Water for weight loss "Sassi". Reviews, recipe, recommendations. When will the effect of drinking the drink be noticeable? Storage conditions for Sassi drink

Hello friends!

Sassi water, which appeared not so long ago and literally flooded the Internet, is rapidly continuing to gain an audience.

After all, those who want to purchase or restore slim figure it doesn't get smaller, but miraculous properties drinks give such people hope.

There is a lot of talk about the effectiveness and usefulness of Sassi water - some admire the immediate effect, others sigh in disappointment when they do not feel any changes after consumption.

However, no one doubts that this water is incredibly healthy and accessible to the general consumer.

I was convinced of its effectiveness personally, on myself.

So, what is sassi water and how to properly prepare and drink it, read on...

From this article you will learn:

Sassi water - beneficial properties and recipes

The history of the appearance of Sassi water

Cynthia Sassi is the “mother” of the water of the same name, which received its non-trivial name thanks to her.

This woman’s achievements in the field of nutrition inspire confidence: she is a certified nutritionist, bachelor of science from the Institute of Nutrition.

And the popular “Flat Belly” diet, which promotes passive elimination extra pounds ov, thanks only to the right combination of foods and the exclusion of the instigators of bloating from the diet (beans, cabbage, milk) is also her brainchild.

The mineral and vitamin-based drink Sassi originated as a complement to this diet.

Why is Sassi water good for weight loss?

Water normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, breaks down fats, removes toxins and reduces gas formation.

As a result of use, hair acquires a natural shine, skin condition improves, extra pounds disappear

In addition, the ingredients included in the composition classic water Sassi, themselves are very useful:

  1. Ginger burns fat and restores intestinal function, cleansing the body of toxins...
  2. low calorie product, removing salts and heavy metals from the body. It is quickly absorbed.
  3. helps break down complex carbohydrates, preventing fat deposits from increasing.
  4. reduces appetite and reduces hunger. It has a calming effect on the entire body and removes toxins.

Sassi water - recipe

The process of preparing Sassi water is very simple.

Anyone can make healing lemonade at home.

  • Classic Sassi water “Drink and lose weight!”

You will need 2 liters of water, 12 mint leaves, 1 tsp. chopped ginger and lemon, cut into slices.

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients and refrigerate overnight.

Strain in the morning and consume throughout the day.

  • Sassi water for weight loss without mint

Take 2 liters. water, 1 tsp. chopped ginger, chopped and peeled tangerine and a third of pineapple, a sprig of sage.

Mix the ingredients and leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, strain and consume.

How to take sassi water correctly?

It is necessary to adhere to several rules for drinking Sassy Water:

  • thoroughly clean and wash the components
  • do not leave the drink in the sun
  • store in a dark container
  • consume two hours before bedtime to avoid swelling
  • follow proper nutrition
  • store for no more than a day, preparing a new portion every day
  • consume in small doses (1 glass) throughout the day

Ginger water for weight loss is not suitable for everyone. If you have an intolerance to ginger (and it is the basis of Sassi water), as a product in general, then you will have to stop using it.

How many days can you drink sassi water and how to use it correctly?

Any weight loss diet loves discipline and consistency. To achieve results, you need to drink at least eight glasses a day.

You cannot consume the entire amount at once - this can lead to a “broken” stomach and stress on the kidneys.

It all depends on your current weight and the amount of fat that you plan to remove.

During the diet, you need to eat in small portions, and drink Sassi water between meals.

The basis of the Sassi water diet is not dietary restrictions, and the quality of food.

The diet is divided into two stages of 4 days each:

  1. First stage (4 days): we limit fatty, salty, peppery foods, while the volume of consumption remains the same. We drink no more than three liters of water per day.
  2. Second stage (next 4 days): exclude flour products (bakery, bread, pasta). We also reduce meat and grains. We introduce vegetables and fruits into the diet in any quantity. We already drink at least 4 liters of water a day.

The results will not keep you waiting - with Sassi water, the weight disappears rapidly, the lines of the abdomen and hips are corrected.

