Jack fruit and my impressions about it. Fruit jackfruit - breadfruit

Jackfruit or Indian breadfruit is a plant of the mulberry family, a close relative of the breadfruit. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh.

Jackfruit fruits are the largest edible fruits growing on trees: 20-90 cm long and up to 20 cm in diameter, they weigh up to 34 kg. Their thick skin is covered with numerous cone-shaped projections. Young fruits are green, when ripe they become green-yellow or brown-yellow and when tapped they make a hollow sound (unripe fruits are hollow). Inside, the fruit is divided into large lobes containing yellow, aromatic, sweet pulp consisting of juicy soft fibers. Each lobe contains one rather large oblong white seed, 2-3 cm long. The cut fruit has a pleasant specific smell, slightly reminiscent of banana and pineapple. Along with the smell of exotic fruit, the bouquet contains a light, almost imperceptible hint of artificiality, close to the smell of acetone (if you have ever tried very ripe bananas or melon - this shade is also present there). The peel has a specific, slightly nice smell, and contains sticky latex, so it is recommended to lubricate your hands before cutting the fruit sunflower oil or wear rubber gloves.

Overripe fruit turns brown and spoils quickly, but can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 months.

India is considered the birthplace of jackfruit ( Eastern Ghats) and Bangladesh; it is now most common in Southeast Asia and the Philippines. There are also plantings of it in eastern Africa (Kenya, Uganda). On the islands of Oceania and in the tropics of the New World, in addition to northern Brazil and Suriname, jackfruit is quite rare.

Large houses are built from jackfruit wood, as well as furniture and musical instruments, as the wood is famous for its durability and beautiful golden color. In the 19th century, yellow dye, which was obtained from the peel and trunk of the jackfruit tree, was very valuable trade product. In Thailand it was used to dye silk, cotton and monks' clothing. Latex is also extracted from the tree trunk, which is contained in the fruit itself and in the leaves and has excellent viscosity; Very high quality glue is made from it.

Selection, storage, use

The peel of the jackfruit should be greenish-yellow and intact. It should feel dense to the touch, but not hard. When the fruit ripens, the peel tightens, becomes elastic and emits a subtle aroma. Too strong a smell indicates that the jackfruit is already overripe. To peel the fruit, cut it lengthwise and remove the oleoresin. Also remove the core and press on the peel to separate the parts of the fruit from each other. Cut out the pulp with a knife and select the seeds. Jackfruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-5 days, and in the freezer for up to two months.

Jackfruit calories

Low fat, but enough nutritious product due to the increased carbohydrate content. 100 g of raw jackfruit contains 94 kcal, and 100 g of canned jackfruit contains 92 kcal. Eating this fruit in moderation will not lead to excess weight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of jackfruit

Ripe fruits contain 30 to 40% edible pulp, they are very nutritious and contain about 40% carbohydrates (starch) - more than bread. This is why (and because of its cheapness) jackfruit is called “the bread of the poor” in India. The seeds are also nutritious - they contain 38% carbohydrates, 6.6% protein and 0.4% fat; they are most often roasted and eaten like chestnuts.

Ripe fruits eat in fresh, make marmalade, jelly, candied. Unripe fruits are used as vegetables - they are boiled, fried and stewed. Jackfruit pulp is low in calories and rich in vitamin A, sulfur, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Fully ripened slices of pulp can be frozen and stored in the refrigerator. Numerous seeds, and there can be up to 300 of them in the fruit, are fried and eaten like chestnuts.

Blanched fruit flowers are added to hot capsicum or shrimp sauce. The young leaves can be added raw to papaya salad. Absolutely everything is used. The peel can be candied or pickled and is also suitable as animal feed. Fruit of Thailand - giant jackfruit

Jackfruit pulp goes great with ice cream and other fruits and sweets, especially the pulp in coconut milk in the form of fruit salad. Jackfruit can be cooked unusual filling for pies and even cut and bake fruits like vegetables. Jackfruit goes well with all meat and fish dishes; The fruit can also be cut into cubes and topped with savory snacks, such as fish or chicken salads. The vinaigrette with the addition of jackfruit acquires a very tempting and delicious taste. To prepare a side dish for meat, simply chop the jackfruit and grill it for a few minutes. Jackfruit can be stuffed into chicken, which will give the meat an exotic, spicy aroma.

