Recipes for making watermelon juice for the winter at home, how to make it. How to prepare watermelon juice for the winter at home

One of the most beloved at the end of summer and autumn for many is the most large berry- watermelon. Watermelon not only tastes good, but is also very healthy and we eat it with pleasure. What about watermelon juice? How many people drink? watermelon juice? But this is one of the healthiest juices that can bring great benefits to our body.

Watermelon belongs to the pumpkin family. Its closest relatives are melon, pumpkin, zucchini and other melon plants. Watermelon is more than 90 percent water. Contains watermelon and a number of vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body, which are completely preserved in watermelon juice.

Watermelon contains a number of B vitamins necessary for the normal development and functioning of body systems.

Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is essential for the growth and maintenance of healthy muscle tissue and nervous system. One slice of watermelon contains 6 percent of daily norm this vitamin.

Riboflavin or vitamin B2 promotes tissue growth and repair, and is also involved in the function of cell division. One slice of watermelon contains 4 percent of the required daily intake.

Niacin or vitamin B3 is involved in the functions of the nervous system.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is necessary for the normal formation of red blood cells, and also takes part in the formation of the nervous and immune systems.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid is involved in the formation of new cells, an essential vitamin for pregnant women.

Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

In addition to B vitamins, watermelon contains vitamin A and vitamin C - some of the main antioxidants.

Potassium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, copper, magnesium, manganese, antioxidants, phytonutrients, amino acids - watermelon is rich in all of these. All this makes watermelon and watermelon juice very beneficial for human health.

In addition, it should be noted that this sweet berry will satisfy the needs of those with a sweet tooth who are forced to watch their figure. Its sweet part consists mainly of sorbitol, a natural sugar substitute.

Watermelon juice will help satisfy not only thirst, but also cleanse your glasses and liver, removing waste and toxins from the body.

Watermelon rinds, which we usually throw away, also contain healthy vitamins and minerals. But besides this, they are also rich in chlorophyll. Therefore, when preparing watermelon juice, use them too. Especially if you grew the watermelon yourself and are confident in its quality.

The benefits of watermelon juice

Watermelons cleanse the body. It has diuretic properties, helping to cleanse the kidneys, liver and Bladder. Besides, alimentary fiber stimulate the intestines, eliminating constipation.

All beneficial substances contained in watermelon juice are completely absorbed and assimilated by the body.

Supports alkalizing effect acid-base balance in the body, neutralizing toxic compounds that are formed in the body as a result of excessive consumption of acid-forming foods.

Antioxidants and amino acids also provide great benefits to the human body.

For heart health, skin health, cancer prevention

Watermelon contains the powerful antioxidant lycopene. It is this that provides the red color of the watermelon pulp. Studies have shown that people who use sufficient quantity foods containing lycopene are less likely to cause heart disease.

But this is not the only benefit of this substance. Lycopene also protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, which contributes to skin aging, wrinkles, and the risk of oncological diseases skin.

A glass of watermelon juice before going outside in the summer can provide additional protection against ultraviolet radiation.

Many studies also show that lycopene may help prevent other cancer diseases: intestines, stomach, prostate, pancreas, lungs.

Improved blood circulation

Another unique substance contained in watermelon is citrulline. This amino acid is found in large quantities in watermelon juice.

What is unique about citrulline? This amino acid is converted in the human body to essential amino acid arginine, which improves blood circulation and improves the condition of blood vessels.

Arginine is included in many supplements for athletes. It helps relax muscles and reduce pain after workouts.

Some studies suggest that citrulline, or rather arginine, may be naturally occurring natural product, increasing potency.

Weight loss

This same amino acid, citrulline, has been suggested by some studies to prevent the accumulation of fat in the body. In any case, a glass of watermelon juice contains very few calories, which can already be useful for weight loss. But at the same time there is a lot useful substances to nourish the body.

Reduces inflammation

Watermelon is rich in flavonoids, carotenoids (than redder flesh, the more there are) and other compounds, including lycopene, citrulline, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, vitamins and minerals contribute to ensuring a strong immune system. By adding crushed watermelon seeds to juice, you can give your body an additional dose of iron and zinc.

What other benefits can watermelon juice have for our health? Many people are familiar with one of the most common methods of cleansing the kidneys at this time of year using watermelon juice. Watermelon juice will help cleanse the kidneys of uric acid compounds and break up and remove some types of kidney stones.

The presence of powerful antioxidants in watermelon juice can help reduce the number of asthma attacks.

