Salad recipes preparation year ingredients. Seafood salad. Starfish salad

To the magical New Year's Eve everything matters: the decoration of the house, the clothes of those present and the menu of the festive table. In order for the coming year to bring good luck and fulfillment of desires, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the holiday in accordance with its main attribute - the ruler of the year according to the eastern calendar.

New 2017 is the year of the reign of the Fire Rooster, one of the 12 patronizing animals of the year, and its element is fire. People associate their successes and failures in the future with the characteristics of the sign and element. If you want to receive the favor of the Cockerel and the fulfillment of your desires, you need to appease him as best as possible by creating the appropriate atmosphere during the New Year celebrations.

Salad ideas on New Year's table 2017

Salads are an invariable attribute of any feast, and do not take much time to prepare. Some recipes are very popular, but salads for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 must be fulfilled under certain conditions.

It is undesirable for chicken to be present in dishes, so housewives need to approach the menu selection responsibly. Otherwise, there is a high risk of angering the patron of the coming 2017 and blocking the path to happiness and good luck.

As you know, the rooster loves wheat, so one of the most suitable dishes for the New Year 2017 there may be a dish of couscous - a very popular cereal made from wheat grain. The homeland of couscous is the Maghreb countries - Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Morocco. However, in recent years its popularity has spread to European countries. New Year of the Rooster 2017 does not make any international restrictions, so recipes from any cuisine can be used, including oriental.

We offer you several original and healthy recipes from couscous, which are quite suitable for serving on the table in the Year of the Rooster.

Sicilian couscous salad with shrimp

It has a delicate, refined taste, looks very beautiful and is quite filling.

Ingredients: 100 gr. steamed couscous, 8 pieces of large shrimp, parsley and lettuce, mint leaves, olives, one large pickled and fresh cucumber, 50 gr. feta or feta cheese, olive oil, salt, lemon, ground black pepper, spices taste.


Steam the couscous by pouring boiling water over it until the liquid is completely absorbed (it should not be dry). Leave to cool.

Cucumbers and boiled shrimp finely cut into cubes (leave a few shrimp whole for decoration), and olives into rings. Chop the parsley.

Olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and ground pepper beat well with a fork or whisk.

Mix couscous with vegetables, shrimp, feta or cheese and add dressing. Mix well and refrigerate for one hour.

After an hour, spread the mixture in dense layers in culinary ring onto a plate covered with lettuce leaves. Garnish with shrimp, olives and mint.

Lebanese tabbouleh recipe

Despite the unusual name, the recipe is easy to prepare at home. This option will satisfy even vegetarians, since in addition to couscous it contains only vegetables and herbs. Its main highlight is mint, which gives the dish a bright, refreshing taste.

Components: 110 gr. steamed couscous, several cherry tomatoes, bell pepper (at least 1 piece), green onions, parsley, mint, basil, olive oil, salt, ground black pepper.


Prepare couscous by pouring 200 ml of boiling water over it and keep covered for 5 minutes. Cool, mash with a fork.

Peel the pepper and dice it into small cubes. Chop all the greens and onions.

Prepare a dressing with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and freshly ground pepper.

Mix all ingredients. Place in a salad bowl and garnish with olives and cherry tomatoes.

The refreshing taste of this dish can be varied by adding chopped fresh cucumber and mint and basil.

Squid mix in a cheese basket

Has an aesthetic attractive appearance And refined taste. The recipe for this simple and effective New Year's salad 2017 with photo and description is given below.

Ingredients: one squid carcass, 100 gr. parmesan, a bunch of fresh lettuce, one medium-sized tomato and cucumber each, green onion, mayonnaise, salt, a mixture of peppers (black, white, red, for those who like it more spicy), shaped pieces of lemon and olives for decoration.


Clean the squid, removing the chord, and immerse in boiling water, cook for 3-4 minutes. Cut into half rings.

Cut the cucumber into cubes, chop the tomato into small cubes, and chop the green onion. Mix everything with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Grate Parmesan onto fine grater and pour into a dry frying pan, distribute evenly and place on low heat. After the cheese has melted and taken the form of a pancake, carefully remove it from the pan and place it on an inverted glass so that as it cools, it takes the shape of a basket.

Place lettuce leaves and squid mix on the bottom of the cheese “basket”.

Garnish with lemon slices and olives.

Original roll a la “Herring under a fur coat”

A traditional holiday dish made in the form of a roll. It is perfect as a salad for the New Year 2017 of the Red Rooster, as it has a color corresponding to its element - fire.

Ingredients: 300 gr. herring fillet, 4 potatoes, 3 beets, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 2 eggs, 200 gr. mayonnaise.


Boil, cool and peel vegetables and eggs.

Grind all the vegetables and eggs on a coarse grater, finely chop the herring and onion.

Line the salad pan with cling film.

Spread the salad layers evenly, spreading them with mayonnaise in the following order: beets, potatoes, eggs, carrots, onions and herring.

Holding the ends of the film, carefully roll the mixture into a roll, seam side down.

Place the roll in the refrigerator to soak for several hours.

3 original recipes


Since salad recipes for the New Year 2017 with photos do not imply the presence of chicken meat, you can use pork:

Cut: 200 g of boiled meat and 200 g of carrots.

Medium size green apple core and cut into slices with peel.

Add peas and grated processed cheese, chopped onion, boiled rice and some pickled cucumbers. Season with mayonnaise and mix.


New Year's salads 2017 should be bright to please the Rooster:

Cut into cubes 160 g crab sticks, add 2 boiled and chopped eggs to them.

Cut the orange into 2 equal parts with a sharp knife - these will be “plates” for serving the dish. Peel the citrus fruit itself and cut into medium-sized cubes.

Season the ingredients with mayonnaise, place in orange halves and serve.


This festive salad for the New Year 2017 will be ideally complemented by red caviar, which will not only become a harmonious decoration, but will also highlight the taste of crab sticks.

They look royal on the photo and on the table festive salads from red fish. You need to lay out the dish in layers:

Grate the boiled potatoes on a coarse grater.

Cut fresh cucumber into cubes.

Chop sweet and sour peeled apples into even cubes

Place pieces of salmon on a layer of apples and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Each layer must be coated with mayonnaise so that the festive salad has time to soak in time for the 2017 meeting, and ready dish no different from the recipe with the photo.

New Year's recipes should not get boring during the rest of the holidays - it is advisable to cook them not too often. And the more it is used unusual ingredients, the more chances you have to surprise your guests for the New Year.


The New Year is rushing towards us, as they say, at full speed. And now is the time to choose delicious salads for the New Year 2017. Recipes with photos, new, interesting and easy to prepare. I’ll tell you how best to select them in the menu so that cooking doesn’t take up a lot of time, the table turns out to be budget-friendly, and the New Year’s salads 2017 look impressive.

I advise you to create a menu now, before the chaos of the pre-holiday week begins with the pre-New Year bustle, buying gifts, painful choice of outfits, mandatory spring cleaning with scraping and ripping out the apartment from floor to ceiling. By December 31st, steeplechase reaches its climax and, it would seem, it would be logical to want only one thing - to hide behind a baseboard somewhere or curl up under a New Year's tree, where you can spend the New Year 2017 calmly in a sweet slumber. But no matter how it is ! Having straightened its fragile shoulders, the country proudly marches to the kitchen to indulge in the most important pre-New Year activity - making salads. And in this matter, the main thing is not at all strong hands, ready for five hours in a row to plan, chop, crumble, cut into cubes, circles, rings or thin strips, but a bright head, not clouded by doubts. All the agony of choosing delicious salads for the New Year 2016 must be completed before December 31st! Without fail! The menu with New Year's salads must be fully compiled, the products must be purchased. Impromptu runs to the supermarket a couple of hours before the chimes are an activity for real extreme sports enthusiasts. Not only are you unlikely to buy anything from the list (there was a case when by 10 pm on December 31st all the eggs were sold out in a large chain supermarket!), but you will also stand in line for 40 minutes at the checkout in the company of your fellow savants . This is what I'm telling you, a local historian. For several years in a row I practiced a similar method of preparing for the New Year's feast. Although, to be fair, I’ll clarify that I usually ran out for something unimportant like bread, which for some reason was not found in the house, where all the New Year’s salads had long been cut and were waiting in the refrigerator in all the splendor of festive decoration.