The jackfruit tree is believed to bring good luck as its Thai name means “support, help.” Therefore, in many gardens near houses there are savoury trees. It is believed that due to its copper-green color (copper is considered a magical metal in Thai folklore), jackfruit seeds have talismanic properties that protect the owner from gunshot wounds and wounds caused by sharp objects.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Jackfruit or Indian breadfruit is a plant of the family mulberry. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh. After the 18th century, breadfruit began to be cultivated in Jamaica.

By appearance breadfruit tree is similar to our oak tree. Is fast growing tropical plant. It blooms with small inflorescences, which then turn into big fruit, weighing more than 3 kg (calorizer). Typically, breadfruit bears fruit for 9 months and produces more than 500 fruits per year.

What does a jackfruit look like?

This plant is characterized by the largest fruits that grow on trees and are considered edible. Unripe fruits are used as a vegetable, ripe ones as a fruit.

The peel of the jackfruit is quite thick, strewn with a large number of cone-shaped projections. When unripe, the fruits are greenish in color, and when tapped, a dull sound can be heard. After ripening, the peel becomes yellowish-green or yellow-brown in color. Moreover, the maturity of the jackfruit is also determined by the hollow sound when tapped.

The pulp of the fruit, which is colored richly yellow, is distinguished by its sweetness and aroma. It consists of soft juicy fibers, which are formed in the form of large lobules. Each of them contains a large white seed of an oblong shape.

When you cut a jackfruit, you can feel a pleasant, but slightly specific aroma, in which there are notes and along with a certain artificial aroma, similar to the smell of acetone. However, it is not the pulp that smells, but the peel, so before cutting the fruit it is recommended to lubricate your hands vegetable oil or wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from the sticky latex from the peel.

Jackfruit calories

The calorie content of jackfruit is 94 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial features jackfruit

Jackfruit is very nutritious and contains about 40% carbohydrates (starch) - more than bread. This is why (and because of its cheapness) jackfruit is called “the bread of the poor” in India.

Using jackfruit in cooking

Jackfruit is widely used in local cooking, both ripe and unripe. Unripe fruits are used as vegetables - they are boiled, fried and stewed (calorizator). Ripe fruits are eaten fresh and used to make salads and desserts.

Jackfruit pulp is fried, dried, baked, and candied. Tree flowers are also used. Breadfruit can be stored for several years. The seeds are also nutritious and are most often roasted and eaten as.

Use of jackfruit wood in production

Jackfruit wood is not damaged by termites and fungi and is used for buildings and making furniture and musical instruments.

plant with beautiful name Jackfruit is also called Indian breadfruit. And rightly so, because it is a really close relative of breadfruit. Jackfruit has received the proud title of the national fruit of Bangladesh. And its fruits are very large, up to 90 cm in length and up to 34 kg in weight. Therefore, they are rightfully considered the largest edible fruits that grow on trees. The fruits have a very thick skin; before ripening they have green color, then as they grow they become yellow-green or yellow with a tinge of brown.

Ripe fruits make a hollow sound when tapped. Inside, they are divided into several large lobes, which contain sweet yellow pulp, consisting of pronounced fibers. Jackfruit fruits are very juicy and contain several very large, oblong-shaped seeds. The smell of jackfruit cannot be confused with anything else: it is very pleasant, but very specific, reminiscent of both the aroma and... Besides this smell exotic fruit, it contains light notes that seem artificial: very ripe smells the same, as if an acetone-based liquid had been added to it.

But the peel does not have such a pleasant smell; it is somewhat specific, although it is clear that this is the smell of natural fruit. In addition, the peel contains latex, which is very adhesive, so if you are going to cut the jackfruit, it is better to wear gloves or simply grease your hands with sunflower oil. Another beauty of jackfruit is that it can be stored for a very long time, up to 2 months. The main thing is that the fruit is not overripe, otherwise it will spoil very quickly.