Sassi water during breastfeeding and pregnancy

Since the water contains ginger and citrus fruits, pregnant women and nursing mothers may be allergic to these products. Therefore, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of drinking Sassi water during lactation or pregnancy.

Contraindications for use

Although Sassi water is a simple and widely available drink, there are still contraindications to its use:

  • individual intolerance
  • renal failure
  • cystitis
  • stomach ulcers and severe intestinal diseases

If the consumer has such problems, Sassi water should not be drunk.

Sassi water - reviews from those who have lost weight

  1. Marina, 27 years old: “Proper nutrition has been in my life for a long time - and before the appearance of the drink - I followed a protein diet. Although there were some results, the stomach did not go away. I knew that pregnancy and childbirth had left their mark in the form of a hanging belly, but I really wanted to return everything to the way it was! I started drinking water instead of other drinks every day - fortunately it’s very hot in our region - and my belly disappeared right before my eyes!! I can’t even believe it!”
  2. Olga, 36 years old: “I made this cocktail for myself - I added lemon balm and mint (in principle it turned out delicious), everything was as it should be. I drank for 3 days - zero results, the fat is still there, the sides are still there. And it also turned out that I can’t stand ginger. So don’t believe that you can just lose weight by drinking water - only work and sports will help!!!”
  3. Vika, 29 years old: “I started the diet on a bet with a friend (I urgently needed to lose 10 kg) and, I’ll tell you, it’s not so easy to stick to the diet and drink this water regularly. A couple of times I was on the verge of a breakdown, at night around the cake). But girls, it was worth it! How slim I was a month later! And I won my favorite perfume from my friend in a fair argument. Like this!"

Sassi water - reviews from nutritionists

Boris Gennadievich - nutritionist: “My patients come with one goal - to get a significant result in the shortest possible time and with the least damage to the body. Sassi water plays exactly this role. Many of those who seek help already feel significant improvements in their health within 3-4 days problem areas (thighs, abdomen). But I will not tire of repeating that it can be used only if there are no contraindications, so as not to cause additional harm to health!”

Olga Mikhailovna - nutritionist, nutrition consultant: “I am sure that Sassi water will become a panacea only if we use an integrated approach - balanced diet, daily routine, moderate water consumption in small portions. All people at risk (sick, pregnant, breastfeeding) should use the drink only with the permission of the attending physician! My patients, with my “blessing,” successfully include Sassi water in their individual diet and almost always get 100% results.”

Well, I drank this water for two weeks and during this period I lost about three kilograms, so I confidently recommend trying to take Sassi water...

BUT, under these three conditions, friends!

  1. Avoid eating fatty, fried and sweet foods and completely eliminate fast food
  2. Mandatory intensive exercise stress(pump up your abs, do a hula hoop, dance, run, walk a lot, dance)
  3. Large presence in the diet + 2 liters clean water in a day

Have you already tried drinking sassi water? Share your results.

Even more ways to effectively and fast weight loss, look in this one.

Alena was with you, bye everyone!

When it comes to Sassi water, the first thing people ask is: “Is this water really that effective for weight loss?” Meanwhile, Sassi water is, first of all, wonderful drink, and only secondly does it have a beneficial effect on digestive tract. First of all, it refreshes, quenches thirst, and only secondly, it removes excess liquid. First - light vitamin a cocktail that does not contain artificial sweeteners (sugar, honey, etc.), and secondly, it speeds up metabolism. As for weight loss, Sassi water is not a “magic drink”, but simply a nice element of any diet.

I’ll start with a recipe for making Sassi water at home, and then I’ll tell you what the story of weight loss is and whether the drink can be consumed for dietary purposes.

Cooking time: 5 minutes plus steeping time.
Yield: 4 servings


To prepare Sassi water you will need:

  • 1 liter filtered chilled water
  • 1 small cucumber or half a large one
  • 1 small root of fresh ginger
  • 0.5 lemon
  • a few mint leaves optional (I don't have any)

To keep the drink cold, you can make extra ice.

