What is pamela and how is it eaten? Useful properties of pomelo. This wonderful citrus has multiple beneficial effects.

Kira Stoletova

Exist different varieties pomelo - an exotic, mysterious fruit. It grows on an evergreen tree. This plant is a representative of citrus fruits, a close relative of orange and grapefruit, but its size is much larger. The product is also called pamela, pompelmus, sheddock.

  • Characteristics of the fruit

    The first historical information about citrus in China appeared in 100 BC. e. Pomelo was also first grown in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Brought to Europe by sailors in the 14th century. Now the Chinese fruit is grown in Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan, India, the islands of Tahiti, Indonesia and Israel, the USA (not large quantities).

    Pomelo is not a hybrid, but an independent species. But it is used in breeding work. For example, there is a sweetie variety (oroblanco, pomelit) - this pomelo is crossed with white grapefruit.

    Description of the tree

    The plant reaches a height of 15 m. The crown is spherical. The leaves are large. Flowers are single or from 2 to 10 in inflorescences. Their diameter is 4-7 cm, the color is white. Fruiting sometimes lasts 7 months.

    Description of the fruit

    The fruit is large: the weight of the largest specimens reaches 10 kg, the diameter is 30 cm, which is normal for the tropics.

    The shape is spherical or pear-shaped. Pomelo can be red, yellow, green, pink. Shades vary from light green to yellow-pinkish. The skin is thick but easy to peel. The pulp is drier than other citrus fruits and is divided into large segments. The partitions between them are hard, difficult to chew, bitter, white.

    The color inside the fruit differs among different species: from red to almost white. The lobules contain seeds. The taste ranges from sweet with bitterness to sour, reminiscent of grapefruit. The aroma is pleasant.

    The fruits ripen around February. They are used in fresh, removing partitions. They make candied fruits, add them to salads, desserts and even meat dishes. Jam is made from the zest.

    The shelf life of the fruit is about a month. Keep it in the refrigerator or at room temperature. When peeled, it deteriorates in 2-3 days.

    Fruit varieties

    Stores often sell green or yellow-green fruits with light flesh. But there are much more types of pomelo. The main varieties include:

    • Khao horn – white flesh, yellow-green peel, sweet taste, similar to grapefruit;
    • Khao namphung - the inside is light yellow, the color is greenish-orange, the fruit is sweet, pear-shaped, reminiscent of a lemon;
    • Khao paen - white flesh, divided into 12-15 segments, flattened ball shape, green skin, sweet taste with sour-bitter notes;
    • Khao phuang – yellowish-white flesh, pear-shaped, green-yellow color, sweet and sour taste;
    • Thongdi is a pomelo that is pink inside and dark green on top, spherical in shape, sweet in taste.


    The fruit contains B vitamins, as well as A, C and PP. The composition includes essential oils, antioxidants, enzymes and the following microelements:

    • potassium;
    • iron;
    • calcium;
    • sodium;
    • phosphorus.

    Pomelo has a low calorie content - only 35 kcal per 100 g. Different types do not differ significantly in calorie content. Dried pamela has more of them - 302.8 kcal per 100 g.

    Energy value of the product:

    • proteins – 0.6 g (∼2.4 kcal);
    • fats – 0.2 g (∼1.8 kcal);
    • carbohydrates: 6.7 g (∼26.8 kcal).

    Percentage: 7%, 5%, 83%.

    Beneficial features

    • normalizes blood pressure, heart function, metabolism;
    • cleanses blood vessels;
    • prevents the formation of tumors and atherosclerosis;
    • relieves fatigue;
    • strengthens teeth;
    • improves performance and mood;
    • reduces blood sugar levels;
    • raises hemoglobin;
    • increases stomach acidity, so digestive enzymes are produced faster;
    • serves as a prevention of viral diseases and colds.

    Recommended for vitamin deficiency, as well as for people with problems excess weight. Since the pomelo has low calorie content, it is often used in various diets. In addition, it breaks down proteins and fats and satisfies the feeling of hunger. IN medicinal purposes They use not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the crop. They help with ulcers and also eliminate swelling.

    Citrus fruit also has benefits in the field of cosmetology. Masks are prepared from it to help moisturize and nourish the skin.