Jackfruit is native to India and Bangladesh, but is now most actively grown in Asia and the Philippines. You can find it in East Africa, less often on the islands of Oceania and in the New World. The tree itself is very tall: it reaches 20 meters, and its leaves never fall. At the moment when the jackfruit tree blooms, it is very large flowers grow directly on the trunk, and smaller ones - on the branches. It can take up to 8 months from flowering to the final ripening of the fruits, and they grow on a wide part of the branches closer to the trunk, since due to their large size the fruits can break thin branches.

Jackfruit wood is often used to build houses and furniture, as it has a very beautiful golden hue and is best known for its durability.

In the 19th century, jackfruit was actively used to obtain a yellow dye, which was considered extremely valuable. It was commonly used to dye silk or natural cotton, including dyeing monks' clothing. The wood itself is also used to extract a substance from which high-quality glue is made.

How to choose

Pay attention to the skin of the jackfruit: it should be yellow-green and undamaged. Good peel It has a high density, but it is not hard: elastic and taut skin means that the fruit is ripe enough. Also pay attention to the smell: if it is too strong, it means the fruit is overripe.

Peeling the fruit is very simple: cut it lengthwise in half or into several parts, cut out the core, and then press on the peel - this way the pulp, divided into slices, will easily fall apart. Using a sharp knife, carefully scoop out this pulp and discard the jackfruit seeds. It can be stored in the refrigerator in this form for no more than 5 days, so try to clean it immediately before use. If you freeze it, the pulp will keep for up to 2 months.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Jackfruit is almost completely fat-free, however, it is quite nutritious, as it contains a large number of carbohydrates. 100 g of raw fruit contains 94 kcal, canned - 92. This means that if you consume it in moderation, you can easily maintain your figure.

Chemical composition(per 100 g)
94 kcal
1.46 g
0.29 g
2.4 g
Fatty acid 0.062 g
1.61 g
73.2 g
1 g
15 mcg
14 mcg
0.11 mcg
0.1 mcg
0.03 mcg
6.68 mg
0.4 mg
300 mg
37.2 mg
0.58 mg
33.9 mg
36 mg
3.1 mg
0.2 mg
0.4 mg
187 mcg
0.59 mcg

Beneficial features

The ripe fruit contains up to 40% juicy pulp, which is very nutritious and contains a large amount of carbohydrates - even more than they are contained in. That is why in India jackfruit is called the bread of the poor, since this fruit is very cheap there. The seeds, which are usually lightly roasted and eaten, are no less nutritious: they contain about 38% carbohydrates.

When eaten fresh, jackfruit is eaten simply by removing the pulp, and it is also used to make sweets such as jelly or marmalade. Unripe ones are cooked like vegetables: they can be boiled or fried, stewed and then eaten. Mature cut pulp can be freely frozen and stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Even flowers are used in cooking: they are added to sauces consisting of or hot pepper. Fresh leaves are often added to variety of salads, including fruit ones. In India, all parts of the fruit are used: even the peel is pickled or candied, and due to the low price of the fruit, it is often used as animal feed.

In desserts, the pulp of the fruit is often used as an addition to ice cream, fruit salads, and also often the pulp is added to coconut milk, which enhances the taste.

Jackfruit is even used to make jam, which is used to fill pies or open pies, fruits can simply be cut and baked in pure form. Concerning savory dishes, this fruit goes great with any meat, fish and seafood: you can add it to hot dishes, or use it for decoration savory snacks and salads. Jackfruit is often used as a side dish for meat, nutritious and tasty: to do this, it is cut up, the pulp is extracted from it, which is cooked on the grill for just a few minutes. It is often used for stuffing poultry that is being baked. Jackfruit complements other vegetables perfectly: gourmets even cut it into vinaigrette, which gives it a particularly piquant taste.

From Thai, the name of jackfruit can be translated as “support” or “help,” so the Thais believe that the tree can bring good luck to its owner. That is why it is grown in many gardens right next to the house. In addition, the seeds are credited with the power of a talisman, which should protect the owner from wounds inflicted by firearms or sharp objects. This property is attributed to seeds due to the fact that they have copper color with a green tint, and Thai folklore considers copper to be a magical metal.

