Nutrition for health, do you need soup every day? Is it good to fast one day a week?

In this article, I will tell you whether you should eat soups, borscht, etc.)). Are there any benefits from them, if so, what are they; as in general soups, borscht, etc. affect the human body and much more...

In the post-Soviet space, all of us (or the absolute majority) were taught from childhood to eat (traditionally for lunch) first the 1st, and only then the 2nd)). That is why, for us (I mean our people, well, maybe not all, but the absolute majority) - soups, borscht, etc. this is a familiar and tasty thing)), passed on from generation to generation, and which will not surprise anyone...

To be honest, I’m even afraid to talk negatively about this matter, in case they throw stones at me, hehe)). But, as always, I’m not going to hide the truth.

In soups, borscht, etc.- mostly contained LIQUID(water, about 50% if memory serves) and VEGETABLES(well, for example, borscht contains beets (beets), carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, beans, tomatoes (tomatoes)), some also contain COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES (for example, or).

For those who don't know, vegetables and fruits- vital (needed), because are necessary components of a balanced diet and are not inferior in importance to other essential substances (,), because They contain vitamins and minerals and fiber.

  • I don’t think it’s worth talking about vitamins and minerals, because... and so you all understand that they are extremely important (vital) to every organ, every gland, every muscle and cell of our body for the balanced and not only functioning of the whole organism.
  • But few people know about fiber... and it, in turn, is extremely important, because... absorbs accumulated waste and toxins and removes them from the body, contributes to the absence of constipation, etc.; promotes better digestion of food; binds cholesterol and tactfully removes it from the body, and thus the cholesterol level decreases, and with it the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases; and also has many other extremely useful functions.

But, be that as it may, soups and borscht- not the best best product(in my opinion) of the possible. In short, soups, borscht, etc. are the worst quality alternative (analogue) to fresh VEGETABLES and FRUIT! Why? Yes, because in soup, borscht, etc. will contain much, I emphasize, MUCH less vitamins and minerals and fiber than in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Who doesn't know heat treatment(it is present in soups, borscht, etc.) kills vitamins and minerals, which cannot be said about fresh fruits and vegetables (that's why it's better).

This is it, in a nutshell. In many foreign countries, people do not eat soups, borscht, etc. at all. and what now, do they all have ulcers, colitis, gastritis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, etc.?))

Of course not... And all because people simply)) have the opportunity to eat all year round(well, if not whole year, then in any case, significantly more often than ours) FIBER ( fresh vegetables and fruits), accordingly, they do not need an alternative (replacement, like ours). That's all (the whole secret).

We (in our countries) do not have such an opportunity during the cold season (winter). Accordingly, to compensate for this (lack of fiber, vitamins and minerals), a worse quality alternative (analog) is used, i.e. the same soups, borscht, etc.

  • In general, if you have the opportunity to eat fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES all year round, then you can easily avoid eating SOUP, BORSCH, etc. without being afraid AT ALL that you will have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, etc. made-up crap (proof of this is the huge number of countries that do not consume soups, borscht, etc. AT ALL, for example, England, Italy and etc.).
  • If you do not have the opportunity to eat vegetables and fruits all year round (for example, in the cold season, i.e. in winter), then SOUPS, BORSCHS, etc. in my opinion, they are even necessary, because it is still BETTER than nothing at all. Those. this way you will get at least some vitamins and minerals, at least some amount of them, and, accordingly, at least some fiber. Do you understand?

Those. in other words, fresh VEGETABLES and FRUITS 100 times better than soups, borscht, etc., but if you don’t have them, then at least something (soups, borscht, etc.) is better than nothing at all...

Let’s talk about the fact that soups, borscht, etc. are something incredibly useful, and everyone should use them daily, otherwise there will be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, etc. , - under no circumstances will I (impossible). This is not even close to the case. But don’t get me wrong, I’m also not saying that soups, borscht, etc. - this is categorically BAD, and they should not be eaten. This is also not even close to the case. Although, there are exceptions.

Many experts argue that meat or chicken soup/broth, etc. can be potentially hazardous to health. The fact is that soups (liquid food) are absorbed very quickly by the intestines, unlike solid food. And it is this, in turn, that does not allow the liver to have time to process the meat extracts contained in them (after all, who doesn’t know, meat is not only beneficial for the body, it also contains harmful substances), as a result, toxins not broken down by the liver enter the blood and can cause harm to many internal organs 🙁 so draw your own conclusions.