How to prepare Sassi water

The process of preparing the drink is simple and fast. First, cut a well-washed lemon into thin slices.
Then cut the cucumber into very thin slices. If you use large cucumber, it is better to peel it.
Next, grate the peeled ginger root until you have about a teaspoon of pulp.
Place all these ingredients in a carafe and fill them with water. Stir the drink and place it in the refrigerator to infuse. That's the whole Sassi recipe.

Before serving, pour the refreshing Sassi water into glasses and add ice, and to make the drink more pleasing to the eye, add a few slices of lemon and cucumber to each glass.


It is best to prepare Sassi water the day before - for example, in the evening, so that it is thoroughly infused and all the ingredients included in its composition fully give it their aromas. So, fresh cucumber will do light drink, fresh, lemon will share aroma and sourness, and ginger will give spice, and with it vigor and energy.

You can diversify the drink by replacing lemon with lime or orange, and also adding a sprig of mint, lemon balm, basil or rosemary.

If you don’t have time to infuse Sassi water, you will still get an excellent vitamin cocktail, just its aromas will be lighter and its taste will be more delicate.

Prepare fresh Sassi water every day, no more than 4 liters. Store it in the refrigerator.

Sassi water for weight loss

Strictly speaking, Sassi water is the commercial focus of one enterprising American woman named Sass (hence the name). The drink actually contains a lot of useful and healthy ingredients. Indeed: cucumber, ginger, lime, mint are wonderful ingredients, valuable both on their own and together. They speed up metabolism and help regulate the amount of fluid in the body, promote the removal of toxins and have a sedative effect. Everything is so, and there is nothing unexpected here.

The drink was declared miraculous supposedly because of the “correct” ratio of components and the “correct” application. And it was announced without any scientific evidence. Like a witch doctor's remedy.

It is well known that it is EASY TO ACHIEVE WHAT YOU DESIRE - and here it is wasp waist and flat stomach- an excellent hook to catch the gullible. If you organize a PR company “correctly” and properly set up a person’s motivation, you can work wonders with him! Yes, such a consumer of Sassi water can even lose weight! Placebo effect, have you heard?

Meanwhile, it is also true that there is nothing but benefit in Sassi water. The drink does not work miracles, but together with a diet (and not INSTEAD of a diet) it can be useful.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day and no more than 4 liters, do not drink much at night.
- Do not abuse simple carbohydrates(sugar)
- Eat small meals every 2-3 hours

Switch to separate meals (meaning separate intake and the right combination carbohydrates, fats and proteins).
- Eat no more than 1400 kcal for the first 2 weeks, and no more than 1600 for the next 4 months.

If there is debate about separate nutrition (many nutritionists refute the value separate power supply for health and weight loss), then the recommendation around specific calories is amazing. A competent expert on healthy eating will explain to you that calories are a purely individual matter, and you need to count them based on your own goals and indicators, and not taking numbers out of thin air.

In general, drink Sassi water, it is pleasant water in all respects. And just smile at the myth about another magical remedy for a flat stomach and slender waist, or better yet, find the right place for it in your tasty and healthy diet.

Today, the market is filled with various weight loss products, and the Internet is filled with a variety of diets. With so many proposed methods, it is very difficult to distinguish which is more effective and will help you lose weight permanently.

One of the famous names on this list is Sassi water. Nutritionists around the world focus on the fact that the main factor healthy eating is drinking water.

Only water is the key to a good figure and healthy body. As any chosen diet says, a person should drink at least two liters of water in one day. Moreover, this amount cannot include tea, juices and soups. This is the amount of purified still water. So why not add ingredients to the water that promote weight loss, cleanse the body and reduce the size of the belly?

American nutritionist Cynthia Sass, was developed unique drink, which has become an excellent way out of the problem of getting rid of excess weight for all the fatties. The water, called "Sassi" in honor of its author, helps burn fats, increase metabolism, improve digestion, cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Sassi lemonade is quite simple and economical in preparation, and thanks to its effectiveness, it is rapidly gaining popularity throughout the globe.