IN medical purposes Jackfruit is also widely used as medicine: For example, its roots are brewed for quick relief from diarrhea, the flowers help to have antidiuretic properties. Ripe jackfruits have mild laxative properties. Herb tea from the leaves of this fruit helps to increase the mother's milk supply.

Hazardous properties

Sometimes there is an individual intolerance to this fruit or one of its components. Also, if you have never tried jackfruit, consume it sparingly and very carefully, as overindulgence can result in stomach upset.

The pulp of this fruit is used to treat various digestive disorders, and even stomach ulcers. By the way, it is often used by people who have problems with intestinal function, since the fiber contained in the fruit normalizes digestion. In addition, the activity of the substances contained in jackfruit reduces the effect of alcohol in the blood, allowing you to avoid getting drunk for a long time.

The pulp helps reduce blood pressure and also strengthen the immune system. In some countries, the fruits are used to treat pharyngitis or to get rid of fever. In addition, roasted seeds are used as an aphrodisiac.

It is believed that jackfruit fruits are among the substances that can slow down the formation of cancerous tumors due to the special substances they contain. In addition, the fruits are also credited with a serious anti-aging effect: it is believed that with regular consumption, a rejuvenating effect becomes noticeable, the skin becomes more elastic, soft and smooth. The iron contained in the fruit prevents anemia, and copper plays an important role in normal operation thyroid gland. Thus, jackfruit can normalize hormonal levels.

If you have the opportunity, be sure to add it to your list of regularly consumed foods, as the benefits of jackfruit are invaluable, and pleasant taste Both children and adults like jackfruit. In addition, vegetarians all over the world actively use it, since in terms of its qualities and characteristics it is an excellent substitute for meat. In particular, if the pulp is preserved in sea ​​water what they do in factories, it will be simply excellent vegetable replacement meat.

Jackfruit refers to both the fruit and the trees on which it grows. Jackfruit is native to India and Bangladesh. Gradually, these trees became more widespread; they are now grown in many countries in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and even in Africa and northern Brazil.

Jackfruit is considered a close relative of breadfruit., but not so popular due to the unpleasant smell of the peel. After all, when the fruits are grown and harvested en masse, this becomes a rather serious problem. And yet, jackfruit is quite common; in South Asian countries its popularity is comparable to mangoes or bananas. These trees are also grown for wood. These trees make excellent houses, furniture and household utensils because termites do not eat it.

The plant itself can reach a height of 20 meters, and its dark green leathery leaves never fall off. An interesting sight is the blooming jackfruit. Larger flowers are located directly on the trunk, and smaller ones are located on the branches. From flowering to fruit ripening, it takes from 3 to 8 months. They form precisely closer to the trunk, because fragile branches cannot support the weight of massive fruits.

It is believed that the name of this plant comes from a corruption of an Indian word that means “big and round.” Really, Jackfruits are the largest fruits growing on trees. Their weight reaches 34 kg, length can be from 20 to 90 cm. The fruit itself is similar to a melon, but its thick peel has many protrusions, like pimples. The color of this fruit can be yellow-green or yellow-brown; unripe jackfruit is green in color.

The structure of the jackfruit is also interesting. Inside, it is divided into many lobes covered with a leathery film. Each segment consists of juicy yellow pulp and a seed, the length of which can reach 4 cm. Jackfruit pulp has a pleasant, delicate smell, reminiscent of a mixture of pineapple and banana. But the smell of the peel cannot be called pleasant. It is said to resemble a rotten onion. When cutting jackfruit, you need to lubricate your hands with vegetable oil. The fact is that the peel contains a sticky substance, which will be difficult to wash off later. Some people prefer to peel while wearing gloves. Jackfruit can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months, but in a warm place it spoils quite quickly.