P.s. my advice regarding meat/chicken soups/broths, etc. which is also promoted by doctors. Meat can also be in the soup, but it is better to boil it separately and only then add it to the dish; the soup itself should be on vegetable broth... (useful for those who cannot live without soups).

By the way, I am accustomed (like most of our people) to soups, borscht, etc. and I eat when I can and I’m not going to change anything. I really enjoy it, and besides, all this can serve as an excellent variety or promotional tool)) when you’re already tired of eating buckwheat or rice... But! I also eat fresh fruits and vegetables separately DAILY, in the quantities I need, but in any case, everyone decides for themselves.

Best regards, administrator.

Who doesn't advise us to drink a lot of water? These could be nutritionists and fitness trainers, cosmetologists and doctors, friends and family. But many people are left with the question: “If there is water, what will happen?” Today our goal is to understand what water gives the body, how much it needs to be consumed, and how its excess or deficiency affects its condition.

The first thing they decide to do is drink. more water people dreaming of throwing off excess weight. With the help of water, they try to fill the emptiness in the stomach and satisfy the feeling of hunger. But in fact, the body needs water like air. People often say that they don’t drink much because they don’t want to. In fact, we are simply not used to drinking water. More often we drink sweet drinks, juices, tea or coffee. But, as nutritionists say, only water can quench thirst. Juice, milk and other liquids are food, but coffee and tea are poison. And yet, if you drink a lot of water, what will happen? Will this benefit the body or, conversely, cause deviations in its functioning?

A little physiology

Water is the basis of life on earth. All biochemical processes in the body are associated with water metabolism; moreover, the human body itself consists of 80% water. For the body to function like a clock, it needs a certain amount of clean water. How much is already a somewhat controversial question. The greater the body weight, the higher the need for it. For a person weighing 50 kg, 1.5 liters per day is enough, and if the weight is within 80 kg, then it is advisable to drink about 2.5 liters. The figure sounds quite impressive, and people begin to doubt: “Will I be able to drink that much liquid, and if I drink a lot of water, what will happen to me?” In fact, this happens because we are not used to drinking water, but in vain. Due to constant dehydration, skin and hair problems begin, chronic heart and intestinal diseases worsen, and metabolic processes are disrupted. Even the smell of sweat with a lack of fluid in the body becomes different, sharper and more piercing, due to excess toxins.

There are several other points that affect our need for fluid. This is the ambient temperature. The hotter it is outside, the more moisture the body loses. The second point is physical activity. So, an office worker will need less water than a builder.

The role of fluid in the body

Water is the basis of our existence. It dissolves substances in the body, delivers nutrients to cells, and removes toxins from the body. Therefore, your body will only benefit if you drink a lot of water. What will happen to the kidneys is a separate question that worries most people. We answer: if you do not suffer from serious diseases of these organs, then a large amount of clean water will only be beneficial. In all other cases, you should consult a doctor.

The need for water depends very much on what we eat. If you are a fan of spicy, salty foods and preservative-rich processed foods, then you really need to drink a lot of water. The more junk food you consume, the more resources your body uses to flush out all the toxins and waste. If you care about your health, then go to healthy food. Vegetarians can reduce their water consumption to 1-1.5 liters per day. By the way, the amount of water consumed directly depends on the abundance of your meals. If you are used to eating a lot, then you need to drink a lot.

You may be surprised, but almost half of all diseases occur because there is not enough simple water in the body. To prevent your joints from creaking, stones from depositing in your kidneys, and your skin from being too dry, you just need to make it a rule to maintain a normal level of fluid in your body.

How does water loss occur?

All life support processes require water. This doesn't just apply to urination. Together with breathing and sweat, we also release precious moisture. In this way, the body loses about 2 liters of fluid per day, which it must replenish. Soups, compotes, and other food products, of course, contain a liquid part, but it has a different structure and will not replace plain water. It is harmful to drink a lot of water only if you have direct contraindications from a doctor; in other cases, you should at least block the daily fluid loss. Dehydration of the body is a severe condition that undermines the functioning of its defense mechanisms. This occurs especially often during periods of severe vomiting or diarrhea, elevated temperature bodies. At such moments, water consumption should be as high as possible.

What happens to the body if little water is consumed?

We cannot live without water. Even the process of breathing, which seems to be autonomous, requires large quantity fluid that moisturizes the lungs. Only for this you need about 0.5 liters per day. It should be taken into account that the exhaled air contains moisture, which increases the body's moisture content by up to 0.7 or 1 liter, depending on physical activity. If the fluid is not renewed, the breathing process becomes difficult. Add to this the costs of the excretory system (sweat and urine), replenishment of the liquid part of the blood, and you will understand that you need to drink a lot of water.

