by the seller, bacteria tend to multiply quickly. You may find yourself hostage to food poisoning. Pay attention to the tail, it should be thick and dry, another sign of ripeness.

How many calories are in melon

The melon pulp consists of 90% water, so after eating melon, you will no longer want to drink.

The calorie content of melon is quite low - 34 kcal (1.5%) per 100 grams daily norm. Therefore, it can be safely included in the diet. But given the high liquid content in it, you should refrain from eating melon at night.

The calorie content of dried melon is much higher than that of fresh fruit. It is 341 kcal per 100 grams. Those who want to lose weight should not abuse this product. But the list of beneficial properties is not inferior to fresh fruit. After all, vitamins and all useful substances in candied fruits are completely preserved. Dried candied fruits are a dessert that can be eaten as pure form, and as an addition to salads, ice cream or baked goods.

Chemical composition

Melon fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional value per 100 grams of product:

  • Carbohydrates – 8.6 g
  • Protein – 0.84 g
  • Total fat – 0.19 g
  • Dietary fiber – 0.9 g

What vitamins do melon contain:

  • B9 – 21 mcg
  • PP – 0.735 mg
  • B5 – 0.105 mg
  • B6 – 0.072 mg
  • B2 – 0.026 mg
  • B1 – 0.017 mg
  • A – 0.067 mg
  • C – 36.7 mg
  • E - 0.05 mg
  • K – 2.5 mcg


  • Copper – 40 mcg
  • Calcium – 9 mg
  • Iron – 0.22 mg
  • Magnesium – 12 mg
  • Manganese – 0.042 mg
  • Zinc – 0.18 mg
  • Sodium – 1 mg
  • Potassium – 118 mg

Beneficial properties of melon for the body

The benefits of melon have been determined big amount vitamins A and E, which work well in pairs, helping to be absorbed by each other. Vitamin A is beneficial for human vision and reduces dry eyes. Protects the body from viral infections. Stimulates collagen production, prolonging skin youth. Promotes muscle recovery and growth. Helps in the treatment of heart diseases vascular system, preventing the formation of blood clots. Vitamin A works well in the presence of zinc, which is necessary in the formation of the bone skeleton and promotes wound healing. Men need zinc more than women.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) contained in the sunny fruit promotes the biosynthesis of useful substances, regulates the amount of cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood. Normalizes the functioning of the liver, stomach and pancreas.

Ascorbic acid is extremely necessary for the body human: increases immunity, has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates wound healing, regulates hematopoietic processes, improves calcium absorption. In this regard, the benefits of melons for the body are undeniable during the period of acute respiratory diseases.

B vitamins present in melon will have a beneficial effect on many processes occurring in the body. So B5 (pantothenic acid) stimulates the production of adrenal hormones, which gives it the ability to resist a number of diseases: colitis, arthritis, heart disease, allergic reactions. In addition, vitamin B5 helps the absorption of other vitamins.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), along with other vitamins and microelements iron and magnesium, affect metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels, and increase hemoglobin in the blood. B6 interacts with folic acid (vitamin B9), which is involved in hematopoiesis and helps the normal formation of white blood cells.

The high potassium content in melons is necessary for our body for the normal functioning of blood vessels, muscles, heart, liver, kidneys, brain cells and other organs. Potassium salts regulate the removal of excess fluid from the body, relieving swelling. Bones, teeth, and nails will be in order, because melon is a source of calcium. In addition, calcium strengthens blood vessels and prevents various infections from entering the blood.

The plant is rich in copper and contains manganese, which are necessary for the absorption of iron and maintaining normal blood composition. Manganese stabilizes insulin production and fights free radicals that destroy cells. Maintains muscle tissue in working condition. During the growth period of the body, along with vitamins, these elements play a particularly important role in the growth of bones, cartilage and connective tissues.

Melon for the face. Here are some tips from oriental beauties for facial skin rejuvenation:

  • mix the pulp with honey and cream, mix everything well (rejuvenating face mask)
  • soften the melon pulp and add a few drops of lemon (cleansing mask)
  • mix the softened melon mass with coffee grounds and any oil (for example olive) can be used as a body scrub
  • olive oil, sea ​​salt, honey and pulp (exfoliating and nourishing body scrub)

Melon oil is produced from the seeds of this fruit and is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. When cold pressed, the oil retains all its beneficial properties, is enriched with vitamins and biologically active substances. It is perfectly absorbed and resists many diseases. Melon oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the risk of developing heart disease. vascular diseases, reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

Recommended for fatty deposits in the liver, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney stones, and eye diseases. Melon oil has a particularly beneficial effect on the health of older people. For nervous system disorders and insomnia, it will relieve stress and fatigue. Fragrant, it will add to your dishes good taste and will lift your spirits.