Now is the time to move on to the practical part. Let's see what we have on the menu. I believe that there should be no more than four bowls of salads on the table, one from each category

Chicken salad with pineapple in a new edition

I doubt you've ever tried a salad like this. Improvisation on the theme of the familiar festive combination chicken and pineapples with the addition of fresh celery, raisins in an unusual light dressing - mayonnaise mixed with pineapple syrup and mustard. .

New Year's portion salad of teriyaki chicken with pineapples and roasted peppers

Salad with bacon, blue cheese and fried pears

A dizzying combination of ingredients, sweet and sour spicy pour- a delicacy salad made from products that are quite accessible to everyone (including blue cheese, which I now see on most grocery shelves). And most importantly, the taste is balanced. Which is not surprising, since the recipe was created by a good chef. I filmed it in detail, step by step. So you can cook it without any preliminary preparation, the first time. Bacon can be replaced with thinly sliced ​​brisket.

Salad Niçoise

If you are trying to keep up (or rather run) with modern culinary trends, nicoise will not surprise you. But if you want to cause legitimate amazement among your guests, prepare this simple fish salad. Traditionally it is made with tuna, but the version with fried red fish is even tastier. Take a look, you will see that everything is not complicated. And the taste is very unusual.

New Year's salads from inexpensive products

Cheapness and cheerfulness of the holiday menu - for many, alas, this requirement for the New Year's feast has become the main one. But cheap doesn't mean bad at all. Or tasteless. We present you with several recipes to choose from.

Budget New Year's saury salad with egg and rice

The New Year's dish, as they say, is “for three kopecks.” And to put it less figuratively, a can of saury costs 47 rubles and comes with a handful of rice, three eggs, two spoons of mayonnaise and onions. A little cheese for decoration and half a cucumber for freshness - it turns out great New Year's salad. It is also very tasty. Details - .

Salad with tuna and cucumber in New Year's service

This salad can be safely served in portions - make a bunch of cucumber cups and in each one - a spoonful of salad, which tastes like Olivier, only the expensive meat is replaced with canned tuna (80 rubles per can). In such festive serving Enough salad to feed residents of a couple of floors of a student dormitory. .

Salad "Red Sea"

Another great one cheap salad, which, most likely, you have never tried yourself. The recipe is relatively simple, a combination of crab sticks with tomatoes, eggs and cheese.

New Year's salads in spectacular presentation

Bunch of grapes

One of the easiest New Year's salads to make. It's not flaky. Everything is mixed in a salad bowl, laid out in a heap on a dish and covered with a thick layer of halves of vinoradin on top. In addition to grapes and chicken, the salad contains pistachios and fresh lettuce leaves. Recipe .

Crab Rafeallo

Another very familiar salad of crab sticks with cheese and mayonnaise. This won’t surprise anyone unless you roll it into balls and roll it in finely grated surimi. It makes a great decoration for the New Year's table! .

Layered chicken salad with walnuts

Layered salads are good because they do not need to be decorated in any special way. They look like snack cakes due to the fact that their sides are already such a picturesque picture that all that remains is to decorate the top with grated yolk, as we are used to doing when we serve the traditional “Mimosa” or “Shuba” with herring, only in In this salad, in addition to the impressive appearance, the contents are also amazing - crispy walnuts, not at all soggy from the sauce. How to make such a salad? But simply, there are tricks that you can reproduce by going to.

Salad "New Year's Tree"

For those who like to tinker with organizing a beautiful presentation of salads, the decor is very easy to prepare - I removed everything. And how to cut and how to “dress up”. Hidden under the vegetable outfit is everyone's favorite puff salad with chicken, mushrooms, prunes and fresh cucumber. A combination that everyone usually really likes. Prunes are not at all perceived as dried fruit in this salad, it’s more like something sweet and sour and smoky. It is usually rare that anyone can guess what exactly is included in the salad.

New Year's salad "Cornucopia"

The most common, familiar salad of crab sticks with corn and fresh cucumber is perceived completely differently in puff pastry tubes, which are very easy to bake. And just fill them with salad (instead of the usual cream). .

Light New Year's salads without mayonnaise

Cocktail salad with shrimp without mayonnaise

A simple salad of shrimp with cucumber and egg in a delicious and spicy sauce without mayonnaise. Delicious sauce, impossible to tear yourself away. You have absolutely never tried this before. Continue reading.

Greek salad

The salad is very easy to prepare if you know how to prepare the sauce for it correctly - it is actually thanks to the sauce that the salad turns out to have such a recognizable taste. .

Chicken with pineapple in mustard sauce

Fried in a dry frying pan chicken breast, pineapple, which not only does not make you fat, but on the contrary – makes you lose weight, Bell pepper and a delicious mustard-honey-lemon sauce. .

Soft cheese salad with pears and walnuts

The original recipe for easy holiday salad without mayonnaise with roasted walnuts, soft cheese and fresh juicy pears, which can now be bought in stores. Mustard sauce with lemon and a little honey. .

New Year's shrimp salad with mango and avocado

A traditional combination of products in Western countries, which gives an excellent taste result. Personally, it’s impossible to tear me away from this salad by the ears. And most likely, on New Year’s Eve 2016, I will put it on the table. .

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Probably, many are already thinking about what dishes to prepare for the New Year 2017. It has already happened that the table for the New Year should also consist of many salads. Traditionally, people prepare such signature salads as Olivier, herring under a fur coat and crab.

However, these salads are already quite boring, and I want the New Year 2017 to be special. It is worth considering that next year will be the year of the fiery rooster, so when preparing dishes you should focus on the preferences of this bird.

In order to make a choice, it is worth considering original recipes salads below.

Interesting recipes for new salads for the New Year

"Father Frost"

How to cook:

The can of tuna should be opened. The fish is kneaded with a fork. Place it in a salad bowl as a layer. Coat with mayonnaise;

Chicken eggs should be boiled until hard, cool and peel the shell;

Then chop one egg into small pieces and place it in a layer on top of the fish;

For other eggs, separate the yolks from the whites. Yolks will be needed for the salad, whites for decoration;

Rub the yolks with a grater and add another layer. Coat with mayonnaise;

Leave half the tomato for salad decoration, finely chop the remaining;

Rub the cheese with a fine grater and mix it with tomatoes, season everything with mayonnaise and place it in a heap on top of the dish;

The protein should be grated and placed along the edges of the salad. You can also make a round bell from it. You can add a little grated cheese and mayonnaise to it. We place this bell in the center of the salad;

Half the tomato should be finely chopped and placed along the edges of the salad;

At the end we decorate the salad with a grid of mayonnaise. You can put the number 2017 on it. It would be appropriate on a salad to celebrate the New Year.

"Christmas tree with tongue"

  • Carrot – 1 piece;
  • 3 pieces of potatoes;
  • Beef tongue;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • Salt;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • A bunch of greenery.

For decoration:

  • 2 cherry tomatoes;
  • 100g canned corn.
  • Olives and black olives - 2 pieces each.

The cooking steps are as follows:

  1. Beef tongue is boiled until tender. We remove the skin directly from the hot one, so it comes off easily and completely;
  2. Cut the peeled tongue into cubes;
  3. Boil carrots and potatoes until full readiness. Then peel off the skin and cut into small pieces;
  4. We also chop the pickled cucumbers into small cubes;
  5. The onion must be separated from the peel and cut into half rings. Next, fry in sunflower oil (vegetable) until golden brown;
  6. All ingredients should be combined, mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise;
  7. Place the salad on a flat dish and shape it into a Christmas tree;
  8. A bunch of greens should be finely chopped with a knife. Sprinkle the entire top of the salad with herbs;
  9. Cherry tomatoes are cut in half and placed on top in random order;
  10. We also cut olives and put them on top in different places;
  11. We also place canned corn on top.

“Cornucopia” as a symbol of prosperity in the New Year 2017

Products for salad:

  • 200 grams of chicken meat;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • One sweet and sour apple;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • Korean carrots – 100 grams;
  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 200 ml mayonnaise;
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt;
  • Peeled walnuts for decoration and decoration.