Eating too little of it contributes to the accumulation of waste products and toxins in the body, the formation of excess fat, and can cause poor muscle tone and deterioration of the digestive system. Lack of water greatly increases which can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and the formation of blood clots. That is, the question of why drink a lot of water can be answered very easily: so that the body can fully function.

Separately, we can say about the relationship between a woman’s fragile beauty and the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid. Now you will understand why you need to drink more water. The smoothness and good color of the skin, condition and hair growth depend on this. With a lack of clean water, wrinkles form much faster, dry skin increases, and hair loss increases.

Moderate degree of dehydration

A lot of people don't even think about these simple things. Why drink a lot of water, because you can eat soup, an apple, drink juice - and the body will get everything it needs. The majority thinks so. This is a big misconception, because nothing else can replace clean water. If a person drinks little water, dehydration occurs. And most of us are constantly in this state. The first symptom to pay attention to is thirst. Getting used to drinking little, we may not pay attention to it for a long time, especially if we are very busy at work. In this case, the body turns on the saving mode. Sweating decreases and urination decreases. You can work all day and never need to go to the toilet. However, the body works in emergency mode. To compensate for the decrease in moisture reserves, the body begins to remove fluid from the cells. This way water enters the blood, maintains blood pressure at the proper level and replenishes the supply of lymph.

Another symptom of moderate dehydration may be headache, which manifests itself especially strongly at the end of the day. This is how the brain, which consists of 90% water, reacts to changes. Those who say that drinking a lot of water is harmful are greatly mistaken. As you can see, everything is just the opposite.

Severe dehydration

Now we will tell you what happens to the body if you continue to live in the same way. We hope that this will become a strong enough argument that will explain why you need to drink more water. If you drink less than a liter of water every day (not counting soups, coffee, tea and alcoholic drinks), then subsequent dehydration can lead to disruption of the function and condition of the kidneys, liver and heart. An extreme degree of dehydration of brain cells is the hallucination that a person sees in the desert, but it is difficult to bring oneself to such a state in urban conditions.

Prevention of water deficiency in the body

To do this, just go to a general practitioner, who will confirm that you can drink a lot of water. Many people are afraid of edema, but in fact they are a sign of serious illness or an attempt by the body to stock up on fluid for future use. If you consume enough water every day (for adults this figure starts from 8 glasses, increasing if necessary for heavy, physical labor, or hot weather outside), then the excretory system will work like clockwork. This means that the metabolism will proceed correctly, and excess fluid will be removed from the body in a timely manner, removing toxins and decay products.

Why is the question still relevant: is it harmful to drink a lot of water? Because its quality in many regions leaves much to be desired, and also because of the prevalence of severe kidney diseases among the population, for which a water-salt diet is indicated.

How much water can you drink per day

Most people live in a constant state of dehydration and don't even know it. However, prevent harmful effects It is very easy for the body. To do this, you just need to drink 8 to 10 glasses a day. To avoid unnecessary stress on the kidneys, you need to distribute this amount throughout the day and do not drink water before bed. Of course, this is a relative norm. It depends on lifestyle, quantity and quality of food consumed, and time of year. But in general, the question of whether drinking a lot of water is harmful can be answered unequivocally: no. This should not be taken as a guide to drink as much water as possible. For more accurate calculations You can use the formula - 30 ml per day for every kilogram of weight.

Water for weight loss

Girls and women pass this rule on to each other: if you drink a lot of water, you will lose weight. In fact, water itself does not have fat-burning properties; it is not able to prevent the absorption of consumed fats or break down those that have already been deposited in the body. But she is a good helper for those who decide to lose excess weight.

To begin with, water serves as a filler for the stomach; it has no calories, but allows you to pacify your appetite and eat less at lunch. To do this, nutritionists advise drinking one or two glasses 15 minutes before each meal.

Other sources of fluid

Caffeinated drinks (teas and coffee) should not be used to quench your thirst. Soda found in soda, coffee, beer and stronger drinks alcoholic drinks lead to dehydration of the body. Their consumption leads to increased consumption of water reserves in the body. At regular use instead of water, you will experience heartburn, abdominal pain, lower back pain, headaches and depression. Do you still doubt whether drinking a lot of water is healthy? Try drinking the prescribed amount instead of your usual tea for several months. And watch the condition of your body.