    Harmfulness of the fruit

    In some cases, the broom can cause harm. When consuming the fruit in large quantities, it is worth considering that it has a laxative effect and also acts as a strong allergen.

    Contraindications to consumption of the product are:

    • individual intolerance;
    • increased stomach acidity;
    • ulcer of the duodenum, stomach;
    • hepatitis;
    • nephritis;
    • colitis.

    Pomelo interferes with the absorption of certain medications or increases their effect. If you are taking any medications, you should consult your doctor. The product sometimes causes harm during severe pregnancy.

    Selection of fruit and its cleaning

    When purchasing a pomelo, it is worth inspecting its condition. Signs quality product are:

    • shiny, elastic and smooth peel, without growths or damage;
    • saturated pleasant aroma– indicates the freshness and maturity of pompelmousse;
    • dense apex of the fruit, which does not exceed 1 cm in diameter;
    • uniform color - the presence of spots indicates its immaturity.

    If the pomelo is burgundy, red or brown, you should not buy such a product. The plant was sick during the fruiting period. Although this does not affect human health, the taste will not please you.

    The process of peeling the fruit is complicated by its thick peel. To easily remove it, make several longitudinal cuts up to 1 cm deep. Then pull up the skin with your finger and remove it. The slices are cleared of the bitter film.

    Pomelo (English) pomelo) are the citrus fruits of the evergreen tree of the same name. The peel of the fruit is quite thick, and the segments are large, separated by hard white partitions that taste bitter. The color of ripe broom can vary from light green to yellow-pink. Usually only one side acquires a pink color, which was turned towards the sun during ripening. The fruit is a record holder among citrus fruits. Its diameter can be 30 cm, and its weight can reach 10 kg. The taste of pomelo is very close to grapefruit, however, the pulp is not as juicy and when peeling, the internal membranes are more easily separated from the edible part.

    The first mention of the use of pomelo dates back to 100 BC. The records are preserved in Chinese manuscripts. The homeland of pomelo is considered to be Malaysia, the south-eastern part of Asia, the islands of Fiji and Tongo. Pomelo is considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity, so in China this fruit is usually given as a gift on the eve of the Chinese New Year. The fruit is used as an offering to the gods and for rituals in Thailand. IN European countries pomelo was brought by a British navigator in the 14th century. Today, pomelo is cultivated for export in China, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Israel and Tahiti.

    Selection, use and storage of pomelo

    Pomelo ripens in February, so it is best to buy fruits during this period. However, when choosing, you must follow simple rules:

    • the pomelo peel should be shiny, smooth and without obvious damage;
    • the fruit should smell pleasant citrus aroma;
    • The color of the pomelo should be fairly uniform. If most of the fruit is yellow, and one side has a green spot, then the fruit is most likely not ripe.

    At room temperature and in the absence of damage, the pomelo can be stored for a month. The peeled fruit quickly begins to deteriorate, so it is better to store it in the refrigerator under cling film and should be consumed within 2 days.

    The broom, despite its size, is quite simple and easy to clean. To remove the peel, just make a small cut and then peel it with your hands like an orange. The peeled fruit should be divided in half and cuts should be made from the inside of the membranes of each segment. The pulp between the membranes lies quite loosely, so when they are removed it is easily separated. You should also remove the seeds from the slices. Usually there are 5-6 of them. in each of the lobules.

    Nutritional value per 100 grams:

    Useful properties of pomelo

    Composition and presence of nutrients

    Pomelo contains a wide range of vitamins (, , B1, B2, B5), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium), fiber, essential oils and organic acids. Nutritionists classify this product as useful and recommend its use when following a diet. This is due to the ability of pomelo to accelerate metabolic processes, which in turn leads to the burning of fat deposits and weight loss.

    Useful and healing properties

    In cosmetology

    Except beneficial influence on the internal state of the body, masks using pomelo have a positive effect on facial skin. They have a moisturizing and nourishing effect. To prepare the mask, you need to thoroughly grind the pomelo pulp (100 g), add honey (1 tsp) and lemon juice(1 tbsp.) To prevent the mask from spreading on your face, you can add 0.5-1 tsp to it. oatmeal. Apply it evenly on the face for 10-15 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes and the triangle around the mouth. Afterwards wash off the mask warm water, and lubricate the skin with cream. Optimal time The best time to use the mask is in the evening before bed. This will allow the skin to sufficiently nourish, relax and recover.