Beta carotene and vitamin C reduce pain associated with arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis.

Having diuretic properties, watermelon juice has healing effect on urinary system, relieves inflammation of the bladder.

The diuretic properties and potassium present in watermelon will help remove excess fluid from the body. This is not only a good prevention of edema, but also a prevention of high blood pressure. In addition, watermelon juice will also be useful for pregnant women, who often suffer from swelling of the legs and arms, high pressure, especially in the last trimester.

Watermelon has no fat, which means it also has no cholesterol. Watermelon juice serves as a good prevention of cholesterol plaque deposits and cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

A glass of watermelon juice is a good prevention against constipation and stimulates the intestines to empty.

The combination of folic acid and other elements plays an important role in reducing the risk of heart attacks, strokes and colon cancer.

Since watermelon juice cleanses the body of toxins and waste, itching associated with “clogging” of the body is correspondingly reduced.

Watermelon juice will also benefit our beauty. Ice cube watermelon juice or rubbing the juice on your face will improve your complexion and reduce age spots.

How to make watermelon juice

The fastest and easiest way to make watermelon juice at home is to use a juicer. Before squeezing the juice out of a watermelon, it should be washed well, perhaps with a brush, so that no traces of soil and chemicals that may be applied to the top of the watermelons remain. Prepare the juice immediately before use, as it does not last long even in the refrigerator. Slice the watermelon and scrape out the seeds. Although you can make juice with seeds. But there are varieties of watermelons that have a lot of seeds. It is still better to remove the excess so as not to spoil the juice.

If you are confident in the quality of the watermelon, add it to the juicer along with the pulp and watermelon rind. If you're not sure, it's better to throw it away. After all, it is in it that the maximum amount of harmful substances accumulates.

If you don’t have a juicer or don’t want to lose the healing pulp as waste, first grind the pulp in a blender. Then strain through a fine strainer or cheesecloth. That's it, enjoy the useful stuff. delicious drink watermelon juice!

Adults can drink up to three liters of juice during the day. Watermelon juice will also be beneficial for young children. Infants begin to give it during complementary feeding with a few drops, gradually increasing the amount. Make sure your baby doesn't have allergies. It is better to start giving juice to children separately from other new products.

Watermelon juice for the winter

Watermelon juice for the winter - useful preparation, which few people are doing yet. Preparing watermelon juice for the winter is very simple and does not take much time.

There are several ways to prepare watermelon juice for the winter. The easiest way is to freeze the juice in freezer. But this requires a large freezer, which many people don’t have.

Canned watermelon juice for the winter

Watermelon pulp – 8-9 kg

Granulated sugar – 0.3 kg

Citric acid – 10 grams

The second method is canning the juice. To do this, peel the watermelon pulp from the seeds and cut into cubes. Puree in a blender. Strain the puree into a saucepan and place on the stove. Then add sugar and citric acid.

Place the juice on the stove and heat slowly. Boil for 5 minutes and pour into clean prepared jars. Seal tightly with lids. Store, like all winter preparations, in a cool place.

Watermelon juice in a juicer

In a juicer, boiling the juice is not required; it is obtained using steam. The jars need to be washed well and dried in the oven or sterilized and dried.

Cut the watermelon pulp into pieces and place in a juicer. Fill with water according to instructions.

You can add a little sugar to the pulp, but the juice from the juicer is sweeter.

Place the juicer on the stove and heat it up. As soon as the jar is filled with juice, immediately roll it up and turn it upside down with the lid.

Harm of watermelon juice

Watermelon juice is contraindicated for those who have kidney stones, especially large ones.

Use large quantity juice is contraindicated for diabetes. Although a significant portion of the sugars in watermelon is sorbitol, there are other sugars as well. About what quantity safe use watermelon juice may be in question, such people need to consult a doctor.

Watermelon juice is contraindicated in the presence of adhesions in the intestines, as it stimulates the intestines.

You should not drink watermelon juice if you have pancreatitis or urinary incontinence.

Women who are breastfeeding should be especially careful when using it. It can cause colic in young children.

We are all accustomed to the fact that watermelon is a summer-autumn delicacy and we gorge ourselves, sometimes even forcefully. After all, it’s delicious, and there are a lot of vitamins, but you don’t have to torture yourself like that. Watermelons can also be prepared for future use, or rather watermelon juice.