Proper nutrition

If you eat sufficient quantity fresh vegetables and fruits (at least 5 servings per day), then you can slightly reduce the amount of water you drink per day. These are exactly the products that give the body precious moisture in the right form. The more your diet differs from healthy, that is, the more flour, fried, fatty, semi-finished products it contains, the greater the need for clean water. You can be sure that drinking a lot of water is beneficial. All leading experts and nutritionists say this.

It is believed that potato lovers gain weight sooner or later. Therefore, for those who are losing weight, potatoes should become a forbidden fruit.

Defense arguments

In 100 g boiled potatoes contains only 80 kcal, while 100 g of pasta can enrich your diet by as much as 380 kcal, 100 g of buckwheat will add 360 kcal to your menu, and 100 g of rice will provide you with 350 kcal. And if so, it becomes obvious that a portion of potatoes will not cause much harm to your figure.

As for vitamins, potatoes also have something to boast about. This root vegetable contains a lot of potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels, and at the same time protects against pressure surges and swelling. In addition, potatoes contain a lot of B vitamins, which are essential for health. nervous system, hair and nails.

Accused: coffee

This drink is believed to increase blood pressure and interfere with the absorption of vitamins.

Defense arguments

Alas, this is all true. But there are ways to minimize the harm of coffee. For example, do not drink coffee on an empty stomach. Instantly increasing the acidity of gastric juice, caffeine actually interferes with the absorption of B vitamins. Therefore, it is better to drink coffee 30 minutes after eating.

As for blood pressure, coffee can indeed increase it, but the effect of a cup invigorating drink lasts only 30 minutes. Then the vessels dilate, the pressure drops, and drowsiness replaces vigor. You can avoid it by drinking coffee with water.

So if you drink coffee according to all the rules, without harm to your health, you can allow yourself 4 cups of an invigorating drink of medium strength per day.

Accused: eggs

Allegedly, eggs are full of cholesterol, so anyone who likes scrambled eggs for breakfast will certainly become a patient of a cardiologist.

Defense arguments

There is really a lot of cholesterol in eggs. But along with it, egg yolks also contain lecithin, a substance that lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. That’s why nutritionists don’t see anything wrong with eating five eggs a week.

IN egg yolk a lot of vitamin A (needed for vision, healthy skin and mucous membranes), vitamin E (the main antioxidant, protects against premature aging and heart attacks), B vitamins, vitamin D (without it the body cannot absorb calcium).

Accused: sugar

It spoils the figure and blood vessels, can provoke diabetes and disrupts metabolism. Therefore, fighters for slimness often try to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners.

Defense arguments

It's sad, but sugar is really harmful. Only one thing can be said in his defense: moderate consumption simple sugars, much healthier than overindulging in sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are absorbed without going through the pancreas (which is why they are used in diabetic menus), but they create an excessive load on the liver comparable to harmful effects taking antibiotics.

Consumption rate simple carbohydrates- 10-15% of daily calorie content diet. This is on average about 120 kcal.

Expert opinion

Nutrition specialist, medical psychologist Elena Morozova:

Doesn't exist clearly harmful products. It's just a matter of the quantity and correctness of consumption of this or that food. For example, boiled, jacket or baked potatoes are useful product, which contains vitamin C, B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium salts, microelements - zinc, copper, manganese, iodine. And French fries, in addition to a large number of calories, contain carcinogens, so it is better to avoid this product. Another example is chocolate. Small piece dark chocolate, eaten in the first half of the day, will not harm the figure, but milk chocolate, which has a higher glycemic index, can lead to weight gain.

Soup (French soupe) is a liquid dish common in many countries. Distinctive feature soup is, first of all, the fact that the soup includes at least 50% liquid; secondly (for hot soups), the soup is prepared by boiling, in the vast majority of cases in water.

There are people who simply cannot imagine a meal without a first course; they love first courses very much and cannot live a day without a bowl of hot, rich soup. And some never eat borscht or soups; they are indifferent, I would even say, cool towards soups, borscht and solyanka.

What role do they play in health? liquid dishes? Over the years, nutritionists have not come to a single answer to this question. It all depends, as they say, on what kind of soup it is and who eats it and when.

According to scientists, soup is a complex mixture that can be considered the most favorable from the point of view of its absorption by the body. The broth's extractives are enzymes that aid in digestion, and the thin consistency of the soup makes it easier on the stomach.
Soup is a complex composition of the most various ingredients. The extractive substances of the broth contain many not only useful, but also medicinal and vital necessary components. Soup is an economical dish that contains almost all the substances that the body needs.