    In cooking

    Traditionally, pomelo is eaten raw or used in cooking. national dishes asian cuisine. The pulp of the fruit is used to prepare salads, marmalade, filling for pies, and also as a savory addition to meat and fish dishes. You can use the peel at home to make jam, candied fruit or an aromatic addition to tea.

    Hello to everyone who came to my light! It’s already getting dark unusually early outside, causeless sadness creeps in every now and then, everyone around us has stocked up on handkerchiefs, anticipating the cold season... And this means that it’s time to look for help in the fight against autumn diseases of the soul and body. Meet us! The hero of my monologue today is pomelo, a fruit whose beneficial properties and harms I will try, as always, to sort out “on the shelves.”

    Pomelo - what kind of fruit is it?

    Even if you are familiar with pomelo, not everyone knows where and how this fruit grows and what properties it has. Meanwhile, the first documentary mentions of it were found in Chinese manuscripts and dated back to the 1st century BC. Hence the opinion that homeland delicious fruit is China.

    Nevertheless, scientists claim that evergreen pomelo trees with large white flowers grew in Southeast Asia, the Fiji Islands, and Malaysia... be that as it may, today’s sun fruits come to our shelves mainly from China and Thailand . In Europe, the seeds of the plant never took root.

    To the territory of modern islands Caribbean Sea pomelo was brought by an English navigator named Shaddock, which is why the new exotic fruit more for a long time called a sheddock. There is also a Dutch version of the name of the fruit - pompelmus, which presumably translates as “apple-melon”.

    What is a broom? This is the fruit of a long-lived tree of the same name from the citrus genus. It appeared on our market relatively recently, unlike its relative grapefruit. This is probably why the pomelo is considered his younger brother. Meanwhile, the situation is completely different.

    Interesting! It is the grapefruit that is a hybrid... but which fruit? Its “parents” are orange and pomelo! Scientists have not yet fully understood the reasons for such natural selection, but the fact of parenthood itself is beyond doubt.

    Today there are several varieties of pomelo, differing and taste qualities, both color and shape. Its fruits can be round, oval, pear-shaped, and their colors vary from dark green (even when ripe) to almost pink. The taste of this fruit is a cross between a bitter grapefruit and a sweet orange. It is less juicy than its citrus counterparts, but the largest - in natural conditions The pomelo fruit can grow to weigh up to 10 kg! True, such beauties are not brought to us.

    Composition and calorie content of the fruit

    Pomelo fruits are interesting because they contain a minimum of calories (calorie content is only 25-35 kcal per 100 grams) and greatest number fiber among all citruses.

    Important! It is worth noting that coarse fibers are contained in the peel and pulp of the fruit, and its juicy part consists of water and vitamins and microelements dissolved in it.

    So, the fruit contains:

    • vitamins: C, A, group B;
    • microelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus;
    • essential oils.

    In some quantities, pomelo contains folic acid, iron, sodium and other substances, but they are so small that this fruit should not be considered as a complete source of them. Therefore, the beneficial properties and possible harm sunny fruit pomelo are mainly due to high content it contains potassium and ascorbic acid.

    Useful properties of pomelo

    The juicy fruit is an excellent assistant in the prevention of cardiovascular and viral diseases, is an excellent antidepressant, and is also used for weight loss. But, first things first.

    1. Vitamin C stimulates the synthesis of human interferon, which means it is involved in immunomodulation. Thus, consuming pomelo during cold season naturally activates the immune system to fight viruses.
    2. This fruit is recommended to be consumed to prevent atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and for the health of the heart muscle and blood vessels.
    3. Potassium maintains levels blood pressure, and therefore foods high in it are popular among hypertensive patients. Daily use pomelo normalizes blood pressure and prevents its surges.
    4. The peel of this citrus contains a lot of fiber, and therefore its consumption helps normalize intestinal function and prevent constipation.
    5. The dry peel can be boiled and this decoction can be drunk for eating disorders and poisoning. Being a powerful antioxidant, pomelo also relieves hangover syndrome.
    6. Eating a tasty fruit speeds up metabolism, which comes in handy for those who are on a diet or exercise.
    7. Pomelo is a natural antidepressant that can reduce irritability, calm outbursts of aggression and anxiety.
    8. The tasty fruit lowers blood sugar levels and is therefore recommended for use in diabetes mellitus.
    9. Pomelo pulp is widely used in home cosmetology in preparing face masks.
    10. Some studies claim that consuming this exotic fruit helps prevent cancer.
    11. The good news for men is that pomelo contains aphrodisiacs that increase sexual desire.