Sassi water for weight loss - recipe

In order to prepare this unique drink, you will need the following:

  1. 2 liters of purified water without gas.
  2. Peel and finely grate ginger root - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Cucumber, grated - 1 pc.
  4. Lemon, finely chopped - 1 pc.
  5. 15-20 fresh mint leaves.

All products from this list should be mixed and left to infuse overnight in the refrigerator. 1 glass of this drink should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. The rest of the water should be drunk throughout the day. Sassi water should be kept in the refrigerator, and new, fresh Sassi water should be prepared every day. Even if there is water left over from yesterday that has not been drunk, it should be thrown away.

The maximum dose of Sassi water per day is 4 liters, since in large quantities it will overload both the stomach and the heart, due to the combination of mint and lemon. To enhance good taste Other citrus fruits can be added to Sassi water: tangerines, oranges.

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How to drink Sassi water correctly

Methods for preparing this drink sometimes differ, since those who want to lose weight may have allergic reactions to one of the constituent components. The main factors are the absolute freshness of the cucumber and lemon. If they spent more than 3 days in the refrigerator and managed to wilt, you should go to the market for fresh ones.

They also use Sassi water, which excludes mint in its composition. Such water is prepared in a situation where fresh mint is not available, and dry mint is absolutely not suitable for such a recipe.

In this case, finely grated orange peel is added instead. The drink will smell amazing and, on top of everything, will be filled with vitamin C. Sassi water prepared according to this recipe is as effective as mint.

Sassi water must be consumed for 3 weeks, then you should stop taking it for 2 weeks. During this period, people notice how they successfully lose from 6 to 16 kilograms. Naturally, a lot depends on diet, rhythm of life and physical activity.

Sassi water diet

For effectiveness and rapid weight loss, you should combine the intake of Sassi water with certain diets. Even diets without strict restrictions can be suitable here, the main thing is to eat a balanced diet without overloading the body.

Suitable diets When combined with water, Sassi is designed for only four days:

  • Diet No. 1. You should eat for two days practically without changing your diet. You only need to exclude fatty, spicy and salty foods. On the third and fourth days, you should gradually reduce the size of your portions and monitor the calories you eat. In this case, you should consume from 2 to 3 liters of Sassi per day, not forgetting that the morning begins with two glasses of the drink on an empty stomach.
  • Diet No. 2. You can eat any food, but not exaggerating 1400 calories per day. At the same time, the norm per day is considered to be 1200 kilocalories, and 1400 is a completely normal amount, so as not to feel hunger and to get active work of the whole body. You need to forget about flour products: baked goods, pasta. Also reduce the amount of meat and porridge. Increase the menu with vegetables and fruits, while drinking up to 4 liters of Sassi water for weight loss.

For 2 weeks after following such diets, you should continue to eat, monitoring your calorie intake. The maximum amount per day is no more than 1600. At the same time, Sassi water consumption is no less than 2 liters per day. This method of losing weight is quite simple, easily tolerated, and within a month it is clearly noticeable.

Sassi - contraindications and harm

Sassi water for weight loss has no side effects and does not harm the body. The recipe is healthy, made from natural ingredients and therefore has no contraindications. Naturally, one should remember the individuality of each organism.

It is possible that an allergy will develop to one of the components, or an intolerance to one of the components will appear. Most often, this reaction can occur to ginger. Also, whether pregnant and nursing mothers should drink Sassi water should be decided by the attending physician.

Water acidity Sassi can irritate the mucous membranes of people with ulcers and gastritis patients. It is advisable to consult a specialist for any chronic disease that a person has.

This amount of fluid is strictly prohibited in case of mild renal failure. If, after drinking water, ailments of unknown origin appear within 24 hours, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor. You should pay attention to the contraindications of ginger. It is he, as a rule, in those rare cases when side effects happen, is an irritant.

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Eleonora Gevorkyan, 32, Orel

I drank this water for about three weeks, while I had been on a diet for several months, but to no avail. It was with water that Sassy began to lose weight. In three weeks, the scales showed 9 kilograms less than it was. Now I’ve taken a break, but in two weeks I’ll drink Sassi again. The taste is quite pleasant due to the lemon, I think next time I'll add an orange.