It sounds a little unusual, but watermelon juice is not difficult to prepare and is quite easy to store for the winter. True, the juice itself does not have such a bright watermelon aroma, and most often it is prepared as a base for more acidic juices in order to dilute the acid and enrich the juice with useful substances.

This juice can become Apple juice, or grapefruit juice, but let's first look at how to make watermelon juice.

Watermelons come in big and small, pink and red, honey-sugar and grassy-watery. IN in this case, for making juice, this is absolutely not important. Any watermelon will suit us, except a frankly unripe one.

Wash the watermelon and pat it dry with a cloth towel. Cut it into slices, remove seeds and peel. Do not rush to get rid of the peel, because you can cook from it, or

Grind the watermelon pulp with a blender or grind it into a meat grinder.

Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and boil the juice along with the pulp.

Strain the still hot juice through a sieve and press the pulp a little. You don't have to squeeze too hard if you want to cook

Now you have watermelon juice, but to preserve it for the winter, you need to add sugar and citric acid to it.

For 1 liter of watermelon juice you will need:

  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • citric acid on the tip of a spoon.

Mix the juice, sugar and citric acid, and return the juice to low heat. Stir the juice for better and faster dissolution of sugar.

After the juice boils, skim off the foam and cook for 3-5 minutes. In this form, the juice can already be considered ready and you can pour it into jars and roll it up, or add other juices to correct their taste.

Watch the video on how to make watermelon juice at home:

Delicious fragrant watermelons you can enjoy it right up to late autumn, but if you consider yourself an ardent fan of this striped berry, then it makes sense to prepare watermelon juice for the winter, especially since it will take very little time. You can make juice with pulp, or spend a little more effort and strain the juice through cheesecloth or a sieve to get clear liquid juice.


For 3 liters of juice:

  • 5 kg watermelon pulp
  • 700 g sugar
  • 1 tsp. citric acid


1. First, wash the watermelon thoroughly and dry it. Using a large sharp knife, cut into big pieces, separate the pulp from the crusts. Now, using a knife and hands, select all the seeds from the watermelon, break the pulp itself into small pieces.

2. Watermelon juice can be extracted using several methods - if you need pulp, then just go over the pieces thoroughly with a rolling pin, after which you can strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth. You can also grind the pieces using a blender. Although, in both the first and second cases, the result will be more puree than juice. Therefore, it is better to use a banal juicer. Of course, the watermelon “press” turns out to be very watery, but no one bothers you to pass it through the juicer several times.

3. Pour the resulting watermelon juice into a saucepan and add sugar, then citric acid. Stirring, bring the juice to a boil and after a minute, turn off.

4. Watermelon juice should be poured into sterile jars. It is very easy to sterilize them in the oven (5-7 minutes), but you just need to take them out carefully - they turn out hotter than after sterilizing over a pan of boiling water. Also sterilize the lids in the oven or simply scald them with boiling water.

5. Seal the jars of watermelon juice with sterile lids. Turn over and wrap the workpieces, after a day or two, rearrange them for storage in a closet or pantry.

Note to the hostess

1. When the pulp of a large red berry begins to shrink, like melting snow, and lose volume, it means that the first stage of loss of its freshness has begun. The second is characterized by small flies circling over the fruit. Drosophila always feast next to those gifts of nature that have become inedible for humans. You should not squeeze juice out of watermelon at any of the stages described; it should be given to the birds or thrown away.

2. Preserved fruits and berries are afraid of light. From being under electrical or sun rays significantly impoverishes it vitamin composition. And sometimes, due to such conditions, the color changes for the worse. winter preparations: light and transparent ones become cloudy, bright ones fade. This does not mean that you cannot light a lamp even occasionally in the pantry where the jars are placed. Of course it is possible. The main thing is that the main storage cycle takes place in the dark.

3. Watermelon juice is great base ingredient for a set different desserts, primarily semi-liquids such as smoothies. Only the selection of auxiliary components should be reasonable. For example, watermelon plus milk or cream is a dangerous mixture for some people. It goes much better with yoghurts and cottage cheese, and in all respects it harmonizes wonderfully with honey and syrups.

Adults and children enjoy juicy, sweet and aromatic watermelons at the end of summer and autumn. But not everyone knows how beneficial watermelon juice is: it contains many vitamins and nutrients. Before drinking this drink, it is recommended to consult a doctor so as not to harm your health.

Useful qualities of juice

Watermelon juice contains vitamins A, C and group B. It contains ascorbic and folic acids, as well as minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Watermelon juice contains a high concentration of water, so it can be considered a natural diuretic. Thanks to this quality, you can easily get rid of excess fluid in the body. This drink is useful for women to drink during pregnancy and menstruation to relieve swelling.