    The properties of pomelo are best manifested when eaten raw. Ideal - with thin inner skin. Alas, like grapefruit, it is bitter.

    Educational program for consumers

    The best time to buy pomelo is from the end of January to the end of March. The ripening time of its fruits occurs approximately in February, therefore, purchasing them at another time, you risk “running into” a product grown on “chemicals”.

    How to choose

    Usually bright fruit is sold in nets, which can make it difficult to choose, but still take the time to examine it from all sides. So, a good, ripe fruit is distinguished by:

    • uniform coloring;
    • waxy shine of the peel;
    • strong aroma;
    • elasticity (the fruit should be quite hard, but not “stone”).

    If you find dark spots on the skin, this indicates that the fruit is starting to deteriorate or has been frozen. Greenish islands may be on the peel of an unripe fruit. Like any citrus, pomelo has a rather strong, but pleasant smell, but the presence of any foreign odors is unacceptable.

    Interesting! In some countries the fruit is sold in cling film already half peeled, which is certainly nice, because you don’t have to pay for it. But such innovation is not yet possible for us - both the demand and the mentality are not the same.

    Where to store

    1. It is better to store ripe pomelo not in the refrigerator, but in a dark place at room temperature. So it will retain its qualities for a month and a half. Therefore, at the end of the season, you can take fruit for future use and the last fruit will delight you with deliciousness. vitamin cocktail at the end of April - at its peak spring vitamin deficiency and insidious colds.
    2. The slightly greenish fruit can be placed on the window and turned over periodically. It will ripen and become tastier.
    3. Already peeled pomelo should be eaten immediately. Of course, it will lie in cling film on the refrigerator shelf for a day or two, but it will have little benefit to the body.
    4. Dried fruit can be stored in wooden or cardboard containers under a tightly closed lid for up to one and a half to two years.

    How to eat

    Well, you brought home a little greeting from mysterious China. And what to do with it? As it is? Peel as you would a regular grapefruit and Bon appetit! Despite the fact that its peel is much thicker than that of any other citrus, it separates from the pulp very easily, leaving delicious slices. Usually there are from 5 to 8 in each fruit. Thinner membranes, in which the appetizing fibers live, can also be removed without problems. But you can eat the fruit with them - it’s healthier.

    For more information on how to “disassemble” a broom into parts, watch this video:

    In addition, pomelo can be consumed in many other ways, recipes for which are full on the Internet:

    • make juice from it. the yield will be less than that of other citrus fruits, but ready drink sweeter;
    • make candied fruits from the peels;
    • make jam (you can directly with the peel);
    • bake pies, pies or muffins with sweet and sour filling;
    • cook homemade marmalade or sorbet;
    • do spicy sauce for meat dishes;
    • dry the zest and add it to the teapot;
    • add pieces to vegetables and meat salads, seafood dishes.

    Those housewives who are no strangers to culinary exoticism will be interested to know that in the homeland of the fruit, sweet soups are prepared from it, and its peel, boiled in sugar, is dipped in chocolate. Filipinos eat it as a snack with salt, and in Thailand they add it to salt. powdered sugar and chili powder.

    About the glycemic index

    Pomelo can be safely included in the diet of a person on a diet. This citrus has a fairly low glycemic index (up to 40 units), which means that it is slowly absorbed. For example, watermelons, bananas, kiwi, mangoes and other sweet fruits fill you up faster¸ but the feeling of hunger comes after them, after a very short time.

    This glycemic index allows pomelo to be eaten even by people with diabetes mellitus. 100 grams per day in the form of juice or pulp (with or without peel) is the permitted norm, allowing you to satisfy your sweet tooth and get a whole range of vitamins without harm to your health.