The cooking scheme is as follows:

  1. Chicken meat should be cut into medium pieces and placed on a frying pan with hot sunflower oil (vegetable). Fry them until golden brown. Turn off the heat and leave for a while to let the meat cool;
  2. Boil the potatoes in their skins, also boil the eggs until hard;
  3. Next, the skin is peeled off the potatoes and left to cool;
  4. Eggs should be cooled and shelled;
  5. The onion must be peeled, cut into half rings and marinated in vinegar. You also need to add sugar and salt to the marinade;
  6. Then we form the salad. They should be placed on a wide flat plate in the shape of a horn;
  7. The first layer is made from chicken meat. It should be laid out in a layer and coated with mayonnaise;
  8. The second layer is made from pickled onions and grated sweet and sour apple;
  9. Then boiled eggs wipe with a fine grater and lay out in a layer. Coat with mayonnaise;
  10. Place Korean carrots on top of the eggs;
  11. Grate the potatoes and place them in the last layer. Coat the top with mayonnaise;
  12. The cheese is rubbed with a fine grater. Sprinkle cheese generously over the entire salad;
  13. Decorate the salad with peeled walnuts.

Magnificent can be cooked both on festive table, and on weekdays.

Try making the Wood Grouse Nest salad - it’s unusual, beautiful and tasty. .

For dessert, step away from the usual cakes and prepare a light Italian tiramisu. At home it is not so difficult. .

Green apple, tangerine and carrot salad

Components the healthiest salad for a feast for the New Year 2017:

  • Large tangerines - 2 pieces;
  • One medium carrot;
  • 3 medium sized apples;
  • Nuts (cashews, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts) – 10-15 pieces;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • Lemon juice – 100 ml;
  • Granulated sugar;
  • A pinch of granulated sugar;
  • A little salt;
  • Cinnamon.


  1. The carrots should be rubbed with a special grater designed for making Korean carrots;
  2. Raisins can be steamed in a water bath or poured hot water for a few minutes;
  3. Nuts must be crushed in the form small pieces. Walnuts can be dried in the oven or roasted in a frying pan. If you use almonds or hazelnuts, you need to remove the skin from them;
  4. Apples must be cut into 4 parts and sprinkled with lemon juice. Then they should be chopped with a knife into thin slices;
  5. Prepare the sauce. Mix sugar, honey;
  6. All ingredients are placed in a deep cup and seasoned with honey and granulated sugar sauce;
  7. After this, place the salad in the refrigerator for a while to let it brew;
  8. While the salad is steeping, peel the tangerines and cut them into rings;
  9. Place the tangerine rings on a flat plate and place the salad on them in the form of a slide;
  10. You can sprinkle cinnamon on top of the treat.

Chicken liver salad

Ingredients to be used:

  • 400 grams of chicken liver;
  • One carrot;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • One apple;
  • Hard cheese – 200 grams;
  • Can of canned peas;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Chicken liver is washed and cut into small pieces;
  2. Place a frying pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil and heat it up. Place the liver in hot oil and fry over low heat;
  3. Next, peel and grate the carrots. We also fry it in vegetable oil;
  4. Peeled apple and cheese are rubbed with a medium grater;
  5. The onion is peeled and cut into half rings;
  6. All ingredients should be placed in a large container, pour into them canned peas and season with mayonnaise;
  7. Salt the salad and place on a lettuce leaf.

"Sea Miracle"

The following products will be required:

  • 300 grams crab meat or crab sticks;
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise;
  • A jar of red caviar;
  • 150 grams of shrimp;
  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pieces;
  • Can of canned tuna;
  • One fresh cucumber;
  • A can of green peas;
  • Can of canned corn;
  • Lemon – 1 piece.

For decoration:

  • Kiwi – 1 piece;
  • One fresh cucumber;
  • Sweet pepper – 2 pieces;
  • Greens – 10 sprigs;
  • Radish.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. Frozen shrimp are washed and boiled until tender. Next, they need to be peeled and cut into small pieces;
  2. Chicken eggs should be boiled until hard. The shells are peeled off the cooled eggs. Cut them into small pieces;
  3. Fresh cucumber, cheese and crab meat must be chopped into small squares;
  4. We open all the canned food - peas, corn and tuna. Drain the brine from all the jars;
  5. Tuna is kneaded with a spoon or fork;
  6. Next, put the ingredients in a deep cup - tuna, green peas, corn, chopped eggs, shrimp, cheese, cucumber and crab meat;
  7. Prepare the dressing. To do this, mayonnaise is mixed with lemon juice;
  8. Season the salad with sauce and mix;
  9. Lastly, red caviar is added to the salad. The salad should be mixed carefully so that the caviar grains are not damaged;
  10. Then we prepare the salad. To do this, kiwi, sweet pepper, cucumber, radish and greens should be washed;
  11. Cucumbers should be chopped into longitudinal slices;
  12. Cut the kiwi into ovals diagonally;
  13. We clean the sweet pepper from the seeds and cut off the stalk. Pepper is cut into small squares;
  14. The radishes are cleaned of all unnecessary things and cut into rings;
  15. Place all the chopped ingredients in strips one by one on top of the salad - radishes, bell peppers, cucumber and kiwi. Do this several times.

"Christmas mood"

For such a truly magic salad For the New Year 2017 you will need the following components:

  • Chicken meat – 300 grams;
  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • Half a can of canned corn;
  • Canned pineapple – 5 rings;
  • 50 grams of peeled walnuts;
  • Olive oil – 5 tablespoons or mayonnaise – 3 tablespoons.

The stages are:

  1. Chicken meat is boiled until fully cooked and cooled. Separate the meat from the bones, peel off the skin and cut into cubes;
  2. Place pieces of meat in a cup, add canned corn to it;
  3. The cheese should be grated with a coarse grater;
  4. Cut 4 pineapple rings into slices, leave the 5th ring for decoration;
  5. Place cheese and pineapple in a cup with chicken meat and corn;
  6. Then the salad should be seasoned with olive oil or mayonnaise and mixed well;
  7. The treat is placed in a salad bowl, sprinkled with chopped walnuts and a pineapple ring is placed on top for beauty.


For the salad you will need the following components:

  • 2 cans of canned tuna;
  • 500 grams of green beans;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 5 lettuce leaves;
  • 2 fresh tomatoes;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pieces;
  • 7 olives or black olives;
  • Anchovy fillet – 8 pieces;
  • Sunflower oil (vegetable).

For refueling:

  • Olive oil – 100 ml;
  • Garlic – 1 clove;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of white wine sauce;
  • Salt;
  • A pinch of ground black pepper.

The step-by-step cooking process looks like this:

  1. Boil the potatoes directly in their skins until tender. Approximately 25 minutes;
  2. Place the finished potatoes in cold water to cool. Then we peel it and cut it into small cubes;
  3. The ends of the beans should be cut off. Then place the pods in boiling water. The water should be salted first. Boil them until half cooked, for 2-3 minutes;
  4. Next, place the beans in a colander and fill with cold water. This will keep the beans bright in color;
  5. Bell peppers should be placed in a preheated oven to 195-200 degrees and baked;
  6. If brown marks appear on the pepper, it should be removed and placed in a plastic bag for 10 minutes. We tie the bag tightly;
  7. After this, remove the skin from the pepper and clean out all the seeds. The pulp is cut into cubes;
  8. Tomatoes should be chopped into rings;
  9. Boil chicken eggs until hard. Next, cool them in cold water, peel off the shells and cut into 4 parts;
  10. Open the can of canned tuna and carefully drain all the oil;
  11. Next, prepare the salad dressing mixture. A clove of garlic is peeled and finely chopped with a knife;
  12. Place the garlic in a small cup, sprinkle it with ground black pepper and pour in white wine sauce. Mix everything;
  13. Next, pour olive oil into the mixture in a thin stream. Mix everything slowly with a whisk. The result should be an emulsion;
  14. Place lettuce leaves on a wide flat dish and place potatoes, chopped green beans, tomatoes, peppers, eggs and canned tuna on them. Anchovy fillets and olives are placed on top. The entire salad is topped with sauce.

Beet and prune salad

Ingredients to be used:

  • Fresh beets – 3 pieces;
  • Walnuts – 150 grams;
  • Pitted prunes – 150 grams;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • 50 grams of raisins;
  • Hard cheese – 50 grams;
  • Salt.


  1. The beets need to be boiled, peeled off the skin and rubbed with a coarse grater;
  2. Pour boiling water over prunes and raisins and leave for 15 minutes to steam;
  3. Then the prunes are cut into small pieces;
  4. Nuts are crushed with a grater or in a blender;
  5. Cheese and garlic should be rubbed with a fine grater;
  6. All ingredients should be placed in a deep cup and seasoned with mayonnaise.