Watermelon juice contains folic acid, sugar and pectin. It is often recommended for people suffering from joint diseases, as this drink has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is useful to drink for vitamin deficiency, anemia, thyroid diseases and type 2 diabetes. For cystitis and prostatitis, drinking this drink will help get rid of painful sensations.

Watermelon contains the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which gives the pulp its red color. At regular use watermelons reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This antioxidant can protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, aging and wrinkles. This substance can also prevent the development of cancer if you drink 1 glass of watermelon juice every day.

Drinking watermelon juice can benefit not only adults, but also children, but only after they turn 1 year old. You can start with a few spoons, gradually increasing the volume to 1 glass. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly monitor the child’s condition; if side effects appear, then stop using this juice.

How to prepare juice and consume it?

How to make watermelon juice? To prepare juice from a striped berry, you must first wash it, chop it and remove the seeds. The red pulp is placed in a juicer and the juice is squeezed out. If you don’t have a juicer, you can also use a blender. If desired, you can then strain the drink through a fine strainer or drink it with pulp.

It is advisable to make juice and drink it immediately; after storage, all the beneficial qualities disappear. You should drink the drink in small sips about an hour before meals. It should not be combined with food, otherwise it will not have time to be absorbed and will cause strong fermentation, which will provoke gas formation.

You can add apple, currant, cranberry or melon juice to watermelon juice. This will help diversify your diet and enrich your body with many useful elements. Those who want to lose weight can have a watermelon fasting day. During the day, drink a glass of watermelon juice every hour.

The recipe for making boiled watermelon juice is especially popular. This process is quite lengthy; the liquid is evaporated many times until the volume is reduced and filtered. As a result we get viscous liquid, light brown in color, very similar to honey. This sweet mass can be used as a medicine.

To enjoy this drink all year round, you can prepare watermelon juice for the winter. The simplest recipe is to freeze it in the freezer, after pouring it into small molds. But this will not be enough, so this nutritious drink can be canned.

To the recipe canned juice includes watermelon pulp, sugar and citric acid. 10 kg of prepared pulp is crushed using a blender, the resulting puree is filtered and placed on the stove over low heat. 300 g of sugar and 10 g of citric acid are added to the resulting juice. You need to boil the drink for about 5 minutes until the sugar dissolves. The finished fruit drink is poured into prepared jars and hermetically sealed with lids.

Another recipe for preparing it for the winter - in a juicer, the juice obtained by evaporation will be sweeter. Pour water into the juicer according to the instructions, place the prepared pulp in it and place the container on the stove. Place a clean jar under the juicer; as soon as it is filled, roll it up with a lid. Banks should be stored in a cool place.

There is 1 more recipe for how to cook healthy fruit drink from watermelon. The fruit is peeled and seeds removed, the red pulp along with the white part is cut into pieces and passed through a juicer. Cranberries are also added there; for 6 kg of pulp you will need 1 cup of berries. The resulting mixture is placed on low heat and 300 g of sugar is added. When the mixture boils, add 2 g of cinnamon powder to it and cook for about 5 minutes. The finished juice is poured into sterilized jars and covered with lids.

This recipe makes watermelon juice even more healthy, thanks to cranberries, which contain many vitamins and can stabilize arterial pressure. You can enjoy winter healing drink and prepare various things from it dessert dishes, such as jelly or jelly.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the many useful qualities, watermelon juice also has its contraindications. It should not be taken by those who have kidney stones or gallbladder, especially if they are large. The stones can start to move, which is painful and very dangerous. This drink stimulates the intestines, so it is contraindicated in the presence of adhesions in the intestines.

It is not recommended to use juice for urinary incontinence and pancreatitis. Breastfeeding women should use it with caution; the drink can cause colic in the baby. If you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before drinking watermelon juice.

Watermelon juice is rich in vitamins and useful minerals, it can improve mood and support immunity not only in summer, but also cold winter. A properly prepared drink can completely replace the main breakfast. But you should not abuse it, so as not to harm your health.

A favorite childhood delicacy, you could eat a lot of it without any harm to the body, but with great benefit for him. When eating this product, few of us thought about how many useful substances it contains in its pulp and juice, but we invariably chose it when we wanted to quench our thirst. Meanwhile, watermelon juice is practically “ living water", which has a huge list of useful properties.