I noticed that in addition to losing weight, my facial skin has improved significantly. Perhaps this is also thanks to Sassy. I definitely believe in its effectiveness and recommend it to everyone - my friends have already started using this recipe after seeing my changes. Sassi is excellent because it does not require global financial costs, but it helps perfectly.

Inna Soroka, 27 years old, Sevastopol

I gained a lot of weight after giving birth. No matter what I did and how much money I spent on various herbal teas and diet pills, nothing helped. Only the weight of my wallet decreased, but my own weight did not go away. I read about Sassi on the Internet and, to be honest, without much enthusiasm I started drinking every day.

I didn’t step on the scales on purpose so as not to get upset. How surprised I was when two weeks later I realized that my jeans were hanging loose on me! When I stepped on the scale, I noticed that I had lost 10 kilograms in two weeks. It's just magic! But besides Sassy, ​​I didn’t even use diets, I just stopped eating after 18-00, but this happened before, and here is such an effect!

Definitely Sassy works wonders! I feel light again and I love my reflection in the mirror!

Tamara Zabudko, 35 years old, Kaliningrad

I read Sassi's recipe in the newspaper and immediately decided to try it. It was winter and fresh mint could not be found, so, as the recipe allows, I replaced it with orange.

Firstly: losing weight with Sassi is pleasant, as the taste of this unique lemonade is very pleasant.

Secondly: there is nothing complicated in receiving and preparing Sassi, and it does not require a lot of finances, which, in fact, is what captivates.

I used Sassy for three months intermittently. My result, believe it or not, is minus 27 kilograms. And I am happy. I decided to drink this water according to the correct schedule and intermittently throughout my life, because it was it that made me beautiful.

Igor Petrukhin, 45 years old, Samara

I drank Sassi for two months. I didn't notice any particular effect. Perhaps this is all because I did not try to go on a diet.

On the positive side, I can say that the general condition of the body has improved, and there is lightness in the stomach, so I think it really cleanses of toxins. But the excess weight, unfortunately, remained the same.

I’ll try to go on a diet, combining water, and we’ll see what comes of it.

Nadezhda Chernova, 29 years old, Ivanovo

I spent three weeks on a diet and combined it with Sassi water. There is a result, but not quite what I would like.

In three weeks, only 5 kilograms. Perhaps such a slow weight loss is due to my train schedule, in connection with which I eat at different time days. After the break, I decided to continue and move towards the goal, albeit slowly but persistently. I can’t say anything bad about how I feel when using Sassi.

Natalya Soboleva, 38 years old, Tyumen

I would like to describe my story of meeting Sassy. I bought everything necessary ingredients, and prepared some water in the evening. I put the bottle in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning I drank two glasses on an empty stomach, and then drank every two hours. After lunch I didn’t feel very well. Having measured the temperature, I saw 37.3. Perhaps, now I think, I have kidney problems.

With a wide variety of ways to lose excess weight, all nutritionists agree on one thing - for any diet, the importance of water in a person’s diet can hardly be overestimated. Maintaining water balance is vital for normal operation the body, the harmonious functioning of its systems. Sassi water is pleasant delicious drink, the use of which helps to cleanse the body and at the same time free it from extra pounds. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, participates in modeling the figure and cleansing the body.

How did Sassi water come about?

American nutritionist Cynthia Sassi, who was developing a diet for weight loss, decided to experiment and combine dietary products and an obligatory part of the diet - drinking water. She offered the resulting natural drink to clients - and it began to work much better than all the previous diets she had developed.

Since then, the Sassy Water brand has become famous throughout the world. Under the slogan “Sassi water - drink and lose weight,” thousands of women lost weight.

The diet, which includes Sassi water for weight loss, belongs to the low-calorie class. The role of the drink is that it triggers the fat burning mechanism. This helps move the weight off a dead point and speeds up the weight loss process. Despite the non-strict diet, she loses from 2 to 4 kg per week. At the same time, it is not necessary to starve or give up tasty food - you just need to eat healthy food without overeating and watching your calorie intake.