Composition and calorie content of jackfruit

Jackfruit is low calorie product, per 100 g of pulp there are approximately 90 kcal. Due to its high carbohydrate content (22.4 g per 100 g), it is called "the poor man's bread" in India. This fruit is very nutritious. Jackfruit contains much less protein and very little fat. But there is a lot of water in it, there is alimentary fiber, ash and saturated fatty acids. Among the vitamins, the leading position is occupied by vitamin C; the fruits also contain vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B9 and PP. Jackfruit is very rich in potassium, per 100 g of pulp there is up to 303 mg of this mineral, it also contains quite a lot of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, and contains sodium. Of the microelements, jackfruit contains the most iron; it also contains zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.

Benefits of Jackfruit

The main value of jackfruit lies in its nutritional value.. As already mentioned, it contains even more carbohydrates than bread. And at the same time, jackfruit contains much fewer calories than flour products. Therefore, it can well be called a dietary product.

In Eastern medicine, jackfruit is used as a medicine.. Jackfruit pulp is used to treat pharyngitis, stomach ulcers and indigestion. In general, these fruits are useful for work gastrointestinal tract, the fibers they contain help normalize the intestines. This fruit also helps to keep a sober head during feasts, reducing the effects of alcohol.

In Vietnam, jackfruit is used in oriental medicine. The pulp of the fruit helps with pharyngitis and other diseases. It also helps treat stomach ulcers and indigestion. Its fibers are useful for the gastrointestinal tract. However, you should not eat this fruit in large quantities, because it has a moderate laxative effect. Jackfruits are also good because they help reduce blood pressure and strengthening the immune system. In some Asian countries it is also used to treat fever. Roasted jackfruit seeds are also known to act as an aphrodisiac.

Not only the fruits are useful, but also other parts of this plant. For example, the roots of jackfruit are used to treat diarrhea, and the flowers of this plant are used as an antidiuretic. In the east, nursing mothers drink a decoction of jackfruit leaves to increase their milk supply.

How to eat jackfruit

Jackfruit is eaten both fresh and prepared from it. various dishes . You can make jelly, marmalade or jam from it. And if the fruits are unripe and green in color, then they can be cooked like vegetables - boiled, fried, stewed, etc. Unripe jackfruit is made into pies, used as a filling, or cut into cubes and baked. It is great as a side dish for meat and fish; it is also used as an ingredient all kinds of salads and snacks. You can even stuff chicken with it. Jackfruit slices can be stored in freezer pretty long. And its seeds are usually roasted like chestnuts. They are also very nutritious and healthy.

Not only the fruits, but also the flowers of the jackfruit are eaten.. They are blanched and added when preparing spicy capsicum or shrimp sauce. Young leathery leaves can be added to papaya salad.

Of course, jackfruit pulp is used in the preparation of various desserts. It can be used to decorate ice cream, jelly, cakes and other sweets. In the east, they especially like to add jackfruit pulp to coconut milk. This makes a very tasty fruit salad.

Jackfruit is one of the most common plants in Southeast Asia. Thailand is no exception. The jackfruit tree symbolizes health, happiness and prosperity, which is why it can often be seen near Thai homes. You can often hear this fruit called “breadfruit”. The thing is that jackfruit fruits contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which makes the plant very nutritious. Because of its positive qualities unusual fruits can be found on almost every Thai table.

Jackfruit is the largest fruit in existence. Average weight fruits are 8-10 kilograms, and in some cases they can grow up to 30-40 kilograms. The shape resembles an oval. The peel is quite dense, and its color depends entirely on the variety and varies from yellow-green to light beige. On the outside, the fruits may be covered with pimples, small spines, or smooth.

The pulp of the fruit is divided into segments of either yellow or orange color. Inside each such lobule there is a fairly large bone.

When is jackfruit season in Thailand?

Whenever you go on vacation to the Kingdom of Thailand, you can be sure that you will have the opportunity to try jackfruit. And the whole point is that breadfruit is sold all year round. Moreover, the pricing policy remains acceptable 12 months a year. Most of the fruit is harvested between January and May. It is during this period that they are made various blanks from the fruit, and also prepare it for long-term storage.

If you want to bring jackfruit home to treat your loved ones, then before departure, buy a patch of peeled jackfruit, wrap it in a bag or paper and put it in a suitcase or a special basket. And be sure to read my separate article about. When peeled, fjekfruit can be stored in a warm place for only a couple of days.