    Products with low glycemic index It is useful for athletes to use an hour and a half before training. By slowly releasing energy, they increase endurance, which means you can perform more strength exercises. Because the broom - great option a snack before training aimed at drawing muscle relief.

    Important! Speaking about the glycemic index, it is worth understanding that it increases with heat treatment product, adding sugar and other ingredients to it. Therefore, jam, candied fruits, sauces, dried and dried pomelo can no longer be called dietary.

    Contraindications and harm

    Eating pomelo, like any other type of citrus fruit, certainly benefits the body. But there are “lucky ones” for whom it is better to simply leave this fruit on the store counter.

    1. These are, first of all, people prone to allergies. If you have an individual reaction to oranges, grapefruits, lemons, then it is better not to take risks with the use of pomelo.
    2. Those who have erosive damage to the gastrointestinal tract, or suffer from gastritis or colitis should not eat this fruit. Pomelo is a sweet and sour fruit, which is why it irritates the gastric mucosa, provoking exacerbations of existing diseases. For the same reason, people with high stomach acidity will find little pleasure in consuming this product.
    3. As already mentioned, pomelo contains quite a lot of potassium and this does not pose a problem for healthy kidneys. Alas, for any diseases of these organs, it is recommended to reduce potassium intake by at least half, and therefore it is better to refuse the “sunny” fruit.
    4. Be careful when consuming this citrus when you have a cough. High concentration essential oils can cause bronchospasm in diseased lungs.

    As for eating fruit during pregnancy, it is a “double-edged sword.” On the one hand, it contains a certain amount of useful folic acid, on the other hand, it is a potential allergen that can affect the fragile immune system of the fetus. Pomelo cannot be called vital necessary product for pregnant women, so it’s better not to risk including it on the menu. By the way, for the same reason, some pediatricians do not recommend giving citrus fruits (including pomelo) to children under one and a half years old.

    Now you have gotten to know yourself a little sunny fruit pomelo, with its beneficial properties and potential harm from use. I hope the information received was useful and interesting to you. Leave reviews, tell us what your experience of friendship with this fruit is. In the meantime, I tell you: “See you soon!” Be beautiful and healthy!

    Pomelo fruit (sometimes they also say pamelo from the English pomelo pummelо) is mysterious exotic fruit , since many still believe that pomelo is a hybrid of grapefruit and orange. In fact, this is not so; rather, then grapefruit can be called a hybrid of pomelo, since it is our exotic miracle that is the distant ancestor of grapefruit.

    Pomelo- this is the name of the fruits of the evergreen tree of the same name, which grows in Southeast Asia (its homeland), China, and Thailand. It belongs to citrus fruits and has their distinctive aroma and sweet and sour taste. This exotic fruit is also called sheddock, named after the famous navigator who was the first to bring the fruit to India.

    Interesting fact, pomelo is one of the largest citrus fruits on Earth. It’s hard to believe, but the weight of individual fruits can reach 10 kg. The peel of the pomelo is quite dense and smooth, and the fruit itself is mostly spherical different shapes, although it can also be flattened and pear-shaped.

    One more, no less interesting fact– pomelo is very popular in China, because for the Chinese this fruit is the most valuable gift, bringing happiness, success and abundance. The first mention of this healthy citrus found in the treatises of China right up to the Nativity of Christ, and it is still given with pleasure for various holidays, especially on the eve of the New Year.

    It is believed that pomelo has a sweetish taste and is not bitter at all, unlike grapefruit. This is not entirely true. Bitterness is present in pomelo, and is felt quite strongly, but it is not in the pulp of the fruit, but in its shell (the white peel that surrounds the pulp). And if you remove it completely, and the fruit is easily peeled, then you will really only feel the sweetness.

    Therefore, in order to properly clean a pomelo, it is not enough to simply cut it and free it from the thick peel, like an orange. Under the main peel there will be a thin white skin enclosing the pulp, which is also better to remove and divide the fruit into slices. And then you will truly enjoy this fruit!

    Good ripe fruit should have a rich aroma, pale green or yellow color, and be slightly springy, like a “rubber ball.” Of course, there should be no damage to it - a smooth and shiny fruit is the ideal pomelo.

    A pomelo is not that expensive. An average fruit can be bought for $3-4

    It is best to store the peeled fruit in the refrigerator for only a few days. In its entirety, the fruit can be stored for up to a month at room temperature.