What does Sassi water consist of?

How to prepare Sassi water? Classic recipe Sassi water includes the following ingredients:

  • 2 liters of water - still mineral or regular drinking water is suitable;
  • 1 medium sized lemon;
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber, peeled;
  • Fresh grated ginger - a heaping tablespoon of the finished product;
  • 10-15 mint leaves.

All ingredients should be crushed (you can grate them or grind them in a blender, or if you don’t have equipment at hand, just finely chop them), mix and mash with a wooden spoon. This completes the preparation of Sassi water. Leave the resulting drink in the refrigerator overnight. Be sure to cover the vessel with a lid: Sassi water contains many volatile essential oils that should remain in the drink. All two liters of the resulting liquid should be drunk the next day. This volume is the daily water requirement, necessary for the body an adult, from which it is better not to deviate, and it is especially important during weight loss.

The recipe for sassi water for weight loss may differ - for example, due to an allergy to one of its components or other contraindications. Also, the determining factor is the freshness of the products - both lemon and cucumber should not be limp, they can be stored “in stock” for no more than 2-3 days. You need to prepare a new portion of the drink every day, only then will it give the desired effect.

There is also a recipe for Sassi water without mint - you can turn to it if you are intolerant to this component or in cases where it is impossible to get fresh plant(dried crushed mint from the pharmacy will not work in this case). You can replace mint with grated fine grater orange peel: the zest will give the drink wonderful aroma and will increase the content of vitamin C in it. Reviews of this Sassi water recipe are also positive.

You can drink water for 2-3 weeks, then take a 1-2 week break. During this time you can successfully and without extra effort lose from 6 to 15 kg. Everything depends, of course, on the initial data, the severity of the accompanying diet and the characteristics of the body.

Why is Sassi water so effective?

Reviews of Sassi water testify mainly in its favor - it is a product that quickly burns excess fats, improves body lines. The secret of such an amazing effect is natural properties beverage component products. Each of them, entering the body, performs its own specific function, depending on its “neighbor”, and therefore it is important to use them together.

  • Ginger is used as an excellent remedy for accelerating the flow of lymph. She endures useful material to all parts of the body and is involved in the removal of toxins. The faster these metabolic processes are carried out, the better. Ginger also improves digestion and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is the main “burner” of fats already accumulated in the body, and, acting from the inside, ginger helps to get rid of even fat accumulations in hard-to-reach areas of our body - where it is very difficult or impossible to lose extra grams and kilograms through exercise. This is the inner thigh, arms, face, lower back and so on.
  • Cucumber is the basis of some mono-diets as a low-calorie product that also helps remove heavy metal salts from the body. It has a mild diuretic effect, accelerating elimination harmful substances. Cucumber contains a lot of potassium, sodium, phosphorus and other useful microelements, as well as vitamins B and C. Due to the fact that cucumber consists of as much as 90% just water, it is quickly and easily absorbed.
  • Lemon is an unsurpassed source of vitamins of all groups and a real storehouse useful acids. Not all of them are produced by the body on its own, but they are necessary when losing weight. Including in order to prevent complex carbohydrates from joining fats, increasing the amount of existing fat deposits.
  • Mint acts as a sedative, it suppresses appetite and reduces hunger. Peppermint also helps remove toxins from the body.

As you can see, each of the elements of the drink is involved in weight loss. In addition, all these products are low-calorie, which indicates dietary properties water for weight loss Sassi, the results will come very soon.

Sassi water diet

During a diet, it is important how and with what foods enter the stomach, and not just their quantity and quality. How to drink Sassi water correctly and what diet should it be combined with? Method of use of this drink will please everyone who doesn’t like food restrictions - you practically won’t have to introduce them, just a healthy diet is enough. The “entry” to the diet is divided into two four-day days.