Composition of watermelon juice

Watermelon juice is very rich in pectins and organic acids, which regulate metabolic processes in the body and do not allow harmful substances of a wide variety of nature to be deposited in it. Vitamins B and PP are present in the product to a large extent and are successfully supplemented by a considerable content of vitamin C and carotene. By the way, today there are exotic varieties yellow watermelon, which contains several times more of these substances, but at the same time it also contains more sugars, which makes the melon berry pulp sweeter. In terms of the presence of microelements, watermelon juice can compete with the most nutritious vegetables and fruits, because it contains potassium and calcium, phosphorus and folic acid, iron and sodium.

Benefits of watermelon juice

Watermelon juice has a huge amount useful properties. The mere fact that this is an excellent thirst quencher makes this product to a high level among other drinks. Thanks to properties such as accelerating and normalizing the metabolic process, in hot weather watermelon juice helps to quickly cool down and remove the breakdown products of organic substances from the body, which is important for normal operation circulatory system and timely provision of oxygen to all organs. This, in turn, stabilizes blood pressure and protects a person from changes in blood pressure and poor health at high atmospheric temperatures.

Watermelon juice is also beneficial for people suffering in different forms obesity and simply for those who strive to maintain their figure, because this drink very well removes excess cholesterol from the body, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines and helps burn excess fats in the body, including those that are not visible to the naked eye, that is, the most complex. The ability of watermelon juice to remove toxic substances and prevent salt stagnation in the body helps prevent severe swelling and reduce the load on the venous network throughout the body, which is very important for obese people and those who long time be on your feet.

By participating in the processes of vitaminization of the body, watermelon juice also contributes significantly to hematopoiesis. Iron and folic acid strengthen internal connections between cells, making the walls more elastic blood vessels. By the way, the last substance - good friend and in matters of clear consciousness.

Being an almost hypoallergenic juice, this drink is excellent for stabilizing work genitourinary system, and in particular to cleanse the kidneys without irritating them. And the strong diuretic property of the product helps in this. This fact is also important when the body needs to be supported after food or drug poisoning. Watermelon juice will also help you recover after injuries caused by harmful substances entered the body through the air. Salts of heavy metals, harmful phosphates and nitrates will be removed from the body along with urine.

The unique composition of watermelon juice is a complete tonic complex for our muscular frame. All excess acids in compounds with the components of the drink are destroyed and also gently removed. This makes this product indispensable for athletes, because watermelon juice helps eliminate excess lactic acid from muscle tissue, and this in turn makes the body more resilient and productive during training. More recently, it was proven that athletes who drank watermelon juice before starting exercise achieved better results and were less tired than those who did without this drink. Therefore, if you go to a fitness center or do gymnastics at home, help your body cope with stress with a glass of watermelon juice.

Precautions for use

The main contraindications for drinking watermelon juice are diseases such as diabetes, pancreatitis, prostate adenoma, adhesions in the intestines, phosphate kidney stones, as well as flatulence in the stomach and intestines.

Healthy people should be careful, first of all, with the choice of product for consumption. It is immediately worth noting that giving preference store-bought juices not worth it, since ascorbic and citric acid, as well as a considerable amount of sugar. The best time to use watermelon juice is when it's in season. big berries, namely August - September. For self-cooking juice, it is best to choose watermelons during this period. However, caution should be exercised at this time. Please note that inside watermelon pulp it was not whitish and did not have individual white spots - this is evidence that the melon fruit was driven out with the help of nitrate compounds, and the juice of such a watermelon should under no circumstances be drunk.

Uses of watermelon juice

Watermelon juice can be consumed in fresh, which is the most preferable option, because preparing a freshly squeezed drink is very simple. Among the options you can also find a recipe for cold sweet soup using the product. This dish is called nardek, and it is watermelon juice boiled until thick. Sometimes other berries are added to it.

Cosmetology also does not stand aside, because this drink is very well suited for the production of tonic and refreshing lotions and tonics, as well as baths to eliminate problems. Teenage skin can be cleansed very well with watermelon juice or cosmetics with his participation.

This product is very common in folk medicine, since it is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases precisely due to its cleansing properties. All pathogenic bacteria, especially in acute respiratory viral infections, very quickly lose their strength, and the disease recedes.

For kidney and liver problems, watermelon juice acts as an anti-inflammatory and sensitivity-reducing product. It is also useful for damage to bones, joints and the circulatory system, therefore it is used as a prophylactic for atherosclerosis, arthritis and gout.