    It is better to eat citrus fresh, like any other fruit. The desserts are excellent, especially marmalade and jam. Pairs with meat and fish, an excellent combination with any seafood, spicy dishes and sweets. Since the fruit is absolutely calorie-free (about 38 calories per 100 g), it is used in dietary nutrition.

    Benefits of pomelo:

    An interesting fact confirming the relationship between grapefruit and pomelo. Just like grapefruit, pomelo fruit helps in losing weight, because it accelerates the body's metabolic processes and causes it to burn extra calories.

    Contains a large number of vitamin C, which is known to have a positive effect on immune system our body, helping it cope with diseases. In addition, our exotic fruit contains enough wide range other vitamins such as A B1, B2, B5, as well as minerals iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and calcium, large amounts of folic acid. Undoubtedly, as with all citrus fruits, the benefits of pomelo lie in the content of essential oils and other organic acids.

    Pomelo pulp is not only tasty, but also healthy, as it is rich in pectin. That is why this fruit is used in making marmalade. In addition to the fact that pectin also improves metabolism, it is a known fact that pectin cleanses the body of pesticides, toxic and radioactive substances!

    Interestingly, our exotic fruit is also an antidepressant, since it contains substances that strengthen nervous system and helping to combat bad mood. Excellent property, isn't it?

    Shaddock. Pamela looks like a large grapefruit - there is a thick peel on top, and large slices inside. The pamela fruit can have different shapes and colors depending on the growing environment. This fruit is considered one of the largest among citrus fruits.

    Its advantage is that pamelo lasts longer than other fruits of this family. At room temperature it can be stored for more than a month, and in the refrigerator - even longer. Its ripening season is February. In this fruit high concentration phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, C, healthy proteins and fats.

    Pamela's homeland is China. Currently, this fruit is grown in Taiwan, Japan, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Israel, and the USA. From the thick peel of this unusual plant In China, various decorations are made, and the fruits are used in religious holidays.

    Let's figure out what pamela fruit is. Its benefits for human body truly great. Pamela fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C and essential oils. Thanks to this, it copes well with acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza. Antioxidants and vitamin A prevent the formation and division of cancer cells, thereby stopping the growth of tumors. The microelements contained in this fruit slow down the aging process. It also has a beneficial effect on digestion . After all, it contains enzymes that break down fats and proteins. Pamela is widely used in various diets. Oddly enough, the most important part of it is the slightly bitter veins, which are often thrown away. They perfectly cleanse the intestines, removing toxins that the body does not need.

    Pamela fruit is also indispensable in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. Beneficial features its juice helps in the treatment of hypertension, contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and the development of a healthy fetus.

    Efficiency and endurance increase if you eat pamela fruit. The benefits of this fruit are undeniable regular use and for the heart. It also treats asthma. For people with overweight pamela is also indispensable because it actively helps break down proteins and carbohydrates, promoting fast weight loss. This fruit also helps with low acidity of gastric juice, accelerating the production of digestive enzymes.

    Cooks all over the world widely use pamela fruit. The benefits of dishes that contain it for those who are on a diet. Europeans prepare salads, pie fillings, various desserts and marmalade from pamela, serve it with meat and fish, and make all kinds of sauces. It goes perfectly with wines and cheeses. In Asian cooking, pamela is used in combination with seafood and poultry.

    It is important to be able to choose the right fruit in the store. Since carriers do not want their goods to deteriorate during transplantation, pamela is brought to us unripe. Therefore, it is almost impossible for the average buyer to determine the ripeness of the fruit. But there are still some rules by which you can determine it: peel ripe fruit should be a little smooth and shiny. The stronger and nicer smell fruit, the better.

    Pamela fruit - Benefits and harms: which will outweigh? On a par with great benefit this fruit also has some side effects if used incorrectly. This is far from a harmless fruit. If you eat too much of it, intestinal upset may begin, since pamela also has a laxative effect. Like other citrus fruits, pamela is a strong allergen. Overeating it can even cause itching and hives.

    As you can see, the harm of this fruit is quite relative, you just need to know when to stop everything, especially in citrus fruits such as pamela. The benefits of this miracle fruit are still much greater, so eat for your health.

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