  • The first is normal food in the amount that is familiar to you, comfortable for you, but without fatty, salty and peppery foods. By the third or fourth day, try to start reducing the size of your portions and start counting calories. Drink at least 2, but not more than 3 liters of Sassi water every day.
  • The second is a normal diet, but limited in the number of calories: no more than 1400 per day. Despite the fact that daytime minimum rate- this is 1200 kcal, then 1400 kcal will be enough not only for the active functioning of the body, but also for saturation. Eliminate heavy ones high-calorie foods- flour, pasta. Reduce the amount of meat and cereals you consume, and increase the amount of vegetables and fruits. Drink 2 to 4 liters of Sassi water per day.

The diet itself continues for the next two weeks. The calorie content of the diet should be kept at 1600 kcal per day (less is possible, but more is not). A minimum volume of 2 liters of drink should be drunk every day. This diet with Sassi water is easily tolerated both physically and psychologically, the weight comes off quickly, the main thing is that the lines of the abdomen and hips are corrected.

Video: preparing Sassi water


It will probably be difficult to find a simpler and at the same time quite inexpensive drink than Sassi water. There are few contraindications to its use. It is not recommended to use the drink if:

  • There is an allergy to what it leaves.
  • There is pronounced renal failure, a progressive stage of cystitis.
  • Stomach ulcers and other severe gastrointestinal diseases.

People with heart problems should take Sassi water with caution. vascular system, before starting the course, it is better to consult a doctor.

At the same time, the benefits of Sassi water are obvious - it promotes fat burning, and also works as a means of strengthening the immune system, removing toxins, and healing the body.

What effect does Sassi water have for weight loss? Read reviews from those who have tried it for themselves below.

In this post I would like to discuss not an eternal topic - what to eat to lose weight, but a topic that is less interesting to everyone who is losing weight - what to drink to lose weight? So, let's talk about a summer refreshing drink that you can make yourself at home.

If this is your first time hearing about vitamin cocktail, then read the post carefully, and if you have already tried cucumber water on yourself, write in the comments about your first impressions and the result. Every review is important to me and the readers.

What is Sassi water

If we talk in simple words, then Sassi water is an aqueous infusion of cucumber, lemon, ginger and mint leaves. The infusion is ordinary, but all the benefits of the drink lie in the products that are used to prepare it.

Cucumber water is named after Cynthia Sass. It was she who invented the cocktail and successfully uses it to maintain her figure in excellent shape.

During any diet, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. You can drink water, or you can brighten up your dietary routine with chilled water. herbal infusion. It is especially good in the summer, when it is hot outside, and a refreshing and tasty cocktail awaits you in the refrigerator. Moreover, with such useful properties:

  • Diuretic effect - removing excess fluid and relieving swelling.
  • Eliminates bloating - normalizes the digestive process, reduces fermentation and gas formation.
  • Accelerates the breakdown of fats - improving the metabolic process.
  • Improves the general condition of hair and skin - by saturating the body required quantity liquids.

Composition of products for Sassi drink

Cucumber- plays the role of a diuretic. In addition to being low in calories, it serves as a source of vitamin C. Since cucumber itself consists of 95% water, our body will not suffer from dehydration if we urinate frequently.

Mint- protects against bacteria and fungus inside the digestive system, relieves irritation of the intestinal walls.

Water- necessary for the fulfillment of all vital important processes in organism. It is used for digestion, absorption and transport of nutrients.

Delicious and no calories Learn more about What is more effective: exercise or switching to proper nutrition? Massage, running or fasting?

Sassi water recipe

The recipe for making a lightening cocktail for weight loss is so simple that I think everyone will want to make it and try it. I personally couldn’t resist and tried it, and you?

  • Lemon - one medium size or juice of one lemon
  • Cucumber - also one, medium size
  • Mint - leaves, 10 pieces or 1 teaspoon of dry herb
  • Ginger - one tablespoon
  • Water - two liters

Sassi drink - product preparation

Cynthia's recipe states that you can use either whole lemon, or its juice. To make the drink, I used a whole lemon with peel. And I advise you to do the same, because juice is juice, and citrus peel is no less useful. Almost all citrus essential oils are concentrated in it. Why give them up?