New Year 2017 is just around the corner, so take note of these salad recipes. They will decorate your holiday table and will great snack for the main course. Be sure to please your loved ones with these delicious treats!

No holiday table is complete without such an important dish as salad! And even more so such a festive table as New Year's! And if sometimes it’s quite easy to decide on the main dish, then there is always a special attitude and attention to its preparation. You always want to prepare it in such a way that it meets a number of requirements.

  • It is desirable that it be new. But since you don’t always want to experiment with new dishes for such a big holiday, you need to find a new version for the old, already tested one.
  • It should be relatively simple.
  • It should look bright and colorful.
  • It must be delicious.
  • It must correspond to the Symbol of the coming Year!

And I want to bring to your attention one of them.

As you can already see, the dish has the name “Pig in the Snow”. Interesting recipe With interesting presentation. And it’s very easy to prepare. Watch it and get ready. It won't take much time.

How to cook Olivier - a special recipe for the New Year

It's hard to imagine a New Year's holiday without the traditional one. Every year we want to find a replacement for it, but someone in the family will certainly ask: “Will there be Olivier?” And no matter how much you want to replace it with something else, it doesn’t work. And all because it cannot be replaced by anything!

It is as simple as it is delicious. Everything in it is balanced, nothing is subtracted, nothing is added.

And this year I designed it in the shape of a pig. The link to the recipe was given above.

Everyone knows the classic set of ingredients:

  • boiled meat - 300 gr
  • egg - 4 pcs
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • cucumber (fresh or canned) -2-3 pcs (depending on size)
  • green onion - bunch
  • green peas (canned) - 0.5 cans
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Boil carrots, potatoes and eggs, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Try not to overcook vegetables so that when cutting, the cubes have a shape and do not fall apart.

2. Boil the meat in salted water, cool and cut into small cubes. You can use ham and sausage instead.

3. Cucumbers can be used either fresh or canned. We also cut the cucumbers into cubes.

We try to cut all ingredients to approximately the same size and shape. This will make him look more attractive.

4. Place all chopped ingredients in a large bowl. There is no need to stir anything.

5. Add chopped green onions.

6. Add green peas, from which we carefully drain all the water.

7. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix.

8. Before serving, add mayonnaise and mix gently, trying to keep the “cubes” intact.

If you do this, the taste of the salad will be simply impeccable!

9. We lay it out beautifully in special form, or on a flat plate. There are many ways to decorate the New Year's Olivier. Exactly as much as the flight of our imagination extends.

I like the option when it is laid out in the form of a Christmas wreath, this is how we will decorate our cold dish “ Garnet bracelet"(discussed below). It is quite easy to arrange it this way.

Place a glass in the center of the dish. Place the mixture mixed with mayonnaise around the glass. Press it lightly with a spoon and give it the desired shape. Remove the glass and decorate the dish as you wish. You can put a thick layer of dill on it, on which you can put processed cheese cut out in the shape of stars. Garnish with pomegranate seeds, canned corn and grated hard cheese.

Or cut bells out of cheese, or ribbons out of pickled cucumbers. Form the dish into the shape of a cake and decorate it as you wish.

But here is a beautifully designed version, which seems to remind us that after a long winter, summer will certainly come. And they ran out onto the meadow ladybugs, will delight everyone with their bright appearance.

This is what the design is all about. But the content may also change! If you don’t want to use chicken, then adding some smoked meats wouldn’t hurt. Along with boiled meat You can use both smoked sausage and brisket. And if you want, you can use it instead of meat boiled tongue.

There are Olivier recipes where shrimp, squid or salmon or trout fillets are used instead of meat. The Pig and the Boar will also not be against such a change. And the dish will turn out with original taste. And no one will even understand that you prepared it based on Olivier.

Incredibly tender and tasty salad Snowdrifts with snowmen

Here it is beautiful dish with a winter theme can be prepared for the holiday table. It turns out incredibly tender and tasty, so it flies off the table first.

And creating such beauty is not at all difficult. Let's see how to do this.

We will need:

  • smoked chicken breast (you can boil it yourself) – 250 g
  • boiled carrots – 1 large
  • boiled potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • cucumber – 200 gr
  • hard boiled eggs – 5 pcs.
  • cheese – 100 gr
  • salt to taste

For the sauce:

  • canned white beans – 100 g
  • mayonnaise – 150 – 200 gr
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • dill – 2 sprigs

For snowmen:

  • quail eggs – 4 pcs
  • green onion – 2 feathers
  • boiled carrots – 0.5 pcs.
  • carnations for eyes and buttons


1. Prepare the sauce. To do this, place beans and garlic in a blender bowl and puree. Separately chop the dill for flavor and add it to the resulting mixture.

Mix with mayonnaise and set aside for now.

2. Cut boiled eggs into two halves and remove the yolk. Mash it with a fork and pour in one, maybe a little more, spoon of sauce. Stir until smooth and fill the egg white halves.

If necessary, add a little salt to each ingredient. But you can do without it. It's a matter of taste here!

3. Prepare a dish on which we will collect all the components. Our first layer will be potatoes. Rub it directly over the dish, and then level it with a fork, giving it a round or square shape.

Lubricate a small amount sauce, without pressing the potatoes too hard. It is advisable to make the layers loose, this is how the tenderness of the finished dish is achieved.

4. Our next layer will be carrots. Three of it directly above the dish, level it and pour the sauce over it.

5. Then add cubes of chopped ham. Pull them down slightly to cover bright carrots. The layer also needs sauce.

6. Chop the cucumbers into cubes and place them in the next layer. Place the remaining sauce on them and distribute it evenly.

7. Place the filled eggs on top of them, convex side up. And if cucumber greens are visible between them, then it should be covered with mayonnaise. Also coat the side walls with mayonnaise.

8. Using cheese we will create snowdrifts. To do this, right above our design there are three hard cheese. And it should cover the entire surface of our treat evenly, like a snowball.

9. Making snowmen. Cut off the ends of the eggs, and at the cut points, connect the two halves with a toothpick. It should still stick out above their heads.

Cut two circles from the carrot, one larger and the other smaller, and place them sequentially on the tip. This is our hat. We make a nose from carrots, and eyes and buttons from carnations.

Use parsley sprigs for handles. And so that the cut at the place where the body and head are attached is not visible, tie a scarf made of onion feathers.

Place our beauties on the snowdrifts and be sure to smile!!! What great fellows we are! They created such beauty.

Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for about an hour or two. And serve!!!

Video on how to prepare Snowdrifts salad

I would also like to show you this cooking option in a video version. It’s too good, beautiful and tasty! It's one of our favorite winter recipes.

Just pay attention to the fact that here the sauce is prepared with onions, which were not previously pickled or scalded with boiling water. Therefore, it has light flavor notes. If you don’t like these, then don’t add onions at all!

And look how cute our snowmen turned out. They can be made as a decoration for any dish on the holiday table.

And if the top layer is covered not with cheese, but with yolks, you will get another salad called “Raffaello”. You can see his recipe, where this option and many others are available.

Snow King with red fish and caviar, recipe – new 2019

This is also a new recipe and is original. It is based on another interesting and more famous analogue The Snow Queen. But I thought how long the queen would be able to show off on the festive table alone, and prepared the King for her. I think she will be happy.

The difference between these recipes is in the composition of the ingredients and in the layout of the layers. And preparing it is not at all difficult!

We will need:

  • lightly salted red fish (I used salmon) – 150 g
  • surimi sticks (crab) – 250 gr
  • boiled egg – 6 pcs
  • walnuts or other – 100 gr
  • processed cheese – 160 – 200 g
  • Semerenko apple or other sweet and sour variety
  • red Crimean onion – 50 g (can be without it)
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • mayonnaise – 250 – 300 gr

For the marinade:

  • water – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • vinegar 9% – 1 tbsp. spoon

For decoration we will use fresh herbs and red caviar.


You should start preparing in advance, because the preparation takes a lot of time. And although there is no need to cook anything here, it still requires enough cleaning, cutting and arranging.

1. If you like salads with onions, you can use it here too. If you want to make the dish more tender, without the onion note of taste, then do not add it.

The onion can be cut into cubes or half rings and doused with boiling water, or pickled.