Smell and taste of jackfruit

Ripe jackfruit fruits have sweet taste, which may resemble childhood bubble gum or have a candy flavor. Very often the first tasting does not cause any delight, but after trying it for the second or even third time, it is difficult to imagine your next trip to Thailand without a juicy exotic fruit.

As for the smell, that's a completely different story. The pulp of a ripe jackfruit has pleasant aroma, reminiscent of a combination of pineapple and banana. More subtle specialists may notice an artificial tint in the smell, slightly close to acetone. But the point is that in order to feel the wonderful aroma of the pulp, you first need to get rid of the peel, which, unfortunately, does not smell very good, which repels those who want to taste jackfruit for the first time.

If the jackfruit pulp begins to give away unpleasant smell, this indicates that the fruit is overripe. It is undesirable to eat such fruits, as you can forever discourage the desire for exotic foods.

Useful properties of jackfruit

Like many fruits, jackfruit has many beneficial properties, including:

  1. Boosting immunity. The fruits contain vitamin C large quantities, which makes them an excellent antibacterial and antiviral agent that can support the activity of leukocytes.
  2. Prevention oncological diseases. Phytonutrients have been found in jackfruit. They have anti-aging and anti-cancer properties.
  3. Improved digestion. Regular use The fruit helps get rid of digestive disorders and prevents peptic ulcers. Jackfruit helps cleanse the colon of chemicals and relieves chronic constipation.
  4. Improves vision and cleanses the skin, thanks to the high content of vitamin A.
  5. Decreases arterial pressure. During a study of the properties of the fruit, an element such as potassium was discovered in it, which specifically affects high blood pressure.
  6. Strengthening bone tissue. High content Magnesium affects the body's absorption of calcium, which is very necessary for our body.
  7. Increases hemoglobin. It is advisable to eat the fruit for those who have a tendency to anemia. Its high iron content helps in the fight against this disease.
  8. It affects the thyroid gland thanks to honey, which it also contains in large quantities.

As we can see, the list useful qualities jackfruit is very wide. That is why, while vacationing in tropical countries, try to introduce it into your daily diet, and after a short time you will notice significant changes in your body.

How to choose the right jackfruit?

To enjoy the taste of ripe and juicy jackfruit, you need to know how to choose it correctly. Initially, pay attention to the peel of the fruit. It should have a yellowish-greenish tint and there should be no damage to it.

The fruits should be quite dense to the touch, but at the same time not too hard. Avoid fruits that have a strong, unpleasant aroma. This suggests that they are overripe. In turn, unripe fruits have a green peel color.

It is better to store jackfruit in a cool place. In such conditions it can lie for about 2 months. In warm weather, the fruits can deteriorate within a few days. If you have peeled the fruit, it will last in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days, and in the freezer for several months.

How to clean and eat jackfruit?

Before you start peeling the jackfruit, remove the stem from it. Ideally, it is advised to leave the fruit to sit for several days, then its peel will become softer and it will be much easier to deal with it. If you do not have these few days, then start cutting by first cutting the fruit lengthwise into two large parts.

Then use a knife to cut out the inedible core from the halves. It is advisable to carry out this entire procedure wearing gloves or lubricating your hands with vegetable oil. The peel of jackfruit contains a sticky substance that is very difficult to wash off later. Start pulling the fruit slices out of the fibers, removing the seeds as you do so. Some Thais cut off the green peel and turn the fruit inside out. This makes the cleaning process a little easier.

Jackfruit fruits are eaten both fresh and are actively used in cooking. There are many dishes in which they appear an indispensable component. It is better to stew, boil and fry greenish fruits, and eat them fresh ripe fruits. In India they often replace regular bread. Breadfruit seeds are also considered edible. They can be eaten fresh or lightly fried.

Plant flowers are often added to salads and sauces, which imbue dishes with unusual taste.

Contraindications for use

Almost everyone can eat jackfruit, except those who have an individual intolerance or allergy to one of its components. Of course, know about allergic reaction Not everyone can, so start getting acquainted with the fruit with a small piece. Excessive use Eating fruit sometimes leads to diarrhea or stomach upset.