Also, many people advise scalding the lemon with boiling water to remove bitterness. I don't recommend this either. Firstly, after heat treatment beneficial features lemon peel will decrease significantly. And secondly, the prepared drink is not bitter, I checked it personally!

But I cut off the skin from the cucumber in a very thin layer. The peel can give off a bitterness that cannot be overcome by anything (unlike lemon bitterness), this is the case. And two is the ability of the cucumber to accumulate nitrates and other unnecessary elements in the peel. We don’t need them in the drink, so we cut off the skin without hesitation.

I also don’t recommend using mint in dried form. fresh leaves much healthier than dry ones.

Now about ginger. You need to prepare water only using fresh roots. Dry powder bought in a store does not give the same result as fresh powder. Only fresh root (not dried) and grated just before cooking.

The active substances of grated ginger disintegrate and evaporate quite quickly, but we need them in the recipe.

I took mineral water, without gas. Since our tap water is not suitable for drinking, it is better to buy already purified water in the store.

How to make Sassi water

Cut the lemon and cucumber into slices, grate the ginger root, cut the mint leaves into strips or circles (if possible =)). Add all this “usefulness” into glass jar, pour cold water and put it in the refrigerator.

You only need to infuse a cocktail for weight loss and health in the refrigerator, otherwise, instead of eliminating fermentation in our stomach, it will begin to ferment on its own.

Usually the infusion is prepared in the evening and sent to a cold place, and in the morning (after 10 hours) you can already drink it.

Quick cooking method

Cut the peeled cucumber and mint leaves into small pieces and blend in a blender with a small amount of water until smooth.

Then dissolve the resulting mass in the right amount water, add lemon juice, grated ginger and refrigerate for one hour.

How to drink a Sassi cocktail

You need to drink the resulting amount of infusion throughout the day, without leaving it for the next day. If you need to drink the drink for several days, then you will have to prepare it every evening.

There are many options for using a cocktail.

Option one

Drink Sassi water 1 - 2 times a week for gentle weight loss and overall health of the body. The drink tastes and smells very pleasant, especially in the summer, it is a pleasure to drink!

Option two

Drink the infusion for four days. And at the same time, you need to observe food restrictions, no more than 1000 kcal per day and active sports.

During these four days, completely eliminate everything fried, spicy and salty, any flour products, alcohol, coffee, sweets, semi-finished products and canned food.

Possible: boiled and baked dishes, raw vegetables and greens in the form of a salad with olive or linseed oil, nuts and dried fruits in small quantities, kefir, cottage cheese.

If you strictly follow the dietary program, then after 4 days the extra couple of kilograms will fall off and your waist will become 5 centimeters thinner.

  • But do not forget that these kilograms can be easily gained if you start chewing everything indiscriminately again. Remember how difficult it was for you to get rid of them and try to eat in moderation after the diet. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

Sassi water during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that water has a beneficial effect on the body.

Any nutritionist will confirm that ginger is small quantities absolutely harmless for a pregnant woman. However, those who have had miscarriages in the past will have to completely avoid using the root.

As for mint, drinking an infusion from the leaves and stems of the plant does not harm a woman or her child.

In the same time essential oil Taking mint during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, as it can cause labor.

The ban also applies to the period breastfeeding: Peppermint suppresses milk production.

As for the other components (water, cucumber and lemon), in small quantities they will not harm the baby and mother.

Contraindication and harm

The recipe consists of natural ingredients and does not harm the body. And at the same time, you need to remember about the individuality of each person.

  • Ginger can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines with gastritis, ulcers, colitis, enteritis.
  • Mint reduces the tone of venous vessels, so it can quite easily cause an exacerbation of some other existing disease. For example, quite often under its influence there is an exacerbation of varicose veins or a decrease in already low blood pressure.
  • Cucumbers actively remove excess fluid from body cells. Therefore, it is not advisable to drink large quantities of Sassi water at night.

Don’t be lazy and prepare yourself a vitamin infusion. It is easy to prepare, tasty and cleanses the body of toxins well.