I cut it into very thin half rings and marinated it. IN next time I will cut it into cubes so that it is not felt at all. And marinated it. After the onions have stood for 10 minutes, the marinade should be drained and the onions should be rinsed thoroughly. Try it, it should not be sour, this can ruin the whole taste.

3. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind half the whites on a medium grater, and half on a fine grater. Mash the yolks with a fork.

4. Peel the apple and grate it on a coarse grater, pour in lemon juice and stir. Beat the nuts in a blender and grate the cheeses.

To make this easier, they should be kept in freezer 30 minutes.

5. Mix each of the components that are crushed and grated, except for small proteins and nuts, with a small amount of mayonnaise. Each of them is in its own bowl. There is no need to add a lot of sauce, otherwise the dish will turn out too rich.

6. Place a springform pan on a large dish and lay out the layers in a certain sequence.

  • processed cheese
  • grated apple, if it has released juice, squeeze it slightly, but do not pour it out
  • red fish
  • onion (here I would cut it into cubes)

  • crab sticks (pour apple juice on them)

  • yolks
  • nuts (this is the only layer we have without dressing so far)

  • egg whites with mayonnaise
  • whites without mayonnaise

7. Place the dish in the refrigerator directly in the ring. Let it brew and soak for two hours. Then carefully remove the form.

All that remains is to decorate our dish! To do this, we have parsley; we place its petals in the center. Fill the middle with red caviar. We also arrange individual eggs among the whites.

And along the edge of the plate we lay out short sprigs of dill. They symbolize the New Year tree for us.

Beauty can be served to the table and treated to guests.

Herring under a fur coat - with a new fur coat in the New Year

The next option is just as popular for preparing it for the festive New Year's table as the first! If you try to compare them, which is more popular, it won’t work! Neither one nor the other will yield the palm.

The classic preparation option provides the following composition of products:

  • herring - 2 pieces
  • potatoes - 5 pcs. (average)
  • carrots - 2 pcs. (large)
  • beets - 2 pcs. (large)
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 250 ml. (approximately)
  • salt - to taste


Preparing “Herring under a fur coat” is also very simple.

1. Grate vegetables and eggs on a coarse grater.

2. Peel the herring from bones and skin, and cut into cubes.

3. Lay out in layers - beets, carrots, eggs, potatoes - herring - potatoes, eggs, carrots, beets.

4. Salt each layer to taste and layer with mayonnaise.

We decorate as your imagination dictates.

I have already posted a detailed description of the layers and photographs on the pages of the site. Therefore, I will not repeat myself.

And I would like to bring to your attention this interesting option.

New recipe for Herring under a fur coat in gelatin

We will need:

  • herring - 1 piece
  • salmon – 150 gr
  • egg - 5 pcs
  • beets -2 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • gelatin - 20 g
  • water -0.5 cups
  • sour cream - 1 glass


1. Dissolve gelatin in water. Let stand until the gelatin swells, about 30 minutes.

2. Boil beets, carrots and eggs. Cool. And grate on a coarse grater.

3. Remove bones and skin from the herring. Cut into small cubes. Cut the lightly salted salmon a little larger so that the pieces are more noticeable. You can, of course, take two herrings instead of salmon. But it’s the New Year, so we don’t skimp and cook for real holiday option.

4. Place gelatin on water bath and heat it well. You should get a homogeneous mixture without lumps. Do not bring the mixture to a boil under any circumstances; you just need to warm it up.

5. Mix gelatin with sour cream. They say that you can use mayonnaise instead of sour cream. But to be honest, I haven’t tried. The recipe with sour cream is also tasty, and not so high in calories.

Therefore, if any of you are not a fan of fatty foods, then the sour cream will be just right.

6. Let’s prepare a suitable mold, it’s better to take a silicone one. It will be easy to get a chilled salad out of it. If you don’t have such a mold, then cover the mold with cling film. We begin to form our dish. Place a layer of salmon on the bottom, then herring. Layer with sour cream and gelatin.

7. Then the next layers are eggs, carrots and beets. Salt each layer and carefully layer it with a mixture of sour cream and gelatin.

8. Cover the top layer with cling film and place in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

9. Then cover the top with a large flat plate and turn it over. If there was a film at the bottom, remove it and serve “Herring under a Fur Coat” in all its glory.

10. Decorate with dill sprigs, pomegranate seeds and corn.

Isn’t it true that such a dish will be a real decoration of the festive table.

But I prepared this version this year, and instead of reading the recipe, you can watch the video. Both the one written and the one you will watch now are very similar.

Look how beautiful it looks. Do you know how tasty and beautiful it is in cut? Be sure to prepare it, you will definitely like it!!!

How to prepare your favorite New Year's salad in a roll

This is a very festive and beautiful dish that will not leave anyone indifferent.

We will need:

  • herring - 1-2 pieces
  • boiled beets - 3-4 pcs.
  • boiled carrots - 3-4 pcs
  • boiled potatoes - 3-4 pcs
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • onion - 1 pc (optional)
  • mayonnaise -100-120 gr
  • salt - to taste


1. Peel the herring from bones and skin, cut into small cubes.

2. Grate the cooled vegetables and eggs on a fine grater, all into a separate bowl.

3. Add onion as desired, some people like it in this case, but for others it is superfluous. If you use it, cut it into cubes as small as possible.

4. Place cling film of the required size on the table.

5. Lightly squeeze the beets and drain off excess juice. Lay it out as the first layer. Cover with another piece cling film and press with your palms. Add a little salt.

6. Place carrots in the next layer. Step back two centimeters from the edge with the beets, and lay out in a separate square. Salt this layer again and coat it with mayonnaise. Do not grab the edges with the beets.

7. Next comes a layer of potatoes. It should also be smaller than the carrot layer. Each time the square gets smaller. Seal this layer through film, add salt and coat with mayonnaise.

8. The next layer is the egg layer, it should also be smaller than the potato layer. Press it lightly again, then salt and coat with mayonnaise.

9. Place a wide and tall strip of chopped herring in the very center. In terms of volume, it should take up approximately 1/3 of the size of all laid out layers.

10. Roll everything into a roll using film.

11. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

12. Remove the film, place the roll on a large dish, and decorate. as your imagination tells you!

This roll is very beautiful and tasty. And we always love guests!

Delicious recipe with meat and beets Grenadier

This dish is very similar in appearance to “Herring under a fur coat”. And guests are often deceived about it. It seemed like they put a familiar dish on their plate, but it tasted completely different. But ultimately, Grenadier doesn't disappoint either of them. It turns out to be the most delicious, and it is also worthy of showing off on the holiday table!

By the way, it is as simple as the previous ones. Unfortunately, it is not prepared so often, but in vain, because it is very good. It's just that not everyone knows about this. And when they get to know it better, they prepare it for the holidays more and more often.

We will need:

  • meat - boiled beef 150 gr.
  • potatoes – 250 gr.
  • carrots – 150 gr.
  • pitted prunes – 100 gr.
  • walnuts – 100 gr.
  • raisins – 50 gr.
  • mayonnaise – 150 gr.
  • greens for decoration
  • salt - to taste

The full version is presented on the pages of my website. And if he interests you, give him a little attention. He definitely won't let you down. Moreover, it contains everything that our Symbol of the Year - the Yellow Pig - loves so much!

Favorite New Year's salad Mimosa with saury

Mimosa, which appeared in the distant 70s, still breaks all records for popularity. It is so simple and tasty that it is prepared, as they say, both at the feast and in the world.

Mimosa never stagnates on the table. Even when there is an abundance of other similar dishes on it, it is eaten first!

It will be good for the New Year's holiday too. And don’t let its spring name confuse you. Giving it a New Year's look and decorating it with improvised Christmas decorations it will not go unnoticed on the holiday table.

We will need:

  • canned saury - 1 can
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • salt - to taste

As you can see, the composition of the ingredients couldn’t be simpler. Everyone always has everything they need in their kitchen. Boil the vegetables and eggs, and the rest of the preparation will take no more than 10 minutes.

You can find it on the website pages. There you will also find two more versions of Mimosa - with cheese, and with cheese and apples. And also all the secrets thanks to which your favorite dish It will turn out very tender, juicy and aromatic.

And you can decorate it with Christmas tree decorations made from vegetables. different colors, pomegranate seeds and fresh herbs.