Calorie content of melon oil is 899 kcal. Vitamins A and E. Minerals - zinc.

Melon oil contains the following acids(percentage per 100 g):

  • Palmitic – 8-13 g
  • Stearic – 7-10%
  • Oleic – 14-21%
  • Linoleic – 60%
  • Linolenic – 1%
  • Gadoleic – 1%
  • Palmetoleic – 7-10%
  • Begenova – 1%
  • Lignoceric – 1%
  • Erucaya – up to 2%

What are the benefits of melon for women?

The benefits of melon for women are obvious. For a long time, beautiful oriental girls simply idolized the melon for its healing and cosmetic properties. Comparing its yellow skin with the light of the hot sun, its flesh with the cold moon. After all, the bright fruit has absorbed the energy of these two light sources on earth and gives people a beautiful appearance and a healthy spirit. Today, ladies use recipes using fruit pulp to maintain the beauty of their hair and facial skin. In the form of tonic, masks, lotions, drink juice and simply eat.

I would also like to say about the benefits of melon:

  • the fruit has a calming effect on nervous system, improves mood
  • increases hemoglobin in the blood
  • Fiber-rich melon helps intestinal function by improving its microflora and preventing constipation
  • removes excess fluid, eliminating swelling
  • preserves the beauty of skin and hair.

The unique composition of vitamins and minerals is balanced and will have a beneficial effect on the quality of milk during lactation. At the same time, it is believed that when breastfeeding, it is not advisable for a mother to introduce melon into her diet earlier than a couple of months after the baby is born. There is no consensus on the use of melon during breastfeeding, but you should always remember a reasonable amount when eating tasty morsels.

What are the benefits of melon for men?

It is worth noting here the mineral zinc, which is part of the plant and improves sperm quality. Melon is a good natural aphrodisiac. In addition, the fruit, which has a rich vitamin-mineral complex, increases performance.

How to eat melon correctly

First, you should learn how to choose the right ripe fruits:

  • depending on the variety, the color should be rich, bright yellow
  • dry thick tail at the base
  • when tapped, a dull characteristic sound
  • the surface of the crust should not be damaged or have any dents
  • do not purchase a cut product, no matter how the seller convinces you of its freshness
  • do not forget to ask the seller for documents guaranteeing the quality of the product
  • main argument ripe fruit it is its strong pleasant honey aroma

Be sure to wash the melon before cutting. For ease of consumption, cut the fruit into thin pieces. Sometimes, closer to the crust, the melon may not be sweet and hard, do not eat where it is not tasty, such places will not bring any benefit.

When we buy a delicious juicy fruit, we can’t wait to eat it. We don’t think about whether it’s possible to eat melon at night or on an empty stomach. However, it is advisable to observe the timing when consuming melon, so as not to harm your body. It will be useful to eat it an hour or two after dinner or lunch, or one hour before. And it is generally not recommended to eat melon on an empty stomach. Melon on an empty stomach can cause gastrointestinal upset. Do not buy melons lying on the ground or sold along the highway; they are capable of accumulating radionuclides and heavy metals that get into the food from the road.

Harm and contraindications

Melon is very popular among people following various diets. The melon diet is determined by two indicators: low calorie content and nutritional value. But people suffering from diabetes need to be careful here. Melon for type 2 diabetes dangerous product, her glycemic index 65 is a high level. When eating a piece of 100 grams, sugar in the amount of 6.2 grams briefly enters the blood; the larger the amount eaten, the longer and more sugar will enter the blood. Not often and not great use product (100-200 grams) may not harm. Remember that everything is very individual and depends on the patient’s condition. In case of insulin diabetes, melon should be consumed in limited quantities based on the calculation of insulin (injection dose) for processing the product.

Melon for pancreatitis, especially when it worsens, is categorically not recommended. Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process occurring in the pancreas. Melon with a lot of dietary fiber and carbohydrates will prevent normal operation pancreas. May cause bloating, pain, gas, and frequent loose stools. After the inflammatory process, add to the diet gradually, without in large portions You can return your favorite product. Be sure to exercise caution when consuming melon if you have chronic illnesses, and it is best to consult your doctor.

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