Let's take, for example, patients with gastritis. These people are advised to start eating with the first course (liquid dilutes the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach) and only then proceed to salad and other dishes. And with low acidity, the opposite is true.

Meat soups are very useful for lung diseases, lack of weight, and poor appetite. Everyone knows that the plate delicious broth- a necessary medicine after a long illness or an incipient cold. But, fragrant, rich meat broth on the stone is oversaturated with extractive substances, which in excess provoke joint diseases. Fatty dark meat broths are also dangerous for people with problems of cardio-vascular system, liver, gall bladder.

Soups made with milk are useful for children, the elderly, and especially for those who have problems with the skeletal system and kidney problems.

Chicken soup is considered dietary; it alleviates colds, as it contains components that have an anti-inflammatory effect, and fish soup is rich in microelements and is easily digestible.

Vegetarian, lean soups Almost everyone can enjoy themselves - they are the healthiest of the first courses. Such soups help cleanse the body and reduce cholesterol levels. If you put vegetables in boiling broth, vitamin C is destroyed less. But it is useful to sauté carrots - then carotene, which dissolves in fat, is better absorbed.

Soups stimulate increased appetite and improve intestinal motility. But first of all, soups are the fiber that every person needs. An adult can do without soup only if he eats enough vegetables - raw, steamed or stewed.

The technology for preparing soups is varied, but there are general principles preparing almost all hot soups.

Small amount of preparation. Soup cooked in a relatively small volume will be tastier than soup cooked in a larger volume, optimally 2.5–3 liters, i.e. about 5 servings or a little more, depending on their size. Ideally, soups should be prepared for one meal and not left for the next day. When heated, all water-soluble vitamins are destroyed, primarily vitamin C and nutritional value soup is significantly reduced.

Balanced amount of liquid and grounds. For various soups it is different, another thing is important: this amount of liquid must be taken immediately, taking into account its boiling. It is not advisable to add water to the soup or drain it from the soup during the cooking process, as this will worsen the taste.

Adding ingredients to the soup, taking into account their cooking time. Each product in the soup should not completely lose its taste; at the same time, each component must be finished cooking and fit into the overall composition.

It is better to add carrots, beets, onions, sweet peppers, parsley root, celery, and tomatoes to soups sautéed, so they turn out tastier. The coloring matter is carotene, which in the human body is converted into vitamin A when consumed raw carrots poorly absorbed. When frying, the digestibility of carotene, which has passed into fat, increases significantly; In addition, fat, turning orange, yellow or red, gives soups a beautiful color.

Spices add to soups special taste, excite taste buds, promote the secretion of gastric juice and digestive enzymes.

Salt the soup at the very end of cooking, but when the soup is still boiling. Greens are added to the prepared soup.

Constant control of cooking. The soup is cooked over low heat, except in specially specified modes. At the same time, the maximum possible the nutritional value products, soup has good appearance and aroma. Ready soup you need to hold it under the lid for a while so that all the components come together, only then its taste will emerge.

Serving temperature for hot soups is 60–70 degrees Celsius. With more high temperature The taste buds of the tongue become less sensitive, or even lose sensitivity altogether. Hot dishes include cabbage soup, borscht, cream soups, dairy soups, pickles, solyanka, soups with legumes, cereals, and pasta.

Cold soups are the general name for first courses, usually prepared on the basis of dairy and fermented milk products and vegetables, as with the addition meat products, and without, and before serving, not heated, but, on the contrary, cooled. Serving temperature 6-12 degrees Celsius. Cold dishes - okroshka, cold borscht, green cabbage soup, botvinya, beetroot soup.

Sweet soups are jelly prepared with berries and fruits. Served with porridges, dumplings, puddings, casseroles. These soups are tasty, nutritious, and are given an appetizing appearance by all kinds of fruits and berries that are included in their composition. Sweet soups (from fresh and dried fruits) can be served either cold or hot.

Modern industry offers concentrated products, products instant cooking and semi-finished products that save our time. And although bouillon cubes allows you to cook faster and ready-made seasonings eliminate the need to have fresh vegetables and seasonings in the kitchen, but soup a quick fix in its nutritional and taste qualities significantly inferior to first courses prepared according to classic recipes from fresh products. And the savings in cooking time are not that great.

What conclusion have we come to?

Soup, or rather, properly cooked soup - healthy dish. You just need to follow some rules when preparing it, and in the end you will get a tasty and healthy dish for the human body.

Therefore, the debate about whether soup is healthy or harmful makes no sense.

Oct 8, 2015 tigress...s