The recipe for the next cold dish is also with canned fish, only with tuna!

Video on how to prepare a New Year's treat with sprats in bowls

Mimosa can be served not only in in the usual form on large dish. You can serve it very beautifully in bowls.

The advantage of such a presentation is more than obvious. You won't cook too much. If you know how many guests you will have, you can prepare the same number of servings.

Such a salad will not lie on the platter as an unsightly, tousled mass. And everything will be neat and clean. Even if one of the guests doesn’t finish their portion, you simply remove the bowl from the table and that’s it.

But this is all, as they say, prose. The advantage of this option is that it is prepared somewhat unconventionally, namely with sprats. And this greatly changes the taste of the entire dish as a whole.

Try it, and maybe this option will become your favorite.

Simple version with canned tuna and fries

Unfortunately, this option does not have its own brand name, but it is definitely worth preparing. Because it meets all the high requirements for preparing dishes for the New Year!

It's beautiful in design, it's delicious, and the Yellow Pig will definitely love it! I assure you of this. After all, there are vegetables, herbs, and tuna here!!!

We will need:

  • canned tuna - 2 cans
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs
  • carrots - 1 piece (large)
  • onion - 1 pc (small)
  • canned peas - 0.5 cans
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs
  • lettuce leaves or greens - for decoration
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • vinegar - 1-1.5 teaspoons

As you can see, this composition of products is as simple as two or two. You don't even need to buy anything special. All products are quite affordable and almost everyone has them in their refrigerator. Is it possible that not everyone has tuna, but that’s not a problem. You can buy it without any problems in any store.

It is also easy, simple and quick to prepare. Even those who have never cooked anything can cope with its preparation.

If you want to prepare this for the New Year's table, then go to the page with the recipe, where literally every step is described! And also each of them is accompanied by photographs. It will be very easy to prepare.

I posted the following recipe on my pages quite recently. And I invite you to consider and get to know him better.

A very beautiful and tasty puff pastry for the holiday table Capercaillie's Nest

A very beautiful and very tasty holiday option! Will not leave anyone indifferent! Although it was posted on my page only recently, it immediately aroused great interest. Many words of praise were said about him.

I've been preparing this option for a long time. In one of the comments I read: “Although the capercaillie is not a rooster, it is similar. Here’s a nest for him.” Yes, that's how it is! I think that no one would refuse such a warm and cozy nest. So a nest for the cockerel, and a delicious, beautiful dish for our symbol of the year!

We will need:

  • boiled beef or veal - 350-400 g
  • raw potatoes - 2-3 pcs
  • eggs - 7 pcs
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • champignon mushrooms, or any other, marinated - 200 gr
  • green peas - 100 gr
  • cheese - 70 gr
  • mayonnaise -6-7 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt - to taste
  • sunflower oil - for frying potatoes
  • lettuce, dill, parsley - for decoration
  • ground black pepper - optional and to taste
  • cherry tomatoes -3-4 pieces for decoration

The recipe also uses pancakes. You will need to bake 2-3 of them.

For pancakes:

  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • milk - 100 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon
  • soda - on the tip of a knife
  • salt - a pinch

This is such a beautiful dish!

Of course, you'll have to tinker with this recipe, but it's worth it. Take my word for it! There are two recipes on my blog page, and there is also a third option - in the form of a video recipe. So you can choose any of them, and you know, it’s excellent... and magnificent.

And these epithets apply to absolutely everything - both appearance and taste qualities!

An original and new version of the Rose puff salad for your loved one

Don't look at the fact that the name is not New Year's at all. It is always a pleasure to receive roses from your loved one, be it in winter or in summer! Moreover, they are so beautiful!

It is similar to the previous one in that we prepare the same roses from freshly baked pancakes. To make the roses red, the cut pancakes will need to be dyed red using beet juice.

On my page I present light roses. But we are preparing it for the holiday, for the New Year. And that’s why we prepare it not quite usually, but rather with red roses. In this form it turns out very beautiful and elegant.

Although you can leave the traditional design. In the Year of the upcoming Yellow Pig, it will also be very appropriate.

There is one feature in this recipe that you cannot forget about if you decide to cook it. Originally it is made from chicken fillet. Therefore, we will prepare it unconventionally, replacing chicken with meat, or smoked sausage, or brisket. You can use boiled tongue, or even take a little bit of everything. The pig will definitely like this combination.

By the way, I’ve already tried cooking this option with meat, it turns out very tasty and no less tender!

Let's see what's in the composition?

We will need:

  • boiled breast 300-400 gr. (we unconditionally replace it with boiled or smoked meat)
  • boiled potatoes 3-4 pieces
  • boiled carrots 2 pieces (medium)
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • half a can of green peas
  • bunch of green onions
  • bunch of greenery
  • mayonnaise to taste

For pancakes:

We will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • salt on the tip of a knife
  • 1/3 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 100 ml. milk
  • 1 clove of garlic

As you can see, the composition of the products is also quite simple. And what a beauty it turns out! So take note of this option, especially if you have never prepared it!

Classic salad recipe Pomegranate bracelet with walnuts

This is another favorite holiday recipe for many. And of course, it is very often prepared for the New Year’s table! It is beautiful, elegant and very tasty.

In addition, we will prepare for the holiday and everyone will surely like it!

What do we need for this:

  • chicken fillet - 350 gr. (can be replaced with boiled meat)
  • carrots - 3 pieces
  • potatoes - 3 pieces
  • beets - 3 pieces
  • onion - 1 piece
  • egg - 2-3 pieces
  • pomegranate - 1 piece
  • walnuts - 100 gr.
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon

As you can see, everything is simple again. True, we will have to work hard on laying out the layers, but we are not afraid of it. Any creative process is exciting and brings incredible pleasure! Therefore, we are ready to spend as much time as necessary!

Especially when your hard work turns into such a great result!

So it’s decided that the “Pomegranate Bracelet” is quite worthy of our attention, and we’re putting a big fat check mark next to this recipe!

Delicious Mushroom Meadow with Chicken Breast

This dish is like in a fairy tale about 12 months. It’s as if it’s winter outside, but then the month Augustus hit the ground with his staff, and a family of mushrooms grew on a lawn covered with green grass.

This is such a little hello from the summer. To prepare it, we use whole pickled mushrooms. For this we take either champignons or honey mushrooms.

We will need:

  • chicken breast - 1 piece
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • hard cheese - 150 gr
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • marinated champignons - 1 jar
  • pickled honey mushrooms - 150 gr
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • dill - bunch
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for lubrication

Very interesting and delicious composition products. Just reading them made my mouth water. And when your gaze stops at the picture, you no longer have the strength to look at it. I immediately want to make one and eat it!

There is one on the website with champignons. and the other with honey mushrooms. You can also see different variants its design.

It will definitely not go unnoticed on your holiday table and will certainly be eaten, all of it, without a trace!

Original and beautiful Sunflower with chips and mushrooms

Another hello from the summer! And this summer guest is also welcome and frequent on the New Year's table! It is loved for its original execution, delicate and refined taste. Just everything that the Yellow Pig loves!

The ingredients are selected in strict accordance, they are balanced. Everything comes together perfectly, and “Sunflower” turns out like no other!

We will need:

  • chicken breast - 300 gr
  • mushrooms - 300 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • eggs - 5 pcs
  • cheese - 150 gr
  • olives - 0.5 cans
  • chips - 0.5 cans
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • sour cream - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste

The presentation of the dish is captivating! I definitely want to repeat it and make the same one. cooking masterpiece on the festive New Year's table. So what's the matter? Take notes and get ready! Moreover, it is prepared for preparing “Sunflower”. You just need to follow it step by step, and not even an hour will pass before a wonderful salad appears before your eyes!

The next option includes chicken meat, which can be completely replaced with pork or beef. But we already know what to do in this case, especially since the following recipe is also tasty and beautiful.

Festive recipe for Calla lilies with pineapples and mushrooms

I tried to prepare this option with chicken fillet, but also cooked it with boiled meat. And you know this recipe quite well, and it’s even very tasty. You can even argue which one is tastier. Therefore, we lose nothing when we replace chicken with meat.

I decided to decorate this one in an unusual way. Usually they like to decorate it with pieces of pineapple. But I wanted to try a beautiful design picture I saw somewhere, and it worked out for me. And not only is it delicious, but as you can see, it’s also beautiful!

The composition of the products is as simple as in all other recipes. Therefore, you can safely take it into your arsenal and prepare it for the holiday table.

We will need:

  • chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • canned pineapples - 150 gr.
  • porcini mushrooms -200 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • dill - a few sprigs
  • thin processed cheese - 3 pcs.
  • green onions - for decoration
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper to taste

In this recipe I decided to use frozen porcini mushrooms. According to the recipe, they need to be fried with onions, and it is this combination that gives the dish a persistent aroma and incredible taste.

Pineapples, in turn, add a sweet note to this fireworks of taste, and add a surprise effect to the familiar taste of meat and mushrooms! The taste is delicate, aromatic and very appetizing.

Full step-by-step description of the salad on the pages of my blog.

There are so many different delicious beautiful dishes. But there are at least two more that it would be completely wrong not to include on today’s list. After all, these are the world-famous and beloved “Caesar” and “Greek”.

These two prominent representatives European cuisine breaking all records for their preparation. In addition, both of them are quite light, and I would even use the term elegant.

Without them, the New Year's table will not be complete. In addition, all previous options contain boiled ingredients. And in these two, almost all the ingredients are natural fresh products.

And so, the first of them.

Classic Caesar recipe with meat or shrimp

Today it is the most prepared salad in the whole world. On occasion, without occasion, on occasion, without occasion. It doesn't matter when, it matters how! If you want to cook Caesar, then cook it in accordance with the recipe.

Prepared with chicken fillet. But let's try to cook it with meat or shrimp. And although I have never cooked Caesar like this, I’m ready to try.

Especially with shrimp. I think it will be very interesting!

So it was decided, let’s cook it with shrimp. See the recipe in the link above, and cook with whatever you want - with chicken, meat, or shrimp.

Don't forget that it is very important to prepare the sauce correctly. Mayonnaise is absolutely not suitable. If you decide to cook Caesar, then cook it properly. You will also learn how to prepare the sauce by going to the page with a full description of the recipe.

And finally, the last two options for today.

Vegetable vitamin Greek salad (prepared without mayonnaise)

Greek cuisine is distinguished by its simplicity, the obligatory preparation of food only from the freshest and ripe vegetables, the use of olive oil, as well as the proper use of herbs and spices.

Knowing these simple rules, you can prepare a truly delicious “Greek Salad”.

Basically, what do you need to prepare it?

  • tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • cucumber - 1-2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • green salad leaves - 3-4 pcs.
  • Feta cheese - 200 gr.
  • olives - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • parsley - 3-4 sprigs
  • oregano (oregano) - 1 teaspoon (can be dried)
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • bell pepper - optional

As can be seen from the composition, the products are the simplest. This is why we love it so much, for its simplicity. It’s not for nothing that they say that everything ingenious is simple! So is this dish, what could be simpler?

But nevertheless, it can always be found on the tables of many holidays. And for its brightness and lightness, they also love to cook it for the New Year!

Go ahead, watch how to cook, and cook with pleasure.

And to please the piggy, place chopped ham or meat around the edges of the dish. And place the salad in the middle. It will be bright, beautiful, and Pig will have something to enjoy.

Mediterranean Holiday Salad with Marinated Shrimp

In essence, this is the same recipe as the “Greek” one, but with slight interpretations.

To prepare we will need:

  • Cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • lettuce leaves - 3-4 pcs.
  • shallot - 1 piece
  • hard cheese - 50-70 gr.
  • olives - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • shrimp - 7-9 pcs.
  • olive oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • soy sauce -1 tbsp. spoon
  • paprika

As you may have noticed, it is prepared from the same products as “Greek”, but with the addition of pickled shrimp, which are marinated in the mixture soy sauce And balsamic vinegar and then further fried. And it turns out very tasty!

It is the shrimp that give a seemingly ordinary dish that very necessary a festive twist. If you have never prepared this option, then be sure to prepare it. It is very light, low-calorie and goes perfectly with any meat and fish dishes. In addition, it is bright in design and will not go unnoticed among your guests!

Therefore, if you want to prepare one or another option, go to the site page with a description of the recipe, where you will also find this recipe.

Well, that's probably all for now! I think that from the proposed material everyone will be able to choose their own option for the New Year. But if these recipes are not enough, then I looked at the website for recipes for New Year's dishes, which you may also find interesting! In any case, I found new ideas for myself there.

I wish you that you will certainly find a recipe to suit your taste. And so that they turn out very tasty, tender and beautiful. So that your New Year's table will amaze all your guests with such simple, but at the same time delicious dishes!

Bon appetit!

It so happened that people greet each coming year by associating it with a mythical animal, a patron saint according to the eastern calendar. The ruler of next year will be an extraordinary, willful bird - the Fire Rooster. Arranging New Year's feast, you should take care to please your household, surprise your guests and respect this proud bird. A holiday menu cannot be imagined without several salads. What salads for New Year 2017 will please the Rooster?

What foods does the Rooster like?

New Year's dishes usually surprise you with their variety, colorfulness, and sometimes great complexity of preparation. However, the Rooster prefers simplicity and naturalness, and therefore you should not get carried away with overly complex and heavy dishes. Vegetables and fruit salads. There should be a place for salads with various cereals, seafood. Prepared with love and decorated in an original way, they can be quite impressive.

Originally decorated New Year's salad looks impressive

But for such a common ingredient as chicken meat, in the coming New Year's celebration taboo. It is known that the “chickens in the cabbage soup” does not want to get into the cabbage soup at all - one should not irritate the Rooster and lose his favor. Of course, this does not mean that you need to completely give up hearty meat snacks: there is pork, veal, rabbit. In salad recipes for the New Year, one of these types of meat can easily replace chicken.

New Year's candles made of cheese

As for salad dressings, they should be natural, based on vegetable oils, preferably without the use of mayonnaise. If we love mayonnaise so much that a salad without it is unthinkable, it is better to prepare homemade one in advance. With modern kitchen appliances it's not difficult to do.

“Bumps” will decorate the holiday

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“Principessa” is an ideal choice for seeing off the old year

It is customary to begin the festive New Year's feast with the farewell of the outgoing year. The ruler of this year is the red Monkey - it is she who will hand over the “reins of power” to the Rooster. When asked what a monkey likes, the first thing that comes to mind is banana. It is worth preparing a delicate, light, unusual salad “Principessa” with it (translated from Italian - princess, princess). Both you and the monkey will definitely like it.

“Principessa” - simple and elegant

To prepare “Principessa” you will need (for 6 servings):

  • ripe banana - 2 pcs.
  • baked or boiled beets - 300 g;
  • light raisins- 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 large cloves;
  • Walnut- 20 g;
  • homemade mayonnaise.

It is advisable to boil the beets the day before. But it’s better to bake it in foil - this will rid your home of the aroma of the cooking vegetable, and will make the taste of the salad even more pleasant. Having baked, cooled beets, you can prepare the dish in just half an hour.

  1. To begin, soak the washed raisins in warm water.
  2. Meanwhile, chop the beets using a coarse grater.
  3. Chop the nuts not too finely.
  4. Remove the skin from the bananas and cut the pulp into fairly large slices. Peel the garlic cloves and chop well with a sharp knife (do not use a garlic press).
  5. Having completed the preparatory operations, you can begin layer-by-layer assembly of the salad. Place half of the beets on the bottom of the salad bowl, season it with large drops or strips of mayonnaise. You should not spread the mayonnaise or compact the layers of the “Principessa” - it is supposed to be airy.
  6. Place banana cubes, chopped garlic, and squeezed raisins on top of the beets.
  7. Apply mayonnaise again, place the remaining beets, decorate the top with chopped nuts and small “turrets” of mayonnaise.

Spot application of mayonnaise in “Principessa”

If you assemble the salad in a mold and then put it on a dish so that the layers are visible, it will look even more elegant.

“Principessa” is especially elegant when the layers are visible

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Simple treats for the fiery Rooster

Having pampered the Monkey, it’s time to move on to treats for the ruler of the coming year. It is known that the chicken leader loves to peck wheat. This means that one of the most suitable salad recipes for the New Year 2017 will be a dish made from couscous or bulgur, cereals made from wheat grain.

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Lebanese tabbouleh with couscous

The name of the recipe is exotic, but it is simple to execute, allowing you to easily and surprisingly quickly prepare a dish that has only advantages. Thanks to its composition, it is very useful, suitable even for those who decided to keep the Christmas fast. At the same time, the bright appearance magical taste and the satiety of “Tabbouleh” allow it to reign on the festive table.

"Tabbouleh" - couscous, vegetables and herbs

The salad ingredients are simple. You will need 100-110 g of couscous. Vegetables and herbs: 3 tomatoes; 1 mature bell pepper; a large bunch of parsley; a bunch of mint, dill, a small bunch of green onions. For dressing: juice of a small lemon, pepper (black), salt, olive oil.
And cook like this:

  1. Steam the couscous with a glass of salted boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, cool, and mash with a fork.
  2. Peel the sweet pepper, rinse it, cut into small cubes. Do the same with tomatoes.
  3. Wash, dry and finely chop the herbs and onions.
  4. Place all ingredients in a salad bowl, season with pepper and salt to taste. Squeeze lemon juice there and mix everything.
  5. Place the salad bowl in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (this is a must!) so that the ingredients in it become friends.
  6. Before serving, pour vegetable (olive) oil over the salad and mix again.

Small tricks:

  • so that the juice from the lemon is squeezed out more intensively and the seeds do not fall into the dish, the citrus must be cut lengthwise;
  • don’t be sad if you don’t have couscous - you can replace it with bulgur or regular wheat cereal(but it will have to be boiled).
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Cute and tasty “Corn on the cob” for the Rooster

In addition to wheat, representatives of the chicken community welcome corn in their diet - it can also be successfully used as an ingredient and decoration New Year's treat. It is more practical to use canned corn for this: it is ready to eat and does not require long cooking of the grains. Make a simple salad out of it " corn cob"You won't be disappointed.

Corn - rooster's joy

With minimal complexity and short preparation time, it is accessible and has a small number of ingredients. You will need: a can of canned sweet corn, 3 eggs, 120 g of cheese, the same amount of soft prunes, 2 cloves of garlic, green onions, mayonnaise.
Cooking technology:

  1. Hard boil the eggs and chop them using a knife or egg slicer.
  2. Grind the cheese using a coarse grater.
  3. Rinse the prunes well, dry, finely chop (if they are hard, soak them first).
  4. Mix everything in a bowl, adding 2/3 of the corn, garlic pressed through a press, and mayonnaise.
  5. Giving the salad the shape of an ear of corn, place it on a plate (preferably oval).
  6. Cover the surface with the remaining corn kernels.
  7. Split the onion feathers lengthwise, unfold them and, using mayonnaise, glue them to the finished cob, imitating corn leaves.
  8. Before serving, keep the finished “corn” in the refrigerator.
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Portrait of a Rooster in the form of a salad

It is quite possible that the patron of the year not only wants to enjoy delicious grains, but also does not mind admiring his own image. But it’s not so difficult to fulfill such a desire by decorating the salad in the shape of a rooster.

A sculptural portrait of a rooster is a prominent figure on the festive table

Such a salad should be plastic and not spread out on the dish. To do this, you need to chop the ingredients very finely, do not overdo it with the dressing, and cool the food before serving. The recipe can, in principle, be anything you like. You can make Mimosa or Olivier by adding gelatin to the dressing, or use with the following recipe.
This light, tasty suitable for salad The name is “Golden Cockerel”, and the process of preparing it is as follows:

  1. Boil or bake 3 potatoes, cool, cut into small cubes, and place in a bowl.
  2. U 4 chicken eggs, cooked and cooled, separate the whites and yolks. Grind the whites and place in the same bowl.
  3. Add chopped pickled honey mushrooms from 1 jar and 150 grams finely chopped to the potatoes and egg whites smoked squid.
  4. Add 1 can of corn, after draining the liquid, add 2 cloves of garlic, passed through a press. If desired, you can add finely chopped dill or other herbs.
  5. Place all the ingredients in a bowl, mix them with mayonnaise, add salt and pepper to taste, and mix again.
  6. Before serving, form a “sculpture” of the cockerel. Place lettuce leaves or other greens along the edges of a flat salad bowl (dish). Place the salad in a mound in the center, leaving a small part of it, lightly smooth the top with a spoon. Use the remaining salad mixture to form a rooster's head.
  7. Make eyes for a cute cockerel from circles egg white and olives. The material for the beak and scallop will be sweet pepper. And by cutting it into long strips, you can use it to make wings and a tail. A bow plumage would also look good.

If you are not a sculptor, and laying out a three-dimensional figure seems too complicated, pay attention to the photo below. This funny cockerel made from an egg, bell pepper and a black peppercorn can easily be used to decorate any salad, which will greatly enliven the holiday table.

A funny cockerel on a salad will liven up the New Year's table

Simple cockerel

You have met simple but unusual salads for the New Year. However, if opportunities allow, is it worth limiting yourself only to simple recipes? Some people might miss you gourmet dishes. By the way, they are not always complicated either.

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For the discerning guest - a delicious salad

Often, the ingredients in them add sophistication to dishes, and preparing such salads turns out to be even simpler than preparing ordinary ones. It’s worth getting acquainted with some recipes for such treats - they will come in handy for your favorite holiday.

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Bright and original “New Year tree”

"Christmas tree" is simply magical

This salad contains Romanesco cabbage inflorescences that resemble tiny Christmas trees, which adds a special charm to the New Year's dish. A list of all the ingredients will take up almost more space than a description of the cooking process. For 4 servings you will need:

  • half a head (small) of cauliflower;
  • half a small head of romanesco;
  • 20-30 g bacon;
  • white part of a small leek;
  • 2 prunes;
  • 2 dried apricots;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pine nuts;
  • a quarter of a large pomegranate;
  • 1 tbsp. light wine vinegar;
  • 1 dec. l. olive oil;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

It is better to prepare the salad a few hours before serving: once it has steeped, it will become even tastier. Wash dried fruits and vegetables. Divide the cabbage into florets and lightly boil, leaving it crispy. Remove the peel and membranes from the pomegranate and collect the grains in a saucer. Chop prunes and dried apricots into cubes.
Fry the bacon cut into strips together with thin onion half rings until slightly golden brown. Finally, pour vinegar over the contents of the frying pan and wait until the latter evaporates. Add butter, nuts, dried fruits, mix well. After this mixture has cooled, combine it with cabbage and pomegranate seeds, add salt and pepper, and mix.

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Unforgettable "Sea Cruise"

Seafood is the perfect ingredient for a holiday dish. Possessing bright exotic taste, they do not require special culinary skills or complex processing. Selecting original unusual salads for the New Year, it would be a sin not to use this property of seafood. "Sea Cruise" will bring variety to holiday menu, will surprise your dining companions with a combination of flavors.

Seafood salad will surprise you with its sophistication

Check out the list of ingredients:

  • salmon fillet - 0.3 kg;
  • peeled shrimp - 0.2 kg;
  • fresh and pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • hard pear- 1 PC.;
  • boiled quail eggs- 10 pieces.;
  • fish roe - 3 tablespoons;
  • a third of a lemon;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • green dill;
  • mayonnaise - 150 ml.

Salmon fillet, cut into large cubes, boil for 3-4 minutes in salted water with the addition of juice from a third of a lemon (do not overcook!). Set aside cooked fish pieces in a colander to drain the liquid. In the same water, brought to a boil again, hold the shrimp for 3-5 minutes, turning off the heat - this is enough for them to be ready.
Cut the pear and all the cucumbers into medium cubes, add pieces of salmon to them. Divide the peeled eggs in half, select the yolks and send to salad mix. After adding salt and pepper, mix everything carefully and place on a beautiful dish. Distribute shrimp on top, pour mayonnaise, sprinkle with chopped green dill. Halves egg whites fill fish caviar, decorate the dish with them. After keeping the salad in the cold for 2 hours, you can serve it.

In the image Christmas tree Any salad can serve

The mask will hide the puff vegetable salad or "fur coat"

Bright guest

Armed with these recipes and ideas, you will celebrate the Year of the Monkey and welcome the Year of the Rooster. Strictly speaking, according to the eastern calendar, the Rooster will take power only on January 28, and its meeting on January 1 is nothing more than a game. But Russians are a people ready to welcome any patron of the year ahead of schedule. And if the Chinese Rooster appears at the end of the month, then the Russian one will have to appear 4 weeks earlier. Have a successful feast, happy new year!
